(The aUn .VpittU Ifoumat TUESDAY, AUGUST 20, 1913. EIGHT MMMMMI moil MONDAY'S 5 O'CLOCK EDITION 1 I) It I 2i We announce the arrival of a fine line of new j JJJ JJ'Olindl ToWIl LAD ES' COATS, SUITS, DRESSES and SKIRTS Our eastern buyers have secured an exceptionally fine line of these, and we have them priced so as to satisfy all. LADIES' COATS in the season's latest styles, materi als and colors with a big stock to select from. You will find them from $14.75 to $47.50 DRESSES in best silks and woolens $9,90 to $35.Q0 SUITS to suit at $22.50 to $35.00 SKIRTS in plain colors or plaids in best silk and wool en materials $3.98 to $9.90 !: , k i ; ! Coming Eyents TOMGHT August 20. Final Cherrian Band concert of season Also Belgian let. Aug. 24. Nebraska Associa tion annual picnic state (air grounds. Aug. 24. Registration of men who have reached the age of 21, since June 5, 1918. August 25. BUly Sunday at armory 2 p m. for Salvation army. o "The funeral beautiful.' Clough Co. .Webb tf Dr. Mendelsohn, .the ey specialist, will return Sept. 1st. tf o- About 30 mora members of the O. A. K. and affiliating bodies left this morning over the Oregon Kloctrie for Portland, making a total of about 130 who have left over this road, ....We sell for cash.....Corninenclng July 1st we will conduct our business on a strictly cash basis. I'atton't Book Store. tf. 50, according to" the official thermom eter. The river is rising with a guage this morning of one foot and one tenth below low water mark, o Dr. Sc heck's office will t eoed from Auz 3rd to S.Tt. , 191S7 9 3 ! United Spanish War Veterans and members of their immediate families and members of the Ladies' Auxiliary and their families will be granted a rate of one cent per mile by the rail roads of the tountry for the purpose of attending the national encampment to be held at Baltimore on September 3. This information has been received by Harvey Wells, commander for Oregon. I W. will start hop picking Aug. 26 All trains will lie met Aug. 23 and Dl at Brooks and Hupruere for pickers com ing that way. Jeruian Bros. 8-20 NEW SHIPMENT - of WASHABLE KID '9 1 Al A i 1J a II n h y ii is urn Incorporated : personals : , H. N. Hterling of , Jndupomlouco was in the city today. " Uuliih Brudwny of Dullus register ed at tho Illigh yesterday, Mrs. Mury Hlmtn left this morning over the Oregon Kleelrie for Millers burg, Mich, rVod N. Mailer and wife nf TbicvTiis Ohio, aro registered at the Bilgh. They will be in the city neve ml days. Mr. and Mrs, A, M. ('laugh are home from a ten day auto tour of Washing ton, Columbia Highway and points on the Sound. Miss Nrllle Ornlinm of Portland with Miss Murgurot Oruhnui of BuUni left today fur a two weeks outing at CW radis. CJ, R, Murdough and wife (topped over In the city this morning. They are from Sun Kranciseo ud have rela tive, nt Independence. Cun rad Dillmnnn and wifo left tills morning to visit their son, Com nil JMllmaiui, Jr., who 1 In the spruco ili vision and who expects soon to be culled east, II, M. Welib, a prominent prune grower of the Diillua section wan In the city yesterday, He ssvs there Is a big crop in the Polk county hills and that picking will begin a week or two later than in this section. Explosion Kills Many, Paris, Aug 20 -Six thousand per sona were lulled or injured In an ex plosion at the Krtipp works hi June, according to Ivttes taken from prison era captured ou the Picardy front, it was learned here tnduv. The hunting season is on. There's H spei iul lioiiuty on lluus. Surplus ' Permits Month's Exemption Because of the big surplus which has been accumulated in the industrial accident fund, the stnto industrial oc I'iilrnt commission has declared an ex eniptiun for tho iiionth of Ncploinbcr. This exemption will relievo employers and employes I'ruiu paying uny fees or preiiilinus fur next month. Chairman Hock with of tko Industrial nue.iilent commission cstimutes that the