i FAGZ EIGIIT THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 1913. Coning Erects Aug. 24. Nebraska A : ti' n annual picnic t;e fair gruunds. Aug. 24. Registration of men who have rearhrd the age of 21, linte June 5. VMS. Anjnst 23. Bi'ly Sunday t armory 2 p- m. for fcalvation army. j.t. 1 4. 1, W. Griffith 'a Hearts of the World", Ore gon theatre. Oregon IStste Fair Kept. 23 2S. 4, o s 1 Another Reminder trfM! We announce the arrival of a fine line of neV LADIES' COATS, SUITS, DRESSES and SKIRTS Our eastern buyers have secured an exceptionally fine line of these, and we have them priced so as to satisfy all. LADIES' COATS in the season's latest styles, materi als and colors with a big stock to select from. You will find them from $14.75 to $47.50 DRESSES in best silks and woolens $9,90 to $35.00 SUITS to suit at $22.50 to $35.00 SKIRTS in plain colors or plaids in best silk and wool en materials $3.98 to $9.90 ii 31 J I All Around Town "The funeral beautiful".. dough Co. tf Dr. Mendelsohn, th yi specialist, will return Sept. 1st. tf Th. auction sale of O. A. Boetticher on thn Turner road yesterday was well iteuilod and good price iuid. P. N. .Woodry the auctioneer kept things moving along at a lively pai-e and gain proved his value to the Willam ette farmer. .-.We gU for cash Commencing July 1st w will conduct our business oa a ht Hotly easlt basis, l'atton't Book Store. tf. w.."Tne bent" li all job can do when Idcath eumei. Call Webb C'lough Co 1'lion 120. tf. 0 Editor Mi-Shane of Hubbard la now dividing his time between his own home town and Halent, he is now In ehargn of the Hlmver I'rinling plant, lie give two day a week to tho Ha- TO HELL With 1 the KAISER S.V IVamit Buller loe J.jO Palad Cooking Oil l.tS Kks Barley rimir - , 7a lit Outs Flour 7 fOe Coffea , ,'IOe 30c Mason Jar Caps , 24e lt)e Mason Jar Robbers 3 Hull less than le lb. It will pay you to trad t the FARMERS CASn 8TORB Oppoait Court Hutu ' on Uliia btreet incorporaiea lent limit uud the remainder of his time to lluhburd, ullhough it la uu di'rstood he will eventually miiko Hu lent hi home. Dr. Bchenk'a offlcea will be closd from Aug. 3rd to Hopt. 8, 11118. 0 3 Tha Vorkshlra Iuiuranco Co. It an old English company, established away buck iu 1S-4 and now has over fl'i, OOD.OIK) In asset. 11. A. Johnson, agont, 93 Tha nnxlntum tomperaturo at Okla liiinia Cily and Abelino, Toihs yester iliiy km 102 hihI at Nome Alaska, III). It wn a happy mediuui lu Hit I cm with a maximum of 7 'J and a minimum of .17. Nome had a niiuimu of M. Modern Woodmen attention I Regit I it r mcctiutr this Thursilny evuiiug Klectlon of clerk. 1'. J. Kuuta, acting clcik. 8 Ti Dr. Bchenk'a offlo will It e.wd from Aug 3rd to Hept, S, 11I8. 9 3 What he claiuia as his greatest trt umph is I). W. (Iriffilli's lotcst film entitled 'il'eart of the World", n romance of tho great war, to be ohown at the Oregon theatre four days be ginning HiMiday, September 1 This lilm has been ehoning at the lleilig I Inn I in in l'o 1 1 In ii il fur Hie past three weeks with crowded houses each even lug at $1 a seat on the lower floor. Siilcin is one of the first citie in the northwest where the famous film will bo shown. Will trade for unincumbered city property, my -000 equity in improved 5 acre siibuiliiiii home, 1 acre, variety fruit ami berries. Hightly location. If. A. Johnson, owner, phone 347. 9 3 We have a modem bungalow for sale or trade. Phone 313 or (i. V. KUis M. H., or Alty K. H. White. tt 28 o The brick work on the big pavilion At tho t.liite fair grounds was complet ed yesterday and today the carpenters are on the job. (loorge Johnson who was one of thn lirickmttsous on the pa vilion 'eft today for Montana. Lost black plush cap between Che- mekita Ht. uud Hilverton rond. Heturn to Midget Mi;rkct, Kcwnrd. t ' Dr. O. L. Scott, D. C. chiropractor, offices closed ull Our Haturdav, Aug. 24. " 8 23 The (Superintendent of the Red Croea auxiliary of the First Mulhodist church is anxious that all women of the aux iliary lioulil go to the surgical dress ing rooms at the posloffice Friday and assist iu tho making of sphagnum first aid bug for hospital use in France, tin account of the lint, it is asked that only wshablo dresses be worn with nny kind of an apron, the longer tho belter. The regular meeting of the l'nl