Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 10, 1918, Page FOUR, Image 4

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    If, o
itorial Page of The Capital Jour
editor ud Piblitka
" 'V. ',u
ar &&&& I
Capital journal Ptz. Co.. Inc.
l. b. Barnes. chas. h. fisher. Doha c. andresen.
Sec. mnd Treus.
Dally by carrier, per year
Daily by mail, per year . .
5.iW Per Month
3.00 Per Month
D. Ward, New York, Tribune Building.
(.mcngo, n. u. mocKweu, reapies lias UutlilinK
The Capital Journal carrier boys are instructed to pat the papers on the porch. H
the carrier does not do this, misses you, or neglects gutting the paper to you on time,
kindly phone the circulation manaper, as this is the nly way we can determine whether
or not the carriers are following Instructions Phone Unln til before 7 :30 o'clock and a
win in3 iru, ;vu f j Dmiu un i.f,ri ti iuc vuin ucui mibseu JTOU.
All Church Bells Will Kmr-
flags To Fly From Houses
And business Houses
Titn nAtr.v capital jntTiiM.r.
Is the only newspaper In Salem whose circulation Is guaranteed by the
Audit Bureau of Circulatixns
"To Hell With the Kaiser," is a rather universal sen-
Bogistratiou day, Thursday of this
week should bt a dav for the general
display of the right patriotic spirit and
j suggestions have been reeeiwd br the
' county patriotic organizations that not'8'1'! of the Commercial club. The
!,.!.. 1.1 1. i ,1. t -it . , .
V"V me cuurcn nous mis' mil : ; . f , ,' .
i . i . . . . i ing of tho club to not it v
micro souij oo tne singing of patriotic , he was the man for the job
songs anj military bauds playing during inorning and stated the situation.
the day. . committee is composed
It is also suggested that every busi-
"Just on time!" he said pleasantly,
as he took her bag and helped her
into the train- Ho had two wats in
the parlor car, on the sady side and
ami laid late magazines on both of
them. His own luggage also had been
I placed in the ear before her arrival.
"This is comfortable," Kuth said as
;she sank back in the chair, ttud the
porter, in resHnso to a motion from
Mr. Mandel, brought her a hassock for
1. . . . .
I hit reet-
I "Traveling is hard enough at any
time and under all circumstances. 1
believe fa being as comfortable as
possible," ho returned, then picked up
a magazine and was soon buried in
T. B. Kav has ennsente,! to nssume I ils extents.
charge of the campaign lor member-L Kllt,h, ,va thankful she did not havo
(kin .,f t.. , ;..! ni, to talk. Her mind was full of her
Says He Is Wiling To Work
out Hub Members Must
Also Help.
'ommittee appointed at a recent meet- own ilf;air- could not forget that
Mr. Kay that V
allot, this ,l 'wtl" "v, ami
hi J
l' i!
c .. .
uunimoni all tn. fri.p. ,
THE r,r, 'h'S".1
umeni just now. u is quite onen ana most empnaticaiiy "ess h.uv and every household in sa-
XDl'eSSed here in America. At. tllP .tyip tim it is nnt i!Vm d'SI'luy the Ameriean flag and that
- - "."s. v "-.- Im, nay in every repseet should
v.A,AnnL I. IL.i. :i ' I 1 " 1 I" f i . .1 . J . T
nuuceaoit; mat it is navme anv esDeciai eirecr in p,pr.nntr!J"UUB a ia !r.
it. i . - . , , . i . ,. f i T1'0 suggestion is als0 m.-o that the
the kaisers iootsteps pointed in that direction. Instead,; offer 0f automobiles should be
rf -P11n-.,T?,. il i I hat those a distance from their wort
111 III I W U I.IIISh IUUFV . I I M HT Vlir VIj'TI IU niiT VMi'inir .. - .......
C5 wvwivava VtlV ILUIkVly IUU1V IIW OtiJI 111
. "I- 1 11 M k ' .1
committee is composed of Fred V.
Stensloff, president of the iVmmercial
club, Hal 1). Patton, King liing of the
Cherriaiis and Dan K. I'i v.
