SIX .TEE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1918. Stall of iimtor lavKigSugarSavcsiliipping "trom Uver Ihere" m General Pershing's Official Report V XUNIOACH.V , A I r- ' A1 'V CI I M X LOADINO CAMS IN HAWAII rUUfl WH&REl AMEBICA GETS HAIFA MILLION TOM i or juoao a v . AMERICAN families would have less sugar than the people of war torn France, if we depended entirely on our home-grown sugar stocks. . Approximately 75 per cent, of our sugar is shipped to our shores. We produce about 1,000,000 tons of sugar a yea. Our imports from abroad amount to over 3,000, 000 tons a year in normal times. The United States Food Administration asks each family to limit its use of sugar to two pounds per month per persorrfor household use. The military situation de mands that every available ship be placed at the disposal of the Army or Navy, When we save sugar, we save shipping. lllll!IIIIIIIIHIIIilll!IIIIMIIIIIIIIIII!!IIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIi:it War Summary of United Press I 5 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHimiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiimiii I i 1491st Day of the War; 47th Day of Counter Offensive Hi:; ciiiii;iiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiini!iniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii)iiiiii)iii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiir Killed in action !H ....... Ill 34H Missing in action .. Wounded severely Died of wounds lied of Disease .... Wounded, degree mined - Total ,Wis; Eddie A. Anderson, Winthrop, Minn; Koiuer Autrobus. 1'opla, Mont; Harvey A. llarnes, Milwaukee, Wis; Frank W. Bonau, Mayville, Wis; Kl- mer K. Dobson, Bells, Tex; Vernon K li undet er- M.W Dow, Muskegon, Mich; Roman P. irie jjc enhnhn, San Antonio. Tex; Frank tion- yea.. Victory Mills, .V i ; i;idell Ur tin, Lougshoals, t ; James F. Mc v ! Laughlin, Roxbury, Mass; Leoa Sayler Spokane, Wash; Andreas Steeukisic, !Dtnison, la; Edwin Austin, Turin, Mieh I Joseph A. Dion, Kockfonl, 111; Holaad A. Kinney, Detroit. Mieh; Krnest K. Kill! in Action !.e!sni, kidgorield Park. .N. .1; lorwin Cant. Orville L. Anderson, (iren'' Kl'ef Ju"!s- Jl'h dosser. Mi, ... .waukee, Wis; I'aul htallings, Helvidere tails, Mont. N. C; Tony W. Beur, Ulearmont Mo; Lieutenants Joseph -V. Kmery, Jr., Frank L. Brooks, Keene, X. H: Car: Quinev, 111; Gerald F. Kelly, Mariettu Knndson rinstad, Washburn Wis; Jos O; Lee H. Wall. St. Louis, Mo; CharlrsP11 nf'fJ. asi. L. Gardner, W.svillc. Ky; Solomon Russia; Uliam Martel, Rubel, New York; Thomas V. Slillwoll,. al"10" ' s- harl(-9 n" New York .man, lloothbay Harbor, Maine. Sergeants William Lessid Youns.' Died of Wounds Marshfield, Wis; James Stdio, lhiyton. Sergeants Hazlett F. Hahnn. Dan- O: Rnv Vineers. Laerosse. Wis; Wal- ville. Ill: Jesse D. Mi'Clure. Monticel- ter Tillman Blaukertz., Dearborn, Mieh; lo, 111; John Greenfield, Shreveport. La; Karl I Corporals Walter Gastave Si-hilling, C. Mitfelstat, New Boston, Mass; Koli-1 Ft. Atkinson, Wis; Donald T. Toles, Ot- ert It. Winters, New Iberia, La; Jerry Wo, X. Y; Clyde Burley, Birun, I'a Clayton, New York. Cook Wilson D. Holmau, Columbia Corporals Albert T.dward Wethercli,; Tenn. Saginaw, Mieh; Howard Am,os Hui'iite. . Meeh. John R. Strasbougli, DilUown, Pittsburg, Fa; Jesse O. Harding. Fran Ta. eisvillc, Til; Vinton Moore, Ladysmith.l Musician Fred J. Singer, Rochester, Wis; Earl (. Wrasse, Milwaukee. Wn:,A, Y. Vincent Sratthcwa Howes. Syracuse, N. Privates Frank Beuttler, Hannibal, Y. I Mo; Frank ISlaul, Chicago; Mike Brun- Hugler Cecil Kiigene Oglctree, lie-lner, Two Rivers, Wis; John Jay Cor- troit, Mien. i man, Fitsburg, Pa; Moms Grabow, New Privates Joseph Adams. I nicngo; no-1 iork; Amos Hardin, llalton, Ua; Ar- nwr A. Armstrong, rntronmrn. o -, iuur a. nuriey, iNortn vi eymoittn, mass Wells Armstrong, Uidgefield. Wash: I Fred L. Kirby, Klliott, la"; William E. Picardy front South of the S.