Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 23, 1918, Page FIVE, Image 5

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4 4
Bate per wool New Today: j
Each insertion lo .
Ou week (6 insertions)
Oas month (26 insertions)
sponsible for mora thaa oae inaej-Uin,
for errors in Classified Advertisement.!
Bead your advertisement the first day;
It appears and notify na immediately. !
Minimal ehargs 15c.
WOMAN want, work by hoar. Phon
1048J. - sV2
HOUSE for tale cheap. Phone 47F12
FOB SALE, 2 Shropshire bucks. C. C.
Buaaell, Waeoada. Or. Phone 3:'3. tf
IX) H SALE Bartlett pears, 73e per
bushel. Phone 15F12. tf
$SO0 TO LOAX on real estate securi
ty. Bt. , -Boa 111. 8-24
rVENiailllD Cats far rent Call 1737
W. tf
"WANTED Veal calves and fat cattle
Phone 1576W. 9 8
GOOD driving home for sale eheap. C.
E. Sneaker. Kt. 4. 8 23
FOR 8AL firTent 1214, used very lit
tie, 111. Phone 133. 8 24
GOOD pasture for tovi on the K.
Paire estate. Phone 44F22. tf
COL. W. F. WRIGHT,, the auctioneer.
Turner, Oregon, Phone 59. tf.
BOY twelve years old wants light
work, day time. 130 Center St. 823
FOB SALE Good bulldog, very cheap
if takea at onee. Phone 125. 8 24
WANTED A farm hand at Oregon
state tuberculosis hospital. Phone
433. 8-24
1X)UXD In Willson park, purse ; aUo
iost child 'a crochet cap. 334 X. Winter
WAXTED Purebred Cotswuld
M. Chittenden, 642 X. Water 8t., 8a
tem, Or. 8-26
TO EXCHAXGI tA. Belgian buck for
another, must be food. C. E. Buyes,
1196 8. 13th. 8-24
WASTED A maa to work on farm. Ad
dress Jervais, Bt,-2, box '43." Phone
3F11. 824
XOTICE I will pay no bills contract
ed by any sme excepting myself. Ar
thur Marafaall. 8 30
FOE REXT Equipped meat market,
good loeatioa. P. O. Box 157. Me
MinnviUe, Or. 8 S1
WAXTED Used piami, must be a bar
gain. See G. H. 8. at Price Shoe Co.
or phone 18 before Sat. noon. 6C3
30 HEAD ewes for sale, or might put
on shares wit), .right party. Phone 115
or 1204 evenings. 8-24
SALESMAN, collector wanted for Ma
rion and Yamhill counties. Call 333
State. 8 7
WAXTED Steady girl or middle aged
lady for houoework. Good wages. Only
2 in family. Phone 244 or 176. 8 23
LOST At Willson park, a crochet hand
Lap, during band concert. Be turn to
Journal office; reward. e-3
FOR SALE One 2 horse, 2-ruw bean
puller with extra knives, good as new,
cut 60 acres onlv; price 0. I'Utht
835. 8 24
WAXTED Six wide awake young fel
lows who want to learn a good trade.
Permanent job. Apply at 268 S. Com
mercial, Plies Xortbwevt Prod. Co. 8 24
WAXTED To trade good lot on paved
street for Ford, must be in good con
dition. Address . W. care Journ
al. 8 26
CO ACUS all in cultivation, bouse,
barn, ii, prune district, 7 miles south
of Sa'eia, on Pacific highway. Price
1.''j0. 'le:u.s. Cail Mcaiern Bakery.
PBOPERTY ia Talis City, Or., to trade
for residence in Salem. Write to Box
133, Falls City. " 23
.WALL PAPER 15 cents per doable roll
pwird. Buren's Furniture Store, 179
Commercial. tf.
WANTED Man and team, can mais
from $8 to 19.50 per day. CaU phone
4X51 Turner. tf.
