Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 09, 1918, Page FOUR, Image 4

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    Editorial Page of The Capital Journal
Bditor ul Pohllaao
September 9, 1S19
-.- ' , . r rf-v w uVimi i W pVi W i, , v rfViiiiin miAiii'i mi W i Wi iim.rffci W i w W- mimmii m Wtmin hihm V'l"iMH!nmMII3.
Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc.
als, all of them of high specific gravity, and most of them
in the class that would be called "rare."
The war will cause these sands to be investigated and
worked as well as many other sources of mineral suddIv
d!it by rrir. pr mr 5.w ivr Mmth ae and these investigations will complete the making of the
Hall? by mall. per vwr , 3.W Fw Month 5c , e . &
I country sen sustaining as 10 pracucany an metais.
L. 8. BAUNE9.
II. riSHKIt.
Sec. nd Tress.
tV. D. Ward, Sew Tork, Tribune Building.
Chicago, V. H. Btockwell, I'sople'a tins BifKiiiim
Th Capital Journal carrier boys are luatrueled to put the paper oa the porcb. lr
the carrier lws not do this, rolasea you, or neglects getting tit paper to you on time,
kindly phone the circulation iranoxer. a tills la the only way we can determine whether
Of not the carriers are following liwtruetiout Phone Main 81 before 7 :30 o'clock and a
paper will be aent you by special meaaeuner It the carrier haa missed yoti.
la the only newspaper In Snlem whnae clrcnlntloa la guaranteed by the
Audit Bureau of Circulations
When Briau hail left, Ruth opened
her letter. As she expected. Mrs. Clay
The world has been taught a lesson of self -reliance
by the war that otheryise might have been indefinitely
delayed in the learning. England, for instance, has re
lied on her commerce and her manufacturers for her
wealth. She has been the common carrier for the world,
and she devoted so much of her ener gies to this and her
factories that, she left, other things undone and neglected
t be anywhere near self sustaining as to food products.
Conditions are such that she will always have to rely on
other countries for a part of her food supplies, but the
extent to which she had neglected' her possibilities at
home in this line are shown by what she has accomplished
since the submarines made their attempt to starve her
into submission. Within the last two years grass and
pasture lands amounting to more than four million acres
have been plowed up and made to produce crops. More
Ithan 800.000 acres more wheat, barley and oats were
grown in 1918 than the year before. While this did not
furnish a full supply it reduced the quantity necessary
to be imported to the smallest total in fifty years. To ac
complish this the women were asKea to tane up agricul
tural work and especial training schools were established
for them. On top of. this the American tractor was in
introduced which made the work possible. Last year it
is estimated 91,000 women were at -work on English farms
and this year the number had grown to above 300,000.
ThA innrpaspfl nrrencm taken from eame Dreserves and
lands heretofore uncultivated produced in cereals alone
this vp.ir around 100.000.000 bushels. Besides these more
than two million acres were devoted to other crops and
their product will go a long way toward feeding the na
tion. Here in America self reliance has been taught as rad
ically. Before the war we depended on Germany for
many things we have learned we can make as well our
selves. While necessity has forced us to fincLa way for
getting along without the German products, the effort
has demonstrated that we can also do without many
things we have heretofore imported from other countries.
This is especially true of the metals. Tungsten used in
hardening steel and in many war materials was practically
all imported before the war, much of it coming from Ger
many. Now this country is producing practically all it
requires, the1 product being one-fifth of the total for the
world. Manganese is another mineraLof which we were
short up to a short time ago, importing much of our sup
ply from Brazil. Now we are in a fair way to not only
product our own manganese, but to do it in such qjan-j
tities that the price will be greatly reduced, inis nas
' been made possible by the opening of mines in Colorado
and on the coast, and also by the recent discoveries of
vast bodies of the ore in Oklahoma, where it is stated in
recent reports the ore can be mined with steam shovels.
