Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 30, 1918, Page TWO, Image 2

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U XX w
the most i
Coffee you,
pan Dupf
War Summary of
r !; ').( IllllllIIKIIilllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllHlltlllllllllllltlllillllllllllllllllllll I
!4C i Day of the War; 44Ui Day of Counter Offensive
,i,lit'l:- lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllillMllllllillllllllllllllllllillllllllllli
kfl i front Ptereiry of the .
.we aoutn ot i'eronne wBere
ito-Hi-i p-ioU ernssed the river, is the I
no..-! ig A -cant achievement since the
" V ; line was broken cart of
which, next to Ham, la the
'.tiint railway center within
I' f snlient, ia now invented
ii ' test and out flanked from
i ,' im.i' This operation a'so threat-
i ik Hani from the uorth.
jiMfci . i waea, together with thti cap
txii of ? ion, have rendered iiracli
u !l v labia the near Homme linn
wHuli in., Uermana sought to establish
" !) u, 1 1 i of I'eronne to Noyon. In
i , ; -i erosNing tha Houmm thr
:. ), -u'tn a new attack tuuth of
t'nii.i thla luoriiiug and wer ra
!. i I ts. bn progressing favorably.
alreaily peuet rated fuur
' i s nil the Hindeiibiirg line in
tl,n '((I 'l. The French hnvo mailt'
J i iui i ; r gresa smith of I'eronne, while
' !. he Ailelte and the Aisne,
lieii' l, ik I American troop are strik-
it i' ' .rd through the heights pro
' Chemiii des Dame ridge
from tun west.
Flandera front Hritlsh troops ad
wancm'l lunt th l.y and 1Swe val
lev, Ainne Vesle front 4lnnan rnl.l last
light wer repulsed,
The Itching and Sting
Snu like tha Skin U on Fire.
Ther is m harTMsing discomfort
tauied by Eczema that almost b
tojne a tortur. Th itching la al
most unbearable, and tha akin aeemi
n flia wiUt tha Burning irritation.
K cura from loeal amillcatlona of
aalvaa and ointment in impoaalble,
becauaa uth treatment can only al
lay tha pain temporarily. Tha disease
can only ba r lio4 by going deop
ow7t to It aourec.
Tba aourca of Frtema Ii in tha
Where To Bay Children's Footwear And Pretty Durable Materials For
School Dresses
Time is fleet ing. Hy providing the materials to
meet the express requirements of our people,
choosing the Girls School Dresses is easily,
quickly and most profitably done here.
Heavy Cotton I'laids. splendid qual
ities, gud itekiralile colors, small )(
tenia come 2S inches wide. Yard , ,35c
t'oltoit I'laids sn.l Stripes, gmnl at
aoitmeiit, Sri inches wide; yard . ,600
Wuul and (ttn tuu. d iwru', tend
ed and heir hue lirsintct and Mohaira
ia shades of brown, green blue and red
fancy black and hile rhecks, coverts
aud ini. leed. The are eitra good
qushtics aud will niki dtiratde as well
aa pretty school dtwv 3d to I0 in
ekes wide, yard ....,.. .,.., ...,75
New Idea Ks.iiion Kexiew for Fall, bhuat la solid ge of Ju
lor'atUiils, Uttl nirls' and Childrea falleraa for INhin, Bra
T tka at pa Iter a eaiter. All tteras
-f'ttiiflf-rrr rin-ira
! 'nil ii r"
United Press ivr-
rtiampague front French troop
brke (jmaa ttlit i,t niK),t.
I.urrsmo front American airmen
hut down a (icrman airplane near Pont
Vosge front (Jerman raiding
ttrol encounters are increasing.
Austria-Hungary Martini law has
bern proclaimed in the Vinkovco dis
trict, whore deserter have turned out
Russia Tha population at Kieff is
reported to be starving.
Persia Persia ia jeported to on the
verge of declaring war against Turkey.
