WEATHB TODAY Orc;oa: Tjaiglit and Friday fait; . warmer Friday, southwest portion ji-Bt' westerly winds. 460')SUBSCRIBERS (23,r :) 2EADEKS) DAILY Only CiruLaUja io Salem Guar antee! by tij Audit Bureau oi Cr;x!ations FULL LEASED WIRE DISPATCHES SPECIAL WILLAMETTE VAL LEY NEWS SERYICZ To 40 To Wpcx PRICE TWO CENTS OX TRAINS AND NEWS STANDS FIVE CENTS FORTY-FIRST YEAR NO. SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 1918. i k rill . a if A 1 & j 31 :.mihm as w urn ra ft ii j 11 ii it n 11 1 1 - Tf ilC SEIZES lilt S AS ftlffl FIERCra T OYON NOW ALMOST SURROUNDED FLEET OF SEVENTY HEAVY TAHKS SPREAD TEH Ail BOB ADVICE NOT HALTED A MINUTE Nojon Outflanked From East Where French Are Only Few Hundred Yards Away. German Counter Attack North west of Soissons Quickly Smashed-British Pushing Dog gedly Ahead On Ten Mile Front- American Bombing Planes Doing Good Work. By Joan D9 Gandt - 'United Pr.'w Staff Correspondent.) Paris, Auj. 22. (4 p. m.) The French have crossed the Ailette river on ' a mile front between Champa and Guny ud ura puling toward Coucy Le Cha- te8,!J.' . .. , ., (Coucy Le Chateau is eleven miles di- rtctiy north of Soissons and two mile east of Guny.) Lu the Coucy La Chateau region a Oei man division prepared to counter at- tack, but a lightning like French attack forced them to retreat. They fled in a panic, throwing the division immediately in the rear into confusion. Noyon is rapidly being enveloped. It is now outflanked from the east. French troopc aro ready to cross the Oise canal whicii they have reached between V- resnes and Marlincourt (a mile and a half southeast of Noyon.) "The Divette river is entirely in the bands of th French. Mangin'i men are near Manicamp (at the juncUon of tha Oiae an.t Ailette rivors, seven miles east of Noyon.) ,?''1 fe,v eapttired by us Northwest of Soissons, the Germans l".r -0l'er8,u,n .vMterdav. attempted a counter attack on Juvig-L rTKrf,i ha? b7, ny ridge (four mile, northwest of Soiil a,1(1 nrth . Mj-rnlle. m), but were quickly repulsed. jir tr.T "T ". V'f ",9k' f ,A'U,1" . . , Berquin. Last night we attacked and ruti l T, ZTl7 hMVT tanks,tonei-'aptured hostile strong points north of point in the French advance, spread tv-jiii,,,,!. A stro locR, lr.untllr 8ttHek ror among the Germans. I delivered by the enemy yesterday morn ' in( aa;ainst Lcvrehof farm, northwest British Hold It ,f Dranontre, was repulsed after sharp Loudon, Aug. 2-2.(4:20 p. m.)-Achiet-j lighting. Further fighting took place L3 Grand, the high water mark of the during thi night in this sector." jinusB auvar.es norm or tne Ancre, nasi changed hands several tunes but is now i firmly held by the British, according to! reports received here this afternoon. ! (I'.'fi'ed Press staff correspondent) Take 3000 Prisoners j With the British Armies in France, London, Aug. 22 The' British at-'Aug. 22. (11:15 a. in.) The attack tacked on the whole front between theiou the high ground between Albert and Ancre and the rWime at 4:4." this i Bray this morning was reported as morning. Field Marshal Haig annotinc "K;i g 1" when this dispat' h was 'd today. fi'ed The Herman, after fruitlessly conn- tMr attaefcir.jr the positions wen by the ILLn IS MADE PIRATE SHIP Armed and Manned By Sub marines, t She Attacks Fishing Fleet A Canadian Atlantic Port, Aug. 22. The Canadian steam trawler Triumph v turned into a pirate man-o war by Ger man sailor, from a I'-boat was' still prowling the fishing banks near here early today an t is believed, to har lied a filth tiny ship to the list of "macks she ta s. nt to the bottom. The Pasadena was in sight when the traw ler's gun sunk the Lucille tv-hnare and nhe is believed ti have been sunk, al though no definite word has hten re teivid. Crews of fnr trawlers have reached tbi prt with tales "f the captive fish iug vessel's attacks on the fleet of little tmats. The submarine 'a captain is said to have tol I th.j crew of one of his vis tim that te int"ad-d to destroy the fi-biug f!