HOUSEKEEPING apartment and
tingle rooms, nicely furnished, at
033 Perry street tf.
sTWO and three room furnished part
scents, 491 X. Cottage. I hens 2203-
FOB SALE 8 room modern house lo
cated ob Fairmount Hill, large lot,
east front, paved street, (rightly lota
tion. bearing fruit, garage. This is a
ox. oesring iron, garage, un is ,
rgain. Pric, .W W. H. Gralien-
est Co, 27S State .treet 8 2
FOR BENT Waere farm 2i miles
wret of Pallas; stock goes with
place; 135 aersa ia cultivation, 'bal
Bc par ore, large dairy barn, s.lo
s- asl good improvements" thrcaghoat.
waver rresa SKoaxtaia stream prpod
to bxldsEgs, alo used for imgatioa
jveicmce, required, bee E. p. Buiw.
22 Breynaa block. tf
WAXTED Prune pickers, sol help i
dryer. Phone 107F1L S i
'. ,
- 5eiPOE SALE Rye fur seed, 4C lb., sacks , 1
l"e extra. C. C. Eussell, Waeonda, OrJms en; t .... loie ...i ,,:.,'
VARBIED man wanted at once to work
0u farm a ear Salem. Phone &J or
254. . 8-24
! PEACHES for short time only. CaU at
orchard or phone 56F14. M. C. Pet
teya. . tf
PLACE your order for cheat seed, Hub
bard farm, Garden road. 8-24
FOB SALE A Xo. 1 work team, wagon
and harness, 13. Kt. 6, box 111. a-30
GIRL wanted for homework, no eock-
icg. 461 X. High. Phone 1627. 8 26
EXCVCLOPOEDIA Brittanica Pth edi
tiua and oak ease, to trait for used
typewriter, pay difference if aecee
s'arv. Woodfin.2f4 State. 8-23
LOrT Between Saleui and Tillamook
bunting eoat containing; hunting li
cense belonging t Howard Rex. Leave
at Ladd & Bush. 8-24
FOB SALE 1914 Ford roadster or tour
ing ear $300; 1914 Studebaker 8373,
Highway Garage, 1000 S. Com'l
Phone 355. tf
FOR SALE 3 tons of hay $18 a ton; 2
mules with harness 8150; horse with
karoo J7u; 1 gpnng wagon, 1 wagon
with rack. Phon 26F13. 8-30
WOMEN and girls wanted at Hunt
Bros, company cannery, long season
canning pears. Apply, at oce, 145 Di
vision 8t. 8 26
ALL KINDS of store fixtures for sale,
safe, button making machine, hat
conformer, shoe button machine, ete.
8toektou ' store. 8-23
FOB SALE For $275 Studebaker, 20
a. p., has electric lights, generator
and storage battery, gee McCall at
Capital garage. 8 23
FOB per cent farm loans, see the
Harwn-Polk eounty national farm
loan association. W. D. Smith, 803
Salem Bank of Commerce bldg. tf
5 GOOD men wanted for factory work
long job at good wages. Call at room
303 Salem Bank of Com. bldg., or
phonn 482, agent, W. D. Smith, tf
WILL pay tip to $2000 cash for 10
acre of sandy loam soil not too fat
from Salem. If I do -not receive aj
offer before Saturday the 24th, I will
look olsewherc. Write Box 13, Jour
nal. . 8-2'J
FOR SALE At bargain, 6 room modern
bungalow, large log, garage, me block
from paved street, 2 blocks to car line
An ideal home for little money. Ad
dress A. J. 0 care Journal. tf
GOVERXMEXT needs 20,000 clerks at
Washington. Examinations every
where in August. Experience unnec
essary. Men and women desiring gov
ernment positions write for free par
ticulars to J. C. Leonard, (former
civil service examiner,) 1059 Kenois
Bldg., Washington, D. C. 8 24
FOB EEXT 1000 acres river bottom
land, or any portion thereof, for one
or more years. Terms cash. We would
prefer renters who wish to grow vrg
etabies, as we now have vegetable
drying plant located on ranch. Ad
dress E. Clemens Horst Co., Inde
pendence, Or. 8 31
FOR SALE Fjve passenger Beo. All
new tires. Fic'e mechanical coadilepn.
Eleetrie equipment, with starter.
This is a sacrifice sale and if you
want a first c!ass buy cheap, call 81
and ask for Mills, or tee car at North
western Garags. . tf.
