Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 09, 1918, Page TWO, Image 2

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nero s a
Real War
On washday, use
Fels-Naptha Soap in the
rels-Naptha way.
Because it makes boiling
water unnecessary, it saves the
extra coal or gas you need for
boiling water.
It is economical to buy
Fels-Naptha when
alone you save 15
to 25c on washday.
in fuel JUXy
Mm,-? J
i At your own groctrt yhSj
THE SENTIMENT UNANIMOUS. ami rock until the face was beaten out
' of all shape. Then they would throw it
A gentleman coining up Ferry street ; aside and get another which Ihey put
a few mornings ago had his attention through the same treatment. They were
attracted to a couple of Chinese kiddies, dead in earnest about it and showed the
a boy and a girl, each about four years' sentiment they fvlt against the big boss
old. Thev were on their knees at the! by the way they did him up. They
edge of the sidwalk and tho boy was stuck to it too until the last picture of
..men ohii an oiu nummcr ana uie gin wuiiclm was obliterated and then left
with a small rock were as busy as gov the job apparently with the conscious-
r P:, 8 , so- of work well don.
luvj urtu jutiicu uu mo nujo.. ilia
unusiiy sun runner oxcitea the gen
tleman slipped quietly up to them and
found the youngsters had cut the round
pictures of the kaiser from tho advertis
inent of the movie "To Hell With the
Kaiser," at that time being shown at
lhe. Bligh. They had two dozen or more
of these and each would lay one on the
walk, face up, and go at it with hammer
Hops in the vicinity of Shvridan ore
showing up well. Those in the Fink
yard are especially good and tho qual
ity and quantity will be excellent. With
the present condition of tho weather
hop lico will not bother. Picking will be
gin soon.
Fiery Eczema and Skin Eruptions
Readily Yield to This Old Remedy
Successfully used for 50 years,
Eczema and similar skin troubles
Come from a disordered, impure
condition of the blood, and tlity can
only be cured by giving the blood a
thorough cleansing, and removing
from it all traces of impurity.
This is why S. S. S. has been used
o successfully in hundreds of cases
of Eczema and other skin eruptions.
This wonderful remedy is without
an equal as a blood purifier, being
probably the oldest blood medicine
on the market. It has been sold by
druRKists for fifty years. Get a boN
tic today and begin treatment that
will get results.
You are invited to write to-day
for complete and full advice as to
I he treatment of mi1f nillll rnc.
Address, Chief Medical Adviser'
wift Specific Co.. Dent 11 A.
Georgia. , ' '
A MEETING of the members of
the National Serviee League for
Women, wag held Saturday after
noon at the Commercial club rooms.
Mrs. Isaac Lee Patterson acted as
chairman of the meeting.
The meeting was ealled to discuss
ways and means to obtain material for
the making of refugee garments for
the children of the devastated districts
of Belgium, France and Russia. During
tho week solicitors will canvass the
city, for old clothing and woolen ma
terials', which will be converted into
clothing for. the orphans across the
sea. People are requested not to give
garments that have become tattered
and are unfit for further servict but
articles that can be made over o a bet
ter advantage. Mrs. S. E. Lee Steiner
was appointed chairman of the com
mittee and a number of women will
assist in the solicitation of the gar
ments. The National Service League will
also furnish wards in the hospitals
in the cantonment camps at Forts Van
couver, Canby, Columbia and Stevens
with delicacies and sweet meats during
the coming months. A ward containing
not less than twenty beds will be sup
plied with fruits, jams and jellies,
which are now being canned by the
members of the league.
Over 3ii0 was realized Saturday af
ternoon from the Tag Day sale, which
will bo given over to the purchase of
sugar tor the canning ana preserving
of fruits. The sale was in charge ot
Mrs. Walter L. Spaulding, who was
assisted by a number of young society
women and hiirh school students. A
thorough canvass was made of the bus
iness houses and the down town resi
Mr. and Mis. E. Cooke Patton of
883 Court street deligtfully entertain
ed Mr- and Mrs. T. H- Wilson of Port
land over the week end. They returned
to Portland 'lato. Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Theo; M. Uarr, who
have been domiciled at Newport lur-
ng the past two weeks, will return to
Salem the last of the week. Mrs. Lloyd
Farmer, who has also been in Newport
during tho past two weeks, will accom
pany them to Salom.
