Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 22, 1918, Page FIVE, Image 5

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classified advebtusixq rates
Bate per word New Today:
Etch imvsrtioa ,, -,, ,
Om week (6 insertions) . Se
One month (26 insertions) ITc
The Capital Journal will not be re
sponsible far more than one insertloa,
fat error in Classified AJvortisemenU.
Send jou advertisement the first da;
it appears and notify us immediately.
Minimum charge 15c
"WOMAN wast work by hour. Fhosi
BOUSE far sals cheap. Fiona 47F13
BOCK pulleta for sale. Phone 383W.
8 22
JX)B SALE Milk eow. Phone 34F13 af
ter p. . 8 22
FOB SALS S Shropshire bucks. C. C
BusselL Waeonda. Or. Phone 3F3. tf
FOB SALE Ford ear, good condition.
892 N. Winter. Phone 849. 8-22
FOB SALE A good gentle driving
horse. 2675 Highland Ave.
1X)B SALE Bartlett pears, 7oe per
bnsheL Phone 15F12. tf
fSOO TO LOAN on real estate seeuri
ty. Bt. 0, Box 111. 8-24
XUBNISHED flats for rent. Call 1737
W. tf
WANTED Veal calv-es and fat eattle.
Phone-1576W. - 9 8
GOOD pasture for tows on the L. K.
Pafe, estate. Phone 44F22. tf
COL. W. F. WEIGHT, the auctioneer.
Turner, Oregon. Phone 59. tf.
WANTED An elderly lady to assist in
small family. Address B eare Journ
al. 822
WANTED A farm hand at Oregon
state tuberculoid hospital. Phone
433. 824
1'OCXD In Willsoa park, purse; aUo
lost child ' crochet cap. 334 X. Winter
WANTED A man to work on farm. Ad
dress Gervais. Bt. 2, box 43. Phone
3F11. 8 24
FOB SALE Pears and Bed Astracan
apples, 50e per bushel; Gravenstein
75e. Phone 71F22. 8 22
30 HEAD ewes for sale, or might put
n shares with igat P"?- 'Bone 113
er 1204 evenings. 8-24
SALESMAN, collector wanted for Ma
rion and Yamhill counties. Call 333
State. 7
LOST At Willson park, a crochet hand
bag, during band coneot, Return to
Journal office; reward. 8-23
I AM ia the market for a 0 or 7 roorr
modern bungalow or house, must b.
bargain. Box 164, Salem, Or. 8 23
FOB SALE One 2-horse, 2-row beau
puller with extra knives, good as new,
cut 60 acres only; price o0. Phone
833. 8-24
WANTED Six wide awake young fel
lows who want to learn a good trade
Permanent job. Apply at 268 & torn
uereial, Plies Northwest Prod. Co. 8-24
WANTED To trade good lot-on paved
street for Ford, must be iu good con
dition. Address B. W. care Journ
al. -2t
Ef AC lift) :il! in cultivation, limine,
barn, iu prune district, 7 miies south
ef fcutera. on Pacifie hiirhwsv. Price
toW. 'leiuis. Call Modern Bakery.
PROPERTY in Falls City, Or., to trade
for residence in Salem. Write to Box
133, Falls City. 8-23
FOB SALE 7 room house and four lots
at Tour ewa price. Will take auto as
first oavmcnt. Phone 813. 8-22
WALU PAPER 15 cents per double roll
upward. Buren'i Furniture Store, 179
Commercial. tf.
ANTED Msn and team, can mast
from $4 to $9.50 per day. Call phone
4X51 Turner. tf.
