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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 20, 1918)
FE03I MONDAYS FIVE O'CLOCK EDITION THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON TUESDAY, AUGUST 20. 191: nvE I THE JOURNAL'S NEW TODAY j HEDIUM m MRION COUNTY-TRY TKEtfOR RESULTS JOURNAL WANT AD DEPMTMENT IS THE BEST SELLING CLASSIFIED ADVESTISINQ SATES Sate per word New Today: Each insertion le One week (6 insertions) One montk (it insertions) . the Capital Journal will not be re sponsible for snore than one insertion,; il. 5- c-;r.A i "r. Xead your advertisement the first aay it appears and notify us imniediatUy. Minimum charge, 15c BEO auto for sale cheap. Capital gar ae. S 20 WOMAN wants work by hour. Phont 104SJ. 8-25 HOUSE for aale eheap. Fhone 47F12 8-24 "WANTED Job teaming, or clerking in store. Phone 1040W. b 20 S00 TO LOAN on real estate seeuri ty. Et. 0, Box 111. 8 24 WANTED To rent near asylum, small place. Address K care Journal. 017 FOB SALE Good 10x12 tent, $10. New this season. 1173 S. loth fet. 8 17 FURNISHED fiats for rent. Call 1737 W. tf WANTED Veal ealvea and fat cattle. Phone 1576W. 9 8 GOOD pasture for tows on the L. E. Paee estate. Phone 44F22. tf HAVE your roof repaired and tarred, estimates free. Phone 1074. 8-20 OOL. W. F. WEIGHT, the auctioneer. Turner, Oregon. Phone 59. tf. WANTED Girl for dining room and tray work at Willamette sanator ium. S-20 WASTED Driving horse for the win ter keep. Address C. E. ?aro Journ al. 8 20 30 HEAD ewes for sale, or might put on shares witn right party. Phone 115 or 1201 evenings. 8 24 FOB SALE Or trade, 5 room house for house and barn. Inquire 200 N. 15th 821 SALESMAN, collector wanted for Ma rion and Yamhill counties. Call 333 State. 97 FOR SALE Cheap, team work horses. A. F. Fellows. 1396 a Liberty St. Phone 1588J. 8-20 GALE & CO. require the services of two a experienced salesladies for their dry goods and ready to wear dept. 8-21 I AM in the market for a 9 -or 7 room modern bungalow or house, must b bargain. Box 164, Salem, Or. 8-23 WANTED, To trade good lot on paved street for Ford, must be in good eon ditios. Address B. W. care Journ ul. 826 ASSISTANT eook wanted at stato in stitution for Feeble Minded, 60 with board, room and laundry. Telephone 406. 819 EC ACRlX all iu cultivation, liuuse, barn, in prune district, 7 miles south of Salem, on Pacific highway. Price 4500. 'ierms. Call Modern Bukery. 8-2(1 PROPERTY in Falls City, Or., to trade for residence in Salem. Write to Box 133, Falls City. 8-23 FOR SALE 3 year oil Jersey milk cow. Mrs. Albert Robertson, Fair view Ave., Kt. 3, Box 5SA. 8-20 FOR SALE 7 room house and four lots at your own price. Will take auto as first payment. Phone 815. 8 22 BALESMAN WANTED For whole sale fruit and produce business. Ap ply at Salem Fruit Co., 207 S. Com mercial Ht. tf WALL PAPER 15 cents per double roll npward. Bnren'i Furniture Store, 179 Commercial. tf- WANTED Man and team, can make from 8 to (9.50 per day. Call phone 4X51 Turner. tf. HOUSEKEEPING apartments nd single rooms, nicely furnished, at 633 Ferry street. tf. TWO and three room furnished apart menu. 491 N. Cottage. Phcne 2203- tf. FOR SALE One 10 hore power, hi'h pressure, horizontal boiler and on 8 horsepower upright. Enquire at Com mercial Cider Works. tf WANTED Furnished housekeeping room ia private borne f.w family of three. Must "be clean and convenient asd close in. Phone 301. tf SPECIAL If vou can offer froir 110,000 to 1 12,000 worth of good city property in any of the eoa cities. I have a real cracker jack of a soap in acreage to offer you. But it requires rtHia. C. . Nieojevrr, .Hi Mate street. - 8 FOR KENT 5f0 acre farm I'i miles wort of Dallas: stock goea with place; 135 acre ia cultivation, bal ance pasture, large dairy bam, lUo an 1 good improvemeBte throBghOTt, water from aieuatain stream" ipod to baildiagT, also e4 for irrizatioa Reference wnired. See K. P. Bvis. 23 Breyxaa block. U WANTED A good second hand bicy cle. I'hoae 1-36R. 8-21 FOR SALE Picked Graveustciu ap i I nr. I u'l-i u-f M J . VTrn , . "ANTED-A woman to eare fur nva- lid. Address tm Ferrv Ht. 821 il HAVE a cash buyer for a good prunu orchard. C. . Nicmever, 544 State. 