THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON THURSDAY. AUGUST 22. 1918. ........ li I , t iiiiii.tiif tif AMTM wunoi 6 moh bwib ru t ii The new sbes arming s; Women's new -hade brown, plain, all kid, newest heel, blind eyelets $9.50 Women's new taupe shade kid vamp, cloth top, Loim heel $3.50 Women's steel grey kid vamp, cloth top, new mode last, extra good value JfiSO 416 State St. Salem, Ore. iLEGALi NOTICES! A 4 IN THE CIBCUIT COUBT Of tha Btstt of Oregon for Mirton County A. K. M.vk, plaiKtiff va. Willintn T UstliK'k, d'lfetiilitn, Suinmons: T0 Wilbiwn T. M:itlock, the bov j WAaiod d"fondanrt: i la tii nam f the stiite of Orogon; Sou ar ritpilr!! aui sumuioni'd to p Jxar aud auswur '.to ronipliiuit fUt'd gslnst you lit the- ftliovs entitled a't I" hi on or before mt weeks from the data of the f i r it publication of tint summons, and if you fall to answer wUhin suid U u.-'.'l'. r want thereof the plaintiff will tah judjfitietit ngttlmt you for the tm of -H.ia aud in'craft theN-on at t'ae rate of 10 per cent pr a mi urn from My S, 11117, and for th further unit of ti'i.W) aMorney fees and fur p'.uiitfl"s col and disburse ments herein expended. This summons acrved on you by publication in 4lm Capital Journal pur itsnt to ait urdjr (Jiendor dutv made and riitrd la tli above entitled act ion by th Hon. 1'erey H. Kelly, jU'lgc f the uhov etititlej court, on tts lh day of July, IHIH, Tho order pro vides that tin eMtiwnoim shnll be pub lidhed ou eah week for sis wweks. and the dutrt of thi firnt publlcH'Jil is July 11, 1 Ml The addresa of pint u tiff 'a nttrney is K. K. M-k, !!i Brown llldg , K'J Kone, Oregoi. A. K. MUCK. 8 22 AU.iruey for t'lttmt.ff. ' ADMINISTRATOR '8 NOTICE Notu e is hereby gln thnt the un ilrrsigucd Las bcu ajipuiuted aJmiius at (nutor of th et itt' of I'hillip t'arier. deceased. All persons having v ! u tt. j gainst estatt sn hereby notified t n pn'wiit Jinn', propcrlt vciifu-d in flic manlier provided by law, at t'le- of ' fire of liiiuld f. Miles. adiulii!t' i r ror tun e::e in ine city or ?a Jem, Marion county. Oregon, within s'l months from tlu data of the first ps'i j Jo'ntion of this notice. i The firs! publication of this notv it I made this 5ih day of Jn'v, lull j 1NAU W. MIUX, I 8 22 Adiuinlstrawr, 1). 8. Hank blda. ' ADMIKISTKATKIX'8 NOTICE Kotlce is h 'rebv given that (,he f na' vcount of lM'Itma Itiirr as dniiunfr tru of tha of Theron . Ititrr iiivease-l, has been filed in the county court tf .Virion county, state of Or j ,f Commerce building, Salem, Oregon gun, that th Silth day of August, 1 say t U i tt mouths from the date of JIUS, at the h ur of )il o'clock a m I tins to'ti.e Jis beea duly a;.-oitit,s by tu.-B court Inte l and first published this iOnd for the hearing of uhiivtion to auchidsy of Angmt, Jinal aiwmuit aal the settlement thr I ' ,,v K Sill F.I Ds of, at whica tim any person interest Administiatur of the estate "of en in aucn wire may appear ana rn iHi-iviions tliv'tj in writing and t5l lha M'ii. IH'I t nv X I11MIO Adiniuistratr's Attortiini fir esfate. -v " ,.a p,uMa io. isngM.. m. ,. m, iit"it-it-w, mi vi'(ii-ir, IS THE CtBC-JIT COUBT Of tb S:.t of Oregon for Marios Couutjr A. K. M I-aiUff . WiUiam,4 entered in the fttwv entitled act-1 T. Matlu-k and Lml.wa A. U:iw-U ;,. I.v tha Hon. Vrrr B K..t V. i,nt.. ; orienuania, m-i, To WiltiMB T Matlock, tha tvt nawiiad dtfnd3: la tre nam w ti !! or ure-f n; You r Wjuired and iiwimonea tu . ap- t .a-.w -iiiii.i. - svtul tou atinl li.teioa A, atauevt in the alv euttileJ a-tioa i ot U or ai wek from tJ dtUe f th f irxt TtuoruatUoa ot thia siMuinou. aad if jm tail to mm trithla MiJ time, .11 i ii'ii r ii i i ill I I D I' ! ' ALL Advance Model for those who intend getting si full Season's