H0C8EKEBFIXG apartment and
sink's to urns, nicely famished, at
33 Ferry street. tf.
a"WO and three room furnished apart
ments. 491 X. Cottage. Plicae i--Z-
FOB SALE One lHors power, high
pressure, konsontal boiler and one 8
horsepower upright. Enquire at Com
mercial Cider Works. tf
SPECIAL If Tu eaa offer frosr-
tlQjm to 112,000 wertk f good riry
property ia nay of the eoat eit.rs, 1
have a real cracker jack of a snap ia
acreage to offer you. But it requires
art ion. C W. Niemever, 544 Mate
street 8-22
FOR KENT 50t acre farm 2'i ai:e
west ef Dallas; stock goes w;:a
place; 113 acre ia cultivation, tal
asms paatere, iarf Atiry barn, silo
sad good improvements throughout,
' water from mountain stream DSPed
References required. See B. P. Boise. I
23 Breymaa block. . tf
WASTED Prune picker, and kelp in
dryer. Pheae 107111. 8-31
FOR SALE Picked Gravenstein ap
.:-. rwe airsi 0-22
FOB SALE Rye for seed, it lb, sacks
extra. C. C. Kussell, Waeonda, Or.,
Phone SFi. tf
MA SKI CD man wanted at onee to work
on farm sear Salenu Phone 2 or
254. 8 24
WANTED Girl or elderly woman to do
light house work in Portland. Ffcone
2FI1 Friday. 8 22
I HAVE a cash buyer for a good prune.
orchard. C. W. Nieineyer, 344 State.
PEACHES for short time only. Call at
orchard or phone 56F14. hi. C Pet
teys. tf
VAX wishes hours light work after
2:30 p. m. Harper, 17o8 Ferry. 8-
PLACE your order for eheat seed, Hub
bard farm. Garde a road. 8-24
.WANT partner in good paying busi
ness wun sovu, lauy or gentleman, se
curity given for your money. Box
333, Salem. 8-2 s
BOV wants work on farm. Good home
wanted more than anything, over 15
Good worker. Writ or call 1035 8
13th St., Salem, Or. 8-23
FOB SALE 1914 Ford roadster or tour
ing ear $300; 1914 Studebaker $373.
Highway Garage, 1000 a Cont'l.
Phone 333. tf
ALL, KINDS of store fixtures for sale,
sate, button making machine, hat
conformer, shoe button machine, ete.
Stockton's store. 8-23
FOB SALE For 8273 Studebaker, 20
a. p., has electric lights, generator
and storage battery. See. McCall at
Opital garage. ' 8 23
WANTED Lady office manager, per
maaent position to one qualifying
Address, statin.- references, salary
wanted, ete. ABC ears Journal. 8-22
FOB S!4 Pr teat tna. loans, sea the
hiarion-Polk county national farm
lean association. W. D. Smith, 303
Salem Bank of Commerce bldg. tf
3 GOOD men wanted for factory work
long ,iob at food wages. Call at room
303 Salem Bank of Com. bldg., or
phon, 482, agent, W. D. Smith. tf
I WILL' pay up to 82000 cash for 10
acres of sandy loam soil not too fai
from Salem. If I de not receive aj
offer before Saturday the 14th, I will
look alsewhcre. Write Box 13, Jour
nul. 8-211
FOB SALE At bargain, 6 room modern
bungalow, large log, garage, me block
from paved street, 2 blocks to car line
An ideal home for little money. Ad
dress A. J. 20 care Journal. tf
GOVERNMENT needs 20,000 clerks at
Washington. Examinations every
where in August. Experience unnec
essary. Men and wouieu desiring gov
ernment positions write for free par
ticulars to J. C. Leonard, (former
civil service examiner,) 1U59 Kenois
Bldg., Washington, D. C. 8-24
FOB BENT 1000 acres river bottom
land, r any portion thereof, for one
or more vears. Terms cash. We would
prefer renters who wish to grow veg
etablrs, as we now have vegetable
drying plant located on ranch. Ad
dress E. Clemens Horst Co., Inde
pimlence, Or. 8-31
FOB SALE Five passenger Ceo. All
new tires. Fine mechanical condition
Electric equipment, with starter.
This is a sacrifice sale and if you
want a first c'.ass buy eheap, call 81
and ask for Mills, or see car at North
western Garage. tf.
CHA 1 OHD canning peaches now
roedy. Order immediately, crop light,
short season, quality fancy. Lack
muad's orchard 3 allies north of Sa
lem, ia Ksizer bottom. Phusw 71. W.
Bowdea, foreman, farmers 29F3. Briag
your bvxes. tf
ice examinations ia Salient in August.