(Continued from page one)
of a veil inform' d officer In General
Home's army tt'duy,
"The 'ei'tnan army i beaten," this
officer declnred. Ha is eool, practical
thinker, who had not before been in
fluenced bv the fluctuating (.iorinan
morale. "Their monile la down tl
stay," he added. "VVe'vt got tl.eui
Prisoncia taken In this section no-
of Blazing. Fiery Eczema
bloodi tha diseaaa bainc causet by an
Infection which breaka out through
tha akin. That i why the moat snti.
faclory treatment for all ao-calted
akin disease ia S. S. for thU rem
edy to thoroui-hly cleanaes tha blood
that no impurities ran remain. Get a
bottla to-day at any drugstore, and
you will result from tha right
treatment. Writa for ajtpert multcal
advice, which you can get without
coat, by addressing Medical Director,
21 twift Uboratory, Atlanta, Ua.
...... ISC
The roests whom Mr. aad Mr. F. G.
Ifclano, 1530 Bute street, e nte rtaiocd
over the week end Ml the firit of
the week. They were At. an J Mr. Har
old Varney nd children, Myrne and
Preston. The were maturing through
on their way from San Francisco to
Portland. Their home waa formerly in
Portland, but the last fifteen month
fh hava hwn livine ia California.
They are now planning to make their
huiue in i'ortlatul.
After enioving a motoring trip of
i,.n dva. Dr. and Mrs. H. C. r.uley
of North Winter street, returned Wed
nesday evening. They motored to KniB
Ni,..iibI nark. Tacuma. Seattle and
(amp Iwi and then back to Taw-
ncys mountain home at the loot or mi.
Hood. On the trip they were aceom
panied by Mrs. Kpley's sister, Mr. K.
K. i-wis, and er nephew, ( lein Lewi.
Mr. and Mr. Homer Tarpley of 739
North liberty street, motored over to
the Tillamook beaches the first ot the
week. They will probably be gone
about a week.
Mr. V. X. Tootharre of (" N'or'h
Church street, left lat week fur New
port, where she is spending her vaea
tiou with her daughter, Mr. Hurtou.
She will probably return neat week.
u-ri AlliriL'ht is expected
i.ulnv it, aneml the week end
la the house unfit of Mr. Allan By-
ni.n. at the homo of fcer parcnis on i
1 street. Mis Al-
The Misses Aliee an,l Mildred welch
i ... v...i.n.. tnr tha taut ten
nave noen ut ."r" "
days spending their vacation. They are
expected home soon.
Ivan 0. Martin returned from Port
land this week, where he attended the
I'll, i-nnveiitiuu. As a aide trip he
drove to Tawnev near Mt. Hood.
After spending a fortnight's vaca
i;,. .i Mi...i,l. Mrs. Kdward Venne
and two children, Velma and Kdward,
returned home Wednesday night. They
were accompanied by Mrs. A. L.-Van
Allen, Mr. Venue' mother.
Among those who motored to Mt.
n,i f,,. ti,..i. vacation were Mr. and
Mrs. John llewlcy, who have now re
turned to their home in Independence.
After spending a vacation of several
,iv. in I'nrtlnnd. Miss Helen Root re
turned the middle of tha week.
clared it wai 'he German purpose to
i,u tl, . Tlrnenurt Oiicsnt line at all
costs, all hough it was in a bad atate of
repair Mid unfit for a good defense.
Their orders wero to withdraw if strong
ly Hacked, fiiht to an intermedium
line mid then to Procotirt-Quennt line,
'II... il.rl.'inif mI ireland Hill and at
Jbiirv ludica'ea 'ho withdrawal wbb uot
made volnutnrily. m, is bdieved ti'
n:,ly Iiniiu din'e di Icnve lmo of any !m
puriiir.ej r,"W I liog In hind the ia'il
Continued from page one)
S(iinre v.ird as several of the rnuncil
nien thought tho plant would be in a
pretty ba I shape by tha time the coun
ty had used it a few months. Mr. Cul
ver say the plant will be returned in
proper working condition and that the
eity will be ahead of the game .'l,OL'J.
