Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 14, 1918, Page ELEVEN, Image 11

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i- Before You Buy
I Your Phonograph
Si in r inw 1 " 1 ' -. -v- WiiST .
u u fa '
h v r f. . r
I"1 Mi- - .
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Wonderful Results Achieved
By Surgeons Of Allied
Continued from page one)
said they expvetcd jn attack oa Sep
tembi'r'Jj anj the artillery bad betu
! ordered to move from the salient on
; the night of September 11. Thus, they
said, the American barrage caught the
jUcrmans when they were unable to re-
I (The Avmrican bombardment start
ed at 1 a. m. September 12.)
In their offensive, the Americans
conquered more than 190 square miles
ef territory containing upwards of a
huudivd towns and villages.
Decide whether you want one, which plays all re
cords, or one which limits you to a single make.
Whether you will be content with old standards of
tone reproduced or the better qualities afforded by
"The Brunswick" Produced by the House of
Brunswick, famous among Arierican craftsmen for
73 years.
Just you hear the BrunswickLEARN what the
Ultona all-record reproducer, and the new all-wood
tone amplifier add to the tone reproduction.
The Brunswick requires no exclusive artists. IT
PLAYS THEM ALL at their best.
Hear The Brunswick before you buy Its choice
means permanent satisfaction.
PRICES $32.50 UP
340 Court Street '
f London, Aug. 17. (By Mail.) The
war uncaged demons of destruction lurc-tofore-
uuknown to warfare.
To couiusl them su v-iy, kas reorgan
ized its tocluii'iiU'.
Great ha bcoa trie, development of
war's power to ter down, greater ly
far is' th9 progre's of science in the
work of rebuiluiu' A concrete proof
of this is shown w t:.f record of the
huge Military Oilhepcdie, hospital here
with which tU Anu-ria:i lic.l I'los
orthopedic hospiU'4 in l.oudoa we al
lied. Three-fuurUis of the patients in
theso institutions arc being made fit
to re-enter the aiaiy iu some f'-rm of
The remarkable achievements of sur
gery have Ixen no more striking that
tho results obtained by the slow, pa
tient processes of orthopedic treatment.
'in fact, the latter ha9 made gains even
jaioie spectacular than thoBe of surety,
for orrhopedie science, winch before the
war, was a more or less obscure and
humble little brother to surgery, has
grown .almost overnight to full statuiv.
Began With Children.
The word orthotic literally means
making alittlc child straight. The seien
By Webb Miller
(Unitvcl Press staff correspondent)
Paris, Sept. 14. The American hos-
' pital organisation in preparation for
the American offensive in the St. BMi
jhiel salient, was practically perfect
Anticipating tho operation, the Red
Cros opened three new hospitals and
hundreds of surgeons and nurses were
rusned into tne ugiitiiig lone, a tew
hours befoi".-- the attack. One of these
hospitals contained 1000 beds, another
IL'00 and tho third had a complement
of 5000 beds.
A special corps of canteen workers
from tile Ki'd Cross spent the tin ditr
ing the fighting carrying hot drinks
and cigarettes to the advancing areas
for the. wounded doughboys who werf
going to the rear. Women worleers car
ried hot food to the long line of slight
ly wounded meu standing at the hospi
tals, awaiting treatment.
The organization bud shipped ten
million cigarettes, 33 carloads of dress
ing and 45 earloads of other surgical
material into the zone of operations,
Tho night before the Americana wont
over .the top, evwry hospital was in
Co . began with the -treatment of child-i readiness. Evory detail of preparatioai
ren g deformities. .Now it is applied tor tho wounded men nad Deeu com
to restoring to use soldiers' arnie and plotod. - -
legs wlneh have been stittened or Uisl
torted by wounds, accident or disease.
The problem of tin? war cripple is met
first by ingenious surgery and manipu
lation and tho careful education of men
in the use of the disabled limbs; second
by training disabled soldiers in the
trade for which their disablement least
T handicaps them.' The half-way station
T K..4....AA.. .1.. .nr.. 1,.. t i fntimiaoiiini "
A Ul im-rtt tut, l-'C iiiunMiiuii
A tne visitor lonowg tne oinccr di
rector into the military orthopedic hos
pital he see8 a score of soldiers seated
on benches. 'A sergeant at a desk in
the far corner rises as the director ap
proaches. "All ready, sir," he reports.
The director turns to the men with a
By William Philip Siniins
(Tinitv-d Press staff correspondent)
Palis, Sept. 14. It is unquestioned
tlint Himleuburg expected the St. Mi
hiel attack. Tho Strassburg Post an
nounced several days ago that it was
imminent, Thus-the American success
cannot be vxplalnod away as a surprise
even, in Germany, where the public i!
insistently told thc Americana are
worthless and that "nothing is-to be
feared from thoso Barnums."
.Whvrever the Americans swept for
ward it was a case of tho better man
brisk, "Carry on!"