Service From Their Footwear You will find complete stock? here, newest styles,, good sen ice, best quality and perfect comfortable lasts stocks that were purchased before whole sale prices reached their present height, and that we offer at lower prices than we think will be in force for a year or perhaps more. almost daily were contracted for are unusually beneficial to you. Women's all kid new brown military heel, 8 1-2 inch top JgjJQ Women's cloth top, grey, full mili tary heel, 8 1-2 inch top $JQ Bolshevik. Declares War On Uniled States a: Wellington, Aug. L'L'. - Ti i i(l bol.lieviki governmeiit, Inning d. eland n htnte of war to cxi-t )( between the I'nitcJ Httc ami V KiiKiiu, Vice Coimul Inilnic, at I'c'rrigrud, lowered the Ameiicail K I'lii on tiie coiiHiiltiic uud Imiiii 'I tlie aiehives over to tli Norwe ft gian represeiitntive, nccording to ( M'ute depiirl oieiil culili-grnniH Jut ed A 1 1 u 1 1 h t '. ' ! I This l the first specific tcf .ceiice to " t atf of Wlir" exist ing bcttvoen the Ciute, Hlntes und the boUlun lki, the previous report affecting Hie "allies" mi I the boKhcvihi, ,(, WOUNDED BENT HOME. Wadiinglon, Aug. 22. A new reflection pparenlly, of the re cent Miinie drive chiiic todiiy in Hie wnr ib' nrtuicut ' it u n imiiii -iiieiit of the return of :t:i:i sick iuss) wounded Holdiers to the l ulled Sltitos 'or the week eu.l lug August HI, , ng.iliist Mil the previous week. 'I'hev have been sent to reconstruction ho pitnU NET LOSSES LIQHT. Loudon. Aug. A iniiil of '1'1-1,'HI tons of neiiliMl uud 1 lied s.hippiug un nunk during July, nccurdiiig to an nnnininec tuent by the adiuiialty- Of this Itriti-li loininuft totalled i;n.l7!i. t : t'oonuire.l with building, thi.i .1, i h net ions ior the iiionth of r.'...ll tons, inoiithlv averaire ns against a of IMI.IIIMI fur th half year. i AOMINISTRATOB'8 NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned, by an order of the county court of .Mariiiu county, state of tire g in. duly made and entcrc I on the If'th day of August. IIHv was dulv I appointed administrator of the es'ale of Mary 1 llensel. and that he has duly jii;alified as such. All permits having j -Uinn against snid estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly ver ified ns reottired bv law. In Hi.. in..t,.r aimed at Ins office 4.i:i s..!..... n..,.i. M - trv llensel dis eased U IK i a nut thereof the pUuntiff will tuU j Igmeut against you for th sum , ' " 1 of tl JI.ic" d a per cent per annum I ,h,v" """r,;',,, 1 invrt theron from U-toher 1J, lU!.Vir,"k a K"'"' " i'ii s nr cent pi-ranaoir. interest on ..t.Md fr-nu Jill,,! j, 9iX until tn-to ber IS. It5, and for thirtv dollars a! )'1" near t arson. Wash, torney fe.vs aad for plaintiffs costs? Mis. J. I.. Nendel is here from east an I disbursementa fcsrein xrendi,l !''ru ''' 'u. visiting at Win. Noudel's. m PMiMtnoaa la aerved on tuu bv P '.bli.atioB in h Csmtal Journal pur- ( sicm to an osImp ti.e-'..,. ..,tv Im ! of tt,e aiwv)1 entitle.! curt, on the ,v ,rf jv, ni. The order pro h!s ihat the amumona shall Ve pub (Miej ott,. each wck for six wes-ks. htki e date f the first publication w, ii, utj, n. Ulrm of .alKttff a attoreey ta A, K. Mvk, SOS Mroaa p.Ug . tu gene, OreMB. A. K, 5f Kv'K, Attorney fof I niatiff. ti i-irp in i Tina vs. -- WEAR some time ao so prices Women's all kid, dark grey, military heel, 8 1-2 inch top JftJO Phone 877 TO ROCK QUARRY Industry Of Much Importance!"' ' Lm ui mount nngei is Opened. I.' I III Hfl 1 IV I l( npi'al Jioitnul Special Hclvi.c.) Wlaytou, Aug. L'l:,--tin u tract of land owned by the Itenedictino fathers, lo Agent l.okke and family will occupy the j teiiieil sootlieiut o Mt i...,..i ii iJUickli rcsi.b e ami lust back of the I. posit of rock called lufu. lls tat rock is o soft thai it cull be cut Willi a I. ii it',, when taken from the ground, but on bcn.