822 WANTED Woman to uiauage tuall cafeteria for few dav. Phone 22i'6 M. " 821 PEACHES for short time only. Call at orrhard or phone 56F14. M. C. Pct teys. tf WANTED Second hand ewiup ma chine, good condition. Address Loub rare Journal. ti-20 WANT partner in good paying busi ness with $5"0, lady or gentleman, se curity given for vour money. Box 333, Salem. " ' 8 2f FOR SALE Auto, 3918 model Chevio let with extras, run less than 2000 miles, good 3 new. Address H S car Journal. 8-20 BOY wantg work on farm. Good hoim wanted more than anything. Over 15 Good worker. Write or call 1055 S 13th St., Salem, Or. 8 22 FOR SALE 1914 Ford roadster or tour- ing car 300j 1914 Studebaker 375. Highway Garage, 1000 & Com '1 Phone 355. tf ALL KINDS of store fixtures for sale, safe, button making machine, hat conforiuer, shoe button machine, etc. Stockton 'a store. 8-23 FOR SALE For 1275 Studebakef, 20 h. p., has electric lights, generator and storage battery. See MeCall at Capital garage. 8-23 FOR RENT 5 room Bungalow, modern rent for flO month, is worth more. Call at 1685 N. Liberty atreet, or phone 2017R. S-20 WANTED Lady office manager, per manent position to one qualifying Addrsat statin references, salary wanted, etc. ABC care Journal. 8 22 WANTED Hop pickers to pick early and late hops. Pit-king will last from 20 to 25 days. Hops good. Yards clean Will start picking Aug. 23. Phone 8F 25. J. A. Kriebs. tf FOR 5'j pr cent-farm loans, see the Marion-Polk county national farm loan association. W. D. Smith, 303 Salem Bank of Commerce bldg. tf 3 GOOD men wanted for factory work long job at good wages. Call at room 303 Salem Bank of Com. blag., or phon 482, agent, W. D. Smith. tf I WILL pay tip to 2000 cash for 10 acre of sandv loam soil not too fai to the plans as outlined for Willamette from Salem. If I do not receive a jH'niversity young men in this Corps will offer l--fnre Sutnr.lnv the 24th. I will I be given six hours a week strict mil- look elsewhere. Write Box 13, Jour lull. FOR SALE At bargain, 6 room modern bungalow, large lug, garage, one block from paved street, 2 blocks to car line An ideal home for little money. Ad dress A. J. 20 care Journal. tf FOR RENT One bungalow, 5 room modern, fH; one 7 room house, good shape, good garden, 7; one 7 room strictly modern, Court street, 22..0; one o room bungalow, H. Cottage, fiiiieii of Burn, represent inn the Harnev oi.e 0 room eottnge. Bush St. S. Bre i. W. Laflar, Hubbard bl'lg- 6-21 GOVERNMENT needs 20,000 clerks at Waihinglon. Examinations every- j RivPr fr i, rtKt; of the lauds where in Anjjiist. Experience unnec-lj,, t,e. bed f Malheur Lake and lands essary. Men and women desiring gov- .adjing. These applications are filed eminent positions write for free par-!in connection with the application sub ticulars to J. C. Leonard, (former mitted rnuie time ago to the State civil service examiner.) 1039 Kenois j in, )i,,ari f,,r the reclamation by Bl.lg., Washington, D. C. 8 24 drainage of the bed of Malheur Lake. FOR SALE Or trade, acre Central Oregon ri'it size for party moans, number one neighbors, near school and town and : remainder lies along the border of creamery. Also near wood and saw'the Uke. which will be irrigated through mills; would consider acreage or town the construction of canals from lh property. Addrctt 411 N. ( hurch HI., Halcui, Or. g. KOR KENT l'i'W acres river bottom land, or anv portion thereof, fi.r one ' T --.-I. l' ..1.1 or mure can, icroi? ca.sii. it e prefer renters who wish to grow veg etablcs, as we now have vegetable drviug plant located On ranch. Ad- , 8,. , ,, ... T dress t. Clemens Horst o., Inde - T , a n udcoee. Or. 8 31 FOR SALE Five prussenger Keo. All . : rv.. ... k ...... I unj,t a. J ...I. ... U;ll. .......... Vk. f . . tt ' ' CHAWFOKD canning peaches now ready. Order immediately, crop li;;lit,: short season, onaiity fancy. Ijch-j mund s orchard 5 miies north of I 'in. in Keiirer bottom. Phoaw fl. W. Bowden, foreman, farmers 29F3. Bring your botes. tf GOVERNMENT WILL hold civil serv I ice namiBatiors in HaVm in Aast I r" cl . ir problem. Having Ome -.oe and Eleetne eouipment, with starter.! ' . . ... "? ... 