Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 26, 1918, Page FIVE, Image 5

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' i
MiPNSI. WANT in nFPARTKTFVT K TOT OTCT cniivr! w n. iquir at iV a
Bate per wori-Nw Today:
Sack insertion l
Om week (9 insertions) Se
Om month (26 insertions) 17e j
la Capital Journal will not It re-
fer error i ia Classified Advertisements.
, . , .. ,
lead your advertisement the first day!
It appear aad notify as immediately,
- Minimum charge ISe.
wants work by hour. Phoni
12x16 test for saie. Enquire at 674
north Bummer. 8-26
DBA IT horses for sale. Phone 38F4.
BEDROOM with private bath for rent
Enquire Vick's Garage. 8-27
WANTED Prune pickers and shaker
te camp. Phone 8ST13. 8 -27
FALL and winter pasture for horses and
entile. Phote 2249. 8-26
WILL rent 'or buy modern bungalow
with garage. Phone 931. 8 27
GOOD motorcycle to trade for good eow
Inquire 420 S. Commercial. 8-26
WANTED Prune pickers, and help in
dryer. Phono 107FU. 8-27
WANTED Laundress, steady work.
Phono 1109M. 8-28
HOP FICKEBS wanted. Phone 59F11.
Adam Orey, Bt. 8. tf
JIB WOOD for sale. Phone 51F13 or
55F3 after 8 p. m. Chris Petersen, tf
FOE SALE Small cok stove, cheap.
1360 nortn Front St. ,8-28
LOST One silk glove, color gray. Leave
at Capital Journal office. 8-28
FOB SALE 2 Shropshire bucks. C. C.
Bussell, Waconda. Or. Phone 3F3. tf
FURNISHED flats for rent. Call 1737
W. . tf
WANTED Veal calves and fat cattle.
Phone 1576W. - 8
GOOD driving horse for saU cheap. C.
E. SDeaker. Bt. 4. 8-29
GOOD Dasturo for tows on the L. K.
Page estate. Phone 44F22. , . . , tf
COL. W. F. WRIGHT, tie auctioneer.
Turner, Oregpn. Ptiom 59. tf.
"WANTED Purebred Cotswold ram. F.
M. Chittenden, 342 N. Water St., Sa
lem, Or. 8-26
KOTlCE I will pay no bills contract
ed by any one excepting myself. Ar
thur Marshall. 8-30
FOB RENT Equipped meat market,
good location. P. O. Box 137. Mc
Minnville, Or. 8-31
BALESMAN, collector wanted for Ma
rion aad Yamhill counties. Call 333
State. 9 7
"WANTED Man or man and wife for
general farm work. E. E. Benjs, Ma
rion, Or. 8-28
FOUND At armory green silk scarf,
owner may have same bv colling at
Journal and paying for ad. 8 26
TO TRADE House and 2 lots for cows,
team or auto. A. F. Lamb, Wert Sa
km near school house, S 2S
ORDER your coal now, ear load Rk
Springs just arrived. Capital City
Transfer Co. Phone 933. 8-2
LOST Tent on street, Palcm or West
Salem. Reward. Return to this office.
WANTED1 Cook in French restaurar.t
481 State, woman preferred, plain
eookinff. Call personally. i 27
WANTED To trade good lot on paved
street for Ford, must be in good con
dition. Address R. W. care Journ
aL 8-26
EC ACUCS all in cultivation,- house,
bare, iii prune district, 7 miies south
f fraU-m, on Pacific highway. Price
$l,'-0n leruis. Cail Modern Baaery
WALL PAPER 15 cents per double roll
nnward. Buret's Furniture Store, 179
Commercial. tf.
WANTED Man and team, ean mak
from $8 to $9.50 per day. Call phon
4X51 Turner. tf.
angle rooms, I
33 Ferry treet.
apartment and
:ce!y furnished, at
tHO and three room furnished apart
sstaU. 491 X. Cottage. Pkco 2203-
FOB BALE i room modern house lo
cated on Fainnount Hill, large lot,
east front, paved street, sightly kwa
lion, bearing fruit, garge. Ths is a
largaia. Pwe $3'eX W. H. Gtalc
fcorst k Co., 275 State ,treet. 1-26
FOR REST 500 acre farm 2 4 miles
weat of Dalla; stack goea with
aaee; 135 aere in eultivatioa, bl
ane paaturA, brg dairy barn, ;!
Mai gooi improvement throughout,
water from moamasa strean pi(''J
(a baildingt, also nsed for Srratioa j
Reference required. See B. P. Boise.