(f exposed to the air, becomes I hard as limestone Several months ago ' A. W. (iould of Henll'e, beclllo, ..ire A of the locntioii of this ruck uud seeing ithe possibilities of. its Use, organize,! a coiiipimv known as the National Five I'roof Lumber Co. to place it on the market. As tie rock is located buck in the iitmuitnins several miles from u wag on I mid, it became ticcessiuy to get a road into the quarries. The county court as culled upon to help, nnd an exci I ; lent road lias been built to the place. To I properly cehbnile tl.e coinplet ion of jthe rond, and to give thos.. Interested jau I'pportunlty to see the rock und its location, a numbc. of oomi. wni lno-ml - i n w thcr, Tuesday, there being none tliuii n hundred in the luirtv. luuelv from Ml I Angel, An excellent dinner was ertsi ufti i which short speeches were made bv : Hev. Fr. l'lacidus, nbbot of Mt. Angel, !Kev. Fr. lireg.uv of dorfland, dudge I if .... it,..i,v i-; shev, j Hunt and others. Two very Interesting ; poems were given by M.S. (iould, wife 'of tie manager of the company. K.el ; lent music as furnished by the Mt. An g.'l batrd, and a Hag was raised. TI. j new lead winds up the Almpia . isr : pies, uting soon veiy beituliful Sienery, , Au Interesting feature of the visit to j this place was a view of an old s'oiie Choi,-;, that four of the IViieilietine father, erected on the top of the inoiin itiliti ou the side of which the ipiauies I are located. Twenty eight veins ago four li. uedictiiics homcstended four ipiar ter sections of laud, and where them see tioin cornered, built this building, Pur ' ing the time of proving up, each re I si. led in his particular comer of the building, living on his own laud The building is about lMx:Ul feet, and is built from the tufa rock, cut by hand, and carried about half a mile up the moon tain from the ipuirries by hand. This old hmlling, which is iu an excellent state of preservation, demonstrates the lasting qualities of the stone from which it is built. Among those who had the picas, ,re of being present from Stayton, a mis iiiteiesiing event were Mr. and Mr. I.. S. Lambert and Mr, and Mrs. K. D Alexander. Mr. Lambert was es pecial!,. Interested in attending th-i the fact that he was one ot party ;i s.uv.-ve.t the new rond in to the purr es, Mr, licr.U, the lit.l.iagi r of tl.e s a live busieess man and if Bp d iu this tufa profit en their inv est meut , P. Kirsct, and wife ae t St. Mr "" - i''-oc or nmsiimn ia a th of her daughter, Mrs, V. A. G--od. Mt. 1-jr r l,H-d and aon "iValter. of Portlsnd are vlsttiu-r her lvrents. Jsts U-ffK-r and wife. There are men in Portland todar who tittl- l.Ln .,.l..rj frum ............ .V. had commanded tro..p in the war of u,; And these eld men in Port Maud are hobnobbing with bovs who will k,,',l In their aationat ta-j canumcut in 1S.J. Ami nil Iks. .!,... I ,,,, in !.ree lives, Jjingevitv Is aa tnt.r Jc.tieg vontemplation it it uotf fiiPOLK COUffTY DRAFT LEAVES DAUASTODAY Eighteen la AL-Fart Go To Camp Lewis Cihers To Fort McDowell ('dl'ial Journa' M-fi-ial Nervire.'i l.ailas. Or., Aug. --The Polk o.i - local board having received wordB .,..., ' . ... t from Hie -War department for a number of men tj fill vacancies in past draft n out word lt week to eighteen men to appear in Italian on August 22, in readineMi to depart for Camp Lewis ami tort llei'owei;. Those railed to be aent to Camp Lewis are: Kasper E. Kcigtr, Clarence ('. Kinser, John D. Ldiger, Jumea W. Md'tall, Victor Olson. Jesse A!. Peebles, Eddie Van Satten, ohuui M. Keller, Jr., Harvey C. Brown, iliinnieiitt, Virgil lirock, Clyde E. Tillery, Delebert Kpr;ngteen, Leo t!or don and Herman I. Van Wall. The fol lowing will be sent to Kurt McDowell: Albin X. IWknii:, Hani -I Freeman and Floyd M. Harris. The Dallas Home guard band will escort the drafted nien from the court hou-c to the demt where a far. will will lie given them by loral citizens. Clasa in Clothing Conservation. I'nder the directum of Miss IMna Mill, home driiioii-ti ation airent for county j, class in the conservation of clothing has her,, formed p,.