THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. RATEM, ORFCON FF!tAY. AUGUST :0. 101. - DO YOU KNOW WHY-- - Scma Guys Are Sa Easy TalKins to? Cant Wirt? Crasn to this t:::i E) RsSBf c most eel (fie rc ) i nOLO ( j r-PCTf-T" I SCO. Mfi J AT CO.'U5K)T EH' Pres. J one i. ne lVrV(. IM THT t evw O-S OF THE 1 wisesT cux THIS FQ.M jniw 3uT Ht HfSSNT H THtS iMSTtTTlCfJ ujrHOvj"T me T rrp ; I 1 V J l A. I U WITH' I I I i CAPITAL JOURNAL CLASSIFIED DEPT. QUICK REFERENCE TO S WHERE BUYER AND SELLER MEETWE EVEBTTHDta ELECTSICAIi Wm Electria Co, Masonic -Temple, 127 Nortk Eigk FOR RENT FOE KENT Business location at 162 north Commercial, will remodel to suit tenant. See E. M. Klinger, 403 State street, Salem. tf BILLAKD rAELOB for rent, with or without fixtures; will remodel to uit tenant; best location in city. E. M. Kliuger. 40 State street, Salein. tf OSTEOPATH MS. B. E. WHITE AND E. W. WAL TON Osteopathic physicians and nerve specialists. Graduates of Am erican school of Osteopathy. Kirk ville, Mo. Post graduate and spec ialized in neryous diseases at Los Angeles CollegeOffices 505-508 Nat Bank Bldg. Phone 85rf. Residence, 1020 Court. Phone 2213. Dr. White Ees. Phone 4G9. " DENTIST DR. F. I, VTTEB; .DEN7H .T ROOMS " 413-414 Bank of Commerte, building. Phone 600. DR. CARL MILLER DENTIST, ROOM 414 Bank of Commerco Building. Phono 600. WATER COMPANY SALEM WATER COMPANTOffice corner Commercial and Trade streets Hills payable monthly in advance. SECOND-HAND GOODS BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE Men's clothes, -shoes, hats, jewelry, watehM, tools, musical instruments, bicycles, guns, rifles, revolvers, suit eases, trunks, cameras, typewriters end furniture. Capital Exchange 33T Court street. Phone 4S. FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN On Good Real Estate Jecurity THOS. K. FORD Over Ladd & Bush bank; Salem Oregon FEDERAL FARM LOANS 5', per cent J 4 years time. A. C. Bolirustedt 401 Masonic Temple, Salem, Oregon REAL ESTATE FOB SALE 250 acres, 100 in cu'tiva tion balance in pasture and timber Fine stream of water, good buildings end good road. 3 4 mile from a live ly saw mill town. Will take good House and lot in Salem as part par. rient. Price t'lO per acre. Phone 470 Square Deal Realty Company. U. 8. Bank Building, Salem. 71 7 40 ACRES, 4 milca from town, 20 acres cultivated. 3 prnnes, 20 timber pat ture, 4 room house, barn, well and spring, on good road, 1 mile to school $100 cash, balance terms, price 2,- 500. 12,000 hardware stock nd bailding to exchange for ranch. I $25,000 Portland apartment houe,j - rented, equity for ranch not over flK.ipgrlrv, ton . , $50 0'K. 5$ seres, 45 cultivated, good Barlc'vi ton " "t52ia 55 barn, fair fcn, well fenced, joining u - ai ir , $M eity, will take Salm rp.lenfe Bp tolu.ii A1...r. J . i L t r'" e-ii-v ana monpijr. oars, no monrTip improvements, 30 seres cultivated, 12 m m rim will (n. HT. na f. rience oi csmii ana tnortsae back for balance, price :i'0. Have some! al Mutton very good residences prired below i Fork, on foot 1718 3 4c ciMt of construction. I write fire in-1 Veal, fancy iWa 18c suraoee. Soeoloffkv, 341 State St. iHtecrs 7(S9c 22 tows 46 The Journal Job Department will print you anything-in the stationery line do it right aad save yon real money. FIRMS THAT GIVE SERVICE Telephone Mail 1200 SCAVENGER SALEM SCAVENGER Charles Soot proprietor. Garbage and refuse of all kinds removed on monthly contracts at reasonable rates. Yard and cess pools cleaned. Office phone, Main 2247. Residence Mail 2272. WOOD SAW. FOR A WOOD SAW rhone 1090 K 12."3 N. Summer St. Our prices are right. W. M. Zander, proprietor. 