THRE3 FRENCH GO THRU GERMAN LINES Continued from page one) since the morning of August 21, ex ceeded 21.I.HM).-' BMP mm T IF if in Old I' ll lii At Bargain Pries Buy All-Wool Clothing While You Can . ' -SAVE MONEY BY BUYING KOW THE BIG CLOSING OUT SALE CONTINUES THROUGHOUT THE STORE FOUR DAYS, Commencing SUNDAY, SEPT. 1 TWICE DAILY 2 AND 8 P. M. THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON TUESDAY, AUGUST 27. MS. MM P M II L J' Vr Accompanied By The Company's Own SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA H-itfti in a inni i i.rr J g , fff "" i it n -i i innii nn iiri mn n rniTHiiri i mm m ONE MILLION FIGHTING MEN AND 20,000 HORSES IN ACTION SQUADRONS OF AIRPLANES.-FLEETS OF ZEPPELINS. THE CHARGE OF THE TANKS. THE DEADLY GAS AND FLAME PRO JECTORS AT THEIR IIELLiSH WORK OF DESTRUCTION --PRICES Matinees: 25o50c-75c; Evening: 50c-75c-$L00 These Prices Are Universal Throughout The U. S. And Canada Under Bond To D. W. Griffith. Children UnderSix Will Not Be Admitted Seat sale starts Thursday 1 p. m. at the Oregon look 1000 ITisoners FarU, - Aug- "J. French troops ad vanced toward Rove, this morning, af ter repulsing several Counter attacks in that region, the war t'uc announc ed. The French advanced three quarters of a mite east of Fagncux (t'ive miles north nd west of Soiasons) yesterday and repulsed a counter attack west of Chavigny (oiid way between Baj;neux and tnssons.) Artillery fighting eontinued last night between the Aisne nd the Ail ette. The French took 1UH) prisoners yesterday. "South of the Avre, the French this morning accentuated their progress in the region of St. Mard (a mile and a half west of Koye) after several Her man counter attacks were repulsed," the communique said. "In yesterday's fighting the French took 1HH) prisoner including 36 offi cers. "Between the Oise and the Aisne late yesterday a German counter attack west of Chavigny was repulsed and 30 prisoners taken. East of Hagneux, the French carried their lines forward 1200 yards. Between the Aisno and the Ailette artillery firing was active dur ing the night" lMlllHlllllllllIHMinillll!MIIIIIIIIIII1inilllllIlllllllHIIlllllllllllIllllHIIIinillllllIIlllllltho first of the week. Professor Morr E " ' e l . 5 i is the head of tiro history at the Vuive e UJar Summary of united Press ii.yfc,iifUmia. - " - Miss L. Margaret Hall of Sulem, is en mniiiiiimiimimiimiiiimmimmiiimimiimiiiiinmiiiiimiimiiiiimiiiii 1485th Day of the War, 41st Day of Counter Offensive iiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiii SUKEOTJNDINO BAPAUMB By Lowell Mellett With the Hritish Armies in France Aug. 7. (Noon) The Hritish launch- j ed a new attack south of Hupunme at ; 4:45 this morning with the prospect of j unking the situation below that city as precarious as it is above, where the lino is actually beyond the city. The New Zeilnndors aro on the north' j cm outskirts of Bnpanme, having tak- j en Baugnatre (two miles northeast of j the city) during the night. They cap- i tured prisoners from three battalions, including a battalion commander. At the same time, Hritish troops aro i moving eastward along the Scarpe, Highlanders on the north and Can a-! dians on the south, taking advantage j of vestordav's important gains. 1 The British last night swept down the slopes of tlenenil (three miles north of Croiselles) and oes the advanced trenches of the old Hindcnburg line. These they captured easily, but they found the 'Germans holding hard in the support lines. The fighting below linpmimp is un usually violent in places. The Oerintins threw tho Kighty Seventh division into Iiongueval Inst night, counter attack ing and driving back the Hritish just after the latter had scived the town. This makes more than twenty divisions (omiroximatelv 210,000 men) identified opposite Gonernl B.vnill wny so far- As yet, little euiirt mis neon maun to there is patrol fighting