- meet-1 mgs are being hel, (.m h Mondav nights in Miss Mill's office en Mill street. The! class is not verv larire at imw r.ut a ' n. ii.., i .ii'l kiiou-ii the t,,,.i.,l...r.i,;.. ,.v.!L...u.i .', grow by leap, and bound,. At the meet - i i ;..i,4 .:.... remodeling of wool- n garments was ta - ken up and the altering of patterns wa ok,, ',. i :.. i . . , ; "" '"" "" - - " " i.i in' miiik utv iiiriu eight tu ten o'clock. Pallas O. A. T!ir uienibcr- R Attends Reunion. or i .- Line, t-ost u. A. H. of this city r,. in IVrtland this U'OOL tilt. Ii.linnr ......i;.... ..f lL.1 """"""s ' i nun ur-.iich Us are coutaim'd in the report of tf.unatM.n. Tin- h ft Ihtltu M ki I the committee on m'hool ci.Mlit for pri ,;ty in-. niiii.r nn.l will aMinl tin-nesMnns! vate ntusir tuJv. a adopted lr the , a i"t. r i ii i 11 ( tpi v.llif.u I 1111 IlluK !li:i-. in lit.. In.r i.t.i .J.. T, ..,!...- Tl.n! lnh'& auxiliai' conipiiiiied the I'ost II plirticipute iu the bit events reck. TI.- headquarter, of the I'ost urc at the Perkins hod . -V , Dallas Exprass Office Moved. The local office of tlie Wells Fjro Kxpies.. coiupiiny ns moved the lust of. the 'cok from th Williams block oil! Ifour. street to the Kickll building lustitiike dinner iu Salem net Toes.l.iv on opposite tlui depot on t hurci, street. ! oiuce. ii. orricc is more moinv ttian the old Muai'ters and afford, n ' better : place for the storage of express pack ages. Mr. and Mrs. J. Itart of Portland, wer I'allas visitors Mondav night aad Tnesdsiv with relatives. ('. It, Kutidhorg, manuger of the Dallas Tel"plioiie eompaiiy was a t'npitiil 'ity business visitor the first of the week, Circuit Jii.ig,. Kerry II. Holt, O. I.. ( rider. 1., D. lirowti nn,l K. K. I'iasecki spent Sunday at the head of Mill fret k on a hunting expedi! ion. They lctuiiu 1 without any guit'o. Mr. nad Mrs. Floyd Sears of Portland :ue the guests of relatives and frie,,-. in Dallas this week. F. II. Morrison returned the first of llie week from ;) short business trip to Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Hoy J'iuselh nnd baby are visiting relatives this week. Mr Fin set Ii is employed in the Portland shipyards. ills, li, r. I'atteison was a visitor at the homo of her parent in Hillsboro the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs .1. R. Craven and Mr. an 1 Mrs. F. J. Craven returned Mnuitar fnoti au extended outing at tint Tilla niook coiiiilv beaches. .1 - -a. t-n f . ECONOMY talk: is all ri$ht- ECONOMY PRACTICE is better. ra INSTANT' POSTUM is an economy drink absolutely no waste. BcsioLvs it is convenient, sows fuel and suan and leaves nothing to be desired in the way of flavor . TRY A CUP! II isi- ij iiniiiiiitiiiiinuiiniutiiiuitiiuiuHiniiiiiiiiiiiitTitiiiiuiiiiiiniinfniiiifiiiiiunminn j War Summary of United Press I I iiiH!U!!;iiiu!u!iiiiauiiiiiiuiiiinii!iii!!;:!:iiiiiiiiiiiuiiiitnii!i:iiiiii!Hiii I j 14S0ih Day of iBe Virar; 36lli Day of Ccaiier Cffensive l!IHninilHIHI!ll!HHIIHIII!:ilt!ili:iltl!l!Illi!1IIHH!!nil!Hl!HI!!H;iiillHIIj;UIIHIli I'i. ardy-front The British opened a iiib- t r i-k on a front cf fh or s i miles between the Ancre and the mc, this morninz. ine Oernian apparently have taken the initiative on the ten mile front .or,h of ,h,- A,. r k i 1 ......... ter attacks. rcDnlse.' vester.l.r fr..r. noon