9-19 LODGE DIRECTORY ! KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS MEET AT McCornnck ball on every Tuesday at 8. P. Andresen, C. C. 1. J. Kuntz K. R. & S. MODERN WOODMEN OP AMERICA Oregon Cedar Camp No. 5246 meets every 3rd and 4th Thur. eve, S o'clock in Derby bailding, corner Court and High streets. B. F. Day, C. F. A. Turner, clerk. SALEM IICMANE SOCIETY D. D. Keeler, president; Mrs. Lou Tillson, secretary. All cases of cruelty or ne glect of dumb aninuls should be re ported to the gecretay for investiga tion. ROYAL NEIGHBORS OF AMERICA ''Oregon Grape Gimp',' No. 1360. meets every Thursday evening is Derby building, Court and High St. Mrs. Pearl Courser, 214 Court St. oracle; Mrs. Melissa Persons, record er 1415 N. 4th. St. rhone 1430M. UNITED ARTISANS Capital Assem bly No. 84 meets first Thursday of each month, at 8 p. m in I. O. O. F. Hall. Norma L. T'irwilliger, M. A.; C. A. Vibbert, secretary, 34Q Owens street. BRING YOUR TRADES . I can match you. C. W. Niemeyer, Rea! Hstate Agent, Canada Lands, 544 State street. GENERAL REPAIRING THE FIXIT SnOP Let is repair and Sharpen rour lawn mowers. 267 Court Phone 1022. tf STOVE REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 50 years exjerience, Depot, National and American fence. Sizes 2'i to 5 in high Paints, oil and Truih,.etc. Loganberry and hop hooks. Helem Fence and Stove Work. 250 Court street. Phone 124. j j$ ' $ j(, ! Grain Whest, loft white 2205 Wheat, lower grades on sample ja4 90tl tWa 40 1 fcliL whit beans Butterfat Butterfat 5.V 6c . irMtMn hnlt J Spring lamb Ewes 11 ...vSt &7c ; Lambs, yearlings ! Eggs and Poultry ;F.g2s, cah H-n, dressed, pound : 43e Jit 13&ISe 2Ko23e 15a21e Old roosters . Fry . - Broilers Heas, pound Sweet potatoes 7V THE BL4RKET I ON SHORT NOTICE OCR ADVERTISERS Tomatoes, crate , Turnips Beets Cucumbers Cantaloupe Watermelon ..... Grapes Casabas 1 2 Vic 2c . 2340c $27,i3 1 Si((i2c ...... 1.50 - 3Vi . $1.75 10c Muskmelon Green peppers Honey Dew melons ... Fruit Oranges i Lemons, box - 4c 8.2r(o8.3G fS.5U(ul.50 Bananas He IS Dromedary dates Retail Pncea Creamery butter Flour, hard wheat 60e p33.25 55e 45g "0c Country butter Fires, dozen .sugar: .o to at. 1ockwooU, rr North Commercial street, after Sept, 1, for canning permit of 25 pounds. PORTLAK3 MAR.KET Portland, Or., Aug. 30. Butter, city ree,mery 54(W5ac Eggs, selected local ex. 5254o Hens 23(2jo Broilers 27e Ceest 10c, Cheese triplets .30c , Dally Livestock Muket. CatUs Receipts 78 Tone of market strong, unchanged Prime steers $12.5013.30 Choice to good steers $1112 Medium to good atcerg $9.7511 Fair to medium steers $3.75V.75 Common to fair steers $5.75(5)8.75 Choice cows apd heifers $8.258.75 Medium to good cows and heifers $G.25ffi7.75 Fair to medium cows and heifers $5.256.25 Canners $3.25(5)5.25 Bulls $5.25(5)7.75 Calves t8.7511.75 Stockors and feeders $6.258.26 nogs Receipts 494 Tone of market strong, unchanged Trime mixed $20(5)20.25 Medium mixed $19.5019.85 Rough heavies 1819 Pigs16.75(S18 Bulk $19.2519.5 Sheeo Receipts 1112 Tone of market strong, unchanged Best lambs $14(ul5 Medium to good lambs $1113 Yearlings $i0fflll75 Wethers $il(a 10.50 Ewes $7(5i9 execxttoe'S notice Notice is hereby given, to all whom it may concern, that the county court of Marion county, Oregon, bag duly ap pointed J. 8. Coomler. executor of the estate of Mrs. George E. Hutch, deceas ed, and a'l persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present such claims, duly verified, to the undersigned executor at room 300 I'nited States National Bank building, at Salem, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice. Dated t''i. Vth dnv of August, 1918. j. 8. COOMLEfi, Executor of the estate of Mrs. George E. Hatch, deceased. Mr Nary, McNary A Keyrs, Attorney for executor. 9 6 RAILROAD TIME TABLES (la ffet Jons scoad) IAXEM- GEEB XJJTB No. 73 Arrir at Sales 9:10 N'a 74 Leave Salem 3:00 p.m. AXEM, FAXU CTTT s WI3TES.J 161 Lr Salem, otorT:50 aja 163 JLr Kaloa, motor 9:33 svss 165 Lr Salem, motor 1 : 40 pjsi Throogh ear to MonmonU aad Arlt 167 Lr Salem, motor am Ki9 Lr Salem, motor pjs 139 Wy frt. Lr Salem. 