Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 20, 1918, Page THREE, Image 3

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t4Xc74 ragfTl.lVEjSV"-- - - i :;. - . ..;..VV5Wrfl
1 . complete tk aeroplane work 10 this!? , ,y,.witw,ww
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4 iTiT
158,011 FOR DRAFT
This Number Reaches Major
ity Since June 5; Oregon
Washington, Aug. 20. Provost Mar
shal General Crowtlor today estimated
158,011 men who have reached their 2Ht
birthday since June 5, J 918, and on or
before August 2-4, will register next Sat
urday. Of these it rS believed 50 per
cent of the registrants, or approximate-
Under the Direction of
the Sisters of the Holy
Names, Salem, Oregon
Boarding and Day School.
Most approved methods.
Primary, Grammar, High
School and Normal De
partments. Complete cour
ses in Harp, Piano, Voice,
Culture, Violin and Har
mony. Elocution and Phy
sical Culture Classes. No
interference with religion
of pupils.
Scholastic Year Begins
September 9th
Sister Superior
ly "9,000 fuen will be available for clas;
The estimate by states includes:
Arizona, 391; Arkansas, 2,824; Cali-'
fornia, 3,768; Colorado, 1,343; Idaho, 043
Illinois, p,545; Indiana, 4,623; Iowa
3,812; Kansas 2,691; Kentucky 3.SS0;
Loisiana, 3,0-10; Michigan, 5,464; Min
nesota, 3,9(i9; Mississippi 2,543; Miss
ouri, 5,540; Montana 922;- Nebia.-ka
2,U?5; Nevada 135; New Mexico 43H;
North Dakota 1.098; Oklahoma 3,2ti;
Oregon 999; South Dakota 1,271; Tenne
ssee 3,'iSli; Texas 7,353; Utah 855;
Washington 1,618; Wisconsin 4.391;
Wyoming 325.
This Compels Hindenburg To
Keep All His Troops On
The Front
Many People From Salem And
YicinityAre at Newport
And Nye Beach
By Ethel Tooxe.
(Capital Journal Spocial Service.)
Newport, Or., Aug. 20. The army of
summer tourists unlike our army "over
there," is seeking the calm and peaceful
surroundings of this resort. In spite of
the rain storms of the past week, whica
has made motoring over the mountain
an event of more or less difficulty,
greater crowds than ever are filling up
tho hotels and available cottages around.
It is estimated that August will be the
most profitable month of the season.. It
has been found advisable for the motor
ist to uso chains on their machines as
the road between Newport and Toledo,
particulariv, is in a rather bau
tion, having been broken in big ruts by
tho large government trucks, which,
heavily loaded, make many trips to the
seashore during t!ie week.
Kuilroad buiMing around Newport is
progressing at an amazing rate, the road
between Alsea and Vaquina is now al
most finished, the stringing prepara-
Mr. and Mrs. Marlin Harding of Sa
lem, gre in Newport and ar0 encottaged
at Ska Crest for a short stay.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Lyons of Salem,
arc among the latest visitors to arrive
at UooC City Lodge.
O. D. Colby of Salem, is numbered
among the latest visitors to arrive at
this resort.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Stapleton and
family, of Salem, arrived a few davs
iijo ai.d arc at Rose City for a short va
M. E. I vie of Salem, is enjoying a
phort vacation at Newport at the Ab
bey. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. VnderhiU, of Sa
lem, who havo been passing two weeks
at Nye Beach, returned home the last
of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Boy Mills of Salem, are
ninnig tile latest visitors to arrive at
this resort.
Will's K. I-'uller of Monmouth, is list
ed among the latest arrivals at this
Mr. and Mrs. I. flrceubauin of Salein,
who have been sojourning in Newport
German Plan It Is Claimed
Would Surely Disrupt
Austrian Empire.
Washington, Aug. 20 Grave political
difficulties between Germany and Am
tria in regard to the Polish question are
foreseen in entente diplomatic circles
Authentic advices fiom Kuropenn cap
ilnls were that the interview betweeu
Kaiser Williclin and Kmperor Charles
terminated without a final decision in
the- matter of the disposition of l'olish
territory with clear evidence of a
growing breach between tho two allied
condi- ft r ti days, riturued home the first of f'1, . , n it.
