Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 23, 1918, Image 1

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Only CiT-u'.itijB ia Salem Guar
anteed by the Audit Bureau of
Oregon: Ton-g'-.t s- .'i
warmer Saturday J. "say J
gatle northerly 05rJ
HI ft ffvi f fw :"1
V 9
Chaulnes, Highly Important Railroad And Highway Center,
May Fall NextFrench Only Three Miles From Old Hin-
' denburg lineBattle Has Won Gmmd To Depth of More
Than 15 MUes. Sixteen German Divisions, 192,000 Men,
Have Been Beaten.
By John DeGandt
(United Press Staff Correspondent)
Paris, Aug. 2:1 The French advance has swept the
Germans back to within three hiiles of Chaulnes, the
highly important railway and highway center, between
Noyon and LaFere.
. General Mangin's men are reported to have reached
the borders of Coucy-Le-Chateau, only three miles from
the old Hindenburg line. They are pressing eastward
along the roads leading into the town from the Ailette
river and have launched a heavy .track against Coucy
Grove, south of the village. ,
Noyon is being attacked from the northwest, south
east and northeast. The French are across the Oise and
Manicamp canal and have reached the edge of Morlin
court, 2,000 yards (slightly over a mile) from the Noyon
railway station.
The road from Noyon to Laon soon will be penetrated
from another direction.
(This road passes Chaulnes a :,Ale and a half to the
The boches clinging to the hills north of the Oise
already are under the heaviest fire from the French ar
tillery, s.
By Lowell Mellett
(I'nited Press staff correspondent)
With the Hriti.sh Annies in France.
Aug. 2:t. General Byng is gradually
overpowering the German defence on
the whole front from the Sonime north
ward to the t'ojcui river, despite dos
perate resistance at many points.
fn the extni:n of attack farther
northward to.lav tie British progress
ed nearly two miles, aparent)y reach
ing Hoiry -Besqiirclle and (lovelies (five
miles south, eist of Arras and three
miles west of Croisillea.)
.They knve reached Hntnlineourt a
mile and a ba'.f south of Lovelies) and
' to'niei'ourt (four miles northwest of
Jbipauine.) Many prisoners were taken
in Gomiecourt.
'Bray, on the north bank of the Sow
ine, has ben practically surrounded.
Prisoners taken by the British in
the last three days tta) nearly fi.OitO.
Tdure than a thousand of these were
taken south, of the Sonime this mom-
Constant Advance Of Allies Is
Causing Baches To Get
By Frea S. Ferguson.
tl nitod Pr.'ss (staff Correspondent. i
With The American Armies l" Franee
Aug. S3 The sllied offerwive is no
its greatest height since July IS. not in
)y in accomplishment, but in rK!bili!:es
Although the more rereaf owratiua
lck the speetjeularitr of the n.ns
Msrne and British attacks, their a"j!2
,l:ii:is Ms of "the highest import
ance. TU raidl j ivance mf the I ri s--a
hrtwren !h? tio ant the Aisne r-i'.'i
'log :,ths;t
five BilrJ f
nriisintl Has : fs.t creat:it: a safest in
the I he .-s.;i,is and inrreauajf tue
t Starting at 5 o'clock this morning,
j at a point belmvliray, the Britih ex
tended their front an additional 6')00
j yards, surprising the Ciernians, and
; driving them from the high ground in
that vicinity- The towns sought in
their tWt, apparently, arc Chiiogres.
: Nefleville aud Clitinglj'jlles (two miles
.south of Bray.) ,
Albert is Captured
; London, Aug. 2o. Albert. ' which
forms the renter of Herman resistance
between the i-jmie and the Scarpe.
was in the hands of the British today.
The attack carried out yesterday on
the six mile front between the Anere
and the Sonime, was completely suc
ee.sf'il, the British gaining two inilej
and capturing Alliert, despite desper
ate enemy resistance.