20,000 women clerks to be appointed
at Washington. Experience unneces
sary. Wewen dV siring government
clerkships writ for free particulars
to B. E. Terry, (former civil seiviee
examiner), 313 Columbian building,
Washington. 8-23
THE new Stttdebsker six, owned by Mr.
H". Gordon MrCail of Hilverton, and
which was stolen from in fron of the
Gray Belle, shout 10 p. m. Tuesday,
wss recovered aWit 2 a. m. We-lne-dav
by nffKers Muriel, and Wright.
The fefficers, being informed by Mr.
McCail that his car was insured by
" Burghaidt k Roland, of thi city, at
once notified Mr. Burghardt of the
lose, then securing a machine at their
own expense, proceeded tar searrh for
the stolen machine, with the hope, of
not only restorieg it to the owner,
but to get f he reward guaranteed by
the Iasaranee Co. After tkre hoars ran
the stolen ear was found in a dark
secluded spot on N. High stieet. The
officers bad the plesirore 4 returnir g
the stolen ear to the owner, but the
fnnirance agents fnd to pay any
reward. Wnght a4 Maruis, poiiw
pric paid fur fat
will ship Saturday.
W. EmmetU 8 23
WANTED A rangy built horse about
1400 lbs. between 5 and 8 rears eld.
Address H. Honkola, fcslem, Or. Kt.
6, i3
FOB SALE Late 1918 iord touting
ear, ma less than 3000, lota extra im
provements. M. Phubps, state hospi
FOB SALE Violin, Stradivariona mod
el for erchestra, loud tone; pric f if
tr dollars. Inquire at city fire de
partment. 8-27
,.. , . .... , ,
FOR SALE Auto, 1918 model Chevre-
- let with extras, run Vss than 2000
muea, gooa aa new. Aauress K S care
Journal. 8 S3
WANTED Gentle driving horse, bug
gy and harness, medium price, weight
about 1030, (state price.) Address
Henry Priem, Airlie, Or.
HIGHEST market
kogi and rattle,
Phone 1123M, C.
. hoped for."
WANTED 23 pickers for green prunes,! Three primary causes fw the failure
start immediately; will meet pickers:f the aircraft program to measure np
, at end of carline at 7 o'clock with to the army's needs were set forth iu
auto truck. B. Cunningham. Phone 21 1 the report, whir was read to the
F2. 8-24 ' committee today. They were;
That the airplane program waa large
KOTICE MX P'aeed io the control of greet auto-
To whom it may concern: Ton arfllmobile Md ' nf'turers wso
hereby notified that John W. Schwa-'w"' i8nrt ' eronmutical prob-
bauer and Mary Anna Sckwabaucr,
have made application to the county
court ox Marion county, Oregon, to
III n"; J. " 'a . V .t " V. !
o, i t i u.. "... ... ..which ould be adapted to all classes of
crg and Alary Anna Bowers; Also to
have the names ef their two sons chang
ed from Oliver John Srhwabauer to
Oliver John Bowers and t'om Clarence
John Schwabauer to . Clarenee John
Bowers and yoa are further notified
that this noties is served Dursuan to
an order of sail county eourt. 9-11
Napoleon Davis,
Attorney for Petitioners.
Prepare Armory For
My Sunday No Charge
And No Collection
As Billy Sunday the famous evange
list is recovering from an operation, it
ia probable no special effort will be
made to entertain him during tie 24
hours he is in the city. The governor
will meet him upon his arrival in the
city Saturday afternoon and conduct
Billy and his family to the Marion ho
tel. The address to b made at the ar
mory Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock is
under the auspices of the Marion Coun
ty Council of Defense in behalf ef the
national war scrvic? fnnd of the Salva
tion army. No children or youngsters
are wanted or will be- admitted to the
armory as the address is for adults only.
There will b no admission charge nor
will a collection be taken. Every seat
in the armory will bo free. Mayor Wal
ter Keyes will preside ad there will be
singing by the Apollo male chorus. To
day carpenters are working on the plat
form to be six feet from the floor and
about six by twelve feet.
Court House Notes
The case of L. M. Curl, administra
tor of the estate of Mary Haynea, de
ceased, against Lester K. Andrews, J.
