A (0)e Savlijmittal Itaurual EIGHT TUESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1918. if 4 j. i ft You should Not Fail to Come and See Our Fine Supply of ' And note the Remarkable low prices on such good quality of waists. They are all new ones and THE SEASON'S LATEST. Fine Lawn and Voile Waists, .0 $1.49 JJg Crepe de Chine Waists $2.98 and $3.98 Georgette Crepe Waists $4.98, $5.90 and $6.90 Fancy Striped Taffeta Waists . . ,$1.98 and $2.98 China Silk Waists $1 93 I WE KEEP THE and THE PRICE DOWN . : personals : : V. C. Orson of Pondloton wa regis tered at the llit;h yesterday. Klmer Walwnrlh whs In the city Monday from HurrUbiirg. A. liurr Jtlai'k of C'orvallli wu Hoicm visitor Monday. J, W. 1 Xmilh, rural aehool super visor is visiting in the Hublimity school today. Jlonry Wavers , left lust evening In V ear for Seattle whero he will meet tin, Meyer. -V, It. Holland and wife went to Tort land thin morning for a nhort visit, Ky H. Mill went to Newport yes terday and relumed with hi wife and two daughter, Ali.s Lucy Hluton, Miss Margaret I'arrott M.d Mi Bertha Jackson were Portland visitor over Hunday return ing yesterday. Died . . BOIlEIITHON.--At the Hulem hospital August Efl, IBIS, Mrs. Ads Dayton Huborlsun, wife of tho Kev, Juhn IMiortsoii of Dufur. Besides her husband, (die Is survived by her mother Mrs. C. K. Dayton of Halciti; a sister Mr. Jumes Lewis of Pslem and three brothers, Howard Dayton, of Htockton, Calif,; Arthur .1, WANTED Portland Furniture Deal er wants all kinds of sec ond hand furniture, stoves, gas ranges, etc. Best prices paid. Phone 951 CHOICE GRAVENSTE1N APPLES 90c per Box Early Crawford Peaches, Bushel $2.50 Ilartlett Pears, Bushel, $1.00 and $1.23 Utpe Tomatoes, basket 40c Watermelons, guaranteed ripe, lb. 2c Canteloupes, 3 for 23c WAKI) K. RICHARDSON Phcne 431 - . 2393 Front St. Jb fc . A ft J. WAISTS QUALITY UP Itoyton a druggist of Astoria and Dr. Floyd B., lnyton, an oceulist of Tort land. A 1.(0 a ou two weeks old. The funeral services will he held Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock from the homo of Mrs. C. E. Dayton, Center and Capital streets. The services at the cemetery will be only fur Immediate relative and friends. Mrs. Kubertsou was born in Lansing Mich., and came to Hulem when girl. She attended the public schools of HhIciii and Willamette; University and later was engaged in teaching. Two and ona-italf years ago she married the Iiev, Juhn Nuhertaon, the wedding tak ing place at the homo of her mother in Nalein, rilie was a member of llio Pres byterian church. MON. At the 'acone. hospital Mon day, August 2(1, lttlK, Low Mon, at the age of 75 year Tho funeral serviees wcro held this afternoon from the chapel of Wehh Clough. Iluriul was in the Odd Fellows cemetery. Low Mon was one of the Chiiiumen who live on High and Ferry streets and was the special friend of turning King who arranged for tho funeral services and burial. Trading Was Light Price Trend Downward New York, Aug. S7. Tbo New York Evening Hun says financially: lu a wny today's stock market re flected numerous favorable factois uud Ignored other factors less favorable. Trading was broader, though smaller in volume than in yesterday's session. This was paitkularly Uu0 of ilu) industrial list. Hteel advanced to a new too in ice fur ; thp year at 113 7 H. Murines were strong There was a good demand for tho cop per shares. The price level gradually re ceded during tlij afternoon in mud, rate dealings, except tho alcohol stocks, Ma :riue preferred ami fv of (lie special ties which held near the top. Hteel re j Beted closed to ll.t. Canadian Faeific, i which sold as hi.'h as 172, tlropd back to M9 8. T,M early galu of a point in I'uiou Faeii'ie was runeelU'd. (iemral Motors suffered a shsip break of over seven paint. Itiuidt were relntlvolv