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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1918)
TODAY WEATHER lFIESTyEAK - NO. SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, AUGUST 19, 1918. PRICE TWO CENTS ON TKAIN3 AND NEWS STANDS FIVE CENTS fiBNfin DESPERATE il HI II II IV - ESISTANGE BUTT DESPERATE. RENCHGEr FOCH'S WIST ' GIVES iiiSDENBURG ANOTHER'PROBLEM TO CZECK0-8LOVAKS IT TAKEH3,000 PRISONEI Ct innr UlTCni Al A nil AU Pifliir m LniHL HUVHi II IV H 7. . it 1 V JUt e front Ana ton- w J Mil and Quarter on sect the Picardy And Aisne-Yesle Battle fronts- Allied froops New Drive Threatens German Positions East Of lie foe-tans 'fight Desperately To Escape From IN OF 18 WILL HOT BE GALLED AS LOHG AS THIS CI BE AVOIDED Probably Those From 19-38 Inclusive Will Be Called First. Is Entering Wedge That MayjThey Are Without Food Or pros,ram Arranged to Make Form Another Danger ous Pocket for Him. By J. W. T. Maori, - (Cnitcd Press War Expert.) New York, Aug. 19. The essential instability of the cGiman front iu the Munitions And Are Ap pealing For Aid. GRAND ARMY OF 5,000 CAPTURES PORTLAND WITHOUT FIRING GUN Bv John DeGandt . A (United Press Staff Correspondent) . Paris, Aug. 19. The French are in the suburbs of e. The British are carrying out a flanking movement farthof town. ' V. . Extraordinary artillery fighting is under way in the We Roye sector. The Germans, m a desperate eflort o hold the town, are pounne mlresh-divisions wmcn ave been withdrawn from other parts of the front with-' iithe past 24 hours. ;;: - The attack between the Oise and the Aisne, started esterday evening has resulted in -re-occupation of thirty square kilometers of territory. The French are in pos ws of important heights West of Nampcel, and are aiming it envelopment of Ourscamps (Between Ribe- ourt and Carlepont) with resultant control' of all the dads leading northward to Noyoh. In the last 24 hours the allies have taken more than '! prisoners. Visit a Memorable 0" Washington, Avg. 1. With the Si berian winter approaching, entente gov ernments are striving to rush aid to the stranded ('-echo-Slovaks and get them jwest is again demonstrated by Martial! in shape to withstand the hardships iuch s sudden thrust between the Las-j aiu,ad. signy ana twiwons oaine iron., mis T, f who bnve Wvn ,,,aking a is on.i of the most lnifioitant sectors to 1 . . . . t. ' ... vigorous stand in the heart or Kuvtvi me is resolve upon preserving his present between the Volga and Lake Baikal, are position V Picardy ano! along the Vesle.j practically without food, clothing and Meanwhile, Marshal Foch's easily ac- munitions ami are franticnliv appealing donbnrg cannot count on holding any i . ... in vtc nener. is lA-utg u. iu. l,c vn. eulty of organizing the economic mission which America is planning to send. Realizing that the winter ahead in Rus sia'will brill!.' hardships few busjnes': era! Gallieno's taxi cab army left Tar is to turn the Hun back. An unusual reunion was that of A. B. ("amp of Lents, Or., with his brother T. P. ( amp of Stoughton, Wis. ; They met by pre-arrsugement in front ef the Liberty Temple- "1 hadn't seen T. P. for 55 years," said A. B., "but 1 knew him right awav for he always was smaller ttisa Portland, Or., Aug- IS). America's most famous reunion, the national 0. I A. R. encampment, was in full swing ' here today lor its o-'d time. Hut it all ,.,',. Tanner of U'".' I.:n .1... rv:.,.:., f rV,l.,,i. n wins lur ur Gianni v w.ui..-.-. A red plush chair was the throne of the expected delegates arrive, 5000 members of the army of (51-03 will ... tin. n-na ami i i '-i.t 1..,..- lllg.f Hlltl ill , m. v -l Mini, in invi, nil.? entereil strategically well into the grip of the allies relentless initiative. The new advance nuide by the r':-enc.h is highly Clangorous for Von HUideubuig toi Ai'. 