Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 21, 1918, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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ffi MM M
We announce
Our eastern buyers have secured an exceptionally fine
line of. these, and- we have them priced so as
to satisfy all.
LADIES' COATS in the season's latest styles, materi
als and colors with a big stock to select from. You
will find them from $14.75 to $47.50
DRESSES in best silks and woolens $9.90 to $35.00
SUITS to suit at $22.50 to $35.00
SKIRTS in plain colors or plaids in best silk and wool
en materials $3.98 to $9.90
Belgium Fete Success In
Every Way; Substantial
Fund is Secured.
The kitiser lust two hcnil and Ilin
uVnburg tin. car at the llcljjiuiu Pete
held yonterday in Wlllson park for th.
benefit of, tho Itetgluni biihlen, Anil in
eidentally in offering their face for
exhibit nt, five rents a Ihrow, both
materially increased the receipts of the
day. Hwatting the Kaiser ami llimly
wm gritut fun especially for some of
th. grown up children.
The Hilgium Fete proved most sue
eosnful in every respect, financially n
well aa in th. pleasure given hundreds
of people oil afternoon Hiul evening.
Thn park was appropriately divnrated,
' ""I"'
notio effort of the women and tli
niency, rolled In from every direction
forthe good cause I
The opening event : of the fete wn
ym imraiir or ino cnimrcn in tno ar-:
tcrnoon under the direcliuu of Mrs. T.
A. l.lvcidey. They were eiitlumliiMie
ailv received and the (loddes. of I .lb-
..t ...i ... iiumn iii.i.Kicu hvWt, , j,;, uihardl, l. Kaimicl, l
carelessly with the real Imlini.s and j. hiiplev 1(, w. Weber, Charles ,
Cuptaln K.ild and even a small lii.l-'fl,, c, T. Homer, Koltie Uvaileur. W.
tuli.ui of 1,11 Hart, hi'tle boys and (-. y,mnif, yH1 lVmi ,,,,, A
HiiKsiaa prince, were on an e.pmlitv HWgt,t j, K, Wtllli K u K,im,
with the wooden hoed lMleh and pHton. J. II. Hiee, II, A. .I.Onison,
Jrcueh flower gi.U J. K Hl.sveb.nd, Melvin IMimpton. Wil
i-he booth In wlueh ogne boys were iam Walton, K .1. lirown ('. I. Itutler.
old proved a winner ml by 4 o'clock , j. jsehuldermim M. O. Huron, .sev
in the ftrnnn the t.. k was sold out mour Jl(M, K- A Slll,tev, W. W.
with total receipts of rtiUO. These , Mll()rtf. V. 0. ttiehter, K, t W heeler,
proved io popular 4lmt Mrs. Chauucey J. V, Hih-p, (t. 1.. Turner, llnl l. lt
liishop who in charge of the booth ,, W. K, Auderson, Z. J. Kigus. Iler
haa ordered another eupply which will S(ilf o, (, i,., U,imer cimilh,
ocn be sold in down town store for jr, ,, S(.otti Ul( w Al.1(Sllll K K,
the Belgium babies. K.lwards. C. V.. Mlegmund, Henrv We-
The gmb bg was a!e popular Mixl , i..v ThieUen ami men from the Oregon
V1 "
Mlll.l .lilt ITi.H'Ul'A. ...I..,.,!. H I
hurrii-J heme on4 managed to keep a
,. ....i..,-,, 'Hii,,iiiir i.uim-1
upply on hand at rive cents per grab.
The children esccially appreciated the
rhsnce of getting euuietbing worth
while for rive cents.
The cake offered at auction material-
)y added In the receipt, bringing .tf.50
AfterwanU it wss sold at from S5 to
50 rents a rut, according i,i the ap-
petite of the buyer. Hungry customer
jaid the limit.
The Japanese garden proved most at
tractive. In fact busiucss was so ruh-
iug iu all bovtha and ottering that
yVil 1 liirtftL
o o
J .. TI-V4-1 m f is:V.
abuse the ones you have"
DR. 1 McaOlOCH, Optometrist
201-5 Bank of Commerce Bldg.
the arrival of a fine
'I " .
Portluml, Or.. Aug.
"Men uf the Grand Army of
the Kcptiblic, We shall will thu
Tliut. dveloration of C'uiiuiiun-
der In Chief Orlnnilo Humeri, of
tlio U. A. It. In the aiiuuul ad-
ilress at tlio eiieaiupment today
brought out a storm of cheers
tluit continued several minutes.
