' - ' HUM. 0KK THURSDAY, AUGUST 29, 1918. HOI EIGHT f You should Not Fail to Supply cf ' And note the Remarkable low prices on such good quality of waists. They are all new ones and THE SEASON'S LATEST. Fine Lawn and Voile Waists. jyo, Jg Crepe de Chine Waists J2.93 and $3.98 Georgette Crepe Waists $3.93, $4.98, $5.90 and $6.90 Fancy Striped Taffeta Waists , . . $2.98 China SUk Waists. J19g WE KEEP THE QUALITY UP and THE PRICE DOWN li fj Incorporated I V W hi'L : personals : Lieutenant R K Miller la registered t the lillgh. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Hornier left this warning for Henttlo. Mra. Kdwurd Jordan Is In the city from Wold Crook, Or. Mr, and Mr. Fred Zune of Full City ar registered at the Hllgh. Walter Hkolton, city engineer, In ejiemtiug the day In Rilvcrtun, lluluh Baker left this morning over til Oregon Fleet rle for VannorHor, . MM; Ale Powers of Logannn in In the city a guest of her sister. Mm. W. B. Gilson. Roy Ray baa bought a team and will lenvo Hundny for work In the aprure snips near Tillamook, August lluekeatein returned this morning from l'ortlund where he has 0ONT SUBJECT YOUR Every day unless you are sure that they can stand the strain. Many persons who apparently see well, are wasting their nerve force in an effort to over come some defect in their eyes. Glasses as we fit them will permanently relieve all headaches and pain brought on by eyestrain. Don't Neglect Your Eyes DR. A. McCULLOCH Optometrist, 201-203 Salem Hank of Commerce Building Do not psy too much for your flout substitutes Barley flour 7fl Oat riour .. 7c Potato flour . lu reanut Butter, per pound ......,16 2 60 Salad Oil tl.&g 100 jH)uud stock salt 85 60e Coffee 30c 30c Mott Jar Tops aie It will pay you to trad at the FAJLHEKS cash storb Oppoalta Court Houm on High fctreet m 'M Come and See Our Fine fl WAISTS TODAY'S NOMINATIONS Washington, Aug. 'Jit. The follow' ing nomination were sent, to the .fli nt n today by the president: To lie secretary of tmilKsy or lega tion, class nnet Charles T. Tenney, Massachusetts. To ho assistant secretary of the treasury, Albert Hathbouo, New Tork. To be second assistant eecrvtury of war, John D. Kyan of Montana. Also a large number of postmasters and navy appointment". been attending the seesions of Oregon Klks. Wi. ami (rm. T Oir.nfvnHleln are In the city from Phoenix, Arizona, where the thermometer has been hitting it up ulinve 100 a day for the pant week. J. V, aiorrett, who nus neon spend ing the snnrmer hero loft today for Hose Lodge In Lincoln Ho tins accept ed the position of teacher in the school at that place for tho coming school year. EYES TO EXCESSIVE USE I mi a mm a t ! II A it m ia 1 ill ri I! l ! Coming Events V t Aug. 30. Battalion Benefit Dane at ArmorT. Kept. 1-4 To Hell With tha Kaiser.' at Liberty theatre. Sept. 14. D. AV. Griffith ' ''Hearts of ths World", Ore- gun theatre. 4c Oregon State Fair Sept. 23- 28. "T&a funeral beautiful." Webb Clough Co. tf Dr. Mendelsohn, the eye specialist, will return Sept. let. - tf j ette farmer. "The bent' ia ail yon can do when death ernnei. Call Webb A Clough Co Phone 120. , tf. Chief of PoUce J. A. Foland left to day to bfgin his two weeks' vacation. During bis absence his Jik will be cared for by J. . Wright night ser geant. Dr. Schenk'i office will te Coetd from Auir 3rd to Sept. 8. 1918. 9 3 WiU trade for unincumbered city property, my 'OOO equity in improved 5 acre suburban home, 1 acre, variety fruit and berries. Sightly location. II. A. Johnson, owner, phone 347. 9 3 We bav modern bungalow for sale or trade. Phone 313 or L'5, 0. V. Ellis M. D., or Atly E. 8. White. 