THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OKEGOX-I J5.1Q.1V '.WOQHI HIRES SACRED HEART ACADEMY Under the Direction of the Sisters of the Holy Names, Salem, Oregon Boarding and Day School. Most approved methods. Primary, Grammar, High School and Normal De partments. Complete cour ses in Harp, Piano, Voice, Culture, Violin and Har mony. Elocution and Phy sical Culture Classes. No interference with religion of pupils. MODERN CONVENIENCES DOMESTIC COMFORTS Scholastic Year Begins September 9th ADDRESS: Sister Superior Ctfe'itJrA Pure 57 A. The IjW L J complexion is IT f like Lily" the mgr mr beautiful velvety toft- r ASl ness of her skia with I Mj its radiant pearly- H - white appearance is obtained tnru U. the use of Gourayd's A Oriental Cream Send 10c. for Trial Siz FERTAT. HOPKINS &SON New York TORNADO WRECKS Continued from page 0e) destroyed the hospital, Anderson said. He personally helped to take some of the bodies from the wreck of the hospital, which was on the second floor of bank building. The heaviest loss of life in one sineleilose its springiness; occasional touches place was at" the Farmers Stato bank.of pain in the back, feel tired without building, where the storm caught suvcral cause, and possibly a twinge of rheu prominent business men in a conference i."18 tic pain. in the bank.regarding the Lincoln conn In most cases these are the danger tv fair. Five persons including E. E.!9Knal9 to warn you that the kidneys Christiansen and Kd Nelson were killed "re "?t promptly doing their work of erg (throwing off the poisons that are al- Hurled Against Buildings 17 forming the body-. To neglect Three bodies were picked from thoth(so Larn'ne l8, "Zl steps of the Catholic church today. It;S',rt ,;,UJ,W rebef ' . ., . ., . , symptoms you can find prompt relict was apparent that these perse, had 1 L Halu'pm ,., c been l.fted from the ground in the down-! , mrB thnn 2m) . this ua, town district and carried two blocks, oeiiig rnrown against ine siep9 01 iu ch 1 Vr ' , t , , iiOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Cup Mrs. Peter Hansen and her daughter I uU,8 Bre imported direct from the lab were killed in their home. Rescuers to-Lrntnrla Haarlem. Holland. Oct day dug into the ruins of their n"ethem at your druggists. Do not take ft and brought out the bodies. The mother died standing ever her daughter, ap parently attempting to shield the girl. Jim Sncle. who works at Tyler, was lage and thrown into the wreckage of the bank building, Anderson said. Miss Errickson, a clerk in the business district, was killed while en route home from the store by which she is employed The Death List The identified dead arc: Paul Howe and wife! Lucille Christianson ! Gorgenson Mrs. William Smith, her son and the mother of Mrs. Smith. Herman Sticker, Jr. Mrs. Nick Peterson Howard Smith Rowland Smith Gorgon Rasmusscn and wife John Newell ' Mrs. Louise Attasta Caroline Erickson Mrs. Peter Hanson and daughter Hans Larson Mrs. George Olson and son, Ru8ell, M;nn; T 0 HELL With the KAISER BUCKHECHX REG. U. S. PAT. OFF. SHOE Why accept an in ferior Army Shoe 'when you can get the standard article at the same price or less? Ask for the BucXHECHT Army Shoe anJ get what yon tik for. Then you're sure to be latuhedl BLACK GUNJTAL INDIAN TAN CALF Look fat the bum BUCTHEOHT stamped cm the sol af amy Shoe for our SBUtlul pRKcAioa. haould yonr dcaier be usable to soiiplr to manufacturers Backing bam, Hwht clow price of shots you drure aud we filled E RED CROSS SUPPLY OF WOOL WiLLBE LIGHT Salea Chapter May Be Asked To Work Raking Pads cf Sphagnum Moss. id inoriage in tit supply 01 wooi will be felt by workers of Willamette! chapter American Red Cross, as the quo-! ta for this fhapter for September has! V 1 1 1 J ' 4 ! urru reeeicu anu auvauv given uui. i While it is felt that some wool will be sent to the Willamette chapter, the amount will depend entirely on what ap- ' . 1 , I I poruuument is maue oy neautjuancrs aij Seattle. And what Seattle apportions will depend on what it is given by na-! tional headquarters at Washington. That there will be a great shortage in knitting yarns is already assured and with this matter settled, it is probauie ! that Bed Cross workers will be obliged to resign themselves to conditions as j they are and instead of knitting, give time to some other line of Red Cross work. As Salem is in the' sphagnum moss country, this may work against if in securing a full quota of wool from the fact that the auxiliaries here may be asked to make sphagnum moss hospital pads and other sections at a distance from the coast be given a larger quota of