11 When Priissianixm shall have
been crushed, our nun, and oui
sons' sons will return to us ami
organise, nut u grand ai my of
the republic, but an iirmy of tlio
grand republic the republic
their fathers snved -the nipub-
lie our tons have glorified," he Si
said. "Then and not till thim
will our sous coma Into their
....- II , , , I
many wore sold out several times ami
even at 10 o 'clock In the evening one
patriot ie worker went home to replen
ish the nopply of ice cream. Fortune
telling blisineKi was also flourishing.
One dainty little ilnilie proved es
pecially attractive to the men who at
tended the fete. With a lament or
a . m .. ..,.i ... .Le
patriotism a willingness to d.mnle
tu the good e.. the f,.llwing were
pnlltte,l to owu the iluilio for a brief
moment while thev Inscribed their
name, and passed it on to the next
I III II I.iiiiLMlhln'r.r. P.jiiili Uo,.l l' VI
Aiocmn Hi-pot
New York, Aug. I'l. Willie Huppe,
world', champion H.'J balk line bil-
jiBr,i champion, has been ordered bv
his local draft board here to obtain
( mure iiwful eiiiplovmeut or be placed
in cIsmi one A of ' the draft. He has
appealed his case to the district board,
with the assertion that to change his
(employment would be a hardship. In-
asimn-'h as he is not fiitcd for labor,
Huppe has uccr done any manual
i labor.
Of postponing an examina
tion of your eyes if you feel
that they are not giving you
100 per cent service.
You can buy new glasses
but you cannot buy new
eyes. Can you afford to
line of new
$750,500 For New Buildings
While State Police Will
Take $568,000 .
When the stnto tnx commission meets
next Friday nfternoon to consider how
much money to raise by an initiative
bill to meet the needs of thu state it
will hnvo for consideration budgets
which total $9,515,137, which Is
0(15.4:17 mom than l in siirht for the-
next two yeur to run tha state govern-
. "
This total does not include the $1,
L'OlijllOd which would be needed by the
statu industrial accident commission If
the state aid fcuture was left iu the
workmen's compensation law, as the
commission has recommended that this
feature Is) uliminiiled by the next leg
islature, The amount of money which 'H ',e
available by direct taxation under the
six per cent, tax limitation during the
next two years is given nt ii,Ct(,ni;a,
while in addition it, is estimated tliut
foe and licenses ami other sources of
indirect lucerne will bring into the
stat-) treasury approximately tl,"30.0fl),
making the total sum available t7,io0,
000. In tht. vnriiius buik't'tg nre requests
for new buildings which total JT.W.tMO,
while $010,000 s to take rare of deficient were not satisfied until it was put out
cies Incurred in the appropriations for of business. This goo one better than
the present blcnniaio, and 5liS,i;stt is!tuP A'.banv blow snnke storv with a
for the state polie(, and national guard, claim of n length of 4tl inches.
Mnuv uf the ronuost f,i m.w bnil,ltn,a n
undoubtedly will be cut out, while, it is
expected the budgets will be trimmed
in other respect until the surplus de
mands uio reduced t() approximately
The requests for new buildings in
clude the following:
State fair board, new coliseum, 73,
000, Monmouth Normal, addition to
heating plant 000. O. A. C. buildings
to meet war emergency 30,000. V, of
u., woman s dormitory lOO.tHiO. V. of, is now iu the course of construction in
0., armory 100,000. Eastern Oregon j Morningside by the contracting firm
hospital, new wing UO.imO. Eastern j of Krixou and" June. The home is
Oregon hospital, new residence 7000 . for li. E. Andenum who came to this
Tuberculosis hospital, pavilion 15,000. city about one year ago from Iowa.
