Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 22, 1918, Page TWO, Image 2

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. - .,...,,!,..,. ., ..,CT..,.... ; A 1
"l 111 V H 1 I f 9 I I I ' By KA2Z OASEETT I I
VctCont, 15Tluid Dra.lcj g -1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II ;I
. ' EMI
- I
t i . I"
AMablc Prcpamlios
. tajtheStoavacIrs mWSanb
' retther Opium, MorphiDew
i 1 t -r..f..( l)nui tr
: and ft-wris.MH- ,
Loss or SUEP
For Infants and Children.
Mothers Know That
Genuine Castoria
Bears the
pfEW Ttmrw
0 HELL With
On of lis important event, of tit
week km the wedding which ni sol
emnized yesterday at high aooa when
Mix Victoria Cava became the bride
of David Allt-a yerlea of Eugeae. The
wedding took tlaee at tbe borne of tie
bride's f areata OB Jforta Capitol
street ia tbe preteae of many rela
tivrt and friend. Mrs. F. T. PorUr
performed tbe ring ceremony which was
used. ,
Mrs. Byerlee bat keen instructor in
voice at tbe Eugene Bible university
fir tbe past year and ia well known
in Salem a a soloist at ta Christian
church. After tbe wedding tbe couple
left for Eugene where they will aaaWs
their home. Mr. Ityerlee is doing news
paper work for the Eugene Guard.
(Cob United iron page oae)
Mrs. Charles llardt left Pun.lay for
Cobs; Michael Deteli, Yenagstoa, O;
Alfred C. Garvin, Boxbary, Mass- Clar-
enee T. Hendricks, Cheyenne, Wyo; AI
bert Jacobs, Burnside, Conn; Albtrt 8
Jane Wallingford, Conn. Janses B.
Jones, Leslie, R C; Wil!ia MrGuire,
Columbus, O; John Hugh Northrop,
Flint, Mich; Henry Schwer, Cliicago;
Walter 8. 81a via ski. Meridian, Conn;
Andrew Strmpiena, New Britain, Conn;
Janes Iven Button, Cambridge, Kaa;
Arthur M.' Brown, Daconia, Okla; Gaud
D. Harbison, Montieello, Ark; Daniel
For Over
Thirty Years
Healy, Hartford, Conn; Boy Hicks, goat
ers, Iowa; Philip Kenney, New York:
Newport for a vacation. She p.'ana to j1'''' Lombardi, Italy; Krederiek B. Loo
return the latter part of the week. niis, Yaletville, Cons; Anthony G. l'al
" iladino, Waterbnry, Conn. Emmet Bose-
M ita Lucille Trajjlio was eulled to .krani, Hixton, Wia; Michael hokolowsky
Halew from her home in Portland the I Ruiwia; Henry L. Larson. Winfield. Wis
first P't of the week, on account of 'Peter P. Letnieux, Taftville, Conn; Jas.
t ie nine,, of her grandmother, Mr.. J MeAuliffe, Hartford, Conn; Arhur Ashville, N- ('.; Clem Everon Niekemon
I auline Trsvlio, M.il North Iith street. McGinns. Hiee Lnke. Wis: lorn - rin.. i;..w. u . v;-..; r- a
She will remain for some time before nest Jdarston. fietrnit. Mirb: Albert n.. i;.k.' tn.i s;..i...u. vn;.
- - s - - i v u u a as , itt 11 i t. i Ollill
Giiberti Amedee. Wet Springfield.
Maa.; Beorpe footer, Iodianspoii!.
lad.; Earl Iuval, Kackekee. 111.; Ar
thur J. Pearson, Ckanute. Kas.: Clif
ford Y. Phillips. Bronx, Wyo.; Edword
Poetterinj, CiBeiaaari, Ohio; Jack B.
Taylor, U riser. Maho; Herniaa E. Tern
pie, Keaptoa, North Iakota.
Died of Wound.
Corporals Clarence I. Bradley. Colum
bia, Wis.
Mechanic Harry Heie, Oweso.
Karl Phillip. Griligoa. Camp Dnagla.s
Wis.; Joseph Kehulte. Ricfamoad Minn.;
Leonard Tackett. -Shelby Gap. Ky ;
Chester Toiuehaa Tomezak, Milwaukee,
Severely Wounded la Action.