6:00 ajs 192 Ar at Salem 9:10 aja 164 Ar. at Sales ll:00.m 168 Ar at Salem S OOpji 168 At at Salem 8 35 pja 170 Ar at Salem 7:20 pm 140 Wy frt Ar Salem -2:30 pja OBZOOV ELECTEIO ioQUboiinsi Trala Lears Arrivs Arrlvi Sm, Trtijid Salesa Eugsas afff1 fir yhy--fej UVr M ! i 11T( . . IT Willamette valley News FRUITLAND ITEMS (Capital Journal Sjccial Service) Fruitland, Aug. 30. M. Brubaker ot the Bethel district has moved onto the Tastout property, lie has rented the house and pasture but not the plow land. Fred Gerig, one of our German boys, has heeded the call to arms. This makes six Fruitland boys who have lined up for your L'nce fam. Your correspondent and daughter, Mrs. Kther Woods, of l'ortaud attend ed services last Saturday at the Seventh Day Adveutist church in north Salem. Eder lluear, a roturntnl imiwionary from the Central American stutes and the West Indies, occupied the forenoon hour. Ho related interesting experienc es of his seven years labura in tlieo la- ahtu'S. Many ehurches have been ran ed up, one of 500 members, another of 300, others of a less membership. He stated the population is mixed as to color and nationality. Negroes, kdra..' mcstnsoi) and whites, lu religion there are Mohammedans and Ituddists, along with protestant "d Catholic. . M. J. tVrnik and family family have returned from Netarts where they went to enjoy the sea breezes and to drink the beverage of Neptune. They also se cured a quantity of clams. One night by lantern light when the tide was out they secured quite a supply. This ma rine ancestor of onrs is some what of an "it" aeeoriting to M. J ' account. It has a head and neck corresponding ly as long s a ilrouwuUrv ' ThcMw it thrusts out on being disturbed in rath er a threatening manner. It also has a tail like that other ancestor further up the line the monkey. This It nses not in coiling around a limb of tree as dues cousin monkey, but making a hook of it at the end anchors himself to his ancestral windy homo and holds on for dear life till wrenched away by sheer force. Now this is quite true ami accounts for that beautiful hiiuinn sen timent "There's no place like homo" A petition was circulated here Inst week for pardon and release from the stato prison of onu of the inmates. This was hardly necessary as rocent events at the "pen" indicate that the poor .abused convict needs only watch his chance end ho can separate hiuiM-lf from his confinement without the aid of a petition. H. C. Bressler came down from Ore gon City -and spent Haturdny and Hun day at aiHiic. He is employed at the Willamette pulp and paper eompnny He states he likes the work in winch he is engaged. Relatives of Big Andrew Monson, whose sister. Mrs. IWt Bressler, reides here, have received word that he has arrived safelr in France. He is now one of Uncle Sam's terror. Now you Hun hunt yoor holes J. W. Kilsb-e and Mrs. 8iUtee of Mountaiu View, (al., IK) miles south of Sen Francisco, visited relutivos here wwk. They attended the national G. A. (brother iii luw) to this writer this week. Tbcv aU-nded the national G. A. 11. eiicainmueiit at Portland. He whs s member of the 27th Wisconsin itifantry n the Civil war and was at the bat tie of Mobile Jfav and Fort Bliikely in IM4. Ho was in General Canuy a di vision and in 1'M tne general was assassinated by hontilo Modoc Indians under the notorious aptain Ja k. Una took place in the famous "lava lunds" n northern California. Duo or two oth r white mi-n wee nlan killed at this I 10:45 am 12:50 pm t:u5paa 4:15 pm 6:35 pa 13 Ltd. 4:45pm Si40pm 8:5Jpa IT , 6;0J pm 8:07 pro 8lem oal; 1$ . 