CRAWFORD eanning peaches now
ready. Order immediately, crop light,
short season, quality fancy. Lach
mund's orchard 5 miles north of Sa
lem, in Kciwr bottom. Fhon IT. W.
Bowden, foreman, farmers 29F3. Bring
your btxes. tf
GOVERXMEXT WILL hold civil serv
ice examinations in Sa!?m in August.
20,000 women clerks to be appointed j
at Washington. Experience unneces-1
sary. Wowea desiring g overnaient j
clerkships write for free particulars!
to B. E. lVrrv. (former eivil seiriee!
examiner), 315 Columbian building,
Washington. 8 23
Dsauaii 11
To Tap Spruce Belt
la Newport Section
Ivsn G. Martin is home frem Xew
port and has a lot to say about what
ia going on ia that part of the world.
The re are from 3.500 to 4.0V) soldiers
in that section all engaged in getting
out sfroce lun,ber and in building rail-'be
roadie into the spruce forests.
Three railroads are in the
of construction by the government, Sir.
ifartin says. Oae will be constructed i
-.. i.iu ..
down .he c,,t wward, W.ldport d
tie other up tl eart for abont 16
mi)e towards the Siietr to connect at
l aaina bay. It runs across Xye '
beswh. siW-ing the ehoce to Agate
beach and the Pnncn Bow!. The third
railroad U headed for the &IeU eoua-
It is etoimed, he ears, that every
;raie tree in the e?tioa is spotted
;aad tsat taey are ociag eareiuiir pica- j
ed for airplane l3n.lt r. It is thought
HIGHEST market pne, paid far fat
hogs and cattle, wili ship Satardav.
Phone 142511, C. V. Emmetl 8 -S3
WANTED A rangy built horse about
1400 betweca 5 aad 8 ytart eld.
Address H. HonkcJa, Salem, Or. Kt.
ear, run leas thaa 3000, lota extra im-
provemcata. AL 1 huups, atat hospi
tal. 8 22
FOB SALE Violin, Stradivarious mod !
el lor orcnestra, loud tone-; price fir
tf dollars, Inquire at city fir de l
partment. 8-27 1
FOB SALE Auto, 1918 model Chevro
let with extras, run less than 2000
miles, good as new. Address B S care
Journal. 8 22
WAXTED Gentle driving horse, bug
gy and harness, medium price, weight
about 1050, (state price.) Address
Henry Priem, Airlie, Or. 8 26
WAXTED 25 pickers for green prunes.,
start immediately; will meet pickers':
at end of earline at 7 o'clock with
auto triu-k. B. Cunningham. Phone 21
F2. 8 24
To whom it may concern: You are
hereby notified that John W. Sehwa
bauer and Mary Anna Schwabauer
have niade application to the county
court of Marion eounty, Oregon, to
have their names changed to John Bow
erg and Vary Anna Bowers; Also to
ll VJ t Iw. nuniiia i t I, ut - u .-, n Akun
;fro OW John ' hwr To
Oliver John Bowers and from Clarence
John Sehwalauer to Clarence John
Bowers and you are further notified
that this untie is served pursuant to
aa order of sail eounty court. 0 11
Napoleon Davis,
Attorney for Petitioners.
Ivaa G. Martin is home from a two
weeks' visit at Newport.
Mrs. Lrona Peterson and Mrs. Ella
Watt returned yesterday from a two
weeks' outing at Xcwport and other
points on the coast.
Dr. and Mrs. C. E. Cashatt returned
Thursday from a ten days' outing at
Dr. J. Roy Pemberton and wifa are
spending a two weeks' vacation at Til
lamook. W. E. Stephenson and wife of Hoi ton,
Kansas,, registered yesterday at the
E. J. Huffman and wife were in the
city Thursday from Jefferson.
R. G. Snylor of Freewater, Oregon,
was a guest of the Bligh yesterday.
G. K. Traedale and wife' of Shandon,
Cal., stopped over in Salem yesterday.
Mrs. B. L. Wakefield of Creaweh,
Oregon, was In the city yesterday.