It, too, is a necessity in making certan lands of steel and
more than 1,000 tons of the metal are used daily in this
manufacture. Manganesium is another mineral which be
f i'c the war we imported our entire supply.
Now we are producing practically all we require, and
the discovery of the mineral in large quantities has been
made on the coast and in Colorado and Utah since the
war. A few7 years ago aluminum was almost an unknown
metal. Now, the United States is producing it in such
quantities that she not only supplies all home demands
but can furnish the allies all needed.. We are now getting
roost of our nickel from Canada, but there is no reason
.why this should continue for it is well known there are
big deposits of it in the Siskiyous vM southern Oregon.
Tt will not be long before we are producing to satisfy all
home demands. There are dozens of others, far too num
oious to mention but all of them being found and utilized
in the United States. As for the more rare and valuable
minerals such as platinum, mirridium, titanium and such,
the black sands of the southern Oregon and northern
California coast is a vast storehouse of them. An examin
ation of these sands made by the geological department
showed they were composed largely of some tyenty met-
The Oregonian continues to play up the differences
of opinion between Secretary of Wsr Baker and Senator
Chamberlain, and intimates the latter has plenty of am
munition laid away in the back of his head for use against
tne secretary and the administration. Of course it is all
done to slur the secretary and not through any love for
the Oregon senator. As a matter of fact there is little
love left in the state for Chamberlain since his attack on
the administration in his New York dinner speech. In
the same issue of the paper, the Oregonian has another
"dispatch" -from its Washington correspondent, headed,
"McAdoo Playing Politics, Administration Getting Con
siderable Advantage Out of Making Exemptions," fur
ther tending to show that it seeks every opportunity to
malign and misrepresent the government, seeking to fo
ment unrest and undermine confidence. The Hearst pa
pers are accused of printing seditious articles but the
worst thing that ever appeared in one of these sensation
al papers could not do the harm to the government of the
inuendoes, lying and crafty, directed against the govern
ment by the Oregonian. It has never missed an, oppor
tunity since the war was declared to slander government
officials o rdefend their detractor's. Its management evi
dently lacks only the courage to align itself openly with
the pro-German press.
" "" " " rather she washed dishes and do the
A well, known woman of Dallas is reported to have ,IR'Ilial, work of hpr ow," kitcc" tba!
Uv, (Poaa it. i ,i ii , . (to work among surroundings that were
been given a $300 a month job in the "Department of a constant delist, just because they
Business Economy" of the state council of defense, an or- haa foolisl1, .oldfashi1,m'1 ab0llt
, , . -, i ., , " I women working for others.
sue would nave tuom coin to iigm,
she thought, as she tore the lotter in
tiny bits- Well she would, if she had
to." Certainly she would never give up
work iu which she was happy, just
because they thought it beneath her.
Yet between them they had taken all
the zest from her happiness, all the
enthusiasm she would huve shared with
tout. And it was a very sober Kuth
who left for the offite a few moments
later; it scarcely seemed the same per
son who, the night before, had hurried
as she rode home in the taxi. If only
they had waited a few days; this,
comini; immediately after her disclos
ure of la.-rt night, would be hard on
Brian and on her. But when she
rnai.hiwl tliA flnt ah Mnt nil hpr fears
auui-ncu "u. sit'ii beind her and, attcr telling airs. LTaw
Xot only that, she was undoubtedly j ford what to put in her bag, she call
ed Brian on the telephone.
"J! am guing to Newport to look at
a h0lse that is to be. redecorated,
she told him.
Tomorrow Ruth has a delightful
"If your husband can't support you,
come home. Don't disgrace us all by
joining that class of vulgar women
who want to usurp men's places in I trip to Newport with Mr. Handel-
do the kind of work you are doing
Had I dreamed you would put your
knowledge to such a use, I never should
have allowed you to acquire it. It was
all a.itll nnnmili vim in iluonr.ito
,.. : t,,': !., n.i lo.i I Many of the old apple orchards of Mar-
aluav. been vn,ir hut. tn an tn work ! in county aiv seriously infected with
iu a' shop, side bv side with men, is anthracnose and many uf the younger
beyond all docencv. That a niece of orchards are becoming intected. As tne
This is the season of the year to spray
for control of npple tree anthracnos
mine should so degrade herself and
me, a Iboyond my comprehension.'