23 Brerasaa b!k.
TTT TTTTTtf f f f tttttttTTTttt
F. x. WOODSY, the farmer, auctioneer
Liberty and Ferry Sts., Bahm. Phone
310 g ,
WANTED T reat 5 or 6 room house,
cio9e in by eouple. Phone 09. 8 28
I ,-.TnF- - . ,
;t - lJJtiJ press neanv new, for sale. Phone
2107W or 1179.
FOR SALE Rye for seed, 4e lb., sacks
extra. C. C Bussell, Waconda, Or.,
Phone 3F3. tf
FOB SALE A No. 1 work team, wagon
aad harnoss, (175. Bt. , box 113. 8-30
GIBL wanted for housework, no cook
ing. 461 N. High. Phone 1627. 8-26
1918 FORD for sale. Phone 45F11 morn
ings or evenings. Wm. A. Giicrne,
Turner. 8-27
GIRLS and women wanted at the Glove
iaetory, 14oo Oak St. Steady work
the year around. " 8-30
WANTED 3 or 4 room furnished
apartment in vicinity of Washington
school. Phone 800M. 8 27
FOE SALE Or trade, good driving or
saddle mare for cow. Phone 2300W5
or address box 1G2, Salem. 8 30
BICYCLE, new clincher tires, electric
light, for sale. Phone 1179 or 2107
W. 827
LOST-On S. P. train or on way to 735
Ferry a ladies gold wrist watch. Re
ward, return to 733 Ferry. 8 28
FOR SALE 1914 Ford roadster or tour
ing ear $300; 1914 Studebaker $375.
Highway Garage, 1000 8. Coast
Phone 335. tf
WANTED Girl 11 to 16 (orphan pre
ferred) permanent home, and go to
school, small refined family. Mrs. A.
ear Journal. 8 26
WOMEN and girls wanted to peel pears,
steady work, long season. Apply at
once Oregon Packing Co.. S. 12th St-
HOI SES TO RENT Geo. C Will, the
music dealer at 432 State St., rents
modern houses. If in need of a nice
house call. 8-28
FOB SALE 31 head goats, 1 registered
Billy, balance mostly Nannies. Phone
12F2, Bvron McJilhancy, Shaw, Or.
HAY BALER for sale, good as new.
Bale up that high priced straw, make
more than the price of the baler this
fall. Address K. C. care Journal 8-26
FOB SALE 3 tons of hay $18 a ton; 2
mules with harness flail j horse with
harness $73; 1 spring wagon, 1 wagon
with rack. Phone 26F13. 8-30
...WOMEN and girls wanted at Hunt
Bros, company cannery, long season
canning pears. Apply at once, 145 Di
vision St. 8-26
FOB 5Vj per cent farm loans, see the
Marion-Polk county national farm
loan association. W. D. Smith, 303
Salem Bunk of Commerce bldg. tf
3 GOOD men wanted for factory work
Ion? jb at good wages. Cull at room
3U3 fcalem Bank of torn, bldg., or
phone 492, aznt. W. D. Smith. tf
WANTED A woman or good girl for
housework -in family of 3, H mile
east of eitv, to be one of the family.
Steadv for right iiersmi. Phone 1!H I
33. B. R. Ryan. -27
FOR SALE At bargain, 6 room modern
bungalow, large log, garage, '.tic block
from paved street, 2 blw ks to car line
An ideal home for little money. Ad
dixit A. J. 20 care Journal. tf
FOR SALE Oakland roadster, first
class condition, fully equipped, self
starter, ek-ctrie rights, five good tires.
Bargain for cash. Owner going to war.
Phone 13C7 or 179. 8-2
WANTED To rent- grain land, from 2
to 6 hundred acres, either eah or
grain reift. Also want to buy some
small pigs. Adam Orey, Rt. 8, Phone
3fFll. tf
DIRECT from owner t0 bnycr, 23 acres
of nice land that I had intended put
ting into Loganberries, but bow can't
and have to sacrifice at $130 an acre.
Near Salem on mam traveled mad
Terms ra-h. A 1 Journal.