M. Misliler and N. L. Hersabergcr was
dismissed in the circuit court yesterday.
The controversy had been settled out of
In the contempt case of the state of
Oregon against the officers of the Thos.
Kjy Woolen mills, it was agreed by the
attorneys of all interested that, the de
fendants iu the contempt proceedings
aguiiist them should have until Augiint
31 t file their bill of except ions.
-liitident hunters licenses were grant
ed yesterday to Addison Page of Kali in
rural route ft to F. Lambert of Ht. Paul
and to Ktn Goeldl of St. PsuL
New Beef Cattle
Record At Portland
Portland, Or., Aug. 22. The live stock
market at North Portland ha made a
new record aud beef cattle are selling
higher than ever before at this time of
the year. While the run U comparatively
light the quality is good and price
(have advanced 23 cents over previous
quotations. The receipts today are 400
head, Mon Jay The demand
strong at following quotations. Prime
steers 812.30 lJ.io; good to choice
steers 111 12; medium to good steers
19.73 11; fair to medium steers SS.7.J
tf.73; common to fair steers 83.73 .'1Z,
iclioue cow, snd heifers 1.25 9.23; me-!
jdium to good tows and heifer $J.23
7,,.i; fair to medium cow, and heifers
. . u, ouii. . lijoattie ironi. i hristol and then producing it, are mat
calves $9 12; etoekers and feeders W 8.j "We kave ot a single Amerieawj bt f,t ,o,r .-non . on.-eiu."
The receipts of hogs to'lay is .VH) head! niado heavy bombing plane upon the General Criticism,
for the most part choice well finished! battle front. la reuard to kiub l.rofits. the report
jhegs. Trailing is brisk and prices are
wIi finished hogs. Quotstioas are:
Prime mixed 19..VI 20; medium mixed
19 liio- rouna beavie. iir.V) 1.30:(
pigs tlr.7S Is; bulk l.i 18...0. fpisne was centered m aa attempt w
The receipts of sheep ulv i, Z"Ai'adapt the Bristol fighter s4 Itetlavi
head yesterday 17ll. The market i!and to tho Liberty moter- The Bristol
tell .ui!.,' .11 ..n.J wis without soff iciest tear, put ia
inv Quotations Prim. )n,l Sll 1.-
lair to medium lambs 11.S 13; year-snd Ulr ot ' a,"t
lings 19 11.75: wethers 9 10.30; 'e.ee'' '"''' ,ke m'b"'
f g jdemard and its aianufacture discoa
-. . .. . jtiniied.
0 HELL With
Senate Committee Wants
Mere Speed And Ecccsr
ageezmi for hvenlcrs.
Washiugtoa, Aug. 32. Retwsateading
one man control ef aircraft prOvlue-
tioa, eaeeBragemeat ef inv.ation aadt,,, .ill tinu Both houses to.k up the
red actios ef profit an future
tracts, the senate aircraft sub-committee
today submitted its report t the
I military affairs committee.
The investigation disclosed waste ef
money and lack of common sense policy
toe ntt tB, rommitVe de-
elar'ed. It said that while manr dis-
appointing results were dWIoard,
miu-h Ku ttMw aecamDlislie.1. ...I th
committee is glad to report that while
it believes that there are maay things
yet to be remedied, nevertheless we
are approaching a period when quantity
production of planes may soon be
Condemn Flan Adopted.
These manufacturers undertook the
iriossible task
of creating a motor
flying crsft. It is not too much to
say that our airplane program has been
largely subordinated to the liberty
We failed at th beginning of the
war te adopt the common seuse policy
of reproducing the most approved types
of Kuropcan, machines in the greatest
numbers potwible. This should have
been carried on coincident with. the
program of the liberty motor. This
sound policy has been very recently,
but after a lamentable lapse of time,
been adopted.
These mistakes, the. report declared,
"would probably have been largely
avoided if the aircraft program had
been under the control of one man,
assisted by skilled aeronautics) engin
eers and practical flyers to design and
test our machines with production made
subordinate to them."
Supply i Inadequate.
The supply of planes on (he Americas
front is "wholly inadequate te meet
requirements of modern warfare," the
report declares, adding that the United
States troepa are forced to use many
"antiquated niaehines discarded by the
r reive h.