20") women clerk to be appointed! paltimore, Ml, Ai?g. 10 "A most at Wasliiagton. Experieaee aaoeee-jon,frtble n:Kht." w the state sary. Wowcn dV-sirirg government men t today at the J.hns Ilnpxis. hi elerkship writ for fre particular 1 p!t! concerning the condition nf Ceited to B. E. Terry, (former civil i vice States rVnstov Ollie Jihh, Kestveky, examiner, 315 Columbia baiblier.j who h been eowf.ned to the rr,rtiti VS'ishiEgtoa. -3 t!o for aeariy three tntntii. LOST Medium size. 1'isek leather traveling bag. full of pcrsoual effects, including 1 "h) liberty bond. war stamps, a letter addressed, F. E. Cuci- minjes: liberal reward if returned to. this office, and bo question aked. F. E. Cunimings, 441 elialem Ave., Portland, Or. d-W MEN WANTED Able bodied over eighteen years for paper mill work at West Linn, Oregon, near Portland. Wages J3.36 eight hauls. No experi ence necessary. Permanent positions; and advancement for steady aaea. Strike declared eight nionthl ."1(0 dots not affect peaeefal asd normal oper atioa ef this plant. Free transporta tion. 141 North High St. Phone 340. 96 NOTICE To whom it may concern: Tou are hereby notified that John W. Schwa bautr and Mary Anna , Schwahauer have made application to the county court of Marion eounty, Oregon, to have their names changed to John Bow ers and Mary Anna Bowers; Also to have the names uf their two sous chang ed from Oliver John Sckwabauer to Oliver John Bowers and from Clarence John SchwaLauer to Clarence John Bowers and you are furtlier notified that this notice is served pursuant to an order of sail eounty court. 9-11 Will Confer With Army Officials Over Training of Students Prof. Win. A. Harden of the depart- ""i' or '-"RUsh m v. Ulainette I'mvers- it)' and Dr. Carl Gregg -Doney, presi- lent, will represent the University at the conference to be held Friilav and Saturday of this week at Sau Fran- isco between (he war department and the colleges nf the northwest in regard to the Students' Army Training Corp. Dr. Doney will leave this evening. stopping over at Ashlaud tomorrow night to deliver an address under the auspicea of the Red Cross and the Y. M. C. A. Cm his return he will spenk at Medford next Monday evening I he tjouncu of Education of the War department has urged every col lege in the west to put oa a special campaign to secure students this fall and enlist them in the Students ' Army Training Corps. That students may know how the war department feels about young men en tering eolloges and universities for the purpose of taking special training, the Council of Defense states very plainly as follows: "Ibe object is to prevent the premature enlistment for active service of these men who could by ex tending the period of their college training multiply manifold their value to the country." Young men who intend to register at any college or university this fall should make arrangements before the time of the general register with the local exemption board iu order that in filling out their questionnaire it mav be stated they are on inactive ser vice in the Students Army Training Corps. The exemption board will then place them in ( lass 5-1). According itary training with four hours a week of collateral work that will be of value to the government when they are called iiite the service. Men for the officers' training corps will be selected from the colleges ami universities. Wants Water To Irrigate 58,000 Acres in Malheur Applications have been filed with ftHte Engineer Lewis by C. H. .VM'on - iinsin Development t'umpany, for the j appropriation of HH" second feet of mater from Ilie Blitzcn River an'i.TM L,..od feet of water from the Hilwes 1 he project, a -cording to the app improved .I.W, canons filed, will involve u area of stock ranch, '.Vs.OoO acres, a large part of which with limited now lies in the