The committee stated briefly to -Mr
u uo , - j o
much, is doing things to Americans just as though they
1 11 1 ! 1 . A -
were nis suojects, and tne woist ot it is we are torced to
obey his commands. It does not grind us as badly since
we get the kaiser's orders second hand, but we eet them.
and we obey them just the same. Not long ago Herbert
TT J ll IT I 1 1T a
noover, national iooa director, ordered tne. American
people to eat war bread composed of 50 per cent wheat
flour and the other 50 per cent of substitutes. Coming
TT 11 A l 1 . .
irom noover an oi us ooeyea orders, but then those or
ders came originally from the kaiser. It was he who told
the American people what kind of bread they should eat.
It was the kaiser who compelled the building of the in
numerable ship yards and the expenditure of two billion
dollars by the American people for ships to carry their
ouiuicia auu fsuppues itexuss uie uceaa. it was tne Kaiser
who told America she would have to adopt the draft and
SPTld fivp TYIlllinn of Viov cnlrliovc- Fimtino Tf liToc 4-Vin
kaiser who put his spoon in your sugar bowl not long
J J 1 1 1J? i- T , 1 . ,
ago anu look nan your sugar ration, it is tne Kaiser who
just now is telling the American people that after a short
time they will have to pay a cent s. pound more for such
sugar as they get. It is the kaiser who is responsible for
V10 VlirrVt ni 4? 4.1. 1 1 J. .1.1.1 1
mc mgu toisi, ux nviiig, iur uie sauuuy uotnes instead 01
woolens, which you wear, and for which you pay at his
command, double price. All these things the kaiser has
done to US Without our rmiRPnt nnri with mi tint Vinr-ii w cn
- v vv-u.w f ' V1A AXV LVUVA1VAAVJ WV
to do. If he can make us dig up and pay out our money at
tuc iate ui two oiuion uonars a mcntn, ana this witnout
having authority over us, what do you suppose he would
do if he got in power so that his commands could be en
forced, no matter what they were? How much do you
suppose he would tax the Americans could he become the
victor and have the power? The kaiser is not here but
nis arm reaches across the ocean and makes its power felt
by all of us. He is not near us, but he is near enough for
HO f r A' cAWr r ,VTUni n J? 1- 1.7 1 1 I 1
uo iu uioimc wiwi we see ui nis ineLuous ana to aesne no
closer acquaintance. The moral of all which is that it is
Wifrt. Air .1 1 . , TT 1 f
utLi,ci wj uig uecp aim luan your money xo uncie oam,
than lo allow the kaiser to prevail and take all your
possessions on top of your liberties whenever the notion
strickes him to do so. In other words "the millions for de
fense, but not a cent for tribute," doctrine is the only one
for Americans.
Apparently the Germans have concluded to stand on
approximately the old Hindenburg line. It remains to
be seen if Foch, who has heretofore outgeneraled the Ger
man leaders, can find a way for penetrating this line and
forcing a Rtil further rptroof TP iV.r, n.w,o, v, J
the line for any length of time it will cause renewed hope
in Germany and cause the mnrp rlicrmivnoprl olpmont
again "chirk up."
. Portland has arranged to build 2,000 cottages suit
able for workmen, to supply the insistent demand caused
by the shipyard workers. This is a good move only some
what delayed especially as work is net to commence be
fore January. Without wishing any bad luck to Portland
it is earnestly hoped there will be :ao need of the army
of shipbuilders before the houses for them can be com
pleted, i
Kay that while there was a disposition
ou tne part of the business and pro
fessional men of the city to support
the club, yet just at this present time,
there was need of a man who would
assume charge of a campaign and who
could command the support of the
workers. Mr. Kay was told that he was
the unanimous choice of the Commer
cial club.
la consenting to take charge 0f thc
could be taken to their preeinot voting
place for registration.
As yet, no arrangements have been
madv for band music or nntrintie snr.
ing during the day but there is the as
surance that the church bells will i-i.,r
4 7 ,,,,. ., . " xuuovuimg iu mue cnargc oi inc.
at o clock in tho inormnsr. noon mnl inniii,r r. u- i.. . i..- .u..t
... , , , , 1 .i-vtn mane n, piaiu uia-i
at. O n I'llll-lc : thn Avon !- i . , . ..
