(THIS ISAI TODAr (25fil BEADEES) DAILY Only CircLtiiiou in Ealem Guar anteed by the Audit Bureaa of Circulation FULL LEASED WIRE DISPATCHES SPECIAL WILLAMETTE VAL LEY XEW8 SEKVICE A i. Jr.-". -) -f - -n Orcs-ia: Tonight and Friday fair; continued ra Friday interior; "7. tJ-". gen:lP northerly Cj 1 ,f " ''ii ! FORTY-FIRST YEAR NO. 206. SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY AUGUST GO, 1918. PRICE TWO CENTS ON TRAINS AND NEWS STANDS FIVE CENTS Mi !1 11 tt It II 14: v. F 1 t I i .r, M t! H I MM ! A "V U TEN FULL DIVISIONS, 120, SENT TO STOP FKI JUMR E BRITISH LAIN MORE THAN MIL ON 7-MILE FRONT AT QUEANT SMOUMimOlI French Reach Coucy Forest Near St Gobian Woods, Consid ered Greatest Defensive Position on West Front-British Hold Entire West Bank of Somme.- Combles Captured With Many Field Guns.-Few Prisoners Being Taken.- AH Bridges Except One Have Been Smashed. By John DeGandt (United Press Staff Correspondent) - Paris, Aug. :0. French and American troops attack ing north of Soissons are approaching the westward side of the Soissons table land. Ten fresh .German divisions (120,000 men) have been rushed up to oppose this ad vance, which seriously threatens the whole western por tion of the enemy's Aisne-Vesle line. Beyond Noyon the French are i-ushing toward Guis card and Chauny. The Germans are offering conclusive resistance in the heights southwest and. northwest .of Noyon and along the Crozat canal. In the Ailette region, the French have reached the t borders of Coucy forest, which merges into St. Gobain forest, generally regarded as one of the greatest defen sive positions on the west front. D. SAMUELS OF SALEM it1 Road Rons From Independ ence To Monmouth And WfllB trapped. I. Samuels of Salem and L. Rrun- ston of Portland are no the ownera eif tends from Arleux-Kn-Gohcllo (two the llirschbcig railroad running from I"ilt's l,n', na,f suth nd east of Vimv Independence to Monmouth the nuu-hssei f of,U'''' " 'i'"6 V"S ,q1f';' having been madP early in the week, jl" ' of Arleux-hii-Gohell..) , While the road is s ill in operation 'I," c , tmS .(wv?" an J it i- ii.o t .1. 1 T lnal southeast of Arras) aud south of j. is iw ,uiiihioii 01 tne new owners to Bulleconrt. Vl mil Itaimiiittii rhn lii.a scrap it, beginning early in September They expect to rut on a fore, of . f.ft.. .j .!;...;. I , r u-i" vi au ne ........K . lr a momn. Thp nlltnv cf....lr rxf 4, - J..1 J en-t and Monmouth railroad with a to-. ' I . T"' Wi" l",y f"' tal mileage of three mile, eon,!,,, of! Across tha Souxm,.. L .L. A 1 T ""r",".' tnree locomotive, ,. lhree roaches Iondon. Aug. 30.-(4:!t p. m. -The I ,' . , V 1h, .ails are of 45 an.l .10 pounj weight British have established three p! sts 1 TJT r ' "y 'I According to Mr. K-imuel, the piice paid roS the Somme, of which two are north J".," in t e JZ, ' ?' t the road wa, close t 20.000. :f Ktnrpigny (south of Peronne) an.l!,- ' ,u,,B.h' f v Ihis is th, second railroad that h'Bia.hes (wlst of I'eronne). Mooli,, ! " ,H' dT" "., "Wn l"2- len bought and junked by Mr. Sam-Znei nels ;,nd his partner. It was August of1 1917 that Mr. Samuels bought The Dalle,, id Olelilo railroad of fourteen! miles for 5.iH)0, bidding against sever- al Portland firms. The firm had succeed ed in disnosinir entirely of th. r..,i nnd its rolling stock before buying the! jn'iepeniicnee and Monmouth road. I BED BOX CHAMPIONS Boston, Mass., Aug. HO. The Rid Sox won the .mcn-ai l"g"e ehamjiionship re this afternoon when they defeated Philadelphia Athletic 12 to 0 in the first game of a double header. Mays pitched the game, allowing tli. Athletics nine hits. $ LOXDOH POLICE 8TB IKE. . jtmioriM. and