9:20 pm 11:20 pm Saiam onl H 11:45 pm 1:55 am 6:50 aa &rta Bank Statloa (leava .eflsrso Strast 19 and 24) minute la tor) Kortbbouuf Train Lear Antra Arrtrt la. kiugcB baUm Portia I .12:05 am 4:33 am 6:50 a. 7:15 am 9:23 m 10 Ltd 7:35am 9:46 am 11:30 an 11 1120 iia 1:20 pa 14... . ll:20m 1:50 pm l:o3p 6 Ltd 1:55pm 4:00pm S 45 ps M 4:10pm 6 30 pm 7:44 ps tS 1.25 pm 7:43 pm 10:00 p xNorth Bank Station (Arrtrs Jeffsrso Street 19 minutes aarlitr) .'Laara Cor ( vailis. COKVALIiIS COmSBCTIvKI m Corvallis Arrivs Salas 1:23 amNorthbonad 9:45 am 11:11 pmortkbonad 1:50 am 1:41 pmNorthb3oad.4:00 psa 4:10 pmNorthbonBd5;30 pm 6:13 pm Kortoaad7:5$ pm t.33 am Soattttoaad 9:57 am 10:10 amButhUrus0-Jl:33 as 12.50 pmJ5authbo i. 1 ' pat 415 pm.-ikatkbottad 5 46 pm :40 pm-iieaUboaada:00 ft Mm -4 IT I time. The Indian were afterward hung at Fort Klnmaih. William Sumlav came to Salem aud ha goncaml the city is no worn (uor no better) for the invasion. Win. is the most accomplished buffoon who ever desecrated a pulpit or a lecture platform. Still his acrobatic and vocal stuiiu I rina him in la of golil wlik'h !l'nnl"B nlm t0 "u,,(,r ' ami romi uu uu ua . jiaving Aitsutu ed the responsibilities of matrimony it also enables him to keep wife aad chil dren clothed and in respectable coudi- tion, o perhaps nobody ought to com ulain. 1 sawuose this remarkalilo wind psm nter by his heavenly calling can jingle as much silver in his pocket moat any time as mil well as van the editor of the Capital Journal for instance. A fat government job might hk pale beside th pile he i;cts for saving ainners. This must be so for prune and apple orchards cost -money these days. And, too, decent people go to hear and see him. 1 have thought nomotimcs that ; (w ifcow wa()Vor ,d thM. R1(uu folks got home and took a peek at them selves in thp looking kiiiss they won dored why they did not go to tho cir cus and par to see a real clown In a aw dust rinir instead of one sonio iwhere else professing to preach the igospol. C. M. Robinson is shipping clerk for the epaulding Lumber 'o. at Halem, 41, O. Breosler, who had foot in jured while working at a paper mill at Oregon City, is home on furlough. Here in Oregon we are helping to put down a foreign autocracy, while at home we have a nice little autocratic egg being incubated or maybo ho laid the cue by one Prof. Matthews of the Sucker state. Now who pays the bill of this imported professor for laying this egg or setting on itf We tax pay ers or the governor f Now don't guess wroug. Wants The Candy Or To Be Paid Its Value A.' E. StosHineistcr, president of the Astoria Business (tnllcge, sent a box of candy, costing $5.75 to Miss Florence Moss at Arlington, V. J Inst Decem ber. Ho delivered the package to lis Great Northern express company on December 17 and it has not reached odswitcby SAVE SAVE V3 To Values to Paper I $1.09 V2 on your fall 3 Roll3 for j S.hiffi,! Millincry-Just Bought an Eastern Sample lint 10c ouiuiuay at about 1-2 their regular value. AH I ask of you 42c s to look and you certainly will buy. Limit 3 Rolls Lot 1 . Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4. Lot 5. LauW Sample Ladies Sample Sample Sale Sample Sale Ladies' Sample Hats Values Hats Ladies' Hats Ladies' Hats Hats to $3.00 Values to $4 Values to $G.OO On Sale Y0eS$1oX On Sale On Sale On Sale Saturday On Sale Saturday Saturdixy ' Saturday $4,69 Saturday SL98 $2.48 M.98 ' Values to $g.go 5.69 Bargains Galore in the Remnant Store j AH Silk $' Men's Hats) $1.50 Large Odds and Ends All Muslin Imported On Sale r n . of summer Underwear Pongee Saturday motion uau gh;rt Waista Saturday On Sale aj jq On Sale On Sale To Clean Saturday closing This Saturday Saturday at 49c Yd Lot Out $1.19 1-2 PRICE 1-2 PRICE Buster Brown Hosiery for the kiddies 11 pair for $1.00 Wants To Build Home But Weald Need Airhsip la Order To Reach It The Home Service Section of the Red Cross in nleiu receive