-nrpe, the HriHsh nmde eonsbleruble advances on two Hi'ci.ions of the line. Canadian land English troops launched a renewed attack at 5 o'clock this morning on a five-mile front between Fining and Cugiiirourt, on both siili's of Mitt hi','li way ruhiiing from Arms to Canibrui. The Canadians are reported to have lunken through the Ditwonrt-iieunt nwitch line, on n front of two miles 'having captured IVury and the west ern mtgii of (lagnicoiirt. This registers an advance of neatly two miles be yond the previous British li ti in that vicinity. Further south between linpftmne and Pci'onne, Field Marshal llaig nunoimc 'ed the capture of Suilly-Saiilisel and Siiilllscl, an advance of about two JU ill'S. On the Noyon Soissons front, Ihe 3'Vench repulsed two Herman counter attacks on Caiiipngne firmly cousolidat jug their positions there, In the Ailette region French outposts are reported at ithe gates of Coney-le t hateau, udviine ii'i' through tho woods west of .that place ami east of Pool St. Mard. Flatulent frout-r-Tlio Brilisli have captured Neuve Eglise, just beyond the previous front line, nuil have reached the Lys river east of Estnires. Russia 'I 'oitl'licting reports were re ceived regarding Nikolai Lenino, Hoi shevihi premier, who was shot Friday by a woman revolutionary. Copenha gen reported his death, but a private message received in London later de cliued he is not deud, but is in very grave condition. Dora Kaplan, g wo man associated with the terrorists, has been arrested, charged with -shooting Leu inc. At Moscow the Hnlshevik announced that .Hum social revolutionaries have been attested and sentenced to dentil and will be executed unless the an'.i soviet conspiracies ceases. Siberia With the arrivnl of Amer ican troops en Friday at the front the aliies beyan an advance towards Hal) arovsk nnd Irkutsk,- General Somen off'e cavalry captured a number of towns along the Onon river. Spain Following announcement of tho submarining of the Spanish steam er Ataz. Monday, the Spanish cabinet Guv 0. Biirson, Casper, Wvo; Dnniel I Callahan, New Haven, Conn; Charles Joseph Casey, Philadelphia; Moses J. Collette, Spencer Mass; Stanlev ( oryell Browutown, AVis; .Thomas' J- Coughlin. New York; Walter H. Crensey, t ustcr, Wash; Thomas iF. Cunuineham, Pair field, Mont; Earl Elliott, Hnnley. N. M; Walter Frederick Etue, Hay City, Mich; James Fields, hermit. V . "a; Jlich; ed Fuerhnek. Milwaukee, Wis; James Goldlhorne. il't. Plain. N. Y: Alfred Gross, Shawano, Wis; Charles E. Big gins; Canada; Roy Hopp, Milwaukee, Wis; Albert Lams Supreior, W is; Her nial? Leistikrw, Milwaukee, Wis: An nies Soulis.. Telia haiii, ( al; Leo Szce caaski. Auburn, Mieh; Jean It. Hour- Leonard Bateman, Montaintop Ark; Frank B. Ewell, Philadelphia; Charles II. Mur phy, Kushfrrd, Minn; Albeit II. Pohl ninn, Seward, Neb; Auis Porter, Qual ity, Ky; Harrison Townsend, Seymouh, Tciin; Charles H. Waltz, Penbrook, I'a; Charles if. Wtiusch St. Louis, Mo; Wa! ter W. Abrains, Deerereek, Wash; James Willard Hlanehnrd. Kalamazoo. Ira Jackson, Habcock Ga; Jos cjdi Jordan, l'angor, Me; Howard E. Hoard, Bedford, Va; Marvin K. Han son. Grnt'ton. X. 1)! William .V Mc- U'affre.v. Washington, Pa; George Nh Oshkosh, Wis. - Died of Disease I