This is due, in large, measure the re
port declares, to the, failure si the
Itiited states to kegp its contract
with France for furnishing raw ma
terials for construction of aircraft.
A total of 2,114 English and French
planes have been delivered to the A
mervan forees, the report states.
While the order of the president cre
ating a military bureau of aeronautics
and a uneetor ef air production is an
improvement upon previous conditions,
the report states, the committee deems
it necessary to recommend:
Recommendations Made.
That the recommendation of last fall
of one man control be observed.
That a commission of engineers aud
pilots for observation at (h(j front,
formed in relays, be named.
That in view of the prime need of
the hour, machine quantity production
should be accelerated hy enlisting the
constructive abilities of all responsible
concerns engaged, or which cas be en
gaged in the busiresn.
That aircraft development and pro
duction be taken up not only as a mil
itary necessity t ut as an industrial and
commercial problem.
That better arrangements , be mad
for taking advantage of new inventions.
lhat the margin of profit, particular
ly on motors, be cut down.
That planes and engines rejected
should be at the cost of the producer,
not the government.
Thnt aircraft factories be better pro
tected sgsinst fire.
Review of Work.
Tbe report i-pened with a review
of what has been accomplished, pre
faced by a statement that in the opin
ion of the committee, a substantial
part of the first appropriation for air
craft was practically wasted.
- This appropriation made July 24, 1017
was 8740,000,000.
Summing up the aircraft situation to
day the committee reported that " while
an army of tree of one half million
has been razed,'' the situation is aa
"Six hundred and one DiHavilsnd
fours have been embarked tut Francs
up t-August I, 11".
"Of thcxe 67 had reached Ike front
by July I.
"On August 7, a squadron of 18 De
Haviland fours f'cw over the Germae
Ietails of its performance have
not te n receive.!.
1.. . . m..t M ,mmI Sn.v,,.a
imt, ehanscur fish!)"; pne pe the
"We have set developed and put "
(iiantity production single susves-
ful chaste or flght.ng plane.
"Our attempt to create a
fuanf iv 1
pfu.ictiia, bee W,lX)ei
Vltimalrly, ia the autumn of 1!17,
he board adopted eae French and twe
f.eiriisa type it fihtif plants te
carry the Liberty engine. These were
the Kfad, the Bristol and the DeHsvi
land foar.
Colonel Clarke was instructed lo re
design tbe Bristol eje-jn the Knglisk
ntodrl, retaining its wing loed ef 7.1
To Draft Year
By L. C. Martin
(Vaited Press Staff Corre-.-pondent)
Washington, Aug. 22. A race ws on
today betea the senate snd hnu.-e to
M mha M.nli) nat th trrwat man lum .
measure xkertly after convening. The
house sgrecd that general debate shall
end at five p. m- today. After that dis
cussion will be under the five minute
rule. This agreement makes practical- j T
j tv van nii, ni'i jhcv.
kouse today but it may be completed
Senstor ChsuiberUin. presenting the;
measure in the seuate, explained the
need for broadening the draft ages
from IS o 3. Indications are that the
senate will not pass the bill before
Saturday and perhaps aot then.
Representative Kahis, California,
ranking republican member of the mili
tary committee, speaking againut Mc
Kenzio amendment, declared that "the
only wsy Germany can lie whipped is
by America going into this thing with
her whole strrugth. "
"I stsad ou what General March
said. This is no time for sentiment but
for actualities." he asserted.
Washington, Aug. 22. Congress to
day shoved aside all other tasks and
took up the great man power bill.
Leaders in both houses intend to speed
passage of thix measure to provide the
jmea for America's program of smash
ing the Gerniau war machine next rear.
Maudiug out against the views of
Chief of Staff March, riecretary of
War liaher and other war department
experts. Chairman Dent and other mem
bers of the house military committee
are prepared to fight for the amend
ment providing men of 1.1 and lit be
left out of the service until the last.
The general view of administration
leaders In eongre is that Dent snd
his backers have raised relatively un
important point.
Even if the 18 and 19 year olds are
held until the last it is contended that
they will be iu service within, a year.
