Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 10, 1918, Page THREE, Image 3

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-t ... . . itii
i..,i 9 4I.E A eood 5 passenger auto,
i nwin nir oruur. tmi subo. a-iv
JUU " w - ,
miKTKl)-Man to haul garbftg, team
furnished, free Uuuso muu vu uu
Ktute St- tf
WANTED Meat cook for restaurant
at fair, man preferred. Inquire "JIS
Oieimketa. 910
FOB RENT Modern fiv toom house,
"il south l.itn street, (9 per mouth.
Enquire 0t 733 north 16th otreet. tf
"Z-- i-l WOUI) for sale, ash and old fir, in
.ii(.'d. l uouc - - , ...,,,,,...1 f. . b. Ilrvwstcr, rj. K. l-arie-
i f f" M l . , ' ....
ton, Lebaupn, Uregon. v n
KKTrHY Bird dog taken p 6 miles
' north of Palem a Uu8l Place Box
jiM, Chemawa. 812
FOB BALE 1914 Ford roadster or tour
ing car $300; 1911 Btudebaker $373.
Highway Garage, 1000 B. Cout'l.
Phone 355. U
Lane Ceunty Case Remanded
Expense of Office For
Less loan
Services Donated
TZ :,tl
, " "TTTall! Pal-'"'"-
S. M' - M.n
-tot tll"-
I 7a wood fhsipe-
n room - - - .
FOB KENT 102 acres. 10 acre, in
prunes, M acres under cultivation, bal
ance in pasture. 1 mile southwest of
Reform school depot. Cash rent. C.
y Guerue, Turner, lit. 1. 812
FOB SAL.K One 816 Mogul tractor,
a bottom plows, self stcaring devise,
i-xtcusiou rims, unglo iron lugs, all in
good condition, Prico 800 cash. Ad
dress "Tractor" care Journal U 11
FOB KAliK Thursday and Friday, Sep
tember 12 and 13, beginning at . 9
..'..liu-k. household Hoods. Laura
:,,,t. 8j9 Center. - 9-11
"... U..A rn
(t 1
581 N. Cliurcu.
rTEDJkliwry u,Kl'
r, ....vn,,iiii rooms. 910
,.k,h. rtione 01M.
Louse, modern
Turin--"" "' ' .
' i.i Vhnno 1UU. "1U
IviSHED 5 room
Cut. Call 1973.
opurtuisnt f:,t
i .1 isT Child ' trievcV) "'"nr Central
ii..tv,. I Rtnre. l'leas., notu v r ren ,
ii,, ,l,in. Silvcrton Kt. 2. ldioiic 10F
21. 8 11
AUCTION SALE Friday, 8opt. 1.1, at
ii .. , m im o il ( nvan iuii larm
i ,,.;i v.-,,at u Pialiim. All liv stuck
farm implements and household goods
H. J. latcs owner, pnoue s.r-.
i 1, ivDoon mi crounds. 9-11
U .--. -
FOB RENT My modern 8 room bunga
low ai hi n. iitn street, lurnisneu
or unfurnished. Fireplace, furnace,
parage, piano. Address. Mrs. 'inifrcd
Pettyjohn, Newport, Or. 9-11
irl,linir that Circuit .luilne Skin-
wortb. of Lane county erred in sub
mitting certain question of negligence
to the jury, the supreme court today
reversed the case of U. B- Brumlngo,
as administrator of the estate of Wil
liam 1 tVumhein ilnceased. .i -ninst. the
Southern Tacffie Company, ajipellant,
and reuiandca tne ease ior a new irmi.
Justice Johns uroto the deciding
opinion, while Justice Harris wrote an
opinion concurring specially.
While an employe of the Southern
Pacific an an electrician, Fruinkciii was
struck by a work train on the Eugene
Marshfield branch end was killed June
20, 1910. Suit was brought ayainst the
i-omiiauv for damages and the jury
awarded the widow 5UUU aud her
young child IfjUUU- mo action was
brought under the federal employers'
liability act.