and last night were renewed this morning. - The front of vvaterdav's attack evi - deafly ha. been linked up with that of today s cperation. by pa - trol activities southeast of Beam ourt. ueneral Humberts army, after tak- ing l.a.iigny, has advanced on the whole front between that town aud the Oise and haa reached the Divette river south and southwest of Xoyon. The French are now reported within a few hundred vards of -No von Oise-Aisne front General Mangin's men fought all through the night on the front between the Oise and the Superintendent Issues Synopsis cf Course A synopsis of the regular rmtr-e of1 studv for the public schools of the state has been issued bv J. A. Church-1 sul,Prillteml,nt of ' blie in,tnK.. . . . ' . ! ' ' U'Ve ,,U lUre f thf lamP I ","!iil,,K the full course the supplyj 'f ahic'i ha., become rxhauafLMl. Mi. jChun-hi'l pnnounces thut he is not re I t0at?. ,h' sta,e Itexf hook commission will meet in !J'T -Vf" t0 'l0l" ,t Aelr rnv.w.l T ""j' ",'' ".' 'lASK tjOVemment 10 iim'ir . iu-v li'Hiurt oi Tne course or Istudy is the i.rovision that a pupil may; j '"in i iit- in iiin-e i iriiu.1 lur I graduation, iu either vocal or iustru I mental music, where the instruction is .earn from die to three ..1 . . B given by a teacher not connected with .ho .,.h,,i. ,.,.;.i...i ,k, .......i. .. alll pul,i ' llu,et the' requirements for ! . 1 I ir.iitAii T. V mt- in llf I t I . WalSUI ASSSCia.lOn To Tour The Valley Will Dine Here Tuesday The Western Wiiliiitt usiu.niti.i.. tlil its automobile trip of the Williitiic tto valley. The a -isociat ion tor its aniiiiiil meet has tdanned an auto trio ot in-i sprciing waluiir groves beginning uextr uisn-ii Mondav mormnu' in Porilnn.l u-ii I. it,.. ! iMigiiii cr. reports that a stUHibling first visit at (ironei's grove in Wash ingti u couiitv nnd. during the .lav stops at Ncwbcg I.,,-.! Dundee will, the even ing spent at McMinnvilie. Tucdav nioriiing will I given to visits at F.ola , , , .' , r i. grove un, n short stop at Salem, lues- t i i. .,,.! i m.v ...i..... ilay ntti'rnoon the party will drive to t lie Skyline orchard, thence to Jeft'ir son and Albany spending the evenii g at Eugene. The third day of tit tour will ! given to inspecting orchards at Corvallis, Independence, Monmouth and Dallas. Those who B.yinteresto,i in wal nuts are invited to join the party. The West.'ru Walnut association is organized to mpplv the d. iiinnd for information rcbtivo to the. walnut industry in the I'ucifie and western states. ft WILL MAKE BLANKETS. Angeles, Cal., Aug. 22. The entire capacity of all Pa cific coast woolen mills here after will be used in turning out blankets for the govern ment, aei'orling to announce ment made here by Lewis Pen well, chief of the wool division, war industries board. At the siiiue time orders were issued directing mills to discontinue manufacture of all Navajo and o: her fancy blankets. I'nder the plan the mills will turn out blankets for the army and also for the emergency fleet corporation and for the sptu.-e production division. ONE ON THE OFFICER. Us Angeles, Cal-, Aug. 22. Police Ivtivtive K. Ki.o was passing number :i,'n) North Soto street, on his way to report for dutv. cemg a man strug gnng to move a piano irom me aouse he gave assistanre and after the piano was safely 111 a waiting truck accepted When he ire..l..,.l h...,l,.rter . . ... ,. . ron n 1 this assignment aaaitiug nun: "Piano stolen from 30 North Soto street. Caretaker auiected." WILL BOON TRT BEROER. hicago, Aug. 22. Ihstrict Attorney V. V. Clviie announced today that he will ask Judge faults to fn an im mediate date f r the trial of Victor U IWrg r. socialist randidate for the I'uitcd States senate from Wisconsin at the last election, aad four others