50 for rem on ita plant that originally
eost s,5tiil.
Journal Want Ads Pay
Children Cry
The Comfort Test
The niusele of the child's foot
are tender, and the bone are soft
and pliable.
I'liifMi llie kM is designed ea
preanly to meet the needs of the
growing feet, it cannot l comfort -able,
ar wide ujton' th llrowa Shaping
last that gi the natural, easy,
comfortable shape to the shoe.
Ther fit aa nicely and look aa
neatly a though they wera made
to order,
"it The t htld now.
Stephens hzh Rcbh
Fiti 20,815 PbaEiy
San Fraaeiseo, Aug. 30. Tae plurali
ty of (iovarnor William D. NtcpLecs
over Jasae, Boljn, for the republican
gutsrrnatoria Bomaatioa was asor than
.'0KKt on the face of returns from C012
precincts out of 63'J3 ia the state surly
The retura gave Stepkea 163,ll4
Rolph 14289.
For lieutenant governor, appraxiasaU
ly 5000 preeiaets gave C. C. Yonrf of
Ik rkeley a lead of 11,000 aver Romingrr
his nearest opponent, with huyJer tbird
and breed fourth ia tba rare.
Mme. MantelS Restored To
Health By Tanlac-T Can
not Praise It Too High
ly," She Says.
A statement of unusual interest was
recently received at the Tanlae offiee
from Mine. Jean Mantelli, the noted
gran.l opera singer, who was formerly
a member of the Ut-troulitan Opera
coinpauy of New York, where she
achieved distinction as leading con
tralto, singing on the raine stage with
Melba. Nordiea, alve, hanies, 8iii
brich, Jean and Kdiiard De Keszke, and
other slars of the first magnitude. A
few year ago Mine. Mantelli was forc
ed by ill health to retire from the op
eratic, atage. She is now living ia Port
land, Ore., where she has an apartment
in the Koyal Anuei building, 330'-j
Morrison street, and in telling of her
eiperience with Tanlae said:
"I feel that I cannot praise Taalac
too highly, for it tins done me more
real good than all the other medicines
1 have ever takeu put together.
"About eight years ago," she con
tinued, "while traveling in the south
I left Havana for Chicago, in the dead
of winter, where tha thermometer was
18 degrees below aero, and this was
the beuinning of serious trouble for
me. The sudden change brought on such
a severe cold that 1 almost completely
lost my voice- and was obliged to leave
the stage. I went to California to work
in moving pictures, but my health fail
ing, 1 had to give that up too, 1 de
cided to rest a while, and try to build
myself up, but got steadily worsa. I
lost my appetite everything tasted
alike, and I couldn't enjoy eating a
thing. My kidneys were in such a ter
rible condition that I thought at times
the pain in my hack would drive me
distracted. My lower limbs and feet
were so awfully swollen I couldn't
stand up nt aw, and itiy nerve were
in such a wretched atatc that, with my
kidneys worrying me so much. I could
not rest at night. I became so weak
and rundown, and waa sr discouraged
and miserable that I didn't care what
"I was actually down in bod when
one day 1 read a statement about Tan
lac that impressed ine ao much that 1
just got u r out of bed anil went to the
'phono to order a bottle. The druggist
couldn't send it at one so I askeii a
strauger passing throuirh the hall to
get it for me. Well, he did and by the
next morning 1" waa feeling much im
proved. After thia my nights wera more
restful and 1 slTf better than I. had
in some time. 1 continued the treat
ment nnd it wasn't long before every
bit of the swelling ban gone out of my
limb and feet, and I was able to get
up and walk aliout. I am just atartiug
on my third bottle now, and really, 1
caii hardly eat enouiih to satisfy my
appetite and I heartily enjoy all my
meals. My kidneys don't worry me at
all now and 1 am free from that awful
misery in mv hack. X sleep like- a ba
hv, tnd am so much better in every
way that 1 am now working again. 1
am telling all my friends what a won
ilcrful medicine Tanlae is, and have
written to my daughter in New York
advising her to take it."
