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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1918)
THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON SATURDAY. AUGUST 24, 1918. SEVEN Ml MMM ! mt JOURNAL'S New TODAY 1 iMMMH MM CEBIUM IN MARION COUNTY-TRY HEM FOR RESULTS iKS&Ti lUUKML VYArfi AD DixAKTMLfu IS THE BEST SELLING CLASSHTED ADVEBTISINQ SATES . p. X. WOODRY. the farmer, auctioneer Bate per word New Today: Liberty and Ferry Sts, (Salens. Phone Ikca lnserBea 1 51l). s 3tl Om week (6 insertions) 5t ' It dollars." Inquire at eity fire de partment. 8 2? One bob to (2 insertions) WANTED To rent 5 or 6 room hou,' WANTED tien gy and harness about 10J0, (state price.) aeurv mem, Air he, Or. COMIIERICAL CLUB IS DECLARED ItECESSARY TO CiTrS WELFARE -"4 "n eiose in, ty couple. Phone 8 28 POK SAT.R V... .l,rn.i,n ..i sTWasthi fftr mat urn ana imakrtf(.n. . v . - -, tie driving horse, bug- At Ulctfe? LlSt Nlg&t medium price, weight I , it Tf Address 8S6 far errors in Classified Advartiseuienta.!rTT,Pl, ' , , . ts. fi,.t (ilr PE?Pf,i near.y new, for sale. Thone Bead your advertisement the first ay it appears and notify us immediately. Minimum charge 15e. WOMAN wants work by hour. Phoni 104SJ. 8 25 HOUSE for sale cheap. I'hone 47F12 82 12x16 tent for saie. Enquire at 674 north Summer. S-26 DRAFT horses for sale. Phone 5&F4. 2107W or 117'J. 8-27 WANTED Tron pickers, and help in dryer, raone 107FI1. 8- FOB SALE Rye for seed, 4e lb., sacks extra. C. C. Russell, Waeonda, Or., Fhone SF3. tf MARRIED man wanted at once to work on farm near Salem. Phone or 254. 824 BEDROOM with private bath for rent. Enauire Vick's Garage. 8-27 j 23 'PLACE your order for cheat seed, Hub- oara iann, uarjen roao. B-24 WANTED Prune pickers and shaker to esniD. Phone 8SF13. - 8-27 FALL and winter pasture for horses and cattle. Phote 2249. 8-26 WILL rent or buy modern bungalow with garage. Phone 931. a it GOOD motorcycle to trade for good cow Inquire 420 S. Commercial. 8-26 FOG SALE 2 Shropshire bucks. C. C. Russell, Wacoada. Or. Phone 31"3. tf $800 TO LOAN on real estate securi ty. Rt. C, Box 111. 8-24 FURNISHED fiats for rent. Call 1737 W. tf WANTED Veal ealvves and fat cattle. Phone 1576W. 8 GOOD driving horse for sale eheap. C. E. Speaker, Rt. 4. 8-29 FOR SALE Tent 12x14, used very lit tie. all. Phone 13G9. 8 24 FOR SALE A No. 1 work team, wagon ana haraesa, $173. Rt. 6, box 113. 8-30 GIRL wanted for housework, no cock ing. 41 N. High. Phone 1627. 8 26 1818 FORD for sale. Phone 43F11 morn ings or evenings. Wm. A. Guerne, Turner. 827 WANTED To rent S or 6 room modem house, furnace not necessary, ruone 910J. ' 824 GIRLS and women wanted at the Glove Factory, Ho3 Oak St. Steady work the year around. " g-30 rake $40; also 100 feet, each 1 in. and A meeting held at the Commercial 3-4 in. flexible 19 aire, with Kt. 2, box 36, Turner, Or. steel cable, 7 strands, ;1 lat evening, the general opinion clamps, 125. Address! of Us representative business men of "urner, Or. 8-26 the rtiv ... (,.. j-. ; ... SIX husky boys from 16 to 19 years to pick pears. Wage $2.50 "day. Lachmaud orchard jj miles north of Salem in Kaiser bottom, t'se your bi , cycle. H. W. Bow den foreman, phone 2SF3. tf NEWS FROM THE BIG STORE 3S Years the Leader and Still on Top JsiBSsBBB k77? PEACn bargains, overripe anj small Crawfordg and Charlotts, also better grades, tonight and Sunday only. Bring boxes. 14 miles from bridge on Wallace road. M. C. Pettevs. 