SIX THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON TUESDAY, AUGUST 20. 1918. Willamette Valley News :i I s rva i-i .k ft C H TS 9 rs V. T f Tim FT si ti m m a Ml II S3 'l. -' ? f - -" f . - 20 Per cent Discount We bought these Rugs at "Before the War Prices" and you will get the benefit as New Rugs at Today's Prices are Nearly Twice as High as the Old Prices. 9x12 Tap. Brussels as low as. .$18.00 9x12 Wool and Fibre as low as $12.00 PHONE 91 G Busy Stores Monmouth Women's Defense Council Holds Meeting (,1'npitul Joiirrul Hpeeiul Servlee) Miinitiitiith. Ai'.v L'O.-The IoimiI r gaiiization of the Wuiiuin ' Defend.' eoiineil lielil i first reniiliir iiiei'tillj Ifrriilay afteniio'i tu the Odd Kellows luill, Mrs, Winnie Itrn.len, eliiiiruiiiti of li i Polk county euuneil, whs present luid esplnined the I'ject of lh,' ork nnd mure espe. iuIIv the plun of rejju- mtiiiii of you ri 4 women fur iiursi s. ;o ,.plieiint for tliiti work were present Mis. Hind, n siys tlinl very litt'e intei.s' is manifested liy women for this serviee, tho'ih the need i very urijeiit. Anions other nilitlers of busi nest lit tended to at this nice! inn, nr IniiH. ni.'iits e e maile f. r liikin- 11 eeii his 11 f the ilidtrie!; einiimlltees are he in- uppoiuti'd an. I this work will hen in jmiuIi, I'll, us for eliiss. s in hi. me eeuiioin lis wliieh Hill b held reaiiliirly during h eoinino winter by Miss Kdiiu Mills, wi re iiseuss,. I), A. Vounii, who was sent to the c'ale iiisiine a) lorn souie lime in dune, wns found deflil near Orenwi City Sun- ky, Aiiit. II, tie li.hl w Ided nwuy 11 11 I when f 111 .1, his fine uud should r were sill. merged in the water of a piltiK where he tm.l stonped to drink. 1 li is thought he was strieken with In kit failure. Mr Voiiiik lame to Ore (on fiom NeSruska wilh his family, last Jnuiiaiy, nud Inst sprinit eanie tJ M. nun. mill mil boiiiht the Siiknfuose piupeiiy. when' the family now re lode. The remains were brought ba.-k 1o Monmoii h and laid In rest in tin' K. I', eemete y. The fnnernl s'rvice was held ill the Christian ehureh Hun Try , tr I I J I! li t.r.NKUAl. SHANK PI'lU.lslI P.s AD MCK TO AMKKU'AN tt'FU'Hl.s .. Major lieuer,ii David C. Hhanks, I, S. A Ui eoimnaiid of the Port of Kmbaiku ion is the nt":ir of a little bockUt Wlioh will b, I'lace,! in Hi. hands of every young ofi cr uf the l iiited Ht 1e force, a( home and abroad, it is va I it UmI, '" The Man.tgi nieni of Hi,. Am erican Rildiir," and was written as a result of .1 roi.versitioii between ticiu ial hlianss and I':, Hiius I'oi time Uvan. 1 f.,., .sl LAST TIME TONIGHT Cecil B. DeMiiie's . ' "OLD WIVES FOR NEW Also -SAVED RV WIRELESS" A Keystone Comedy the mmn Regular Prices 4 W -. ..-s-. -., 'X t?.tw -a- V . ,-fv E.L.Stiff&Son TRADE IN YOUR OLD FURNITURE !vu, at't.'m.ion. Ilesiiles the wife, Mr. ouiiij lean s five ehildreu, all of whom 'are t himie except 1 up, ! Mrs, Mary llulvorsen has disposed of ;her property here and will move to , Huiteue where her two elder daughters are to teaih in the grade aehool the .'.n.i!iii year. Miss Christine will finish her hmh si'honl work after whieh she will enter the university. The. Ilnlvor sens have many friomls here who re gret ti' see them leave hut who wish III. 'in suei'i'm iii their new home. Mis lleth Ostrom lias been i host n a me:iilier of the lanuiuu team (hut II lejnesent wrejjini at tne iiiter-stnti' iiur al 4j.iiliuue in Heptt'inlier. I'.sie Moiyun in I Dora Johnson of The Dulles are tl... IlltH tU, ,......1.,.. .. l.k I t 'I Ml -!! 