OQ YOU KNOW WHY--- Yea Stall is Insured Bsfcre Your Lwre t ' if V-ri - nv - iTT JTsTHeL. C i cues then sevre as i? fMMWrV :' jp ,Sft Sjt . '! MMMMMMtMMM t It r A DTT i t inniUT i i n a cririnr- nrnr II QUICK REFERENCE TO FIRS THAT GIVE SERVICE ON SHORT NOTICE WHERE BUYER AND SELLER MEET WE RECOMEND OUR ADVERTISERS !S EVXKTTHINO aim Eectrie Co, Mejonie Temple, FOR RENT TOR RENT Business locatiun at 162 north Commercial, will remodel to suit tenant. See E. M. Kliiiger, 463 State street, Salem. tf BILLARD PAELOB for rent, with or without fixtures; will remodel to suit tenant; best location in eity. E. M. Klinger. 46 Stato street, Salem, tf OSTEOPATH IR3. B. E. WHITE AND E. W. WAL TON Osteopathic physicians and nerve specialist.. Graduates of Am erican school of Osteopathy, Kirk ville, Mo. Post graduate and spec ialized in nervous diseases at Los Angeles College. Offices r0-58 Nat Bunk Bldg. Phone So.. Residence, 1020 Court. Phono .2215. Dr. White Res. Phone 4o9. DENTIST IR. F. L. UTTER, DEX7I1 T, ROOMS 413-414 Bank of Commerce building. Phone 606. 1R. CARL MILLER DENTIST, ROOM 414 Bank of Commerco Building. Phone 606. , WATER COxMPANY flALEM WATER COM PANY Office" comer Conwurc.ial and Trade streets Bill payable monthly in advance. GENERAL REPAIRING THE FIXIT SHOP Let -is repair and Miarpen rout lawn mowers. 2C7 Court Phone 1022. tf STOVE REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 50 years experience, Depot, National nd American fence. Hizes 26 to .18 in high Paints, oil and varnish, etc. Loganberry and hop hnoles. SUni Fonce and Stove Works. 250 Court street. Phone 124 MMY HARD1NGS crimped the edges of - the fourth red rasp berry pie, pricked it with a fork and set it in tfre oven to bake. Then she went back to the knead ing hoard and gath ered up the rem nant of me crust !rrgh, squerztnir it into a little round Sail. There was enough to male tart isy.d Osias loved tarts. Custom, train ing arid natural instinct urged her to nuke the Urt But suddenly, with an angry movement, see swan bade the acre door and Amis; 1k dough as far as she could. It landed among the cue rant boshes. She gulped down a sob. "I eont care," she said aloud. T won't do any more than I have to after this. It Jvrtnt pay." Far off, but directly oopewite Her kitchen door, sha saw a strep rent of anany angles rising among the trees. "She dcra' have to make piea oa a ftot morning." Emmy thought wildly. "She isn't baking herself through and fhroogn with beat to feetf a selfish man The Capital Journal Job list of pleased customers. THE tHtMe Telephone Mala 1200 ELECTRICAL 127 North H?gh FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN On Good Real Estate Security THOR K. FORI) Over Ladd & Bush bankSalem Oregon FEDERAL FARM LOANS 5Vi per eent 34 years time. A. C. Bohrnstedt, 401 Masonic Temple, Salem, Oregon. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 250 acres, 100 in cultiva tion balance in pasture and timber Fine stream of water, good buildings end good road. 3-4 mile from a live ly saw mill town. Will take good house and lot in Salem aa part pay ment. Price $60 per acre. Phone 470 Square Deal. Realty Company. U. 8. Bank Building, Salem. 717 IMPROVED 10 acres, 5 mile from Salem, for rooming house not over $4000 Equity in 17 acres, for Salem residence, not over $3000, price $4."0fl 640 acres millions of feet of saw tim ber, plenty of water, 3 miles from aw milt on the railroad; good stock proposition. Will take $3000 in trade balance cash. Easy terms, $15 per acre. Soeolofsky. 341 State street 8-17 WOOD SAW. FOR A WOOD SAW Phone 1090 R 1 0 - - " U Q rv. era right. W. M. Zander, proprietor. 