Melhoilint lied Cross aux iliary will not be held tomorrow and as there is great need of workers at the surgical dressing department, it is thought by 1lie superintendent that the members will b glad to give their time Friday to the making of sphag num moss pads. A ntca drive to th. dance at Lake brook hop yard tonight. Fight miles north of Nnlcm. t " t We Now Have CANNING Fancy Early Per Box Pears for Canning Fancy Bartletts, $1.25 For Seasonable Fruit See Ihe Court Street Grocer PERSONALS Mrs. Ida Duvia of West Stayton it visiting at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Latham on South Winter street. Krnest ('. Ki-hanls, e-retury of edu cation of Willamette l'iiiver.ity left yesterday for Wenatrhee to deliver an address. Hi will later visit Yakima in the interetts of the diivi-rsity. Niel G. Duncan, secretary of the Marhficld Chamber of Coniuierce was in the city yesterday, lie sa.VB things are booming down on the count. I). II. Vo.-litr the tailor is spending his vacation assisting in the wheat har vest on his much uar Oregon City. Cha. II. lick now of 1'ortland was in the city thi morning. ) A. B. I'age left this morning over the Oregon Klectrie for Bow Jslund, Alberta, Canada. I Misi A. U. (iearhart left this morn j ing for a short vacation at Seaside. . Miss M'linie Buird left over the Oro Igon Klectrie this morning for Kelso, Wash. Tonight, first big dance of the season, I.aki brook hop yard. Kiglit miles north. o Chicken a la Maryland at tha res taurants is now climbing into the ter rapin clus, according to the bill of fare. A hulf chicken served a la Mary land will set one back Ull cents and if a whole chicken is ordered the figure is $1.73. Mrs. Chaa. Roblln and two children have arrived in the city uud will make their home at the Koblin place. 737 Center strict- Mr. Roblin has rucently been called from Taconm for army ser vice in the east and while he is away Mrs. Itoliliu decided to make Suleni her home. With her two children she drove in her car from Tncoma. o - Walt 8. Low, city street commission er, is home from two weeks spent at the llreitciiliush. He sins that ut the Murk Hkiff springs, 11 people were camping and all having a fine time with tho excellent fishing and huckle berries to be found on tho top of Hipiaw . iintaiii. Men stenographers who have had le gal training aro wanted by tho local exemption board, (limited service men or special military service men will bo accepted and w ill be assigned to the departments of either the j'!go advo cate general or the provost marshal general. Those who feel qualified should apply to tho local exemption board at once. There is a possibility that Calico dresses will liccomo quite the thing next spring since the federal, adminis tration ha taken over all tho woolen goods iu the country, it is pretty well understood that the biggest drygoods wholesale houses in the country have no woolen goods to offer for next year and that no wwl can be hnd for the manufacture of iwoolens. There Jjiny be a few left over or hoarded by spec ulators but to the world in general it looks very much like a cotton season for dross goods next spring. In addition to selling tractors of sev ernl kinds including the now famous Fordmii, Vick Bros., through the VhI lev Motor compttiiy has 'taken the agency for the Beciniiii garden tractor, used an a cultivator by truck garden ers. It will do away with hand cultiva tion or that of the one horse style. As a general farm proposition it will cul tivate any crop now cultivated by a . PEACHES Crawfords $2.50 Phones 256 and 257 , ' As-sn'ilsu 1 hand wheel or one-horse cultivator. The Beeman garden tractor is the little bro ther of tho big farm tractor. With it, all that is necessary wsMl be to just walk behind to guide and let the trac tor do tho work. Bids are wanted at Uia postoffice fni men who feel competent to han dle all the mail received and delivered in the city by the iiutUorn I'acific railroad. A bid for this service was handed in some time ago but was not satisfactory to the Washington offi cials. Hence the call for another bid. The job is one that begins ut 2;.'