CoL Manua MeCluakey, Fort Meyer.
Edgar B. Brotts, Lyan, Miss; Greg
ory Demtisey. Portaire. Vi.: John
B. Feeral, Meridan, ona: John Fred
erick Girord Ionio, Mieh; Robert Biat-
tey Met lure, Piedmont, 4 al; William
L. Murray, Orance, N. J.
John J. Bnrkhard. Monroe. WU: Doraa
Arthur Dieter, Barahoo, Wis; Joha
Kloet, Grand Bapidd, Mieh.; James K.
Lee, Willimantie, Conn; Jonies Me-
Caulley, Kosslyn, Vs; Caries Martin.
returning to Portland.
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
SMS SSWTMia IMM v. aW m SVTf .
fe I
Mrs. F. W. Bailey, whose borne is in
Portland returned this week after
spending a few- dsvs visiting Mrs. t
W. Wallace of 11W B street. Mrs.
lteiley and Mrs. Wallace were fonn Crd, T JoBn w
eojlege fr.end. at McMinny.lle eollege. 1Tel. M'
Molenkaasp, Ferry ttmrg, Mich; Janies
O'Hrien, Hartford, Conn; Thowaa .
O'Brien, Hartford, Cona; Daniel J.
Oleary, Woreester, Mass; James Pause
dow, Mt. Vernon, N. V; Joseph Pelkey
Grauiteville, Ma-; Clinton Boeves,
Beid, Waco,
A party of H.lem people who k.ve 0"' .tn elbyvUle M.eh;
been at the roast for some time return- " J- ' a?""l? 'T5..
e.l Tuel.,. In the party were Mrs. E. . ovm, Ala; Henry G. Htolte, Ch,-
llofer and dauRhter, Mrs. Allan By "K' "' J' 8''BP luf M,d
non, and Mis. McKinnev, who is Mrs. c- , Coldwater, Muh; Al-
Hofer's sUter. Mrs. Anna Hofer and frr'1 Kwanson, New Hritain, Conn;
daughters, Marie and Dorothy, also ae-i,fr,,,l Thompson, Barlington, Vt;
ipnnird them. They are here from "aT 'immons, I'awpaw, Mich; Mmond
u. iwarr, .its nrnam, tonn; Josepn
F. Tracy, Hartford, Conn; Myrl F. Un
tied, Ivazeyburg, O; Edwin Valley, New
Ia Now Iking Shown at
(Ooartnued from page one)
of tLs Vnale pocket Is a serious danger
to tho fanuHit ftimnin Dt Damea de
fenses, which are now threatened with
fl.uk and rear fire. At the asms
time, the southern sector of the Himlen
burg tin ia inscvure. Farther aurth,
the kali in General Hyag'a attaek t
rd taitm ta strltcly In accordance
with the atmtegie plus of the allies.
A resumption of the Itni.sutne drive
will oeeur t the right :rategie mo
went. Marshal Foch is dewsnit ruling a re
warhable ability fur his seeminulv in
tine direeuon, kea attention is eon
The Journal classified d srs
great favorites with people who
do things Try one.
eeiilrated elsewhere. Thus a fortnight
ago, Marshal Foeh. apparently stopped
operations along the Vesle and the
British began their Pi.ardy drive,
which reunited in the recovery af tbe
Moiitdidier salient. But today, tho
i.ersiss ixwitimia mirth of the Vesle are
operation. ,d for suddenly j,,,, threatened bv the salient, wh
his completed reserves in western flank lis., suddenly ,1k,
IBM BlLHlU. im art... , . L ...
California and have been visiting in
Oregon and Washington for some tiuie.
Mr. itoler who was wun uie laniuy
at the coast will remain for another
month. Mrs. Hofer and her daughter,
Mrs. Hynon, way return in week to
join bun,
After a week's outing at Foley
Springs, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Downing
returned to their home, 243 North
Church street, Tuesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lee, 4:19 Court
street returned borne Tuesday evening
after spemliag a ten days vacation at
s s
Among those spending their vacation
Ht Netarts are Frank llligh and fam
ily. They motored over tho latter part
uf last week.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Hop Lee,
123 North lllth street, was the scene of
a merry party yesterday afternoon,
whun several friends gathered to cele
brate little. Loren Mop Lee's first birth
day. During the afternoon the guests
enjoyed nisny Interesting and jolty
gnnies anil luter dainty refreshment
were served.