FOB BENT lOnO aer river bottom
land, or any portion thereof, for one!1- lawyer, the county eour
or more .vear. Terms cash. We would j,b widow, Mrs. fcmma L.
preftr renter wha wish t0 grow veg
etabies, as we now have vegetable
drying plant located On ranch. Ad
dress E. Clemens Hurst Co., lade
pendecee, Or. 8 31
T whom it may eoncera: Ton are
hereby notified that John W. Schwa
bauer and Mary Anna Sehwabauer
kav, made application to the connty UfthT ,nt B ,A frni. lie
conrt of Manon con.ty OregM, towa, ,JIr,mitU!, ftom Mnrum un,y
hav their name cLaagcd t Joha 1W . 1a , , hrtbtt ,.vin
cr, and Mary A.a, Bwrs; Also tojBfar Tnrr. He 43 vear old.
have tie names of their two son cbang-j
ed from Oliver John Sehwabauer toi
Oliver John Bowers aad from Clarence M,jfotl, irntua diMnct. and Job (fLI MEIAL ' the pore, .riginal
John 8ehwalae, to Tarenc John ( B1B;Bf!a,m tre kcr to.iaT eoafcr- ,Haarbra Oil rai-snle imported direct
Bower and yoa are further notified, ag with State Engineer Lwi about ''Unm lrie l Haarlem, H-,1-tfcat
this notice is errd pursuant certain engineering feature of th pro-;',l r,r ' (i"LI MEI
aa order of i! eonnty eonrt. 11 ;vd irrigation prejwt for th d-s lAi'- ,nr !he "" n TfTT box.
Napoleon IavU,
Attorney fur Petitioner.
t TT t T T ft tf TTT ttttttt
WANTED Gentle driving horse, bug
gy and harness, medium price, weight
about lOOO, (state price.) Address
Henry Friem, Airhe, Or. 8 26
FOR SALE Mower (McCormick) aad
rake $40; also 100 feet, each 1 in. and
3 4 in. flexible steel cable, 7 strands.
19 wire, with clamps, 2o. Address
Bt. 2, box 36, Turner, Or. 8-26
SIX husky boys from 16 to 19 years
to pick pears. Wages $2.30 day.
Lachmuud's orchard 5 miles north of
Salem ia Kaiser bottom. Vs your br
evcle. H. W. Bow Jen foreman, phone
29F3. tf
FOB SALE Five pessenger Bee, All
new tires. Fine mechanical condition.
Eleetris equipment, with starter.
This ia a sacrifice sale and if yoa
want a first elasa buy cheap, call 81
and ask for Mill, or se ear at North
western Garage. tf.
LKAH)u canning peaches now
ready. Order immediately, crop light,
i short season, quality fancy. Lack
mund's orchard 5 miles north of Sa
lem, in Keizer bottom. Fhon. ?t. W,
Bowden, foreman, farmers 29F3. Bring
your boxes. tf
News was received Monday evening of
the death of oJseph A. Thomas, it the
hot springs rear Chico, from blood pois
oning, resultant from ersypelas. The re
mains, accompanied by his wife, wire
brought to this city and funeral servi
ces held Wednesday afternoon, iiiter
ment being in th city cemetery by the
side of his parents. Deceased was aged
64 years, 11 months. He was born in
Douglas county, Oregon, but the great
er part of his life was passed in Jcf
ferson. Genial, free hearted, loyal in his
friendship, honorable iu his dealings,
"Joe ." Thomas was liked by all, and
sincere sorrow is felt by many at his
death. He is survived bv a wifv. a
daughter, Mrs. Laura Gunncll of Grants
Pass, two sons, Koscoe C. of this city,
ana i lyue J., now en route witn the sol-
tiers to r ranee, and two sisters, Mrs.
Florence Hornell and Mrs. Emma Smith,
of Grants Pass. Only six weeks ago, and
in good henlth, he left here to engage
in the grocery business at Klamath
rails. Jefferson Review.
The report of T. K. Ford as admin
istrator of the estate of Inmirent M.
Stephens was accepted and approved,
by the comity court and the adminis
trator exhonorated from further lia
bility. Iu the circuit court James MeGilchrist
has entered suit aiemiirt Frank E
Loose. He charges that Loose forcibly
took possession of a Ford engine and
Western truik attachment on July 20.
That he hat a contract for hauling
- '' -"
others to do hi,
damage is $.120.
this amount.
- "" u""k' " i iiii-
work and that his
He asin judgment for
The spitrttiners E. M. LaFore, Josepli
II. Baker and Japcr N. Skaifc, of the
Jessie Breyman McXary etate have
fixe.t the value at $H3.336.92. Of this
amount $33,1 22.W is in personal prop
consisting of $''"IK) in Liberty
loan bom!. 943 in jewelry and in
vestments in mortgage loans. The reat
estate is valued at $iy,5!4.si, and this
include Salem and Portland property,
a I art of whirh is nn undivided one
sixth interest in the estates of Werner
and M. E. Breyman and a one third
undivided intermit in the M. E. Brey
man estate.
