Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 14, 1918, Page TWELVE, Image 12

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We have an exceptional stock of
Extra good, nice
From which you can select
, i ...Ml "J 1 i 1.
?f V 111 1UIU piaill saiccii, licamciuiiruiii, ui Jainj suu i
If netticoats. Thev are at nrices vou cannot duDlicate 1
I Sateen and Hitherbloom
and $1.95
Fancy sateen and heatherbloom
To $2.98
Silk Petticoats
Mrs. Thos. Wann and daughter Miss
Marguerite of Hooper, Wash., will ar
rive In the city this evening for a
hort visit with Mrs. J. S. Albert.
Gener.il Prescott, who las been asso
cited with the Hazclwood people in
Portland returned today. He will reg
ister with Willamette University with
the Student Army Training Corps.
J. A. Martien of the 1'ortlund Hign
Company is in the city.
Miss Alice Blcmia who lias been vis
tating her sister Mrs. Minnie Hack
at the Willamette Sanatariuin returned
to Albany this morning. .
11 fJ IncorDorated t
f? ' ' .
XNAPP. At her home 196 South 25th
treot, Friday evening, August 13,
3918. Mrs. K, Enapp at the ago of
71 years.
Besides her husband she is survived
by a eon. William A- Knapp of Hulem.
The funeral servicos will be held
Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock from
the chapal of Webb & Clough.
Mr. and Mrs. Knapp cRine to Oregon
bout 13 years ago from North Dakota,
Alio had been in failing health for
tho past year.
KN1SKERN At his homo, 1295 South
Fir street, Haturday morning. Wept.
14, 1918, Aaron A. Knickorn at the
age of 45 years. Ho Is urvived by a
Istor MVs. Richard Gamble of Salem.
The funeral servicos will te held
Monday morning at 10 o'clock from
he Webb & Clough chapel and will
fee conducted by the Rov. H. N. Aldrich
Burial will be in tho Odd Fellows cem
etery. i Born
BECK To Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Beck
of 1015 Gaines avenue, Salem, Sat
urday, Sept. 14, 1918, a dutightcr.
nilWMIF III Iff? I'
I Tl Refined Vaudwillians ' f.:V;a
a a fresh Air Jtiiiiauon , n
7 - X J f I
T , J,Y'f-?j ffiCty The Human Bird, Presents His Big Laughing f j- v,
W ' aiT ' It
just what you want You 1
-M., (onra oS!1r
Petticoats JJJ9 1
petticoats $1.49
$2.49 to $4.98
Salvation Army Workers
Ready For Next Tuesday
Tim plans for the Salvation army
campaign to raise $800 in Salem is as
Monday evening aH workers ar re
quested to meet at the Commercial club
to receive final instructions and to
rceeive rccoipt books. The canvass
will begin early Tuesday morning and
will be from house to house and not
in tho business district of the city.
Business mon are requested to leave
their contributions at homo, The wo
men who have charge of thig campaign
cxpoet a contribution from everyone,
howover small.
Salvation army kettles, numbering
about eight will bo established in dif
ferent parts of the business district
and will be attended by young ladies
dressed in patriotic colors. Each group
will bo chaperoned by the wife of one
of the professors of Willamette Univ
ersity, all under tho direction of Mrs.
Oeorgo H. Alden.
Ti attract attention to the kettles,
there will bo groups of girls in auto
mobiles who will sing and play ukule
les. Ench group will bo chaperoned,
this part of the campaign boiug under
the care of Mrs. E. T. Barnes, These
Salvation army kettle groups will bo
on duty Tuesday and Saturday of next
At . the front In France, tho Salva
tion araiy gives the boys doughnuts and
eoffeo without charge, according to
lettors rocoived from Salem boys.
Bernaldo Barnaschea Gapuz, age 19,
born, at Bavvang Ia Union, Philippine
Islands, concluded to become on Amer
ican citizen and applied for his dec
laration papers yesterday. But when
cnlled on to answer tho question, "Do
you renounce allcginnco to" tho ques
tion was a poser not only to Mr. Ga
puz but also to County Clerk Buyer,
However, by oir,nuinieatiiig with the
immigration agent at Portland, Mr.