Mr. and Mrs. Lew A. Cates spent
Sunday in Salem as the guests of Mrs-
ates mother. Air. Catcs is tne editor
of the Polk County Observer at Dallas.
From Spokane conies the account ofi
tho extensive work which is being car
ried n by Dean (Teorge H. Alden, of
the Willamette university. Mr. AUlen
ig in Spokane matriculating young men
for the student army training corps.
Approximately SO men will be sent to
Salem from eastern Washington and
nearly as many women are coming to
Sulem to enter Willamette.
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. Druggists
refund money if it fails. 25c
Peaceful Slumbers
Cost To Propety Owners Of
improvement Was Twen
ty Thousand Dollars.
The cost of paving south Church
street from the First Methodist church
to Mission street was $20,383.73, andthe
ordinance calling- for the assessment of
this amount against th property on the
paved portions was read the second time
and then referred to the ordinance com
Tha assessment against property own
ed by the first Methodist church
amouts to 842.8o. Th; Fry pasture of
half a block and two other pieces of
property abutting on the paved portions
or tne street will bring the assessment
against property owned by Dan J. Fry
up to $2,212.61. The Fry pasture of
half a block is assessed at $11)95.27 The
property of Mrs. Juliet M. Lord will be
assessed for $899.96.
In payment of street improvement
assessments, the property owiiw has tho
option of bonding the property and pay
ing for the assessment in installments
covering a period of ten years, or the
amount may be paid in cash at one
in discussing the salary proposition
aiuerman jranlc Ward sa d that ht
thought it was about time that the eoun.
cil realized that it could not retain tli
services of firemen and policemen
the old salaries and cited as an instance
the fict that B.rt Smith, speed cop of-
iicer ior me city has resumed to iret .
job that paid mow than working for th,
for. . ! iSII!II3IIl
Suits Coats
It's a source of delight and
satisfaction to look upon
these soft, fluffy, sleep-inducing
Wool Hlnnkots. An
ticipating your needs at. once.
Uncle Ham has control of all
wool and none is likely to be
releatvd for civilian use, there
fore blankets like these, on
slore shelves, will soon be but
a niomoiy. The utterns ami
refined o
airubln shad
j ;v v
of the blankets are VlXj ' ' W1
ml of pleasingly de-
Ladings. ,a tJUjr
IMccd up to
Others down to
.. HU.i
For Clirls. A new lot just received
Wool Khaki $1.85
Velvet, various colors $2.00
For the Wearer Who Desires
The Correct Model And
Full Value
To be abk to spend sums of money with
out thought is a pleasant sensation, but
to pay any price without thought of val.
ue is wasteful.
When yon buy THOMPSON'S' 1 GLOVE
NETS yon receive all that money can
buy n0 matter what style you select
or what price you pay. Thvy represent
all the value that can be put into a
' cornetin mnlerinl, workmanship and
skill in designing.
Largo (hipmcut just received.
THOMPSON'S 11.00 up
LA VICTORIB ., w.85 to 11.25
Mrs. Alpheus Gillette is in Salem
from Sherwood, and is the house guest
of Dr. and Mrs. Fred Thompson, at
their delightful homo near Salem. Mis
Thompson is a sister 01 Mrs. tnllcue
She proposes to remain in balem until
tho lust of tho week.
Miss Lola lioiat. who has been in
Portland during the past summer tak
ing a course in "reconstruction and
war work," that has been offered at
the Heed College, will return to Sulem
sometime this week, to spend a few
Miss Lina Heist will leave Wednes
day for Portland where she will be the
house guest of friends lor about a
Miss Mnttio Beatty will leave Sat
urday for Portland, where she will at
tend a committee meeting of the liber
ty loan committee, which is formulat
ing plans for tho coming "Fourth Lib
erty Loan" campaign.