indicted early this ear under the e pbinage act. The four are Adolph tiermer, national secretary of th St eialists; J- Louis Kndahl. publisher; Irwm St, John Tucker and William r. Krose. head of "The Liberty De fers Leigue. " 1 T ,.heaiV?r : .......... M T HELL Wilh I I theKAlSER,:::;;;;:;:;:;:; the KAISER I fmimmt nTTiiinTMii-iii 11 Aisne. captrring several impoant v;l Sages and r. aching tie AiSe- ? -rw: iwrta of St. Paul A us-Bo's. This rep resents a total advanrv of B mile on this frott. Tht Frni new hold tiie f the Oise a far east as ift t,.L I . : . lan,er front Hntish troops have made fur:her advances in to sectors, t Ther have progressed east and no'rth- ' , . . . ,i . , . vf " ' ' ' oi Neuf "m, and also rapture.! ' strong positions north cf Bailleul. Gor- man atta.-ks northwest of Dranoutre weie repulsed. Alsace frnt A hostile a tack on au Ameriran trench, following a heavy bombardment was easily repulsed Tues day night. The Germans continue to shell Frapelle, recently captured by the Americans. , REFUSES SPANISH ULTI MATUM. I I ! ?s i Geneva. Aug. 2-. The Ber lin correspondent of a Sfadrid newspaper understands that Germany refuses to accept the Spanish ultimatum, regarding requisition of interned German tonnage equivalent to future submarine sinkings, according to information received here to day. IT a. Improve Road Over Which Chrome Hauled An effort is being made to get the s,a,, in. and the government to rush through a post road project for the improvement of 10 niiles of bad road between I'rairie City and John Day. in (irant county, over which chronic ore is bciim hauled bv auto trucl.s. Trucks are in w hauling S4 houis a .day and tini.-ss the road i improved j jit will liecome impassiible as soon as I winter begins. I.. I. Uewes, govern in e.nt higlnvay engincr in this dis Itrict. has rccnnimende 1 to his chief (that the government cooperate with the istnte and rush the project to agree- luent I . Another eastern Oiegon post road : pro ji-et which is now beini considered i is ,n' Hnker-Middle Uridge section ot 1 ho Hiiker-Cortmcopin highway. Man- "lm k V' """ rroeeeiiings ' ,u,? f'1,iri '',,ure 8 "vorab.e j'""'""'"' the postmaster at u 1,u, "h- ,,h? MUir. i v tnisil uu 'ruiiyu sminu i by lotll) citizens who will be served by ' ,., , , ,lw ,,. .,,,, to the governmeut. ic State House Notes Th,. board of child labor inspectors, of which Mrs. Millie R. Trumbull of Portland is secretary, has exhausted its appropriation and Mrs. Trumbull has written to Secretary of State Olcott that she must look to the stnte emer- genev board for the UhtO which the board agreed to allow her when her funds ran out. Mr, Olcott has suggested that she delay a-kmg for a meeting of the board for a few weeks, if lyissihte, as by that time the board likely will be called into session to consider other requests. I The Oregon Cedar company of iVrt land fiicd articles of incorporation to day. The company has a capital ftockj of f' VH'1'. The incorporators are J. 0.1 Arnoid, L. R. Kdinundson and L. J.' 15a. ber. Victoria. H. C. Aug. 22. hip nias- .Viticles wore filed a!o by the Liii-;t,' are turning in resignations coin Coal Mining company of Portland.' giving 4"t hours' notice to companies eamtal stock ."n,0rtii. The incorporators bating from midnight Tuesday. "riday ire 1". 1. McBridc, Roscoe C. Jv'elson 'H eaptaina and mutes will have quit and Pen C. Per. iwork and coasting yc-sels will be tied . j up. The captains have wage and other Coal screenings or sla -k. which are ; grievanet-s. Yesterday they wired the now largely wasted, could be atiippfd ' poveruui.nt a request that the govern to the Port Und market from the Coos ment take over all British Columbia Pay districts and utilized during this steamers and operate them during the time of coal and oil shortage if the 'peril i of the war railroads woul allow a freight ra:e! 1 T. cents a ton eheaner than the rte RAIDERS TtTATrw Pirw on iump (.ai aecording to a letter re-j ',...ived bv the public servi, e eommis-' sillll friM11 , Portland coal dealer and inun u uss ..