8 28 o The body of Chester M. Wilcox who died et Cimp Fremont from pneumonia I will arrive in the city this evening. Mo announcements have been mude as to the time of funeral services. Dr. Schenk'i offices will be closed from Aug. 3rd to Sept. 8, 191S. 9 3 Big dance every Tuesday, luuiisy and Bnturday nights, Lakebrook hop yard. 8 miles north. tf I will be out of town for a few weeks and would like my patrons to set tle their accounts with my wifo. I'honc 313 or send "" to 11. IT S. 15th Kt., Sulem, and oblige, O. V. Ellis, M. D. 9 3 Now la the time to eat watermelons as the fiuit houses announce the sea son Is grndunlly drawing to a close. Today the, wholesale price advanced half a cent a pound. Dr. Mendelsbon Is back in bis office and Is nt your servlc0 tf o Tonight big dance, Lakebrook hop yard, eight miles north. Th women of the First Methodist church auxiliary will not hold their us ual Kildav meeting at the church, in stead, all members are asked to go to the surgical dressing rooms at the post office where there la an agummncc of office where there Is an abundance of work and not enough workers. Highest market price paid for hogs and cattle. Will ship Hnturdav. Phone UJ.'.M. W. Eminett. 8 31 W. L. Bryant and his orchestra will furnish the music for the battalion dauee at the armory Friday evening. This orchentrn is wvll known to many in Hnlcin Jt has been playing for the dniu'es held at tho Muose hull. Barley flour baa declined little in prle wholesale, which will b good news for those who bake their bread from a mUturo of SO per cent nhout flour and 20 per cent barley flour When the barley and wheat flour are mixed according to the government 's regulation the combination must not sell for more than t lit Miluu of the same amount of plain whent flour. D DUIU IHlKN l)AMEt.H.-To Mr, and Mrs. P. E. tauiela, "0!t l,e street, Ntlem, Aug ust 2H, ItHS, i ton. WANTED Portland Furniture Deal er wants all kinds of sec ond hand , furniture, stoves, gas ranges, etc. Best prices paid. Phone 951 B round iown Mji O aiders Bird Semedie for tale at Perry ' easfl drug (tore. 8-30 o The Fitat Congregational church will hold an all day meeting of Red Cross worker Urnorrow at the church. Tanlac sold at store. Perry ' i cash drug 830 BACK from his vacation. The many friends and patrons of Dr. Mendel sohn will be glad to hear that he is bai-k, very njuch improved in health. He, will resume his work as usual, ou can see him in his offices from 8:Ti0 a. m. to 5-30 p. m. by special ap pointment. 8-30 o The next draft of men to leave Sa lem for (amp Lewis is scheduled for Thursdiy rVpt. 5- when 28 men will be entrained. They will leave on the afternoon train at 8:46 o'clock. The resignation of Mips Minnetta Magers as instructor of niuic in the !high school was accepted at a recent meeting of the board of education. Jo successor has as yet been elected. A minister of the gospel baa signified to the officials of the Commercial club his willingness and deire to do some kind of work, lie savs he can do cler- ; it-it 1 work all right and is not averse - - i 1 i : l i i to a j"o iiiHt- iiu. wfiiie jiiivhicui moor to it He comes well recommended. It is requested that anyone having a po sition to offer, might confer with the Commercial dub. The minister lives at flervais. o Kasper Meier of Mt. Angel died yesterduy at St- Benedict Abbey at the age -if 74 years. Until a few years ago he lived near tho state training school. Ha was the father of the pres ident of Mt. Angel college. Father Thomas. He is survived by William Meier ar.d J-'lavius Meier of Salem. Kred Meier of Portland. Father Thom as of Mt. Angel. Mrs. Frank Klodt of liming. Mo. and Mrs. Frann Verhngg of Heattle. The funeral services will tie held at 9 o'clock Friday morning from Ht. Benedict chapel. " -o The nice f middling cotton as quot ed in New York today is more than 37 cents a pound. About four years ago the cotton planters were plad to get 10 or 11 cents a pound all of which means that although a large amount of cot ton was carried over from last year cotton goods will hold steady. What we intended to say was that t"0 prospects for cheaper cotton goods aro not very encouraging. While souip trado maga zines are announcing lower prices on some lines traveling men try there is wonderful scarcity of. good on the market and that stores will be fortun ate to secure goods to sU at tho pres ent prices. o The Boaid of Instruction to be asso ciated with the local exemption board was officially organized today al though the appointment of its members was mado a week or so ago. A represen tative of tho war department was