have reached l'aplin l receives is rent '' rents, a total of London. Aug. . A majortiy of tie "court. They are threatening envelop-, 322.50. And count r Koadmas'er W mftropobtan police here struck at mil went of Autrecoort weo. and the tal.lejJ. Culver sars the plant ia ia ju-..t B jjht asking higher y and reeogntion laod northeast of Xoyon. eoaditio'n nrw as it wns before the their anion. Only fonr station re-1 countr rented it, and that he espects to fused to go out. Constable have been' German Attack Tail return the: plant to the city ia go.d '"d to replace the striking pohce.l fans, Aug. M. (12:13 p. .) !er condit: m 4 that the eily should be ' ; man conatcr atta U northwest of .!!-(a! cp ns whatever in the way Laacaster. Pa., Aug. 3d Jam! JJc--'"" were repulsed last night, the of repnirs. flona!J Cameron, aged f,trnjr Unit r'rer.ch war offi.e anaouo-d today. J At the time the titr rented the plant ... -..ir, -na-or ana seerciary or w-; in President Grant's term died ia si ; ome in il I HetowB, near here, esrlri te-Hy. - ' j ON IflE-ISLE Lr .dn, Aug. 30. (1:08 p. tu.) The British advanced 2D00 yards (more than !a mile) en a front of seven miles be tween Bulleconrt and the Scarpe today nnd are now within a mile of Quennt , (the juuetian of Wotan and Siegfried section of the Hindenburg line), it wa .'learned today. They have captured Kieneourt (two miles southeast of Ba jpaume). ! he allies now hold German Snmnie line from Huscurt to Noyon, of which they have captured the northern and eastern suburbs. The French have capture, Quigniiiy, Ron Le Grande. Roy Ie Petit. La fan ueterie anil Ferine Des Fonds-C.oiiiet.. The British line this morninir ex- Bullecourt. Kioui Bapaume the tiiie .,. II. I. U....1 ... :i IZX l'r " " " me cut; .uorvai (a mile an, a HUT north f ( oinbles and east of .Mamcpas (a mile and n , half south I'eronne) has b.-ea captured. ' T"' heaviest fighting is proceeding !o"8 t,le Arras-Cambrai road. tEET OEEMAN CA VALET , B7 ,ohn DeOndt ii iiiic i r reww srair corresponiienti Paris. Aug. 30.- p. ru.) American troops, attacking with the French ! north and cast of Soissons, engage in th. ir firs: battle with IIhikii ..,!. i today. The enemy hurle.i a large body' lof n.iunted troops against the Franco-,' .'American forces in an effort to break I up their advance. The attack en-1 jtire!y uasuceewful and the allies eon- j tmuc.l their steady progress in furi- j ous f igntmg. ! west and nortb of the deiKit, to amount j The priucipal roads to St. Queatinlto fully 1,H(hj square yards. The South- are ranidly fat ing into the control of the allies. i Northeast of Xele the French are! outflanking th? North canal section. of the Somme. : -ortb of oyon, French troops are .progressing along the road to Ham, via ocre wr. no caange in vnamt a:ol Ninth cr:al n i,;ons. Continued oa page three) IN - If SHORTENING OF LINE FORCED ON GERMAN BY DIVE NECESSITY a" Mf NVWIIWH 1 J v To St .Qiicntin. By J. W. T. Mason (I'nited I'ress war exH'rt) Xew Vork, Aug. 30. Entrance of Asa erkau troops in the fighting north of Soissons is for the purpose of squeiz iug the salient which Marshal l'otii has created to the west of German positions along the eole. Tiiis o'X'ialioi! is iudeiieiideut of th strong KrcncU and British pressure be tween Novon and Bapaume, before which the Germans nrt retiring to the old Hindenburg line. The two drives how ever hare a common strategic purpose to throw on Hindenburg into contua ion concerning the disposition of his reserves. The I rauco-American operations are threatening to outflank the Cheimu-rJes-Dames defenses and bring about a dia ast rotis retreat of the Germans