bel of Maiheur Lake water. ood:aud must first lie drained, and the .riiitaen au.l Mivies lovers. iae esuui- atcd cost of the irrigatua fca'uros of the projeet w 2.i.j.iSHi.W). Young Lady Takes Man s Place In Simpsons held . . . , . , I. M hiiiipson of near Airlie, whs i. 1 . ,, is the niHuinee on the !eiuoerate ,krt fr , rof,:UlitKUUI r ow.. a large farm on the l-u tuaiuBte and has been serloimlv haaiprred by the were ready to harvest Mr. ' l"""l a lues sure 'wived by Mis Agnes Krtciit, a yooag ;ladr of th neiv-hborb-iod. who came tit LI si vi 4 n nw tknvf .l iri'r,l in iht . .. , . . by t.kir,, . aa' p!se in the f e'd. the donned overa'is ml "Hei haul hay. nmrt. t,ixs ta,t nt.f krw1f Be?j Wherever rA ihe sav sk j.,, the erafk. i IVk Coaaty Obwrver. Had a Bsd KtgltL DOUBLE ATTRACTIO M ONPR0GRAI'ITOB FOE Fill CONCERT! Folk Dancing By Children To D- F i III "D- I Be Feature It Is "Re quest" Evening. A doubk attraction it scheduled for Wil!m park this eveuhig, that of th; final concert of the season of the Ckc. ! rian band and the Belgium Fete. Booth, j, have .been ereetrj ia the park and th!$ band stand especially decorated for the oeca:sion. Between the numbers played bT (he band, there will be felk danc iug by children under the directMM of Mrs. Ralph White, The td preraat is a request program, the numbers le ing those that have mot appealed to the people during the season of 18 eoa certs. The program is as follows: Star Spangled Banner . i March, 2d Regiment Connecticut Na tional Guard D. W. Kooves S-le'tion Fatt( Ch. Gonnod Waltz, 11 Bacio L. Arditj Serenade, A Night in June....K. L. King Overture, La Belle France (French Melodies) Laurendcau Aniina (Kerenata tgyptienne) Link Songs of the Nation J. B. Iuui pe Selection, Chimes of Normandy ( Laiiwndeau March, Cavalcade W. P. CLamlx-rs JAPANESE RICE RIOTS ABOUT UNDER CONTROL Government Requisitions Rice Stores And Will Put Hem On Sale. Tokio, Ang. lft The rice riots have caused police ia Tokio to exercise the utmost vigilance, although this city it comparatively free from disturbances. Lights ia the main streets have been extinguished since Wednesday. The streets are deserted with the excep tion of rioters. Newspapers have been forbidden to publif-h news of the riot. The police have stopped the tram ways, closed the motion picture thea tres, the park and other theatre. Geisha houses are closed. An imperial ordinance authorize the government to requisition private rice stores for the market. ( ' i In many cities tbo , police save shown sympathy with the rioter and have not moved against them. The rioters are charging that the farmers are responsible for the rice shortage to a great extent, declaring that 120.000,000 butmclt bf grain are hoarded by the producers. The minister of marino ha announc ed that the provincial governor re port the disturbances subsiding. LATEST WAR BULLETINS London, Aug. 2a (7 p. m.) The ad vane of the French armiee nnder Geo era! Mangin since Saturday baa reach ed five nolle, it was learned this ev ening. Tta total advance registered to day totalled three miles at the point ef farthest penetration. The French fcav captured Outo and Vezaponin. Between 7 a. to. and 3 p. m. today, the French took a total of 2800 pruon er. Rome. Atr. 20. Heavy fighting In various sectors of the Italian mouecjilni , front was reported by the war office today. Rome, Aug. 20. The ubmarlii F-7 ! entered the Gulf of Quaranerro In the upper Adriatic and torpedoed and auukiv' eroe, tu li officer, and vtilort- large Atrian steamer. retunUii to ita baae unhanned, tb admiralty an UOU11CC4 today. The ttulf ef Quaranerr Is east of Pol naval base, between the Ittrlan and CtoaUxQ coaMfi j w ,j mtCH London, Aug. 20 Japanese troop have landed at Nikouuevsk to protect allied citizens there, according to an of ficial diflpatca receives! from Tien Thin today, Klkoiaevfk i an important city sit uated near the mouth of the Amor rlv er, 750 mile north of Vladivostok. Washington. Ang. 20 Germany now recognizes the Utriins acd ricUnd as fi-ld ef wriMtary eporattorr