Boyer got on the right track and this
morning tho Filipino boy was allow
ed to renounce allegiance to the
''Protectorate Government of the
Philippine Islands.'' Ho accordingly
did tho proper amount of renouncing
ana then appeared lietoro the registra
tion board. Hernaido Barnaschea Gapuz
will attend Willamette University this
fall and enroll with tho Student Army
(Training Corps. Ho came to America
Oct. C, 1017.
3? )
"A Great Love'' at the Ore
gon. 'Our Bridge of Ships" at
the Liberty.
Sept. IS. Meeting for Fourth
Liberty loan drive at opera
Sept. 19 Fourth Liberty loan
drive begins.
Sept- 19. Bed Cross meeting
at Commercial club.
Sept. 2328. Oregon State
Sept. 30. Opening of Salem
public schools and Willamette
Dr. Mendelshon la back in his office
and is at your service
Choice eating apples. Cununings, 94F
13. 9-14 j
a m.rri0. n,n lumerf vu
terday to Georgo Frank Tate, of Stay-
ton, a farmer, and Mabel Elizabeth
Rupert, a school teacher of Salem. They
were married today at the home of tho
bride's parents.
"The funeral beautiful. "Webb
Clough Co. tf
Bigger and better. Wards Drug store.
New location, 1st door east of Grey
Bolle confectionery. tf
Dance at Moose hall tonight.
White (Enamel bed room furniture at
sale prices all next week. C. 8. Hamil
ton Furniture Storo.
! o
O. J. Blake left $5 in the treas
ury of the city. He was found exceed
ing the speed limit yesterday afternoon
at 5 o'clock on North Capital between
Union and Market streets.
Big dance every Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturday nights, LaUebrook hop
yard. 8 miles north. tf
Dance at Moose hall tonight.
o ;
Mattress special for thig week $16.50
folt mattress, 50 lb., special $11.85 ft
S. Hamilton Furniture Storo. y
o '
Salem and vicinity have been exper
iencing for a day or so what the Irish
term ''soft" weather- Last night the
minimum temperature was 62. At 8
o'clock this morning it wss 64. The
rainfall for 24 hours was .13 of an
..."The teat'
death comes.
Phone 120.
It all yon can do when
Call Webb & Clough Co.
Dance at Moose hall tonight.
Frosix cows, more cows' added to the
Jefferson sale Monday, Silverton pav
ed road.
The Boy Scouts are doing their sliaxe
as today a number were commandeered
to take the Fourth Liberty loan pos
ters and place them in the business
houses of the city. These posters are in
every way much more attractive than
those issued for former liberty loan'
NOTICE Lodges, clubs and dancing
societies, I ain now booking my or
chestra which is better than over, for
tho coming season, those wishing
dates phon0 1296. Warren Hunt, tf
Teachors' jilan day has been called by
County Superintendent Smith for Sat
urday' Oct., 5, at tho auditorium of the
Salem high school. The idea is to dis
cuss with oil the county teachers and
especially those who are teaching their
first school a program for the winter's
work! In the county there are 55 teach
ers who art to teach their first schools
this winter.
1 T
round,! own
I ! M t
Tonight, big dance, Lakebrook hop
eight miles north.
j Attention. Owing to present condi
ttions we find it necessary to raise oar
prices after Sept. 15, 1918, aa follows:
, For tying in Single horse, 15c. Team
25c. Salem Feed Barn. Farmers Feed
Shed. Center St. Feed Barn. Cherry
City Feed Barn. 9-13
Fresh cows, mora cows added to the
Jefferson sale Monday, SUverton pav
ed road.
For those owning Third liberty loan
bonds, it is suggested that clipping
scissors will be appropriate next Mon
day. On a $50 bond there will be one
coupon due and payable at any bank.