Tho accident occurred in the center
of o. -tunnel over (MM) feet long and
wim-h in Imilt on a curve so it is
uiirv ,lurU ill the center. Framhcin
,wa ridinir on a speeder near the cen-
. ter of the tunnel when the work train,
NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT hacking through the tunnel, hit him.
Vnr tti. rVuu of TiniiTnvtiio- ntinrrh ' Tl,.. rnii,liiiilti alleged that tlie coin-
n . ,.L S. ' , n . Dl.nl . - . I . .. ; , II i ....... ,,
FOB KENT Aftvr Oct. 1st, modern six
room iiiingaiow, me place uuu turu
iii c, and all modern conveniences. 005
N. 21th, or address L care Journal.
FOB SALE I!y owner, modern bunga
low, 6 rooms, garage in basement,
paved streot, hot watvr heating sys
tem. Owner leaving city. Address J
raic Journal. 913
ci.-vi'tJAT. Imna tn lent, furnished
and unfurnished, 1 good modern 7
room house, close in about first. Cull
FOB CM Pr cent fuim loans, see tho
Marion-Polk county national farm
loan association. W. 1). Smith, 303
fialein Hank of Commerco bldg. tf
l SALE Vinegar barrel
l Phone 10112.
. old pi'i'-"
5 GOOD men wanted for factory work
lung ,lo at KH0U ""ges. inn ih ivum
303 Bulem Hank of Coin, bldg., or
phone 482, ngeut, W. D. tt.mith. tf
gALE-3 tons of hay, oat ami
(18 per ton, l'nono -ur.w.
fur canning,
I WANTED To reut farm of 73 to 200
acres. Prefer a dairy ranch equipped
but will consider giain ranch. Have
good equipment. Address O caie Jour
nal. tf
f ,,, viinllfl OFll. HKNS WANTED at onee. Will pay 23c
JP PICKERS wanted. 1 hone 0.U n. . fm
jUani Orcy, Kt. . v(iiil j,riceg Mwrkctj yi2 X. Conimvi-
fcntf9 Rlirnnsliirn bucks. C. C.
PT :",, Wl'hono 31'3. tf
MJjUU, llu, -----
9L W, P. WRIGHT, ube auctioneer.
-w...... n.ffrrnn PllOTl 59. tl.
aUIUUl, Viv6v.
cial street.
i.vfpvTi u,,o 1(1 nr 17 voara of alio.
ajply adv. mgr. at Journal office m-
I... J n ra. -
I" " f
piEDr-A fow load of yearling or
:. .m iiKifors. riionu rJxiJ.
LOST Coin purso Sunday afternoon,
containing $10 lull and somo silver,
receipt for payment on Liberty bond,
bearing uume of owner. Phone oW. Be
Streot from State Street to Mlsslo11
Notico is hereby given that the com
mon council of tho city of Salem, will,
at or about tho hour of 7:30 o'clock p.
m. on tho loth day of September, 11)18,
or at the same hour at any subsequent
meeting of th common council, at, tho
council chamber in the city hall, pro
ceed to nssesj, upon each lot or part
Hu-rt'of -it rp.tncftive nml iiroDorl iouatn
share of the cost of improving Church
sireet iroin etueo street to mission
All ntirfiona interested in said assess
ment or affected thereby are hereivy
notified to 1a and appear at said time
and place before the said common coun
cil and present theit objections to said
assessment, if any they have, ana ap
ply to the common council to equalize
their proportionate shai'o of said assess-
T!v order nf tlm common council this
6th duv of September, 1918.
City Recorder.
Passed and adopted by the common
council this 5th day of September, 1918
Attest: EARL RACE,
City Recorder.
FAMILY wanted for picking prunes. 10
cents perliushcl. 'lent, potatoes auu
part of camping outfit furnished. Sky
lino orchards. R. V. 3. Phoue 30F11.