8 24 FOl'ND On N. Cottage a part of a t remo camera, C. loung written thereon, owner may have same by caD ing at Journal office and paving for ! 814 WANTED 3 or 4 room furnished apartment in vicinity of Washington school. Phone 806M. 8-27 FOR SALE Or trade, good driving or saddle mare for cow. Phone 2300W5 or address box 162, Salem. 8-30 BICYCLE, new clincher tires, electric light, for sale. Phone 1179 or 2107 8 27 GOOD pasture for tows on the L. Page estate. Phone 44F22. COL. W. F. WRIGHT, the auctioneer. Tumor, Oregon. Phone 59. tf. FOR SALE Good bulldog, very cheap m taken t once. Phone 125. 8-24 WANTED A farm hand at Oregon state tuberculosis hospital. Phone 433.--- , . -8-24 WANTED Purebred Cotswold ram. F. M. Chittenden, C42 N. Water St., Sa lem. Or. 8-26 TO EXCHANGE A Belgian buck for another, must be good. C. E. Bayes, 1196 8. 13th. 8-21 WANTED A man to work on farm. Ad dress Gervais, Rt. 2, box 43. Phone 3F11. 824 NOTICE I will pny no bills contract ed by any one excepting myself. Ar thur Marshall. 8-30 FOR RENT Equipped meat market, good location. P. O. Box 157. Mc Minnvillc, Or. 8 31 30 HEAD ewes for sale, or might put on shares with right party. Phone 115 or 1204 evening5- 8 24 SALESMAN, collector wanted for Ma riou and Yamhill cuunties. Call 333 State. 97 FOR SALE One 2 horse, 2 row bean puller with extra knives, good as new, cut 60 acres onlv; price f'ilJ. Plume 835. ' 824 HANDSOME French lady, 21. worth $125,0(10. Anxious to marry honorable gentleman. L. Bryant, Sill 6 Va Temple St., Los Angeles, ( al. WANTED Six wide awake young fel lows who want to learn a good trade. Permanent job. Apply at 268 S. Com mercial, Phez Northwest Prod. Co. 8 24 WANTED To trade good lot on paved street for Ford, must be in good con dition. Address 11. W. care Journ al. 826 tC ACIJlX all in cultivation, house, barn, ii. prune district, 7 miies south of. Salem, on Pacific highway. Price $I."W. lei'ms. fail Modern Bakerv. 8-20 MAXAj PAPER 15 cents per dnnble roll op ward. Bursa's Furniture Store, 179 Commercial. tf. WANTED Man and team, can make from $8 to $9.50 per day. Call phone 4X51 Turner. tf. HOl'SEKEEPING apartments and single rbems, nicely furnished, at 633 Ferry street tf. LOST Between Salem au,l Tillamook hunting coat containing hunting li cense belonging t Howard Rex. Leave at Ladd & Bush. 8 24 FOR SALE 1914 Ford roadster or tour ing car $300; 1914 Studebaker $373. Highway Garage, 1000 8. Com'l Phone 355. tf WANTED Twenty bean pickers Mon day morning; will meet them at tT. S. labor bureau at 7 to 7:30, Phone 2503 W2, T. J. Clark. 8 24 WANTED Girl 11 f0 16 (orphan pre ferred) permanent home, and go to Rchool, small refined family. Mrs. A. care Journal. 8-26 LOST On route 6, green leather pocket book, paperg valuable to owner only; hand mail carrier or leave at P. O. Phone 762R. 8 24 WEALTHY yciing widow would mar ry trustworthy, nome-kmng man, old as 60 considered. Mrs. M., Box 584, Los Angeles, (al. FOR SALE 3 tons of hay $18 a ton; 2 mules with harness $150; horse with harness $75; 1 spring wagon, 1 wagon with rack. Phonc 26F13. 