yarn for knitting. Ilence ag the situation now stands, there will be but little knitting yarn to J be had at Red Cioss headquarters, com pared to the past year. All that the officers of Willamette chapter can do is to request Seattle northwest headquar ters for a liberal allowance, and this has already been done by Mrs. Arthur 8. Benson, now in charge of the office. One of the changes that may be in store for Red Cross workers, this winter is that of receiving garments ready to cut out. Within a day or bo the chapter will receive a consignment of caps, ready to cut, to be made for the Belgian children. This policy may be contiuued in other lines. The national headquar ters at Washington is trying out the plan of having garments needed cut out in the larger factories and distributed among the chapters to be made. At least, this will be 'part of the plan for the fall months. OLD AGE A CRIME! Some people are young at CO red : cheeked, rnddv and vigorous. Others are 0ij at 40 joints beginning to stif I feu up a bit; step beginning to lag and been the recognized remedy for kid- , ,,,.,.,,,. ailments. substitute. In boxes, throe si2os. Mrs. Albert Johnson and two daugh ters. Miss Rose Nelson, nurse P. D. Christianson W. G. lilakeley Mrs. F. Hensler and daughter Mr. Schnell John Annewell Belief Being Bushed St .Paul, Mian., Aug. 22. W. P. Stork, secretary of the Florence, Minn.. commercial club, today appealed to Gov ernor J. A. P.uniquist for aid in his stricken city Adjutant General Rhinow ordered home guard companies to pro ceed at once to Tyler with supplies. Local relief bodies and the chamber of commerce prepared to send supplies. Doctors and Nurses Go ripestone, Minn., Aug. 2i. Every available doctor and nurse here has gone to Tvlcr to eivc aid. Mayor S. S. Due here after returning, from Tyler, said. there arc at least forty dead tliero. Wire communication with the stricken town was still cut off this afternoon. When yon use Journal classifi- cd ads get what you want tlv?m to thev work fast. Built sturdy and serviceable for Office Men Attorneys Physicians IfiLer Farmer OrchardisU Motormen Conductor Hunter and others in every walk of life yoa, rem hit Earoc W8 Ran Francisco. En will have yoar order ri . . - ! Red frees Wauls 500 Gunny Sasks Wanted: At rW Cros headquarters in the I". S. National beuk building. HK) gunny sacks to be used by the Red Cross iu shipping sphagnum mess. The sacks are needed at once by Willamette chapter and the suggestion made that perhaps ahiust every fam ily might find an old sack stored away somewhere on the premises that niinht be ef use to the Red Cross. There is; great work to be done this winter in the preparation of sphagnum moss sur gical pads and the need right at pre sent is the sacks by which the moss may be shipped to the head quarters. Hence it is asked that asi one of the patriotic duties, each house hold endeavor to find a gunnv or grain ack and send it to Red Cross room on the third floor of the" V. S. Xatioaal bank building. THE COMPANIONABLE WOMAN Men marry for companionship; some get it and some do not. No woman who is dragged down with ailments peculiar to her sex van be a fit and happy companion for any man.There is, however, one tried and" true remedy for such conditions in that famous old root and herb medicine, Lydia K. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, and no woman who is afflicted with displace ment, irregularities, inflammation, ul ceration, backache, headaches, nervous ness or "the blues." should rest until she has given this good old fashioned remedy a trial. It will restore health and influence your whole life. EVANS HOUSTON (Continued from page one) convalescence and ia the meantime I will see a bit of Paris as our hospital is right at the edge of the famous liois de Boulogne. You never told me whether or not you had ever been in Paris but if you have not you should round out your checkered career wiih a visit to" the French metropolis. .Seeing Paris by moonlight is one of the most enjoyable outdoor sports I ever encountered.' The slightly wounded soldiers sit on the benches along ' the walks in the Champs Elysees and the Bois dc Bou logne and flocks of well dressed and well calsomined she-Parisians stroll along the walks. "Bon jour, mademoiselle" you say. If she is married she replies "(io to hell," with adorable frankness, if she is not affiliated with a husband she. inquires: "Promenade?" and then vou see Paris. One of these promenades practically cured my foot, later in the evening I believe I could have danced a bit, I did sing a little. These- French soda fountains sell such enervating lem onades and things and if I can get a few recipes for some of them 1 will send them to the .Spa. Over here they put the tables out on the sidewalk and you sit under the awnings with bottles a:lj -ice UI1j giass. es and watch the world go by. It is some world, believe me, whole droves of blushing damosells promenado by looking like they were all dressed up and no place to go. 1 have seen soldiers who would wink at them. Of course tho lady resentf the insult and is like to come charging down upon the offend ing soldier to give him a rebuke. 