There wa9 much move, all in the
same, strain, ami the letter wound up
with a repetition of her invitation:
"Remember what I said! If Brian
Ha-kett can't support you, pack your
trunk and don't let mo hear any nioro
Ruth laughed, then she cried over
them. Aur it was a very sober Kuth
she had expected, but now that it
ame she was hurt anil disappointed.
No one believed in her, in her ability
to do things- Or if they did, they
lidn't want her to do them. She rea
lized that her aunt, like Brian, watild
the state, are fightingand some of them-'-dvine' in the
trenches of France for only $,30 a month and they would
nlnv fVio rrntno inot no YnvA ?-P AWl'i. J.1.-1.
i 7 fe"'"' j"Jv cvo naiu ij. nicy uiuii 1 gel evcJl mat
little pay check. Patriotism presents, startling contrasts,
that is if the $300 a month men and vomen are really pat
riotic !
ganization whose bills are paid by the taxpayers of Ore
gon. i nis woman is neaa ot tne republican Mate commit
tee's woman voters organization, hence her "pull." This
however, is only one among numerous other soft jobs
in connection with the state guards, council of defense
and food conservation campaign. It looks like a huge
graft upon the taxpayers and that the public was being ex
ploited by experienced politicians who are takin? ad
vantage of the patriotism of the ner Die. And while these !
grafters are drawing down big salaries and doing little I tSjlt Z
or notningjo earn tnem, our Oregon boys, the flower of Igooa news suo was anxious to h&r,
But once in the shop, all wus for
gotten iu her absorption, in her work.
The "Cary house'' at Newport had
been turned over to her almost en
tirely she to consult with Jules ha
Mouto if she found herself in need
of advice. It was a big, and an im
portant piece of work- The entire
houso was to be redecorated and re-furnii-hed.
Also the entire scheme of
tho rooms was to be changed.
"Oh, what a chance!" she had ex
claimed when she was told it was to
be "her job-"
"Yos, Mrs. Hnckiitt, it IS a chance.
And a task that Mr. Mandel would
uot intrust to you did he not think
you entirely capable. But if I can
help you, do not hesitate to call on
me. There may. be details you do not
vet understand."
"Thank you Mr. La Monte, I surely
shall need your help. It is a prodig-
ius piece ot hoik; anu i appiuciutc
.Mr. Mandel s taitli in me, my annii,
more than 1 can express"
""It's like some sort of a soothing
plaster, after the way Briau and Aunt
houisa acted," she murmured when La
Mouto had left her alone with the
plans of the house. But a few min
utes later she felt anything but sooth
ed when he came and told her that
Mr. Jdnmlcl was going to Newport to
look over the house and grounds auu
A freight bill of $131.06 from Oregon City to Salem
on a carload of paper means that at the same rate the car
load carried to New York would compel the paying of a
freight bill of nearly $11,000. The railroad director gen
eral apparently expects to make the short hauls pay that
extra half a billion wages allowed the railroad men by
him last week.
Geenral Pershing now has 90 per cent of all American
troops sent to France gathered under his command. Just
what this means no one knows, but that there will be some
thing doing by the Americans before long seems a cer
tainty. It may be a grand smash at the retreating Huns
is'intended with the Americans doing the smashing.
State Treasurer Kay has about the same opinion of
the governor's consolidation scheme as that exm-essed hv
trip n.mitfil Jnnrnnl af tVia (mm tm wi,(- T T4- (wished, ier to CO with liim.
. W"1C ul 1 w" i"eu. xip ,-;You wiii uavo time to go
is auuicniuc ann lanes irom tne people tne nglit to elect
their officers, and makes the governor a small kaiser.