along the Vcale. r.ventually the enle line must be evacuated anyway, in conformity with the pressing necessity .of - nhortcning tho German front Today's retirement of the" Germans in the vicinity of IV ion no is sufficient ly precipitate to suggest that Von Hiu- deubiirg will try to stabilize hi fro'it temporarily elsewhere while he n.ovcs bin army of the fcou.nu eastward iu the general direction of St. uentin Doubt no longer exists that St. Quentin is in fact the main objective Von iiin-dt-nburg'a beaten armies are now trying to reach. PROFITABLE TO CITY HAS PAID FOR ITSELF Cost $4500 Has Earned In Rentals $3,022.50 Be , sides Its City Work. The mvinjr i,liit of tlw, u... lem ha been nnitn rA,.,- ."0i,. ... ' ' " ,ne " ? "' since it hn been rentci by the county. In fm't. it bus been rioinir so well for llm mi d,..t within tit- past four months the rents nTe "'J?''1,??' r'",""1 Since the by the county Mem laiil down .".O.vIO superficial square yards of paving on the Silver Ion r.jad for which the euunty paid rent at the rate of rents a suuare yard. r.. -.1.1:.: .1 ii oiMnnin in me tnree ami one half mil-s of paving on the Silver ton road, half a mile lis-s been laid on the River road be!r, the fionr farm, the final work to be done tomorrow. This 4"re yards at 7'4 cen fjuare yard. VrinK of the new bridge re 'firni ii wtuate yard and t the Southern Pacific depot there is some surfacing to be done on the grounds rn Pacific pars the eonnty for this ba-is of cost and 19 per cent. The M(,l amonnt that the plant will jdo this summer nd early fall mil fig jure 4"3iO superficial mpiare yard j And for every sjusre yard, the city to te urtv, an effort wi. m,ir to boon the- rental price tu Id cats a wdipam ii iiiiiu y SI.111WJ 111 FRONT iCcciianed oa page two) Kaiser Madly Seeking New Military Leader To Inspire Confidence Washington, Aug. 10,- . The kaiser Is seeking widelr Xor hew military load flew er to inspire confute ike in the German armies ami th,. German people, entente military experts ay. ' A high entente authority expressed the opinion today that the allied victor ies do not so much mean the collapse of the German military machine uor a shortage of men and (iipplies in the ene my 'a camp, a it doe point to the no iess serious loss of the, Teuton morale. "Hiudeuburg and Ludendorft both were believed omnipotent by the Ger man people," the expert declared, "aud have failed. They hare made mistakes; .they have been beaten by the allies and the German people re in confusion. Referring to the recent Germau col lapse, the National Zeitung at Basle tie- dares, according to diplomatic rubles, that the secret of the German military success has been the Germau belief that thev are uubiatable. BEAT OFF ATTACK OF GERMAN TROOPS Have Ten Machine Guns And Inflict Heavy Losses Also Suffer Them London, Aug. 30. German troops en gaged in an iudecisive battle with 1-00 1 krainisn peasants in the Dymera district according to a wireless dis patch received from I'etmgrad toilay. The Geruuns declared the district in a state of siege and asked for reinforce inents. When these arrived from Kieff in two steamers, the Germans attack ed the peasants. The latter, who "are armel with ten machine gnus, beat off the attack. There was heavy losses on both sides Mutiny on Worships Washington, Aug. .'In t'sccho-Slovak soldier on Austro Hungarian warships in the Adriatic evidently inspired bv the Czeehoeilovak successes in Russia ami Siberia have revolted according to ailviees from Heme. Czech lcputy Souk up, (s declared to have left I'rague for ( attaro to defend the mutineers before the naval court martial. Sorlits Tke Eoalyat