Relive. KERMIT 13 HONORED. London. Aug. 7. Kermit House velt has been awarded the military cross for his services with the Itiitixh army in Mesopotamia, it was suiiouuc ed todar. lioose -clt was major In the motor aervle in Mesopotamia. Recently he obtained a trauufcr to the American army, receiving a raptain's commis ion. Journal Want Ads Pay aJM 1 a 111 It Miifc safc ! tTTTTMMtTTTTTTttTtMTHMT All Around Town ! Coming Events Aujj. 30. Battalion Benefit Dance at Armory. Jv-pt. 1 4 'To Hell With the Kai?r,' at Liberty theatre. Sept. 14. D. W. Griffith 'I Heart of the World", Ore gon theatre. Oregon State Fair Sept 23 28. Tna funeral beautiful "Webt Clough Co. tf Dr. Mendelsohn, the eye specialist, will return Sept. 1st. tf ette farmer. About a dozen school teachers are now wanted in Marion county for the one and two-room schools, Ssuperiutend uit W. M. Smith. These schools will pay from $00 to $90 a month. Dance Moose ball tonight. .We tell for cashCommencing Joly lit we will conduct our business on a ttrictly cash basis. Patton'a Book Store. tf. ."Tha best' death comes. I'bone 120. Is all yon can do when Call Webb ft Clough Co tf. Mrs. M. L. Fulkerson rural school su pervisor, went to Vi'oodburn this morn ing to nil k ft arrangements for tho lo cal inilustiial school fuir to be held at that place He,pt 19. The winners at the local industrial school fairs to be held this fu'l will be entitled to compete at the stute fair. Dr. Bcbenk'i offices will ts eod from Aug 3rd to 8npt, 8, 1918. 9 3 Will trade for unincumbered city property, my IJOOO equity in improved 5 acre suburban home, 1 acre, variety fruit and berries. Rightly location. II. A. Johnson, owner, phone 347. 9 3 Dance Moose ball tonight. "Blown in by W draft" is the title of one of the Into books at the public libinry It is the story of one uf tho eastern army cantiliunents and was writ tt u by a reporter for the New York Hun. Ws have a modern bungalow for sale or trade. Phone 313 or G. V. Kllis M. I)., or Atty K. H. White. 8-28 Dr. Bcuenk'a offices will be closed from Aug. 3rd to Hept. 8, 1918. 9 3 Mr. Josephine llockett, pa tor of the North Hnleiii Friends church will leave this evening to make her home in the east. o The Yorkshire) Inmtxsnca Co. ia an old Knglish company, established away back in 1H24 and now has over (:I3, 000,000 in assets. II, A. Johnson, agent. 93 Big dance every Tuesday, lanijuay and Saturday nights, Lakebrook hop yard. 8 miles north. tf Oeorg W. Vick went to the Deacon ess hospital this afternoon fur a throat operation to b performed by Dr, M. ('. Findley. Mr. Vb-k says he expects to be out in a couple of ilnvt and ready onee nuaiii to toll of the wonders of the Ford-on tractor. Blackberries. Cutumlngs, 94F13. 8 27 , A nurses' training class will soon! start at the Hulem hospital. Any young Woiiihii wishing to prepare herself as nurse In civilian or army life is request ed to send application to ('has. A. Park secretary, Hulem, Oregon. 8 20 A marrlag license wa issued this -Sm SACKS FORSALE 43,000 Sacks fur sale. We carry a Jut of wicks fur wheat, oats, onions and pot lues. We sell them below Port land prices. WESTERN "JUNK CO. Center t Court Phone 70fl A-E. HARRIS &S0N llopmere, Oregon. Buy Gram And Hay Sacks for Hals at Warehouse. It may be to your Advantage to jet cur Prices. ' jt j WANTED, JUNK Va4 AU Kinds of tsx Hand voda. FttU Mark rricea Special rrtcea paid for Sacks. 