i.i. ueiretr .a, i ocuran, vv imams I iiorf. Pu. . cniiio'i, Min rrancisco: ueonani a. Ln. Sgt. Maj. John M. Kliiigeiisiuith, K nut sim Sistcrbav, Wis: Angelo Le- (inn'tislnirg, Pu. lierncp, Concord. Mass; Rolmrt Luecke, H,t. Morris M. Rowh v. Stockton, Md Sliiiwmio, Wis: HomrliLs MeClhskev. Car privates John L. Anderson, Korbel, son City, Mich; Hugh A. Manchester, cai; Thomas A. Cunningham, Cani-lletroit,- Mich; Mur'.v Mason. Hlanca-, 1,,-idge, Mass; John N. Mcl'herson W. nr.jville. Wis; Morton Maynnrd, Loot. Toledo, 0;"Sgt. Jerry Forbes, Philndel Wis; ll.'rnian Otto Pardee. Hav ""' plitu; Privates Francis H. Potter, uicu Mich: Charles K. Peebles, Crvsnl City, ! dive. Mont; Ciayti n F. Saunders, Lvun Me; 111 mer J Perkins. Honi'liton. M:e":Mass; GliidwynM. Saunders. Ada, Kan Peter Petmnis. Scranton, Pi; Gi'ovr uM,j:unin Small,- Jacksonville, Fin; .1. Hotter, M-nttle. vu: .lames u. j .vlllall Sunt h Hushkill, Pa. Schoolev. Zillah, Wash: Edwards If. Van- I he. Chicn-'n, HI: lia V . Wit Jcr. Thormlale. Tcs; F.l-woitb K. Wcl-li, PiiHiis. Pa; Peter Wivketis Cliiengn; Julius Wnenski. Westfield, M'iss; pe ton Dnvid Duis, Hicl.orv. Ky Mi'Cana. Shullsliur!'. Wis; Henrv N' TiT bass Athens, Wis; Jns'ph No'ting. oin waukee. Wis; Jessie D. Ste'jall. S 'nceK. Alo; J. Leslie StiHmau, Andrews, N. ('; Walter (1. Thompson, South Manches ter, Conn; Victor Zimmerman, Tnu'a.- Oregon Boys Wounded In the long list of wounded severely the names of two Oregon men being the only ones en today list, thev nru p.pdl' inline ,u. vnay, riuisnoro, or; Jiuoa lii'UDic, loitlund. is rciwtcd to have o'd-T'd the seizure of all German vessels interned in Span ish ports. f)ft$$&tfR3WA n Economical, Delightful, Light Place to TradeQtOQi Women's for Fall What is new in Footwear for this Season? No Doubt You Are Asking Yourself this question at the present time. And if you wish to have it answered to your satisfaction, we would suggest that you come in and look over the assortments we have here. They will give you a correct conception of the Style which Fashion has Conceived and Which Well Dressed Women have Approved and Accepted for Fall Wear. This list will give you a geed idea of the style and how savingly they can be secured. Why Women Dread Old Age Don't worry about old age. Don't worry about being in other people's way when you are getting on in years. Keep your body in good condition and you can be as hale nnd hearty in your old days as you were when a kid, and every one will be glad to see you. Tho kidneys niul bladder are the causes of. senile afflictions, Keep them clean and in proper working condition. Drive .the poisonous wastes from the svstem nad avoid uric acid accumula tions. Take GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules periodically and you will find that the system will always be in perfect working order. Your spirits will lie enlivened, your muscles made strong and your face have once more that look of youth and health. There is only one guaranteed brand of Haarlem Oil Capsules, GOLD MKD AL. There are many fakes on the mar ket. He sure you get Haarlem Oil Cap sules. They are tho only reliable. For sale by nil first class druggists. HINDENBURG LINE Continued from page one) Woman's High Boot, plum (very latest shade )all kid,' heel color Louis ' V0 Woman's High Boot, top, military heel Taupe, c!oth $8.30 Woman's High Boot, battleship gray cloth top, Louis heel $6.50 Woman's High Boot, all kid, Havana brown, military heel $S.50 Women's Light Elk Outing Dress Shoe, welt, military heel, extra good value, worth $10 our price $7,50 416 State