At the same time, heavy German
! e-iunfnr attacks along the ten mile
front between Bf-aucourt and Moyetin
ville, north of the Ancre, were beaten
off. the British retaining their newly
'Continued on page two)
necessity for aa early withdrawal from
the csic to i il.i Aisne line,
i A detachment of Americans, lid l,v
'Captain Wililam Harrigan, son of tiie'
famou actor, penetrated Tannicies t-x
mites west ot Fismr-s) last night in small
local operation. They captured fourteen
I p: isuiers, retain, d the positions fom
which tht. Gtrman were irien and
maintained a f.otholi in the town.
i Then- priiiier ronfrmeI the r"prt
I'.:: the Fourth Prussian gnarl tad'
ii .-i withdrawn from the Vrsle. !
In face nf the constant allied advsn'
a jiint or an-.it her during !h !at ;
tti . r h the bkM he are howing the cjr'-at-;
' !.er.usnr; m al! sectors wkeri they
tavv not yet l"i a'tack'-d. This is
' c3.-!y i!..i:et-d is the raids by Aef.!-'
,,fi in tiM li!;'-i region. I
iCofctioik'd on r-Sjf sever;
Lit Or ta nru nrnouiun
iu uui.-raidnmu
Lloyd A. Lee Writes of Big
CelehraSon Held In "Some
French City."
Private Lloyd A. I.ee, son of Mr. and
Mrs. A. A. Lee, is now in France in the
signal corps, stationed at general head
quarters of the American forces. In a
recent letter he writeg that one of the
things the boys mifs the most is that of
hearing a woman or young girl talk a
language they ta!i understand. Tueie
seems to le an abundance of women
folks over there but of course they do
not talk "Vnited States." ' -
One of his greatest pleasures recently
was in visiting the cathedral that was
bombed by the long distance Herman
gun and the pleasure of the day wa ot
from viewing scenes in Paris but from
the fact that the boys were accompanied
be several American nurses who eould
talk English language. It just made ti e
boys happy t hear the real American
He attended a big celebration hcl
some time ago and had the pleasure of
seeing General Pershing and a dozen fa
muli, French, Italian and Knglisli gen
erals take part iu the day's speaking.
Ho writes in part regarding the big day:
Old Plory ' lyerywljere.. , .
."The struts were lined with flajj
and the most ptomiilent positions were
given to our own Star Spangled banner.
The Place d 'Hotel d'Ville. in other
words th, public squaio iu the center of
the village, was a mass of floating col
ors. Flags of every nation were to be
soon but in the center of all our own.
".soon after nur arrival some Fieucii
gcuiraU drove up and were welcomed
by the delegation about lialf way down
the aiile. They wete very careful not
to pas any oup tip and consequently
there was mnny greetings and hand
shaking. "The commotion had hardly died
down when from a .side street another
began, people crowded this way and
that, as several autos , crept
through the crowd. Soldiers stooil stitf
an,i saluted as the cars passed nnd from
(Continued on page four)
5,000 Of Them See Great Col
umbia Gorge As Far As
Portland, Ore., Aug. 23. Wit a lit
tle shell fire for realism, the Columbia
Highway todsi would have resembled
iie of the military roads out of Paris
whe:i General Gallem's taxicab army
tunic 1 tiie Huns bark in 1W1I.
Kvery sort of motor vehicle in Port
lini was pressed into wivice to take
the Gran I Army of the Uepublir, ."omi
str ing, up the highway to Benaet il'e.
Land and wa er forces co operated, for
s:ea.i;ers cjowdid with men in blue
'stesmel up th river.
Th a a the tinal day of the en
i -ampuieut. The veterans will go home
having registered their errjdistir belief
in America's cause in the war. 8y h
a resololioii as adopted late yester
day, together with others, condemning
the burial of alien enemy .bad in the
I'nion cewetary at Chattanooga, con
demning tuw junking of rarragut s
flagship and the film production "The
Birth of a -Nation."