19. (Xoon) The "Between the Oio and Aisne, the K it i now drive between the , French rectified their front on a width fMil the Aisap yesterday advanced !ot. fltt(,p" kilometers (nine and a third n Quarter on fr,,r of mlH9' el'M.n a f0"" S".tU .r N than nine miles, establishina i'T1. "VW. advancing two k connection between the of. , umi'lm a n"10 aU(1 a I"-)1"? H Ai.ll.rL, . I! . . , occupied the table land west of Namp- -...... . r Ir0nis, .,, .., lV, o, i..i. i il l, iitti la-ii Lin- niiuMiriii iiiiiiiii u the ravine of Audignieourt flnil took Neuvron-Vingro. They captured 100 prisoners." Washington, Aug. 19. Men of .13 not be taken fnto the army until it is absuluie ly necessary, Seeretai ,v . oi., Var 1 Baker told the luSe military affairs U'limmittee today, in ojte'iiiutf lienrings ou jthe-iiew man power bill, making draft age IS to 45. j Baker, and later Oliief of Staff March ... emphasized-that ev'en though nion of IS were taken last that the- would begin calling them into the army by next spring and that probably the whole new cinsh one would be exhausted by next June. - ,. -j Baker aho said that the elassifica tion would be an exceedingly long pro cess and that it might be necessary to take wnie men "of 18- before the men above 32 were fully classified. For this reason, be said, he opiMised any provi sion in the, newunan power. bill that would -Be loo lireiusuc io gin- me department that power, "Geuerak C'rowder is now preparing regulation looking to two . classifica tions," Baker said. "One includes men from 19 to 36 inclusive, and these men will be called first. The other includes men above 30. I have planned to have men of 13 in a separate classification and to defer calling them until it is ab solutely necessary." Senator Gore, Oklahoma, tday intro duced an amendment to the man power Mil iiiteueded to defer the drafting of men under 21, as long as possible, it provides that no man under that age because it marks the beginning of a! men who could undertake b work de wedge which threateu to make a newjmanded, mi wiUir.a to leave this count- pocket in Picardy and at the same tiinelry. Continued disorder nnd demoralized uv-mtn t..n. mil.. in., f .ui. it Q ' cm tup of the o'd MfcT'o pocket. Von liiudeuburg must desperately resist the Continuance of this maneuver or admit his intention to retire slill i'uitiior to ward Belgium and Germany. If he de cides on resistance, more troops must be fouud tot . first line operations, -which mean, a farther depletion of Germany's sadly wilted reserves. ' ; Marshal. Foeti has , Ynn Hindenburg baekiiii '' -fiit'o an increasingly boneless j position. It i0 impossible for Von Hin denburg u retain possession of his pre sent trench tnilage, while Marshal Foch continues b's incessant local drives and at the same time accumulate reserves to serve against America's forthcoming major offensive. ; Marshal Foch, i3 con stantly seeking to harass Ve:; Hinden burg at new points so that the maximum number of German 'troops possible shall be kept in the front lines and away from the reserve. By this means Von Hin denburir wi'l.cvcatuaJU- be forced back conditions in Russia are added reasons fro their refusal to go, Meanwhile the position of the allies in Murmansk and Archangel becomes firmer. American traups were cheered as thev landed at Vladivostok. Allie troops there greeted them as they dock ed. Autibelslievilvi gave demoirsua i tions, of approval as the latest reinior cements arrived. The bolsheviki am fast losine their hold on the interior of Siberia. Forma tion of a Siberian government at Omsk which is avowedly pro-ally, will soon rallv the teuple to the danger of Ger many. A Siberian peoplcg army his been organized nnd has joined the Czecho slovaks i,i the capture of Irkut sk. Connection of the three centers of al lied activity at Vladivostok, Irkutsk nnd Murmansk is now being iitten.pteil The trans-Siberian railroad from Ivkut- sh into Amur r, ion is closed to the al Oregon mist" which greeted the vanguard of the army had cleared who held court in a hotel lobby. Corporal Tanner has a lot of friends for this is his 43d encampment and he is one of the most famous figures remaining in today and a forecast of fair weather , foH the story of the doctor who prescribed a hot loot bath to cure Tanner's cold. It ended with the climax: , "I'll be dashed if I do, I told him. 