State House Notes
.OTED Expevii'iic
iirvgpoils and lauie
ICalc i Co,
nl alcslady for
i readv to woar
FOB SALE Fine liroml uiavo, -8
Clydesdale, 7 years, about lo00 lbs;
ulio gelding same ago 1400 lbs: truo
nnd sound: nlso binrcy. Turner Ht. 2,
BST-Elk tooth charm somel'im0 yes- box 30. 6"13
vjruuy on succia, ri:wuu w --- ' -
office, reward. 9-10 WANTED To renf erai'n land, from 2
AXTED Dinlnff room an,l trnv t-ivl
St IVillainotto sanatorium. Apply 751
ti . n 1 rt I
rerrv w. at oaco. v-in
After spending 11,115 during tho
mionth of August, the state highway
commission hns a balance on hand of
4(1100,153, according to a statement
prepared tor tiio cominissiou uv m-c-retary
Helmer Oistvom, committed to tho
Oregon stato hospital from Clatsop
county in July, 1917, eloped yesterday
while cmpiovca on tne uoiniui
ir : nlmut !7 veins old. five feet
nd n'mo inches tall, and weighs 1W
A school teacher ha3 a legal right to
resign her contract prior to 30 days
v "v ----F - . -hnnl flCCOli 1112 to an oiuuiou givu..
cive contract to clear 10 acres if ho Q01 ,acco' L .. r., 1 ltrown to
desires. Phone 622 evening or car y , "''v , ntton,ey for
to 6 hundred acres, either cash or
grain rent. Also want to buy some
small pigs.- Adam Orey, Kt. 8, Phone
fiPFll. tf
I'U'T TO TRADE Timber on river, j HAVB 40 acres of splendid land to
J easy to get out, for house and lot. , , 10ll tl,nrtl,t who will pur-
i DTI Ul,.. n lO P ... . .mil
UVA (lUl), OilUMIl, V Xtt
JOB SALE-Aeromotor windmill, for
f particulars phone 542 mornings or cv-
TiXTED Man who understands sell
J iij shoes, als0 window trimmer. Ap
ply Gale & Co.
R. I. Keater, district
Umatilla county.
The district attorney cited a cns
, i..,.i,, ...iniiittp,! her rcsig-
wnero a iw"' , .i,
,o tlinn 30 davs before the
i,i.uliLent because tlio tunnel
was not lighted and the train carried
no light. , ..
mi,,.. o,,il n nnn what theory can the
defendant bo liable for negligence to
havo and maintain ugnts in its vuu
...,iu ..hnn it in a matter of common
knowledge that no lights are- kept or,
maintained in any railroad tunnel any-
where in the state, either by day or
night 1" usk Justico Johns. "Wo are
of tho opinion that under tho facts
.i:..i,.D,i i,v tlm record the failuro to
maintain lights in tho tunnel was not
an act of negligeuco auu uuKut
to have been submitted to the jury.
In his separate opinion, jusiuu u
ris ,ays. . , , ,
"The plaintiff is not entitled to
recover unlesg the defendant was guilty
of negligence. A complaint must now,
as before the adoption of the tedera
employers' liability act, allege and
prove thut the carrier was negligent.
bv the evidence
submitted at the trial, it is poinieu
out. ...
Other opinious wero handed down as
follows. . jnaier,
appellant; appealed from" Wasco; suit
,. ' ' .:.,; i. . list Johns:
tor divorce, - - --
Circuit Judge Bradshaw reversed.