Zuriib , Aug. 30. Soviet forces have capture! Kossiysk, together with a num ber of town in the northern Caucasus area, according to a- Kieff dispatch. Heavy fighting is proceeding near Uere7.ka. 8aneuoff Is Winner liatibia, Trans Haikalia, Aug. H, General Seiiienl'f hni recaptured Iau- bia. His vanguards nre now eighty miles from the Onon river which the bolshevik fnrci are fortifying. Kiev ia btarrtng. Trfindon. Aug.'SO. The popluation of Kiev is ntarviug, according t a dia patch received here from i'etrograd. A tesolute struggle 'is proceeding a- gainst the White Imards, declares a ine-age from Moscow. NOGALES TROUBLES THOUGHT TO BE ENDED T Carranza's Representative, General Calies Has Situa tion Under Control N'ogules, Ariz., Aug. 30. Nogales lut night had its first real good sleep for Ihice days. Tlier( wan not a liot fired nor were any threatening movements reporUd from this section of the border. Xogale-s .ionora, seemed to have rt-suaied it xart-fiil atmosphere and everjone, in cluding military authorities, were fault confident tht. disturbance were over. tn-oeriil talles, Carranza's repreen tativ,. at ogale. Honors, ordi red all civilian having firearms to regiitei I In-in with the military auliioiitie w it b in "( hour. The order wa geni tuV.j ulM-red. Calles ha a enniiiderablo force fit cr.mmaud aud it ia believed he ha the -itii.ni'U) -ntir.-iv (inder control, Another conference between Calies i!d Oeneral Catcll, Anieru-mt ommun Ici, la'e ye.terday a followed by the aunoiinci'iiii-nt that the agreement that theie ou!. U n0 bostibtie-i had Inec re afiiiuied. PEASANTS AEE FIOHTINO. Lurolon, Aug. 30. The Fkraine 4 a -it upriing routiiiuc . ri.,ui, j! a a. m l hi e today. Cocflb t have re i.ilti i i-h tiic AaMro-tierBians. The .it?r ert- fn iling ji tcii!g d'iffiruily i cu.-it' dimg ai.ij sploitii.g the eean IV. Liberty Motor Proves Genuine Success; Orders Filed Washington, Aug. 80. The liberty motor ia real success, according to Aircraft Pireetor Ryan. To prove his claims, he has pointed out that the al lied government are clamoring for this type of engine in quantities beyond Am erica' present power of production. However, Kyan says that engine pro duction ia now booming and that order for 13 cylinder liberty motor have more than been doubled, standing now at fiftr thousand. Eight cylinder liberty motors and Hi spa no -Suites are being constructed also. The l'e Ilavilnnd plane of im proved model has come to quantity production but it has been found nec essary to scrap the Bristol as unsafe aud of small military advantage. French aid is making it possible to have three tvpe of planes using the Liberty twelve. Italian aid is devising new models. HAN MORALE DOWN TO STAY SAYS OFFICER PRUSSIAN ADMITS IT Hun Officer Says He Shot Ten Of His Own Men Trying To Make Them fight By Lowell Mellett. (f nited Press Staff Correspondent.). With The bulish Armies la r:anc Aug. Sit. Walking calmly down the Cambrai road i.ear llaurnurt dining tho Canadian ndvance there, a solitary ei. man met a uiiadinn patrol. He car- led rations for two days, an extra shirt and extra socks. Hi first ipieatiou of the, CuiiniliiuiH was the way to the pris oners cage. "Thoy'ie hopeless wou't fight," said nn t.ff'cir recently taken from tin' -Hth (let-man division. "The word (Viauiau throws them in a panic." I f a referring to hi own men. "I xiiol ten,' he continued, "beennw they wouldn't ii''h ut It was no se. I hac to surrender ir.yself." Much iiicui. i ts are piling up as tin Hrlilsh ti ions i t toll forward, and prob ably n- resrniinildc for the declaration (Continued on pago two) War Bills This Month Total $1,621,000,000 - Washington, Aug. 30. War bills this month will apprnsi- nte l,02l,nw,000, .nearly twice the amount MTO,0('0,000 expended during August a year ago. Thus, the war toll is now running ahout (iV2,fiiO,000 a ilay or over f.'