Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 17, 1918, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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I ? I 111 III' 1 lilillt t t m t ttttf
JM- .t4444M
38 Years the Leaders and Still On Top
FOB SALE Shoe drill, 6-ft., $23; also
orchard disc. 4 ft., $10. Box 36, Rt
2, Turner, Or. ' 8-1J
:3Si5partment is nffi best selling
WANTED To bny about 1000 feet of
used lumber suitable for sheeting.
Enquire 1260 Jefferson St. 8-17
m(rrt RATES Tivy
L'TIFUL Persian kitten? for sale,
SJ ! Address 0'. h.irpaxncK, x aus
-n7Tiai' - , . t. i
FOR SALB-Auto, 1918 Model Chev
rolet with extras, run less than 2000
miles, good ag new. R 8 care Jour
nal. 8-17
FOR SALE Or lease, furnished or un
re'l furnished 5 room eottage.f erms: 113d
11 in
me insertion,! wilier street. ' 8 19
.ore : ... nt.i
i .itipnieilt3
7 y7(
5mn S. . 2
IT jrtiiea
aaJ I t-, c1a Second hand shoes, chain
Good for berry and hop pickers. Mod
ern Shoe Repair, 464 Court. 8-17
hW1 st- .
- .ml hum
SSlT-t wm " . 8.17
.W"" J 1
iy7um m.U
fs H care -bnahJ-L
WANTED For cash, 10 acre tract with
good buildings, must be bargain. C.
W. Nicmeyer, 544 State street. tf
PEACHES for short time only. Call at
orchard or phone 56F14. M. C. Pct
tevs. tf
ASSISTANT cook wanted at state in
stitution for Feeble Minded, $00 with
board, room and laundry. Telephone
tiiti. 819
TEprresh cow, must be heavy
TftdltelSteat, $13. N
M., a i.Hth St. S-ll
MM. I1"" a
for rent Call 1737
.jr 6 room house, close i
vi Mlvei and fat cattle.
- OK
,( 1576W.
for tows on the L.
m, roof repaired and tarred.
iftce. Phone 1074. 8-20
a.ni uses or nursing wanted.
t P WEIGHT, the auctioneer.
irir, Oregon. Phone 59. tf.
UtGBUN, utility man, solicits
ptjtbtof any kind. Phone 2441.
(TED-CM for dining room and
ki mt t Willamette sanator-
pPtlltl ia Falls City, Or., to trade
rfK id Salem. rite to cox
la, Mi City. 8-23
ED lose wanted for intelligent rat
hitriof, good playmate for chil
k Aim MO. 8-17
UfflT ywg widow would mar-
Hl;, Me-loving man, old
9 considered. Mrs, M., Box 584,
Ingcles, Oil.
SALE J rear old Jersey milk
n. Mm Albert Robertson, Fair-
in., St. 3, Box 59A. 8-20
I SALE7 room house and four lots
you m price. Will take auto as
a payment. Phone 815. 8-22
L'iBLE nan wants about 3 lur.irs
d afternoon. Can give references.
& u u. ctre Journal. 817
TED Small automatic or eood
n caliber revolver. A, Mr. !U
' JonrnaL 8-17
T ANTED - For whole-
c trA i i
. sun tronuce business. Ap
p Salem Fruit Co, 207 8. Com-
IT trpwriter in good or
i, ai :ia A. 20th,
FOR SALESome fine pedigreed Bel
gian and New Zealand rabbits. Call
forenoons at 645 South 12th. Phone
285M. 8-19
FOR SALE 1914 Ford roadster or tour
ing car $300; 1914 Studebaker $375.
Highway Garage, 1000 S. Com'l.
Phone 355. tf
FOR SALE .5 passenger car, electric
lights and starter. Splendid condition
up to date in every way. Phpne 2057
M. 8-17
ALL KINDS of store fixture for sale,
safe, button making machine, bat
conformer, shoe button machine, etc.
Stockton's store. 8 23
HANDSOME French lady, 21. worth
$125,000. Anxious to marry honorable
gentleman. L.-Bryant, 221ti Temple
St., Los Angeles, Cel.
POSITION wanted as night wateh or
any light work, where 1 can learn
to run a car. W. E. Dachicn. 666
North Summer street, Salem. 8-17
FOB SALE For $275 Studebakcr, 20
h. p., has electric lights, generator
and storage battery. See MeCall at
Capital garage. 8-23
BARGAIN Good house two blocks
from Y. M. C. A. bldg., cheap or will
rent; 4 lots fine garden land good
location, make offer. Room 8 Bayne
Bldg. 8-17
SALE OR TRADE 120 acres Morrow
county, Or., and 80 acres Mason
county, Wash. Owner, Box 67, Sa
lem. 8-17
FOR RENT 5 room Bungalow, modern
rent for $10 month, is worth more.