0t tar price k-or yc rlL TUB rEOPLB'S JUNK ISO HAND STOhB ST1 R. Com'l St nM T54 t morning at 9 o'clock to Leland MeClel jlaad ilulkey. age 21, of filvcrton, I farmer, ar,d Edith Marie Cox, age 21, also cf Hilverton. At 1:33 o'clock this ' afternoon Mrs. llulkey hii farewell ! to her bui-band of but a few hour as he wss ore of the men who entrained for Camp Lewi. o Dance Moose ball tonight. o vV M'L-, Special meeting of De NO-Vj Moiay Comuiandry So. 5 in the K. C. degree. Vir iting Kir Knighte welcome. . o Dance Moose ball tonight. The honey-dew melon is now on the market. It comes from the famous Turloek section of California end is de- sernVd as about a half eousin to the cantelou;e and a half cousin to the easaba end the other relationship just plain honey-dew melon. Thefruit is much like a easuba in appearance but with a finer flavor with a taste very suggestive of honey dew. o Wanted Men and women, apply at once. Salein Kings Products Co., Front and Market Sts. 0 Tonight big dance, Lakebrook bop yard, eight miles north. o After two attempts at imitating the rural hot summer weather of the east ern and central state, the weather man gave it up and yesterday allowed the thermometer to reach the 84 mark as the maximum. And in order that sleeping conditions might again seem normal, the mercury was permitted to drop to 50 last night. The river is getting down to a pretty low level with a stage now of one foot and eight inchcB below the low water mark. o Big dance every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 'nights, Lakebrook hop yard, 8 miles north. tf Although it wu mentioned in yes terday's Capital Journal that invita tions had been sent Out for the battal ion dunce for Friday evening of this week, tho boys wish It understood the dance is not an invitation one. It is for everybody and tho proceeds from the dance will go into the general bat talion trrtisury which just now is at a pretty low ebb. Invitations to some extent aro a matter of form and will be issued only to the governor and the generul staff at Portland. T. A. Livesley donated a flag 6 by 10 feet to tho boys leaving Livesley who go into the service, it was flung to the breeao from '(he livesley sta tion last evening and. i a gift to the station in honor of the boys who are now in tho service from Livesley and for those who will o inducted. Nobel llenningson of Livesley was ono of the boys who left for Camp Lewis this afternoon. He enlisted in the engineers lant .Inly but he and others wore rc clasMt'ied and called in the present draft. On account of the scarcity of matar- inls, tho ladies of the First Congrega tional Hod Cross Auxiliary will not meet again until further otice. How ever if the ludies of this auxiliary are disposed to continue in some latriotic w ork, luinouiieenient ia made timt work ers are very badly needed at the sur gical dressing department of the Red Cross worhing every day excepting Sat urdays it the postoffioe building, up stairs. En'i"tmenU for the Oregon National tuar(l ar' gradually coming in anil it is now hoped that the enniny of 100 w ill be organized by September 1. From now on enlistments may bo made with ' nptmn A. It. ilson at tho Postal Telegraph office en Miate street, with Lieutenant Utov Hewlett at the post- office, with Lieutenant Colonel A. T. Woolpert at the Central Pharmacy or with Major A. A. Hal at.his office in the Snle.n Bank of Commerce building. About 50 man and the dogs from the state pu itentinry were engaged yes terday in searching for Father OtV mayor, a priest of Mt. Angel College who has been missing for the past) wih'k lie was last t seen at the opening rrv near Mt. Angel of the tufa qua about a week ago. The eountrv is such that anyone might become lost and the gravest fenrs are entertained for his safety. The Star Spangled Banner and other patriotic song w ill bo aung this even ing at 6 o'clock from, the band stand in Will son park. This is in accordance with President Wilsu' proclamation i'""" pamone i'g at me same '" On the basis of eastern time, Philsdclohia and rition on the Atlantic ! ci-ast will mux ' 9 oVKx-k this eea -r. . uo-tij; ami cuios in inc rcnu;u states at S o'clock. Drnver and cities with motti.taiu time, at 7 o'clock