-et tbat oj crates aluiig this roast. Fast citu yti'.t are Ojicrating about the waters near here, hoping to pick up ie rrew whi'h mar have beca tut a.irift bv t!.e ; -nss. "JTM" LOTAWDEAD. Portia;.'!, Ot.. Aug. 22. Jame Lots-, itJ "6, f.nreuer hea, of the repiibtican ;wr?y fa.ti.,a of this state which birt .f.i.. is -i'a 1 at his home here. L- tfiini wii-fr knew a duriaj hit term a toil-ctof of enstoiaa. HIS (British iu yes'erday's attack north of tne Ancre, again launched ncavy as sault in that sector this morning. Between 2000 aud 3000 prisoners IL'om ..L-An in t h a f i I-.. ll were ndo Vf v am last aifM the wu-ra and northern portion of the Flanders salient. . At iM tllis mornin 0llr trwps at. ta, ked the enemy's positions between the Sjuuue and the Autre." the ante- ment said. " Bv nightfall vesterdav our patrols had 'made progress on the left lank of the Ancre south and south east of Heancourt. North of the Anci. our positions gained yesterday Ttie maintained against strong hostile conn- ter attacks' delivered during the after- noon and evening on the Miraumont and Aehict-Le-tirande front, "Hostile artillery has been very avtive throughout the night on the battle front and this morning fresh hos tilf" counter attacks arc reported to ttave developed opposite Miraumont ami ,rle9- ' H"t'1'1'" -m ni1. J,m? prisoners ATTACK "GOING GOOD" By Lowell Mellett i Continued on page three) uumtimiinn in irrT nimDUnb to LIT I OF lOCALOFFENSIf ES Has S: Many Pomts Attack ed He Cannot Arrange Fcr An Offensive. By J. W. T Mason, (failed Press war exert.) New Yurk. Aug. 22. .Marshal IVh'i olows are now falling so fast and so lefinitely at o many places along the western front that Von Hindenburg is 'wing entangled in a network of li cal ;t ration. any one of which threatens t bring about a major disa-ter to tb German army. Yesterday fleneral ft rag started work on a salient in the direction of P.apaume. Last night sixty mi'rs a- s ay ws the western side of ese salient praetteally completed: today the Bri'isa have begun a new wvJge-l:ke drive m-rth of the Homme not far from the tafanme. and all the while' Xj navy b-rtment today was aai the French are conducting nar-ze op-ji(,u.!y awailiiig word front the pursuit era-ions at the Ijis-igny anjle, mic-;i,,Jt 'n0 ietiniie information had been way between the Kinime and the Ve!e ; an.i'iiiri-ed early today, fr-jn's. ! m .' At tut time ine the war bean ' mv l-val operations in tR' west l-en j arr-ed on m eoatiauously and w ts ; fh prsitent success as bow. j Tie deeiopmeat of the western , 1 (Continued on page two FRENCH m EVANS HOUSTON WRITES OLD FRIEND IN JOURNAL OFFICE Is With Marines and Was Slightly Wounded- Likes Paris but Oregon Best Somewhere in France, Aug. 1, '13 Pear Colonel: Whenever I find a typewriter and paper 1 am tempted to write sinu:hiug and will pour into your spacious ear the story of my wan derings since 1 wrote, you last, which was soon after we got out of the last fight in which we assisted in stopping the great Uerman advance. This time we went oift after the Heinies and to date the squareheads are still immi giating toward Berlin. Some of the boys got mussed up a bit, however, and there were many Huns who missed roll call aft-r the battle because the ma riues got real rough with them in some instances- At the start when we weut over the top it reminded me of a grouse hunt in the tall timber except in the tall timber except that no one shot in his turn and 1 had many good shots spoiled by the boys rushing ahead in a vain attempt to tickle one with a bayonet. The Huns refused to wait, however, aud the only ones we got up close to were slated for the cor oner except those who were unusually prompt in reaching for the sky with both hands and offering to be our "kamerads.'' . The Huns had their liues infested with bullet machines w hich sowed the fertile fields of Franco with lead and we immediately went "back to the land'' with a vengence, in fact 1 have never been so closely identified with the soil before or since. 