Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 21, 1918, Page FIVE, Image 5

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Bate per word Nsw Today:
Baca insertion - It
Ou wtfk (6 insertions) 5c
Om month (26 insertions) ... 17e
Ths CapUal Journal will cot be re
sponsible for snore than one insertion,
for errors in Classified Advertisements,
lead your advertisement the first day
it appears and notify ns immediately.
Minimum charge. 15c
WOMAN wants work by hour. Phone
1048J. 82J
HOK8E for aale cheap. Thou 47F12
SOCK pullets for sale. Phone 505W.
8 2:
FOB SALE Milk cow. Phone 34F13 af
ter 6 p. m. 8 22
STENOGRAPHER will do eutside wwk
in own office. Phone 282, 8-21
COME aad get vour peaches for lees
Wallace road, box 10A. 8-21
FOR 8ALE A good gentle driving
horse. 2675 Highland Ave. - 8-22
FOR SALE Bartlett pears, 73c per
bushel. Phone 15F12. tf
$800 TO LOAN on real estate aeeuri
ty. Rt. ?, Box 111. 8 24
FURNISHED flats for rent. Call 1737
W. tf
WANTED Veal ealvifs and fat cattle.
Phone 1576W. 9-8
GOOD pasture for tows on the L. K.
Page estate. Phone 44F22. tf
COL. W. F. WRIGHT, the aoetioneer.
Turner, Oregon. Phone 59. tf.
WANTED An elderly lady to assist in
small family. Address B care Journ
al. . 8-22
FOB SALE Pears and Red Astraean
apples, 50c per bushel; Gravcnstein
7.Te. Phone 71F22. 8-22
WANTED Boom ia private house, to
store furniture and books for the
winter. Phone 1676.
30 HEAD ewes for sale, or might put
on shares with right party. Phone 115
or 1204 evenings. 8 24
FOB SALE Or trade, 5 room house
for house and barn. Inquire 260 N
15th 821
SALESMAN, collector wanted for Ma
rion and Yamhill counties. Call 333
State. 97
GALE & CO. require the service of two
experienced salesladies for their dry
goods and ready to wear dept. 8-21
LOST At Willson park, a crochet hand
lag, during band coneert. Return to
journal offiee; reward. -23
WANT To sell or trade half interest
ia furnished apartment house, 44
rooms, full of tenants, to some one
that will manage the same. Box 333.
Balcm. 8 21
I Ail in the market for a 6 or 7 ruoir
modern bungalow or house, must b
bargain. Box 164, Salem, Or. 8-22
WANTED To trade good lot ou paved
street for Ford, must hp in good con
dition. Address R. W. care Journ
al. 8-24!
C AC'lti all in cultivation, house,
barn, in prune district, 7 miles south
of Mem, on Pacific highway. Price
$K0P. lenr.s. Call Modern Bakery.
PROPERTY in Falls City, Or., to trade
for residence in Salem. Write to Box
133, FalU-Gity. 8 23
FOR SALE 7 room house and four lots
at your own price. Will take auto as
first payment. Phone 815. 8 22
sale fruit and produce business. Ap
ply at Salem Fruit Co., 267 S. Coin
. mercial 8t. tf
WALL PAPER 15 cents per double roll
upward. Buren'i Furniture Store, 170
Commercial. tf.
WANTED Man and team, can make
from $8 to $9.50 per da v. Call phone
51 Turner. tf.
aingle rooms, nicely furnished, at
633 Forry street. tf.
TWO aad three room furnished apart
scents. 491 N. Cottage. Pbcne 2203.