1JI lilC ll'llil,, . Hi veil states will send eHiiuinir teiuus l. to laKe part ill the eoutest and the win 11 1 ti team will he rewarded with a trip ti Chicajo in Deeeniber where they will compete for national Illinois at the Nilii.uial Kami I'n.ilii.'ls show, lleth has gone to Til " Dalles where she will remain until lifter the Hpnkiine trip. Mr. and Mrs. (luy C. Hodson of Tur ner visited Siiliirilny and Hundiiy with Hie T, J. I minis family, Mrs. Mod son is a niece of Mr. I'idwnrds, Miss Jlniliara Sleinlierg has taken the civil service examination for uiai! .lerk and expects soon to have a posi tion in the Portland postofl'iee. Monmouth uiiiugera will picnic next lay, Auuiist -ith. at Itiekrenll. Thi is tho fiist ami only occasion of the kiud to tie held this year. I K.i liOieuce emtio down from Walla .Walla Wciliiosilnv for a few davs visit with home folks. Mrs. I.oreuee and lit tin sou, Charles, have been visiting lei stives here ami at independence for the past tu nioiiths. The family lell I'Vidny for their home. Kd says busi ness is uood there and lie expects to remain. The K. A. Mnyre fnniily have rented tlu HaUoiseii house and are moving 111 Mr. and Mis, Stevens of Toledo will 1 occupy the house vacated by Haver. Tlue-lieis were forced to ipiit Thurs iluy vli.'u I he rain came, l.ihr show i'i kept tliem fiom '.vorkiug Siilurduy, I 11! Hiiuday p. 111, they staite.l up again. With a few fair dnys (lie grain in this v i iiilt v will all be linrvostnt. Most of l'- is belli; luiiulled ill bulk this Near 1111 I the uw uiniu. wagoiia aic being J M: is (I'll Ivs Kviins is visit ill j; her s;s Mm. W. Williams, of ,ewisville, . and Mrs. Jesse Panish of Jef 1 v:si e l Sundav at J, Im Palmet 's i'linisli is a sister of Mis. Pal- M: f "S, : t. , nier. 1 FRENCH DRIVE .Continued from page one) U,:is-gtiv ami five miles southwest of j Nov. in.) ! They have also ettutiirfd lit aipiciuout ' 11 1 I r' woods and most of the Til j tagv of H.-ntiviaignea. Their average iprogiess here has been about a mile mi usl slul.lii.rn resistance. By Webb Miller il'iiUed 1'ress staff correspondent) j I'.i , Aug. :.'".( 10: 10 a m.)- Tlio Fro.-n h v'outinue o extend and consul i l.tte their gains oil holh dides of Nov- ,i'i They have penetrated further to' i-il Koye and l.aasiguy, mJ (he "lat , t"r town virtually lia been occupied I .The tiermaiis ate furiously bombard-j ing the entire region while the Flench I n;o sliciiiu Noyon from two directions! ! 0 11 - h tioois are now fiiiu'v in! i.s s.ion of the Mssigny an t Carte- t'.'.ii -...i.". no- i"w Ki' ur uietjij vise jin.i are tnrcaieniiig .ovon. in re Williin ttm yards (aluuit five ? s) of that town from the outU. li.iieial Mangia ' aitillery is sweep- The large stock of Rugs and Floor Coverings of the Da vis Furniture Co., of Ore gon; and for advertising purpose? we will put them on siil. at 9x12 Axmin. Brussels, low as $21.00 9x12 Grass Rug as low as. . . .$.6.50 418 Court St. 6 Busy Stores i it if all of this territory except a nar row outlet toward tiuiscard (five mile north of Noyciii.) French Take Village i'arU, Aug. L'tl.- French troops ad tallied further between the Oise and the Aisnn lust night, capturing the vil la:;' of Viisscns, the war office an nounced today. Artillery lighting on Hie six mile front between l.assiunv .'Hid Dri'slincoiiit. whs rcimrted. 111 tne i.ussigiiy-iH-oslincoiirt rP gion there ts'iirtiliciy fighting,'' tl eonimuniipie sanl. 'Northwest of Morsuin the h'rem h upied Vussens. 