and 1 ruitiing plan for the re-eetabUshmeut of tit ecttr etstern battle kne, id rice to entente diplomat and military authorities sere today Indicated. Aautcrdam, Ang. 20, Boriet troops have blown tip th important tunnel of the trans-Siberian railway near Lke Baikal, according to a dispatch rocelv- ed from Uoacow today. The dispatch at; so aecUrsi that th aiiis "ia th Arch- ruig ef th bolshevik artillery. i i i m i Allege rvorttiM. Waehington. Aag. .'i. A iovestig- ns or eompittists that lavoruj.m s,'""i "r'rs, si i'j kukm-ii .treet. is I bea nhowa ia arding restract t.r, looking for her oo John Hcheoanman aut'inmesit 'tt.,-tr was begun to jwh. si .s ks not sees for two years, day by ahr. of is ati luil.tsry Kh wants to kif'W if he is still liv c,niat. j injf. He was working tt tk ayluiu thai few mrgr contractors, sn.onjf the.H the Stsrrett Tbfespsma Conipanyj sad the tieorg. A. Fwiiey (i(rssy, bv received a large proportWa f twayi 'o)'.a woik. JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY MARION COUNTY MS PLENTY OF TEACHERS f FOR PUBLIC SCHOOLS ' I Claims It Puts Weapon In : IT- J it 1? I T Hands Of Employer To Coerce AH Labor. THE AMENDMENT Washington, Aug. 20. The Thomas amendment to the man power bill provides that when any person is placed i a defer red classif icatiou, "for indus trial reasons,' he shall not K entitled to resuain Therein unless he shall ia good faith continue, while physically able to do o, t, woik, and follow such occu pation, employment or business and if he fails to do so, he si: all agaia become subject to the draft." ii j! Washington, 'Aug. 20. The TI:oiis! work or fight amendment to tn wan' power bill i. an insult to labor. Frank MorrWon, secretary of the American Federatioa of Labor charged before the. I hone military affairs committee todav, f ' do not protest acaiLst mea eo ii In. int. ....... ... . . ... , T ...,1 ...... Mir miliar it, Ilglll, Ollt We 110 protes, against putting I hi, weapon ini the hands of unfair employers to brand the worker as slackers' Morrison i said. Morrison declared the amendment was nothing less than labor conscription and that it would ba mandatory nunn the: president to enforce or prevent strikes i citing the opinion of several attorney. ' who differed with Secretary of Wat. Baker on this score. j "Henater Thomas, the author of this amendment, admits I, 1 aimed at' strikers," Morrison said. "The gov erament is not exercised. eer the in I dastriM situation, hut some one Is and ho is hidden in th dark," Morrison! continued, "Is the Colorado Fuel company and! the steel trust behind this legislation f I "The men who urge this amendment urge it a a punishment, but the men know they would be better off in the trenches than if they were over worked and tinder pa(d is a steel mill. "Organized labor has kept faith and dn not want the odium of tlackcrism cast upon it. Drag out th. Influence uenuiu laoor conscription and you'll fin4 the most prolific profiteers in the nation." Morrison denied . Senator Thomas ' charge that wi, work had been held up by strike and th statement that miner were laying off two and three days a week, introducing statements from the fuel administration showing thut fewer miners had produced more eoa! this year thaa last. Morrison emphasized throughout hi statement the charge that employers had asked deferred classification fnr employes and wor, now trying t0 hold nni.lary service over them to prevent agitation tut letter wages. l'r. C. R. Mnn, chairman of the ed neational advisory hoard of th war department told the committee that draftinv men below 21, would not wipe out education jn the country, beciiM. it plm.iicd to put these young men thru an Intensive fours,, of instruction be fore and after they are In the armv. Several members of the committed pointed ou, that ince boys of 18 would e me nist to lie drafted tlmy would in . ... . ' an oronaii hv iniiku l. , ' : "," lu ti! ewt,y o, J jn, ,.