Miss Minnie TV.vis, of Sulcm, is listed prol.ul.ility of the Austrian people
anions the latest quests t arrive .t tin ' roi using me pinn women o il at mo cm;
I By X W. T. Mason,
i (I'nfted-Pres"s war expert )
! New York, Aug. 20. (2 p. m.)
Marshal Koch's attack today west of
Soissons is a continuation of his effort torv of laving the rails having been fi
! to drive a wedge between the Picardy . nilird this lust week. The final laying
and Vesle fronts, and create new sal- 0"f tho rails will begin tho first of next
ients in each area from which Hinden- wf c Trusseling over the Alsea Bay,
burg can be squeezed northward. which wag one of the most difficult cu-
! Instead of concentrating his efforts jfjneorhm feats alomr the route of the
'upon a single onjci -nvi.-, jiui.uui iwu
is now intentionally scattering his
blows. By engaging in diffuse assaults
the allies are compelling Von Hinden
burg to keep a maximum number of
his troops actively employed, instead
I of using them o fill the ranks of
ibis battered reserves.
i Von Hindenburg 's Noyon position is
Xircdni hotel.
Mr. a"d Mis. C l'aulus and sons, Ar
thur and Theodore f Salem, arrived
recently and are encottaged at Sea
Crest f'T two weeks.
Mrs. W. H. Strausbaugh and child of
Salem, came in last week for a short
outing at Cherry City.
The Misses Josephine Baumgiirten,
Ohnrlnyo Croisan, and Maude McCoy
of Salcui, aie among tho latest cottagers
railroad, is Hearing completion also. Biitt Mve rieach.
that which is of especial interest to the
now being threatened in too rear oe
cause of today's drive northward, be
tween the Oise and the Aisne. The
summer visitors to Newport is the fact
that the extension of the Corvaiiis East
ern railroad is a certainey. Kails are
already bInih from Yaipiiua to Agate
Bench and it is only a matter of weeks
befoie the long talked of continuation
will b0 an actuality. Some original
pessimist has said that this railroad
wag to be a mere temporary affair, for
principal railwav supplying the entire translation ot spruce timber
southeastern part of the Vicardy front, l'n to the l'y l.ut the substantial
runs from Novon, through Chauny and rond beds, easy grades and light eurva
La .Fore back into the rear. tures are sufficient evidence that the
This line of communication is now' ultimate in future uscge is expected,
beginning to come within rango of Newport promise s to be one of the Hiost
Marshal Foch's guns as the result of thriving little cities along the coast (lur
today's operations. Its severance by j ing the winter season and although it is
the allies woidd enforce a German re- rumored that many of the spruce men,
treat nnnn St. Ouentin and the serious particularly those fitted for over seas
weakening of the southern part of the duty, are to be sent across soon, many
old Von Hindenburg line. I hundred of them must be retained to
H. A. Council of Woodburn, eanio in
recently and is fl guest at tho Abbey,
Mr. and Mrs. Josenh Adolnh and sons
We have our old ENTRANCE on Commercial Street
and have also RETAINED a right to the entrance on
Court Street
and S
Hex and Alden, of Salem, returned home
last week end after a delightful visit,
at Nye Beach. ,
Kev. and Mrs. H. C Clover of Salem, j
are passing an enjoyable vacation at
Cherry City.
liev. Holt of Salem, came in during
the week and is encottaged at Kuiiuysidc
lviilge for a week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Littler of Sulcin,
who have been encottaged at Sc Crest
for ten duys, returned homn recently.
C. L. Snyder and E. V. Carlson, ramo
in recently for a few days visit at tho
McAllister house at Nye Beach.
Dr. and Mrs. Carl Cachatt of Salem,
arrived during tho week and are doiui
ilcd at Tent city for a week. ,
Mrs. B. A. Glovor and daughter of Sa
lem, who havo In en enjoying an extend
ed outing at Newport, returned home
tho middle of the week.