. . : ,u regis- to must iirsr. learn whether the coiu-
tratum booths will be open from 7 inunity wanted a Commercial club. As
o clock in th0 morning until 9 o'clocS fur his own opinion, he thought that
"' Y"5 owning. any city that had a spirit of enter-
The big difference to the average man Pnse could surely keep puce with the
in this registration Thursday is that 'time and willingly support a club,
this time it is n niilifnrv- moo,,. However. thi nnnii ,n r,i n
----- .... .vm.-,.1 UUlllI i "J . . tit Avi lilt- 1 1 LI.' 11
direction of the war department and the of ,ho city to decide, and if they
military officials have cut it im tr. really did want a Commercial i-luh.
caii, man to not only find out where to e W0W devote his best cueigies to
register, but not to fail t0 properly wards securing the necessary niember
reiHster and get hi, blue card. jsl"l''
Following this line nf tlimi.rht p
s!t .v j. j. u. I Kay will write a leMer t,i tho uLnna
' t i- T t f : . : " -'"loo
uh puuessionai interests of the city,
r i ii t
.,. i.nsiri nmiso ruourc
iiiHuvnvno )k
he would sny on her return. He
would be terribly put out, that she
know, perhaps angry. Hut lie would
havo nearly two days to think it
over. 1'cihaps he would be sensible
and not be so angry as she feared.
With an unconscious sigh at his lack
Of sympathy in her venture, she also
pickel up i magazine- Mie had failed
to notice, the sharp glanco ilr. ilandcl
gave her when he heard that sigh,
- either spoke until luncheon was
announced. Then he laid aside his
magazine and said:
"Suppose we go right in. I re
served a table, and the food will be
better if we go at once."
Kuth rose obediently. She had trav
eled so little, was really unfamiliar
with dining cars to such an extent,
that she, like a child, considered it
a trout to eat in one.
She ordered n very simple lunch
eon, which he insisted nnon smmlo-
jiiientiiig with a dish or two.
ion will tind your appetite when
you commence to eat," he told her.
"One always does when traveling.''
Luncheou finished, Mr. Mandel went
into the smoking car and did not re
appear for an hour. He had chatted
u ,a,y trmmR, ha, rcH,. , ."'"""Tfo ,ZSV-
. democratic colhKc Spirit. atl,fe
Its successful iiradi,.,!..
Students enrolled last year t .r
over forty percent elh
- vp:moer 23 IQio
(Capital Journal Hpecial Service.)
Mt. Auifcl, Or.. Hoot. 10 Mi..
- 1 l,W,.
Kobcr js attending biisiivss college in
i oriiauu.
The ueademy and normal school open
ed Tuesday with an excellent attend
ance. Km'il Seharback has gone for a three
weeks visit witah tvlatives in Califor
nia. A new city puiup is being installed.
Mr. Karl May loft Wednesday for
Omaha. He will stop i Minnesota to
be present, ut tho wedding of hi3 bro
ther Kd.
Among the Mt. Angel boys nt Camp
pleasantly throiiiih luncheon, no! men
stating conditions insr. ns ti,,... tioning business, and so orcveiiilnu
inviting them to a meeting to be call- ,!lltn lro1" Joing so, although there
ed at tho Conimeiciui ,'lnii ,.vi ,i..i, were several thinus in cuiiiiei iimi iih
probably next Tuesday oven in Th.,,!iher errand to Kewnort she ivnul.l Imvo
t ,v. ' . ., :. r . ... ..,
ii. iuc men or rue cirr s imc mi i.,,,. nncu iu uiscuss.
In the case of B. F. Hinshaw ncainst lave tLo s'irit a,ul enterprise to help,!. " I'l'rI"l, doesn't believe in talk
M. S. Evans and wife a motion was , ay wlU l'ohin'1 ,hl' eampaigu ! business when he's away from tin
made by the ulnintifp fn, . for mi'bership. If there is n0 outer-! sll(,l'. bo thought. So she eonten
tion of a sale of r,.nl i,,,,,,... i,.. x," l'"'0 ot 8I" i" the town and every . 1 mrst,t Wlt" reading the magazines
sheriff, the sale having been made Sent T 83 cl1 as Professional 1-rovidcd nnd in looking out
r. r 6 "mi 1UUUO SOpt man fee a Hnwn an.) ,.t l Of Hie u.- Iiilim- Kl. 1. n I I
17. litln. . .. u.i wilt, uuu juil will I ........... i.L.ii iuin urn.