constantly on the outskirts, Men's Iron HANSEN'S GORDON A Good Clad and mm Assortment ' Beaver For Men HA13 of Knit at 1130 Quality PAJATiIAS it Regular , Hose REDUCED Now H,rilTani,I)T(, 25c Pair PRICES $245 NG.HJpS . vLJ At Old Prices BOYS' SILK .One Bargain General S5 " r F 9hnrr Pnt 25c Each ,,or Aonic In the Rear of Short Pants . M?n,g Values to $3.00 SHOES 20 Per Cent Neckties-' Now the Shoe Depart- Less 25c $2.95 ment MEN'S COLLARS 2 for 25c STAfMRD BRANDS and STANDARD STYLES JJ Corner Court And Com'l Street, Salem. Picardy front British after repuls-last defense of Rove and wete repotted ing a series of desperate counter at tacks between the Scarpe and the Bom me last night, resumed their advance on a wide front today. The principal British attack was di rected south of Bopaumo, in an effort to complete encirclement of the city. Iiajiauiue already is passed to the north and New Zealand troops re firmly establihed in the outskirts. Along the Scarpe, Scotch and Can adian troops are reported nearing Flpuvain, which lies a mile and a half beyond the old lines. Further progress is being made a long the Sonime, Suzanne, two miles east of Bray on the north bank, has been passed and the British are ap proaching Uompierre, five miles south east of Bray and south of the river. The French today broke down the within less than a mile of the town which also is being menaced from the north by the British. French troops al so are strongly attacking in tho Noyon region and along the Ailette. Spain Foreign Minister Dato an nounced that Germany had conceded all of Spain's demands regarding submar ine warfare. - Xurvray Germany has expressed her willingness to compensate Norway for any vessels sunk outside the danger zojie, providing it is established they lunk withi were sunk uout warning. Russia The railway strike in Uk raine has been resumed and 4l),W)0 arm ed peasants are reported to be opposing the Germans and Ukrainian troops. SUNDAY CROWD LARGE AT BEACH RESORT Newport And Nye Beach Are . More Popular Than Ever This Summer. Hofer was assisted in the flag raising by several officers and soldiers from Agali beach and Monterey camps. The bi-monthly officers ball Wedres day evening was as usual one of the pleasantest social features of the week. This probably will be the last function of its kind this season. Mrs, E. 1'. Mulkey of Salem, is num bered among the latest guests at the New Cliff house, at Nye beach. Mrs. K. llofer, Mrs. A. A. By nun and joying a short vacation at Xyo bcaen at tho now Cliff house. Miss LeVcine Gibson of Salem, arriv ed recently and is a guest at the Uu mon. " Mr. and Mrs. Otto Byerley 'of Sulem arc passing tho remainder of the month at tho Nicolui. Mrs. W, H. Fitts of Salem, came in a few days ago and is at the Xew Cliff house, Mr. and Mrs. George C. Will of Salem, are among the latest, guests to arrive at tho beach. 3. K. Currie of Sulem, is enjoying a short outing at Newport this week, Mr. and Mrs. M. 1.. Hulbert and fam ily and Mrs. H. B. Fear of Independmce are encamped at Yhittens this wetk. Judge and Mrs. H. F. Khodcs of lit Miunvillc arrived during the week audi" are domiciled at ozy camp. Mrs. W. U. Alien of Halcm came in a few days ago for a short visit. Mrs. J. 1). Guffrier of McMinnville, is enjoying a brief vacation at "'ye bearh at Rose city campground. Mr. and Mrs. I'. 8. l'uge of Salem, are numbered among the latest arrivals at Nye Beach at Sunny side lodge, Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Marshall of Mc Minnville, are enjoying the season, es tablished at Cozy camp, Mr. and Mrs, arrived during the week and will pass the balance of the month here. . Miss Helen Pierce of Salem, fame in Sunday to pass the rest of the month with her sister, Dorothy, who is at the Damon. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Prindle and sun Aug. 2i. (Night.) Onc more surprise today lengthened the list the British are visiting upon tho ilermnns on tho old .Sonime battle field. At 3 a. m. another six miles were added to tho battle line in tho region of tho Hcarpe. Hut this wns not a surprise, as the Germans apparently hud been expecting it. The surprise camo when the moon suddenly broke trough tho clouds a bovo Grange hill, Chapel hill and tlio landers surging to the attack. Save when the moon appeared at this moment, illuminating the earth, the early morning advance was mndo in the densest tlurkuss. The British plans wero kept eipiully dark, One prisoner testified to tho Binazement felt by the bodies when they discover ed the identify of the on coming troops. Tho Cnuadiuiia only recently wero known to be near Amiens, where they participated gloriously in the opening of Iho present offensive, while tho Highlanders were lust heard from har assing tho Gorman lino fur to tho south ward. Passing through Arras today I saw a column of a thousand prisoners, head ed by a dozen officers. Their general physique was poor, in contrast to the prisoners taken farther north. UNDER DOUBLE FIRE By Webb Mill Paris, Aug. 27 (10 a. m ) General Mangin hus won possession of high ground south of Crecy-Au-Mont, from where the German positions north and east of Soissons are being heavily shell ed. These positions are now subjected to a double fire, as they are also be ing shelled from the French line along the Aisne, east of Hoissons. Along the whole active front the French continue to soeuro "jumping off" places for further operations. AIRMEN DO GOOD WORK. By Frank J. Tylor. With the American Armies in France, Aug. 20. (Night.) American patrols ha I the best of some encounters in the Tool and Woevre regions today. In the Tool area, nn American patrol killed and wounded four boi'hes. lur- intr a iiatrol encounter in the Woevre, an American doughboy was wounded in 1 en Ill HII I Lilt FOR COUGHS AND COLDS A Mmty Cnlelum compound iht f" SmiiOs u uu I n it vhrnntfl Iiimk sua tlinmt lr"i!hli, A tiilil'-ri"toi-Hllvt tri:.iil limit harmful Vr huUH-Ioriulns Uinta, t ry lliuu luduy, SO cents a box, including war tax f lijr alt lrnlst b'huiuil Labui-HluJ-jr, i' lochia AMERICANS ON VE8LE. By Fred S. Ferguson, (Fiiited Press staff correspondent) With the American Annies in Fiance, Aug. 27 American patrols continue to maintain contact with the Germans and there is no i-liiim-e of the enemy , , i t...u..t jo piaces nyii.aci.ii.cK.... .......... j slipping off and withdrawing from the struck h in between the. knee and the v M . . ... . ......... . waist. lieved to eontitute a record number o? wounds received during a minutes' skir mishing without causing death. . Another American soldier despite a torn face and a stomach wound from three entered his calf and three ; " " ? " ''"' his arm- Ho will recover. I his is be-, -.,, .,. .,, ,,, ,,,. .......... , , ,. combed Dm river front lust night and early tuduy. Tho Amentum are now established along the embankment of the main Hoissons liti. ims railway. Between the v eaini) . i . u railway ami me river is a sireien oi il. M W'ebb of Dl.llaJ',;"lr,,P;' Ii'f ',' linf Z ion " varying in width from 100 to he week and will VlJ'Z Con- "''! Kr.?nale fragments, pri ced forwar4 anJ j flan, Sunday, bombing railway track,, ' "'?"' "' I"' 1. 1..-.: . ammiinilinll ... ft .1 il ' I ' miming u' ni. -- rorty bomns lushes between of McMinnville, are numbered among! j,iBn,.