One objection to letting Dent and
his friends have their own way, as
others in eongree.s see it, is that it
would prevent mixing the older and
younger men and will make the earlier
drafts under the law men from .11 up,
while in later calls all the boys will be
A much more desirable condition
would! be to mix the older, steadier
men with the ardent, impetuous boys
war department officials said.
Another objection is that it will in
volve much more work fur the drsft
authorities ia view of provision for
clarifying the younger men iu two
However, congress as a whole feels
that evm though the Dent program is
adopted the worst that will happen
will ho interference with tbe plun aud
not the destruction of it.
Tbe other controversial point iu'the
bill ia the antistrike amendment, so
called, which the senate committee in
serted. Much doubt eiists concerning
just what Secretary linker thinks of
this amendment, linker's latest slate
Die nt is that it .-imply carries out a
policy always followed by the depart
ment that of denying industrial ex
emption to a man the minute be quits
working in an indispeiiHilile capacity
in. an indispensable industry.
Kven though those senators who are
strong frit lids of labor declare they
will vote for the amendment, on the
ground that it will prevent any one
elan of men homperiiig or holding up
the iitttiuu's war program while all
other groups and rlasses are working
at top spied to aid it.
Determined to give the war depart
ment, with the utmost speed, the auth
ority to make neeeswiry droft regula
tion rogi, lenders have put aside the
revenue and water power bills in the
hon-e and the prohibition nini'iiilnn'iit
in the senate
pounds per foot an, I a total weight of
2,237 pounds.
"Hundreds- of changes afterwards
were made in this design by signal
corps and production cnijineers with
out consulting t'olosel Clarke. Tbe
eorps expert increased the wing load
to abtMit 2 pounds per foot, with an
approximate weight of 3,7iKt pounds.
Nme of these chsnnes were required by
the increased strain ef the heavier
snd stronger motar nxs the structure.
The machine was finally put into pro
duction sad then abandoned after the
test tf July last, and after an ex
pesditnre of more than W.W.II.IUmi, and
the lose ef several vaiuahls lives, ,
"The overload placed too great a
stiaia uimiu the wihhs aud this with
bail cowitrurtioa cuiiifclled, the board
! fa fttor liroduc
B to imrilv
The loss ef li
I ., .1 1 ...I.
Utitutina another .ype of plane for tho
oointa out that one concern building
"Liberty motors makes 33.8 jwrcentj one
i nskiM nistons make 4H H. on the
j Irhrone motor W,1 percent an I on the
liyHaviland four abont 9t iiereent
riHeism is veieef f the practical
abandonment of Hangiey FieU, New
oort .Vewe. in fsvor of MH'nek field,
j Iytne, t, m m training snd s
eerimental field, AM 'oak field is too
small and is enclosed by trees and Id
ephone wires, the trai said.
The srteetioe of Wilbur Wright
st Imyton aie was seored.
Tb report pemte out that Colonel
K. A. Deeds, new of the signal corps,
wee the ewaer ef the llci wn fioid aud
par ewaer ia a sn-onii field st Day
tow, ns-gotistien tot the transfer ef
which Ut the govcrnmBt are tt II under
way. Deeds transferred this land to
otercsts with which he l,a,J been
38 Years the Leader and Still on Top
l JiViioooijIcooDs
Just Received Shipment
Of Those Charming Wool
Colors: Reindeer, rilu Blue, Burgundy arid Taupe x
These dresses combine smartness with utility.
Another Shipment of
Those DreSvSy Ones with Oriental Designs in all the
Latest Shades.
We are Closing Out all
At less than present wholesale costs. All new Fall I
Captains Select Teams Fcr
Work; Wffl Put In Three
Hours Each Morning.
An active campaign to tecure mem
berg fur the Halcm Coiuiueiciul club, to
begin next Monday morning, was decid
ed on last evening at a meeting of ike
campaign committee held at th club
rooms. The campaign is to cover only
the morning, of Monday ad Tuesday
as It is thought that by quick werb, the
necessary members can be seeored snd
the territory covered by working from
9 until 12 o'clock each morning.