'West of Muison De-Chanipngiie, a . i ernuiii raid was uiisiiceeskful. "An air raid on Nancy (Lorraine) resulted in some victims.'' Some Tjrrlflc riehtiug Sinashiug iiurtheiistHni, between the Oi-e and the Aisne, the l'n nch are rapidly developing a double flunking opciation that may prove (he must ser (ions to the (.loriiilins since the couiiti'r offensive began a month ago. Tins fighting, which hus gained an averavo if three mi ioi ou u front 0' uioie than lo miles since Minday even ing, is expected t impel simultane ous evacuation of the whole southern portion of the ll.'riufiu positions in Pi 'ardv and the wi stern portion of their holdings along the Aisne. The retire ment would he almost certain to extend a far north as Koye and as far east as the confluence of the Aisne uud the V else 11 front of more than 40 miles us constituted at present. Terrific lighting was reported to day along the whole front fn-ni a point north of Hove to a point four miles west of SoisMina, Uissigny is virtually' in the hiinils ()f the Kreiich, Koye is I'liteuali'e, Noyon is threat d from tlnee sides, and the I'leuih are less than five miles from the town. The Hermans are reported to have with dinwn their heavy artillery beyond Novell. The main attack is being delivered by the Tenth army, under ll.pieinl Mniigiii. It was this nrmy, augmented bv several divisions of Americans which delivered the l.'ow nt Noissons and Chateau Thierry that started the ' Tin.! u n't rent from the Maine. With in a few hours after Mangin renewed his utt.'i 'k this morning, he is reported to have progressed two mites farther' oil a tcu iiii'e front. Gwruun Poaition pretarious. London, Aug. HH The double threat ana. est the l(oyeJ.nsigMv line by di reii pressure from the west, together wilh the flanking movement bv the French between the Oise and the Aine is milking the Herman hold on their picseut. positions hourly more precar ious. The French already are in si jnv and are reported 'to dominate the town. The Koye railway station, less tli .-in a mile soulhwest of the Vil lage, has been occupied. Punch troops have won the import ant heights on both aide of the Oise between Kibecourt u. Noyon. Between the (is and the Aisne. he:e the French struck siiddculv Son jday evening on a front of nearly ten miles, the enemy has been pushed back I to A. uK (uconrt m il Morswin. This j not only constitutes a serious threat t I the tieniiiu line north of the Oise, but may compel an immediate retire went of the licrmins in the Soissons iou to the eastward. j in.' waote (icriuan (me on the ,!0 1 in seems about to tive wav and the enemy isitions may be effected eight or ten nii'es farther east to beyond Suisni. The 3M prisoners raptured by the allien on the Pi.ardv and Manders front Hunday, aipareutly were greatly added to yvsterday. The majority of these were takcu in l'icardy The tiermans are holding' well frotn Chaulnes northward to the Horn m and ikuted teuiirary niecrxscs against the iiritisn in that s,iior by counter at tacking. In FUnler. the Dniish continued their advance on the western edg ot Shu Kalient. making appre'iabi pro gress on front of about i miles an.i enterinj the iniortut village f Mer ville. B-iUsh Make Advance L n (on. Aug. it Vonttniird ivroeres in flaclbjrs wis rejttrtcd by Field ' Marshal tlaig today. IVur tierman attarki were repulsed INDEPENDENCE NEWS M Ji'i'at Journal S :al Survi.