9-19j8WC0U SECOND-HAND GOODS BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE Men ' clothes, shoes, hats, jewelry, watches, tools, musical instruments, bicycles, guns, rifles, revolvers, suit cases, trunks, cameras, typewriters and furniture. Capital Exchange 337 Court fitreet. Phone 49. SCAVENGER SALEM SCAVENGER Charles Soot proprietor. Garbage and refuse of all kinds removed on monthly contracts anoT four carrfe brn- I K'less h isn't. She's sittinf warn pUre vor it's cool and the servants aie doing the work ' " for her. And she waasi't any smarter or prettier thwi 1 wa wbett we started out Only she got Fred Can and I tot Orias Hardings, It isn'r fnir And I'd tell the Lor ! Himself o if He asked me." She sank into a chair tie side the littered table and bowed bar head on her arms. Ever since Orias told her that Geor gian Cass had bought the old Tamer hotee at Chestnut Point and was rom insr into the lo-a!ily to live En.my bad not been herself. Ozia lad helped prepare the hoove for tW i" erwiit. II was a lapevhawKcr sad painter am! at night when te -ame kci.:e he tld Hwimy of th eitpcusive wrlc i:e was doing. That woman's ret all the rmmry we've bear4 lisx!, te rtmmir iiled. "She oVm't sief for er J!C." Whfn ti-e hsHsf wa ready Georsd asia cssssv m u! her eJcry tw pawess it Oner ot a Saturday evening aa Emmy came otst of the meat saarfcet with hr Sttaday roart under ber arm a r"T touring car had pasted ber, driven by a chauffeur in livery. Oa the bark teat DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 21. 1918. ' at reasonable rates. Yard and eest pools cleaned. Office phone, Main 2L'47. Residence Main 2272. LODGE DIRECTORY KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS MEET AT McCornack hall on every Tuesday at 8. P. Andresen, C. C. P. J. Kunts K. R. & S. MODERN WOODMEN- OF AMERICA Oregon Cedar Camp No. 5246 meet every 3rd and 4th Thur. eve, 8 o'clock in Derby building, comer Court and High streets. R. F. Day, V. C.j P. J. Kuntz, clerk. SALEM HUMANE SOCIETY D. D. Keeler, president; Mrs. Lou Tillson, secretary. All cases of cruelty or ne glect of dumb animals should be re ported to the secretay for investiga tion. ROYAL NEIGHBORS OF AMERICA "Oregon Grape Camp" No. 1300. meets every Thursday evening in Derby building, Court and High St. Mrs. Pearl Coursey, 214 Court St. oracle; Mrs. Melissa Persons, record er 1413 N. 4th St. Phone 1436M. UNITED ARTISANS Capital Assem bly No. 84 meets first Thursday of each month, at 8 p. m in I. O. O. F. Hall. Norma L. TerwiHiger. M. A.; C. A. Vibbert, secretary, 34Q Owens street. BRING YOUR TRADES I can match you. C. W. Niemeycr, Real Estate Ag,?ut, Canada Lands, 544 State OurWontAlswil. results Tfe; clear the nmjijaican atone will; a Maim iouma dosr in her lap sat Georg:ae. fespi ia ur widow's black. "She Tt J see. "Ww Emmy, bitferiy. "Tie Oh, I know ihs. feeh eWw n once site pick.-d brrve sod 'iM Amm to get naif ribbnws Iflcs mtsse. But fcat was tons, Imr sf. $nes) taca Cgtmrynni had k"""1 as I" ami ty and captivated a rich masr. aad turned her 'jack on tite way 'he ad cmne and the friends wh had ttn pakicd her. Siee t!e aiu Kiiwikc m4 nnrried her VaaTt uxl 'sstwa him ft ! 'rw9 a (w pita ike baU4 wumos ssn (ssr ths cwort taw her. fawww wtMm hs and ww nnnr; hrr Umkt had bimi raty and khe dsdu'! haw myr isrt one- 1st rww yery. Siinwhw h begun to frH that Orias and the haft were all to blasn. Oioe oetdit to hav able to n J c sn;e moaey with h be'p te gave hins. Thei wa a smUle smmd of (mark, at !b screen Vr and Emit f" lift ed her Si danrdiy. The rsssn foil of tmoice mssi Umhs si li' sasw a yssassv sharp upea nan as bia la at fees mi In a. J jiffs n Weiiioi? : TEE MARKET Grain Wheat, soft white 22.05 Wheat, lower grades on sample Out BOe1 ' Parley, ton $50 Hay, clover, new- $25 Hay, cheat, new $25 Hav, oat $25 Mill run Dry white beans . ... $mmr .7.grv Butteifat Burtcrfat .'. S3e Creamery butter .. 