The amount of tie coupon, on the $50
bond is 74 cents.
Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock there
will be a meeting at the armory to
rnmnletA thfl nrirAnizntinil of Salem8
company 0f tne Oregon National
cnard. But few men are now needed.
For the man who really wants to get
jnt0 quick action, the Oregon National
Guard company offers inducements.
Next Tuefday evening at the armory,
meeting has been called of all men
who are subject to tho draft.
All auxiliaries of Willamette chapter
Bed Cross have re-orgnnized and have
notified headquarters in the city they
are ready for the fall work, with the
exception of one. The Mt. Angel aux
iliary has written to Willamette chap
ter that as many Of its officers were
gone, it would not re-organize and
would not carry on any Red Cross work
during the winter.
Fresh cows, more cows added to the
Jefferson sale Monday, Silverton pav
ed road. -
Half a dozen or more of the ornery
est, scrubbiest mules in the state are
wanted by Paul Stcge, of tho enter
tainment committee of the local Elks'
lodge for Elks day at the State fair.
The boys are preparing lo put on a
governor's race at the grounds on the
afternoon of that -Jay and the mules
are wanted to represent certain favor
ite candidates. There will Teally be a
race of the mules offered, and pools
will be scold, the receipts to bo given
to the Bed Cross. Any one happening to
have such an animal and is willing to
loan it to the Salem Elks lodge for
the one day only should communicate
with Paul Stege at the Imperial Fur
niture company, or with Walter Tooze
chairman of the entertainment com
mittee of the Elks' lodge for the state
Mr. and Mrs. O. Terwilliger, grad
uate morticians and funeral directors
770 Chemekota St. Phone 724.
Washington, Sept. 14. The ban on
knitting wool for civilian uses was
lifted today (by tho war industries
AUCTION SALE At my farm 5 miles
north of Salom on Silverton road,
Monday, Sept. 16, 1918, at 10 a. m.
of tuberculin tested high grace .Jer
sey cows and heifers, farm machin
ery and seed grain. Big free lunch
served by Red Cross; the Red Cross
will also have ice cream for sale.
There have been over 100 articles
donated to tho Red Cross, including
Jersey gnlf, P'g, chickens, Belgian
hares and many other articles too nu
merous to mention, which will be sold
at a very low price. If you have any
thinir for the Rxt Cross, bring it.
Come and have a good time. Bring
your wifo and neighbor and his wife.
Terms of sale cash. J. A. Jefferson,
Owner, Rt. 7, box 120. F. N. Woodry,
auctioneer. Phonc 510.
oTiTr rim muro
MAIL rAIn bliLo
Great Tractor Show, Live
stock Exhibits; Farm and
Orchard Products.
"The state fair this year promiws to
be the best in its history, and this is as
it should be, for of all times this is
the time we should stimulate agricul-
al production," said Governor Withy-
combc today in commenting on tire Fif
ty Seventh annual Oregon state fair
which opens here September 23 for $
week, and in urging the pvople to at
tend. "President Wilson has wisely advo
cated the" continuance of fairs hrs
year, despite tho terrible crisis con
fronting the country, so let Oregonians
be patriotic and loyal to their state fair
and make it the banner fair in the his
tory of Oregon," he continued
"The Oregon state fair is the most
important fair of its class on the Pa
cific coast. It is becoming a real school
of practical education. There are yf
commendable features AiMpfl tins vpnr
particularly the ono in food conserva
tion and production.
"The Boys and Girls club wdrk is
also becoming a strong feature of tho
state fair. This is exceedingly commen
dable, because the futuro of modern ag
riculture in our statw depends upon tho
enthusiasm and inspiration acquired by
our younger population. Parents should
do their utmost in getting their boys
and girls on the farms interested in ag
riculture, because this is our great per
manent basic industry. The future farm
er of tho state should receive his inspi
ration early in life, and there- is no bel
ter place to acquire this than at the
state fair.