St. Salem, Ore. Phone 877 STORE WILL BE CLOSED ALL DAY LABOR DAY-TODAY Cliauuy towards La Fere unpleasant spedways for Lu londorff 'a convoys. Thus the Germans, to nil intents and purposes, are already back cn the Hin denburg line, although iu front of it they still have much material. To save this and because they doubt their own ability to hold the Hindvn burg line if the allies hit it too soon Hie Germans are fighting desperately at every hinge-point on the line. This is 'especially true about Soisscns, Noycn, Itapaunie and Poronne. Adopting brand new 'tactics, the allies art. refusing to play into tho enemy's hands. They nit' turning the tlrong points instead of taking them bv front- jnl attack on 'the principle of hitting the icnj'my where he is weakest instead of where he is strongest. On the other hand Hindeuburg is playing a stupendous game, although one that obviously was forced upon him by Foch. To under rate his ability to play the game, means to help him to TASTY THINGS MAKE "THE SPICE OP LIFE" HA'.I ICQNIff QW IM RWHHMHM KilUE A DARK COLOR TO THE rUKlM - Are you going to gave the garden crop? Yes, then get the free can ning book the National War Garden Commission at Washington will tend you for a two-cent stamp to pay postage. TOD2W - Tomorrow - Wednesday TWICE DAILY 2 AND 8 P. M. A' Accompanied By '"he Company's Own PHONY ORCHESTRA HtattiiHlm mrtl.imi.1r iia ONE MILLION FIGHTING MEN AND 20,000 HOKSES IN ACTION SQUADRONS OF AIRPLANES. FLEETS OF ZEPPELINS.-THE CHARGE OF THE TANKS. THE DEADLY GAS AND FLAME PRO JECTORS AT THEIR HELLISH WORK OF DESTRUCTION PRICES Matinees: 25c-50c-75c; Evening: 50c-75c-$l.C0 These Prices Are Universal Throughout The U. S. And Canada Under Bond To D. W. Griffith. Children Under Six Will Not Be Admitted -.1 get away with it and thus to prolong flung them back staggering the war. flavin? lot the final stages quently m disorder, ot the battle tor Parts to Foch, whose strategy has enabled the allies to retain the precious initiative iu a grip of steel, Hindeuburg and Ludendorff faced immediate defeat in the field or a compulsory general retirement- Fore stalling them, Foch refused to permit them to retire under their own terms- On the everv contrary, sore he he mauled them at could find and and fre- break it. Kvery single Aiuereian over here knows that the allies now hold a Although during the past three or victory in the hollow of their hands four days tho enemy has shown a with America continuing to play tha stiffening resistance anil the allies have I game as during the past few months taken fewer prisoners, apparently no land no allied soldier, American or oth hope remains among the (lennan loaders i erwise, . doubts for a minute that A rf making a stand this side of the j mcrica will do that nnd more, famous Hindeuburg line. I There Hindonhurg hopes to be able I 1 " ' to rebuild his armies. His finnl hopej that the allies will be unable to ! Journal Want Ms Pay , ARE THE HIGHEST ATTAINMENT IN PHONOGRAPHS In a short space of time they have come into nation-wide prominence. The latest improved reproducer has just been added to this ma chine, making it possible to play any make of record with a slight change of position of the sound box. The cabinets are nicely finished in oak, mahogany and walnut Special filing device for records. Special all wood tone am plifier, twelve inch turn table and automatic stop. See The-Brunswick before buying. WE WILL BE CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAY-LABOR DAY C.S.HamiltonFurnitureStore 340 Court Street liiSSSI ill SiiClilWli II If .-W8S n n