George Savage. C. E- Sheffield and
James Ha were appointed appraisers
L'tiif the estate of Mrs. (ieoige K. Hatch.
I of Edward
rt awoifTtcdl
State House Notes
Piwrre Eamyer elope. from the Cot
tag farm of the Irregon state h
v..,i c.r.t ,.,..t( r.t tk
kimu Their Lfee Oa Sort
Front Asd Me Seme
kpcriani Positions,
By FKd B. Tarroaoa,
(United Pre staff correspondent)
With the American Armies ia France,
Aug. 35. Night.) American, tnjeps
advanced their line 500 meter ( third
of a mile) on a front of two kilomet
er ( mil and a quarter) immed
iately east of Fumes today, driving the
Germans from the railroad aad eaaj
tariny what ha been an advantageous
positron. A this W cabled, sharp in
fantry fighting i keeping the who)
Vesle front stirred up, but the bock
connter attack ar fruitless.
The American in the last few days,
have begun a systematic clean np of
objectionable positittss. The tannery
wm first taken. Then an attack on
a more pretentious scale was launched
this morning.
The- boche bad dug in along the
railroad skirting the south bank f the
Vesle, aad had established numerous
machine gun nests-. The Americans
were in a dip south of the main Suis-sons-Rheims
highway. They had to ad
vance across open country toward the
A stiff barrage was put down on the
railway at five a. m., the infantry
starting their advance simultaneously.
(Quickly they topped the highway and
charged across the open space in the
fsce of a terrific machine gun fire.
The attack was so impetuous it sent
the boche arnnning. A heavy enemy
barrage wa put down on the railway
but the American held on.
Only seven prisoners were taken.
One of them, a hanker and restaurant
keeper of th higher class, was forced
to serve. He had been in the army
a year. He said that all able bodied
men are now compelled to work in war
factories or go to the front. H said
thkt soldiers everywhere now realua
their ffort are merely a sacrifice.
One deserter who entered the American
lino revealed the otraits to which the
German high command hd been re
duced regarding man power. The de
serter had been previously wounded but
was taken from the hosuital and re
turned to the front before he was fully
Th Americans now hold the railway
nn hoth side of Fismes. The boehes
re extremely nervou and are constant'
lv sending uo rocketa at night. Amer
ien patrol re maintaining constant
contact witJj the German lines, harass
ing the enemy positions nay ana nigm.
First Draft Call :C
Issued; 28 To Entrain
By September Six
The local exemption board today made
its firrt draft call for September. From
this division No. 1 of Marion county
28 men will be called to entrain for
Camp Lewis at some dat between Sept.
3 and Sept. 6. Those ordered to report
for entrainmcnt to Camp Lewis between
those dates are as follows:
Daniol M. Dill, Portland
Boy B. Davenport, Kilverton
Andrew Brown, Peach, Wash.
Herbert L. Bean, SL Louis, Mo.
Cha. E. Brumsiekle, Metalin Fulls,
John C. Both. Route 7, Sulem
Henry Uenuingseii. route 3, Salem
Aibeit G. Wulimever, route 9, Salem
Irving L. Crook, Maeli-ay
Fred Gerig. route 6, Salem
B. D. Barton. 51'H North 17 St. 8ul m
Paul C. Gilbert, Shaw
Elm0 C. Jory, route 4, Halem
William A. Guenie, Turner
Otta D. Bincgar, route 7, Salem .
Frank Elite I, htaytou
Barmy Leighly, f-iherton
Wm McKinley Forbis, 2440 J.orth
Commercial street, halem
llarty L. Riches. Silverton
( has! Srhmitt. Hhaw
Fred'A. Miller, Turner
Owen H. Smith, Htaytou
Jo. (.', Mullen, Salem, route 9
Louis F. Cornn, Madray
Vernon P. MenUer, 1045 North !8ib,
Car! W, Ilangen, Silverton
Roy W. Ilaiumi r, bt the Oregon state
hospital, Salem
Albvrt i n in. 11, Marion
Frank E. Caspeil, Shaw
A veld Barrich, Salem
That' the woman' dread when she
gets up in the morning 10 start the
dor' work. "Oh! haw try back aelics"
(KHJ) MKfMI, Haarlem Oil Capsule
taken today rr ths bai-hiche of to
mnrmw taken every day nd the
"'' " ail imr. iw i eiy.
wat ' 'be ue of suffering Begin tak-
ing GOLD MK'liAL Haarlem Oil Cap
sules today and be relieved tomorrow.