in tho city conferring with the board to day and giving instructions as to its proctdure. Tho board as appointed is as follows: Kollin K. lago chairman; Irr. Frank K. Brown. Hoy F, Shields. A. A. Hall and Prof. J. V. Nelson The duties of the board will be to give informa tion to soldiers as to their rights and also to the families of soldiers. o There is no truth to the rumor that has been en the streets for several days that Hreyman Boise had been severely wounded, The fact is according to a letter received a few days ago by the j family hi injury won merely a gas blister on one hand. In his letter he did not state whether or not he had been in hospital. Breyman Boise en j listed in l'otnany M at Salem April 9. 1!17. and went with tho company iover seas. Later he was transferred to thc regulars at division headquarters land was with the First division that was in :ill of the big fighting begin ning at Chateau Thierry. July 11. He wss attached to a machine gun com pany and -according to earlier letters saw all of the hard fighting from the time the First division and other Am icrican troops began driving the Iter- mans buck. The division that Brey i man Boise was in was complimented a i few days ago by General Pershing for the part it had taken in giving the jlluns a taste of real American fight ing. ! Salem's Prize Pig Yankee i Shows In Elk's Parade i ! This is the closing story of the falem pig, not the famous Saicm hog. His nauie was "Yankee" and he was gift of the local Klks' lodge to the Portland ludgo. "Yankee" appeared In the pa rade of the state Klks' held lat iuev duv evening in Portland. Aeeoidiug to reliable Elks, thc Salem mascot wss giv-l en a bath before he appeared in tho pa-j rade. His roval carriage was a Ford; truck, and. from reports of disinterested "eople, his general prosperous and eon tented demeanor would have been a credit o anv lodge. Later "Yankee" was raffled off at the Portland Elks' lodge and a to whcr he is now, deponent savei), not. i The local diWgation, while It diJ "ot 'carry off any cf the state offices, did nccced in securing a trophy tt a Ter dip, awarded to th. lodge ornate of Portland that registered the greatest . number of ladies. JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY lATTTJWil WAKT AM PAY Gompers WDI Stiffen Stand of European Labor ; For War To a Fmisn London, Ang. 29. From public gtate mcrjC of Samael Gompers, president of j the American Federation of Labor, since he arrive! in London, it is re garded as certain that he intends to continue strong snpport of the al- j lied government's attitude toward the; war and peace. He will, it is believed, ! establish the closest relations with the j orthodox pro-war union leaders in this country. j It is expected, however, that Gomp-1 ers will have some conferences with the socialists and more extreme labor groups, with the effort of converting them to a stronger war spirit- But it is certain that if any compromise is made, it will be at the request of the latter, and not Compers. It is expected the American labor leader will declare hi, detailed policy when he speaks at the Derby Trade Union congress, which opens Monday. Czecho-Sloyaks Take Important Railway Town London, Aug. 29. Czecho Slovak forces, continuing their eastward pro gress isl western Siberia, have capture I Vorkhendinsk about sixty miles east of Lake Baikal, one of the most im portant points on the Trans Siberian railway, it was reported here today. In eastern Siberia, fighting contin ues between the bolsheviki and the Czechoslovaks who have been rein forced by the Japanese. INJURIES NOT BEBIOUS Indianapolis, Ind., Aug. 29. Injur ies received by Governor Goodrich when his automobile wa9 struck by a street car last night are not as seri ous as first thought and he will recov er, according to an announcement by his physicians today. He "slept well and was fully con scious todny. HICK'S gallon Economy jars....