FOB SALE One 10 horse power, high
pressure, horizontal boiler and one 8
horsepower spright. Enquire at Com
mercial Cider Works. tf
SPECIAL If yon ean offer fror
$10,000 to $12,000 worth of good city
property in any of the eoaf cities, I
have a real cracker jack of a snap in
acreage to offer yon. But it requires
action. C. W. Niemeycr, 544 State
street. 8-22
FOB RENTWO acre farm 2'i miles
west of Dallas; stock goes with
place; 135 aeree in cultivation, hsl
anto pasture, large dairy barn, silo
as 4 good iatprovemesta throughout,
water from mounts in stream piped
to feuildiagt, also naed for irri ration
Befrenee required. See B. P. Boise.
tS Breymaa block. it
MM t
WANTED Prua- pickers, and help in
dryer. Phone 107F11. 8 27
WANTED A good second hand bier-
ele. Phono 1236R. fl-jl
IX) B SALE Picked Gravenstcin ap
WANTED A woman to tare for inva
lid. Address 2090 Ferry St. 8 21
I HAVE a cash buyer for a goed pruuo
orchard. 1. W. Aiemeyer, o44 State.
n i cu r, oman to manage small
cafeteria for few days. Phong 2208
f o nt
PEACHES for short time only. Call at
orchard or phone 56F14. M. C. Pet
teys. tf
MAN wishes 21 hours light work after
2:30 p. m. Harper, 1768 Ferry. 8 22
PLACE your order for cheat seed, "Hub
bard farm, Garden road. 8-24
FOR SALE On easy terms, 17 aeres 3
miles from balem, 10 aeres in culti
vation, balance stump pasture. Phone
owner, 2440. 8 21
WANT partner in good raying busi
ess with $500, lady or gentleman, se
curity given for your money. Box
333, Salem. 8 -2
BOY wants work on farm. Good honif
wanted more than anything, over 15
Good worker. Write or call 1035 8
13th St., Salem, Or. 8 22
FOR SALE 1914 Ford roadster or tour
ing ear 1300; 1914 Studebaker $375.
Highway Garage, 1000 S. Com 'I.
Phone 335. tf
ALL KINDS of store fixtures for sale,
safe, button making machine, hat
eonformer, shoe button machine, etc
Stockton's store. 8 23
FOB SALE For $275 Studebaker, 20
u. p., has electric lights, generator
and storage battery. See McCall at
Capital garage. 8-23
WANTED Lady office manager, per
mancnt position to one qualifying
Address, statin- references, salary
wanted, etc. ABC care Journal. 8-2?
WANTED Hop pickers to pick early
and late hops. Picking will last from
20 to 25 days. Hops good. Yards clean
Will start picking Aug. 23. Phone 8F
25. J. A. Kriebs. tf
FOB 5Vj p?r cent farm loans, see the
Marum-Folk county national farm
loan association. W. D. Smith, 303
t&lem Bank of Commerce bldg. tf
5 GOOD men wanted for factory work
long job at good wages. Call at room
303 Salem Bank of Coui. bldg., or
Dhoiuj 482, agent, W. D. Smith. tf
I WILL pay up to (2000 cash for 10
acres of sandy loam sou not too fai
from Salem. If I do not receive a)
offer before Saturday the 24th, I will
look elsewhere. Write Box 13, Jour
nal. 823
FOB 8ALE At bargain, 6 room modern
bungalow, large log, garage, one block
from paved street, 2 blocks to car line
An ideal home for little money. Ad
dress A. J. 20 care Journal. . tf
FOR RENT One bungalow, 5 room
modern, $H; one 7 room house, good
shape, good garden, $7; one 7 room
strictly modern, Court stre"t, $22.50;
one room bungalow, S. Cottage, $S;
oi.p (i room cottagn, U'ih St. $H. Bee
G. W. Laflar, Hubbard bldg. 8 21
GOVERNMENT needs 20.000 clerks at
Washing;on. Examinations every
where in August. Experience unnec
essary. Men and women desiring gov
ernment positions write for free par
ticulars to J. C. Leonard, (former
civil service examiner,) 1039 Kenois
Bldg., Washington, D. C. 8 24
FOB SALE Or trade, improved- 330
acre central Oregon stock ranch,
riillit siie for party with limited
means, number one water, good
neighbors, near school and town and
creamery. Also near wood and saw
mills; would consider acreage or town
property. Address 441 N. Church St.,
Salem, Or. 84! 1
FOR KENT 10(10 acres river bottom
land, or any portion thereof, for one
or more year. Terms ensh. We would
prefer renters who wish t grow veg
ctablcs, as we now have vegetable
drying plant located On ranrb. Ad
dress E. Clemens Horst Co., Inde
ptudfnee, Or.' 8 31
FOR SALE Five peasenger Beo. All
new tires. Fine nechani'al condition
Fleet rie equipment, with starter.