-e) In !ei en lnce, Aug. 2"). Mr. end Mr. I'. B. S l,!,.v of I'.ir land are guests at the K. C F.Mmige home. Mr. den. Ca'li'v viit 'd relative? hi Portland ihis week. M's. M. ('. Wiil a ns spent the week in Portland with friends Mr. Ixm Jones of Medford vi5iteil Mrs. Verd Hill la-t week. Mrs. Jones an. I Mrs. Hill were formerly in college i together. I K.1 l.i.rem-e is here f rout Walla Wai Ha, Wali. Mrs. has lieeu visit ;in relatives here fur several weeks. I Mrs. A Ij. Thoman is nending a. few j weeks at Newport with her parents, j.Mr. and Mr. J. D Hilibs. at their Nye , beaeh euttage. I -Mrs. JVira Burns an.l Mrs. Mary liar.iey or ren.iieiun were guests at jthe Verd Hill home lat week. Mis lavilla Couper will so to ("aain wis to take training for an armvito lar lew last Saenrdav tn sm-n.! nurse. She has alre;nlv had four months study at the flood Samaritan hospital 111 lorlland. . jthe first of the week, visiting his Mrs. V. O. Parker has received word idaughter. Mrs. S. K. Owen. Mr. Markov from her inn. Harry Miller, whu is in 'was sheriff, cf Denton county for tweii France. that he has finished s three 'ty consecutive years, months medical course and been pro j Dr. and Mrs. Pengra and ifrs. O. A. moted to sergeant. ' Kreamer motored from Portland last Donald Stuart will join the colors Sunday and spent the day with, the some time this month. Mrs. Stuart 1 Misses MadaHne and (Iretehen Krea ( Nellie Damon) has offered to serve Jnier. Mr. Kreamer was taken from the the government and it is likely she;iood Samaritan hospital to the Pon will be accepted at once, as she is an gra home this week and exprets to he excellent uurse and a;i expert ' X-jble to return to his Independence ray work. onie soon. The Butler automobile party return- Miss Joy Cooper is here spending, a ed from their trip last Monday morn- i while with her father, J. K. Cooper, ing They visited Camp Lewis, liain- Hhe is preparing to go overseas as her ier National park and other places. The , services have been aieepted. She is an J It. V. Jiutleis have a 1011, Dr. Willis excellent nurse having graduated from Butler, ut Camp Ij'wis. The party eon-1 the Hood Samnritau hospital, sisted of Dr. and Mrs. O. D. hutkr'. ' Mrs. E. N. Johnson-motored to Tint. Prof, and Mrs. J. It. V. But'er and '"' Jr- .sister. M;s. .IHnies Hanna, and Mrs. A s 'ii was born to Mr. and Mrs. ( has Sura Irvine, While there she had a li. Stidd la.-t Monday morning. Mr. ' violeitt attack of acute indigestion. Slid. I is first licti'cnaut of the liomojHhe was brought home the following guards. Both Mr. and Mis. Stidd are day ami is doing nicely, graduates from O. A. C, and are recciv-1 K. J, Johnson, (luy Walker and Jas. ing many cuigretiiiiitioiis. I.toms motored to Portland on business Mis. 1j. Crane is here from Portland lust Friday. visiting her father, J. K. Cooper. She will b. joined next week by her daugh ;er, Miss Helen F.atun, and they will go to los Angeles tn pass the winter. Dr nnd Mrs. It. K. Diiganne have re 1 11 1 ned frnm a ten days va-ation spent at the Tillamook beaches. Dr. nnd Mrs. 1 I,. Hewitt and La vallo w ent to Bar iew lust week. Dr. Hewitt returned Momltiy, The others will s a y at the Hewitt cottaie the i.iiiaiinler of the summer. Forest Finch wit, here from Port land visiting relatives last week end. Mr. ami Mrs. Oleu Whiteaker were here from Falls I'itv this week. Mr. Whiteaker will join the eclors the litit h iust. Mrs, Whiteaker will teach school it Orville, Clyde I'.'eker, e.litor of the Polk Cunn-y Post, was a Capital city visitur this week. .Mrs W. E. Craven was a Salem vis itor Thursday. Orover Mattison was here from Ma bel last week end- visiting relatives. Miss