$1.47 Quarts, Economy jars $1.17 Pints, Economy jars $1.03 Eoynl Baking Powder, 50e size --'39e K- C. Baking powdor, 00c size 40c K. ('. Baking Powder, 2."c sizo 25c Golden Gate Baking Pow ' dcr, 16 oz. sizo 25c Pea Berry Coffee, 1 pound 23c; 5 pounds $1.03 Fancy Blend, 1 pound 23c; 5 pounds $1.05 Royal Club, lib tin 33c Hoyal Club, 31b. tin 90c Golden Gate 1 pound 33c; 2 pounds 85c M. J. B. 35, and 85 $1.05 Large Criseo $1.95 Medium Criseo 97c Medium Krcum Krisp 73j Lnrd 3 pounds net $1.85 Lard Xo. 5, pail $1.30 While Kibbon Shortening Xo. 5 ..$1.30 I'rea mof Barley 20 Cream Rolled Oats, 3 pounds for 2"c Large package oat 2c Large package tit rut 27e Gold Dust Sea Foam 23c We Pay For Eggs, Trade, 44; Cash 41 YES ENLIST WIND IN THE WAR WORK .TMi nets LI I IS Mm ...Jim mi a MSA 'SiT' TO eooo owmo ' rVl. fyn tnNft ntQuiHf) a " Or. ho Let no part of the war garden crop go to wast uys the National War Garden Commission of Wish initon, whivh wUl send any reader h rPr free dryint look for two-cent stamp to pay postage. LAI ! i Lii A Spkndid Showing of La dies and Children's Coats at Popular Prices. Buying our Coats Direct from New York and Philadelphia Fac tories Saves You all the Mid dleman's profit Children's Coats $3.98 to $7.50 Ladies' Coats $14.75 to $42.50 Our Prices Always the Lowest GALE PHONE Commercial and Court Sts., Market Was Lifeless . And Prices Declined t New ork, Aug. 29. The Evening Sun financial review today says: Today's stock market was quite the dullest and most colorless session of the wrk ThA volninA nt business was ma terially smaller than that of yesterday. rrieo movements were irregular wtium a range of a fraction to about a point. The only feature was a well sustained demand for copper shares, all of which Advanced in food form to tlln highest prices of the year. Steel, after crossing no, reeeaea to 110. eietwM'nl motors, the infant, tei-ribn. mt the list indulged in all sorts of wild antics in winch it dropped ten points or so at one time. The railroad stocks were moro stable thnn tho industrials with consistent firmness for the niost part. The afternoon declino in prices, fol lowing upon tho warning of the chair man of the money pool to reduce -speculative commitments ou borrowed funds, reached substantial proportions, al though the retrograde movement was or derly. Steel sold down to 1H1j with but slight recovery. The setback in general represented net losses of a point or more among the standard issues. TDM SNIHflOli AID AHH3H3 '8JBDS Mr)Ut B UO 3U0p Sut -u3idA jnoA 3ABJJ 's,aa.rS ape.il put? qoanq3 uo uu ano B sop?os o.uoh ontj pus uoSbav oS.iej TJ paipjSUt 3AT3U. OV u)ia ssauisng u jejopi tiq Uojuk'O Pn8 JO swoo 001 ttq j.' i$ uiopon -iptug -tuoH mojj. Jtwsy otnoH Yi utioh Hona oois 'NOD.1HO "JOTYB NI K33Utt DR. W. L STANTON Skin and Scalp Specialist ' Treats all eruptions andi blemishes of skin and scalp, j Latest appliances for treat-1 ing the feet Satisfaction' guararteed. , Lady Assistant 518 U. S. Natl Bank Bldg.: Fi r Appointments Fhone 416 ; L.M.HUM j ears of 4 4 4 4 Tick So Tocg CkiaeM Medidaa kad Tea Oa. i Has medicine which will sore 4 any known diseasa. 2 Opea Sundays from 19 a, av 4 bbuI S p. ss. 1 153 Sootk HTigh 8t j S-lssa, Orefoa. Phoaa ISS 1 4444444 KF1 A if 1 Mi 1072 formerly Chicago Store SACKS FORSALE 45,000 Sacks for sale. We carry a lot of sacks for wheat, oats, onions and potatoes. We sell them below , Port land prices. WESTERN JUNK CO. Center & Court Phone 706 . TELEPHONE 81 AND 82 CAPITAL JOURNAL JOB DEPT SATISFACTION GUARANTEED kAA-iAAAAA---------rT TTTTTttT T TTT vTTTTTTTTT A- E. HARRIS &S0N Hopmere, Oregon. Buy Grain And Hay backs for Sale at Warehouse. It may be to your Advantage to get our Prices. ! t WANTED, JUNK I And All Kinds of 2nd Hand CcOOdS. Pull Market Prices Special Prices paid for Sacks. 0t our prices before yon sell. ) THB PEOPLE'S JUNK ft 2ND HAND 8TO&B 271 R. Com'l 8t- Phone 734 The Commercial Cider Works - Phone 2J94 ' Salem, Ore. - Manufacturers of cider to drink. Bring in your ripe apples I WANT TO BUY Your Junk and give yon a square business deaL I always pay the highest cash prices. I WANT YOUR SACKS AND BAGS I buy all kinds of used goods, 2nd hand furni ture, rubber and junk. Get my prices before you seiL THE CAPITAL JUNK CO. The Square Deal House 271 Chemeketa Street Phone 398 m