Slowly the men move out into the individual treatment is
room and take thvir placos before the Several operations-piay
Big Pageant For First
ism and fenlty it is desired thnt every
one who can possibly do so' should at-
IViir flf Cfoto tpm' rcn(lpr aH tnc a"l possiblo
Vdj Ul ulfllC fall to make the day memorablo us the ex
pression of our everlasting acvotion 10
The board of directors of the Oregon the union.
utato fair, to be held at Salem from
Scptembor 23d to September 28th, j
have designated the opening day, Mon-1
dy September 23d, as All JTatiens day
and in conformity with this suggestion
a program with patriotism' as the key
note has been arranged. .
' At o meeting of the representatives
of the nations held in Portland, S. Ben
son was chosen to act as director gen
eral and as chairman of the day. The
program includes music, pageants, tab-loaux-anrt
addresses by Governor Wilhy
combe brut totlul- distinguished iti-,
zens. -
As the opportunity is presented to
.give evidence of our loyalty, palriot-
mapped out.
bo nocossary,
X j various pieces of apparatus. Some go up and 'iy means -oi tiic X-ray the sur-
to me uig aujusiiuie Horizontal ueanis gress. . iiiuuwuiiia o xucu uiu uvm ic
which btrotch across the room nd habilitated who befor0 the war would
place their hands on a beam about have been discarded as cripples,
shoulder high. One approaches a long! Aftor a patient, has progressed to
strip of canvas with broad stripes run-! such a point that hisjinjured arm or log
nine from end to nd. A pale boy .has begun to funetoih, hvj is ready foi
stretches out on a mat-covered bonch tho lll0st interesting part, to him, . of
and, motionless, stares up at the ceiling. ' his treatment work in tho so-called
Tho inaioiity range themselves along 'curative workshops, a; mrique and high
thc walls at ladders, climbing ropvs and ly important feature of- the Military
hand -grasps. No one spenks. Apparent- Orthopedic hospital.
ly there is no movement, Absoluto
quiet provails.
It is a strange sight for tho visitor.
A gym to' him has meant a place for
vigorous own'cisc and noisy games.
Hero everyone seems to be perfectly
motionless except the soldier on the
stripvd canvac, who with great effort
Manchester, England, Sept. 14. JSuf
fering'from a chill, Premier. Lloyd
Gcorgo has bewn forced to cancel his
speaking engagement in Lancashire.
Begin Treatment NOW
It is not thv purpose of 'these shop9
to teach trades. After they havo been
discharged from the orthopedic hospital,
tho government sends the paticjits'to
various technical schools for that kind
of future training, Tho orthopedic
workshops aro punely curative, and the
work to which a patient is assigned is
and infinite caution is attempting, to chosen with special regard to his par
movo along one of the black lines. Ilojtieular injury. For cxamplo, men.suffer.
is trying to teach a shell-shattered foot ing from adhesisus or weak muscles of
to walk again. tho fwt, are put to work on a treadle
il e visitor was taken by an American fret-saw machine or a treadle, sewing
aimv surgeon into the massage and .!-! machine,
ectiie-trcatmont room, a spacious ward There are morn than 1300 patients at
where a dozen or more soldiers wore the Military Orthopedic, and the nia
sitting quiotly whilo nurseg massaged ( jority of them in the course of their
and workvd over their injuries. Tho treatment, are given work-of some kind
young women kindly sympathetic, smil- in the curative, workshops.. These shops
cj always and talked encouragingly to engage in carponttry. work( boot and
the patients. Psychology of encourage- shoe mnking, tailoring, splint making
menj is Well understood and carried out and many other industries. Everything
in this hospital. ! nseed in tho hospital is mad0 by the
In this hospital each patient's cae U patients, and there is oven a shep for
carefully studied and a general plan -of cigarette makers.
.hM -7,f-
v5 -I4jv-r-v ..-is j
Attention! Send Fcliy on a Vacation
LUXUHIES and even necessities nupf ikiw lie eiK'nj' mviuln;- of everv l'i.iMiv. P ,,
Mipphintcd by investmenl in 4th Liberty L.mn gon's Honor 01 (!f 'Vol.mu'-i-'- imX?
. . Oven's Liberty Clo.k is set for tho Mul vvllXV'
onr to GO OVKR THK TOP. .wrific" &',"fir v tii'Z" V- ' tl ,ur
!.. rcvcn- family ,! as ncm-ly ns posS1bk- w',cn our MONEY MUST. RACK .OUIi ! me.N. .
tor ,icv .
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ftpqt nvFAW T,TNF,R T.ATINCHED FROM HUDSON RIVER Scene as the 9,000-ton Lteamship Newburgh
took to water yesterday. She is the first of a fleet of te n being built at Newburgh for the Emergency Fleet Cor-
poration. Colonel Roosevelt aroused mucn enrnusiasm Dy ms aumess. uur picture was utu a nc aiu&e tu spean.