- lornnrtieo ov me cool- ...:,... .. ., . , ,1 luiwmn iu ii. .. iiitisiiaiv. general freight Blent irf the Southern Pacific. ' FUNERAL OF SENATOR. Aug. 22. Surround- CotKOld. X. H.. ed by the battle torn fbas f another li,v trie or svna'or Jacob tl. (ial- linger lav in state tn tha upttel res 1 ler.iay. me mnerai services ere held ur..i. ti,. ...i.. i . . S,-nator H.nry Cabot lxdge. : Tlse Journal Job Department ill print you anything in the ttationery hoe do it right aad sav you real money. sav I HON ESSENTIAL iH MCI COLUMBIA May Be Taken As Hint At What Will Be Done In Country Generally. Washington, Aug. 22. Industries de clared to be non essential in the Dis trict of Columbia which may be given simitar designation elsewhere in tha country, have Iren announced by the community bureau o the I'nited Statea employment service under direction of lepartnient of labor. The following industries were classi fied as non-essential to war work: Automobile industries accessories Drivers of pleasure ears cleaning, repairing and delivery of same. Sight seeing ears. Automobile trucks engaged in work other than fuel or government work. Teaming other than delivery of p.-o-lucts for war work. Bith and barber shop attendants. Bowling alleys, billiard and pool rooms. Bottlers aud bottle supplies. Candy manufacturers, cigars and to bacco. Cleaners and dyers. Clubs. Confectioners and delicatessen estab lishments. Builders and contractors not eneacei in the erection of structures for war work. j Dancing academies. Mercantile stores. 1 Florists ' "1 Fruit stands Junk dealers Livery and sales staldes Fawn brokers Peanut venders and establishments. Shoe shining shops. Window cleaners Kofi drink establishments. Soda fountain supplies. Veteran Marries His Early Sweetheart Portland, Or., Aug. 22 Two sweet hearts cf long ngo were married here today. One was a veteran of the civil war and the other a lady of the ti. A. R. H. J. Hall, Seattle, and Mrs. Shana Hoover, a cousin of Herbert Hoover, met during the G. A. R. encampment. The meeting was the first in many years. They quickly decided to guard against future separations. Both are aged seventy. SEVEN THOUGHT DROWNED. New- York, Aug. 22. Seven persons are believed to have been drowned when a gasoline launch, towi,; 15 camxs on Sheepshead Fay, lost its I t'iw. experienced engine trouble and then went adrift. The ho,U- M,. ii.oaias .viucatl.ev one , f the launch's occupants, hvis been , washed ashore. Her husband and Jolyi Rogan of the Brooklyn fit i .on were in the boat with Her and are among the missing. Oc uipnnts of the tiiteen canoes were 1 rescued. ft,,,,!, WANTS SEBIE8 PLAYED. Washington, Avy;. 22. S'ee retary liakrr favor the playing of tiie world's series He "ti Id the press this afternoon he would be glad if this could bo arranged and believed either the local boards could grant an extension of time to players on the work or fight order or pos sibly he himself would do i. He .siigges'.ivl the army abroad was gre-itly interested' in the s-rios. j. SHIPMASTERS WALK OUT Paris. Ac. 22 n attempted air raid on Prns this moruins was fnrs- iraren or hrem-h n .n.. , " ' I""'"- " "' -air-an- cratt oartcnes. it was officially nouneed todar. i The Oeriuan plai'.s flew rver tha j.mtikirts ot the city at a high altitude. 'iney were Tiolenttr barracd and .French aeroplane rUced then. ar.l. The alarm was sounded shortly before 10 o'clock. IWII I i I naJnJ - ..