.OOO.OIMJ an hour a slight Increase over duly. August figure bring the to- tul cost to America of the war to .lute to over $l.),7uli,liU0,0)U and the cost since January I, this vi ar to over l(),,W),io0,- OuO. If , Angint ' Hppioxiination proves finally accurate, this will be the mnt expensive war mouth aiiu-e America got into the strugglo, the next largest beinjr June, when I.MU.OOii,- OUO was poured into the war maw. And the Mime figure show Hint Hie. cost today is just double that of a year ago . ADC MIDTTM nvu mmi tiii ! ..olM n Ti.V..i.' : j.;o( prfidujuiioj il'-.S Atr. t.Uftp q- jnoq Hmqi poo ii( 'Xep, 1 'jetuiii ' tO spietedn "ij,j iu,l Iib ,,'a u j ujq ,!u (uia'; .uissia fiotj 111 'i'ul-t "ll li ft e i 1 - TOIlHWinWAIrfl! Jill mmm HANDED PIEKII aw mm mm mm b. m -m Kr-Baf-.iBiafciifcJiiii With Fourteen Other Leaders Must Serve 20 Years In Fed eral Prison And Each Pay a Fine of $2O.O0O.Others Draw Sentences As Low As Ten Days In Jail Chicago. Aug. .'10 Fifteen leaders of the Industrial Workers of the World, including lltg Hill" lUvwoo.l, today were sentenced to twenty vears in fed- eral prison and to pay fines of 20.000. They had boon convicted e,n four counts charging sedition ami obstruc tion of America's war program. Others of the t7 defendants drew lighter sen tences. (Federal Judge K. M. Lsndis pro nounced sentence's ranging from ten days iu the Cook county jnil for minor defendants to the twenty year $-0,000 punishment for the more prominent leaders, , CRACK REGIMENTS OF PRUSSIANS LINED UP TO CHECK AMERICANS French And Americans Have Big Contract . To Break Through Aisne Front By Fred S. rerguson. (T'liited Pre Htttff Correnpeindcnt.) With The American Armies In Prune; Aug. 30, The German are fighting do perulely and doggedly to hold tho Hue of the AUne height north of Soiiisont which have been assailed by the French Tenth army, in which Americans are brignged. If these a ro driven back any coitHilcriihltt distance It will bo by the superior fighting qualities of the i'reiicli mill Americans and their greater gun power, In yesterday' attack there was no in dication that the linn would be found1 soft behind th,'. usual rear guard mncn - iuc trim nests. The eloiiieue of surprise luuiffit enter thin fighting as the tier ii. .in tuff obviously recognizi- the liu poitance of the liu tinder attain and undoubtedly has exacted the ftMtuJt tut son!'; time. The fighting 1 over ground uliicli ban been buttb-field rime lull. In contain a aerie of great plateaus, with an extensive cave and Ii iiciAitrk of old trench ytcui. Wc are fighting, lit roimequence, a curious inixluru uf open and old trench vurfiirc. Thn lat- r rcipiuiiig sl.oiig artillery piopura- tion. ' Yesterday 'a operation carried the French ami American forwanl, but the fighting is of a fur different uiitum GRAPHIC DECEPTION OF BOMBARDING MANNHEIM BY THE BRITISH AIR FLEET Munition Manufacturing City;, Tlioroughly Shot Up By Airmen j of the muehiiies bieiiking in pot ai:J London, Aug. 30. Describing for Ihehhc air whittling and huiiiiiiing as tlto I'nited pres. today the bouse to house ! "I'ccl indicatof ' han, crept from !d , , , ,, ,ito hM and then 1-0 and ! mil's an air raid over Mannheim, th mijM of jhwir Wj Wffl ((wn , ,hu (aitll A-gost and of foer of the royal In w Rt,(e ,ari.v .ni, f,.rt tt,ov8 tie deiienibiit air force, today ik-clared Uu-itv. Thousand of feet above u tht an "cxtraoliliiinry una unj arjiieieu i ui - of war." I It struck terror in the heart ut ev I cry citie n," I declared. " According, t doruiiietutary and other eviuenc , I hava S'Tiiniiil'iti-d iu other ruid ! 