8ho talks French and he speaks English, or American, or maybe Canadian but she seems to understand his apology. These French are wonderfully forgiving peo ple and the lady nearly always re mains to have a drink r maybo sev eral with the audacious warrior. Then again the police in Paris are blind. All in all, I like the place and if they would only clear up some i f that worth less timber in the Bois de Boulogne and let some enterprising real estate man sell it off in building lots on the in itallment plan I miuht be tempted to remain here. Fred Hynon would do well over here. The only trouble is that their news papers in Paris are printed in French otherwise I might hit up La Fiagro, or Ee Temps, for a job. So fnr my French hag been mostly conversational and! I have not progressed far with the writ ten, but then this is one pla-e where your money talks and you could order up a meal and all of the drinks in the house without a word provided you could make the proper monetary ges tures. But of course, Paris, is the onlv bright spot in this war ridden land and it is not leisure and ladiej at the front by any means, but the Hun will not stand up before the Americans and there can be nothing but a complete victory for the allies in the end. ier irmny must be crushed and for a long time she has been weakening. Then when those who live, return home it will he with the consciousness of a job well and thoroughly done. It is my private opinion that one good eyeful of the Statue of Liberty will cause most of the boys to forget Fram e with out a single murmur because after all there is only one "My Native Land" and I can imagine even an Etquimau getting homesick at Palm Beach. Then a-ain I want to get back where they have things to eat that have never been fmxen or canned or bottled, and where the wounn talk I'uited Slates and where one fifth of a penny is not money. After all I'm glad I found ont what a fine p!a-e ftreg'.n was before I tried any other ar.J 1 would never be sa'iffied to live in Frame or England or California or any other foreign country. Well I will close at it is time for PANIC SEIZES HEME Contiuued from page one) (This rei.reseats a front of about 6 miles.) Fighting conditions todsy were less favorable than ycfterday, there was do mist, the son wan hot. The (ji rn,ans are ' ('(-o'lriif General Jtyng's advanfe north of the Anere with the utmost d-i-rtion. With the Uritifh oiily six miles frota the liiiidctburjj line at one poiat to day, the enemy is croud, n; the batk road wiih additional troo;s eoaiing up. Altogether six d.vitiona were idea' : V ) jl i A ...v ? . . ,, ' I ,.,41 r Time-Work For All O'Cedar Products IT 446 Court tified yrsterday. j The Germans uted their heaviest :Kuns all through the night. It U evi jdi nt that Ttyn's sudden pukh has con Hiderably disturbed the hih eoinmsnd, in view of tho constantly developinj !Kreneh sueesn to the tooth. Apparent jly, it diM-s not intend to Jennit further advanee toward the famous line with out determined resintanee. The Arras and Albert, railroad las I been reported the wene of the fiere eit fiRhting, the liri t ih beinjr reo,uir ;eI to elear out dugouts in the embank jiiient aliuijr the nhole portion reached in their attack. Muny dead Germans 'are reported. j The bofhen are undoubtedly able to make a stiff battle against any effort (to rea. h ltaauiue. Advance ta Nina Mile Paris, Aug. 22. (12:15 p. m.) Gea er Manjin'a troops have reached the Ailette river in their advance between the Oise and the Aiitne, the Krenrh war office announerd today. Filrting eontinued last ni((ht on the hoie front from the region of Iiig nr to the neighborhood of Hison. The French captured Ht. l'aul-Auz-Iiois (eleven miles northwest of Hnimmt,) pawMtifc out to the northward and Te.ihir,jf (t Ailette nit jLainry- (Tbi represents a total advsnre of nine mile since Hat'.irday.) "The French n,sintained eontaH throi((hout the Bight with the enmy, which was retreating butween the Oie and the Matz. and east "t the Oie," the eommunique said. " ! I'lemont, Thieseourt, ("nn-c(snfourt