Rippling Rhymes
by Walt Mason
.4.f.4. -
LADD & BUSH, Bankers!
Owl Will be for sale on
and after Saturday, Sept. 28
anil pack your bag. Ot course you
can't get 'back until late tomorrow
night maybe uot then. I'll have a
taxi called for you. Keep it whilo
vou pack, and thea drive directly to
the station- Don't look so non-plus-sod!"
ho laushed, "after you- have
been here a while longer you will be
come accustomed to these hurried trips.
Miss Cnndee called heisclf 'the Light
ning Bug' because of the haste with
which he sometimes required her to
take long journeys for the house."
The mention, of "Miss C'undee" her
predecessor, acted like a tonic upon
Kuth- She had been terribly takeiu
aback when La Monte told her shc
was to go away ot a moment's notice
was1 to, leave Brian alone iu the
flat whilo she was away on business
with her employer. But anything Miss
Cnndee had done, she could and would
lo. Even to being a " lightuing bug"
I travel much in autos; by woods and fields and grot
tos I take my stately way, and see the highway builders
blow in Olir hard enrnprl rrnilrWa nn vrwAa Viof An nnf
rnv 1 w wuuo mv uu ,0. i,ven to being a " Ug
pay. 1 hey re always fixinc. fixine. the dirt-, and nibble if neiy, she thought.
mixing, all summer they have toiled; and then there corned 'LZLX ,
a torrent the fact is most abhorrent and all their work tl,en askeil: "ttha11 1 takc those t"
is spoiled. Their road is washed to thunder; and they re-1. ti Twa""
peat their blunder, they build it up again; they cut their-uav0 1,0 time t0 i,,e." finished as
bootless capers with graders and with scrapers, misguided , b "rS aWfM?. w il
sons of men. The roads are dragged and graded, and porei- Her mind was in a turmoil
manicured ana spaaed, and wnen it rams they're done; the
money that's been squandered on roads o'er which I've
wandered, in gold, would weigh a ton. Our roads are
dreary fizzles, although with planes and chisels we
smooth them, year by year; for money always calling:.
mey re roou uu rain is iamng, ana men they disappear,
(Marshfield Daily Record.)
Echoing an open secret discussed gen
erally about the state the Portland Tele
gram mentions t''e sinecuiv enjoyed by
some at the state capital thusly:
The prevailing opinion that the
j When this grim war is ended methinks it will be splendid 8tat i,rin,ins office '3 -supporting
I if we get down to tacks, and build some modern higWays, I Si X.!, TiuS
ioisaMiig muuuy uyways, ana rutty cattle tracks. 1 tra
; vel much in motors and oft I see the voters sunk shoulder
deep m mud; respect for morals losing, the language they
are using would freeze a purist's blood.
t0 Uovernor Withycomho that the state
printing board be abolished and Uia)
the secretary of the board and state
printer be consolidated into thv- office
of superintendent of printing to be fill
ed by the executive.
old orchards arc not generally bearing
much fruit thia vear it is a good oppor
tunity to givo these orchards a thorough
renovating and disinfecting. Whvre the
disease is of long standing and has im
paired the growth and vitality of the
tree, it is essential before treatment to
prune out all seriously infected branch
es, and remove the rough bark trom me
old cankers. By opening up the tops an
more thorough and cfective treatment
can be giwn. Tho first treatment
should he applied before the rains begin
if possible. Sept. 15 to 20th, will be
about the right time, and Bordeaux
6-6-50 is tho most effective spray. But
oa plenty of thv spray to cover all the
branches and fill the old cankers. Re
peat this spray about three weeks later,
or any time before the middle of Oct.
County Fruit Inspector.
Mrs. Carie 0. Larson, wife of Litre
Larson, aged 53 years, 2 months, at the
home of Mrs. I. H. Small in Tunrer, Ore..
September 1, 1918.
