Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 14, 1918, Image 1

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Only Circulation in EaVni Guar
anteed by the Audit Bureaa cf
Gains Of Two Miles With 1800 Prisoners Were Reported
lhis Morning.General Haig Reports Repulse of Strong
Enemy Attacks And Steady Advance Toward CamhraL
1500 Prisoners Were Taken There In Two Days' Fighting.
--German Line Seriously Threatened.
The American offensive having achieved in 2? hours
its purpose of capturing St. Mihiel salient, Marshal Foch
today started a new drive along the Aisne and west of
the Chemin-des-Dames, French forces attacked at 5 a.
m. Gains of two miles, capture of 1800 prisoners and
seizure of several towns was reported in London' early
this afternoon.
i The new battle is in the area north and east' of Sois
sons. The fighting front is roughly shaped like the letter
"L". On the line which runs south and slightly east from
below LaFere to the Aisne, the French are striking
against the Hindenburg defenses, flanking St. Gobian
and Coucy forests and the Chemin-des- Dames and also
flanking the Germans .alonk the north bank of the Aisne.
On the east and west line the effort is apparently to
cross the Aisne and dislodge the Germans from plateau
positions which they still retain between the Aisne and the
.Vesle. In the ast operations on this east and west line
Americans in large numbers participated. If big advan
ces should be made this attack would take the form of a
gigantic pincer movement against Laon, as the assault
is on both the west and south of that stronghold.
, In what was once the St. Mihiel salient, the Americans
are today rounding up batches of Germans who were
nipped off in the retreat. Prisoners taken by the Ameri
cans and French total more than 20,000 and more are
being brought in,' according to unofficial reports-. Amer
ican artillery has now started a bombardment of the
Hindenburg line, beyond the base of the late salient,
where the Germans apparently have taken refuge. Re
adjustments of German positions in front of the Hinden
burg line are in progress. At Chatiilon, the enemy with
drew two miles in this readjustment.
In Picardy the Germans have made several strong
local attacks akainst the British, all being repulsed.
London, Sept. 14. (1:40 p. m.) In
u attack launched at fire, a. m. today
on the Aisne and asrtide the Ailette,
the French have advanced two miles
on an eleven mile front, taking several
towns and 1800 prisoners, according
to battle front dispatches this after
noon. The French, striking toward the west
ern end of the (.'heuiin-Des-Dames,
have captured Alternant, just north of
the highway leading toward the Chem-in-Des-Dames-
Further south they have
seized Saner. v
On the northern bank of the Aisne,
advancing eastward, the French have
reached the western edge of Vailly.
iMont Des Sinsjcs has also fallen.
The French attack this morning on
the south end of the St. Gobain massif
wild in the direction" of the forest of
Oooey, is making satisfactory progress.
This morning's French advance
threatens to turn the flank of the
'hemin-Des-Damrs and endangers Laon.
This attack is in the direction of
Laon from the south and west. Amer
ican troops have been fighting between
th Aisne and the Vesle. The French
astride the Ailette are in a position
to flank the Chemin-Des-Datries po':
tiiina from the west. "
Astride the Ailette the allied front
runs close to the Ilndenburg line. The
1 I - A i f r !fi Tr? o fi
river crosscg that line 12 miles south
and slightly east of LaFere. The most
important town immediately before the
allies in that region is' Ainszy-Le-Chntoflu,
behind the Hindenburg line
and less than three miles beyond the
French front.
A move forward in that direction
would threaten to flank St. Gobain
and Coucy forests, which form powerful
defenses for Laen. (
Tn the last American tlirnst south
of the Aisne, the river was reached
along part of the front, but at the
extreme right, northwest of Bheims,
thecrnian line still drops down from
the Aisne to the Vesle, extending across
the plateau . country .between those
By Lowell Mellett,
(Tutted Press staff correspondent.)
With the British Armies in France,
Sept. 14. (10:40 a. m.) In an attack
with liquid fire northwest of Gouzeau
eourt at 1:45 a. m. today the Germans
compelled a British withdrawal to the
support lines.
Southwest of Goozcaucourt a counter
attack under a heavy barrage failed,
(Continued on page six)
The Chateau-Thierry Fight
Was a Hummer With The
Him Cry of "Kamrad'V
In times of peace, Gale W. Church
led 'the netting life of collecting fares
fc-T the Salem Street Railway company.
out an tnat is anctent History as he is
now a sergeant over there in the sig
nal bureau and is seeing real life. Iu
fact he was one of the boys in the Cha
teau Thierry fight. In writing to a
friend here ho tells his story as fol
lows: "We were leading a nice peaceful
life in a training camp when all of a
sudden orders came to pack up and the
next day we were at the front in the
thickest of the fight anil believe me,
it. sure was 'thick in places. It wu a
continual boom and roar of your own
and the enemy cannon with shells
screeching and shrieking overhead
from our own artillery. And all this
with the bursting of shrapnel and
shells of the Hun, and the hum and
buzz of airplanes and (he moans and
cries of the wounded until it was al
most unbearable.