Mrs. Otto Wilson assisted Mra. Hop
le and KIio with the serving.
Those who were present were Mrs
fvan Bellinger and children, Jane
Elizabeth and lvsii Jr., Mrs. Otto W'il-
son ana cliililreu, into minus., jr., ana
Margnrut, Richard I'pjoan. Margaret
and Kluubeth Lewis.
Among those motoring from Portland
to spend the week end were Mr, and
Mr. Flunk Randall tud BilfRaudull.
While here they were tlis guests of
Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Huckestein, 1123
North Fourth street. Mia. Huckestein
is a sister of Frank and Bill Randall.
Mrs. a E. Oliver of 334 South Win
ter is among the Salem visitors, to Tort
land this week. She is enjoying the at
tractions of the Grand Army of tho
Republic encampment there.
After enjoying a delightful ten days
nnting at Astoria, seaside and otner
beaches, Mrs. Bertha J. Darby return
ed tho first of the week,
Mount Hood is the attraction for a
motoring patty of Sulem people who
will leave the Inst of tho week for a
short outing. The party includes Dr.
O. C. Scott and family and H. C. Hun
ter and family. They are planning to
return Suudsv.
ford. Conn; Frank R. Sullivan. Hart
ford. Conn; Charles Vanosten, Marys
ville, Col.
Wilbert V. Atkins, Bloomingdale, O;
Ware Maxwell Barnes, Litchfield. Mich
Carlos F. Cole, Memphis. Tenn; George
E. Daley, Wallinpford Conn; Ransome
E. Garter, Grand Rupids, Mich; Albert
F. Green, Woterbury, Conn; Leonard
Gudain, Mereiden, Conn; Paul H. Hew
itt, Neeedak Wis; Soir C. Johnson,
Dobba Ferry, N. Y.; Ancil E. Lovitt,
Williamnbuig. Ky; Carl Michalek, Che
shire (onn; Thomas J. Oconner, Chica
"T FEEL that I must write and tell
A you the great benefit I have ex
perienced from using Dr. Caldwell's Symp Pep
sin. I had always suffered from indigestion
but since taking Syrup Pepsin I am no longer
troubled in that way, and I cannot praise it
too highly as a Laxative."
From a letter to Dr. Caldwell written by
I Mix. Geo. Schatffer. 1103 West Are. 1
Vtica, N. Y.
Dr. Caldwell's
Syrup Pepsin
Tie Perfect Laxative
Sold by Druggists Everywhere
50cts. (S3 $1.00
A combination of simple laxative herbs with
pepsin, mild and gentle in its action, that re
lieves constipation quickly. A trial botde
can be obtained free of charge by writing to
Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 458 Washington Street,
Montieello, Illinois.
Reese, Cerulean Springs, Ky; James E.
Rvih, Worcester, Mass; Julius Sawaad
sky, Hartford, Conn; James Ralph
Ktrous, Hartford, Conn; Joseph 0. Ve
ga, Revere, Mass; Frank Charles Wild,
Lawrence, Mich; Dudley Alford, Dar-
Bedford, Mass; Charlie M White, Mead: Bugler, John 8. Rising, Windsorioek,
go; Arthur Montague Rickert, Detroit nun, Mass; r.mory Martin Alioioiid, ue
Mich; John J. Shadlock, Bridgeport, 'queen, Ark; Arthur E. Anderson, Lock
Conn; Harry Lee Sherman, (uincy, ! lort, 111; Claire Ferris Andrews, Bing-
Mieh; Nieh Tregaer, Ironwood, Mich; hamton, N. ; Harvey C. Bancroft, Tbe-
Chronto Oonstlpation
It is bv no aicsiiis sa easy matter to
rare this disease, but it eaa be done
t nust iiMtaneea by taking Chamber
Jaia'a Tablet and eomplrii.g with the
plain printed directions that accom
pany each package.
north of Soiswins.