'I'll not run the risk of warping my onlv pair.' " Tanner lost both feet in a slight military mishap some 50 years promised a pleasant week Although innumerable personal re unions and civinvar gossip wilt con tinue as alwavs to be the feature of the gathering, the boys in blue will not miss the opportunity to see the north west's war work and scenery. They will be taken through the cut-up plant at Vancouver, Wash., where nearly a mil- ago. I,. .. T,,l.,i,r Vahm nf thn nilth Horn feet of spruce number is being llBnd'illv4lded the northern capital las prepared France. daily for our birdmen iu year, encamping at Washington, so th ....tHnn imiiiTnf nd mflv invnno mo The shipbuilding plants have arranz- i th noxt ; t0 Now Orleans, ed.a program of launehings so that the An lnvijtt'tion eomins from New Or soldiers will have the gratification of , declared "There could b no cheering some of tho I -boat beaters as I flout of tho whole hearted welcome they glide down the ways. which the whole south would extend to The army will ge up the Columbia jtho i,ovg who finally triumphed at Ap highvvay in automobiles, much as Gen- patnatox.'' HOARDING OF RICE BY JAPANESE FARMERS IS CA USE OF MANY RIOTS announced to- IV . .. .. ,,u "i UUII'V Tlie advan.-e as made liotwceu Car t (four miles oast of Ribecourt) i rontetiDv (five mics wcstl nf si.,;v. f"1 wlli(,i marked the western ex f;'T Df the Manic counter offens- liei and the road from Ohsk to Moscow f.i-.nisT. kIii-ii the fiiiuT'defllsinn is mhd.l i vot to le oucn?. When . ' '.se two the German reserees must be built up or links are in possession of anti-bolshcviki the war will be lost to the kaiser bv de- ki forces ,an unbroken line or commune fault. Von Hindenburg is already be- catio i will lie lit operation over wtne:i ginning to feel that Marshal Foch is! food, guns and other necessities will be playing with him like a cat with a mouse. German; Occupy Smolensk. rushed. Rapid restornion of order will follow this step, oiticialM believe Zurich, Aug. 19. A bomb was thrown Zurich, Aug. 12. A German' force is ( at the chief of the German secret polic. British Keep at Work ! London, Aug. 19-JFurther progress -i , i il l i.lnlllfl OllU JJl 111-1,1 anuii HI lUt 1IIV ae Fr-ni-h occupied the important ' my lines in the Arras sector was re tor Xainiiccl. ; ported by Field Marshal Haig today- rf 'iC li S""t,"'rn lj'ir-1 A Gerimui attack on a front of more 'kwtL , "n0Urt ravine (five! than two miles between Meteren and H the , i nUarl'l'"i) and cap-! Outtersteene, in an effort to win back ' mile k't 0t VMVfH-Vingre ground lost in Sunday's British ad I'vtook rw ' of ''""tviu.y) iyance was completely defeated. vifil'V"1''!:,, I " A few prisoners were taken last "Iwh side ti r, 'ry t'it'itiiif ; ni-ht in the Avette sector (eight miles -A hiinJr.t . ysterday.' south and west of Arras) and also rMaken i tit '"Ml Pfim? ; south of the Scarpe river (which flows Xortlt am ..'nth?1'?' 