-it year. j Twenty Four Given Crosses For Service Washington, Aug. shititf has Si'. tieni'ial I'cr DlltillguiBlicJ Met ' VIIH '"' "" n " "r'.v. The iee of them w awarded misiuiihiusIv. The list iwliidcl ,w t,Uii,,K ljculinuiit Colonel II. Kra,,k Major lieoige K. Ho..ell Captain Cluivnce lluclM-r l.uoiiiiuiil. F. llogard If. Legcndre 1-Touil c, Sheppsrd John M. Arthiir Ward H. Hurker f harle, W. Chapman M. Wilson Leoosrrt C. Il,ki, Hrrifeantu Albert H. Klze ktobert II. ftonsgne Isaic1 I tally Arthur F. Warn forporsls f!aytn II. M.,oi, Isaac Valley Eugene W. Wear Pnvav, ( urn ( lui.t. nbcrry .l.-iioc, J. Prelly H rt L. kcam K i. Kct,1,v Lui, . Harkci.rider P. F. Firming No address, wer annouiired. Vlaim Cny News . Mrs. Elizabeth zVhananaian f Port fsrm aodut two years ago. If sr.y os happen, to krw.w where h is now cio ployed, they would do favor by no- lilv'lli! MllKV tl.A 'E.,Jtll1 J..(.rul .. ' 'Ki.t, K ( i , l '"'STioiil f.i-i b moiiin iu inai nri I'orilar.d. hlte thinks her oa is w ik isg tn farm setr i-.lciii. lie-jt. CoL A. T. Woolpert and Mtjr 4 NEWS FROM THE BIG STORE 3S Years the Leader II .OOOlliCOODS 4 Our Grand Show ing of COATS and SUITS Is in keeping with the Standard Maintained by this Store, that of Quality and Style Guaranteed. NEW SILKS We have a new showing of Crepe De Chine, Char meuse and Imperial Satin. These are the very la test for Fall Dresses. See those new Challies. Come in Figures, Stripes and Plaids, Fine Selection to Choose From. WEDNESDA Y SURPRISE Those Soap Kewpies that Make the Kiddies Happy On Sale Wednesday, 9c each; 3 for 25c Our Entire Line of i MEN'S Must go. Tliis line includes New Fall Styles, and at the Prevailinr Prices are Exertional Huts. But to Close out, all Soft Hats go at from $1 to $2.50 less. X STIFF HATS 1-2 Pit ICE. f A. A. Hall are iu Portland to&iy at- Once In a while the rural tuperv ia tfndiug a vession ef the general staff. jnrs of Marion eounty sihools make Ik It 1 understood at this moeting the scquniulauc of an energetic young question will lie definitely aud finally ! ster vhowing the trend ef the coming decided as to whether tteleni i to or- generntiini. For instance, Beatrice ganixe a machine gun company. Vales Ktlcr of Iho (iray Pond school rfis- the general Mt give, permilon to,ri', " b f"v'7 .V- ii. i i ''"'"l prcuatory food club, write organise the company here, it is under- lnllt Bl.r0lll,t f picking blnokberriea stood that nothing morn can bo dotis in that renpoct and tbt Moleni will hove no machine gun rompinjr, - o 1 Several tain hen in th county have been referred to tho IVmhuteo school district where a teacher i wanted out none have looked with favor on the proposition, although the salary offer- 1 is HU a month, lioaid is figured at I t - l !.. - f the state and the expense of traveling ,B(r, tack rathl.r t0k mty 1(B lilieritl salnry offered whnft is vomi" list larger I tin n tho average count ry ditri.t i offering from tlm part of the state. wrws ( y.-t 4 4 rv (- ;'..; i. f f . W It" I 1; " , ' br .etfe-s ' - ---. ii- -ss - - 4 m mr m"., ), (fe w. p . . m & - f i ff K "" .--.... y '. ft .- .) " " - at I ' i - - - . .. i : fi'i i t -.t . - -i. ; I j ill - - ' . -c ,. i . i . . " " 4 ' ' . " v V v- , ?7l. i 1 i r"--"' " :'! a - - w. . ' -s .." a . -. - V : """ 4 :r- ' - 1 - . 5 ' ." s . r-i- ; r- - f - i .f. - t .. . ! . , r.- v to . - '-- 3 ,i ,rTi.r in l lir.l'ARIMi Foil i-i bull in tlx- wig - t and Still on Top x t I HATS her report was a few dav slow. She lull do $40.14 during th berry season and writes that it will all be invested in War Huviugs HI stops and clothes. Cannsd milk advanced 6S cent a case in price yesterday and if the ad vntire goe on much more, grocers my the price is likely to jump from 1.1 ecu In a Ian to a retail price of Ht) centi. Muring the pant 00 days thito has heca an advance of t1,55 a eun of all Hi.! ulaii.ljid brands which ia cludcs t'aritallon, itordens, Mt. Vernoti it ii it A-iter, The increased ciwit is saiil to be due to the high prices of food- tuffs, especially hay. WHr) S J" 'ML FAIT WOK t IS" t.Ats MA-KK .Wriean soidk-r, ptdy lloy mtiH wear I,, no -t this tiertnan t.aiid to hand. ,i i t'uJerwcid k I'mUrwiH