exemption will save the emplovers and employes about $373,0110, and with the two previous exemptions which have I been declared this year, ono in r'obru ary and the other in July, a total of about ..10,0tl0 has been saved to the contributors to the fund. As it has been clearly ileinonst rated that tho commission Is now self sup porting, the coimiiisHiou has recom mended that "tutu aid bo withdrawn by an amendment to tho law to bo passed by tho next legislature. The commission is asking that the stnto ay only enough to cover administra tion expenses. The ulxle mau of the Salem postof fice is now struggling with another batch of letters mis directed and somo almost not directed at all. For In stance ono letter is addressed to 'W. W, liotigmire, naval aviation.'' An other letter i addressed to Thar Iom Aiiilerson, route 1, 11. Monsun," This combination was too much fur the nixie man and he posted the letter on the public bulletin board. A postal curd wilii no addrowt at all reads in part ns follows: " lcnr Nellie. Will writ) you a few lines to lot you know you still have a mother. lt me know how tho baby is." Post office ottfi rinW sny that if people would only lake the trouble to place on the en velope return address, a lot of poo pie who ure looking for a letter would nut bo disappointed, A mi. directed let ter is at once returned to tho sender if there is a return address on tho envelope. k Court House Notes In the county court, Chester 0. Baker administrator of the estate of Lewis M, lUtker "filed bunds for t00 which wore npproved by tho court. c AI I PEACHES M. (1. 0 undersoil, administrator of the estate of Moos M. Holland, do ceased, reports to the county court receipts of !,.il.0S and disbursements of !I77..'iO, with a baluuee on hand of $K,5NUN. According to the provisions of tho will, this sum should be dis-. tributed as follows: Mons O. Holland, l.22.t)i Martha J. Moe, $l,430l; Malle J. Fulir, $l,4:i0.mt; Dortha At. Ame, $l,4,'m.(iSI. The reports state thnt tho widow Murthn Holland died a few dnys after the demise of Mons M. Holland. The county court decreed that Monday, September 23 should be the tlulu for tho final hearing and discharge of the administrator, ...."The be3t" Is all yon can do when death comes. Call Webb & Clough Co Phone 120. tf. There Is to be a two weeks' revival meeting held at Central Howell church commencing Aug. 18 held by Rev. At chison, of Salem and Kev. Nicholl of Central Howell church. All are invited to attend. o Big dance Thursday night Lakebrook hop yard. Eight miles north of Salem o Save all your cull apples, Uncle Sam needs tho vinegar. We pay highost cash price. Fruit tuken after. August 20th. Gideon Stolz Co., near corner Mill and Summer streets. Phone 20. P-12 Dr. Schenk'a offices will be closed from Aug. 3rd to Sept. 8, 1918. 9 3 Judge W. M. Husluy ordered that in the matter of the estate of Louisa Porstuur that tho devisees should join in a partition suit to partition tho real estate in Salem. A romhimitioii resident hunter's and angler's license vs issued to K. Withy combe, A. II. Kmbtat of (iates. Ore. and It. ! llulsey of Snlini, rural route 4 A ninrringe license was grunted yes terday to Edward iVIta Jones, ,), a iiu'cliuniciil engineer of Jefferson and Hose t'offman M ilium Uri, a pharuiacist i of Jefferson. They were married nt the parsonage of the First Methodist ( church, the Kev, H. M. Avisun ol'Cu iut-1 ing. A license sits nlso grunted to Truman Henry lde, ti.1, a laborer of Salem and Kva II. Kohl, do of Salem. Tr.ick driver wanted. Gidoon Stolz Co., near corner Bummer and Mill. Phono 2fi, 8-20 On September 3 the public service commission will hear the application of the Portland Railway Light and Power Company to increase its gas rntes in Salem. Tho hearing will be held in this city. ' Formal notices of tho hearing were sent out by tho com mission today. The Yorkshire Insurance Co. is an old English company, established ewsy back in 1N24 and now has over $35, 000,000 in assets- H. A. Johnson, ageiit. 