Joel D. Mays, appellant vs. aoiyv
Mays' Real Estato Company; appealed
from Lane; motion to mam-ao -i-i--
denied opinion liy Chief Justice Me-
BlFJ. Martin vs. D. S. Taiiiter, np
..cllaut; appealed irom Multnomah;
notion' to dismiss appeal overrvded;
. . l .. i.:.. timtipn Mcliride.
opinion uy im" - !,,
Mary N. li. Morrison vs. fet. Johns
Sanitai-ium, et. tl.. appellants; appeal
ed from Clatsop; mou"u i u-r-
appeal dismissed; opinion per curiam. i
lumuia, - V . T,,uiin Hur
on rehearsing; opinion by Justice Uur
nott, former opimon uv.v
Mark Schlusaol, et. al, vs. Edward
Hays, appenant; a pe. eu
noniah: suit to luini'v.
con" ey residence property in Portland
o plaintiff under terms of oral agree
eS phuntiffs had with Mrs Mar
. t,. nu.m'r. nnor to net
non onJ.tlce Harris modi
i?s decree of Circuit Judge Kavanaugh
n thaTdcfcndant is not ordered to pay
unpaid installments on -property.
BU.1; ..... Um.limor. appellant vs.
Julius verstone and Seneca louts
Dnrtug the month of August, the
tion nf tho Kvd Cross
helped 273 families in the way of giv- f
ing information, and to many lamiuesii.
materuu assistance vcn to tuat or loan-
ing money.
To 133 of these families, information
j was giwn that assisted materially in so
j curing proper allotments or to getting
into communication with the war dc
ipartment whereby tho allotments were
i ui. .limi t tn tlm family nf the SoldlVT.
To 140 of those calling at the office
of the Home Service section were given
ctiv hcln nnd information. This in-
i eluded writing of letters, helping two
men to find relatives, seeming medical
Urv1ii.9 fur f oiii'ilic nf soldiers, and in
jmany cases loaning money until allow-j
anecs would b0 received.
This general information includvg in
structing many how to make their allot
ments before " leaving for the traiuing
camps and to the families of soldiers,
how these allotment,, should be made
iin.l lu,w thev hould Lw applied for.
jThero was also information given as to
: how to semi packages to soldiers ana lei.
iters written t0 the Red Cross headquar
ters where there was a d-elay in the
I - 11 nna
Many laws have been changed in the
handliue of the hundreds of vital mat
ters regarding attairs or soldiers ami
tlu.ir families and it is in this scrvic
that the Home Service workers are of
especial value to the families of sol
divrs. i One of th new rulings is that all
'correspondence to the Home Service soc
Ition of the Red Cross in Washington
must be written and signed by the par-
... .. p mi. 1..
ties wislung tne liuoramuoii. mso ni
ters of inquiry are often written out by
tho Home Service office, same on espec
ially prepared blank forms. The ans
wers to thesw letters come direct to the
persons writing.
Of the $207.38 expense of running the
office for month of August, not quite
$10 was used in offieo expenses and part
of this ten was for stamps. The rooms
ai-j given by Russell Catliu and tho sev.
oral women who are devoting their
time to the office are giving their servi
Ti !;.
I V '
haze nm
Paramouat's Famous
Etage and screen star
says of
"When wearing Co-Ed
Frocks I feel perfectly
gowned for any occas
ion" See the clever new mod
els of these delightfully
original frocks at our
Our Surprise Sale Will Be
Fashions Center for ;
S0 ACRE farm for snlo or rent cheap.
I vi miles S. V. Airl'ie. Call at 1427
I A. Church St. 9-10
I lce to carry paper route. Apply at
! tf
FOR SALE By owner, at a bargain, a
fine piece of laud, 20 acres in cuiu-l .. n mnrfl ... 30 Qays before te Julius tnnmnh, motion to
vation, 5 in tiiubor, near Srtlem oni " . f Kiool and accepted a con- appealed ulcd 0'n condition
HiI' ... "ui, nnnthor schoo . The lirsi , dismiss ri" " , nmplied
"."li, V.""; ," n wcem the res- that certain legai P---- :r .
SCUOOl limil'l '"" ' " ...! I nil II OU UV l.UlJ. "
ignation mid o did tne second scuu.