and cities with l'scific eoaat time at 6 oVIoek. Kvery singer ia the rity is in vited to be prevnt at the band stand at oVUtek this eeuing to join in the singing. Nothtaf eould be laarnad definitely! this afternoon to what progress had been made in swnring the neeeswary 4K members for the supiort fit the Corn men iaj flub the coming year. It is un derstood that a dorr a er or workers were out this mornin and that they wer mwtlng with gHJ success. To 54 wen who entrained this af ternoon for Camp Lewis from the South , ern I scific itei-ot had aanua.t time i to bid good bye to tbi friends and ! relative. Every a f them were r-rnmntW a hn,l at it, detwt a. 1:.VV o'clock but the train did not pull iatojT the depot until along towards 3:30, No More Sunday Joyrid In East Washington, Aug. "7. The T"nited States fuel administration today ban-1 ned the nse of pleasure automobiles. mo- toreyclet and niotorboats east of the Mississippi river on Sunday, to permit, replenishment of diminished gasoline stores. I It will remain in effect until stocks are built up. ! Fuel officials say the shortage of, gasoline is not serious but that demand? 1 for overseas shipments and for domestic. use are bow at their highest point and some precautionary measure must be taken to assure a continuous flow for war purpose. Tractor and motor trucks engaged in the actual transportation of freight arc exempted also physicians autouobiles ambulances, fir and police patrols and machines used for repair work by pub lic utilities. Persons living in rural districts where other transportation is not available, may use automobiles. In issuing the order fuel officials refrained from making it mandatory which would invoke the the penalties of tne Lever bill for violation, but rath er appealed to the patriotism of the people of the country to see that the order is obeyed. If desired results are not obtained through voluntary submission, the gaso line curtailment plan will be backed by a flat official order. Fuel officials said they counted on the patriotism of the people of the country to save the desir ed amount of gasoline. Four Reform School Boys Take French Leave Sneaking from the school into the brush, four Portland boys made their escape yesterday afternoon from the state training school for boys. They have not yet been captured, and it is believed that they are the ones who stole D. II. Upjohn 's automobile last night and are traveling south. As the automobile ia of a light blue color the officers expect to soon locate it. The machine had license number 20,000. The boys are Vernon Bradford, 17 years old; Frank DePiuto, 15; Alfred Twigger, 14, and Charles Davis, 14. Bradford and DePinto are termed "bad eggs, "-by Superintendent Gilbert. They were out on parole until six week's ago when they were arrested at Astoria f o burglary and wore returned to the school. They and Twigger also have been in a number of scrapes for stealing automobiles. Court House News O. J. Hawkinson yesterday filed a .suit in tho circuit court against W. S. ,1 to won asking the court for judgment for NOO on an unpaid promissory note dated Dec. 20, 1010 and for $75 at torney 's fees. The complaint " recites that Bowen gave his note for S00 to the Scandinavian-American bank of Portland and that the note had been aligned to O, J. Hawkinson. That the note had not been paid nor the interest thereon. Two resident hunter's licenses were issued this morning. One was to W. L. Copenlmven of Heppner end the other to T. M. Scott of Salem. Men who have enlisted in tho Oregon National Guard aro asked to meet at tho armory Wednesday evening to be given a pliysicat t examination- mosc who have already been given tne ex amination ar also asked to attend tho meeting as there are several sub jects to come up lor discussion, ii is also announced