!0 o'clock in tha morning and continues until 10 oVliK-k at night. At twelve time in ths -t hours must mail be carried from the postoffice to the i Southern I'acific depot and the job is j good for seven days in tho week und j steady for 3lio ila.vs in tho year. And there' is no such thing as failure to be ion time as the I". S. mail must be sent .out regardless of what else may hap pen. Recruiting for a company of lnfan try for the Oregon National Hoard is 'now actively on, with a station estao jlished nt 414 State street in the store building formerly occupied by the Ited I'rosa pharmacy. It i the inUntion to' organize the" first coniny hero by Sept. 1. Lieut. A.T. Wuolpert who is 'senior officer in Oregon outside of j 1'ortland for the Oregon Guard, has ;been appointed officer in charge fo the recruiting of the infantry company of the Oregon National liuard. I Tha family of W. Al Jonea aw glad ' to announce there has been a decided ' : . ..... 1m Vim ,-in.lil inn the im-d P IHtJ'IVl Vim HI " ...a ........ , r day or two. He has so far convalesced that he s now able to ran in nirniorrs of the family and take an interest in , .affairs. Justic Gorg H. Burnett presented chevrons to Company K. Oregon Ouard aad in appreciation of his thoughtful net last evening, the company gave him a vote of thanks. At the meeting last evening Lerny Hewlett was tn auimously elected second lieutenant. The officer of the company no ware. I A. K. Wkisun, captain; r rea x. juangis. (first lieutenant; and Leroy llewletj, i second licutraant. Ttt chairman of all Liberty Loan) Icommitteci ia Marion county will meet i jat the Salem Commercial club Saturday j 'Aug. 31. to discusa the coming tXmrthi I liberty loan campaign, to begin Sept. iS- As the quota for this fourth hnu'. .ill be about diHtble that ef the Third j (Liberty on. it was thought best t! ; hold several conference before the ac i tual work of tonrawng began. Tha U. 8. Labor Bttreaa. en Stat j etrwt h.is plenty of work for the, man K eaa take a short time jb. The J N TO Tu " -V I Display of Fall - Winter in They're here in endless variety the advance styles of every con ceivable model and this is our in itial showing. A store full of- au tumn's smartest millinery bought direct from the producers which accounts for, our low prices. Chadren's Hals 98c to $3.45 ladies' Hats $1.49 to $6.50 Our Own Work Rooms Remember we have our own work rooms where vou can have vour hat trimmed to suit vour individual fancy Our Prices Always the Lowest f OEMXELY CHICAGO 8TOEB Court & Com'l Sts., Salem, Ore. canneries, are now calling for help as they aro approaching the biggest peur canning coason evi'r ikrrown in this valley. Then there is tho call for the picking of evergreen blackberries and on top of all of this thoro is the big gest greon prune picking season ever known to Po'k and Marion counties. j The little old shabby raincoat comes iu rather handy these days. I It is never too late to buy War Sav ings Stamps. A- L HARRIS &S0N I Hopmere, Oregon. Buy Grain And Hay $ backs for Solo at Warehouse. Jt niny be to your Advantage to get our Price WANTED, JUNK And All Kind of 2nd Hand 41 -rfOOds, roll Market Price Special Prlcea paid for Back. OH cur prices beor yoa tell, j THE PEOPLE'S JUNK k 2ND f It HAND STOKE 4 271 H. Com'l St Phone 7J4 Used Furniture Wanted Highest Cash Price Paid for taed Furniture c ii. snrr BOH rhoaa 041 ar SOS Tee Commercial Cider Works . "Phone 2m Salem, Ore. Manufcocturers of cider to drink. Bring in your , ripe apples GALE & COMPANY fill --- -'C i t; wip" gi J JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY I WANT TO BUY Your Junk and give you a 6quare business deal I always pay the highest cash prices. I WANT YOUR SACKS AND BAGS I buy all kinds of used goods, 2nd hand furni ture, rubber and junk. Get my prices before you sell. THE CAPITAL JUNK CO. The Square Deal House 271 Cheraeketa Street Phone 398 Chilblains and All Diseases of tLe Feet Cured DOCTOR STANTON Derma thologi st Foot Specialist Corn. Bnniona, IngTowing Toe Naili EemoTtd without Blood or Pais or Causing Soreness or Other In convenience Special Attention to Antiseptics There. ty PTOTenting Infection. Appointments by Phone Phone 416 Lady Attendant 518 TJ. S Nat. Bank Bldg. Salem, O. AAavaav A A A A aAa aAAAAA TTTTfTTTTTTt TTTTI TTT 1ft L.M.HUM t ear of Yick So Toe? Chiaese Medicine aid Tee, Ce. Has Bsediciae which will care y kaowa diieaee, Cpti guadnji from 10 , a. ubl 8 p. H. 153 South High St. Falesa, Orefom. Phoo KM