Foremost among tho picnic parties
hejo on Sunday was a party made up
of a number of the members of the
voungur set of the Artisan lodge, bar-
lv Sundav nioriiing a nuniDer ot motors
left Sulem for Spoug'g landing where
tha dnv was suent in numerous modes
of diversion. Some enjoyed swimming
ud bathing, while others took leisure
strolls through tho woods. At noon,
lunches prepared m town were enjoyca.
Wienerwursts were toasted over a roar
ing bon fire, wnicn aoiiea 10 rne picns-
ure of tho feast. Uite in tne evening
the party returned to Salem-
Mrs. Ralph W. Glover and little
daughter, Maxine, accompanied Mr. and
Mrs. A. B. Goodin motored to fortianu
the Inst of the week. They returned
Saturday evening to Salem.
If your face is disfigured with wrin
mid. iiu lumTpr wnnr rna mhoo n.
.mi H'Riy, dispel every line, even th
mos tobstinate, by using a simple, houi
made wash lotion. Merely dissolve an
ounce of powdered saxolito in a half
pint witch hazel inexpensive inerecli
cuts found in auy drug store. Bathe the
race in this, and presto! you scarce
y ueneve your own eyes when you
iook into your mirror and behold the
marvelous transformation!
The remarkable astringent action of
tne saxolitc so tightens the skin, wrin
Kles are literally pressed out. Best of
alt, this result is not purely temnorarv.
for tho lotion also has a healthy tonic
action, which tends to strengthen and
tone up tne weakened tissue, and add
ed ncnetit may be expected with con
tinned use. Lse this onco a day for
awlnlo; it cannot injure the most deli
cate skin. The treatment itself leaves
no trace no one guesses the secret ot
your increasing youthful appearance.
Before applying powder give your
skin a protecting coat of
Motor Cream
Shields skin against wind and weather.
Prw n(s tan and sunburn. Keeps skin soft
nd velvety. Eliminates cau.it of most com
plexion defecti. Absolutely essential to
proper cre of facia 1 beauty. Ty it.
123 N. High St.
(Continued from page one)
strengm ana) because the number of
bolshevik volunteer, is unsatisfactory.
Mist Lenore Stnlev, an employee of " " "I'V " ,rom
l.,n.l ..llnv T.inht ..,! Power """" ,u
Desertions have become numerous.
The bolsheviki, according to the dis-
the Portlund Railway, Light and Power
company left Saturday afternoon for
Portland, whvre sh0 will spend a few
days. Miss Staley is en route to La
Grande wlicre'.she will bo the gue8t of
her parents, for about two weeks.
The Womun'a Foreign Misnionary so-cK-ty
of the Methodist Episcopal church
will meet with Mrs. B. L. Steeves, of
318 North Church street, on Wednes
day afternoon at 2:. 10. The members are
rtqucstvd to bring their mite boxes, as
the year'j work is nearly completed.
Flection of officers will also be
made for the ensuing year.
The Willamette chapter of the Red
Cross has issued a call for the donation
of bright colored cretonnes, to make 160
property bags, when complete will be
alxiut 12 by 15 inches in site. Scraps
of skirt braid of any color would also
be appivriated. The property boxes are
to be tied to beda in hospitals at army
and navy cantonment camps.
At present about 60 yards of cretonne
has been douatcd, which leaves about
100 yards yet to be supplKnl.
The ball player who sneaked into tUo
shipyards to escape going t0 war is not
slacker; he's slicker.
patch, announced that they ave mobil
iied te Amur Cossacks, who have of
fered to join the forces of General
Scmenov, Cossack anti-bolshevik lead
er, provided Seiiicnoy will fnrnis
them with munitions.
Russian soldiers, meeting at Chita re
cently, declared their unwillingness to
fight the Czecho slovaks and Japanese.
Dora Kaplan Dies.
Zurich, Sept. 9 Dora Kaplan, the
girl who shot and seriously wounded
Nikolai Lenine, the bolsheviki premier,
was executed on Wednesday, it was re
ported today.
We are prouder to show you these
than any our stock has contained.
We carefully selected them -from
the lines of America's best manufac
turers, and we are certain that no
store can offer you better garments at
their respective prices.
We suggest that you see every line
in Salem before deciding, look careful
ly, consider quality, workmanship, price
and be sure you are thoroughly pleas
ed before buying.