. a. tnr,,i,i- oenerars I Hndo.
board, inner uie uuu...... ---
interpretation, of the law", tno ieB"
ition was legal.
mnin frnvidnd rnnd. I'licn $2750.
you want laud near town and school
here's your chance. Address A. M.
care Journal. v-ii
; nsmmned that the secretary will ro
turn here despite renewed suggestions
that he will cstaimsn seuu-pcruiuuoui
hvudquarters for himself in France. In
this connection it was recalled that
President "Wilson, on Baker's tirst visit,
wrote hiin a letter expressing a hope for
an early return. At the same time, lie
oppressed his full continence m tne war
chief, who was then tinder senatorial
On this occasion, it is admitted that
i.in ia less reason for such a mcssago
aud hence Baler's stay may be rather
loneer than it might otherwise De.
Incidentally, it is pointed out that
Baker and Ryan will doubtless bo able
to return with much useful information
t ffnt tlm senatorial air lvport and
ti,n tiiiulinsi eommittee report, wliieli 13
likely to develop m tneir aoseuce.
The presence of GoncTal Hines in the
party is especially significant.
"Turn around" and debarkation in
Franco have been serious problems.
With heavier shipments of men ana sup
plies coining on, -tlw transportation sit
uation will become increasingly import
ant. In this connection, it is rccaiieu
n. -q,. nii.l nnvv officials recently
uuii. .'i tr - .
surveyed tho problem in the United bta-
ts with a view to relaxing piesuie "
the overburdened ports.
General Gorgaq will review the nurse
problem, medical situation and tho gvn
.i ,0t;nii nf enlaririnir the medical
service, to meet the great demands of a
four million army.
m of 16 or over wanted at Journal WANTEDrcar picker8 8c !'US',-';
t .in..,. 1 w,,1"cu at Journal i.t0,.i,im-. r,:(.i,nPfl an ae.rns berrios.
. tl x ma Per uouuie rou
fara. Bursa's Furniture Store, 179
I mi
irrw.ln Hd team, can make
blackborry pickora, 30 acres berries,
grown pruned vuicb, at 3c j 50 acres
of hops at $1 per cwtj 2000 bush-els
Italian prunes at f ruit union prices,
followed by apples and potatoes. Ad
dress vv. it. J!,gan opn, uoivms,
Or., Rt. 2, phono 3F11. 916
n . : uu "ma) can maae .
SS 1 0 -50 P" Call phone CIVIL service oxaminan
U51Tlr", tf September. Government
?5L" "wna, nice v fiimii, f.
WiFcny street. '
Bint, mi r ' iurmsea opart
ents, 491 N CottaM. Vhn wi
1'USSALE-D,,. , 77 7"
SlLC Waconda ,7
owes nn f, I-. "r imw n,e
nateea A n "CT lor tlu'ir tatc
"Wt. Address Mcare Journal.
on. Salem in
clerk, teach
er, inspectress, typowritcr, bookkeep
er, research ciom. i-rorercnco Riven
women. Sulnry $1200-$2000. Experi
ence unnecessary. Women desiring
: .z: r :zz ;;:! .i.r u order .
I,..., :' ;:r. , t& t vice commission
eivu Bfiviee eouiiiii.'ttiiuiiuri vau vumiui-
bian building, W ashington, V. O. 9-lb
Rains in Douglas, Jackson, Lane and
(too. counties Saturday ni J
,havo removed all danger of 'ore
fires, according to repo i . - -,dy
by State Forester Elliott. Ho says
here are no dangerous t.rcy n he
il. i rain TlVOS Hall
tZ Ss- in J-kson
The citv of Portland bas been re
lieved of the necessity of P1
,vay warning signs at oyer 500 t t
and railroad crossings within that city
isued uy me i'u"v -
Warning s'g'is weiu
placed at 10 crossings.
Bride. ... .... .. cf.,rf Me.-
iinmah: motion iu u - -
ied conditionally; opinion uy
JnvZZ V Hood, appellant vs.