9-3 First big dance of the season, Lake brook hop yard. Eight miles north of SaK in. Modem Woodmen attention! Regu- i lac inectin,, this Thursday evening j Elect ion of clerk. P. J. Kuntz, acting, clerk. 8 22 1 For the sanuner day of August 10, In ' this part of the Willnmetto valley, the' thermometer registered C9 as the max-1 iiiium with a minimum Inst night of i Hogs are hogs and are property worth having according to the present market price in tfalein which is 18Va cents for top. Many records are being broken this year besides that of the unusual August weather and one of these is the price of hogs on foot. Never in the history of the valley has there been a price equal to that of today's quotation. I The actual cost of improving Church street frcm the north ride of Jiorth Mill creek to the south' line of D street was declared to be $2795.32 at tho session last evening of the city council. A price of $1000 for the lot 20 by "0 feet facing on thn alley back of the fire house looked too high to the counielmen and they declined to accept the offer of Mrs. Feidt to sell to the city at that price. Inquiries for farm lands and as to the general situation in the valley continue to come in daily at the Commercial club. Yesterday fro mten parts of the central states end west. Letters were received asking for information. Two were from soldiers who expressed a de sire to locate in the valley after the war, About tho only literature th club now has to send to the many inquiries is a pamphlet written several years ago, hardly up to the high class ad vertising of the present day. o Tor th benefit of the young men who aro thinkinjf of enlisting in the army or nnvy and selecting some spec ial branch of the service to which they aro adapted, Sergeant Davis of the army recruiting station hero and J. E. Adams of flie navy station both say that until announcement is made thru the war deprtmont, no recruits will be accepted for any service whatever. However both recruiting officers are still on the job awaiting the time when recruits may once again lje accepted. o Washington postofflce officials have notified Postmaster Huckestein at Sa lem that in the competitive examina tion fur rural carriers held in Raleni May 25 tho two euceessful ones are Bernard Kretcher, applying for rural route 1 out of Halem and Mrs. Thos. Noot for route 3. Their appointment to become effective pieptember 1, The vacancies were caused by two of the carriers being called into tho service, E. M. Branson and Lyman MeDonald. The postof t'ico regulations provide that when carriers are called into the service, their jobs are ready for them at the close of the war and all who take up rural carrier work do it with this understanding. Routes 1 and 3 are Best Quality, Red Fern Make, Colors White, Black, Mahogany, Khaki, Grey, per pair $2.25 Our Prices Always the Lowest. GALE & CO. PHONE 1072 Commercial and Court Sts., formerly Chicago Store if WANTED, JUNX And All Kinds of 2nd Hand .rflOdS. Foil Market Prices Special Price paid for Sacks, Get our prices before you sell. THE PEOPLE'S JTJNK It 2$0 HAND STOKE 271 R. Com'l St, Phone 734 A- L HARRIS &S0N Hopmere, Oregon. Buy Grain And Hay hacks for Sale at Warehouse It may be to your Advantage to Jet our Prices. I WANT TO BUY Your Junk and give you a square business deal. I always pay the highest cash prices. I WANT YOUR SACKS AND BAGS I buy all kinds of used goods, 2nd hand furni ture, rubber and junk. Get my prices before you selL THE CAPITAL JUNX CO. The Square Deal House 271 Chemeketa Street Phone 393 i Used Furniture Wanted Highest Cash Prices Paid for 41 Used Furniture C. Ik STIFF ft SON - Phone 941 or 608 n larw Fancy Early Crawfords Per Box $2.50 Pears for Canning Fancy Bartietts, JUS For Seasonable Fruit See The Court Street Grocer nones 256 and 257 Want Aitchison To