Tuberculosis hospital, superintendent Vile eame from Ft. lodire about a vear
resilience f J.uKi. linntiiti.ui for feeble i ago to look over the valley and liked streets. So far only one woman bas re
minded, new dormitory 110,000. Indus ! it so well that he invested in a five! "ponded to the call, bringing the tin
trial school fur girls, new dormitory : acre fruit tract at Morningssde and foil as suggested. The Patterson cigar
;.",i.i0. Peuiieutisrv. new cell house J also made other investment of fruit! store has been saving every piece and
100,000. Total 75t,:.00. j laud near Salem, He has already one) forwarding it to Portland where there
lVfieicncica for the present btenniom son in the service and another to go' is an active amaign for its collee
ar,. included in tlie budgets as follows:! in within a few weeks. tion. The suggestion has been made
Bounties on wild animals 10,000;! 0 that if there was really an effort to
Oregon slate hospital ItHi.ooo; t.iber-
miosis hospital iW0; state board of
health 1 1,1,000; Oregon social hyg'unc
society fio.uooj state industrial am ,
uent commission flio.oiHi; state lime
board fwtKi; state livestock sanitaty
board 7000; state imlic JW.lHHt; iu
dim! rial school for girls 70OO; siate
penitentiary ji.viMi; state traiuingj
9V II IH.t IIT UtiY. VI.,ll'M,
A marriage ttcens was Issued this
morning to lavid Atea Byertee, a
minister of Eugene and Miss Victoria
Ann Cave of Salem. Miss Cave gae
her home address a UJ Capital street
She is well known among musicians in
th city and during the pat year has
been i ia Eugene giving vwal !.-
All Around Town
Coming Erects
Aug. 24. Nebraska Assoeie-
tion annual picnic state fair
Aug. 24. Registration of men
who have reached the age of 21,
since June S, 19 IS.
August 25. Billy Sunday at
armory 2 p- m. for Salvation
Oregon IState i'air Sept. 23-2S.
of the committee of five, appointed at
. . , , 0 , I the last meeting of the club. Each cap-
"The funeral beantifuL-'-Webb ft tain or oommitu,e nmher wili appoint
Clough Co. ".two or more lieutenants to work with
0 h'iu. There is a general feeling that es-
Dr. Mendelsohn, the eye specialist, pecially at this time the Commercial
will return Sept. 1st. tf elub is mere than ever a necessity a
o , the state food administrition is hart 1-
We sell for cash. Commencing Julr brg all its work through the c!nb as
1st we will conduct our business on a
strictly easn Dasia. 1'atton s noon.
The maximum temperature yenter
day was 75 with a minimum of M last
night. As there has been no general ,
rainfall in the (Valley, the river is
fulling attain with a stage of 1.2 feet
below wa'.er niarke today. j
."The b3f Is all 7o can do when
death comes. Call Webb & Clough Co.
Phone 120. f-
Don't forget the dance at Lakebrook
tomorrow night. Eight miles north of
Salcin. j
0 ;
Bave all your cull apples, Uncle Sam
needs thu vinegar. We pay highest cash ;
price. Fruit taken after. August 20th. '
Gideon Stolz Co., near corner Mill and
Summer streets. Phone 29. 9-12
Dr. Schenk's offices will be Closed
from Aug. 3rd to Sept. 8, 1918. 8 3
Truck driver wanted. Gideon Stola
Co., near corner Summer and Mill,
i'hono 2G. . 8-20
Miss Ml'dred Bradbury has volun-
teered her services to tho local cxenip-
tion boa-d and 1 now on duty every
day. The work of the board is gradual-
ly becoming heavier, especially since
there is the draft for August 27 and
those to come along in September.
The Yorkshire Insurance Co. Is an
old English company, established away
back iu 1824 and now has'over $35,
000,000 in assets- II. A. Johnson,
agent. 9-3
Modern Woodmen attention I Regu
lar meeting this Thursday ovtning
Election of clerk. P. J. Kuntz, acting
clerk. 822
Director Steelhonuner says that while
he expects to lose a few of his band
men within the next mo-nth of so, the
organiwtion will bo kept intact and
ready ahonld occasion require a first
class band. On account of the draft
made by the war on musicians, bands
are a scarce article in the Willamette
valley outside of Portland, the Salem
baud being about tho only one still in
Dr. Schenk's offices will be ewd
from Aug 3rd to Sept, 8, 1918. 9 3
Dr. Mendelsohn has greatly Improved
iu lu alt It and will be at his office in
tho V. S. National bunk building Sat
urday, Aug. 31.
Everyone dauceg at Lakebrook, touor-
row night. Eight miles north of Salem.
This is a champion snake story and
is vouched for ns a true one. Yester
day, Hertha and llnrry Kkin, livhig on
tho Mark Skiff place in the. Keizer
Bottom killed a blow snake measur
ing eactlv four feet and six inches
The childreu iww it in the varil mid
Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Terwtlliger, grad
uate morticians and funeral directors,
770 I'licmikota St. Phone 724.
Will trade for unincumbered
city j
property, my 1000 equity in Improved
5 acre suburban home, 1 acre, variety
fruit and berries. Sightly location. It.