I Tanlae ia aold in nuBnaro oy no
jbard lrujr Co., ia Mt. Angei t.y Ben
Ulooch, ia Oervai bv John Kelly, ia
I Turner br U. 1. Cornelius, la Wood
iburn bv Lyman H. Shorey. in Salem
v. . .' .. , . i i ... Ham
i by I)r. 8. U Mime, in euivenun -j
(a. Steelhammer. ia Uate by Mr. J.
!!'. McCurdy and in rMaylon by i- A.
lUeaueharon. (Adv.)
(Continued from page oa)
One tank placed H'lf d'0'1
trench, enfilading and driving out th
bwhe. The doughboy w ""T ili n0
m. how the tank waa going to get eff,
jbut it climbed on across without any
j trouble,
! When tha American eaeonatered aev
lera! string of cave Into which tha
ibwhe had retired, tW vwi great num
Jfcer of grenade with telling effect
'V,nm the h-ichl. where the Aasrrieana
'and Kiench are fighting, he M'1 ofl
8flion cathedral are viwhle.
j Machine guus wera found every-
where. Th wounded say that ery oth
er lKH'h appeared to bav a aaaihina
gun. Tha wounded are ntreuu'ly eheer
i ful. Thev are cared for In dreeing st a
it ion tufely located ia tha depths of,
leave. They aaid they suffered nora
from the eol, at night, waiting for tu
, attack thaa during the fighting.
j The sky swarmed with aeroplane
'during tha day. One boehe eluoV.t the
I French, patrol aad abut down two ob-
sorvatHiu balloon ia rapid anreejaion.
As the auage were s'iU falling in
flames, Jhe boehe darted bark toward
his lme with F reach plane ia punuit.
Hut he got away.
Th artillery fire slackened ia the
car arras at asid day and concentrated
Children Cry
Absolutely Removes!;
Indigestion. Druggists ;J
refund money if it fails. 25c j
IMadge Keiaedy Doffs . !
Be Bndl Veil And !
Becomes A Crook:
' 5
W 1 C" Ki a. t a- ny
No sooner doe a film player score a
success in parts of a tertniu kind tbau
he or she begins to burn with an ambi
tion to do something different. Any
number of emotional heroine hunker
to skim through light comedies, anj cv
eryone knows that comedians yearn to
play Hanile, or Macbeth, bo it is with
Madge Kennedy, star in iioldwyn pic
tures. Recently 8he confessed to a sym
pathetic interviewer that she would ha
zaid her all on a production of Charlotte
Cordsy, though with eharacteristie san
ity the ptquunt comedienne added that
no oue would take her seriously if she
did get th chance to be Marat V slayer
on the screen.
Yet by holding to the thought of do
ing something different, of being a he
roine ef another sort, the little wife of
Baby Mine" and "Nearly Married "
is getting nearer to the serious sloe of
feminine character. It is happening in
The Danger uame, her newest Gold
wyn production to be seen at the Liber
ty theatre today
on the front lines, but last night the
entire front echoed to the roaring and
pounding of guiiB on both sides. There
were infuutry combats throughout the
day. In many instances American pa
trols penetrated beyond the main Ger
man line and btought prisoner in. Or
ganized and individual expeditions
hunted up machine gun nestg and ex
Tanks encountered stiff going in
some places but continued to operate,
even when many of their erewg were
R is now permissible to describe tko
arrival of the Americana in this part of
lite, battle frout Throughout Tuesday,
Tuesday sight and Wednesday, Ameri
can mtn, guns, and wagons, wound up
road,) through valleys which concealed
vast piatcaus. They passed over rouad
conquered by the First and Second di
visions wbea the Americans first fought
iu the SoUson region. Late Wednesday
,uti as the news of the repulse of a
Ueruiau counterattack came in, I saw an
entire America'! battery ailhoiitted
against the dark sky, the men lashing
their horses as they hurried up along
the very peak of a long rise. Meantime
infantry and machine gunner were nov.
mg along th road and across the fields
The movement Wednesday iu conjunc
tion with th Kiench was carried out
without great initial resistance.