Conduct Hearing The public service cum mission today neut to the interstate commerce com-mit-sion a request that when O, It. Aitchison. n member of the interstate commerce commission, comes to Port land rieptemher "i to hear the express rule case that he Ire permitted also to i hold a supplementary heatiii); on re : consignment and diversion rules. New ' ruhsj have been adopted, imposing a cliri!e of to t3 for the nvonsiun- 1 j ment or diversion of carload freights, whereas heretofore no charge has been made for this service. A hearitiif on 'the protest against the charge will be held in Chicago September 4. but the Oregon cotaous,ion points out that ; many interested shippers "from the northwest will be unable to attend and a supplementary hearing in Portland will give (hem a chance to present their protests. Offical Remembered j By Wealthy Relative ! Assistant Attorney , (ieneral ,T, O. ltaiUY h been advised that hs uncle. ; Uton. ht'oueutlicl him a substantial annuity onrmif h' life amt provided j for a neat sum to oc given to in clul Iron upon hit death j Jason K liailev was th founder of a string of t v and ten cent stores, havinj; ethtihed the first of siica stre in Koston in ls?S, an l acrvinu- ; .lated fortune of several million dol-1 Isrs. ldid renieiiibcncif his relatives in his wilt, he Aisde liberal Vequest to 3,iiHFnru i uoriMtT nun ouirr insuiir. tious and tharhsl'. CTjjau.tstior.t. ' GET THEM NOW MISSION BOTTOM j ii ni -it ii 14 ii Li Usa 11 U ELEGANT EARLY CRAWFORDS, .delivered, to Your Door, bushel $2.50 Phone or Send Your Orders a Once BARRETT CANNING PEARS GOOD CANNING STOCK, bushel $125 and $1.50 CRAR APPLES, per peck ......ISc GREEN GAGE PLUMS, per basket ?$c GRAYENSTEINAPPLES The finest in the land, per box $1,50 10 $2 Be Sure You See Our Peaches Before Buying: Elsewhere ROTH GROCERY CO. WHEN IN SALEM, OREGON, Stop at BLIOH HOTJ3L "A Heme Away from Home." Strictly Modern $1 per Day 100 Eoonis of Solid CTmfort Only Hotel in Business District The Commercial Cider Works Phone 2194 Salem, Ore. Manufacturers of cider to drink. Bring in your ripe apples Chilblains and All Diseases of the Feet Cured DOCTOR STANTON Dermathologist Foot Specialist Corns, Bunions, Ingrowing Toe Nails Eemoved without Blood or Pain or Causing Soreness or Other Inconvenience Spedul Attention to Antiseptics There by Preventing Infection, Appointments ty Phone Phone 418 Lady Attendant 518 U. S Nat. Bank Bldg. Salem, O. two cf the hardest routes to travel of tlie nine, route one going into Polk county to Hopewell and Spring Valley and route 3 towards Liberty, through the Prospect district and return by the Slough road- r There are two registration days com ing but it is only for the one in Sep tumber that the exemption lwird will need a lurge number of volunteers to aid jn tho work, four registrars being needed for each voting precinct. Thote who are willing to (tivo one day to this patriotic work are asked to write their intentions to Sheriff W. I. Need ham and not to telephone. For the reg istration day next Saturday, no help is needed at the force at the court house can properly care for the 20 or 2,1 who will be called on to register that day. But when the big registration day is finally decided, about the mid dle of September, the volunteers will be needed as it is thought fully 3.000 will be required to register on that date. Halvoline Tractor Oil FOR SALE OREGON GARAGE High and Ferry Street - --- L.M.HUM ! care of I Yick So Tong Chinese Medicine and Tea Cfc. X . i has uicaicinc wmcD mux ears 7 T . t j: j uptn oanaays from 10 a, sa. 2 until 8 p. m. f 153 South High 8t. X Balsw, Oregon. Phoaa 181 4t HAVE YOUR EYES EXAMINED TODAY We offer j-ou optical service complete in every detail, unexcelled for its thorough ness and accuracy in determining eye de fects and for its care and skill in fitting glasses. v. DR. A. McCULLOCH (Wnmpfritf 201-5 Salem Bank nf TommM-re P,!r!r. LENSES