A forui-r Hubbard boy, Jann-s lt V
en, according to news that reached his
rela'tves hers last week, must have the
intercession of fate on his side, tt'iib
mer there in Frante with tlx: colors
When U left there be was but fifteen
years old. Met fce wenj ti Canada sad
t eik up a claim: wheB the war hrk
out he wer.t with the first troup, a; 1
lus liiel f nir years of it, hs-en Wiei'id
e, HFvea times and is in an Kaglisb
to;u'4l n -. He surely has had Li.
aha re but says fc wants to star a ad
it ti ro :g!i. 'inbbanl Lnti-rprije.
Believe This Would Make
Them Face Spring Offen
sive Much Weakened.
By Carl D. Groat
(Tinted Press Staff Correspondent.)
Washington. Aujj. 3. That Foch in
tends to pound the Inn-he hard all wia-
... u ,. hi..,. miii,.... ,.....
her.. I.vlav hvml ..romineoi office,-.
on duty here have .opeuly favored a
strenuous winter campaign. Thev are
of the school who complained at the ab
sence of open warfare and who have
cheered loudly since this system came
into play.
Now thva- Vliev that their hop.s are
coining true, for French military ''Mrds ' j
;ive every indication of l.au.n.eri.i.f Mj ' r ' uaiv ,,,
and on, g.v.ug thojwhe as little oppor.th(, Au.ri,an front ,;
tunny as possible
to recuperate his
"We ought to keep - giving
lu ll," said one authority. "Only in
that way can we get a speedy finish,
A winter eampaigjt of large proportions'
is a tough proposition, but it would be !
' UMir.. fill tl,, n,IA,H0 tlm fl... II.
He expressed the view that bv
. iiu nn tht. cnnmaiirn insteatl nf ni.rmitt
tug mc iigui to uniuuie to occasiunei
trench sorties, thfc- wny would be pre
pared for a mammoth spring campaign.
Just nt piTKMit there is some doubt in
military minds bere as to the exact in -J It is the presence in the field of the
teutions of the Teutonic staff. KoaiCj powerful, growing body of Aineiiiuns
authorities sav the boMie is falling back that made possible the energetic hand!
rather easily nnd suggests that he is1 itig of the enemy, which is now the feu
striving now only to save his uieu and) tore of the western campaign,
material until he establishes a new line I Experts are unanimous in the opinion
behind the Komme.
. , . ... . . ' . '
it is uviievcit mat retirement iroin .leve.) rue iniiinuve wunum uie ni(s hi
the Lassigny region will soon be forced. I erica n help, but that he could not main
However, it is coiisiilircil doubtful that! tain this advantage without the steadily
the Germans can fill iin their divisions progressive increase of such help.
and undertake another offensive now.
Dropped More Than 25 Tons
Of Bombs As One Night's
I .,,.. (,. 91 Tli ..Invn.l 1,1-
... . '. ' ". " ! '
British airmen in the attack of the,
Ancre is described in a slateme.it issued
i.v tli.. nir mini.trt. i
The thick mist which prevailed dur
ing the early morning of August 21, pre
vented our uiipiuui'i nom taking pint mi
l.-ttle nt .i, eniio of Hi. iittnek
i '
north of the AncV'," Hw statemeet
said. "As the morning advanced thej
sky became clear and for the rest of thej
day our airmen w, re actively engaged.,
K oiiie timehines devoted thenisehes to'
the work of contact patrol and repot ted
tli,. positions of our advancing troops (o
their headquarters' from time to lime.
Other maelti'e''s attacked hostile t loops,
and transports from low altitudes witli
bomli, and machine gun fire, wntteri.ig
riniiiiunitioii wagons aud tobiiiius ou tliOj
march. Iu sevetal j-lai-es, Geiieun guns
firing at our tanks, were silence abyj
IiouiIm and niacfiine gun fire fiom the
air. A grout den! i f oik was done aisu
in r-'iorting actije ho-tile battt-iies to
our aitllerv ss H in recnnaisii -
ces and observnti. f our artillery fite
"Twelve ton, of lionitis were itroppcit
jby us during the day. In air fighting
121 hos'ile machines Were del roved and
; eight otln rs driven down out of conli' I.,
We f.-d t ' wit !.'! i our ji; lpn i;t of
a feiief "i a'lilt tili ali th' ru-li m ui
tit, b: nus) is'- re waif fiii hi. ( let :re
is prist-'i. Figiril' on soleethie. ' f r
Mi: da ' I ...i,-r kil-.-i ' ).. ail th"
r m, -,' rh ' v.
i Battle Fronts Must Be Consid-
ered As a Whole From
Ypres To Rhehns.