This ia a sacrifice sale and if yoa
want first class buy cheap, csll 61
and ak for Mills, or see car at North
westers Garage- tf.
CBAWFOBD -csnaing peaches now
rca.ly. Order immediately, crop light,
short season, quality fancy. Each
mund's orchard 5 miles north of Sa
lem, in Keiier bottom. Plion- tl. W.
Bowden, foreman, farmers C&F3. Bring
Vtur boxes. tf
GOVERNMENT WILL hold civil serv
ice examinations in Baiem ia Aojust.
20,lXiO women clerks to b appointed
at Washington. Experience unneces
sary. Wewra drwring jfVcrasvat
cb-rkthips write f' f'e particulars
to B. E. Terry, (timer civil service
examiner), 315 Columbian building.
Washington. 8 23
"SlrS RJS.
Phone 1423M, C. W. Emnxtt. fi-23
1400 lbs. between
Addrtss H. Honkola, Salem, Or. Kt.
. 8-23
FOR SALE Late 1918 rerd toot in
ear, run less tana 3000, lots extra im-1 No machine gun company will be
provenieats. 21. Phillips, state kP-!orgaBiKd ia Salem, st least not uatil
"i two companies have been organised and
FOB SALE Violin, Stradirariotrs swh- "P"4 ,or tt Ongau National
el for orchestra, loud tone; pricfif-JOnarA Thio was definitely decided it
It dollars. Inquire at city fire de-ja meeting of the general staff held
partment. yesterday in Portland.
J As the authority to organise mac-
LOST Medium sixe, black leather iae gun company in Salem comes tross
traveling bag. full of personal effects,! the general staff, this means that ef
ineluding 1 50 liberty bond, 2 war forts ia this line in SaJem will be
stamps, a letser addressed, F. E. Cum-j abandoned. The general staff also de
alings; liberal reward if returned tojeided that owing to the present lack
this offiee, nod no questions asked. of equipment and trained men aad
F. . Cmtuaings, 441 Nfhatt'H Ave., officer-, thai but one machine gun
Portland, Or. 8-19 Company could be organized for the
j Oregon National Guard and that aa
NOTICE 'there was but one offieer in the state
To whom it mar concern: You aTejinstrnetiajr in this work, it would bo
hereby notified that John W. Schwa- recruited ia Portland- Tho one army
baucr and Mary Anna Sehwabauerloffieer competent to instruct a machine
hare made application to the county . company ia now instructing at
court of Marion county, Oregon, to! ancouver.
have their names changed to John Bow- The general staff also decided that
crs and Marv Ann, Bowers; Also to!,h headquarter company, supply corn
have the names of their two sons chang-'"-! ud mwcbine gn company should
ed from Oliver John Schwabaucr ,! formed at regimental headquarters
Oliver John Bower, and from Clarence!'" PoJ,1ml- """,,"r-T
John Sehwabnuer to Clarence John nv k"? in f rmt1 mt, ,3.fu"
Bowers and vou are further notified 0KVT .V'n T.Vf T
that this .otic, is served pursuant to "ft 'Viti. !
an order of sail county court 911 M Although several c,t.es have applied
v l -n
Attorney for Petitioners.
t State House Notes t
The state desert land board today re
ceived notice from Clay Tallman, com
missioner of the general land office,
that he would defer action on the
state's application for aa extension of
time for the reclamation of the land
included ia the Paisley irrigation pro
ject in Lake county until after the
supreme court has finally passed on
the Chewaucan river adjucation case.
The court has granted a rehearing on
the motion of the Chewaucan Land
Cattle company to dismiss the appeal
of the Portland Irrigation Company in
the water case.