1 nosed my wav forward among those clods while the" bullets clipped the tops off of those short coats und if 1 could have thinned ihwn to a shadow I would have shadow ed the Huns fur the remainder of the day. 1 threw away my pack which eon tained my reserve ratiens so that I would be even smaller and for one time in my life J thanked the fates that 1 was not ft barrel chested si footer. Also my brevity comes in handy when I have to dig a temporary trench with my bayonet or my tin hat. The 'second day of the attack I go! hiton the foot and the finger when some Hun artilleryman got my address and when our outfit was relieved the next day I went to the hospital. One goid night's sleep anil a pack of Hull iMirhum cured me and when 1 read all of the bonks in the library of the hos Vital T hunted up a job. 1 am ni w the hauffcur on-a second rate typewriter In the headquarters office at the hos pital where 1 will remain during my (Continued on jiage three) HUWLER WILL HAVE With Chase After Her Hot, Crew Will Soon Return To U-Boat Washitigton, Aug. 22. That the tier mans who are raiding the mirth Atlan tic ci,at with the rap'urcd Canadian trawler Triumph will soon leave the vessel, blow- it lip and take refuge in itlie C-I)caf which made the capture, lis the belief of naval authorities here. The pursuit of the trawler is under way. but little hope exit that it will be recovered itita-t. The Germans, it is believed, know there is I ttle ebane of their esaapiog in the trawler, pursued by fast allicl naval vessels. For that reason it it believed the r-hat which eaotured the . Triumph i remaiiiing near at hand to j take off tho-e now operating the raider when ti allied chase begins to lok Ida LIBEETY BONDS EOOM New York. Aug. 21. 1 nitcd S'atcs ' wnu "-'" lvnds rea hi d liiU mark ot lo2 on ths stork ci-'i;i.j trtui;li( a teiv !Hit-rolor-ei tablc ag to lay. cb?h t May. REPORTS OF GERMANY MAKING PEACE MOVE CLASSIFIED AS" BOSH PI. I. Wt D..J A..U J , cue is UUl ivcduv iu yuii nmi When She is WiB Make Fact Known. By Carl D. Groat. (I'nited Press Staff Corespjnd.nl.) Washington, jug. 22. Auiei uaa of ficials today characterized as "bosh" various underground,'' reiorts that v-eru.any is nuua a wrm s-r ; Th0 state department disposed of the yaru with the statement that nothing. o. .o.ai uas come nerc n-K.ru.nK i.rr. In o her higher '"Y""1' J1' 11U1 ' propaganda of an old, familiar type. Its purpose, officials said, was to cause let dowu in American effort. The lo- che would have t"is nation reiax uiuier; the thought that recent victories .spell ' the end quickly aud that the Oermau is ready to quit. "That is no, the case, ' said prominent official. "If iieruiany ore j was oftinsive. But Oermauv, or rathei the: i people who run her aren't ready to'" '"I1""' inc imyer company, quit. If thy qui without a victouous peace, it would mean tho Hoheusollern bosses would be out of a job. "And, as fur America and her allies,' , , , , . . ... , ' wliv should we want to evcu listen to, a pc'acetaik? Wc havtf thctu on the run and victory is within sight. It wou'd bo absurd. You can mark up this peaco, chatter as,eniittn propaganda." American Masonic leaders today spur ned the idea thnt Masonry iu this coun try will lend itself to what is believed to be a peace propaganda move within the ticrmnn Masonry, A recent Masonic conference in Oer- niaiiy was thought to Ue uacKeu ny tne kaiser, who wanted American Masons to G. A. R. Select Columbus; Adams Is Commander Portland, Ore., Aug. 22. Claire B.. Adams, o.f Omaha. Neb., was today elected commander-in-chief of the 0 rami Army of the' Republic. J.' 0. Chambers, Portland, was elected senior vice com mander, and Charles H. Haber of Hampton, Va-, junior vice commander. Adams was elected by an overwhelming vote over F. H. llurd of Seattle. Adams drew the middle western and eastern vote