'through Arras) where patrols entered " violent ,'rti ! , Avri' there t!lL' viiemv's trenches and penetrated "W'lwJi.i ,V 15 M!'" t!ie sf,me distance into his positions," the ""t of ii,v .statement said. pnw., veiterV ' i""' a,1'litil"1 : ''orth of the Scarpe a hostile raid lin .. ' '."'ins a totalling party was repulsed with loss. Yes- 'J. ' M'81"" 'Ur'ln tlieterday and last night we further pro gressed in the Marvillo sector (Flan ders) despite opposition of hostile ma i' hine guns. We took between forty and fifty prisoners and a few machine guns " Ecarly last night the enemy at tacked our new position between Out teisteeue, captured by the British Sun day, and Meteren. The attack was com- (pletelj- broken up by our artillery and i machine gun fire. The total of prison ers taken in yesterday's successful op jeration on this sector ib not available I yet. - ! "Hostile artillery showed some act ivity south of the Somme and also jactive smithwest-and north of Baitleul (Flanders.)" shall be drafted for military service un til iu the judgment of the president all older men so far as consistent with pub lic interest, have beeu taken. It further provides that the same rules shall apply to the 19 and 20 vear old classes befoie taking the IS year old boys. occupying Vitebsk and Smolensk, iin the approval of the bolsheviki, a War saw dispatch declared today. Smolensk is on the Dnieper river, 250 miles v-t aefl south of Mosco.v. Vit bsiv is 75 miles west and north of moleuk, on the Duna river. Both are important cities. in Warsaw, but the attempt failed, ac cording to a dispatch from tnnt city re (eived todr v. A German fuol killed two of the wi.u'id lio iis'9-smis but the rest as eaped Infantry and cavalry rre pa -!iinr the 'cm l r.v arrests '.i.'Ve been mad;, in to- icii iiy f "(tack. These May be First Washington, Aug. 10. Boys of 19 and 20 will be the first called when the new IS to 45 draft age limitation be comes law, it was indicated today. Gen eral March said that the yimngor men make the best fighters. Other military men agree with him. General Crowder has figured that.he can get an army of 1,212,2:14 -from these classes alone. President Wilson, however, has power to designate which class" shall be called first. He might call the older men first And there is some opposition in the house tn callinii the men between .1 and 21 before the others. J ABE MARTIN ; twit GERMAN EMBASSY HA S LEFT MOSCOW-LENINE RULE WILL SOON END Tkee Special Trains Carrying German Soldiers Wearing Russian Uniforms Leave Moscow Along With Embassy --Germans Say Move Made Bcause Bolsheviki Govern ment Will Soon Fall Social Revolutionists Will Form New Government. Senate Meets Thursday Washington, Aug. 19. The senate to dav agreed to terminate its recess and meet Thursday for consideration of the man power bill, fixing the draft age limits at 18 to 45. No objection was made by any senators when Chairman Chamberlain, of the military committee asked for unanimous consent to resume regular business at that time. Members of the committee hope it may be possi ble to consider and pass the bill by Saturday night. Lxtramdinarv police measure, were ta- party. The house was ready for business to- kpn a, Kronstadt the supposition bcingj dav although neither of tiie big nieas-ti, Uheviki leaneis, ures will be introduced before the mid iw;tH tiK, Germans would go stroiialv fortified city. out of Hussia, according to 120.000.000 Bushels Out of Market Causes.. Prices To Double. Tokid, Aug. 19. fooldiers have lieen called out in practically every large city of Japan to aid the police In restraining mob. which have resorted to wauton destruction of the property of rich men. The riots are the outgrowth of the rice riots which began a week ago. Mobs at first contented themselves with raid ing rice shops and demanding lower prices. Japanese farmers nave noarueu jjo, 000,000 bushels of rice ,the rioting peo ple declare. In some places the police hnve shown sympathy for the mobs and have refused tn ilisoerm them. DisonUirs which started in Tokio Tuesday were quelled by police with the aid of troops. Government Will Act. Washington, Aug. ID. Food noting in UplJ bold steps which might unseat the pres IlvlU ministry. Oi'ficiuU here were reluctant to draw ' urlus'uniR from the rioting reported in uil HirU f .the island empire. That tho ; gi'iiu (f class revolution may be spread- . ing to Japan iN