( lamasinir a round house, were dropped. All our machines re turned safely despite a terrific artillery barrage and an encounter with German Mrs. A. F. llofer and family of Balers, j the latest cottagers to arrive at ')' returned home 'the last of the week af , beach, ter a short outing at Agite beach. The Misses -Grace Thrapp and Jasse Only outposts are maintained by the hoe he south of the Vesle. Their main lino is along the north bank and the outpost are withdraw n to that posi tion at night. Dizzy-Wrecked His Automobile "Two years ago my stomach trouble ....stunt- Cross nindenburg Lin. Lnndon. Am?. 27. Progress along the By Ethel Too, e. j. Barnes of Salem, motored to mine of Halcm, came in last week end 'whole British front with further ad- (Capital Journal Special Service.) Newport Saturday, to pass the week-end to e joy a few days visit at Hc Fern, nances in important sectors of the Xewoort. Or- Auz. 27. In spite of with his familv. who are sumnicrinel The Misses Jessie and Ma Gibson of. French front, was shown in the official h fa.- that the last weet in i:r'Jst . here. .Mi Huth Barnes ha, been siif-iHulem. arrived the last of tl. week lor , statements lsucI r-y J"c war oi t jj((t ,ttj that I almost v . i .... ifering from an acute attack of bron-ia short outing at the beach. ,lst night. The British have passed tne,r f,r wj.h s, TM, tnnd' me very i, af hand, there u at present no Ci- s . ,. v,..xt,n,,vHU i-'ol.l nb..r line east of Arras and I,!;,., .;,.. I.t fall I ... al..i listed visiting with friends at Nyc beach. ihave added materially to their gains overcome by one of these dizy spells j Mrs. Welsh and daughters, Mildred .around Croisclles and slong the nortniwn;e driving my car, and ran it into a and Alice of fcialem, are pasting th.!,l"" of the Homme. (telephone pole, badly wrecking the car. !balne of the sf-iion at Re.l Fern. Confirmation of the capture of t res- A fri,.n, rernmniende-1 Msyr's Wonder- tini.hiug of the popularity of this re- ,. M..Kinn: 0, ,.. u sort. Last week end larger crowd ; mnr.g the retent capital city visitors than ever before this summer, thronged at this beach. , the sandv beach and with the continu-j Miss Inez Filtr of alem, is cajoying ng balmr weather there is no doubt's short vacation at this beach. j Mrs. Achal Bush and sons, Htewartln"." Ky " onUincd in the I ans ,f, kemrdy for my trouble. Hinre tak- that manv tourists will prolong their! T. W. Jenks of ISalem, motored to'and Ashael. who have been ummi-rii.g!mn'M. ..... ling the frt . lose 1 have steadily irn- Newport last week end to visit with bisjat Agate beach, went home last week, famitv Ka ... tt.iA..rnin7 mi va heachi lr. sn.l Ira. Care, farttn. tit Isiiletn. tl,l. mminer Mr. Jenki made a record i arrived here recently and will remain i-' Stf drive, making the trip in a little CT,the balance of the month. Mrs. . Mints and daughter have re that many tourists will prolong their stay into (September. A very impressive flag raising occur red Saturday evening at the summer home. Madianr jof Colonel E. Hofer, ia honor of five men of the Hofer fant-jfuur hours. ilr, who have volunteered their to their eountrv. Those konored demonstration were Mr. Hofer Laurence, who is attending chaser school on th Kcottisk eoast, Lt.i William Anderson of Salem, are domi AHea Byaon, s son in-law. who is at Siei'.ed at Bonnyside lodge for the balance motor trurk bas in the quartermasters of the season. denartceot in France. Lt. Armin rVhrei-l Ms. John McNary, Mrs. W. T. 0,-r. a sephew, who is in the e.igvwr kan4 children, Margaret and Richard, of j enjoying S brief vacation here, returned corps at Petershf.rongh, Vs.. mi, i-ow, Hsiem, esme in recently ana a gucn;r.onio me iat c,r tne wee. s former O. A. C. foo'.t all star, who is ia of ta lamo. the submarine chaser service at Paul Mr. snd Mrs. Edward Weill Pcdrn aad Lt. Everett Mav. the fiane icm nd Profemr snd Mrs. .ef Mis Marie Hofer, wk is serving Morris of Berkeley, who have bea mra-S where they will remsia a month. I)W0 mt.,, rcturaed kome feut!y, i!k tk srtUlery ia Trance. Coloatl' mcrisg st Seal. Bocks, ssotorcd sods Mrs. E. E. McAckes, Mrs. Taosaas The Berlin n'mht statement reported , nr,lVfili ,., 1..,.. now than ever British attacks extending north of the ia m, jjfe. Jt is s simple, harmless which "mainly failed. ' tiret,aration that removes the catarrhal stated