, i-"g to work for the club, then Air. cast of N'cw York and so was inter-
In thn ,llv.,..,. .. 'ay will cqnelude that his efforts i esteit in all she saw.
Damme oi-1i17ymi v "ia,y va& wouia not be worth while. In othor At'er Mr. Mandel returned from the
plaii Tff ask 111 amm6t V10 W.0rd8' if Mr- Ka-V fi,llU -ive bunch I smoking car, she asked a question which
pijimiii asKs tlio eourt for an order of men tn em.fr., u ;n, i.:... n...... i nrnvorf hn-. i,..fo,;i;nvH,- '
Jill illlUMTKr thn rl....,ln a. l "-v. n.m u,m Ufjlb 1 I I - ...... ill , iv nU LUC COHIl-
awKw tLmlB tKCo"l elub ,., try through which they were passing.
" piooaoiy announce thut ho
n , ,, , nas several other live matters to at-
fn?'t , " ,dat0 Set hy tho court 'tend to, such as helping in the Salva
for the hearing for any objections to u army drive and the Fourth Lib
tho final account inr in n,. . ertv lnon ....n ,
. , n rt iu "inner 01 -1 u..,v ana win arou tne clnh
the estate of 0. Olinger. ! campaign- e
T ii .1 1 T!iQ fut,,1',, of the Commercial club,
....ii. ui tne estate or II. n. " """'er now stands, is not with
nnrl. ilni.naun.l 1..l. m m. t i . At r In,- 1. it .
njnnA , , , -:l""f ui 11. 11. -nanus, 18 not WltD
Wood, . eceased, John T. Todd and H. Ho has expressed his
,- , , 'utl0I'ed the eourt to be re-; """"n,ess W work and assume the
icveu or runner responsibility and 11a- '-"""-"ty of a membership cam
bintv ns snretv fm. n.n ..i . ".. . . uaien. Hut ilmin . u. . ,
., .j , ,.lg or 0,mssiong
vm. me executor w. w. Wood. The peti
tion was granted liir ll.n ..... nr
c j ...i; vuilll, VV, W,
Wood appearing aud consenting to their
Next Monday wlwn tho regular Sep
tember term of tho circuit mh-i .11 1'
in session, cases have been set as fol
lows: Monday, Sept. 16: Wood vs Wit
zel. Tuesday 17tb- wti , n-...i. .
J o clock in the morning. At 1 o'clock
1 . .... niorni vs uaue c Son. Wednes
day: State against Ernout Tt,:..
ease is one of considerable interest in
"iinii yvesr .-s.'n.m ..-i m
, . l" -a -"iviesiou. TWO
"...vs nave peon alloted for th trial
paign. lint there must be live workers
.0 worn witu the chairman and this
matter will be .infinitely decided at
the meeting called for next Tuesday
evening. '
Maj, A. A. Hall Assigned
lo Duly In Portland
, Major A. A. Hall
of the
"HaVO VOU nCVei- hiwil in T.iun.,r. t
he asked.
"No; I never have been much of any
where," she confessed naively. "Aunt
Louisa didn't, much )i,.h'..io ; ;,.io
leaving home. I reckon she thought
It Wllsn t L'OOd for them. She nnd
1 visited New York onco before 1
was married, and we, my husband and
I, staved at Atlantic Citv for n wll.ln
iuu see, 1 am not much of a traveler."!
"SoI seel" he replied, looking at 1
her with nn ndile.1 ;-iirut ti ,..no
wonderful that this delicately nurtur
ed southern girl, who still "reckon
ed" when she talked. lini.ll hnv l.
come so proficient in an urt to which
ho had given many years' hard study-
Hum uiai. nine until tney reached
the end of their inninev 1... i,r.;.,t,i
out all places of interest they passed,
giving her a little sketch nf Vi.ni o,.t
I of the country nt the same time.
I "You will revel in Nnn, l.'ln..,i
Oregon llome3''' ho sai(1 explaining that, as
Are You In trouble?
The Problems of Life:
Fear, Worries, Sorrows, Love, Domes
tlo and Business Affairs, SOLVED;
Nervous, Mentul and Psychical Dis
eases, TREATKD; and
Your Natural "Place" Vocation
on Earth, FOUND by the
Ptycho-Analyit and Vocational Director.