Permits for burning slashings In the
timber may now be obtained from dis
trict fire wardens, as Uovernor Withy
eoaibe, at the request of State Forester
Elliott, today rained the ban against
fires for this purpose. The recent
rains have practically eliminated all
fire hazards.
Hall & Solen, contractors for tbo
grading and in a on da mixing of 4.8 miles
of highway in Lane county, have
thrown up their contract because of
financial difficulties and the ttato
highway department has taken over the
work. The contract price was $84,000
and it is estimated that about 35 per
cent of the work is completed. The
highway department will do the work
under force account.
Articles of incorporation were filed
today by The Portland Times Publishing
onipanv of Portland. It has a capitul
stock of $2000. The incorporators arc
W. D. Allen. J. A. Merriman, Win. A.
liagctt, ueorge r jioore, . a. w:e,d,.r ,n(1 gubatitutu.l a patriotic book.
J. 1). Emery and r. Richardson. The j,, ,r buuk from
- . . 'Tillamook and Haker counties. In
J. P. O Bneu, federal manager 10 Tillamook eountv the school lihrary
Oregon for the railroad administration, ifu(( BmuI)nlf(1 ,f,prinately $1 per
has been requested by the public aer- I ,,), kM ,h u ..,.. ,,;,,.,
ivice c out mission to allow patrons on
! lira n i-li or feeder railroads 24 hours i
iextra free time for loading ana un- hr tr sii st .
! loading cars under the demurrage rules. jjy ) JJ HSUOaS
;The 'main line roads are allowed 48;
hours free time, uud the ruuiiiiiMioa
points out that putrons on branch Binds
i cannot, handle the cuts within that
! pcniug day of th Oregon state fair
E. S. Zack, chief of the highway this vrar, according to an announce
department of the Russian mission on jnient made today by Professor J, A.
ways of communication, is expected t': ' Hal!, who ha been requested by the
rea -h Haleiu tomorrow in connection tae fair management to direct the
with his tour of inspection over toe 1 patriotic program for that occasion.
Oregon highways. His headquarters ; A large Aim-ii' su flag will be raised,
are in New York and he has been trav-:with the Hugs of other nations he
eling west by automobile. State Hiifh- ineatb. The flags of the other nations
way Engineer Nunn will accompauy t,P raised by former citizens of
hi in over the Columbia river highway, those nations. A patriotic celebration
' iis to be held in the auditorium at the
Dn-ntncl I?fffl1l PW ' fair T",r, wi!l -"'
Ubliiallu LIUaI 1 stjf singing, short addresses and a patriotic
With Men For Work r'1-
London. Aug. 21. The deadlock io
the conductorettes strike continued to-1
dsv. A few women on the tube trains!
also have quit working, but not enough
jto scrioiily interfere with .rsffic. Be-
fare now idle. !
j Reescnttive of the government, j
the unions and employers met this after j
jnoon to confer, following adoption of a i
;reso!!i-!on r,y tne worsen. iiemeHuing ,
jan immediate s-ttlesuent on the basis'
or eqnai pay sn.i r.,u.
O.ieago. Ang. 21. John T. M-Cotrh
eon and Lieutenant Lee Hammond, ea -
jval aviator, wr to attempt a return
flight UHlay acroes Lake Michigan. d'-j
spite their a'Cid.-nt of yesterday when
tb"y were lost in mid lake. Engine i
i tl 1 a .1 1. 1 ,i. .. i
; OWU"lf e"ru iucii ;'iiw'i.iir iv
Vi to the water where they were buf-
; f-ted f ir twe hours whn they started
f'r Michij-SB. Finally retasiii fSiLt,
thir found their cmpss refused to
work. THey at length irhcd sh.fe at
fi-.4 TVvpr.e tT, fs- tf le -nrh.
Children Cry
mi gu:;ners
sxjOnlj One hstnictcr Ia State
U)ip2ryVfU tic reined
la Porthni
iiot auiauruy 10 raise niMcnni- guu
company, none have been given author
ity. It was decided that Salem should
at once begin the mixing of one com
pany of volunteer for the OaVgon
National Guard and as soon as this
company was accepted, to open en
listments for a second company. Lisa
tenant Colonel Woolpert was appointed
senior officer of the first regiment
outride of the city of Portland and
will have charge of the recruiting in
the city, to begin at once.
