SIX THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 12, 1918. "WitK practically the same, cast, as1 The Birth, op a Nation "Hearts of tHe World Cast Includes Lillian Gigh GeoigeFawcett RobertHan'on George Siematm An AKTCBAFT Picture Cast Includes Henry Walthall Maxfteld Stanley PosemaiyTlieby Gloria Hope. A story of the regeneration P women by war v Vx They're all fighting the War the man who shoulders the gun and the woman who is transfigured by the Great Love -the love that places country above all else L T-O-D-A-Y Friday & Saturday FIH'"' ' ' 1 Matineees:25c-10e Evenings: 35c-10c War Tax Included FOCH CONHNUES Coutluuod from pngo one) the Uritish, less resistance from tho Tiling, or both. Total ullioil captures ia li'lS are ap tHuximately 150,000 prisoners und 2,100 Runs or about one gun for every 00 lrinontiH. Plainly the German soldiers liavo improved only in running, Counter Attacks Fall. , London, Sept, 12. Determined (lor anau rcsistiaiioo taking the form of sharp counter attack t certain point unK British assaults on positions before the Himlenbiirg line were reported in night offieul statements of the allied war office. The .fighting was only light sparring n"d maneuvering for po sition, compared with the heavy bat Itlen of past week. Field Marshal llnig aunoimeed his Itroops had advaneed north of Epehy o the Hiudeuburg line, taking ome jjrisonerJi. Near Vermnnd, northwest of St. Quen tin, the British 'pUHhod forward diiriiid the. day. Thn ridjje west of (iouzeau oourt, held by the llritish, was again attacked ut Uaijj by K'i f'r rB" pulsed the enemy. Cerninn artillery near Iluvrincourt, wood on the Cambrni front is developing " eonsiderable ac tivity." llaijr Sllilt. In KlundefM the llritish further im proved their positions. Frcnii'h troops diirini; Wednesday merely held their (faina against counter atUicks. Mix of these were hurled at the allied line near Lauffaux and Cel-les-Hnr-Aisne. The allies, including Americans, 'menace the Chemin des Dami'd anil the enemy's Aisno river positions from the western flank. Attacking down the hitfli road from St. uentin to Hum, the (icrmnns struck l'Vench forces southeast of Iiou py, it was nnounced, but were beaten and repulsed. Berlin's night report said the day on tho battle front passed quietly, Bvittsh Capture Towns. London, Sept. 12. Attilly, Vermnnd, and Venilelles, northwest of St. IJuen tin, have been captured by tho Uritish, Field Marshal llaig reported today. On the front before Cnmbrnl tho Uritish crossed the Canal Du Nord. 'Attacking during the night the Brit- UCKHECHT ARMY ' SMOE U,h seized the powerfully fortified rail way triunglo southwest of Lullassee, in Plunders. The statement said: 'We crossed the fanal Du Nord, northwest of llavrineourt, and estab lished ourselves on the west bank of the canal east and north of Jioeuvres. During tho night we attacked and cap tured the strongly fortified position known as the railway triangle south west of Laltassee, taking a number of prisoners and machine guns." "Yesterday evening wo captured Attilly, Vormand and Vendelles- Dur ing the night we progressed to the western outskirts of Holnon wood. The English in successful local operations yesterday afternoon in tho llavrin eourt and Moeuvres sector overcame considerable opposition." New DefeiiBe Line. Taris, Sept. 12. The (iermans are construi'tiry new line of defense from Antwerp to Metz, according to advlees here today. The forts of Ant werp are being restored and improved. When .completed the new defense sys tem will bo known as the Parsifal lilld. When you walk into hoe store and ask for BuckhechT Army Shoes, can be lure - a uepen iLIIe Vi t I a pair of V 1 yu X' .A i: "3i' -r That this Army Shoe ii to standard -that it ii mad by workmen who hv turned out mora tlun 600,000 Army Shoes under expert supervision and that k is backed by record tf mora than fifty yean of honest shoe manufacturing. 