All the successes during the last fort
night have been accomplished without
th aid of the Americans. The fact
i the must menacing Hindenhurg ha
to fitec. If Marshal Fuck can du these
1 hinjjs without the Americans, what
can't he da with themf There is no
answer to his question for the kaiser,
except Germany defeat
orsville, Ky; William E. White, Moore.
falls, N. i; Walter Zaiubieski, New
Britain, Conn.
Wounded , Degree Undetermined
8gt. fiolon Prince, Springfield, Mass.
Corporals David G. Gourley, Chica
go; William H. Holtman, uiucy, III;
Henry C. Hyslop, Chicago; Stewart E.
Must-hot, Joliet, III; William A. Veeh,
Gttumwa, Iowa; Carrol Nelson, Bedford
Privates Henry P. Garside, Jr., Fall
Biver, SI ass; Bruno H. Grando, Chica
go; Joseph Hennessey, Chicago; Del-
mar Hudson, Ponder, Mo; Lloyd II. Me
Kibuan, Des Monies, Iowa; John P.
Miner, Luverue, Minn; Henry C. i.inis
Albm, Ia; Thomas R. Schubert, Chicago;
Aioerj U Sehwenk. Chicago; Charles E,
hcbokly, Ames, la; Chas. J. Stanley,
Canon City, Colo; Walter Sulkowsk'i,
Chicago; John Wagner, Council Bluffs,
Ia; Prank L. Wulheim, Joliet, 111; Cecil
M. ward, tilenwood, Iaj Henry 0. Zy
burt, Cliicago.
Missing ia Action
Lliutenants George P. Glenn. Lvnch-
burg, Vaj Oeorgff W. Puryear, Memphis
1 ru i.
Kcrgeants Elmer Auelienpaugh, Brook
lyn, S, i; Franeie M. Keller, South
wnitiey, lud; rrank Latimer, riattsmil
bury, Conn.
Corporals E. Brown, West Land, K. I;
Hugo ttarbaden. New York; John D.
(rover, Lovell, Mo; Michael F. MeCur
thy, Waterbury; Conn; Martin J. Mc
llugh, Jr., Binghaaipton, N. Y. Steve Ni
ksloff, Walnut Grove, Minn; Karl R.
Scott, Waterbury, Conn; John Frank
Hjnith, Chiengo; James F. Walsh. West.
bury, N. Y.
Bugler Janies Michael Benson. Binir-
hamtou, N. Y.
Privates Henry C. Barnes. Center.
Miss; Harlan W. Chamberlain, Brandon
Vt; Jack Cumpy, Minersville, Pa; Hv-
man F. lishhangnr, New York; I'raneis!
aiovmous rord, Jersey uty, x. J; Eu
gene D. Haire, Knohiirg Falls, Vt; Er
nest Joseph Huiiuig, Wheeling, W. Va;
Charles L. Kauriu, Brooklyn, N. Y; Jack
(5oub: Bugler, Cosimo Vendetti. Water-
bury, Conn; Cook, John Knox Abies,
Forreston, HI.
Horry P. Adams, Meriden, Conn;
Eiuil Benhart Anderson Laerosa Wis.;
liertoa N. Andrews, St. James, Minn;
Richard At ell, Portland, Mich; Frauk
V. Bale, West Chelmsford, Mai-e; Jo
seph Barcella New Britain, Conn; Ben
jamin liaucaro, Chicago; Froneis Bawyn
Marinette, Wis; John D. B'gley, Fair-
view. Mass; liichsrd Hrookhuizeu, Rot
terdaiu, Holland; Edward M. Burris,
Wilmington, Del; Floyd Bennett, Mus,
kegon, Mich; Rutherford B. Benton.
Roekville Conn; Noah lilackwell, Mar-i
cord Junction, Mass; Antonio Camera
New Haven, Conn; Adolph A. Cox. Par
nell Mo; Eoy C Ciidmore, Salem, Mas;
IVank Charlee Deinert, Chicago, HI;
Rodene Dommeruiuth, Seymour, Conn;
listen N. Doran Sault Ste. Marie, Mich;
Walter F. Dreher, Meriilen, Conn;
.Tame Dunbar, Evergreen, Iowa; Wil
liam H. Dunn, Meriden, Conn; Fred R
Duprey, Williniantke, Conn; Joseph Fo
tivo Norfolk, Conn; Frank Gioffino,
Sansiaxzo, Italy; Nice. C. Clarke, Hart
ford. Conn; Titus 8. Cu-lee, Copeland
Iowa; Fred Ievillers, Algoma Wis;
Earnest Dick, Savannah, Mo; Harley
Fisher, Marion, Mirh; John Fuchs. To
niah Wis; Herman Grantin, Chirogo;
Colie L. Jenkins, Mansfield Pa.; Ed
ward S. JohnMon, Garreth Coetaoin
ward S. JohnMon, Vindex. Garreth Co.