538 9 Morgan Buildini.
Write your trou bleu or wants. Knekwe S cent
tamp. Addrcsa V. 0. box 6S7. Portland. Orctton.
and ,l,. Uei.r- "''"USk,
. Miss Hose llasi. .....
,)i""r 'ii.iH. left Ti;rlf't
Mi. I leuieat lt....;.. .. .
inflaiutnatn,- .i""..'
Mr. un,l Mrs. n'R ;
'! u card party aJSr
V - Jt ""met.
lint ,11 lll(. festivitiei.
'' a" attack of the grippe.
imr ii.l ZrS"?
l ie Mt. Angel Collegeopett,Te.
N'plcuibcr 10th,
Tlio Journal Job Deputing
will print you anything in u,
stationery line-do it right ui
Havo you real money,
uuard , by general order from adjutant!0"0 wpnt further east, the homes wcro
general s office, has been assigned to U" fillo(1 with Kemg of old-fashioned
fluty at the inlint.n.i ,.,,,...0. .m- . furniture: ehiminni.L, .!.:.. ... j
t K,V, '
"I X UI 111 (I VV II n 1 n . TT..1.
general's offica
rurniture; Chippendale chairs, and
Wll MSor tlltl n.wl An . ...... T.. c .
m,l-,. 11 1 , mi 11,111 Willi. in ract
Z p n '''''I''-ters for the present i ,11,a(, ''""self so entertaining that
" '""T'i will not give up his'"1"" waH almost sorry when they
residence ,n Salem. He was with Com- j f?al'h,,(l Newport, and she had bade
i:? f. tbo M-exican border and h,lm e00'1 'K"t in the hotel to folbrvv
since that time has been active in the tl'0 bo' to tlie room reserved for her
military nffnit-u .u. , . 1 Tunmvi.,.,,.. D..11. u '
i. ,; " 1,1 1,1 11 "W naving: . oees Acwport's
Oeen 1? veil n . . . . Inin.inu l..n.. 'I.:... ... .. ....
..... .... ...ujv, in - 11. U A IISL tune.
m Huckleberries and cranberries re reported as yield
ing immense crops this year. "Tis ever thus"; the berries
and of all berries these two require the most sweetening,
come smiling to the scratch just when there is no sugar
The outlook indicates there will be but little of Ore
gon s old time crop find a market. About all that is left
of the industry is "a hop dream."
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
HrlLM will be for sale on
and after Saturday, Sept.
of the cast in "The Croat Love
inclines Li mn cm c.. ..
t, . . """tic ruwceit,
Kobert Harron and others "The
Cireat Love" begins a three, day run
- .......,i,i j, ui. ult. uregon
ml . 'r".,"""''11 ani1 ,at''r made
"' 1 ""' state general staff.
Hie Auction swi,, n i n t
Green of Turner :.f.d'?Hrol
,, h " 'ii i. iniyy wa S
well attended nnd everything went off
smoothly and rapidly and good price
were obtn m.,i ir ' .' u' s
lnll -"'- iireen ami son,
John, were very urniefi.l i., ... .'
Orvin. nt ...I r MIC
' Vi "odry, thn auction
eer of Sale,,, as they give him credit
n getting $,82,30 above their expecta
tions, out of the sale
v 1 move to Salem with her daughter
; !" Hie Kay Woolen
an, he, son juhll (o .(lju thp
f , V,:II' "r some other branch
United States National Bad
at Halem, in the State of O.vgon, nt thecloH, wf business pn .ugi,st 31,
-onus and Hisconnts, including rediscounts, (exceni
those shown in Ji nnri ,.1 ' v 1 ......... ..
Tlol 1 , ' IH.-lljZH.-il
n;,VT 1 451,274.41
uverdrafts, seeurod one; unsecured $5,(140.51!