Alpha Kester of Tangent is a gin st of Mr. nnd Mrs. Verd Hill. Mrs. C. M lteth and children visit ed relatives and friends in Jefferson this week. Mr. and Mrs. Chns. Davis and Mrs. Mary Davis ot Pliiliniath visited their suuthwist of Cliiiuliics. " We carried out successful minor 'porntioiH between Vleux lti'iiiuin and Oiittersteeue Inst night," the state ment said, "l ii i)itr recent advanec there, our line was brought forward to the neighborhood of the Vieux Hercjiiin iiuttersleeue nail. One hundred and eighty two additional prisoners were tin i'ii. 'During the night the enemy four times uttaeke 1 the posts we es aldished nortiiwe-.i f Chilly. They were re pulsed. "We sue essf. ,ily raided a Gemini) pu.t we t of Hray, "Our patrols made further progress In nijo in the area between Cue I. awe mil the l.ys rivers (Flanders). We ure now east of the I'uradis Mer ville road (an additional advance of nearly a mile)." . GERMANS LOSE" INITIATIVE. By Lowell Melleti. ( I'nited Press staff correspondent) With the llri'ish Annies in France, Aug. 111. -(Night) While events are hapiiig the ci iirs, uf the western ca a- paign a n. I the allied command is to!- I lowing these events for the possibility of l.tidendorff regaining the initiative I seems to be growing steadily smaller i the British front coutinues comparative-: ly uuie;. Nearly It.ittiii additional prisoners were ta ken in one place or another, the , majority of these bv the French. The Kri'ish hiini in the ueigliburhood ot Outti rstecne this morning totalled t'i'1'. While there is no uucstioii that the (ci man disaster on the Morne was due aiil to the staif's uiiderestiiuate of the iiew allied strength, leading it Mrtoailv to a ivertise its intent ui; 'i allow ing the a.iics time to pre- l". i l'l in, , l l OClll, IIU- VlllS Ol I'l - trayal" filling the (ierman press ara all the nunc interesting in view of the present dermaii army order regarding the necessity for secre'v. By Fri & F.Tfusoo, (I'nited Press staff correspondent) " With the Aniiricaa AruiH's in Trance, Aug. (Night) Contiuuui 'sniping is ia progress- in Vismett. j which is held partly by the Germans 'aril partly bv the Americans. The boche cut loose with their uiaeV me at th slightest movement ia the American positions while our shrphootei pick off the boeh gun- " . i acre is consuierr(e artillery right- ing i intervals, but there re na infantry operations ef importance. Kaid la Sepolsed. Waliington, Aug. iV North of Toel h.v;iie raid was repulsed (Moo- lay) ,'h Itgss-s to the ea.'mv," tiea- eral IVrshing rejHirted today. andstvirs. Abe Nci-oa, P.t-ival tia h -re fr. Pur iaad visit: ij fritnis ia' week. j Mr."a.:l Mr-. J. A- Re ley n.l Mr, i K. K. Tripp motored to Newport last ! ,ck t spend several days, j .Mr. nrd Mr. J. W. Dimick an. I Mr. , 1 '!1k Smith returned Tuesday from a .pleasant nut in? at the Newport bearh- i i Mr. an. I Mrs. Homer Smith were here ; from, Portland this week visiting his! parents, Mr. and Mrs. '. B. Smith. i Mrs A. C. Moure and children have returned frem a visit with her ister n:ar Salem. Mij Nellie Biomberg was here from Portland visiting her home folks last week end. Misses Oraee md Katherya Jones of Corrallis were (jnestg at the J. N. Jono home last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Davidson. D. L. Hedges and Mrs. J. (i. Milntosh wut several weeks at their eottaue. i William Mar key was here from Bend las last Friday in company with her! Mrs, (ico. Ciirard ter a: Bar View Mr. and Mrs. M. is visiting her sis