Judge Webster Home
Has Only Praise For
Portland's HosiftaEty
Jmlge Daniel Webeter is just home
from attending the D2d annual meet
ing of the Grand Army of the Repub
lic and i very giad' to say that the
people of Portland gave the old soldier
boys the time of their live, it is
the general opinion of all, Judge Web
ster aays, that the Portland session
was the finest of all not only in enter
tainment but in suitable weather Jur
nisheU by tflic. weather men. There
was not a single accident, nor a pros
tration from heat, nor sickness of any
kind among the 5,'MM) or more veterans.
When Jmlge Welnter's name ws
called at the meeting of the committee
on resolutions, two G. A. R. men came
over to uliake hand with him. One
was a clerk in a store at Lecrosne,
Wisconsin in 161 when Judge Webster
enlisted and the other was Captain
Harris of Company B. of Lacrosse, Wis.
organized shortly after the judge had
volunteered. This was the first meet
ing of the three men in 57 years.
Judge Webster aUo had the pleasure
of meeting four of his comrades who
responded to tSve H t President
Lincoln in 18'L
KELLET. At the home of V. F. Kel
ley, August 23, 191 H, Frank David
KellVj the four and one half months
old sob of Mr and Mrs. I). W. Kel
ley. of Gladstone Mirhigan. The
(parents with the baby have been visit-!
ng in raiem ior ine past iwo weeks
at the home of Mrs. 1. W. Kelley's
brother, V. F. Kelley. As yet no fun-j
era! arrangement have bem made.
fbat the road will be in service within
ou nays ap we coast ao nuaireae '
.... ., .....
J"" i"
rrom nuciio lowanis ine miets ta in
operation. The nll at Tledo will aooa
ready to handle all apruce lumber
products in that section, he ssy.
Cleaning one's desk, unfortunately.
8,1 , 1 " "Tl t i
f, ,fc, rsan 1L.1
tTj x
j"" twa' oot of " m um"tm
0 HELL With
, .OMtS
25 CMS A
This week will about end the Peach Season for Salem. Better
place your order at once for your Peaches
$2.50 per Box
as a delay will disappoint you
Ao W
The Farmers' Store of Quality
All Around Town
:: n. iiiimimii
'TH funeral beautiful. "-
Ctough Co.
.Webk ft
Dr. Mendelsohn, the eye specialist,
nil! return Sept. 1st tf
ette farmer.
The Bia Kifle club will select two
members to attend the Xalioual Kifle
shoot to be held at Furt Perry, Ohio,
Kept. 1. A meeting of the members has
been called to choose the twe best
shooters of the elub. B. W. Simeral is
secretary of the halem Rifle Club.
We tell lot cash Commencing July
1st wo will conduct our business oa a
strictly cash basis, fatten 'e Book
Store. tf.
"The beat" Is all job can do when
death comes. CaU Webb ft Cloogh Co
Phone 120. tf.
Two postoffices in Marion eounty
will be discontinued for lack of pat
ronage. Folks who have been patron
izing the Xiagara portoffiee after
Sept. 1. will be obliged to call at
Gates, The Black Hwk postoffiee will
be discontinued and its. mail sent to
Falls City.
Dr. Bchank's offices will be eoacd
from Aug 3rd to Sept, 8, 1918. 9 3
Attention Knights Templar, regular
conclave tonight Important busiiicMi.
Everybody come. Older of hineunem
The new Detroit hydro carbon bunt
er will ave from 20 to 40 per cent in
fuel bills and eliminates Wl per cent (if
the labor, according te the claims of
the Medford Hheetmetal Works, witk
headquarttrs at 379 Slate Hired. The
burner generates ordinary kerosene oil
to a hy.lro carbon pa a it consume
Will trade for unincumbered city
property, my IJOGO equity ia improved
5 acre suburban home, 1 acre, variety
fruit and berries. Sightly Inrstion. H.
A. Johnson, owner, phone 347. 0 3
We have modern bungalow for sale
nr tra.le Plius. 313 nr 62iS. V, V. f llis
M. V., or Atty E. 8. White. 8 -Sgl
About 25 young men who have at
tained the effe of 21 rears since June
;v iui re exseeted to reenter at the
1 Court houae frwturilny. Ihe hours are
from 7 o'clock in the morning until
o 'cluck in the evening and the reg
istering booth is on the first floor of
the eourt hou-e. Within a few days
after registering, ea-fc regintrant will
receive his quettiunaire and within a
short time be given his rlswifirstion.