and Hurd was given a com plimentary wet.crn vote. Dr. C. M. Fairin, F.sscx, Yt., was elected sergeant general, l'hiiip A. N.irdell of Massadiu setts was elected rhapluiu iu chief. ('oUiiubus, Ohio has been chosen as the meeting place for the G. A. K. in 11!. , n w Lois of Things UU He Liked it Front ' I saw lots of things w I, i I nil !the front but one thing 1 liked most ol I all wis the way tit fiermnns were run ining and the sped of our boys. It sure was great, " I It is this cheerful new that dri-or i nl it F. Young write, his mother. Mm. j Henry Voting of ruisl routo o. s-alem. I He is with the Ii2d Infantry in France. ! He writ 's in sirt as follows: I was up at the front the ether I day and was gone a week altogether. , I J-oiild hsve nicke l mi a lot of tier- I man relies but did tint want to carry I them out. I brought a flash light out Rut back to our compuny yester day and found tne ooys rrom nome an getting along fine." ABE MARTIN What' Uscn-.' th' l titwe mh ler tiiat used t' ehew a piece o meat be-, ;t f.h-babvf Mr.. Lafc l-c influenced by the Teuton orgaui u... I "The tfue Free Masons of the I'm ted I States do Uiit desire to aid in bringing about ay kiuj of peace except i'U as shall meet the full approval of the gov ernment of the I'nited States," said licorgtf, F. Moore, aoverign grand torn mander of the supreme council, southern jurisdiction, Scottish Rites Masons. He added the Americans will not be propa gandists. It may le said ther is a general ag- ,,,. mi(L ..teiet of ; m d A Wr M , k , a,lH)lllllliN,lfs lhc ambitious war power schedule nlready lroJc , , , fff f f UlllCerS Ot uCmian Company Arrested. Charge Conspiracy New York, Aug. 22. Charging that 1 .... concern recently seizeu oy tne enemy uHen pvoperty custodian, to the benefit f Ovrmmiv, federal officials here have , . ' ... , ,, arrested five officers of the Haver com ' l'a.V huv wer in wparate jails todav, placed there to make certain there would be no" eoinniuiiicalion bet- ween them It is declared that the Bayer company fearinur seizure bv the government, eon- trived before seizure came to enter a 'contract with a Providence company, I which it made it obligatory on the part of the Buyer company to buy the entire out put of the Providence firm, ensuring it an enormous income. This money it is charged, wn to be used to piirehai-e land iu New Jersey through which it was hoped to ru-es!ablish Germany's drug and chemical business nt the (ltd of the war. Company was Violating All Rules of Board Washington, Aug. 22. Recommen rlation that the individual contract sy. tern be abolished was made today by I tk. I..1 I 1 A 1. nir war moor ooiimi innci in I uv 1-011 troversy between the Umitli Wesson company and its employes at Spring field, Mnss. The board ordered that of union af men discharged because filiations be reinstated and paid forj all time lott. Collectiv e bargaining through c in mittecs selected from the workmen will be used to adjust further disputes be tween tho employes and the company All wag's and conditions of employ ment are to be regulated by commit tees of workmen und in case of a dis agreement, they are to be referred to the beard. An examiner appointed by the board will hear the differences which may arise as s result of tlii anard. Chairman Walsh commenting on the decision nid it was one of the mi .jt important cases yet decided because . - the company was flagrantly violating "'I.I..- ..;...'..l..