regarded a? possible. Japan's political system ha, modified gieatly in recent years and tho demo cratic ferment of the western nations is becoming stronger, especially since tho war began and the democratic nations have become more closely associated with Japan. Details of the rioting are arriving s?v eral days latef but latest information iere attributed to the. food outbreak -to the food situation. Profiteers in rico have cornered the market and are hold ing the price beyond reach of the under paid ClllSf.CS. I War industries in Japan have thrived under the demand lor munitions ami in , wcM'nv h ive ,""i ino-e a..hy whtU the pool fuid it more difficult to m.nt living costs. Rioters are reported to have stoned IllOOlW lit the wealthy, breaking into i. .i,,..,t.,u t ,i,.rel.,r, tut,, nolilicnl! restaurants and me depots and attacn- revolt unless prompt step, are taken by ing geidia girls as they rode through tho the Tokio government to provide rice lor sireeis. the population, according to the unom- Prediction . are freely nuide hcrc tnat ,1 view hero today. . a crisis is rasi .ipp.ou.-.m,. Gei.nau agents may be working am-1 Slate department off.cia s nltnbuttf oug the masses to stir up disornor lyjtiie ouimiit. e..,,., i.v ... ... i i.,t., wiP ti. fitcriii sit- fun, 1 situalioii in Japan. Rice lias prno '"" I .' " . i,. , , :,.. ,i, l,. T cnilv .lOUUIL-ll 111 'li'l- a'"i' i"i- "i ...i-i.-i. ... . hi ir .ini'.ii, I il ir ..i-iii.-. uaiioii, niin ii is iiii'iw.,, p, - i ' . i . 1 ... Ho.,-,. ,t is believed. Aiiti-annexioiiists, gan a:i, wages have continued very low. who are stiei.uon.slv opposing Japanese 'Japanese spec plans for intervention in Siberia, arc w- so believed to be spurring the people to' dilators have been hoard- (Continued on page six) vice consul at Moscow Swedish Kovcrninci'.t Washington, Aug. 19. Thr.e special get refugees trains carrying 800 German soldiers, the cable. i,',i.;l,n uniforms and the Ger- The Swedish .....i?! Inft isi.Miv tnr'lms r:'o;iested t I man vmn .., . ' IT .? - u ..f l.i,. t Peti-oad P.-ivfi-rrad ai cording to cuoics na. n.uB io s.-nn a .1......1. ... : - . SI, tmVnt today. to take a party of 2nd sout of Russia ...v. o. 1 . , , - n I rni u, - ..I-,., t.. , riirilfrpcu 01 MOSCOW AUgOhl V, 11. ll.e in ... "i- ; e. .,,.1 nillitnrvi niiiiuitr notions. Ill case tnissrep 1UIIB "From Over There" General Pershing's Official Report The Germans lett and on the same day . , ..... I ....... ...... ,. v inn fir WAV IO nnd nolice measures were taiten in rue airaiigui.......s H. - - and poll c imas immediately nerniit Passage through. Finland of the rouruu o" i'.c si,ui- - together to th j By Frank J. Taylor i (I'nited Press staff correspondent! With the American Armies in France Aug. 18 (Nishtl American troops jadvanced slightly beyond Frapellc this inorning and last night, and consolidat ed tne ground won in yesterday morn pug s attack. The Germans in retalia tion dropped 2500 nhells in Franelle but failed to drive out the Americans. ( in Alsace, five miles east of St. Die, and onlv four miles from the German border. It was captured in ta surprise attack Sunday morning.) West of Gebeweiler, 45 boches at I tempted to raid American positions bat were driven off by artillery and j rifle fire without being able to reach jour lines. ,-vii ."l '""is git ,., I .(Gebeweiler is in German Alsace, 12 tM 57 Bia,l,. .... . 'O" .miles north of Mnlhanaon. Tl, lines die of the week The wavs and means committee i! still working on the revenue bill and the military committee began hearing on the mail power bill with Secretary of War Baker. Chief of Staff March and Provost Marshal General Crowder before it. The water never bill which was nr. finished business of the house and pro hibition amendment to the food produe tion bill, holduitr the same status in the senate, will have to give way to th, more pressing war measures. ; or I H V , ?X 4 Wwb, f. .,J'l?; arc about four miles west of Gebeweil- I ' c fteir .... . p lilt! ytr' c- nj . 