"Our boys sure had 'them on the run
and it was fun to hear theni holler
'kamerad' when they gaw there was no
way to cscape.r The -boys would run
them like dogs and then shoot them
down like dogs as they are. If I live to
be a thousand years old I'll never for
get -the things I went through.
"lr course we lost a lot of men but
most of them were wounded or badly
gassed and will bo all right for service
later. It is really marvelous how men
(Continued on page four)
Man Hunt In Progress Thru
out Mountain Section of
Denver, Colo., Sept. 14. The murder
of Officer Luther MeCalrill in this city
early today was declared bv police
officials to be the work of tho bandit
gang, members of which killed a de-i
tective and seriously wounded another!
in Colorado Springs late yesterday. j
The gtato wide man hunt which fivl-!
lowed the Colorado Springs shooting
resulted in the arrest of throe of the
bandits and onfe woman companion.
At dawn today the hunt for another'
oamnt was, resumed in the foothills
near &'dalia. A "murder car" is al
p at large near Denrcr.
Possos of police, state constabulary,
forester and, armed citizens fought
four pitched battles with various mem
bers of the gang in the course of the
most sensational reign of terror created
in Denver and Colorado Springs in
reccjnt years. Several other officers
were -slightly injured by bandits bullets.
Roy Sherrill, arrested with Eva Lew
is De Morris, an actTess, at Scdalia.
early today, wag shot in both legs
in a revolver and rifle duel with Den
ver officers who had trailed the pair
nearly all night. Dale Jones was cap
tured near Sedalia later.
Frank Lewis, alleged leader of the j
gairtf, saiu io oe Known to ot. ixhiis
and Kansas City, Mo. police, was ar
rested at Palmer Lake as he was rid
ing in a taxieab early today.
The battles in Denver and Co'orado!
Springs were fought by different
groups of the same gang who, tiie po- j
Kce declare, are wanted for a train ,
hold up at Paola, Kansas last July
(Continued on pajje six)
' '- .ill-Li- - - ,
Americans Have Advanced
More Than Thirteen Miles
At St. Mihiel
Germans In Revenge Renew
Bombardment Of Rhehs
. Cathedral Today,
Approximately 150 square
miles of territory was captur-
ed in 27- hours by the Amvr-
icans in their St. Mihiel drive.
Fortv five town, and vil-
lages Vero taken.
)(c ss sff st s(t s(s fc fc jfc sc ifc sc s(t
-Loudon, Sept 14... ..(115 p. m.)
North of the obliterated St Mihiel sal
ient the enemy ig readjusting his line,
said advices from Fmic this afternoon
In the neighborhood of Chatiilon (on
the line running northwest from the
hinge of the pocket) the Germans re
treated a couple of miles. French and
American patrols are keeping In close
touoh. The maximum depth o fthe Am
erican penetration is reported at 13
Paris, Sept. 14. The Germans are
continuing to bombard Rbeims cathed
ral. The north tower threatens to fall
After every German defeat the bom
bardment of Rheim cathedral is re
Paris, Sept. 14. A French detach
ment, boxed up in a copse and surround
ed by machine guns, was rescued by
the Americans, according to a United
States officer who arrived here wound.
ed from the St. Mihiel battlefield to
day. The Americans, without waiting
for orders, rushed forward, turned the
copse and attacked the enemy from the
rear, wiping out the machine gunners.
Paris, Sept. 14. The French alone
took 7000 prisoners In the St. Mihiel
operations, including 5000 Auatrlans
making a total of more than 20,000
prisoners taken by the Americans and
French, the Echo De Paris announced
London, Sept. 14. (1.06 p. m.) Am
ericans in the St. Mihiel battle have
taken 15,000 prisoners, advices from the
front said today. More prisoners are
expected, as the territory won by the
Americans is not yet cleared of all Ger
mans who were caught in the pocket.
Amsterdam, Sept. 14. A semi-official
statement issued in Berlin regarding
the St. Mihiel battle declares:
Enemy attacks which gained ground
in the direction of Thlaucourt until the I
counter attacks chocked them, were un
able to prevent the carrying out of our
movements, according to plan,"
By Fred S. Ferguson
(Tnitod Press staff correspondent)
With the Americans on the Met
Front, Sept. 14 (9 a. m.) The Hin
denburg Une is under continuous shell
ing from heavy and light American
Numbvrs of Germans- have been
caught behind the American lines and
the work of mopping up the salient is
in progress. ,
It is now permissible to state that
the task of, wiping out the salient,
which had existed for over four years,
was actually achieved in 27 hours. The
German defense was caved in that the
Americans advanced hours ahead of
their time tablv everywhere.