- 1 1 I in- mir imir t 1 11 ' "i i u i.nii'i.) I Hull ijf ijmuir jif I 1 '? r" M m . i j i if 4 1 From Over There General Pershing'$ Official Report .The following casualties are reported bv the coinuiandiiig general f the Am- ernai! expeditionary forces: Killed iu action Missing in action Wounded severely I i f 1 1 of accident and other can lied of disease Wounded, degretj und Mt rniiiied Prisoner 21 Total H"j Killed in Action l,t. Orvnic P. Johnson, Albany, .vi.' heriteani, ( larence h. Miller. f)-h Lt. Elmer liurdettc Nelson, urc,j kosli. Vi it; Claieiiee A. Pierce, Hurling MX,. j'"'i, Iowa; Ig'iat Rajskl, Milwuiiket, Kcrgeant Samuel A. (ioMeiiherg.i W is; (ieorge W. lioodmaii, Hulisbiiry, N. Nciv loik; IMdie Lee, Narrow. K) I biiiles Keardon, Sharpsvillc, Pa, Corporal Hlwell )ti Cook, Kalamazoo Coiporait 1'lovd Ibbotson, )owngiac,:; Mich; Friink P. Raymond, Ki utuck, Mich; Morris j.yncbirk, Brooklyn, X.jMieli; Claire A. Wallace, Dunbar, W. y. ' ' A'"' Zopanric, llaekett, Pa; hen- Private Isaac Allen lUy Shore,: neth H. Mackloed, Rice Lake, Wis; Mich; Andrew Anrzea j. zk, Chicago; Un ! Raymond J. Meagau, NoMlihamptou, dolph W. IJerg.,iist, Kockfofd, HI; nar iMa.s; Joe K. A. Miles, Oxford, Mich; . i . u:..,.i.Ub,.. f,t- lir.iit f.ljou-ttli S'iedifiita. Turtiersfalls. Muss: Coltoii Medina. V V: Arrh II. V unite! i..,. ll,... rk- Mfr.l J Ciiiris I.ew'liest F. S. Iiioith. Soul liinif tun. ConntiJ. Mooncy, latior iston Me; Maik Ira lJuane, Meili n,' Wis: Kdwafd J. (ialaska, Milwaikee. Wis: Coy (iconic. IW,ton. Mas; Paul: Whet, West Franklin, HI; HylveaK M, Sander, fclsii-K, N. b; Helmet Stc er, Melb n, Wis; Darnel J. Wai . r, rs.j f Julian W. liahlwin. Fast Orang', N.J. Jobi! L. Bowi-r, 'itigt,n, t;a. ..-fie H. W wards, Ug Md, N.V. AMERICANS SEN D SUPPLIESTOHELP GZHOtOVAKS Red Cross And Allied Armies To Gve Aid To People of Russia. CLOTH'NG AND FOOD ARE TO BE PROVIDED Kind Treatment Expected To Solidify Russians In Fa vor Of Allies. Washington, Aug. 22. The allied na tions with Russian cooperation are rap idly formulating the ground work for the direct aid-to-Russiii program. Crea tion of an "entente council" at Arch angel with American Ambassador Fruit- ci as its president, lias been completed, A similar "council" is to be created at Vladivostok, and these two points for the time being will be the directing con tC4; for military and economic aid In northern and eastern Russia. The diplomats and Russian command era will constitute the council at Arch angel. At ludivoatok, Uenernl liraves will represent tho I'nited States! ('has. F.lliot will represent (ireat Britain, M. Malhudulra, will represent Japan, and M. Kegnaull, former French ambassador to Japan, will care for French interists there. .Military commanders of the allies, Rtis.da and Czechoslovaks will lnd scats In the council. These agencies will coordinate and di rect th work of nid which daily is in creasing In magnitude. The Red Cross will be the body through which distri tuition is carried on because throuul this body perhaps more than any other, can thr respect nnd confidence of the populace be commended. Ailititlonal troops are being sent to Vladivostok and the. French cruiicr Iversaint arrived to augment the allied naval forces. By Robert J. Bender (I'nited Press staff correspondent) Washington, Aug. 22. The American (Red Cross and allied armies In Siberia I will glvn the f irst economic assistance to the tienolc of Hiisilla. After Hie Brrival of (lenernl flraves, leader or the American forces at Vlad ivostok, the initial s!ep is to provide food and clothing to the ( Vecho Slovuk troops and to the Russian people who are in the territory to be puliced by the allied armies. The oii cniiiing bitter Siberian winter coupled with the chaotic financial sit nation in Itiissia, is temporarily hold (i;ig ii actual dispatch of the allied economic mission that eventually w ill assist Hiissian business to Its feet, Hence, f.rst aiilfoml and supplies will be distributed for the time being by the Red Cross. Vast stores of thise supplies are beginning to arrive iu - , . , . ,.....,! I t ...i i ion I ii on pil(e imii l" k Ilos, Hoiiiuii, Aik. Died from Accident and Other Causes ! Alphus C. Holey, Aluandrja, Vu. Nicholas Hijigiii", New haven, Conn, S j Severely wounded 1 Lieiileniiiits John F. Craft, Hull t 'Springs, Miss; C, K ,, , , , .,, Ihr.e, Kemlulv c, e, (,reen Itat.'Sis 2J. I nd. f'l'iienci. H. N..I.I.'