8-30 ..WOMEN and girls wanted at nunt Bros, company cannery, long season canning pears. Apply B'r once, 145 Di vision St. 8 26 FOR 5'i pr cent farm loans, gee the Marion-Polk county national farm loan association. W. D. Smith, 303 Salem Bank of Commerce bldg. tf 5 GOOD men wanted for factory work long job at gd wages, ( all at ro.m 3o3 fealem Bank of Com. bldg., or phon 482, agent, W. I). Smith. tf AGENTS WANTED Large manufac turer wants representatives to sell shirts, underwear, hosiery, dresses, waists, skirts, direct to homes. Write for free'samples. Madigon Mills, 503 Broadway, New York Citv. THOUSANDS men, women, girls, 18 or over, wanted immediately by U. S. government. Easy office "positions at Washington and in every large titv. experience unnecessary, $100 month and nn. 7 hour day. Your country needs rou. Help her. Write immedi ately for free list positions open. Franklin Institute Dep't 379 G, Ro chester, N. Y. MAKRY if lonely; for results, try me; best and most sireeessful "Home Maker;" hundreds rich wish mar riaje soon; strictly confidential; most reliable; years of experience; dewriptiions free. "The Successful Club," Mrs. Purdie, Box 556, Oak land, Calif. NOTICE To whom it may concern: Ton arc hereby notified that Jehn W. Schwa baner and Mary Anna Sehwabsuer hare made application to the county eourt of Marion county, Oregon, to have their names changed to John Bow ers and Mary Ann8 Bowers; Also to have the names of their two ed from Oliver John Schwabauer to Oliver John Bowers and from Clarence John Schwabauer to Clarence John Bowers and you are further notified that tllis notice i onrv.,1 r,,,r.,,n..i an order of sail county court. 9 11 .Mipomou uavis, Attorney for Petitioners. : PERSONALS Mrs. Mildred R. Brnnlm i,r. morning for Portland to visit with friends over Sunday. J. H. Heady cf"st. Helens, Oregon, is in the city on. business matters. Henry Shoemaker left this tnoring for Springfield, Oregon, for a week s visit with his daughter. Miss Grotto Richmond, secretary of the Business Men's league went to Portland this fornimr for fin nvD, Slim. day visit. rWe-aif Shelley. of Camp Lewis is rcgiMervl at the liligh. Mis A. M. GarriM.n and daughter, Mildred, who spent the summer at Newport, returned home this afternoon. iae my was that andc-r no eirenmataa ee should there be even the thought of Salem, the capital eity of the state. gwiag before the northwest as unable Iff ' support Commercial club. Dr. B, K. Le Steiner expressed the nnanisteua opinion of all He said: "I cannot imagine bow aay prosper ous tows can get along without a tVmmerciU club. It is one of the most important features of the eity. It hss been well said that the Cm mereial elub is the forum or center ef the city. There is no publie activities but that depends on the club. We have got to have some sort of a center club for the city and this community would wske up to find that it had made a sad mistake if the doors of the Com mercial club were closed." W. SC. Hamilton spoke referring to the necessity for the elub as a cen ter for the activities of the city and the government's work. Hal D. 1'atton was most optimistic as to the future of the club but he could not understand why so many professional men and stat politicians as well aid not take an active interest in it along with the business men, GeWifce a WBl was (surprised to hear that some of the busiuess men were not sending in their subscrip tions. He felt the elub was so neces sary that he could not even imagine any business man not supporting it with at least one membership, E. T. Barnes wis in favor of a short ana quica eamjlugn and was most willing to do his share of the work besides tuking out several memberships. C. IL Roberts said he felt he was like a good many business men, that while he had signed his membership card, had neglected to send it in. He said he liked the idea of onee a member, al ways a member. i W. Steusloff said