A, Johnson, owner,, phone 347. 9 3
A bungalow to cost about 14.000
If you nave any trouble with youi eyes ;
or glasses, lr. Mendelsohn will retnrn
from his vacation and bo at his office
m the V. S, National bank building Sat
unlay August 31.
A rki was sold for ti.1.50 at the
auction held yesterday by O. A. Boet
ticker en the Kola Xcis farm on the
Turner ud, aud the proceed given to
tne Belgium children. It was made bv
Mrs. Porter and auctioned off by F.
N. Woodiy. T. O. Bligh started things
rolling buving the cake for l.OO, Then
Kola Nen did the mine and by the
time tho suction was over, the Bel
gium babies were better off by $45. V
The first cut of the cake was bought
by Mr. Biij;h for l.0t and other cuts
scld at frvia 25 to 50 eents. ,
Word bat been received la the city
- 1 .....
tbat Will Camj.bcU youngest son ti
Tom Campbell, was seriously wounded
in France anil has been in a hospital
for the past two month. He is about
IS years old and enlisted frum l'cit-
eta 8t. and Silvcrton road. Bcturn to
Jdidget Market. Beward.
At a rf cent meeting of the member
ship eomniittee of the Commercial elub
if- was decided to district the city into
five D art each to be in charge of one
well as ether government activities.
Dr. Mendelsohn will be In his office
in the United States National bank
building Saturday, Aug. 31.
Ancient maga lnes are not wanted
J,v Ine b0Tg jn Frame-' Hence the post
office authorities have been asked by
trje Washington officials to let it be
known that soldiers read only the to-
test magazines. Those who have lead
iate is8U,,8 and feei lik(J Rivig thorn
to the boys over there, should merely
place a one-cent stamp -on each and
hand to the mail nian or lake to 1tu,
postoffice. The one cent insures deliv-
ery in Mtw York from which point
they are forwarded. But the depurt-
icnt will not forward old magazines.
a ,
The boys out in the neighborhood of
the asylum avenue confectiouary arc
feeling so awfully patriotic that the
appearance of the face of the kaiser on
a pter ndveitisement called for prompt
attention. T. G. Uligh, in advertising a
coming ic.ture at the Liberty theatre,
To Hell with the Kaiser. ' "had some
advertising matter sent him, part of
which was the face of the kaisr. It
was posted on the side of the confec-
tionary store, hut the small bov by
means if rocks and sticks made a tar
get of the face and now it is a thing
of the past. They just couldn't bear to
look on it.
When a bride, back in 1854. Mrs.
I.ouis Ainswoith, now living in Orange,
Calif., came across the plains from
Iowa to Oregon and settled in Jackson
county. She later lived in Salem and
two of her sous were employed in the
Iadd & Bush bund. Because of her
pleasant memory of this state, some
time ago she wrote to Miss Morviii,
state librarian, asking if she coult! ni t
make a gift to tho library. Mis-i Mar
vin suggested that she send n join mil
of her early trip Jo this state, which
she did mid it is now a part of the
library. She also sent a journal of her
husband's trip to California in 1S49.
Both are very interesting d-i uments.
Two automobiles both owned by Sil
verton people were stolen from the
down town district last evening. H. G.
MeCaU and family came to Salem last
evening to attend the final band con
cent. After the program, they went to
the Gray -Belle for refreshment and
whilo there' the car was stolen. They
finally rented a car and were taken
home. This morning at 1:30 o'clock
their Studobaker was located on north
High street. The other Silverton enr
was a Ford, taken from Liberty street
near the Commercial dob It was found
slong towards midnight. The police are
n,,t ,,nito sure whether the cars were
stolen by local thiives or some parties
from Silverton. Neither of the cars
were damaged.
Automobiles to the value of more
than half a million dollars are owned
in Mari.m county, according to the
books of Comity Assessor West. In
making in assessment of an auto, it is
customary to put it down at about
two thirds value. Ijist year, the antes
$4i!),250. and Assessor West is of the
opinion that the values will run about
the same this year, ignite a number
have been taken out of the county but
this is balanced by the new cars sold
during the past vear. Mr. West says
that he is now finishing the writing
of acreage and tow n property assos.--
I ment and the personal will be com
pleted in about two weeks. Assessments
in general have been about the same
as last ytsr.
Tinfoil collecting does not seem to
interest the patriotic people of Salem.
A short time ago word was sent out
that tinfoil was wanted and every
body asked to cvollect odds and ends
and bring them to the Patterson eigar
store, corner Commercial and State
collect, there might be sent to head
quarters a large amount
John Msuer, the machinist, is taking
a two weeks vacation.