The city was divided into f ive dis
tricts and each of the committee unsign
ed to a separate suction, W, II. Ifuniil
ton and his assistants will canvass that
pirt of the city north of Court street
and east to Fourteenth. 1'. tl. Khiplcy
aud his lieutenants have been assigned
identified," the report say'' Pfiil
formerly was general manager ef the
National Cash Kegister company at
I'ayton, .
Han Francisco, Aug. 22.--Bees n she
sought to save ber sun from inuiry
at the hands of her husband, Mr Mary
Heclos i iii a himpitul today with a
bullet wound in her shoulder and Joliu
Mucins, nje'd 0O, is in juil.
Herloa quarreled with his-son snk,
lilted 20. II" drew a revolver. Mrs.
Melius leaped between the quarreling
mi ll. Three hots were fired. One bul
let struck her shoulder. Her sen was
un injured.
Mrs- Meelns refused to tell tbe polic
the cause of tbe quarrel.
Xcw York, Aug. 2i. Liberty
b.dil .IV, percent bunds ef the
first istm touched -IH- Vl, their
highest price, on the New Vork
stuck exchange, hr today.
l,r,iCoralf AMlbn of a Kfew
aveuverY irucKD?iian3-
ard 01
The eUaadard Oil company , faicm,
, . ' ,
b, rcceeily recc.v.d a r.cw Mack
truck which will !, put into service im-
mediately to take rare of tie grtatly
tliti, part of the business section of the
city west of High str.et including Court
and" State st roots.
J. II. Hcutt and the workers udeeted
by him will work south of Htata street
from Liberty to Trade, thence iu feitgh,
and then all that part ef the city south
cast of Stale street. Theodore Both and
lieutenants he may select will call om
the business men ia that part ' the
eity south of Htate street running from
Liberty to Trade, theace to High and
all that section west ef High street.
Wuu tlnhlsdiirf will take Court and
State streets cast of High to the city
limits mid als0 that part of the eity
cast of Fourteenth street to the chy lim
its. , A meeting win be called of the work
ers to more definitely lay out plans In
order that all may be out at V o'clock:
Monday morning, Aa but three hours of
each of the two niomisgi will be reqoir
eiL it is thought the captains will b
alila to secure good workers.
Memberships will be asked for enei
;iur with the understanding that the
membership continues automatically un
less the club Is notified within 30 dayn
of the beginning of the second year. An
the government is now using the Com
mercial club for its activities ia Ha
lcm and county and as it is universally
agreed thut a club Is nccrsnsry, It ie
thought that the committees will meek
with a favorable reception Monday mc.ru
ing from the bnsineae and profesi-loiial
interests f (ho city.
Few Charges Today
In Wall Street Prices
New Virk, Aug. 25,The New Yorlt
Kve:iiitg Him t'iuitiicMiiiy comments a
Wall Htreet wi Inclined to be more
or Jess mildly ugitsti'd over the disco
sion which hu uii-n on the subject i
stock i mi ki t loans and the money out
look in gi iiernl iiu. this induced a mo
mcntnry wave of selling, shortly nft. r
the iii,!iiiig and depressed securities
price, a fraction to u pirtnt or . The
rccovciy whs substantiated, however,
and in t i himges wore inconsiderable.
American Hide and Leather Preferred
was agam feature of strength, crme-
ing 01 tti a ui w high level. Mteel gain-
eil fractionally, dropped marly a point
: u.i'l then regained a good part of Ite
loss, this wa typical tif most of th
list, Hails were largely neglected and
changes were slight.
Liberty loan 1'y'e ngki advanced n
S new tsi price kt Vii.'M, rcpirsentiug
it itiiin of an even '2 poists this week.
Heaviness was general in the late
trading. Ktiel niriiin receded below 111
and Mamie preferred west below 101.
'J -
. "''.i b,i,,e fr .
i-r ww
take care this year's business, but
lewiug te the great deetand for IU4
I Crowe gasoline, engrse dutiila'e, snd
Ha.ida.-d lubricating el's, larger and
ft.-r ciiiinetil is rieiry.
f(Jk W1 ee.hle the tai!r.l
f,i r4,m,;.,. t .till better its service ia
the ai-m district.