and Vilie (a!l s-ath of the Wrette, between n J - :wiUUitLWii.MM.'ijluiHiip'.)i HiiMjmy a 'Polish I Saves Polish All Woodwork- Channell Chemical CHICACO TORONTO LONDON will be found St 3 Busy Stores signy and Noynn), have been occupied and the livetto reached. "Kant of Xoyon, the French border tho Oise from 8auipi(!iy (a mile and a huff south of Noyon) to. Hretigny (four miles and o hnlf cant of Xoyon.) "Further east they took fWmrKiiig nou (two inile southeast of liretig ny) and Ht. I'aul Aui It.m (two nule east of liourKuignon.), From the latter wo passed out to the northward. The Ailette was reached st l.n'iincy -liage "IMsws the Ailette and the Aisne there was no ehtnij;". The French hiId the western borders of I'omtniern (two miles west of HoUson.) " CL08INO ON NOYON By Webb Miller M'mted l'rew staff porrespondeiit) 1'aris, Aug. Zl. (10 a. in.) The ar ones of Genera's Maiijin and Umnbert are elsing in on Xuo, the bulwark t the German line from two direction. At some plaee they are only a few lion. I red yards from the town and are heavily bombarding it with field guns. They also are raining shells on the German exits toward J Jam, VI miles t the north. Military writers declare Xoyon is already un'enable and predict an im mediate withdrawal beyond the Pomme. fighting is eootiniiiug along a front of practically 3.1 miles, extending CD both sides of the Oise. Allied aviators bombing enemy area beyond Noyon, report considerable dis order and apparent preparations for a big retirement. Jn the pant 4s hours, the French have taken mote than fifteen thoutand pris W.- mm il 11 Co. at oners and a vast quantity of material, including thoimnnds of miw liiiio guns iiiul hundreds of cannon. After Inking rfiitsigny the French jpnswd beyond in the direction of Vau jehtllis, (a mile and a half west of Noyon.) They have reached I.iMarc find Mont l.a l'iu'lin nod possens Moot lirriiy, dominuting the Oiae. A not DAY EVEEY WAY By Lowell Mellett (I'liited 1 n'M stuff e riespoiident ) Wih the Hritih Armies in Fjaiici! Aug. ill. -(Night) Troops that had gone blithly through the German lie on a ten mile front this morning with the aid of a helpful mit, were pushing 'iloi.'gciliy ahead this afternoon under cruel iui( which prove,) as serious an -Money my as the bochee. The farther thaplaues crossed tin) lines yeteidav with j British advanced, the stiffer became, i ue uerinan reristanra. ine Kick on was easy, however, except at the cross- ing of thei Ancre and the railroad near vaucourt, Where tue enemy tiattie'l desperately for some time. The defens ive coiobina'.ion of tin river and the railroad mado this portion of the ad vance costlier than taking lieaueourt itself. British casualties; in the town were suid to be only three, notwith standing it was d fended by a force of boehes sufficient to yield 90 prisoners. liy' afternoon it was known that. Log east wood, one of the two hardest nuts to crack, had yielded. The other, a sin&ll wnoj sear Mirau- mont, held out, the defenses about It forming a marked salient ia the Uiit- ink line. The arc imrrirdiutely in the rear of k ft 1 L i Get Them Here MOPS iCED POLISH BUM'S Furniture Store 170 COMMERCIAL The Right Combination SUCTION SWEEPER and to i RID YOUR HOME OF DUST AND GERMS Wm. GAHLSDORF 135N. Liberty St. Phone 67 the fighting line iiplied soino odd con trusts, Soiiiiere Were harvesting wheat while, siime women were working ia fields tlint ended only a ! rlometer or two farther back, fresh troops betiiid for the fiKht swung along behind buiis playing ehverful sirs. lt-0,000 Prisoners i'aris, Aug. - Mince the start of the counter offensivii Jul IS the nj lien have taken 100,0011 prisoners, ac cording to statements published todiiy by the Keho de I'urn. AVIATOH8AT VERDUN . By Frank J. Taylor (I'nited I'resa stuff correspondent) Wi'b the American Armies in Fruuce Aug. zl. (.Mghl) American bombing the intention tit attacliiiig Lungiiiyon, j.B mile northeast of Veriluo. Finding 'that eloud'interferred with hitting ou .'military targets, they dropped nothing" , there, not Wmhing to terrori.e th civil- 'ontinuing their flight, the Ameri cans reached a point near Flabeauville and succeeded in making several direct hits on a railroad. Tiny returned safely, despite au ea eonnter With snti aircraft batteriee. An Aiw-rieaa trench ia Alsace was heavily helled last night, after which German infantry attempted a Tnid. They did not succeed in penetrating our w's. The bodies' artillurr eon- J AR HOOVER ELECTRIC OH 't. lines an unusually violent barrage of jgas and high explosive against the jnewly captured positious around Fra- ,ei. r