letters on I hundreds of subjects of importsnre to the Red Cross work but a few days ago a request camo for its service in an entirely different Iwe, Headquarters in Seattle wrote that a certnin Captain Williams expected to soon ieato for over sons service and that before ftoing over, he would like to build a home for his wife on some land owned in this county aud tho of fice thought the Homo Service Section here could give soma good advice and materially help. The Inudln question is the northwest quarter if section 5, Tp. 8 range 8 east and is about three mile from the post office of Hult on (he road botwecn Silverton and Silvor Fall, accordiug to tho Captain's description. The captain is willing to pay for ths lumber and lubor and thought that as means of putting money in- the local Red Cross auxiliary if there was one, that' the menu of that locality would bo Clad to donate their work and let their wages go into the treasury of tho lo cal lied Cross organization. The land the captain 'Owns is about three and one half miles directly east of the poiitoffice of Hult aud the going would be directly across one mountain top after another. There is no road in to this section 3, The land was former ly a section of the Oregon and Califor nia land grant and was taken from tho railroad some time ngo. Recently it hits been opened for filing Located as it is, it would be a pretty serious prob lent to reach tho farm and it could not have much timber value as the govern ment has cruised throughout that sec tion mid filings are not permitted oil valuable timber tracts. Miss Moss yet. Mr. Stossmelster wnnts to know where tho candy Is or ho wnnts a settlement from tho express com pany. He ha written to the public service commission about the matter "inasmuch as it is nearly Christmas time again." lln says ho has made repented efforts to oldaiu an adjust ment with the company. Nothing was definitely decided yes terday at tho conference between Chancellor Elliott of Montana, ropro sitting the educational committee of the war department of tho northwest flu 1 The Remnant Store 25-1 N. Commercial St. "The Store Wita a Bargain" lit Was s H:t D ., .,' t..rf - . 4 that thi is one of the hottest days of tho summer. It is. The government's official thermometer, resting in a mi-a secluded wt in the shade registered 95 at 3 o clock this afternoon. This however doe not break any rco" ords for Salem as there have been oth er days ami according to the official records they are as follows, showing tho hottest day ef each year for tha past ten years: W9 August 28, 91 1010 July 10, 95 191 1 Julv 16, 93 lP12-Julv 10, 1913 July 18, 94 114 July 18, 96 1915 July 1, 94 1916 August 24, 93 117 July 15, 81 , 1918 August 30, 95 Dr. Doner as to what - garding barracks for tho t my training corps of thv m Either tho acitnee hall of - c ty will bo used or bait U erected on thu campus. ! i'i- Th weather roan gar I cinity a alight touch of sue yesterday with a maximun low night temperature of I river Is gradually fallin,; present rats ef full will ,;M ll -- : ,- bv-t i f tf and ii'iove. T'.mi it t its low water record. p-o Th Bootery of Salem v t wit if a a low day open a branch at ; vi-i gc furnishing store at Toledo k f K New kirk who has been associn .A Ht!h ?' store will act a manager at tb r t store. o Trof. M- D. Butler, wife i 4 4i.twtt 1... Iliirbara of Corvallis Hi' p -.T guesti J. W s at tho home of lit. -Harbert. Mr. Butler Is govern- ment Inspector for war KitrdHDS lor Oregon, Wanlilngton and Idaho. Journal Want Ads Pay JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY, JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY, Crepe de chine Shirt Waists $2.98 to $6.50 1 ; Onions, Walla Walla .. !.i5 ; Cabbage . 4&4V ICarrou 2e - - 1 0:30 am $:35aaa 10.60 aa I U4 $:3aa 10:11 am 12:Up