Mrs. Carrio O. Larson was born in
Norway, July 2, 1865. She camo to Am.
erica when but a young girl and was
married to Lars Larson at Preston, So.
Dakota, July 6, 1888, to which union 6
sone were born, the first child dying in
infancy. Those living are Oscar, Percy.
Willard and Ernst. She is survived by
tw0 sisters, one in Minnesota, the' other
in South Dakota; two brothers Ono in
Canada and the other in Minnesota.
Oscar, the oldest son, is married and
lires at Pasadena, Cal., while Percy
Willard niul Ernest arc in tho navy serv
Joyful Scuni
Ihm WoW?o. Music that BnnU Forth
Whoa tho Stark Amva
Who nn tnrwt that llttla braMT cry thai
KhoM t arrival of tlw new baby?
Before baby come the mother should get
la condition to Bwet ths crisis.
Thousands of wemen have used the safa
3d reliable application. Mother's Friend, dun
the waiting mouths, and they relata
how they entirely escaped nausea, neryou
ness, bearing down and itretchinf pains and
many other i1plit'atter aad ahjhenrlenlnff: ei
pcrlencesi vhlch w illy St the mother for tit
greatest time In a woman's life.
Mother's Friend Is a wonderful help tt
nature in relieving strain and diitrrt
brought about by expanding muscles. Tit
norves, I'jo will ha cim, making th peiitxl
'.I no of cheerful days and restful nlghu,
baby la bsrn.
Tho brvasca are kept in good condition a?
the abdominal mnscics rekx with case whea
Mother's Friend makes it nosslble for thi
expectant mother h"r.if to actually old n
t :rc In the plorki work ti be performed,
aril no woman 3!''!uld ncslect or fail te
pi'.e nature a K'lpi: j h.".nd. It will meat
lnlinitely less pain ut the crfsis.
Mother' Friend Is for external nse only.
Is absolutely safe and wonderfully effective.
Ii Is prepared by the BradHeld Regulatut
Co.. Lamar PM?., Atlanta, Ga. Writt
th?ra for their "Motherhood Book," to yak
uable to expectant mothers. e
Procure a bottle of this famous remedy,
which has been tted by women with tit
greatest success for over half a centurv,
from the dmirIst toihir, and thus fortif
yourself against pain and discomfort
ing their country. Ernest is on a battle"
hip soniewhoro near the coast of Franco
Willard is at Boston aboard a gunboat
while Percy is aboard a war vessel
sormjwhere out on the broad Atlantic
hunting for submarines. Turner Tribune.
Ni is quite
eaoKiN - TMosa I . ,w .
Make vour own fruit butters an!
spread them on bread for the chil
dren, and the grown-ups. oThe fret
book on canning and drying ' tellt
how. Write for one, enclosing tw
cents for postage, to the National
War Garden Commission, Washing
ton, D. C.
I ' 4 nil
m Cross f
If w n
'I Ml Wi
L X'
m A'
Very smart shoes
can ba comfortable
Have you come to believe that it is quite impos
sible to find foot comfort in the dainty shoes you'
would like to wear?
So many w o tn e n
have that mistaken
idea. And it's just
because they have put
off trying the Red
Cross Shoe. It really
does conceal wonder
ful comfort in the very
smartest models, be
cause of the special
' bends with your foot"
You'll find so much
more pleasure in doing
the thousand and one
things women are be
ins called upon to do
if you wear this shoe
which makes your foot
feci better and look
better both I
tJfyf I iwwi viiuiwu in inrj uaiiity snot's you I
I CrCSS because they have put IS
? llShopil oft trying the Red &.
is y A
l A. lis
h v v - A
1$ YiK
M ill wSka i
" tee better anrf tl, I fSJ
WB SXK oetter-bothl
"4?. Coma ln and nd
"i? I SS niwlcH. They o:a m,,H.
m specially Ac- U
ssss Agency . f
' '----t w 4juJ h vrjt2' w