Nebraska Names Its i
Choice For Governors
Lincoln, Neb., Aug. 21. Returns in
yesterday's state-wide, primaries from
about one fourth of the precincts show
John J. Moruhead, former goveraor ia
Icadii.g Bichard L. Metcalf by twice the
number of vote.t for the democratic nom
ination for United States senator. Sena
tor George W. Norris is in the leau for
the nomination on the republican ticket,
being closely followed by Charles 8.
Bloane, and Rom L. Hammond. Gover
nor Aoith ieri!le has a long lead en
Charles W. Bryan or the deuiocrMtio
iviniiun'ion for K' crnom. In the
publican race for e.nemor. there was no
contest, Samuel K. McKelvie getting the
Nearly $20,000 Spent
For School Libraries
Approximately 42.000 books, costing
$19,41)9, have been ordered by Miss
Cornelia Marvin, stute 'librarian, for
the district school libraries of the
state. The greater portion of those
boohs are of a patriot in nature. One
school district, however, ordered some
German books end Mine Marvin said
sho eliminated that portion of the or
taI uf 1( tt,u ,U,jj,
, 9 ,
Will Open State Fair
A "dar of a!l nations" will be the
! C.i!t.. fit n,-
i, LAUiiitUCS VI
fif 1 I f t J
VI AR" JUIiC tl. null
Each Stater Quota
Washington, Aug. 2. Provost Mar
,a Uenerai trowdi-r today atliuUil
j.-j, j , ww ,av ri s.lied their
lt(.,y fltt i.ind.jy sine June 3,
16jl( 8!((J U( cf l(,,re August 4, will i
i(,Hr nfIt Haiorday. Of these ft W
ImIuvcI 50 per cent rrf the registrants:
or approaissately 7,',"'0 men will be'
available for class one. j
The estimate by states include: !
Arizona ''' i, Aikarn.s -kLi, t'alifor ;
;ni - Colorado 134.1. Idaho fiU, II
,inoi SM Indiana 423. Iowa 12,,
Kansas 2rtCl, Kentucky iuvi, Ixtuimna
j,, nuhkt ;.yt Minnew.tn W,'i
Mii,.;,,.,j vr Mi-'uri 540, Mon !
tana VTrsiri Z-JlTt, v.l IU;
New Mexico Nr;li Iwiula l'l&n,
OktRliB:a 3i-'S, OtfU'ja f-, South Da
kota 1-"1, Tmnere 7. IVxas 7X"i.l,
I'rah s'.l. Waahington Hill, WiscoBsin
431, Wyoming 325.
Children Cry
More Than 4000 Tons Stored
Prices Forced To Doable
That Last Year.
There i just a suspicion among men
who are feauliar with the hay market
that Portland konees are speculating
in any, especially in the upper valley.
It is known that at several warehouses,
Portland buyers are storing hay, with
-Cuil tons in one warehouse, liM) in an
other and 400 ia a third.
This probably sjculatioa is having
the effect of gradually p ishing up pric
es until uxtay hay is worth wholesale in
the asnraet from $25 to $2 a ton, wit
a retail of about $30 a ton. The rveult
is that dailies and other slock inter
rst ar obliged to pay today exactly
twice tke aiaouut that hay was quoteu
for at this time on yvar ago.
Indirectly this buying of hay aad
storing in large quantities has increased
the price Of butter and milk as today
both th priee of bktterfat and butter
have been advanced.
There is a government food adminis
tration law that provides that hay shall
not be purchased in quantities in ex
cess of the need or requirements for W
days. It is pretty well understood by
inoH in the hay market that thu sim-u
lativa element in the upier valley has
worked a hardship on all dairy 'inter
ests aa well as those having, stock to
ievj ana tne average consumer gets in
on the extra price that will now be ask
ed ur butter and milk product, of all
kinds. It is well known among buyers
that this com, it ion exists and there 1
swu. speculation as t why the food ad
ministration has not taken note of the
matter aad endeavored to prevent stor
iii ia warehouses bcyon,! the 80 dnv
r i n ti-.
vuiui iiuuse noies
Jn the case of A. K. Meek against!