By Ed L. Keen.
I I'nited Press Staff Correspondent.)
London, Aug. 3. Ho not imagine be-
I cause me uoiigin.oys mr "01 " "
I ue '' Mangiu Ha ng and
I other fam lions that thev are not on the
1 job.
I Th,e fact is that although they aie
I elsewhere they are now contributing to
the allies' success even more effective
I ly though less spectacularly than ale u
I they are actually going over the tep al
l Chateau-Thierry and rtoissuns, along the
lue to inci eases "
lines south of the
present battle area that Marshal KcU
has been enabled to acquire the ueeea-
sarv mobility and elasticity ot his forces
,' the no. nose of miick suriirisinir duu
,.,8 mr,, ad there. The bewildering
attacks not 0uly have gained Important
snateiric and iieoirraphieal objections,
but have been the means of fraziltng
the enemy's nerves through cons'.ai.t
guessing and worrying.
The battle must, more than ever, be
considered a. n whole from Ypres to
Uhiems, a one of Great Britani s most
capable miliary writers observed
that Foct, not onlv could nor have ach I
. . !., .. .. i. I.:.- k ... f
1 There i every assurance now thnt,
One German balloon was shot ilom i'i
' flames. -lOmlit of our machines are nuss
"0i thi! ,igM ot AuK,Ht S1.a ikite
a bright moonlight hihI a clear sky.
Our nbjlit bombing airplanes dropped
inoie than tons of bombs ou ii:fi'rr
ent targets.
' f
"Cambrui and Marcoing stations Here
heuvil.v attacked (i a well as a number of
railway bridges and stations, aiidronies
and billets. The bridge at Aubigny All
line, on the road connecting Uoual hiul
: i . . . t. . i ..... .i,
uinmai "as urosen uowu. flu oi our
"laehines return: il safely.
"Or"" nf our night flying machines
brought down iu flames mi this' side of
the line a laige enemy bombing air
plane. The machine reported in yes
terday ' commui.ique as missing has now
ret u -ne I. "
j ft I Ilfll fi
JapaRCSC Ueneral Will lOni"
ciand All Troops. Japs
Advance 50 Miles.
.! Tokio, Aug. "t. Japanese troops are
advancing beyond Nikiilask, the war
office announced today.
The official statement also said that
lieutenant (ieneral Otani. comtnander
of the allied forces in eastern Hiberia,
will command also the Cr.eeho Slovak 1
troops operating there and the anti-
bolshevik fores in the niaritiino prov-
iB'cs of nitieria. t
j XiUolsk is an important railroad
'juncti' n .V) miles north of Vladivostok.'
A:.k K. ltiforceuients. ;
Tokio, Aug Ttie I'zeeho Hloaki '
ibave ake, ihe aiiies for big reinforce- s
Uiitith ill the region of like I'.aikttl,
recording to the Vladivostok eor'cs
!pondent of the Nipjwa l"-!i,p c'
Agency 1
i The ('.( hs, ays the dispatch, are
(seriously endangered there and declare
thoy !imt decisively defeat the ludshe
ivisi within a montb, before winter s'ts ;
land Mit; Kherman H. I'atton, Greco
Wotnm Decorated. '"''' Jlv. MiW fit?