Hiltibrnud are vis- ltmg in Portland. " Cecil Swipe left last Wednesday for Seattle where he goes to enlist in the merchant marine. Mrs. ( has, nlbrentli nnd children re turned Inst Wednesday from Newport where they have been spending a fort night. Win. Dawes visited in Portland this week. Mrs. .1. H. Co' I ins is spending the we'k with relatives in Portland. Mr. nnd Mrs. (Hen Newton will leave for Purt'ond soon to make their home, .Mrs. M. J. Hiillnch is visiting rela tives in Portland. I Mr. and Mrs. J. Dixrn of Portland i visited nt the C. B. Smith home this week, Mrs. Win., Qunrtier has returned from a visi; with relatives in Port'nnd. I Mrs. .1. W. Hall. -Mrs. L. Chancy and Mrs. Wiunufrcd Hail of Portland vis ited Mrs. A Wilson last week. Horace (Murk is visiting relatives in Portland. Miss Kdna Mills, cnuutv home dem onstrator, and Mrs. Miriie lirnden. county chairman of the woman's coun cil of national defense, spoke at the fsis theater Saturday afternoon to a 'urge gathering. Miss Mills spoke espe cially of the many ways to conserve food, clothing, etc., and gave niniiv valuable 'receipts. It is expected that a class in millinery and dress' nuikina will K orgauiz'd here under the di-1 reetion of Miss Mills. Mrs. P.raden told of the valuable work beinir d, no bv the I woman's council of national defense spoke of her recent visit to the nicotine in Spokane, where nlans were make to conduct the big V. W. C. A. drive in. th-tutor. Mrs. Clyde Kcker. Ileal chnirmnn of the woman 's council .r.lj'iw.. Mr. jlM -,':-k. ! Mi Pearl of n.vii mil defense, presided over the on 8 ,,n ,mle lr"nt s svveeping the meeting. iceuntry and vacationists are fleeing. Mrs, Sherman llavs, who has been ! t'l,r Biwabik, Oreat Northern rail thv very efficient chaiimau of the Itel'tuad projierty is threatened Cro-s sewing riimns for several nionMn. ' "n the Iron Mountain road another has resinned. Her place has been fill ed bv Mrs. C. A. Mel.auglilin nnd Mrs. H. Mattison, two very capable la lies. Mis. l Damon c.'lelii a'ed her birth day last Tuesday evening with a dc liiih'fu! dinner pnity. Covers were pia.e.l tor Mr. and Mrs. Homer Smith and, Mr. and Mrs. O. C. I,u ke of Sa li'iu and Mr. and Mrs. I,, limmn. Mrs. I Damon reeciveil many useful presents.! T'u.ler the direction of the woman's i eouueil of national defense the drive j : for enrolling student nurses has been I j verv suc 'i'ssfu!. i tie M'sses Ora ren- ton and Pauline Srnpletm have enlist- ! ,ed in the preferred class, thereby s';g : lutvins! their willingness to s?o where ; thev are most ne-oed ln-l"iie.ideiice ', , reaiv has two nurses doing foreign duty and two i thers who have been ac- j cepte l for foreign serviee, and still i another student nurse at Camp Lewis ; which makes a good record for the j city. , ! TURNER ITEMS. Turner, Or., Aug. 20 Mrs K. M. ( ele is itray oa her vacation. Mrs. S, Smith of Vancouver. Wash ington, daughter of Mr. R. V. Cray spent the week end in Turner. Little Miss Kditti who has been spending the ! with her mother. Mr, Smith. Mr. ami Mr. John Watson ire in Portland for the week attending the O. A. B From the way campers are making use uf the pee where Lawrence Rob ertsoa lived it acemi that no one reads the tresipos notice thee days. f , , n Great Forest Fires Sweeping Montana Virginia. Miaa Aug. 20. Swe',ait forward on two fromi Kitl!i!i T; ttillei ia width, forest fire today threaten homes in the village ef F.h an.l Biwabik, anl wvre aMjvachiti the I L I J fc- 09 IBH. a m m z m m m U Hi To Buy Your