56c Fork, Veal and Mutton Pork, ou f jot 1 7(o 1 3'ic Veal, fancy , 15(ul 7 SC Steers " 7(7f9e Cows 4'64 Spring lumhs 11c Ewes ...4(j?6t Lambs, yearlings C(cj"c Eggs and. Poultry Eilgs, cash 43c Hi'UH, dressed, pound 31c 014 roosters 12ril3c I'ry" , Broilers, live .. , Hons, pound . Vegetables Potatoes, new, California Potatoes, liwul, new Onions, Walla Walla Slf.r23c 2 l(a 23c 120 4e 3e 44H 2Ve 95c 2Mi Cabbage Carrots I Touiutoi's, ciato ' Turnips . Beets Cucumbers 25(r 40c $3(3.50 lVi Cantaloupes . Watermelons (hapes ...1 $1.93 Casabas 3'-j0 Muskmeloii $2.25 Preen peppers . .. 10c Fruit Oranges $ Lomons, bor $8.5O9.50 BonunnH . Dromedary dates $8 Retail Prices Creamery butter .. (We Flour, hard wheat $53.25 Country butter , 55c Eggs, dor.en 45(3i)e Sugar sales limited to two pounds in Salem and 5 pounds to rural purchasers. For canning purposes 35 lbs. at one purchase. PORTLAND MARKET Portland, Or. Aug. 21. Butter, city creamery 54(7 "5c KKg, selected local ex. 48(aC2e Hens 2.l&)25e Broilers 27c C.iei 10 Cheese triplets 30c Daily Livestock Market Cattle Receipts 224 T beg ywir suHmv" ha eaf A "T waa sent to futd Un Uarnuigt and la gmt tier Un hVW4eaiss Nm mm4 and Sbsi k The ? ni mm nhrih.1 aaJ strflird bark fawen !e too, fiatrrsp efssMd lhaMta sad saad: "V v Vjtmrj- rVe fust learoed Scat ynse are Ura Oake rHrtfhasB aid rhssj tob ::ve wu ,dua gtil of my hasuia. Da, 4 a, mesa sssa spend tha far old timsfs aaka, Aty with nie. I'm dynsp sd OmsrY fail a GOIClAHA CASS The ane tin. Case I wan la tack as Pssaa yen, pn," essd fin a TB be eaadp in- si Wij & bnmrnsi t ssW rassnnanl uw mist Rwsy Iia8i0 nnt ed ffce enrhsm eedest Grntgfamk bad tern plamsdt Cenryiana wanted ber fn bad a stunt, nsssni ainsm bwnd. ba nswst en 8 aW oflnre ma essssan bsssa a bat irftrJem st ad bar ansa svirk. tfiossghaa (sx smmII c, and lu On Tone of market unchanged Prime steers $12.50(0)13.50 Choice to good steers $U(al2 Medium to good steers $9.7311 Fair to medium steers $8.73ui 9.75 Common t fr steers $3.7."((i 8.73 Choiceows and heifers $8.2.f8.?.'S Medium to good cows and heifers $.25(7.73 Fair to medium cows and heifers $.".2.a-6.S5 Canners $.12."(T 5.23 Bulls $3.25ftv7 j Calves $S.75(o 11.73 Stoekors and feeders $6.25(a 8.25 Hogi Receipts 231 Tone of market nnchanged Prime mixed $1950(if20 Medium mixed 19.50 Rough heavies $17.50 18x30 Pijjs $ 10.73m' 18 Bulk $19.2519.50 ' Sheen Rwelpt, U45 Tone of market unchanged Best lambs Hi 15 Medium to good lambs $1113 Yearlings $10(ri 11-73 Wethers $!ti 10.50 Ewes $7Ci WHOLE MILK We will pay $2.75 per hund red delivered at Salem. Price based on 4 per cent fat contents. Marion Creamery & Produce lompaoy Phone 2488 Salem, 0. SPRING VALLEY NOTES (Capital Journal Special Service) Spring Valley, Aug. 21. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Cooley, who are living on meantime Oi!a anC Ihj boy tbotitd see w-it it wtld meyn- to have to do without the hoiinrmmh-. Perhaps they voa'A appreciate her when she returned. She dressed htirrieO,. Something seemed driving her shoulder blades. In reality it was her own unrest and dis tatitfactinn. The duufleur opened the car door for her as courteously at he had ever done tor his mistress. Emmy's face and bearing earned her that. She sat down n tha luxurious cudiions, aware that her neighbors were pecking at her won derwifty from the windows. Vet it was not tnampti she felt so much as a grim desire to snatch something that she be breed dumid have been hers hy rights. Georgians was on the slips ot the big Sows, waiting to receive hrr. She look ed (gant and handsome, but her kit wm sswdial. She ltd Krrnny indoors -hiW the lirrte white dog plunged at hrr Tva seen the time when abe'd be 4 that ribbon he's wearing, Emmy "11 rVsr yon around first," (War g(wss m "then