"The state fair board should also be
commended for the splendid enterprise
it has shown in providing an up to date
and commodious coliseum in which tho
livestock can be displayed to the best
advantage to spectators as well as for
judging. This will bo a valuable acqui
sition to the fair especially in case of
inclement weather, which frequently
prevails during fair week With this
building, rain or shine, we can hava a
good fair.
"Oregon has been characterized for
its strength in livestock for a number
of years. In fact, our flocks and herds
compare in quality with those of any
state in the union, and with tho effort
made by the board wo should have a
splendid exhibit of livestock this year"
Livestock Exhibition
Prediction,, are made by A. H. Lea,
secretary of the fair board, that the
livestock show will be easily tho big
gest and best ever held in the west.
Congdon & Battles will show their fa
mous double lrerd of Aberdeen-Angus
cattle for tho first time a tthe fair,
and the Curtis Martin livestock com
pany',, Hereford herd which is equal
to any herd of its kind in tho world
will bo on exhibitioy. It is bving exhib'
ited for the first time in the United
States. Mr. Thornberry of Spokane, the
largest importor of horses in the Unit-
ed States, will have his horses on dis
play, and so will A. C. Ruby, Oregon 's
noted horseman. According to present
indications, there will bo more small
exhibitors of livestock than ever before
this bving due t0 the fact that farm
ers in recent years have been investing
in blooded stock.
Judges are Selected
Following are th judges appointed
for the livestock show: W. A. McKer
row, director of livestock and dairy ex
tension work of tho University of Min
nesota, who will make the awards in
the sluvp and goat division, and who
will probably lso judge the Jersey cat
tle; E. H. Farrington, head of tho dairy
department of the University of Wis
consin, wh0 will judge the dairy pro
ducts; C. Larson, professor of dairy hus
bandry of the South Dakota college,
who will judge the Holateins; George
C. Humphrey, animal husbandman of
th0 University of Wisconsin, who will
judgo tho Guernseys; W. H. Pvw, pro
fessor of animal husbandry of the Iowa
State college, who will judge the hors
es, and probably also the beef cattra
and Thomas W. Brunk, of Eola, who
will judge the swine.
The food administration has agreed
to send an exhibit to tho fair, which
will show how substitutes are grown,
tliwr value, and how they are used.
Daily lectures and demonstrations will
be given by experts on food production,
and conservation. Fully as many coun
ties as last year will be represented by
agricultural and horticultural exhibits
Great Tractor Show
Tractors will predominate in tho ma
chinery division, and there will be a
splendid automobile exhibit. The fa
mous Fordson tractor will be shown for
tho first time in the west. Wide inter
est is being shown by farmers in trac
tors, and the machinery pavilion will
b a great center of attraction this
Save your old leather gloves and
your old leather shotmine baes and :
lyour old leather postal cards and any-
'hing that has leather in it. The P. '
E. O. of Salem is arranging to collect j
these and make them into leather!
vests for aviators. Boxes for the col
lections of leather articles will be pla-1
ced at the Price Shoe store, Meyers de-!
partment store, Opera House Phnr-i
macy, Barnes Cash Store, Poisal and'
Shaw and the fair grounds grocery and
every one having any old leather ar-j
tide 19 requested to bring them to
one of these stores. -It will be remem
bered at a meeting of the state P. E.
O. about a year ago that the Albany
ladies exhibited in the Meyers store
a fine collection of leather vests, made
from kid gloves and such. Now the Sa
lem P. . O. is getting ready to do
School Days
About Here!