Captain and Mrs. Walter Toosto and
son of Corvaiiis, motored to Newport
t!e first of tho neck for a few days
Visit li.-rc.
M's. Ji. (!. Kiuiilnll and family, of Km
Im, came in a few day ago and mic at
Cherry City for a two week stay,
Mrs. C. II. Smell ami daughters, Mild
rod, ltetha and Helen, of halcm are at
Tent city for the week.
Margaret Griffith of Sulem, is listed
among the latest arrivals at the Damon
Miss Louise Adams of Silverton Who
has been passing the summer at Newport
d"p.ir,e,l for home the middle of the
Mrs. T. A. liobcrts of Sulem, ramo in
a few days ago and is staying in New
port. Mrs. H. W. Fak, and family of Sa
lem, ire among Hie latest visitors at this
-Mr. and Mrs. E. .1. SlKrman of Kalern,
are enjoying a
Ifereuce bv which Iiussian l'olnnd would
be ruled by au Austrian Archduke and
bound to Gcrnmny by stringent finan-i-rnl,
cconninU and military conventions.
It is held that even though the An
triun monarch has been compelled to ad
opt the German terms at the conference
as a substitute for tho announced Aus
trian aim to annex Itussinn l'olund to
Giilicia, his Magyar and Gcrmun sub
jects will refuse to bow to the arrange
ments when the emperor returns to Vi
enna. Diplomats see direct danger to tho po
lilicul fabric, of the ''""l mouiirchy In
the German arrangements. It is declar
ed that the new independent Poland
would be tho center of lit t lit ion for the
l'olish patriots from Galicin, who w old
lay plans to effect the trnnsfer of Gull
ci from Austria to Poluud.
Are in their usual places. All kinds of merchandise
is soaring sky high. BETTER BUY NOW AT OUR
Beautiful Soft Silky Furs
A-l Quality, One-Third
Less Han Old Prices.
"- A At Ala J "k T m-
Miuaica on zi acres z diocks irora iye ucacn,
with Nye Creek running through place.
Good Beds
, Home Cooking
and Sea Food a
Under Chicago Management.
Tiiconin, Wash.. Aug. 20.
Said to lie the first woinun Unit
ed States district attorney In
the country, Miss Charlotte Kol
miU of Seattle, is In rliargn of
the office hero today, succeed
ln,. H. D. 1'olHom.
Miss Kolmilz is only 23 years
ol, and was graduated from the
rnivernity of Washinglon ltv
school last June. Hho is happy
over her appointment and declar
ed today she would rather do
the work d'-volvlng upon the dis
trict attorney's offive than any
thing else in the world.
.ulioth Levy of l ali-in, were in Newpoit
the lias! week at the Damon limine. While
hereMiss Tartar and Miss Lcty guvc
a v.-iy pleasant entertainment for the
soldiers ill the spruce camps around
Ariel D. Zinsi r of rjnli in, arrived tin
first of the week and is staying at the
New Cliff house.
11. H. l-'reelaiid of Salem, Is iniiiiU-reil
among the latest vacationists to arrive
at the Sail.ideis.
Professor ami Mrs, E. Nortlirup of
McMinnvillc ur,.. amoii!. the lutes) cot
tagers to arrive nt Cov Criinp.
The Missi s Jessie nml Kuth Gibson of
brief sojourn at this ro is,ll'" i"t'"-l Newport Sunday ami
Geo. II. Wilcox, Nyc Beach, Oregon.
L. C Smith, Newport, Oregon.
Newport Dry Goods & Grocery Co., Newport, Ore.-
R. S. Van Cleve, Toledo, Oregon.
E. U. Saxton & Co.- Yaquina, Oregon.
Morris & Hallmark, Waldport, Oregon.
DeVaney Bros., Lapidaries
Hot Hea Baths Bldg., opp. Cliff House
Precious and Beml Precious Btimes Cut
and Mounted
All work guaranteed
Mail Orders a Hpeeiulty
sort. Mr. Hheni.an will leave for Port
land shortly to take up government work
at the Portland Pnlytenhnie school.