Win. T. Mntloek ami T.n.lmi.. A Vint.
loch tke defendaata asked the court
for a decree releasing front the attach
ment the 8. W. ,i of section "7 an. I
the N. W. Vi of section 34 of town-
snip o, soum or range 13 east, for the
reason that the lands were part of
the public domain and title remained
ill the I nited States un ia Aiimi.t it
1916. This is asked nu tl- I... I. r
an act by Congress that no land ac
ouired from th lrnt.l fttnfo nnA
the provisions of the act should become
liable for the satisfaction of any debt
contracted prior to the issuing of tbs
Leon Yates has filed papers ask
ing for a divorce from her husband
Bert Yates who Is now in the county
jail charged with assault and intent
to kill. She relates in her petition that
they were married Jan. 31, 1IMI5 in
Multnomah county and have one child,
Crystal Yates, age 11 years, now in
her custody. She alleges that he
threatened to kill her and the wliolo
danrh family, that ho struck her, lock
ed ber In a room and was so cruel
that she was forced to leave home.
While employed in Haleiu, making her
own living, he entered her room on tin
night of July 31 ami attempted to
abduct her and she thought to kill
her She asks custody of the girl and
-'." a mouth fo tho girl's mainten
ance, They lived on a rented farm near
In the matter of (lie est ale of Phillip
lllover, it was agreed that the time
for filing the final account and dis
trilnilii.il uf the tte should be nu
ll tided to September 20.
Rachel E. Heeder, administratrix of
the cstntn of W. O. -lerrifiuld riumrt
c 1 to the county court receipts amount
ing to $InIH.;i,) and disbursement of
exactly the Mine amount. Thm in
cluded the complying with several be
quests. The final hearing was set for
Kejjt. 23,
liegina R. Perkins, aduiiiiitratrit of
llio ei-tate of (hittlinb llirwh requests
the connsy court Ho apixnut A. J
Itanick as guardian for the two minor
children, Richard age 10 years and
Kdwiii llirsch. age M,
Kiihraim Wieimrd, administrator n
(the estate of James B Iigh, netttinned
the county eouit for permmsion to sell
personal property.
t.'hicagq, Aug. 21.lr. Victor E. Ima
ger, bontenant in the dental reserves
wsi a suicide her- nxtsy. Melsnelmlij
induced by bis failure tn active duty
f ii the cause assigned by friends.
; Army Shoes-
The Army Shoe made on the famous Munson
Last is becoming as popular v ith the civilian trade
I as it has in the army.
The broad toe made with soft cap and the solid
heel all tend to make the most comfortable style
you can wear.
We have this shoe made in several different
grades and in a number of shades. Black lace and
mahogany. Splendid values $3 to $8
H$M$ MM $
Trolly Wire Played
With WoultRIe Smade
Los AngeWs, Cat., Aug. 21. - E. P.
Michsncr, traveling salesman, was re
covering today from a slight cut tm his
head and a bruise around his waist, sus
taiued when lie leaped from the seventh
: f- -j 1
jiiijss i -ir".- K - ' f . " ' S 'i
Xi r 1
V.-. , . . . ri
- r . II
1 1 t
plksii (iKomii-rrrE makkm ttisirou table mkamtuki-: fiuh k.
4 (rocs f flesh gM.rg-tte in lws $ delightttil licst'h comfjantua, and t
per ui I lj- when it is licaded in pretty pn.k mud blue and finished wita a largo
gird'e. ' "py right, I'ndorwood a I'nderwMod
with the Great
story uf the Pacific Electric building.
Mielteucr's body caught on a trolley
wire and was thrown into th air, only
to land on another wire and then fall
geutly to the sidewalk.
Itespondonry over the death " of his
wife, who was a buyer for a San Fran
cisco fur limine, caused MtcbCnor to at
tempt sululdo.