Virginia v. r Multnomah
W'-V"? . navidson vs. Security
w T ,n.1 A1SU11U "" ' -
,ate terms at 7 7 1 ra-vmcn'' "ar
at 7 per cent. Phon0 1642.
fl0?! in comn io IO"owln described
K o;l e Collie, weight
Ie"0,t WhrrV ? 0Ut 60 T,0U,ul8- 0ne
On Bi,, ?' wciKht about E0
t20l r"Part.Collio, weight
ZPUkm., ,!? al!ovo fcsc'ibcd
ir"3' on o, J Dot red(,emcd by
. ' r, W- S. LOW,
Ptembor 5 mfo Rl Commissioner.
' 8 9-10
Tn Tclinm it. mnv i-nne.prn! Feu are
hereby notified that John W. Schwa
bnucr and Mary Anna Schwabauer
have mado application to the county
court of Marion county, uregon, iu
hnvn thpii- iinmes chanffod to John Bow
ers and Mary Anna Bowers; Also to
have tho names or their two sons claus
ed from Oliver John Schwabauer to
Oliver John Bowers and from Clarence
John Schwabauer to Clarence j
Bowors nnd vou are further notified
that this notion .is served pursuant
an order of sail county court. 9
Napoleon Davis,
Attorney for Petitioners.
Sargeat Is Promoted
To tastern rosmon
Recognition of his ability lias come
a n Saraent, former atato-super
nteSndeCnVofUs, who has &t bJ
'r. TK.rf washineton,
for the Fedoral Kcservo
themselves anil report lo iu. - -Washington.
His headquarters w.1
main in an r raiiciK"- ,
tion carries a bigwreasc in satai).
Authentic stvles. beauti
fully tailored, of good ma
terials, newest shades and
corahi nations. We have
the best assortment it has
been our pleasure to sho v
in several seasons for
dress and utility wear.
NEW FALL PETTICOATS give your home merchant
his stocks. We can serve
you best by morning shop
ing Qver ?& years in Sa-.
You can Always do Better at ,
11 TjmA. k 1
for Butter
ick patterns
t - -
Big Submarine Was
Sunk By Oil Tanker
Be A
''Gets-It" For Corns
2 Drops, 2 Seconds Corn Is Doomed!
When vou almost die with your sfiocs
,. . l,.,uf wnllf
on and corns mane you '" "-
sidewavs to get away from the pain,
take a vacation for a minute or two
and apply 2 or 3 drops of tho world s
Object Of Trip Is Improve-
mentoiJwverai war
II. L .Bowlby, Lieutenant
tosonei ui tnguisc
i i. t.:rTkrnv
He L. Howlby, . former ...
Wishineton Sept. 10.-Improvement
ashiigTo .1 . , meaicai
and enlarge...- ? - , .,, . ,,.
o,i tvnnsuortation service "
i. ..fi Q,.ntnnr
. VOW I T. (11 Dl-lllltt'J
Se -ind trip abroad.
Wit Plans for a Tour m ill.on army
hv ea r y summer of 1919, the scope of
L,,l, must bo vastly enlarged.
xue - - . ,g noW ju
To tl.lS A n,,m,nlltie.
I L U now a lieutenant coionoi ' . (l flkcn with liim Aeronautic
S hnrii M V highway ral Hines, chief of
t"t lo army and is stationed P,., and General Gorgos., sur--11
.Humphreys, Va, as an instructor, t ,nrral. u
An Atlantic Port, Sept. 10
Sinking of a big German sub
marine September 1 in mid
Atlantic was reported today by
members of the crew of au Am
erican oil tanker. The fight
took place HI00 miles off this
coast. The battle lasted forty
According to tho report
brought here, the U-boat was
very large, being at first mis
taken for another oil tanker.
When its character was mado
out, the American vessel, In
stead o fleeing, attacked it,
using two 4-7 gun9 forward
and then maneuvering to bring
n six inch gun aft into, action.
When the final hit was scored,
it was assorted, the submersi
ble was blown out of tho water
and knocked to pieces.