Hoy Gilliert of Haletn, recently arrived
and is a guest at the McAllister house
at Nye Bench.
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. HtiffTer of Halcm,
are enjoying 1heir annual vacation at
X 1'icach at Paynes Best.
Mr. and Mrs. iioln-rt Muths of Hull rn.
arrived at Hose City the last of the wee
for a short fortnighta stay at the bii h
lialph and Clarence Hamilton of tjri
lein, are niiiiilsircit among the recent
vi-itors at the coast.
Mr. B. Ti-ct d baby, of Klicridan.
sr enjoying a brief outing at tin
beach at the Home.
aie fit the lied Kern
Mr. and Mis. Haggi-rly and daughter
of Mi Minnville canu- ill the fi'' of the
week f ir a short outing at the Home.
Mr. and Mrs. F. l.cglF and daughter,
Margaret, who have been the guests tit
Dr. and Mr. B. L. Htecvcs, who are
siunmiring at Nve Peach, motored home
the last of the week, accompanied by Dr.
Miss A..na Kfrau.-I.augh i-t rab-ifl !s
pasiiiif the weik at Nye beach as a
guest of the Nii-nlui.
Miss Ktlol h iinsoii. of r-aicin,'iirri i ed
diirir.g the week for U short stay at this
rt sort.
Mr. and Mrs. Dei-kebaugh and on, i t
Kiilem. who hav. been sojourning at
Chiropractic Nerve Specialists
Office Miitthora Batb Iloiue.
Hour 0 a. m. to 5 p. m. Newport, Or.
Nyo Ech, Overlooking th Ocean
Under Management of
Mis. Katherine Georze
Formerly Manager of Agat Beacb Ins
Two rooms each; completely
furnished; electric lights and
water. By week or month. Nye
Beach at Newport, Oregon, id
P. O. Box 3:'.'I.
Corner Court And
Coral Street, Salem.
...... f. .l1..r LllL-:V;,r- y itir-;.t:-iarcri;::j::Q;:L-:" r."
Mrs. II. L. Winkley .f Mi-Minnville ucrry cit for oii.e tune, d' purleil f.,i
is vi.itinif with Mrs, Jue Hinurom stlln"iie the fir,,t of the Week.
Tent city this week.
Mrs. ('. I. Cblbreath and family and
Miss Vera Joknson of Independence ar
rived recently and are encamped at Nye
Besi-h for a short stay.
F. K. Lovell of Halcm is nnmbereil
among the latest visitors at the New
Cliff house at Nye beach.
Miss Dorothy IVsrce ot Halcm, is pass
ing the month at Nye Beacb as a guest
of the Damon.
Mis Aliee i'slnr-r f,f Halcm, js smong
tie Wtsny capital city visitors "' so
junrnirtg ot this lib.
Mr. ,l Mrs. Allie ("onrter sr.,j son
Clie of Falls City motored to Newport
lint week fur a few days vi.it.
Mrs. B. Y. Gicsy arid family of Au
rora are enjoying a short outing at Nye
b.-acli at Tent i'itr.
Mi., Lena hrtlc Tartar and Miss Lib
Sanitary Meat Market
Dealer In
Fresh Meats, Fish, Oysters,
Gams, Crabs. Butter, Eggs
Front Street, Newport, Oregon
When you u Journal clastifl-
ed adt get what yon want tlvm
to they work fast.
Paramount Artcraft,
Fox Standard and Goldwyn
Photo Plays
One block west of Postoflicc
Newport, Oregon
Agates Cut and Mounted
Watch Repairing
3 Yari In Business
Strictly Cash. City Delivery, O. O.
Formerly Tourist Inn
Major and Minor Operations
Maag$ and Hydro
therapy Write For Kates
Journal Want Ads Pay
White House Restaurant
To right of Boat Landing
Good Cats, flood Beds at Oood Prices,
and Sea View.
Agate Cutter and Manufactur
ing Jeweler
Opfh the year round.
Nye Beach, Newport