that counter attacks are l'f' mucus from the intestinal tract and al gressing in some pla'-cs and claimed the svi tne Inflammation which causes .!.. ..n r.nTiii.vttl And Mont - A u ban. t ,t.iK, .fi i. H,1 ln.,. seme Mr. and Mrs. trans: Pmith of iNilew, tumea to tneir Borne HMlca, aner s . . . "mUl. reported re- t.l...i .,,li,iHt by tMs are numbere.1 smong th, latest eotts-j fortnight 's jurn at this res..rt. . , . .tt.eks In the regios",.. .hi . ,... s son, gers to arrive at Cherry City. Miss Charlotte ( roisan of Kalem, who ' v.k, ...i iAaet.emarca. north r n i'.r wt.i ttr..v iHtr.r s submsrir.el ; Mr. sad Mrs. P. J. Johnms snd Mis. has been the house guest of Muriel Hte-I , ,. M . .,-,i,. res at Nye beseh for ten dayi returned home the lat of the week, Mr. and Mrs. B. N. Endicott snd dan ghter Gertrude, of Kalem, who have been BRITISH GAIN SIX MILES. By Lowell Mellett, With the British Armies ia France Mr. snd Mrs. W. P. Lord snd r Roberts, Mrs. Eddie Wllon and Miss forval Her, of Ba-; of Halcm, paww-d thro ?wP"rKunane Craig, of Kab m ho have beenls.lye in s. Wiiiiam reeently on thir wsy to R'k" .nf0ttag'-d at W'hittene tampground for! ting ordl A mast meeting in the Interest of lo cal church federation a held at En gen last Wednesday night, but DO definit action was taken. forvallis' eottnell has taken the re- enforce the city's weed eot- .2... V . w.Il I . ( IaI I . ' .11.11 mq au-.n u'.w .-...-v. v., California Holding Primary Election Hn Francisco, Aug. 27. California went to the polls today to nominate s war time governor. With eight cnndiilutes In tho field tho warmest race was conceded to be .between Governor WilliBin I). Htophens, ii-liosen successor of Henutor Hiram W. Johnson and Mayor Jumes ltolpli of snn Francisco. Both Kolph nod Htephens rusted their case largely on a platform of t'enrrying out ilirum Johnson's pol icies." For tho ileinocrntlc nomlnstion Fran cis J, lleney win opposml to Thomas J.eo Woolwino of Iw.s Angeles, Itorph flso was on Aim dennferntie. ticket, And on thn progressive, ticket as well, Charles ,M. Fiekert, the district at torney who prosecuted the preparedness pnra'le bomb cases, J. G - Hays. Hnn rlose publisher, ('. A. McGee of Han illiego and Judge. Walter M. Hordwell iwero other candidates for tho republl- sun numiiiation. ' 11 1 ' ' 1 r . IT CAN'T BE DONE WS AH I Too Old SND WIUTSO sisvica ih CAHNma So utl irt nowi AfieitHfrt SHimsiii whjkii or Tmsmi t I5THM reofLf vmnwnrw iMSOtRtHKl I tTOlM STll OB VlllVrtJ Vfc,(t6lJ!V I Aiist wmuis binniiligN" 1 . 1 WM.IUM,0.(n . Horn cannert must not expect stale or wilted vegetables to be good when canned. Everything must be fresh. See the free book, sent for, two cents to pay postage, by the National War Garden Commission, Washington. D. C. .. 1 ! 1 J IfASTIIMADOal AVFHTS-BELIEVES HAY FEVER. ASTHMA ... -I . . .'iF fc isa All U'ussus buusauw New Fall Suits and Coats in Latest Models Women and Minses who like to choose from distinct ive styles will find here a notable showing of high class suits, at reasonable prices. Novelty liclted mod els, some with Yoke Effects and Military Collars. Tailored suits trimmed with braids in models, to please you. Ilest of materials including: Serges, Gabardines, Tricotine, Wool Velours, Iiroadclljth, and many other materials. Prevailing colors rang ing In prices from $14.75 to $100.00 Women's New Fall Coats Priced from $14.50 to $125.00 The season's very smarlest stjles are now here for your choosing. Fashionable new models, principally belted effects, with large adjustable collars. Some fur trimmed patch or set pockets, others in smart tailored styles lined full length or to waist. Mater ials are wool velours, Velvets, Plushes, Jerseys, Hroadcloths, Bolivias, etc. Urown, Navy, Dark, Burgundy, Taupe, Oxford, Plum and other prevail ing colors and new shades. Portland Cloak & Suit Co. : Court and Commercial Stockton's Corner t