Dr. O. X. Scott D. C. chiropractor,
offices ekwe4 all dcy Baturday, Aug.
Dr. Bcbenk's offices will be doted
trots Aug. 3d te Sent 8. 1918. 8
The Torxaliirt Insuranc Co. la aa
old English company, established away
back in 1824 and aw has over .1,VJ
,0(i0) in aseta H. A. Johnson.
agsat. 91
... 0
While driving en North Commercial
street Thursday evenlny aliout :30
o'flock with a horse and bogey, Laura
jKteveas. vias run imo by a Ford car.
t Th ,!rufk ,h h"r d"ift
erable do age but furtonatj-ly the or -
espant of the btS? B"t ijured.
The driver of the Ftd passed oa
without n.eking any inouiruis as to
I ' damage.
f7 BUted nseeiing of D ssippositttrti that the f-ople will I
VAi ' M'day -siisedry N'.!aasiou to hear the famous evangelist,'
' r r v v . i - .
liusmess of iroiwrtance.
. zv. loss
I j A full attendanre i reiue.sttd by order:
:ll e -Lr-.t.
of E. C. Visiting Hir Ksight welcon.
DOZE - 1
Big dsn ce every Tuesday, lfcuiasy
and Saturday nights, Lakebrook hoji
yard. 8 miles north. tf
: o
The Vnal Bureau of Instruction of
the University of tregon has written
the Commercial club here that it would
like half a dosen colored picture slides
of the city of .Salvia. It ia aokvd that
these Should how the main industrial
and educational points of the eity and
other views fhHt would give a correct
idea of the capital of the state.
Owing to government regulations and
public sentiment regarding the una of
sugar H Becomes necessary for us to
remove the sugar bowls from the tables
after Aug. 24. However, we wish all to
have tii amount of sugar neresiiury;
but wn wish to curtail the use of same
so as to have enough for the making
of pies. Chirry City Hestauraut, IHtt
south High St. 8 24
Men and beys wanted immediately for
packing green prunes. Apply Nulem
Fruit L'niun. . 8 20
Phoenix, Arizona tad a temperature
yesterday of 100 above and Kansas
City is msinttiiiiiiig its record fur a
hot summer with a minimum, of 9 . In
Salem, the warmest part of the day
brought the mercury up to 73 above.
Tomorrow la Nebraska picnic day
eelebratioa at the Mate fair grounds.
As in all state pieuics, there will lie
the umial banket diuner and the cus
tomary addresses and ftliort talks in
the afternoon.
The Frank 8. Ward Drug company
will move from its prenent location on
Ke-ptemlii'r 1, to 444 Mate Mreet in Ihe
store building formerly nectipied liy
I lies Red ro Pharmacy,
iMiuiriwi continue to come in at the
Commercial chili asking fur Inform
tion regaining Inn (I values in this part
of the vsPey In laet, every mail
brings a mimlier of letters from scat
tered parts of the country unking for
land tnormatios. This morning the let
ters were from Xwtin Grove, Mon
tana, Fsecma, Kansas, Alabama and
several pvintt in the south.
Lawia Stselhammer, brother of Oscar
Steelliammer, wriKu that he i now an
inntructor in the ordnance department
at Camp Hancock, Georgia. He is a
member of the local hlks' lodge and
enlisted for servire from Pendleton.
The Belgium babiea' fund will re
ceive a remittance of I7"i0 from the
IVlgiuia society Orgauiud in Hairm
about J'liie 1. At a meeting of the rum
iiuIK-c wbica met iast evemug. it was
announced that the Iklgimtr Fete at
Willson ueik netted the society H. 00
and lhi wilk tag day aud varions d
natimHi brought the amount up to IT'd
wbii'k is to lie firrwarded at oner. The,
cosssutu-e tn tliujit ut the ljrigiuia
Me wiUi to esprews its appreciation
tut the aaitarr giteu it by M many
who gave thetr time sod moinv to
make the affair mnh a decided n-cn
both artistically and financially.
A model Salvation Amy hut will be
j oa eshibit next Huaday at toe speaking
i of the famous eraaveiint ill 11 v Hundav
; ia the armory at t o'clock. The chair
mss of the stsle nsHiunal war eerviee
; fates of the Kulvalson araiv writes F.