that enlistments for the Oregon National Guard will bo tak en tomorrow evening at the armory. F. E. Waldorf of Bheridan and Ed Whittjakcr of Stockton, Calif., were bovs together about 40 years ago and lr't week was their first meeting since those- days of 178. They were both in Salem yesterday visiting relatives of Mr. Waldorf. BATTALION MUTINIED. Amsterdam, Aug. 27. A German bat talion ordered to the front unanimous ly refused to go, according to a dis hum the frontier, published in i (he jejrgf, Thoreuon, every tenth I B W4J Tlie rcmainder yielded "Presage" may be defined as word from which press agent is rived. the de DR. W.L STANTON Skin and Scalp Specialist Treats all eruptions and blemishes of skin and scalp. Latest appliances for treat ing the feet. Satisfaction ; - , . i gUai"Hr teeu. Lady Assistant BIS U. S. Natl Bank Bldg. Fcr Appointments Phone 416. L.M.HUM art l Yick So Tcnz Chiaesa Vedieia aad Tea (V Has snedieiaa which wiU awra aey known disoaaa. Op a 8ody frwa 10 a, m. aaui t p. m. - lil &uti High St. Salasa, Oregon. Pkoa tSl BOY'S Knickerbocker I Our Prices Always the Lowest GALE PHONE 1072 Commercial and Court Kalph W. Southwiek, son of Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Southwick of this city, has done considerable traveling since he went into the service, finally finding himself with the Salem Company M in Fiance. He was inducted into the service in Arizona, sent to Kansas for three weeks' preliminary training and j then ordered to Fort Kearney in south- ; ern California. From this point he was j ordered to France and after a time) found himself attached to the 102d ' regiment. State House Notes Employes at the state printing of fice are preparing1 to ask for an in crease in wages from a minimum of $4.50 a day to $0 a day, according to a new wage scale adopted by tho Salem Typographical Union. The new scale calls for $60 for tho first night shift and (7 for the second night shift. Of the employes in the state printing of fice, two now receivo $4.50 a day, one if3.50 and the rest ti.75. The Socialist party has filed with Secretary of State Olcott certificates of nomination and acceptances for the following offices: II. M. Wicks, for representative in Coneress from Mult nomah county; Henry Weber, for state senator for tho thirteenth district; .Dan Small, for state senator for the fourteenth district; W. C. Aylsworth, for state representative for the seven teenth district, and Alvina Hagen, C. B. Davidson, W. A. Tucker, Peter Kah konen, Michael Kleiner, O, H. Stern- WHEN IN SALEM, OREGON, Stop at BLIQH H0T2L "A Hem Away from Home." Strictly Modern tl oer Day 100 Booms of Solid Comfort Only Hotel in Business District UCHMUND'S Early Crawford Canning PEA $2.50 DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR Mr. Lachmund Arranged Wit:i Our Store to Fill His City Orders for His Best Grade Peaches on the Same Bads That He Charges at His Orchaid. SAVE YOUR GAS. Buy Them Here BARTLETT PEARS-Good Ones $1 and Up PLUMS, per box 50c and 75c ITALIAN PRUNES, per bushel $1.75 GRAVENSTEIN APPLES S1J5 and $1.50 EATING PEARS, per dozen 15c CASSABA'S 25c and 35c WATERMELON 25c to 60c ROTH GROCERY CO. Suits " " JUST RECEIVED Ages 6 to 17 years Prices $4.50 to $5.75 -& CO. Sts., formerly Chicago Store berg, H. 8., Warren, Julia Jackson, Hendt Pederson, Math Schlegel and Claude Hurst, for state representatives from Multnomah county. The Commercial Cider Works Phone 2J94 Salem, Ore. Manufacturers of cider to drink. Bring in your ripe apples I WANT TO BUY Your Junk and give yon a square business deal I always pay the highest cash prices. I WANT YOUR SACKS AND BAGS I buy all kinds of used goods, 2nd hand furni ture, rubber and junk. Get my prices before you seiL THE CAPITAL JUNK CO. The Square Deal House 271 Chemeketa Street Phone 398 NO. 1 GRADE i