'knew that Mannheim was one of thi ' lu st defended Hhiiie cities and thi time , we deriiled upon a frei0 R'thd of at tack. " We approaebed the city over a large stretch of hostile tirritor? attaining the u.-.nul high sit it (nil The night was clear. The black mas of the city was swinging our noses around we flew to ien far below silhouetted ia the moon-! ward the apxiintud military objective j tight, astride the curving Khine railw.-.j . 'T!irt (leruian signalled our npproaCi ud here and there the archies put up tpasmodie: shell. At soon a we' jW - 're over the outskirts of the city the (jfrinan gunner got .to work in earnest. Theie w a tin. tic outbreak of bauage am if! Other I. W. W. lender sentenced to twenty years and I.O.OtKr fines with Haywood were! Curl Ahlteen. Minnspo?is, Miinn.: Oorge A.lreychine, Chicago; Forres r.dward, Minneapolis; (l. L Lambert, Minneapolis; Charles Rothfitner, Chi cago;Jam Scarlett, Akron, Ohio; Man uel Hay, Huffalo, N. V.j Ralph 11. Chaplin, Chicago; 10 IuKki, Ihduth. Minn.; Aurelio V, Axaarn, Kcranton, Pa.; Hichnrd Hraaier, Chicago; Walter T. Nef, Philadelphia; Jines Rowan, Spokane, Wash.; V, Iosioff, Chicago. than that encountered in the recent rush from the M urn t. when the American Hunched for mill without encountering a (lerman, , " Kvery foot of the, Chavlgny-Juvlgny region Is contested, Tha ftiniou Prus sian si venttt regiment Is opposing ttto Ainericiiiiii. Prisoner taken r typb-ab lv Prussian, Koine sr,, tinnsiiully artu gnnt. . When one officer was ankod where ha ennie from, he dime to attcntlnn, pulled himself (o his full height and answered defiantly "Prussia." There r instan ce of a lone American picking up seV enil Prussians, All surrenderee!, the sergeant uiurrlied t'lem to the rear. Ono of them said the (Ionium soldier am belnjr fairly well fed, the physical con dition of boy receiving nia atten tion. They are given extra bread r- ti ms. j It wes an Idi-nl day for a battle ye, ! 'erilny. It was clear and cool but ' ground ha. obs-urcd movement in the in e ly uioiHiiig. I.nlcr the mm pen'dratr ed the mist, unfiilding a remarkable pic turea vant field of mining men nnd war equipment. These pluteaus art ! uiarkiilile fur a constant silhouette U'vr yiven to moving men, guns ami homes. Hfmrp dips and rises here and thera i ii iuc the groups ti bo thiown into slurp rein f, iig(etliig a w-rli s of living Rem ington drawings, The Americans enthusiastically prais llie work of the tuukg In cleuning up trenches and mncliiiie gun nests and in breaking tliroug), wire entanglements, 1 'Continued on page two) whicli burst at the height 0 hnd iimiiituini'il on pievloiii raid "After a earuful urvey of our ner lugs, taking in the military objective tin began nerve rending two unlet dive. IJov.n we went on our uosca, wire enemy liui rugc ca liuisiiiig in mini o. fierv light. "Wh,in diving the city seemed to ba flying toward u in a black mas which diswdved as the wider treet became visible. Thi split the city into small masses. It .ecine,! . (bough we could almost tou. (, the spires and chimney of I lie buildings. F.ach brick and cre vice sn visiihic, in the moonlight. "Moon we were skiinming over thn 'housetops, steeply hanking eow and tlicn io avoid the taih-r buildings. Quickly - no hospitals, o nursing homes, l iliscrimiiiate bouibing for the Hrttisb and rel'a-ed our bomb. "The (ierman gunners depressed their gun,, at the lowest jtossible angle, but - tContinued on page three)