Pari. Aug. 23. Kriima . Lai sing , M"t ; H.-rrisnn F. Kachww, Rotindlake,
and Kiithernie K. K. Laniitg. sis'ers Minn; Ar.g.lo hpino, Iti'filto. Italy;
of Secretary of Ktate l.,hert Lansing, Harold r. Wood, Moofes, X. V.; Walter
hare be.n ileiorstid with the F.cn.h A Zalinoa, Hainsw Mich.
wit cross for working with th Red! Died of WoumV!.
units u'..l. r fire. j Captaia Philip Mills, ht. avid, Pa;
as ' ; Sejgi-ant Fred W. Murray, Meiiomin
Itetn.ea lU 'fi an. JSIH Viwoi.sin . M e!i; Harold W. Ko., ll, Moines,
pant out in l,u!i'ies for wolves, Iy'!oa; Lewis Thompson, fiibsen, Ga;
,.d w. Meats ttsii.C's. Albert J. Wibtams. Duryea, Pa.
thanks to America, no matter how ds-j
peralelv the bochc mav resist here ai:dj
there, the days of deadlock are
Tiie allies through complete
...... ......s ,
command of the situation are able to
impose their will on the enemy when
a u,l where they like.
Bat this does not mean that the end
is ever, yet in sight. Herman dogged
ness, tenai-ity and recuperative powtrs
must alwavs be reckoned with.
Explosion Of Depth Charges
In Board U. S. S. Orizaba
Is Unexplained.
'Washington. A,ig. 2il. Four men were
killed and nineteen others severely
wounded by the explosion nf a depth
charge on the V. 8, 8, Orir.ba, at sea
on August K. the navy department an
nounced today. Lieutenant Commander
William P. Williamson, New York, x
ecutlve officer nf the ship was killed.
Commander R. 1. White, la command
of the vessel suffered a broken juw and
his knee eap was fractured by the ex
plosion. The three eiilistej men who werc kill
ed aret
Samuel T. Lambert, V, 8. N., R. .,
Riverside, N. J, ,
Frank J, Mayer, V. 8. N., Cincinnati,
Arthur K. Bairs, l". 8, V., R. F
Pittsburg, Pa.
The an nun nceme nt did not give the
names of the eighteen wounded enlist
ed men.
The explosion of the depth charge oc
curred August 17, The Orlxba wns In
troop transport service, but was bound
without soldiers aboard, Whether the
explosion Indic-Hled some action Involv
ing the use of a charge against a sub
marine was not made known.
Chicago, Aug. 2.1. Hearing of the
100 convicted I. W. W, leaders In their
plea for a new trial, will bp held Mon
day, Federal Judge Lnmlis announced
today. Federal officials believed senten
ces will be imposed at once if the new
trial motion wns denied.
Rome, Aug. 23. The American Kc
Cross has opened eight children's fl'v
buns Hithin the war zone, according to
nil official Hiiiioiiiicemunt here today.
Five more nr to be opened soon In the
Treviso, 1 was staled,
p Stall of Simmr jfr
ffmWir rrom jucr mere j
lltW General Perhing'$ Official Report
The following casualties ere report
ed by the commanding general ",IJ
Amerieari eseditioiiary forecs:
Killed In action J
Missing in action U
Woiimied severely -il
IHeit of wounds 24
lied of accident and other causes ti
Died of dissase - -
Wounded, degree undetermined 13
Killed la Action
Helllllill il. South, IllOok
lyn, N. V;
' Corral Kverett Uoncy, Oconto,
Wis; Carl J. hiind Worcester, Mass.
Gu.lav llerioaii Auderson, I hicagin
Irving Ashley, Horlage, Wis; Doiiini
ique .1. Hi bini-nu, Foscroft, Msine; l
id Hnr'iii, Minsk. Ilns-ia; Charles L
Kddy, I hiiago; Kugene It. tiallion, Hen
son, ,V, C; Perb v F. tircsves, Wabbn,
Vl: John K. lh .lt, Wabash, Hid; John
'J. Joyce, Grrnock, Pa; John Kalitiki
' Hallimore. Md.; Himard A. Kougel.