Md: Chester A. Kells, Santa Fe, Kas.;
Henogk Kogowaki, Ietroit, Mich; Don
William Knickerbocker, Qunicy, Mass;
Joseph Dondine, Pittsfield, Mass;
Louis l.ongcore, Biteley, Mieh; John
J. Snead Tyro, Va; Joseph Etyfro.
Seyniour, I'oan; Adam Syuinouski, Tho
laston. Conn.
Wounded, Degree Undetermined
Serjeants Victor E. Berehardt, St.
r.uL Mint.; Andrew E. llardt, Cliica
Corporal G rover C. Douglas, Gravity!
Iowa; Kavwund H. i'owcll, -Jolet, III;
Ck ecil Keed, Canton, Oho,
resa, N. Y; Israel Bisnovieh, Waterbnry
touu; Anthony Boknos, Scranton, Pa;
Daniel B. Boone, Delhi, Okla; Jacob
Borker, Brooklyn, N. Y; Joseph Bouch
ard, Caribou, Me; William R. BuU), Ith-
ica, N. i; Geo. J. Byrne, Avon, 'Conn;
Walter H. Call, Winthrop, Mass; An
thony G. Carlo, Waterbnry, Conn; Wal
ter Christie, Ireland; Michael Oiaeeion,
I'raneis B. Conlon, Worcester, Mass-;
Isaa Copeland, Salisbury, Mass.; John
lonovon, Wootlburn, Mase.; George
Eckstein, New York, N. Y.; Alfred F.
Ferguson, San Rutland, Mass.; Frank
Geuerazio, Newton Cpi1' Falls, Mass.;
Asa H. Gordon, Clinton, Mass.; Elbert
N. Kipp, Binghampton, N. Y.; Andrew
A. Mackinley, Buffalo, N. Y.; Thomas
t.. .Martin, Jiieiiiiiood, Va ; Michael Mik
alonis, I'lvniouth, l'n.; Frank Miner,
Cliicago, 111.; Joeph P. Nugent, Wor
cester, Mass.; Nicholas Perugini, Water
bury, (Vmn ; John L. Pickett, Lynn,
Mass.; Israel Pinchofsky, Philadelphia,
Pu.; Sccondo Poggio, Wallingford,
Killed in Action 5
Died of Wounds Received in Action 1
Total 6
Killed in Action.
8gt, Herman C. Seib, New York.
Pvt. Lawrence F. Erast, East Aurora,
N. Y.; Guy D. Hoxie, Ottawa, 111 ;
Georgo Newitt, Kingston, Pa.; Leonard
8. Oppheim, Williamsburg, Va.
Died of Wounds.
Pvt. Bawrence H. Cupehait, Jeffer
soaville, Ind.
Ottawa, Out., Aug. 22. Among the
Americans apjariug jn today's Can.
adian casualty list are: . .
Killed in Action.
Lieutenant E- V. Power, San Diego,
Cal.; Lieutenant W. H. Fairweather,
Republic, Wash.
O. i Reeves, Walla Walla, Wash.;
A. G. Mason, Trinidad, Colo-; F. Lund,
gist, Spokane, Wash.; H. G. Walker,
Ophie City, Alaska; G. Brown, Ham
mond, 111.; F. M- McDonald, Chicago;
W. Herdman, Chicago; A. Boss, Chi
cago. '
Ask Anyone Who Has Used It
There are families who always aim to
keep a bottle of Chamberlain's Colin
and Diarrhoea Kemedy in the house
for use in case it is needed, and find
that it is not only a good investment
but saves them no end of suffering.
As to its reliability, ask anyone who.
has used it.