Take three or f.r every day and be
permanently fr from wlrifeliing, itia-
ire.smg nsa paua. nut n sure u, get
t ..w ar,ui r nr. intm "W."
lt'l,I If I ..l k - - L . ,
Ajii.i'fll. finnrit'Tii m orn inc BIS'
jtjonal rcmiedy of Hulland, the govera-
ment of the Netheriand having grant
ed a rperiJ charter aathoruing it
prlrtioa od tale. The awwwife of
HolUrnd would aiino' aa sno be with
out bread as h would without her
'K! lnt h Itrni," a she quaintly
. Haarlem Oil ' p -
a reasna why you
t nd fhildren of
u!' This is toe oB
will find the women
; Holland M sl jr lv Bud robust.
! " 7 r,"l" rvm
v ajri, (m m: ft'?. i'ntry in HUTU
Of Tlese Sxrj-Sx Were Kot
Present Haviiig Cross
ed Use Divide. j
By Frank J. Taylor
(United Pres staff correspondent
With th American Armies ia France
Aug. ii. (.Night) On Mac.-eJ and
twenty un officer? aud me of a certain
Arorrir noit which distinguished it
self in the Marne fighting, wer dee
raud this tHraing ia aa impresMve
ceremony, aiagtd ia a wood behind the
Lorraine lines. Sixty six of the soldiers
were not I rrnt. Iheirs was' tbe sa
prcm sacrifice,
American, tmish aad French offi
cer .vmuipair-a an American general,
(inning the medals oa the ateg living,
while a Ixtml pUtu the national airs
of the eonatriea
The infantry, artillery and machine
gun contingent f-j is review, th
sun gjinting en their helmets and rifles
American pbines slurried about, driving
eff inquisitive vl.-iu.un planes prowling
e erh ad.
Tile citation iatluded eight of the
legion nt hiMwr. 16 of the French mili
tary medal, J :i the Frencj, war cross
and "4 f Hie distinguished service eross
A rroncn Lieutenant Louts laud, re
ceived the distinguished service cross.
lie i the wt foreigner to receive an
American decoratiou. He led aa Ameri
can ami rni'dt detachment in a very
gallant man !.
Will Be Gyen Friday Evening
At Annpry Many Invita
tions Issued.
The first battalion dance of the.
season will be given Friday evening,
of this week at the armory. There re
several activities of the battalion that
require fund for handling which are
not provided for by the state and the
dance i to be given tu provide for
a general battalion fund.
Invitation will be issued to the gen
eral staff at Portland, to the governor
and to all Oregon Guard member In
Salem, Stayton and Silverton- Mem
ber of the four eonipante in Salem
and the two autaide companies will
be requested to appear in uniform.
Committee hava been appointed to
care for. the details of the dance ks
follows; with Captain Arthur Wilson
of Company E as general chairman:
Advisory committee: Lieutenant Col
onel A. T. Woolpert, Major A. A. Hall
and Lieutenant Leroy Hewlett.
Committee on Music: Captain A. R.
Wilson, Major A. A. Hall and Lieut.
Col. A, T. Woolpert.
Committee on decorations: ('apt. J.
H. Arnold, Lieut. A. Lee Morelock
and Lieut. Clifford W. Brown.
Committee on publicity: Lieutenant
J. W, Jones and E. M. lloffuell, ser
geant major.
Committee on arrangements and re
freshments: ('apt, A . Cnnnel lyer,
'apt. R. H.. Duncan, Lieut. II. H. Corey,
Lieut. M. I. Meyer and Lieut, K. II
A meeting of all officers of the bat
tfclion h heen ended fr Tuesday
evening at the armory to complete
Market Is Strong
During Morning Hours
New Vork, Aug. Sd. The New York
Evening t'ttn financial review sv;
Saturday' . mrprising dinplHy of
strength and sustained buying' power
of no menu scope was reflected at the
opening of today's rsiou of tile stock
Toward mid day trailing died down
materially, Knc.!imis tu the easier
trend were the sugar iireue.
Strong individual shares Included
Worthington Pump, American linseed,
American Cau, Corn I'roducts Kofiu
iog, American Telephone and among
the rail St. Psul and New Haven .