. lireen Hal. Wis I ,, . , - , ., 1. Henry A. Itu-cke. Merlden. Conn: I hai. - F (ilusgow, Shenandoah, Iowa; Vein i,' Mi him, Viola, Wis; William (1. Moll, ! t'lianipaig'i, I'l; Hugh Mmith T!ionipson,iftlll mtt ,et,.ied bv a narrow margin ' MitlUMoogu, Teiin. Henry John Kh, Mar.hfield, Wis; Kr.'of the state supreme court denying I hos. Kavmoml Stirk, Marlboro, Mas. liugler Roman Hadowki, Milwaukce.jbing a rehearing, l-4 to Moon.-y his last Wis. r - Mebaeie I nis -ucie, Windsor f,ck. . f onit. , P'ivale. Frank W. A linns, We.t Min ; .1.. Ulnlii.r, Vt, VViliiBm V fit. f(,:,!.o.r,.,r! V ,ori IioiuviiiA Ci rio ( U la-id, ihi; Ar tlior.y I week, lhomaston, ) 1 'Contiaiifd on .aj two) MIAD01ECKS I1I80TA1I FIFTY ARE KILLED 'Town of Tyler Wiped off Map By Storm Sweeping Up From Dakotas. ELEVEN IN HOSPITAL PERISH WHEN IT FALLS Business Men at Meeting la Bank Building Buried ?n The Ruins. Florence, Minn., Aug. 22. Thirty on bodies recovered from the ruins of cy clone-swept Tyler, a small town in west ern Minnesota, had been identified shortly after noon today. The death toll, it is believed, will run higher. The evclone struck-before 10 o'clock lust night, cutting a w'h slightly mora than a block wide down the main street of th town east and west. It wricked cciy Important building there, accord ing to eye witnesses. IVatlm variously reported from 20 to 'M and Hie destruction of the cntira buslines, district of Tyler, Miuu., wi reported here today, following a tornado there lust night at about ulne o'clock,!! there last night at about 9:30 o'clock:. All wire communications with thc city was severed. Railroad officials, em I un voting to send in relief parties, had re ports that 2" were killed and nearly 11)0 injured. A heavy casualty list was expected because the storm occuned at a timo nlicn the business streets were crowded. Most of the wrecked buildings wine of brick, Increasing the liklihimd of many Injuries. " ' Relief parties liy train and automobile) were rushed from Pipestone and Flor ence, Miim," Hundreds of farmers hnr ried to the rescue, Mauy Killed In Bank Three hank buildings, five genera! stores, tho fire barn and many residenc e were reported destroyed. K. Anderson, reluming early today from a relief ex pedition, suiit 2i bodies had bee, recov ered from the debris in tho business sre tirtn of Tyler, The storm first struck two miles east of Klkton, K. p., pruccding in a north easterly direction, Anderson, after working all tilg'it la the ruins of Hie wrecked village esti mated that the death loss would bp mora than fifty. Kleveu patients of the Tyler hospital were killed when th? storm completely (Continued oa page tluec) VVILLMAKETHtRACE FOR STATETREASURER Has Received More Than 900 Letters . Asking Hint To Be Candidate. "I suit! that when I received luO't Ii Iters urging me to be an independent i iiiidolatii fir state tiia-iiier against Mr. Il'ilf that I would aunomico mv jcaudiducy," aaid Judge Thomas Y. 'llynn, assistant state tieasiiref, today ('Will, the number of letters kava Ipasu'd the 900 mark and it is a for- . I...; L.t I .ill I... . ....Ii. lUtflll' ,,!-llin.MI Llllll .11. . ....... kl BMUBrt. - . .. . i. .meiil and iiiw iir.i iu"ii.o. . , . . . . i..i..- ... k. . Republican nomination for ataU trcas iurer in the rei-ent urimarv election i,v o. P. Huff, the present Inhor com- nii.sioner. Judge Ryan said that Da vid Mason of Albany, who received the D' lnoi rtaic nomina'.ion f' r stute treav orer, had agreed not to accept tha nomination but instead throw bis up port to him. Supreme Court Refuses . New Trial To Mocney Sau Francisco, Aug. 2.'. The rullii s. .Mooncy. labor leader convicted ot emmJieitv la the preparedness day bow-' I chance for a new trial In i anror- aia courts. I Afle, reading yesterday of an elabor ate brief bv Attorney McVutt, in whieh he tated reaxins for the rehearing, tha e Cour. rule, I ilcuial of a new trial. T!, ettonievs state that the ease way be appealed to thtf 1'iiitcd States an- prc;re court. .