it would re quire about $8000 to finance tho club for the coming year aud this would require a membership of 400, The feeling in general was that the business aud professional men would rally to the support of the club and that the solicitors next Monday and Tuesday morning should have no difficulty in securing the required niembe rship. The captains are W. M. Hamilton, John H. Scott, U. G. Shipley; , Theodore Roth and Wm. Gahlsdorf. F .L.Lis son, that he make tho board a propo sition 'which will leave the project free f f all entanglements and thus give the board an opportunity to seek new cap ital for financing the undertaking. Murjon ! proposition was for tna board to get behind a program wnich called for national and state legisla tion to authorize the. completion of the protest 'through cooperation tie tween the federal and state govern ments. This was not considered leas able by the board during war times. Governor Withveombe announced to day that he will 'npiKiiut General Charles V- Beebe of Portland as act in? general to succeed Colonel John M. William, who will submit his res ignation within a day or two to accept a commission as a major in the regular army. Colonel Williams has been aifting ad jutant general for about a year, as he was appointed to fill the vacancy when Adjutant General George A. White was commission?, I in the regular army. FOR RENT My handsomely furnish ed six room apartment, Moore build ing, Court street. Application must be made this week. Minnetta Ma gers. 8-24 Tho publii service commission re ceived iuformalion to, lav that a supple mental hearing on diversion end re- consignment riile on freh fruits and 1.1... ;il h... ...A I ... I .... .4 " t'"n'.' - it ommissioner ('. H. Aitchisun, The JJjgjj original hearing il! be held in Chie- -T-,KO vm -'jif'7uiirr CARL. At the home of his son, A. ft Carl. 4:!4 North-! Sth street, August 23, l&lx, Fred Car at the ace of 75 WANTED 25 pickers for green prune 3, start immediately; will meet pifkers Giff(, m ruu ox canine st auto truck. B. Cunni F2. years. He is survived ir ti: Sabon Prices mi Go Higher Portland, Or., Aug. 24, One srtielc FOR SALE At bargain. 6 room modern bungalow, large log, garage, ine block from paved street, 2 blocks to car line A ideal home for little money. Ad drtsi A. J. 20 care Journal. tf ii eniinren: Mrs. -in ... u . n.- salmon. The food ail i exactly the same pack of canned . .1. . . i i Auff'isf tl rl 1 1 u i -.saimon as imti whu-d iirKvanea in jwk nu meet plf Rers j G,if.y Winkler of el Mo Mr. " . " ' 1 t 7 o'clock with enry 'Mnrsh of Vol,,. Vb" W 1 w m1J ngham. Phone 21 Var, of U,aha; ?e,j-- hfl H'".r.r ot J'-rtland and Li !. .. ,h ;,.h Awai'ine- tleBr,. t " was annunnce i. i ..p pr the .r , (dominates the salmon business, rne eat, no funeral arrmnements Lwre . . , been n:ade. 8 ej However, the eon.nmer may not be , m , jabln to buy any salmon, for tho govern- . . . j merit has requisitioned 10 per eenj of jre(, me,um rei' and tiinks. to be GOVERNMENT needs 20.000 clerks at Washington. Eiaminations every where in August. Experience nnnec essary. Men and women desiring gov ernment positions write for free par ticulars to J. C. Leonard, (former civil service eiaminerr) 1U59- Kenoii Bldg., Washington, V- C. 8-24 sWO and three room furnished apsrt menta. 