There are several stores in Salem
showing women's wear, an assortment
equal to cities many times larger than
Do your shopping early while as
sortments are complete.
COATS. $14.75 TO $85.00
DRESSES..? 9.75 TO $55.00
SUITS..... $24.75 TO $75.00
Modart Corsets, Warner's Corsets, Scott's Corset Accessories, Silk and Mus
lin Undergarments, Carters Knit Underwear, Ruben's Baby Shirts, Slip-on
and Regulation Sweaters, Phoenix Silk Hosiery, Black Cat Children's Hos
iery, Rain Proof Umbrellas, Neckwear, Ribbons, Kid and Fabric Gloves, Silk
and Lingerie Waists, Silk Petticoats, Kimonas, Yankee Notions, Richardson's
Linens, Handkerchiefs, Druggist Sundries, Stationary, Leather Goods, Bed
ding, Blankets and pillows.
miles, Czecho-Slovak forces hold the
railway, it was learned here today.
(this indicates the Czecho-Slovaks
have penetrated more important areas
06 Russia, loosening the bolshevik
Will Execute British
Stockholm, Sept. 9 Thirty six Brit
ish officials are imprisoned in Kussia,
under threat of being shot if Premier
Lenine dies, it was learned in a mes
sage from Helsuigfors today. The
British prisoners are accused of being
implicated in tho attempt to kill Le
C. TJ. Greisen. who returns to Portland-.
Mr. Greisen has been trying to in
terest the people of Silverton in the
matter of n cannery establishment in
this city, but he nas met with some
opposiiou, and little encouragement
Silverton Tribune.
Italian Tropa Arrive.
Borne, Sept. 9. Italian troops have
arrived on the Murinan coast, it was
semiofficially announced today.
(British and Americans have been
operating in Kussia from the Muruian
oast tor sume time).
An Economical, Delightful, Light Place to Trade
itussian Bulletins.
Tokio, Sept. 9. The Japanese federa-
iou of chambers of commerce, meet
ing at Mipporo, adopted a resolution
asking all business men to participate
in the economic regeneration of Siberia.
Stockholm, Sept- 9. Peasant revolts
tho Vologda and Tula districts are
prcading, according to word from Mos
cow today, ine Keu imams set lire
to Vologda and evacuated it.
Tokio, Sept. 9. "The enemy is
threatening our communications be
tween Manchuli and Dauria," said an
official announcement of the war of
fice torray.
Hold Loaf Railway
Vladivostok, Sept. 9 From Olov
yanna to Penza, a distance of 20OO
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears
Matti Baumgartner was born June
30, ItHiO, at Ontario, Story county, Iowa.
nd cam, to 1 ortlumt, Oregon, April lb,
187S. She moved to Salem with her par-
enst n J901. She gave her heart to
oj some twenty yvars ago, and has
lived a ikvoted Christian life siuce that
time ami died in the triumphs of a lov-
ng faith in tod, September d, 1918, at
theage of 49 years, at the home of hvr
parents iu Salem. Nearly all of ier bro
thers and sisters were present at the
time of her dvath, and she faithfully
warned them all to live devote,! Chris
tian lives and to be sure and meet hor in
Unable to procure cars for shipment
or cold storage to care for the surplus
berries, the PuyallnpSumne Fruit
Growers' Canning Co. has abandoned
the buying- station in this city and
there will be no more fancy prices of
fered for evergreen blackberries this
year. .The compauy has been represent
ed in Silverton during the season by
Children Cry
To obtain so good an assortment of wanted woolen
weaves has been no simple task to get more will
be still more difficult. In view of these facts, we be
lieve that you will appreciate the value of early se
lections while assortments are complete. Attractive
novelty weaves, and a goodly variety of plain shades
hold splendid possibilities for those who wish to
economize by making their own garments or by hav
ing them made under their own direction. Prices,
peryard-- 75c to $5.00
In "keeping with the vogue for Apparels
made of pile fabrics we now display
Costume Velvets, 27 inch, per yard $250
36-inch per yard.! J3.50 and $4.00
Plushes and Velours. $3.5Q to $10.00
416 State St., Salem, Or.
Phone 877