The allies retain supremacy of the
nir, completely preventing German at
tempts to attack with machine guns
and bombs the roads which arc heavy
with traffic.
Thv salient has now been mopped up
(11 a. m.), but the number of prisoners
and guns ig not yet known. Many offi
cer prisoners say the Hindenburg line
is untenable in its present state. They
(Continued on page seven)
Chief of Staff March Says
America Will Be In War
Till finished Right
Reviews Operations Of Allies
Past Week On Entire
Western Front
By Carl D. Groat
(Tnited Press Staff Correspondent)
Washington, Sept. 14. Seven billion
dollars for next year' military opera
tions will be asked of congress by the
war department
Chief ot Staff March today let this
be known in hotly disposing of press
intimations that America will not go
through with the war.
Such a claim, he said, is preposterous
in its falsity. .
He declared -tors country is asking
more men and more wllliouOir smash
on to victory. ' ,
.Discussing the American St.' Mihiel
victory, he paid strong tribute to the
spirit, enthusiasm, precision and dash
of tho American staff and men.
These elements, ho said, are ''hot
The new line creatd by wiping out
the salient will be the basis o fur
thr operations.
The general pointed ont that the line
has been shortened 22 miles by the St.
Mihiel operation and added that this
gives a much better base for future
"offensive operations."
Whether these operations will be
continued immediately or will develop
later, lie did not Bay.
With a tracce of sarcasm, March re
ferred to the Teuton communique which
said the German withdrawal was plan
ned for years. This, he said did not
cover, however, tho "fact that over
13,000 prisoners, the battle strength of
an enfir3 German division, had been
Units participating in the drive have
not yet been reported.
Eeviewino; the military operations of
the past week, the chief pointed out
that in the north the lintwi and
French aie nowhere more than five
miles from the Hindenburg line. As for
tho St. Mihiel situation, he paid, this
salient was the first to be established,
the last to go and the narrowest- one
in the F'cnch line.
The importance of wining it out lay
-mainly, ho said, in Are ing railway
communications from Verdun to Coiu
mercy and Toul. Quick, sharp blows on
both flanks were responsible for
squeezing off the salient. The fortioth
division has been landed and part of
it is now in England.
General March poinf ei out in con-
continued on page six)
What's become of tn' feller that used
t' alius ridw in a buggy with oue leg
hangin' out an' his sock comin' downf
We'll bet many a feller with th' tooth
ache got sore on th' kaiser fer takin
up to mucu o' Doc Davis' time.
!r it- . A
German Rout Was Complete And Large Numbers Of Prison
ers And Vast Stores Were Capturd-Generals Pershisj
And Petain and Secretary of War Baker Enter St Mihiel
With Victorious Soldiers. Brilliant Work In Every Respect
Marks first Great Battle Of
By Fred S. Ferguson.
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
With The American, On Th0 Metz
Front, Sopt. 14. Having defeated and
routed the Germans at all points in
what once was the famous St.. Mihiel
salient, Americans victorious first army
today faced the enemy along a new line
in some places 12 miles north of thei
old ono.
Americans driving across the heights
of the Mouse from the west cut through
tho pocket seven miles to Viguelles,
whero they mot other American foreve
smashing in from thesouth thus com
pleting the elosing of the sack.
New American Line.
Our front now runs through Noroy,
Jauluy, Xammes, St. Bcnoit, Hatteg
ville, llannouville and Hvrbuville. AH
the territory within that line is under
control of the Americans.
The number of prisoners and guns
taken as Pershing's troops swept on
increased with great rapidity. All onr
objcctiw8 wore attained according .to
"We're going strong," was the re
port from a certain alreudy famous di
vision regarding the progress of its at
tack shortly after the offensive ouened
From tho start of the drivo, it was evi
dont the prisoners would number thous
ands. When 5000 to 7000 had already
been captured, reports cam0 into head
quarters from all directions tcllii of
groups of 200, 300 and 500 more on
their way to the roar.
(Pershing's latest report gave the
number of prisoners counted as be ing:
Many Prisoners and Guns.
Eighteen hundivd prisoners, including
eight officers, wore taken when Thia-
court fell. Eighteen officers wore in1
eluded in another uag. jMumerous ma'
chins guns havv been scoized. One in
fantry detachment charged and rap
tured an entire battery of field iaw.
which were firing on them.
Two six inch cannon were also taken
indicating that the gun haul is un
doubtcdly heavy. ,
Onv tank captured a battery of fiolc1
nieces, five machine guns and 75 men
Sergeant Graham sat on top of the
tank during the operation. Home Ger
man batteries, when they fell into the
hands of the Americans were still in
their camouflaged positions.