T.:e Americans advanced their line
slightly across a plateau which was
deeply 1 uted with shell craters.
Iu a cage in the rear prisoners were be
ing gathered in aa almost endless
at t ea m.
The Americans now in this region
Milwaukee, Wia "I with all girls
mho work and suffer from functional
disorders wou.d
profit by my advice
and taka Lydia K.
Pink barn's Vege
table Compound.
Before 1 waa mar
ried, when I eame
honte from work at
night, I would ba
just worn out with
pause which dragged
ma doww. 1 took
Lydia EL Ptakbam'a
Vegetable Coro
Donnd and it made
me feel like a new woman. 1 ran work
from morning; until night and it doc
not bother me, and I wbh ail rtrle who
suffer aa 1 did would try Lydia E.
Finkham'l Vegetable Compound."
Mm. H. DoOLsr, 1135 2tll Street,
MUwaukee, Wia.
Working airla atretrewbcM ahould
profit by Mrs. Oooley'a exprneoee, and
inaieea oi aragging BJong rrom day to
day with Ufa a buruVn, give this famous
root and svrk iwmedy, Lydia E. Ptnk
ham 'a Vegetable Coropixind trial.
It baa ererrxxne Jurt attcb coniiuoM for
thooaanda of othera, and why sot for
rit For epeewl adriea, wnte LjnSa
Piakaam Mediema Co., Lynn, Maaa.
Tha reeatt of their ) yean esparknea
ia at your aerviea.
hp- "in
!!' -. "il III
I ,ljIIW.vaa. illllllli
j Hftm MHIH
tin, ill - w HJjllli
. j)(n. (
Yea WHl Fmd It Eicteng!y Easy To Make a
Satisfactory Selection of Your
X Here are all the correct fabrics and all the authori- t
t tative colorings that will be worn this Fall and Win-
X ter. And particularly worthy of mention are the X
X superior workmanship which i of the highest order X
t . : 1
Models of Broadclotis, Cherlots, Serges, Yelours, x
Rushes, Kerseys and Mixtures
Handsome shades of Browns, Blues, Greens t
and Burgundies
S14.7S in SJl'i.fiO I
have particularly distinguished tiiim
scives. They were moved from a distant
area on short notice. The artillery snd
other units traveled night and day, ar
riving on schedule time.
Abandoned boehe strongholds have
been encountered everywhere. They in
clyde deep dugouts, "pill boxes" aud
tiench and wire systems. The villages
have been entirely wiped out and no
more than an occasional skeleton of a
tree can be seen anywhere on the shat
tered plateau.
Dizziness Causes Fall
Head Injured
" Ayear ago mv stomach bloated so
badly with gas that I fell unconscious
and cut roy bead badly on comer of
door., l aad suffered from stomach trou
ble for several years anil no medicine
helped rue to speak of. A druggist
patched up my head and advised me
to use Mayr'a Wonderful Hemedy for
my stomach trouble. The results lave
been really wonderful. I have never
had air sign of my former symptoms
since." It is a simple, harmleas prepa
ration that removes the catarrhal mu
cus from the intestinal tract and allays
the inflammation which causes prac
tically all stomach, liver and intestin
al ailments, including appendicitis. One
dose will convince or monev refunded.
J. C. Perry, Capital Irug Store, and
druggists everywhere.
p'Htn as i o aft vin.i cause.
All the fine points in canning are
in tha free canning book any reader
of thia paper can jet by sending a
two-cent stamp for postage to the
National War Garden Commission
at Washington.
lcot or I we
yot ssi-
frxa smum pchkv Cuu-)h.h eseTxoo
as neii Afo paacvtcaaLi TO ssjt wpi
rooo m srvi.i aswciL as Loisot auaeJ
fnTitS THa nou-UwtFa wno umv1twiI
wit swoxsiA will moiws rr rweaauT!
a tM a MiKii conTftinesi
Get the free canning book the Na
tional War Garden Commission of
Washington will scud to any reader
of thia paper who sends a two-cent
stamp lor postage and save tha war
garden crop.