we'll have lunch and after that talk." After lunoWww they sat oa the broad ptasexv wftsw : uaaniing birds- were vt swas4n anos ran perdk henea. Emmy rssW aad eotJrd She wisived eae had susnefhtisp f nr aa tasssla ts dm Bat CutW snr krOnKfy antefc iW yw asova i iainnjr aik-4 CMWftssia ansVA "Osae; ami Wfry tAensW ir A9 aar fasjone) Crswa far this papsr Bt STAYTONNEWS (C.ipital Journal Special Servie.) Slayton, Or., Aug. 21. Mrs. G. L. Brown, and daughter, Mi Wava are visiting relatives in Portland this week, W. W, Elder sod wife are in Portland this week attending the G. A. R. con veittioti. Win. Duehatoan and Leo Frank came down fK.m Camp Lewis, Sunday for a short visit with relatives. The boys are warm jn their iiM for army life. Miss Minnie Kc river who has been in Port laud for sonic time returned home Monday for an indefinite stay. Mrs. M. J. Crabtree is visiting rela tives iu Salem this week. Dad Doll and wife motored down from Portland for the week end. They wore accompanied by George Hpauiui Who had been at St, Martins springs and Miss Annie Hpaiiiol who is working in 1'ortluml. Joe Siianiol who Is at Camp Iewls was also a member of the party. J. R. Gardner and wife, Kvrtte Oardner nnd family and Grant Murphy and family motored to Junction City numinr, , Frank Ferry who was quite seriau&ly Injured in au accident recently, was brought home Suiuluv from the Hospital at Nilcm nnd is getting along nicely, Mrs, Ida Hansen f BrnwnivllIH ! a guesf at the L. A. Thomas homo. George Warford was a Salem visitor Saturday H. ll.'sllkwortU waR in Tortlaud tlie a farm near HarrUharg, spent the early part of tlio week here vlxiting with their former neighbors. Their ton, Monroe Cooley, accompanied them as far as Salem, intending to enlist and was a andly disappointed boy wheu told that he could not, Warren Cooley id now in France, and Leo Coolny has been in tho service for more than a year, altho he has not yet been sent over. Frank Crawford has purchased Cleveland tractor and plows. Mrs. r. r. Clark has returned homo from the Kttlom hospital. Threshing has again commenced af ter the rain. J. 1). Walling returned from his place upon the Hnntiam, where ho has been for a fow dnys sealing his evergreen berries, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Purvlnn have pur chased a new Overland and a new iVird, trading their old Ford in on them, Capt. I. F. Clark Is In Portland at tending the national O. A. R. conven tion, which Is being held there; he will also vLsit hie eon, John, a prominent attorney of Oregon 'ir. Mrs. Jiidnoa of Salem is viotting her mother, Mrs. James rreneh. The Red ('rose auxilittry met last Fri day with Mrs. Chss. M. Carter. This week the meeting wll be at the- home of the president. Mrs. W, U.llenry. James French had the misfortune t lose a valuable cow Monday night. trimmed from the thnns. There's never anylhina; for me to dn save amuse my selft 'I'hey wy that's worse than work, and perhaps it is. I sometimes wish. 1 had four rooms and had to conk for Togo and myself." She lifted the dug to her knee, "lie's dreadfully old. .See, his even are filming, 1 stippos lie can't live forever, but I don't know- what I shall do without him when he dies." Emmy sat staring at hrr in astonish ment. Slie locked so inrffertual tome way sitting there with her hand on the dW silky white coat. "1 never thought miKh of 6V)gs," Emmy blurted out Georgian sighed. "Yon would1 If you had a little dog like this and he was alt you had la love, or that you could depend upon to love yott You hae a husband and sons, Emmy, and 1 ttrppota that sounds odd la yon. Hut, you sae, fin all alone in the world and always shall be till the day t die." "Yon could marry again," Emmy be gan. Grortciatw moved her shoulders, "Not affr the