Wahington, Aug. 2fl.
fug the (iohing s-'anier
son, grounded and tank
of water at ll:W p. m.
mile and Hires qnartif
-In a deme
George Hud
in forty feet
August "H,
southeast of
roast guard station nuiubrr "H, Wat. b
Hill, H- I., the navy department an
nounrid today. The erew of M men
wa safely landed at the roast guar I
Wankifigtun, Aug. 26. Three bh u are
misting as a result of a rollision of two
tailed States seaplanes in a fog Sat
urday night twelve miles off lire is-
! and, the aavy department an
ciuncd to
HT. Tt " t Iff!
1 " "S "
Knig lii.nald Perc, W. ('. Jaigle
and F. A. Ncwma.
Persistent' st-arrh for the craft failed
to show ay trace of the miosmg nu n.
Clicago, Aug. 28 Peter ftloi-t liners f
, .
i '
oray upoa five small wy who annex-1
apple from treir projecting over
the roadway resoltc4 br today in!
Itloetlmrr's being ked to espial whyj
Ims hadn't regHUrcd. Officers My
bloelhaer i aa enemy alien. Two of
the b.ys, wimnd'd with n shot prob
ably will difigi!fed for life.
Wa-binon, Aug. W.-TU,- . na-e
the benefit of ,Mira or eivi.iaa. bt
esempt from daty.
Japanese, Chinese and Rus
sia Flags Fly Togeiher
. Attack Is Repulsed.
Amsterdam, Aug 26, Moscow dis-
iatettO declare that a revolution for
August S and headed by the former
(ir.iud Duke Alexieff, intended to pre
vent the despatch of troops to the
'W-ch front, waa frustrated. Eight read-e.-s,
i was said, were executed.
Newspapers report a revolutionary
ft vcment in Vologda, Vladimir and Via-
ttcorel. Three hundred White Guards
were killed. Twenty persons, the news
taiers say, have beea executed ia Pe-
Xnamy Beta Back
Vladivostok, Aug. 22. Twelve thous
and enemy troops attacked th allied
right flank on the I'ssnrl river Sunday
night and were completely repulsed
The attacks were discontinued Monday,
the enemy apparently awaiting rein
Vanguard at Zabalkal
Tokio, Aug. 23.i The Vanguard of Jap
auese troops arrived at Zubaikal this
afternoon, the Harbin correspondent of
the Nippon Ilempu News agency re
ported lomgnt. tne Japanese were giv
en aa enthusiastic welcome. The tail
road station wa decorated with Jnpa
nee, Bussian and Chineso (lugs, and
troops of those three nations paraded
tierore the mayor and a group of dele
gate, Afterward the vanguard depart
ed fur Muiicliuli.
Copcnhagen, Aug. 21. The German
reichstag will meet in a short time to
discus foreign aud internal political
questions, according to the newspaper
Chancellor von Iteming, the news
paMr says, intends to make an im
portant speech at the opening of the
: "?
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CArruvilD 4f REEFS off CONO Ktv . t
As a matter of economy you
should consult the Journal's
Job Department before placing
your printingwe are satisfying
Salem's leading firms put us
on your calling list. Phone 81
. l&Zffll&lg&tl
Correspondent Says AGes As
Well As Germans Use
By t L. Keen
(I'nitcd Pres staff correspondent)
London Aug. 20. Lincoln must have
been wrong.
Apparently ij is quite possible to fool
all of th pcopbj all of the time-in
According to trustworthy accounts,
the (iermans are still eagerly, or pa
tiruliy swallowiug th general staff
uatrutba, half truths aad ingenious ex
planations, wherein theT are ably assist
ed by th press, which is deluded itself
or is a party to th conspiracy to him
and distort facts.
But we must not altogether blame th
German people when miliiary crilicj wno
ate distinguished in their own country
as Ucpiugton, Maui Ice, Mulletto, Iliilin,
Sim.mds and Mnson are in theirs; con
tinually and cleverly ar,. able to con
vert utter routs into "defensive victor
ies;" inglorious defeat into strategic,
readjustments for the purpose of pre
serving tactical freedom f communiia
tiou, siiuiiltaueously suppressing ee
if they know themlves the enormou
tolls exacted in killed, prisoner and
guns during tho course of Foch's pro
gres:.iv "failures" or "deeisiv de
feats." It is only neeossaiy to follow tho daily
German comuiunique to become, con
vinced of th systematic purpose of Lu
demlorff to keep knowledge of the
situation from the public as loug as po
siblc; then by adroitly over-emphinis
ing kome minor Iwal successes to sugar
coat facts which no longer can be eou
Man 4f
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