The Gormans had not had cn.iugh
time to attempt to remove them.
Refugees are being sent back from
several towns after remaining in them
during the four year German occu
pation. Baker, Pershing and Petain,
Socretary Baker, General Pershing
and Gonwal Petain entered St. Mihiel
shortly after the enemy had find frorr
it. Th0 inhabitants greeted them with
enthusiasm. They said the Germans had
carried off a large number of wn and
boys aged 16 and 43.. The two' banks
In tha city were looted by the enemy
Practically all tho houses were plunder
ed. Inhabitants said th-. Germans hai1
squeezed them for contributions of a
million francs.
So fast did the Americans travel
when they hit the German line that all
objectives designated for the first day
wvre reached early in the afternoon.
In that short time, the snlicnt was
pushed in four or five miles along the
whole front. .
Nancy Is Freed
The effect of Pershing', victory is
to free Nancy, the littlo Pari, of
France, from the menace of German
guns for tho first time since 1914. Jf
also opens the important Nancy-Verdun
railroad, greatly strengthening allied
Prisoners reported they had teen or
dered to permanentlf hold a lino north
of Pannes, if possible, otherwise t'
withdraw to the Hindenburg lino posi
tions. Shortly after they lvicivcd thi'
command tho Americans captured Pah
Tank Conquer Mud
Despite the mud, the American tank
crews made an excellent showing on
their first appearance. They preceded
the infantry attacks at several differ
ent points. They went smashing thru
heavy belts of barbvd wiie and crawled
Oregon: Tonigat
an! Sunday rain
gentle southwest
erly wind,
American Army.
over German trenches that had stood
for four years. Afterward they aided io
mopping up tho numerous captured
towus. The colonel' of the tank fleet
was so anxious to fight aboard one of
his laud -battleships that his supcrio
detailed two other officers to keep him
from so doing.
Supremacy In Air
Allied supremacy in the air wa
quickly won and remained ours. A
heavy rain poured but in spite of this
the French. aiurAnioriean airplanes dom
inated tho sky. When the bodies at
tempted to scnd up two observation bal
loons, they were quickly shot down. As
the German lines began giving way
explosions were heard in the rear. Thoy
continued all during the first day
Most of them wore due to the accurate;
firing of our artillery. ' ' . ;
All night our batteries kept up their
incessant shelling of tho enemy's back
areas. " ,
On tho western' side of tho salient
whoie a sharp wedgo was. driven in to
meet tht main assault coming up from
the south and east, steady progress
was made through the most difficult
fighting country and against strong re
sistance, . .
German Defeat Complete
Thg effect of thvj German defeat was
felt even on the western side of tho
Moselle river, where enemy troops
nvvo forced to evacuate tho bend
the stream. American patrols occupied
the abandoned trenches.
'Continued on page six)
There Wiil Be Great Doings;
L. J. Simpson Will Speak;
Many Fancy Stunts
According to tho present plans of the
Salem Elks' lodge, Thursday September
26, win bo "Hollo Bill" day at tuo
ataio fair wit. fomcthing original 'do
ing from eiu'v "lcrn until the Port-iutt
d.lvgation and the nmjus Elk bard ol
40 pieces leave for homo lute in the
Among thn Sainiii Elks thcic ii
fading that tho ) cal lodge r.rcull
mak) Elk day at the state fair one of
the biglost events of the week. And iu
order to properly receive and entertain
the brothers from all parts of tho state,
a committee of entertainment has been
appointed with Walter Tooze as chair
man. At a meeting held a few evenings ago
an invitation was extended to L. J.
Simpson, former candidate for governor
at the spring primaries, to deliver the
address of the day. Mr. Simpson Ta
plied that although h0 had a number ot
engagement, that wvek, he would ar
runge to be here and celebrate with
his brother Elks.
Committers have been appointed by
which visiting Elks will be mvt at all
trains by home members with automo
biles and all Elk visitors presented with
a special Eik hat, 500 of those have
already been ordered.
Stunts of sewral kindg will be put
on at the grounds, one to include a
governor's nice, the details of whiel
will be kept secret until tho the after
noon of the great day. J
Besides showing visiting members
about the city, arrangements will be
made to serv,. lunch to brothers at tho
local lodge rooms and thij will include
the Indies who are with visiting bro
thers. I Pnrtr! of the grand stand will bo re
served especially for Elks and plans are)
under way by which the Elks o tha
state will have something to remember.
Anyhow, the local committee is prepar
ing for a great "Hello Bill" duy oa
Thursclav, September 26th, at the stato
fair. " ..-:, '.