. W. rlteawltrff last the hut will lie rs
'' pressed frfcm Portland 1'urday morn
, mg and that if he would like
to have it set no on the Hskc. If it
; ia too large, it wtil be plad in
twoaiinrct tmrt at II.. sinsii. It U,
i proll.le that no musi.al pn.graia will
' b u.i i.. ... !,.
. v . ...... .... i . . . . . . it i
in, man wmv nit luiurfirru uui,areus
of thousands to "hit the sawdust'
trail." Mayor Walter E, Keyes will
1 .-. .1 .1-.. ...t.. -
introduce the speaker. As has beca an
MS 45
.U M.
No Rspcnse Coming To Call
For Volunteers This Be
came Necessary.
Sumo time ago Hherlff W, I. Need li am
chairman of the local exemption board,
called for volunteers to assist in the
registering of men under the new wan
power bill. This registration day will
be probably about the middle of Sep
tember. There was no resKv!t to help
the beard, excepting a few from the ru
ral districts.
Hence, instead of taking a chance on
wailing for volunteers, Mr. Keedham
yesterday appointed regmtrars for each
of the voting precincts in this part of
the county. rour registrars are provid
ed for in each of the unual voting pre
einetg and the chairman of th various
preeiucts are as follows:
Aumsville H, C. Porter
Hreitenlmsh Orin Jtidd
t'hemawa It. G. Henderson
Croisau X. W. Lewis
Klkhoru Ed Hischo
Euglewood W. E. Vincent
Fuii grounds F, O. Johnson
Ilorelj H. I. Cleorgo
Cential Howell Edward Duuigan, Sr.
Jefferson, J. II. Holund
Liberty T. G. Chestnut
Maelcny W. L, Himeral
Marion M. A. Knrlier
Alehama K, i. Hiegmiind
Mill City I). II. Hill
I'ringle-rloy Olimart
KivervitwJ. 11, Parki-r
Miwedale W. H. Pemberti.a
Kat Kulem E. K. Mat1e
Kalem llriglus L. E. Judsoa
Miaw lleurv KeeHe
Salem, Xo. 1 W. M. Bmith
r-ii.tm, No. 2 H. W. Drager
Sulem, No. 3 J. X. Hkaife
Halem, No. 4 C. C. Ilartwell
halem, Xo. 'i J. B. Ashby
hatini, .No. S Elmo 8. White
Kalem, No. 7 K. 8. Tilliiighact
Halem, Xo. 8 I', L. Fra.ier
Huleui, No. It W. 8. lHitm.a
Kalem, No. 3( K. X. Hoover
Halem. Xo. 11 Hubert E. Downing
Hub-m, Xo. 12-A. A. Hall
Halem, No. 13 A. B, Uudelson
Halem, No. It L. H. Fletcher
Halem, Xo. l.V-W. H. Mvars
Halem, Na. Jo-W, II. Itoacy
Halem, Xo. 17 Pan) V. Johnson
Halem, No. la X. 1. Elliott
Hiilney J. T. Betkwith
Hilver Falls J. K. Kinscy
Houth 8ilvrton G. II, Thompson
Htaylon L. 8. Lambert
hat Htayton W, II. Hudson
Hiillimity J. T. Hunt
Turner H. W. Hrnith
Victor point H, K. King
H. ii' -1 ' i' 1 day fulling on Ihe Jc
ih Halibsili r' gistrnnts of that faiti, can lutign will l.e gone over and every
ngister on t Monday following, thing arranged for the short and ipiiek.
1 ilmn by which it is hoped that the
nounred, there will be o admfnn nweaeary membership may be seeuri'd
charge n i will a collection bo taken j by three hours work Mi nday and the
or pledges aked. i pledgee are to be tukei for hut one
0 l.vrar, with the renewal clause, it in
After baring served as engineer aud felt that the busine and prufcsinat
fireman 36 years on the fastest engines I men of the cit y will rally to th s"i
of the Delaware and Lackawana mil- port of the club,
road, with his -run from Hol.oSen to! -o
Hcranton, Thomas Cusiek of Jersey City i
, ' taking a few months rest. With his,
wi'" s visiting In Kalem at the home ,
"' '' daughter, Mrs. T. L. Biliiagsley.