Shoes at Wholesale Prices. George A. Paris will leave the 27th of this Month for CAMP LEWIS, TO SERVE HIS COUNTRY, But he needs his Money that he has invested in the Paris Shoe Shop, and you can help him get it and at the Same Time Buy Shoes at the Follow ing Prices. Regular $9.00 Shoes at $725 Regular $8.00 Shoes at 55 55 Regular $7.00 and $7.50 Shoes at J5JJ5 Genuine Army Shoes $5,65 Second Grade Army Shoes $4.85 Remember These are not Jobbers Shoes, But Standard Brands Out of Our Stock. A. J. Paris Shoe Shop The Home of Keith Konqueror Shoes for Men and Women nnair in nrnnirirrn Earthquake at Eureka. Kiiiir XKrff rvr i UNTILUPRIL FIRST Delay In Getting Action on Bill Due To War Meas ures Is The Reason Washington, Auj,'. 20. A three months reprieve tor the drink family has been gained regardless of what ac tion the senate takes oa the ''bone dry" amendment, I'nder the original amendment the sale uf all liquor would have ceased January' 1. The new- plan postnes the day until April 1. with a similar dis pensation for the manufacture of beer land wine, which was to cease Novem ber 1. No action can be taken until the senate reconvenes. There is likely to be considerable discussion and it may be well in September before action is taken. But dry leaders have agreed that old dntes should be moved ahead three months, giving the same time of grace as was originally planned. Beyond that there is little hope for the thirsty, unless the war should end before the first of the year. When the tent vote w'us "taken diort ly before the recess on sustaining a ruling of the chair on the amendment, the drys hud a majority of three votes. A number of prohibition senators voted nt that time in support of the eliair. One of the dry leaders today predicted a majority of H when the vote is taken. , . ; 7"7 : j t"rr-v. f"'pl'vc.s and fire department ln ,0 l'v'"t the fires entering the ing to cities. nrc ls "ii""!T on a frmlt al'""! ,h Virjrinio-Vermillion i highway. Hundreds of acres of valuable j I timber have been lost. Near Kly a fire' fire on a Ti mile front is burning. JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY IK Waifetiabtettet&tol'tV' I-az.jl Mr. Business As a matter of economy you should consult the Journal's Job Department before placing your printing-we are satisfying Salem's leading firms put us on your calling list. Phone 81 Kureka, (al., Aug. 20. A severe eaithquake shock, accompanied by a distinct rumble like thunder, occurred here at 3 o'clock this morning. No damage has been reported. President Is Home. Washington, ,Aug. 20. Resident Wilson returned this morning from his week end trip to Maunolia, Mass whore he consulted with his friend and adviser, Colonel House. President Wilson's ideas of a vacation are not so lrad at that. The child who wondered et sky is God'i service flag r brigl,t 'l''a f things. if the star had a rath- Orand Army veterans at any rate neti nof four heat prostration during their visit in Portland. LIFT OFFCORNS! Apply Few Drops Then Lift Sore, Touchy Corns Off With fingers. 0 Doesn't hurt a bit! Drcp a little Freezone on an aihini corn, instantlv that com stops hurting, then you lift it .right out. Yes, magic! A tiny bottle of Frcezone costs but a few ceuts at any drug store, bu: is suf ficient to remove every hard corn, soft corn, or com lifW-een the toes, and the calluses, without soreness or irritation. Freezune is the sensational discovery uf a Cincinnati genius. It is wonderful. Man tQJJ i Ti. .' i'S''isi m trnintiiMsirmsfci sn. imi n mi