London, Aug. 22. Swis reports re
ceived here declare that Field Marshal
Von Uiii'lentmrg has succeeded General
Ludondorff in command of west front;
operations. Reports have been current
for some time in neutral countries that
Ludendorff had succeeded Field Mars
shal Von Hindonburg on the west front4
because of illness of the latter.
Astounding Report
For City of Salem
The wife of a merchant had stomach
trouble so bad she could eat nothing
but toast, fruit and hot water. Every
thing else would sour and ferment.
ONE- SPOONFUL buckthorn bark,
glycerine, etc., as mixed in Adler-i-ka
benefited her isiakiiii. Because
Adleri-ka flushes the ENTIRE alimen
tary tract it relieves ANY CASE con
stipation, sour stoinac or gns ami pre
vents appendicitis. W fcas jnCKEST,
action of anything we ever sold. J. C,
Exftrt$ Say
becauae it hold better
comprecaioa, ivt better
protection to Use mowing
parti and deposit 1m car
bon. lerolene ia the correct ott for a
'rpe of atricxaobil eaginet
tha correct ott tor your automo
bile. Gat oar Luhrkatioa Chart show
faf the correct consistency lor
TW "T" H..4 tr eatiask Uhw
wm4 bars, b .a mmmt
.., rummm am wl
bM Sol its asWiuuM aasttiisa
at cflwast k. i. km sim ta
tks crUes 4 am eiM with ts.
swnt Inim kits m n.
smm. srttsv S.m... m m sue.
f. SIISOTl.)
Stinuner Oomp taint
During the hot wither of tbe sum
mer months some meaiber of almost ev
ery family is likely to be troubled with
an unnatural looseness of the bowels,
and it is of the greatest importance that
this be treated promptly, which ran on
ly b done when the medicine is kept
at hand. Mrs. K. F. Scott, Seott.ville,
N, Y rates, "I first used Chamber
lain'. Colic and Diarrhoea Kemedy as
much as five year age. At that time
I had a severe attack of summer com
plaint and was suffering intense pala.
Oae dose relieved at. Other members
of tv family have since used it with
like results."
Joe Keller Must
Stand Trial Oa Charge
lf.dJ:.Ill;U'hai'f'Cure,k'tWa'. Marlborough, N. Y; John D.
1:.. tL W U".h"'y. Redoak, Iowa; Francis A. Doyle, New
Mass; Ihomas Msrtuwa, Jl.aehester, york j h lirwn, Nw Yk Ke.
tuna; Edward J. O Brie. Woreester, ttHk K. Keefe. Coming, lown; Mike
Mass; John () DoaaeU. Webara, Ma.,M.Brl. New York; It... Monk. Riv
Wm. Otto, Chelsea, Maw; Hubert C. ,r,0, 8. ,UuH., Mowr, Allentown,
Kay; toin, S. C; lUbert IUbJus..a,lt)0. John i.das. Nashua, N. H;
Rosudale, N. i j Baymond J. Bossel, 0eerfe ikwirt New york. nMit
Worcester Mass; John V. Ryan, Provi Riv,, falton, Texo.; Norton I). Ste
dcnca.B. I; Aadrtiw K. Satti, New Lea phenson, Clearfield, Iowa; George E.
donnma; William II. Skeeta, Loekporti Williams, Coming, Iowa; George Wra
N. 1 j rank r'taniskt, Philadelphi;!blewski, Chicago; William L. Gardner
Thompson O. TeaL Eoko.Ca; Alexandei PhUalelphia, Iw; Michael A. Ullor.
P. Thompson, Winchester, N. H; Ernest jUlehfield, 111; Woody C. Mooa, Bed
warn. Momsvtlle, Vt; Amos T. ford. Iowa: Harrr . Roberts. Prwaee
nite, lloulton Me; Richard C. White, tlo.
.ewpoit, N. II; Bryan W. Wilbur, St.
Paul, Minn; Frank' W. Woods, Wood
burn, Mass; Porter Raulerson. West
Palm Hear a, Fla; Ralph J. aVill, Frnk- niont. Nebr:
lin, N. H; Edward Heery Reanie, Bing-I Sergeant Fr.sk
amton, l; Archie L. Kowley, War- N. Yj
r.n, ra; MrsJe Savaf, Baagvr, Me;
Ctia. P. Schildkneeht, Binghomton, N.