H " w"or of being the oldest ;
eiigier on tti? unaware ana l.s.Ka-
wane road, having Hilled th throttle1
for the pat 24 year, and is still In the
tee. Uuring his visit ia Ortgr.n lt ;
will be taken over the Columbia hh
way in rdnr that he may see kim real
seeoerv eriotiured that tJ the Alie.
ghany mountains in eastern puaajylva
uia. ,
, "
Monty'a Tire shop at 177 Soutll
Comnwreia! street ia about to engage! Judginif from the recei.t highly grat-
- n r. ai .r.l.in... tl iV.I tt :.. .I.u .... ri.tt, t.t afttl.Hiilni'ipiHlt tiTlV f
i'O enterprise. It is hat of in -
' stalling a new gasolin
ine task which
rilQNE 721
Week's Accidents 573
Six cf Them fatal
During the pant week S73 accidents
were reported to tho state industrial
accident commission. Of this number nix
wrro fatal a fnllowsi
1'. V. Holberg, Multnmosh, saw milt
ing; Chas. Pellette, Purtland, sliiplmild
iug; Harvey Vincent, Klamath Falls,
lineman; Marten Kusuaki, Powers, log
ging; H, W. Htoddard, Astoria, ship
building; W. M. Hi y ant, Corvallis, lum
liering. Of the total number rrptrrled, U8
were subject to the provision of the
ritniprasalioB act, 28 were from firms
and corporations which have rejected
tho provisions of the compensation ant,
aud 7 were from public utility corpora
tions not subject to the provisions of
the compensation act, if this number
two were passengers gnd two being pa
trons. '
Market Discloses
Much Better Tone
New York, Aug, 23,-i-The Xew Wk'
Evening Hun com meat on finuueiul
conditions today reads:
There was a distinctively better tone
in today's stock market and there were
inteniili, of fairly animated trading.
The iHiiing was quiet and firm, but
after the first fifteen minutes there Wan
a fair amount of buying which carried
prices forward substantially. This move
went sua more or lesa confined to the
industrials until townr, the end of the
first hour, when the rails attracted ut
teatmn. Hv mid-day, several rails had
elulilib4 new high levels for the year
uotaMy Ht. Paul and Canadian Pacific.
Gains of a subsUiitinJ fraction to a
point or more were common In that do
partmcbt. Hteel ran tip ever a point thru
112. Aaieiieuu Hido and Leather com
mon and preferred were again spec lac.
ular, both issues selling higher than
ever before.
The late trailing was quiet, but pric
es in general were maintained. Bonds
were inactive. For Ihe firt time tins
week Hherly limn S'i's failed to achieve
la new In l'Ii record nrim liln,ni,l. II..
moved elvm ly around that level, at
102.50 cHtalilishcd yesterday.
will lie roedy for the customers of Ihe
simp williui a few days. .
Captain. Henry Ik had, acr am panted
by hu wife and daaglih'r, of Wichita,
Kansas, are visiting in the eity, guet
at the Inline of Mr. and Mrs. lierahl
Volk Ther have been attending the
O. A. II. reunion at Portland. After
visiting around in the eity ai.d taki
ia M ilUon park, the capital g rituaiis
and hlanou square, the eaptain it of
the Opinion 4iat Halem is about the
prctuont eity on the map and that
there is nothing like it in the un
flower staUt.
The fivo captains appointed to han
ii; the campaign for membership $
he t'-enimrmal club will meet this
eveinn in the elnb rooms together
with lliw workers whom thev have nth
lecieil. The general plan of the cam-
Ottaws, Out., Aug. 23. Ani
ent ana in today 's Cdiiudiao cm
ualty list are:
Ini-d of wniinds: R. Blake,
Los Angeles, Cat.
Wounded: II. Iliwtenetf, f'as-
cds, Mnt; A. jstctiiwre, itak
'.at ersfu-ltl. Call C. T. Hurler, lit
Portland, Ui. .
'ify.ng reports of anti-submarine epr
.uvu, soudok-ucts are lino lavy Joue.