'if b--,.j ea slie m,-j y ;y 'j nines inside uerman rerri' (Continued on page six) Strenuous efforts are being made to I. W. W. Defendants Found Guilty By Jury The following casualties are reported by the commanding general of the Am erican expeditionary forces: Killed in action 1 1 "" 102 i:i5 Died of wounds Missing in action Wounded severely i-ideut ether O WISE YOUNG MAN! American Army in THE KINGDOM OF POLAND Amsterdam, Aug. 19- German news-T papers report that at the recent meet- ing of the kaiser and Emperor Karl at J German headquarters, it was decided i that creation of the kingdom of Poland would be concluded in close alliance with the central powers. . I Naming of the Austrian Archduke , -.-Carl Stephen as Polish king is not men tioned bv the German press. With The a.t...... Hi.. 17. In an American France Aug.17.-Iii an Amcricuif Maine a German boy of nineteen vpnrs lav waiting the attention of a doctor. His injury was not Keriou and ho was content wir. what had befallen l,im. He talk ed English, without great diffi culty, and responding to ques tions gave his youthful opinion of affairs in Germany. " Nothing h., said was new, but. in endea voring to sum it up be used lhis expression. "The people are through but the State fight on." -.. . a.... io 'ri... ion t IV W. ff l llicngo, "" ,jei defendants on trial heie on charges of sabotage and sedition, were found guilly Sat in day night on an eouius. jv.i u.- ToU, !feiidants were ordered into custouv. j The trial (aire to a sudden end after i dragging lilong since April 1. The. jury j(,iwas iinder key only a few hours before $ j reporting its verdict. ! The 100 defendants were indicted last fall on five founts charging conspiracy jc!to prevent enforcement of war measures ! injury and oppression of munitions mn klker. obstruction of enlistment by I. W. v W. members, obstruction of recruiting, ji'and a scheme to defraud sabotage, i I Liable to Heavy Penalties. The fifth count was withdrawn by a. t...i,... t mulls iii idiuiiniiir the iiirv. Ti e j, r,.. ii it count deannir wuu . III. iltrs Died from airplane ac Died of disease Died from accident and causes Wounded, degree undetermined.. Previously reported missing, reported killed .. 1 .. 3 9 F! now 12 .... "382 Killed in action Corporals Chester A. Graham, Newark, N. J. Samuel J- Imnan, Whitmell. Va. Arthur, W. Watt-hews, Philadelphia Albert Smith, Milnor, X. D- Albert L. Strunk, Memphis, Tenn. Laird A. Winy, Seattle, Wah. Bugler Alfonso Peak, Danville, III. Corporal Richard Cochrane, Gray ghlomgh, Relnghbeg, Ireland Corporal Hubert Lee Moore, Canton. X. C. Bugler Francis h. Johnson, Worcester ditious practices would lay the defend I ai.t. open to sentences of 20 years' im-l Newfoundland Robert H. Claycoiue, Hcmerset, Pa. Nest r labouty, New Bedford, Mass. Men r.v J. l.avioletto, Marlboro, Mass. Edward I.ohemiiii, liridgeton. Me. Ralph J- Ixivcrn, Hancock, N. H. J. tin J. l'addcn, Holyoke, Mass. William 11. Anderson, St. James, Minn. Roy II. Bates, Worcester, Mass. S. V. Cainiell, Pontine, Miih. Kenneth V. Chase, New Bedford, Mass. Albert J. Craw,- New Bdford, Mass Leonard (J. Fuller, Shellrock, la. Frank Gorla, Conrath, Wis. Sam Hamway, Wheeling, WVa. Victor A. Jewell, Beaver Palls, Pa. ' Etlwin Rice J.ohnson, Stillwater, Oh!a Fiaiu-is Regis Lennon, Pittsburg, Pft Bert 15. Lonuing, Thor, Iowa George K. Lyon, Cleveland, Ohio Clinton F. jiiackenbush. Bingham, Neb. Ilenrv 1'hlcnhop, Leonardville, Kan. Herbert O. V.'hitaker,' Worcester, Mass, . Burebard Henry Wiemer, Waco, Neb Woods, Sandowii, X. 1I-. ( aptain Clarence R. Oliver, Elmira Height X- V. -Lieut. Charles Y. Fmzill, New -rk Lieut. James Rountree Kiugery, Sum . isonni 'lit eaci Nick Bucknvi, Detroit, Mi.h4 John C Chipman, Conception, Bay, (Continued n page three)