way Fred tied up my mom-y. And 1 think a good deal of my money. That's the penalty you pay for having had it. Yon can't live without it Some timet I think it has been more of a enrse than a blessing to me. Yon see, I'd never have marrsrd Fred if he hadn't been rich. There was somebody els" She paused. "Oh, pshaw I Thal'l stf past and fosse. Tell ion aUnet jwusnalf, Basnrn And Eammy tM hat, wwrminn nrad aft n nea snhjert,. how Cacti van sexridnf afa ssmy thrnogh eWkfc; ttwm ta an vassSsctoesan an SEVFN FlSuSf first of the week on business. Mrs. Roy Nednel and baby art guests at ttig Wnu Nednel home. Mr. and Mrs. Morley of near Suver ton were guest, at the hom uf their daughter, Mrs A. C. Thomas Sunday. Clias. Clark, editor of the Stayron Mail was a business visitor in Salem oa Monday. Mis Bessie Steward is visiting witk home folks, having come up fiom the Capital City Sunday, RAILROAD v TIMETABLES (la effect June second) 1AXEM- GSEB L1NI No. 73 Arrive at Salem.. 0:10 No. 74 Leave balem .....:u0 aAXEM. FALLS CITT WESTX1X 7:50 S.SS. 161 Lv Salem, motor. 198 Lv Balem, motor 8:S3tm, 195 Lv Salem, motor 1:40 p.at. Thxengd ear to Moaaouth sad A lie) 107 Lt Halem. motor , 4:15 bjs. 1H8 Lv Balem, motor 5:58 m Wj frt Lv Balam 0:00 IflS' Ar at Salem ,,B:10 I 14 Ar. at Salea -- , n ,lMm. 168 Ar at Salem .8:00 p-sa. IflS Ar at Balem B J5 pjaw 170 Ar at Salem ,. ..7:tfl pjsv 140 Wy frt Ar Salem S :30 a.m. TrtU leavt Arrlv ArrtH E4 'Portlaad Salem Kngea 1 8:30 am :S3aa lQ-ao aa Ltd- SS am 10. 11 am ia:SSps I 10:49 am 12:60 pm 9 1:08 pm 4:15 pm 6:S9pa 13 Ltd. 4:45pm 8:40 pm 8:60 ms 17 8:00 pm 8:07 pm Salem olf 18 0:20 pm 11:20 pm Balem Mir ft 11:48 pm 1:55 aa 6:50as North Bank Station (leavs Jeffertot Street 18 and 80 minutes later) Kurth bound Let)v Antra Bngeat Baton JL8:05am 4:35 am Trala Antrf Portlaa4 8:00 am :S8ami 11:30 a 1:55 pta. 8:48 pea 7:40 pm; 10:00 pal o. 7:18 at 10 Lid 7:85 am 9:45 am ' 1120 nm 14 11:20 am l:S0pm ,9 Ltd 1:55 pm 4:00 pm 10 4:10pn 8:80 pm M IJ UOpm 7:88 pea i North Bank Btatioa ( Arrlv $ Jefferae Street 18 minutes eaflinr) ,'LeSTt Ose raUls. COaVAWfl COBTtlOTUIKI Leave OorvaUls Arrive Salami 8:29 am Northhonnd....9 : 45 am 11:18 pia.Northbonad 1:30 urn 1:41 piu....NorthHinnd .. 4 (10 pm 4:10 pm.... Northbound... 8:30 pm 8:18 ptnNortibousd7;0S psa ' 8:38 em....Snnthbond .. 9 f!T ans 10:18 am....HonthbouBd..ll;38 am JI:S0 pra.Southbo ut ' pm 4:13 pm...Monthboand.8:40 pm 8:40 pmJ!nnttbonl 8:00 pes his hirh school class; how Tacit had ' a. nip for tracts running; and )tnw Mob had it in hit head thai he wanted to b a minister, "And your hatband V Inquired Grf lana, "Oh, I married him for love Emmp answered softly. That's he only way to marry. Teach your boys that," Gcorgiana said, with a far-away look in hrr ryes. There was a long pause and then Fin my stood up suddenly, "1 hope yoaH errnse me, Georgians," the tai,l "t must go home. I I've just remembered that I left tome pies in tfie oven and not a Ihinaj cooked up for supper, hip men folks will he raving "Oh, I'mmy t" Georgian cried pita mtsly. "I hate so lo have you go. Yon) nmst come again." -I will," 1 .Bimy profiused. Ae the car pained at her own does Emmy sprang out and ran Ulte a girl be ta the hoose.- Oatat sat at the t leared kitchen tnMa. busy with seeotmfs. "1 got thrtms;h thw job quiriter'a I rapeeted," he said. "Where have yoa been. Rmnryf Fjrimy stared around. "Wha dsarel thinKt upf she demanded. "Why; I guens tha boy looted after things. We had pie for lunch. I nevr eat ftner. Yon see ,we only left two." Emory looked at the two brown pie Then the fhmg be ante about ber hues band's nsxnb "FVe been vioiiinv; Genrf fctan Cass," tfcn said. "Ska sent for mn Aisd. CMas, I never bt my Ufa csmf home an enotyntad treat anywharf aa 1 bsww from be hottsa."