U.b. Bonds deposited to secure circulation (par value 31,000.00
Boni,s and eerrificntes of indebtedness pledged
as collateral for
- - - vim a u wiiiio VI IMiin
payable . njmM
... ......us unii eertitieates of indebtedness owned
and unpledged
Liberty loan fconda, 3 X "and "4"per' ' cent "uo"
pledged .. . .,
Liberty loan bonds, 3, 4,.and7irpM'"ccilt7plcdged
lion U TT I,"0 V, "10r (1"l'0'",8 or m I"'1'1"
"onus (otiior than U. 8. bond) .pledged to secure
postal savings doposits
!oiids and securities pledged as coiTateniV for'siale"
or other dejsits (postal excluded) or bills
v l'avablo , 15I,74.5U
ecunties other than U. . bonds (not including
stocks) owned .unpledged 2l4,981.18
Total bonds. unru;,.u i i n..... n u
v, , . I i-ii., inin-l I null 1 . ,-.
fStOCK Of fedorn.1 reuoruA Ko.,1, tr.n i c
subser nlinnl 1
Value of banking imuso 'ZZIZ " 140,000.00
! 1 1 I'll I 4 .n . .. J i" , ' '
a"" iixruresi
tail estate owned other than banking house".......".'...'
Lawful reserve with federal reserve bank
null 111 vault and net amounts due from national
Net amounts duo frojn banks, bankers, and trust com
panics o'her than included in Items l.'t, 14. or 15
hecks on other banks in the samo city or town as
reporting bank (other than Item 171
Total of Items 14, 15. 10, 17 and IS 2.'15,0fi4.lU
hecks 0 nbanks located outside of city or town of
reporting bunk and other cash items
bedoniption fund with U; S. Treasurer and due from
I . 8. Trensuror
War sovings certificates and'Thri ;
Other assets, if any .. . 1'
S!),HW i
:'22,(l53,9 J
"" service tr liicle S...
The gasp Ruth heard IVflS Tint rPos.
"What thut von jiv" u
ed, and his voice w9 so raucous, it
made Kuth shiver with dread of what
he would say when he realized she
was reany going.
"I am going fb Newport to look
at a house to be done over- I'll be
back tomorrow niirh i t 1 1
, . , ---M--' Jl 1 X I 11(1 J
can's, I'll wire you," then, before he
eould answer she glanced at the clock.
tne must no at nun unn...i 1
- r.- - .-..v. I'UIIII UVC, J
an t wait another minute!" and she
""ik up witnout wait lie foi on a.....
perhaps it was hci ir ,.
cuuiea otT. Xeverlhelesa
Rowing She k; z:::1
understood how matters were; had
sensiid Brian '. disti!,. to bavl'f
wito work, even H,,.i. ...i J.
more comfortable. " 1 "" mm
inr. A nn. .l n,n. ...:.: . .
Nineteen Painless Parker
offices in the United States
repair the teeth of over
.100,000 people annually.
Salem Offlcs
State and Commercial
. , liabilities.
Capital stock i,!i;,i ; 4.
Surplus fund "" J
Ifndivided profits .. , 1.11311.1113.1".. 11,850.15
I-ess current I'xpensej, interest, and tuxes' paid 4,087.79
rirculnting notes outstanding
't iiiuoiints due to Natinnol .banks
't amounts due to banks, bunkers, and trust t-eni-
pnnies (other than included in Items :il or .'12)
Total of Item,, 32 and 33 ,'18,:j:i5.03
Iiuliyidual depoHits Kiibjnct""to" check
Certificates of deposits due in less thou 30 days
("tner than for money borrowed)
Certified cheek '
Cashier 's checks outandbg'lllllll""'"''
" "'""Vi or otner municipal deposits secured.
bV Tlledo-n nf OCLrnln - u ii.:.. 1 1.
Til e- '--"Jio 01 hub uuim
lotal of demand deposits (other thnn bank deposits)
siibjcct to reserve, Items 34,35,30,37,38,39,40,41 850,343.02
certificates of deposit (other than for money
'borrowed) j
IWol savings depositsZllZlirilll.l... ' .
JJther tunc deposits
Total of time deposits subject to reserve Items 42,
43, 44 and 45 ; 530,013.14
?tw?,f 0regn. County'of Marion, ss: , .
: "'ru, v;asnier or tne aDOvc nameu ukh, "
the above stoement is true to the best of my knowledge ami beiiej-
I). W. E1KE1
(i. W.
U'S-'PA(!E' Dtf.
Subscribed and sworn to before me, thW Hth day "PviRT,
,0"- Xo'g
Mv Term Exilirfs JnBC "3'
Jtioa, 8 "Hung ut tae sta-