- , - Tl It, V r!nvtV10,,v'B
winning, xt wiu ue dm ,
most bitter pillg that tho Hun highoJ
command did not spare its troops In
the effort to halt the Amoricans and
French. Undoubtedly the Germans fear,
ed'less for Metz than for the Briey
and Longwy . ore Tjasins, from -which
with Luxemburg and the annexed por
tions of Lorraine, nine tenths of Ger
many 's iron iR obtained. ,
Thwse districts give the enemy a to
tal of ,60,000,000 tons. Without these
mines they would have "only 7,000,000
tons. Lacking occupation of the Briey
basin, Germany could not have fought
so long. Possession of Briey, Longwy
and Thionville is absolutely nocossary
to Germany if tho Teutonic troops nre
to be kept in tho field. If any of these
districts are placed under alliod gun
fire, Germany will be crippled by just
that much.
For this reason tR-y madly flung
troops into the breach In an effort to
Arrest at any cost any thrust in tho
direction of their cherished mine fields
Foeh's first obetivo in the Ameri
can offonsivo was apparently only the
pinching off of tho salient. Beyond the
base of this pocket there is very pow
erfully defended country line after
lino of trenches and beyond that ring
upon ring of fortifications, all about
Motz. Foch knows his game and the
allies know he willjilay it masterfully.
Edwin TansoiT Killed
In Battle In France
Sweet potatoes
Onions, Walia "Walla
Carrots ,
Tomatoes, crate
Turnips .
Cucumbers . . ...
2 Via
Cantaloupes $1.7S2
Waterraolong 22VaC
Grapes $1.752.50
Casalias ... ..... . 2o
Muskmclon . $1,75
Greon peppers 6e
Oranges u...-.. W(fi9.50
Lemons, box
. 053.25
Dromedary dates .. .t..
Retail Pnces
Creamery buttor .
Flour, hard wheat ..
Country 'butter -
Eggs, dozen 50e
For sugar permits go to C. M. Lock
wood, food administrator, 211 North
Commercial street.
Portland, Or,, Sopt. I4.r-Batter, city
creamery 57c
Eggs, selected local ex. 5053e
.Hens 25(a)27e
.Broilers 2730e '
Geese-1718e ..'.':' ;
Cheese triplets 28(gi9e
Receipts 100
To no of market steady, unchanged
Prime steers $1213
Choice to good steers 1112
Medium to good Bteers $9.2511
Fair to medium steers $8.259.2S
Common to fair steers- $B.73(o8.25:
Choice cows and heifers $89
Modium to good cows and heifers
Fair to medium eows and heifer'
H755.75 . -.'
Cannors $34
Bulls !58 ' -
Calves $U12 ' . ,
Btockers and feeders $69
Eeceipts 37 -
Tono of market steady, unchanged
Priin mixed $19.5019.75
Medium mixed )10I.35
Rough heavies $1818.50
Pigs s)1617
' Receipts 8126
Tono of market steady, unchanged
Best lambs 13.5014.50.
Medium to good lambs $1112
Yearlings 10(M1
Wothers 9(710.50
Ewes 0.50&8.50
The terrors of yiw are becoming
more and more' apparent to Silverton
peoplo as the dreadful conflict is pur
sued. Wednesday morning Mrs. Tan-
son received a telegram from the au
thorities that hor son, Edwin Tanson,
had been killed in battle at France
on July 30th, Edwin was in the hos
pital sevoral weeks ago suffering from
lisease, and at that time it was ru
mored that he had been wounded, but
tho rumor plrovcd false. -In this case,
however, the report comes from author
ity and there is no reason to doubt
as to the facts- as represented in tho
telegram. That another Marion coun
ty boy has given up his life in the
tight for democracy there can be no
doubt. Other boys in this vicinity
have made the supreme sacrifice, but
hdwin Tanson is the first of tho boys
from this city to pass over.
I'Mwin Tanson enlisted in Company
f bet'oro tho declaration of war with
Germany and was among the first of
the Oregon boys to go across. The sad
in formation regarding his eaiiv depar
ture was received on tho part of his
many friends here with deep regrot.
Silverton Tribune.
Bring Your Tire Work to a Man
Who Knows
Let us look over your tires
Vulcanizing Retreading
Goodyear Tires
Phone 363 126 South Commercial
""J" "'"""' y. f"!.4m" "'' m''m ""' JUL " I. !' '' " '" "'""""V
nlAii'liiiifl"liiiiiKri nAiiMii'iAwriitairiit-Y-ii " f ' " "" v '" """
Wheat, soft white $22.03
Wheat, lower grades on sample
Oats wucH
Hay, oats 923
Barley, ..ton $30(E32
Hoy, cheat, new ... i
Mill run :. 38(ffi40
Butterfat - -- 60
Creamery butter 58c
Pork, Veal and Mutton
Pork, on foot 1718 3-4c
Veal, fancy 18c
Steers . 7tS9c
Cows 46c
Spring lambs llll'c
Ewes..- - -4(S8t
'ambs, yearlings - 67c
Eggs and Poultry
Jggs, cash 45c
Hens, dressed, pound 31c
Id roosters 1315c
Job Department
Is Busy all the
goes to prove that our work
and prices satisfy the users
good Printing.