1 Look for our registered trade nam BuckhechT stamped on the sole of every Sho for our mutual proce&ipn. should your dealer be uuaoie to supply you eid his name to the manufacturers Hunk a'nebnm and Heclit. San Francisco. Kncloso jH-ion of ehoe you desire and we will havs ycu OJXier lined. There's just one thing to remember ask for the Buckhecht Army Shoe by name and be- sure that you get it Then you will appre ciate why it is worn by thousands of Office, Men Farmer Attorney Orchardiat Physiciana Motormea Hiker Conductor Hunter and others in every walk of life. m A line of defense such as described in this dispatch would run acre the middle of Belgium down to Metz, the important fortress of Alcase. To reach such ft line would mean surrendering all of France and half of Belgium. Ltttia Air Activity. London, Sept. 12. Vcrv little activ ity in the air on September 10, owing to heavy storm was reported in the British aviation oommuniquo. "Owing to .continued and heavy rainstorm,) on September 10 aerial ob servation was very difficult," nid the statement. ' In spite of high wind some work was accomplished during the fine in tervals which occurred from time to time. Several reconnaissances were carried out by our machines, and some photographs were takeu. One ot our airplane failed to return." Berlin Official Eeport. Berlin, via london, Sept. 12. "Northeast of Bischute, partial enemy attacks were repulsed." the war office announced today. "We also repulsed enemy advances near Armentieres and in I.n!U4j.' canal. "Between the Ailctte and the Ai-sne, artillery fite increased in the even ing. On the heights eastward of Fisme French, partial attacks were repulsed We carried out successful reconnoiter- ing operations in Lorraine and the Vosges. " "On the battle front during the dny there were infantry engagements and in the evening violent artillery bombardments between the Arrns-Pej oune ronas ami toward C'ambrai. "At Marquoin and llavrineourt, on tho Canal Du Nord, English attacks and attempts to approach in tae dark ness failed.''' Viomia Reports Actions. Vienna, via London, Sept. 12. Pat rol anil artillery engagements were re ported by tho war office today. The statement said: "In the Tyrol there was local patrol engagements. In the Asigone region we repulsed an enemy surprise attack with sanguinary losses. Artillery fight inp continues on the Piuve. We made a successful attack in Albania on the Tomorica ridge taking possession of the enemy's positions at a few points." Sharp Local Fighting. Koine, Sept, 11. Sharp local fight ing at imnny points on the front was reported today by the war office. Franca Surprise Enemy. Paris, Sept. 12. "North of tho Ail ette a surprise attack by us captured some prisoners," the war office aa nounced today. "In tho regions of Kheinis and l'rosnes there was artillery fire, in the Champagne and in the Vosges two enemy surprise attacks G. A. R. Post Presents 133 Volumes To Public Library At the monthly meeting of tho board of trustees of Palem public library on Tuesday, the Sedgwick Post, G. A. R.( pivsented their library to the public library. This is a set of 133 volumes which the library is well pleased to ac cept. Tho gift is prompted by the wish to iusure safekeeping for what will bo of increasing value with the passage of time, and even mor by the genvrous desire to place valuable in mation where the pifblic may have ac cess to it. The presentation was wade by Gideon Stolfc, Mr. Huston and Mr. Byers. The board gave consideration to the plans of the t'nitvd War Work cam paign to be conducted with other or ganizations in November. A. a. ee was elected to represent the boaVJ in the state confvronce o be held In Port land Sept. 10. ? FTYTP A I 9 iJA ai at, NkA As you know the Imperial Furniture Company of 1 Salem, 177 Liberty btreet, sold out their entire stock of FURNITURE, STOVES, RUGS, ETC., to r i eiastei n-Drektor OF PORTLAND AND IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO SALEM AND ALL THE SURROUNDING COUNTIES TO ATTEND THIS GREAT SALE AT WHICH WE OFFER REAL BARGAINS IN EVERY .DEPARTMENT. MERCHANDISE IS VERY HARD TO GET AND WE WERE FORTUN ATE ENOUGH TO CAPTURE THIS MOST BEAUTIFUL STOCK AT THE OLD PRICES-TO BUY NOW IS MORE FOR YOUR BENEFIT THAN IT IS FOR OURS. IT IS JUST A MATTER OF A BUSINESS PROPOSITION FOR US. WE WILL SELL THE GOODS AT BELOW WHOLESALE PRI CES, IN ORDER TO MOVE LESS STOCK TO PORTLAND. DON'T DELAY-CALL AT THE EARLIEST POSSIBLE DATOJ. Special fi 177 North Liberty Feldstein-Drektor Furniture Company Salem, Oregon