491 N. Cottage. Phcne 2203- tf. FOB SALE 8 room modern house lo cated on Fairmount Hill, large lot, east front, paved street, sightly loen tioa, bearing fruit, garage. Tbs is a bargain. Pric $3000, W. H. GraV,ca horst A Co., 275 State (tret. 8 -26 FOB RENT rK) acre farra 24 miles west of Dallas; stock goes with ' p'sce; 133 seres in enltivation, bsr : anee pasture, large dairy bars, tilo as.l gwd improvemcsts throughout. ' water froaa mountain streaa pipsl t buildisirs, a!e ssed for irritratioa BfTences required See R. P. ; X2 Breymut block. U Bora field for WMiMe orfrnnicat tetfuire- 1 nuni . ,- ! - j ye-S-etty--f NASH. To Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Xash.j of Zens, Pi-ik county, August 24. j . ' W18. a daughter. Jisn I rmsrlv FilllKi She im l-r, named Wilms f;rf,.l """" vumivui imwu 1A - . n II " ' 1 mm C OAT 1 i. . I 1 o n P This season has given us the most uncommon mater ial made into Ladies wear That of Mannish Wor steds. We have been extremely fortunate in procur ing some Ladies' Tailored Suits in High Grade Wor steds, which we are very pleased to show. forWomen, Misses, Children In beautiful styles and the very latest and newest fabrics, at prices that are most reasonable consid ering the market conditions. WEDNESDAY SPECIAL We have put on sale for Wednesday special choice, embroidered voiles at the following extra special prices. 18 inch at, yard 39c 42-inch, at, yard 75c Many different colors and designs to choose from. Broken and Odd Lots We continue to sell broken and odd lots at radical reductions. ALL MEN'S HATS CO AT THE MOST UNHEAKD-OF PRICES THIS SEASON'S LATEST SHAPES AND COLORS. tt Katoerin Heart Trouble. j nervous strain, according tu a bulletin ! issued by her physician at WillieliiK- Anutterdam, Aug. 24. Kaiserin Au- Jmhe, a .lispuich from that city snid gusta Victoria is suffering from heart j today. Tho Imllelin added that she nroiible, aggravate.! temporarily by must' have complete quiet. Amslnliun, Aug". 24Aln official slulrmriit from liorlin dec lams thus two enemy torpedo beat, were sunk during nil engagement ff Dunkirk Thursday night. (unir ? Would you like to be come a boy for one 0 day of your life ? ? ? Before you decide see VIOLA DANA in i If 01 1 ft p"74 n ft FOR RENT l"O0 aerF river ttom land, or any portion thereof, for one' . a or more years. Terms cash. W would ; prefer renters who wish t0 grow vrg ! p n ' ss? nz te,rt! . c Notes : dress E. Clemeng Horst Co., Inde-J . p'cience, ur. 8 31. T -r t T i- -r Frth Fanny Situations Ha Hamilton of 'C.t Kirh uirk Walhegford'' fawie and Edward A'x-lcs who created hrer's ilillions", Frank Currier and hally Crure are the i .... if FOB 8AL Five pea'Mg-r Eeo. All . R-rt land board today re- j Cpanr A. s attraetio. "tipportun- new tires tlE meehan eal eoRdit on. I F'"r" ni riii . - " f E'.eetrie equipmeat, with starter. ? - Morsoa lor saivsg- Tki is t acr;fice a!e sad if roa : "rie,M Oook want a first esss buy cfcesp, call 81 !fn Klamatk eotie. and suggettcd, and ask for Mills, or see car at North-11 Uu" b", w,iJ Mnt Mt,r' western Garage. tf. , CRAWFORD canning r-aches new tvady. Order immediate'r, crop ligiit, short sts-son, quality fancy. Lrh Bjnd's orchsrj 5 miles north ef Ka lera. ia Keiaer bottota. Plme ff. W. Bnwdtn,, fanaera 29F3, Bring yo-Jr Uixe. tf TO HELL With the KAISER mp I packed as it is with g'Md, wholesome Ian. advrtiture, Hi.v.tery, and romance. It'll suke per,.U forge( ha heat. At yfMJf favorite theatre, tomorrow sad MtB.iy. t LIBERTY ttTtT4fT Heart-appealing and absorbing thoroughly human, bubbling with laughter, tingling with suspence, all combined. Tomorrow and Monday Liberty Theatre Only First Run Pictures