K T. Flame sod X. S. Savage are in
Portland today attending to business
Misa F.fhel Swansea is among the
r'alem visitors at Newport.
J. W. Weiberel! ssd wife of Pert
laud are in the city guests at the
Best Quality, Red Fern
Mahogany, Khaki,
Our Prices Always the Lowest
PHONE 1072
Commercial and Court Sts., formerly Chicago Store
Enemy Is Repulsed
In Fierce Fighting Re
ported at Vladivostok
Tokio, Aug. 21. Enemy detachments
assaulted tloneral Kalmuicov 's tbnnd
and were repulsed successfully, said the
first official communique from Vlad
ivostok front today.
lho enemy is about 8000 troops near
Simicov on our right wing, says thej
fuiiiMiieiii, ami is installing niucnine
guns on rafts in the Usuri river.
North Manchurians welcome Japan
ese troops-
Tho enemy strength along the Amur
river (which forms the northern Man
churian border for about 800 miles)
is estimated at 17,000, including 0,500
Austrians and Germans, formerly pris
oners.of war.
In the region of Lake Baikal there
nre about 18,000 etiny troo-ps, in
cluding 10,000 Aiistro-Oermans.
There are about til,000 unarmed
Austro-Ucrmans, formerly prisoners in
the Lake Baikal region, and 3,500 a
long the Amur.
Nazimova's Play
Greatest Of Career
"Toys of Fate." What are any of
us but toys of fntef That's what a
man says when he is "blno," when
things will not go right, when des
tiny itself seems to balk him in every
effort. Iu t as Browning says,
"Sometimes the worst turus the
best to the brave
The black moment's at end."
Well, that is tho way it is with
Azah, the faseiuating gypsy princess
in "Toys of Kate," in which (he great
Russian artiste, V?.imoVa, stars.
When there seems to be no way out
when misery has taken possession of
her soul then comfort with its heal
ing power revives and refreshes and
love gladdens her.
"Toys of Vnte" is vivid, vital, dra
matic. It is the history of a child
ef nature, brought into contact with
the ways of civilization.' AzhIi suf
fers, rejoices and in tho end finds
happiness and heart's desire. The
great star, is at her best in "Toys
of Pato, " a brilliant companion-piece
to " Revelation."
Will be shown nt Ye Liberty the
atre, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
Mrs. Elizabeth Schenanman of Port
land, Oregon, 215 Kussell street, is
looking for her son John !$ehenanman
whom she ha not seen for two years.
She wants to know if he is still Hy
ing. He was working ,t the asylum
furm about two years ago. If any one
happens to know where he is now em
ployed, they would do a favor by no
tifying either the Capital Journal of
fice or writing Mr Schenanman at
Portland. She thinks her son is work
ing cn a farm near Salem.
Children Cry
- I
t Used FarnituTe Wasted 2 j
Highest Cask Prices Paid for 4 i
Tied Furniture t) !
Phone 841 er 508
The Commercial Cider
Phone 2194
' Salem, Ore.
Manufacturers of cider
to drink. Bring in your
ripe apples
Make, Colors White, Blact
Grey, per pair $225
Hopmere, Oregon.
Buy Grain And Hay
tracks for Sale at Warehouse.
It may be to your Advantage to
get our Prices.
And Ail Kinds of 2nd Hand
mil Market Prices Special
" Prices paid for Sacks.
Get our prices before yon seU.
271 It. Com'l St. Phone 754
Your Junk and give yon
a square business deal.
I always pay the highest
cash prices.
I buy all kinds of used
goods, 2nd hand furni
ture, rubber and junk.
Get my prices before
you sell
The Square Deal House
271 Chemeketa Street
Phone 398
Chilblains and All Diseases of the
Feet Cured
Foot Specialist
Corns. Bunions, Ingrowing Toe Nails
Removed without Blood or Pain or
Causing Soreness or Other In
convenience Special Attention to Antiseptics There
by Preventing Infection.
Appointments by Phone
Phone 416
Lady Attendant
518 V. S Nat. Bank Bldg. Sajem, O.
Halvoline Tractor Oil
High and Ferry Street
It nr utt tii !
ear of
Yick So Tons
Chinese Medicine and Tea Oe.
Has medicine which will (are
any known disease.
Open 8andys frost 10 a, sa.
aatil 8 p. m.
1S3 Sonta High 8t
Sales, Oregoa. Phoaa ll