;Myrruite, ,N. Vj Kdgsr G. Miller. Port
SaTS Man-PCWer Bill Fill ht
If l i ... si n f
usmrosiaon lotnrorce
That Senate Will Stand Pat .
For Draft Of Younger
Men Is Certain.
Washington, Aug. 23, Hailing th
new iniiii power bill as the weapon with,
which America will win a eomploto and
final victory over' Germany, rsenator
Henry Cabot Lodge, Massachusetts, t
ilnv outlined to the senate the "irredu
cible minimum" which the allies shoulj
agree to In making peace.
The essential conditions of a rmupleta
secure and lasting peace as Lodge out
lined them, aret .
Restoration of Belgium.
Return of Alsuee-Lorraine to France,
not fnom sentimental reasons alone, but
to deprive Germany of the coal and
iron of Lorraine.
Restoration of Italia Irredenta, In
cluding Trieste (O Ituly.
lic-estnlilislimcut of tserbia and Ru
mania as independent states.
H'curity of Greece.
Edublishmeiit of the Jugo Hlnve and
Csecho Hlovaks as independent peoples.
Independence for Poland.
Restoration to Russia of provinrca
taken from her by the treaty of hrest
Litnvsk. KeliniluUhmctit nt Pon.lnntinonlu !i
I the Turks and establishment of tha
imniuiiriirs as a
free International
diminution .
from Palestine.i
of Turkish influence
Huch a victory, Lodge said, "must
be won inside, not outside, Merman
frontiers. It must be won finally and
thoroughly in German territory and
can be so won now. "
The man power bill i the meant to
this end, Uidgo said,
" How are these things to b se
cured The detail are really mora
important than the fccucrul principle
itl which we all agree, Broadly speak
ing, there is only one way to obtain
this security of the nations, thi aafetv
of democracy, this preservation of
fieciluiu and civilisation and that is
by reducing Germany to a condition
where by no possibility can she pre
cipitate another war of universal con
quest with all its attendant horror
upon on unoffending world."
He then outlined the details of t ho
terms aud added:
"We must not be beguiled into con
cession to Turkey In the liope of Sep,
her from Germany. It would
tiiisernblii outcome to have Turkey
(Continue,! on page three)
Willium Juiiod, I'hiladelptiia, Pa;
tleorge A. McKee I'.ioc.klvn, N. V,;
Cook Arthur Adolf K. Krlin, t'udahv
Wis; Cook Mile W. Melbth,li-s
Moines, luwa.
William C. Ilest, Ho tie, Mont; Al. Ki
ll am H, Hreitigsn, Litit.. Pa; Arthur
F Ilr;ll, Relief, Ky; Albert 1. Con
nil, Clurciiiout, Minn; Claud (' Comt
ney. Verticil, Okla; Fnk W. Cullen,
Toledo, Ohio: Paul Flack, Oshkosh,
Win; Choilcs Flack, FasiisvUIc, Ind;
Holey i,. Miletiettscney Mbb; Man
ind .loke, .in, ruiichal, Mnderia; Henry"
'P. Ppiink-lf, Iridianapolia, Inr; Otto H.
rtwauson, Chicago; William Howie,
Itorcestef; llolesluw Wasilevv-ki, Proli
lenee, K, 1; Felix Wisoaaty, Pitts
burgh, pa.
Died of D sea.se.
Willie lb nnett, Vanoo City, Mi;
Fred Wilson, Fairtnouth, N. ',
Died from Accident and Other Cause
Her geq at George . Ituiniw, Kobeltna
Ralph Ilevivo. New York. N. V.;
Charles It, Harris, t'oin. Iowa; Monald
Harry Mcl,'ae, Cass it y, Mich; Josph
Arthur (iiceo, Wokefieid, Mich; Frank
J. K heidel. New York. N Y.
Wounded Severtly.
( a; tain Jatm T. Potter, Adams,
Sergeant Falter Raymond MeCurdy,
Wellington, Runs.
Corporals Charles P. Jones, llamp-
(CouUnutd on page