Great German Base
Will Be tvacuatert
-.1.- .n,i,in in ria.iijv,
cpral inoniLs
'cording to word reewxed W fa"""-
goon gem .u im1(.f:ito. but it
Th'.ir stay ,v
if'-aJSlMarWlaLMiMMteHiMaiMi' I
'My Corns Peel Clean Off, With 'GeU-lt'
magic and only genuine c.ui-..--.. .,
Gets-It' . Thvn, ami then only win
... . -M
you besuro tnat your corn .u
from your toe so that you can prei u
right off gloriously easy with your fin
gers. Take no cnancea oi euni.ium.-u
pain and soienoss wny use giensv nu
tating salves, plasters that shift and
press into the "quick," razors and
"diggers" that make corns bleed and
also grow faster? Use. painless, easy,
.,....?.. ... n..ti.Tt. ". -There's only
one like it in the world that ' "Gots-
lt." Millions have tnv-d and U. is., a it
for years. It never fails.
"Gets-It" the guaranteed, money
back corn-Tcmover, the ouly sure way,
costs but a trifle at any drug store,
uuu 1.,- V. T.nwwneo & Co., Chicago,
111. Sold' in SaVm and recoinmediied as
the world's best corn remedy by J. U
Perry ad D. J. Pry-
Amsterdam, Sept. lO.-Gcrmart
war correspondents report thut
Douai is being evacuated, ac
tn ilisnatchcs hero ty
Douai is one of tho import
ant German bases in northern
fiance. It lies ten miles be
hind the Hindenburg line, but
the British have already cross
ed that defense .system beforo
it, and are six and a half miles
from the city at tho farthest
point of their advance in that
region. Douai ha9 been held by
tho Germans since their first
sweep across Prance in 1914.
Continued from page one)
of tho Somiiie," tho statement said.
"We captured EtriehVrs mid tfoiipy-
(These, towns aro west and soutliw.l
of Ht. Qitentiu.)
"Hevond the Crowit canal wo captur
ed Grand Seraucourt (leas than .l.t
milvu southwest of St. Quentin,) Cms-
trcs, Moiilcscourt-L.issei'oiics uuu iieui-g-ny.
MVc captured Hill 103 southward of
Con t ,() art aud Hill 117, south of tho
v-uirv.li,.( irii ml station. North of tho
Oiso we captured Fortliez and tho woodi
northwest ot Cuulcrs liirm auu uuuw
"Houth of the Oiso wo extended our
positions iu the Servais Hrick field aurj
the Servuis station and toward Laiuiux.
"Uetwtcu the Aisuv and tho Vesle wu
extended our positions toward Olenites.
The German Report
Berlin, via London, Sept. 10. Minor
sections of the Gcrniau trenches In
Plandeis havc been taken by the JVi
ish, tho war office announced today,
British attacks against Gouzcaucourl
and Epehy were repuliA;d. the gtatoment
"Norlh of Merckeni and northeast
ward of Ypres, minor trench seetionJ
are in the enemy's Jiauds as a result of
partial attacks," the announcement
"0n4he Peronii'i-Ctinibiai road, Lug
lish attacks continued. The main thinst
against Gouzcaucourt and Epehy was
I "From Havrincourt wood to soutlf
! ward of tho Peronno-Cambrai road
fresh enemy attacks in thw evening
"On the Crozat canal our advanced
troops were withdrawn Sunday night.
We aro in touch with only weak eneini
reconmiitcring detachments wvst of lii
KuKionv-Vendeuil lino.
"He.. ween tin Aisne auu iuu
we n-I'ji'Hod treucii auvanci-!-.
and advanced two miles beyond it, s"iz
ing Clastrcs, Moiitt-scourt-Lizerolle?, Re
nii.'nv, Fortliez and th0 wood3 north
west of Canlers t'aim and Rougo farm.
"We made fresh progress today noiti,
-m. 114
A' hanrtv Cnlelum compound that mfe
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Irjr them today.
50 cents a box, including war tax
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