II v tNtsH L 1 .
U -'Nor
aaaaaaa aaaaaa aa vmMiwMWWkWWW
SPRJNGTEX is the underwear
with a million little (print in its
fabric which "give and take"
with every movement of the
body, and preserve tha shape of
the garment despite long wear
and hard washings.
ll U the veax-areaad saderwrar, light,
sneViiir or bury weight, asyewlia.
"Remember to Buy It
Yaa'U Ftt Yeas Have It Ow"
A4 rswAtiW
SaBastsael Taeaasaat5 Q(s saSetrPttPij vsaMLV lffffc
Popular i
Prices t
For Infants and Children
In U9 For Over 30 Years
Always bears
Signature of
By LoweU Mellett,
(I'nited I'ress staff correspondent)
With the British Armies in Prance,
Aug. 30. The British today had Pe
ronne under the same direct and flank
ing threat which resulted in the fall
of Bapaume.
Baiauiue is a picture of desolation,
almost as complete as that of Albert.
At noon the Australians faced Pe
ronne, across the Souime from the
south and had reached almost within
striking distance on the north side of
tho river. ,
All bridges have boen smashed, ex
cept at Clery, toward which the Ans- -tralians
advanced on both sides of the f
Along the river below Peroune tha
Germans are withdrawing their field
guns. Their heavy pieces already are
some distance behind the city.
(rubles has been taken together
with a battery of field guns. Com
paratively few prisoners have been,
reported. (So far only 260 have been
taken on the river below Peronne.
While visiting Bapaume this morn
ing the only evidence I saw of the
Germans was an occasional shell drop
ping in the town. The British guns,
ready to move immediately were mak
ing the air writhe with shells directed
toward Beaulencourt on the road to
ward Peroune and Krcniieourt, on thu
road toward Cambrai, which ruins the
boehe are evidently trying to keep
for the present.
d To
Lcy3 Fcr Coll
Maternal Instinct Greatly Dmtoped by
Tastthuuj Childress ta Lava thaw DoU
Tb little child's doll is mother to ih4
smt mmsntlc fstrv. Anrl In the years thsj
pass, the d U fades Into the peUl of sj
June mt, to evolve the BMst wondrous oi
til traostormatioBS. ,
And bow comes a mere acrlooe Brif
hea tha Jot ot reml notberuood shov,J
Oe as tranquil as best eert r ,a provide. ',
This ia accosrUthed with a wonderful reml
crijr known aa Mother' trie 4. Aa eiteraal
ipplH-lM sa penetratii: In Its nature ta
to tboroiurtily lubricate the myriad swtweii
of corda, tendons, ncrre ami stuaciea jod
Waeatb Ua akia of tb abdomea.
It rellere fie tension, prevetit teaderBesl
sad pain at tin ensi and enable tli )
jonieo to exruwd fciitlr. Th muaclra ca
tract naturally after baby arriie and tbi
na la tbu preserved.
It tlvn!d be awle-l daDv. ntrht and ssori1
:-, dur.,.( Cat prritxi it pecUncy. Vf
retiilar iu it enai-la th fc-Mnea to est
wlth-iut tit uaual atraia wbt-si bH
bora atitrall, paia. and danaee at U4
rwi is los. 9 j
Vou will find Mother' Prtesd ea sal at
wry dni alore. It ia prepared enly ks
he Bradneld Kctnilat-Y Co Lanu4
3lriC Atlanta, Ga. ISiey wii Mod van
tliarti ' Muthri nood bkjuh'' vittmut charrs,
'nl them to mttl ft to yn. rv not iwr ti 1
ror aincl morsinsr nr oifht ta us Motlxia
Friend. Obtain a bottle from your drinriri j
taday by all airsna, acd the furUff youra
laalaxt Bain aad diaeMafurt.
Jpunqtex 9
w uncEHTa ear .