Have you had your child's
eyes examined: Is tnat
child's eyesight in proper
condition to begin the school
year? Children suffering
with eye strain cannot make
a showing with school work
and are often thought to be
Why not make sure and
have that child's eyes exam
ined and if necessary have
the proper corrections
I make a specialty of cor
recting defective vision in
children's eyes and have ex
amined over 1500 pairs of
children's eyes in Marlon
and Polk counties. If glasses
are not needed I will not
recommend them. I use no
drugs or drops in making
examinations, as
- '
they are
dangerous. I guarantee sat
isfaction. DR. M. P. MENDELSOHN
210-211 U. S. National Bank
Firemen And Policemen
To Get Raise In Salary
At tho next meeting of tho city
council it is probable that members
of the firo and police departments as
well as the street department will be
given a. raise in salary. At tho last
meeting of the council Aldorman Ward
introduced a motion authorizing the
ordinance comniitteo to bring in and
introduce on ordinance providing for
an incresc of salaries in these depart
ments. '
This committee has received tentative
estimates for a raiso, which if adopt
ed will mtan an incrcaso of from $5
to $10 a month to members of tho
fire and police departments and 50
cents a dtty for common laborers in
the street department.
In the police and fire, departments,
for the first six months the present
pay is $75 a month. Then it advances
to $80 a month and after a year's ser
vice to $85 & month and in some parts
of the service to $90 a month.
The announcement that Cap
tain Phil J. Keiser had been
killed in action was probably
wrong. It was reported that
he had been killed July 13, but .
a letter was received from him
dated August 9. The letter was
received in Marshfield. In the
letter he mentioned neither sick
ness or taking part in any ac
tion. Captain Keiser is a for
mer resident . of Salem.
The fortunes of war will make hund-
dreda of American prisoners. For those
having relatives in the German or
Austrian prisons it may be of advant
age to krow that parcels and letters ('
may be sent them. If money is sent for i
a private the amount may be from $5
to $15. If for an officer not more than
$50 may bo sent. Various articles of i
comfort n ny be mailed and a full list
may be had from any postmaster. Tar-
eels or mail are not to be sent through (name of camp), Province i
the Red Cross bitt sent direct to tho ad-( Germany (or Austria). No postage is
dress of the prisoner. One package a necessary but thero should be' written
month is permitted. The letter should in the upper left hand corner ''Prison
be addressed as follows: Private John'er of war mail, via New York." On
Smith company ; regiment ;'the bask of the envelop must be plac
American Prisoner of War ed the name of the sender.
DR. A. McCULLOCH, Optometrist,
204-5 Bank of Commerce Bldg.
Your Junk and give yon
a square business deaL
I always pay the highest
cash prices.
I bay all kinds of used
Ifocds, 2nd hand furni
llire, rubber and junk.
(Het my prices before
j ou sell
The Square Deal Hous
871 Chemeketa Street
Phone 398
And All Kinds of 2nd Huid
Full Market Prices Special
Prices paid for Sacks.
Get oar prices beore you sell.
271 R. Oom'l St. Phone 734
Skin and Scalp Specialist ,
Treats all eruptions and
blemishes of skin and scalp.
Latest appliances for treat
ing the feet. Satisfaction
Lady Assistant
518 U. S. Nat'l. Bank Bldg.
For Appointments
Phone 416
cere of
Yick So Toug
Chinese Medicine and Tet 0.
Has medicine which will eure
any known disease.
Open Snndayi from 10 , m. f
Ail n T
UilVU p. 1U.
153 South High St
Salem, Oregon. , Phone I8S
We will buy old paper.
Must be baled or in bundles.
All kinds of sacks for sale,
for grain and potatoes.
Center and Court i
Phone 706
! 1 V b l lr l
Hemstitching and Picot edge)
work. .
We do this work in the test
All work guaranteed.
Singer Sewing Machine Co ;
Phone 441
337 State Street-
Portland Fumituro Dealer wants
all kinds of second hnd furniture,
stovcs, gas ranges, eta. Best price
paid. Phone 951.
5 5( sc sc sfc si sc ic sjc )s
Stop at
"A Homo Away from Home."
Strictly Modern $1 per Day
100 Rooms of Solid Coffort
Only Hotel in Business District)
Have the children's eyes exam
ined before they start to school.
Brin them here for a careful ex
amination and learn for a certainty
whether their tyes are in need of
Much suffering and harmful ef
fects are avoided by BEING SURE
on this point.