V; Donald K. Kcott; Syracuse, N. Y;
Lon B. Simmons, Tupelo, Ark; Henry
Simmvns, Philadelphia; Frank Sheets,
l.crhport. N. Y: John Sbou.kL Sc ma-
fiC V'i -""" : JuhB . Sunson, Philadelphia;
VI KldnappiCg 'Mdie Clyde Taylor, Middletown, Mo;
oeaerat iTcat, l.utbrr, Tena; George E.
Misstnc la Action.
Lieuteuants Aubrey 1 Baker, Nor
folk. Va.; John A. McArthur. Free-
K. Pre, Rochester,'
Corpora! Lambert Aadersoa, JUrt ,
ford, Conn; Clustter 'Cummings Cook.'
Wanego, W. Va; Georje E. Mcller,!
liwell. Maw;
Bugler teorg D. Bnwen, Meriden, I
Cos a.
Jotph V: Itarnic'e, Nstrick Mass;
Juliaa S. Brovles, Atlanta, (Va; Janies
Produce More Food
September 5, 6, 7, 1918
On the Cotton, Ruegg and Thenix Ranches
Sau Rafael. Cal.. Au 21 Josei.h O. Turner, Providence. R. I: Nick V'istay.1 Aatheay twrlin, Woodharea. N. Y -.
Keller, state parol officer of Oregon, M' Juneiion, O; Anu w agger,. Robert E. Cooper. Uam, Iowa; Willie
mii.t stand trial here on 8eplrmber H.i Shynehaek, N. Yj Albert F. Watem,; ', Wakaa, Oa,; Ralph J. Cotiens,,
for the kiduaplng of C. U. Smith, a for j "'easier. Mass; Alex W. llkski, Lin
aier inmate of San Oueuttn. icmib, .. n.
Siaith aa released from Saa Quei.tia
aboHt four months ago and was immed
iately taken lute custo.lv by Keller,
acting as state parole officer of Oregon.
While Smith's attorneys were fightisg
extradilioa, Keller took Hmit, to Ore
77:oStazdatd QUibr Motor Cars
E. II. CAHTLELU Special Aft, Standard Oil Co,, Salem
BtoiBaea and Liver Trouble.
N end of misery and actual suffer
ing ia ra.ied by disorder ef the atens
ack and liver, sad may bs avaided by
the use of Chamberlaia a Tablet a Give
tkesa a trial. They only eest a quarter.
Journal Want his Pay
1M. Michael Vioia, ITiilsdelphia.
Killed i action ...
Missing i artioa . .
Wousdcl Severely v
Died of reuads ". ...
Woandrl, degree undetermined.
KUWd Ia Acti
rVrgraat Harry J. Doaokaa, raila
delpkia. Pa.
Curperti r.erVh. Nwth Milwaa
ke. Wis.; Harry H. Desnaia. Srarta.
Webetee. Mass.; William Creaa, Wor
cester, Mars; Jaatrs L. (.renin. BosIob,
Mass; Uu K. Dahliujt. Wiachmtcr.
Mass; J.ha W. IVIaaer, Worcester. ;
Ma-; Thonas. F. Duulia, New bur jh i
N. Y.; Geeree E. Drouin, St. John!
bury, Vt.; WiUiaM J. Katies, Hartford,
Cos a
Plivatea J- Fogaity, Hartford, Cona;!
S3. Charles Goedeekr, East St. Leuis. Ill;
Walter O- Jastesea, Bridgeport, Conn;
Joseph U. Laag, Ltssa, O; Clarence G. J
Meeker, Sandy kok, Conn; Joha Depiee
Ueve, Philadelphia; Geerge Michieli,'
Hrtwkrya, N. Y; John Mosle, Bndge
pot t, Cuaa; John MuUigaa. Ior-hcstir,!
Maw; Jassew i. Parrett, SSiUdi, Ark;
William Ps, IVtroit, Mrh: BcaeaghJ
Poskarwk, iJaubmy, toss; Wtltiaot F.
ii : f si
t!n is
1 1
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Toys of Fate
A Drama Tlat UriUs Your Yery Soul
Tie Trissph of tie World's Greatest Artist
Liberty Theatre