Call at 1095 N. Liberty street, or
phone 2017R. - 3-20
WANTED Boys of 16 or over to carry
paper routos lor winter. High school
boys preferred. Enquire at Journal of
fice, tf
MARRIED man with wife and one child
wants place on farm for year. Ad
dress 1109 Monroe St., Oregon City,
Ore. 8-19
35 ACRES timber land, good soil, no
rock, running water, 1V4 miles from
railroad and small town, on rock
road. Price $1800. Call Modern Bak
ery, 439 Court St. 8-17
5 GOOD men wanted for factory work
long job at wages. Call at room
303 Salem Bank of Com. bldg., or
phone 482, agent, W. D. Smith. tf
WANTED Hop pickers to pick early
and late hops. Picking will last from
20 to 25 days. Hops good. Yards clean
Will start picking Aug. 23. Phone 8F
25. J. A. Kriebs. tf
AGENTS WANTED Large manufac
turer wants representatives to sell
shirts, underwear, hosiery, dresses,
waists, skirts, direct to homes. Write
for free .samples. Madison Mills, 503
Broadway, New York City.
FOR SALE 10 tons hay, $18 per ton,
1 Jersey cow $40, 2 mules with har
ness, 1 horse with harness, 1 hay wa
gon, 1 spring wagon. Phone 26F13.
FOR SALE At bargain, 6 room modern
bungalow, large log, garage, one block
from paved street, 2 blocks to car line
An ideal home for little money. Ad
dress A. J. 20 care Journal. tf
FOR 5Vj pr cent "farm loans; see the
Marion-Polk county national farm
loan association. W. D. Smith, 303
Salem Bank of Commerce bldg. tf
LOST Medium size, black leather
traveling bag, full of personal effects,
including 1 $50 liberty -bond, 2 war
stamps, a letter nddressed, F. E. Cum-
miiigs' liberal reward if returned to
this office, and no questions asked.
F. E. Cummings, 441 Nehalem Ave.,
Portland, Or. 8-19
FOR SALE One of the best new sev
en room bungalows in Falls City at a
bargain. Ford or Dodge considered as
part payment. Address box 285,
FaUs City, Or. , 8-17
FOR SALE Five passenger Eeo. All
new tires. Fine mechanical condition.
Electric equipment, with starter1.
This la a sacrifice sale and if yon
want a first class bny cheap, call 81
and ask for Mills, or see car at North
western Garage. tf.
vitAWfUKij canning peaches now
ready. Order immediately, crop light,
snort season, quality fancy. Lach
niund's orchard 5 miles north of Sa
lem, in Kcizer bottom. Fhonv H. W.
Bowdcn, foreman, farmers 29F3. Bring
your boxes. tf
tj" a 6 or 7 room
i..r ' mce 'sk- imita-
t "'S"IH(1 AV
e. 8-17
i'l. Dlnm . "
i- t, . ' uuwe roll
Kr-S. u"i umiture Store, 179
fclkme, dai- Call pbore
Angioma-. -
P'A fUrniShed' St
JOuJ a.
P 1 V Cottge. Phcne 2203.
10w power hW,
fPHvatriSbea Ping
NiJP?' tea thous
I 7 to get out. ilox 333.
Mw al-
: Place
n j room
liSVig Porch
Uii W Phone
HZ' f"n 21
itaC Pipd
I ls bl-i "-P.Buise,:
1 tfl
Black locust wood for making trenails
Thousands aro used in every ship and
are absolutely needed to help along
tno snip building program. If you can
spare any from your grove we can pay
you a good price for them. Western
Ship Supply Co., E. C. Armstrong,
purchasing agent. Phone 1917R. tf
GOVERNMENT WILL hold civil serv
ice examinations in SaL"m in August.
20,000 women clerks to bo appointed
at Washington. Experience unncces
sary. Wowen desiring government,
clerkships write for free particulars
to u. ss. Terry, (former civil set vice
examiner;, dia Columbian building
aslungton. 8-23
.ti r. v w a A, I' h l A hi. A
.lu.iiiji AUiC UUU1VU U V L I
eighteen years for paper mill work
at West Linn, Oregon, near Portland.
Wages $3.36 eight hours. No experi
ence necessary. Permanent positions
uuu advancement for steady men
Strike declared eight month i f go do.es
not affect peaceful and normal opcr
at Kit! rtf til la nlant
v. iiaiib, iicd uauajwi 111
tion. 141 North High St. Phone 340.
BAKUA1N8 in real estate 44 acre
tract, 30 acres in cultivation, balanee
yasmre ana timber, 8 acres 4 year
ia Italian prune orchard, house,
barn, family orchard; price $3500.
15 acre tract located on main Jeffer
son road, 10 acres Italian prunes, 4
and 6 years old; price $4500. 8 Toom
modern house in first class condition
located on Fairmount Hill, price $3,
000. 270 acre stock farm located 10
miles from Salem. nri- tin 800
Improved 20 acre tract located east
of Salem, will take good modern
house as part payment, price $8000,
uood improved 40 acre tract,, good
buildings, 7 miles from Salem, price
$7200. 22W acres, cood house, barn,
well, 8 acres Italian prune, one acre
Loganberries, family orehard and ber
"es, good road, 4 miles from Salem,
all stock, machinery and household
goods go, priee $0000. 10 acre tract,
4 Toom house, barn, family orchard,
Price $1100. W. H. Grabenhret & Co-,
275 State street. Phone 2315. 8-17
money in exclusive agency rights sell
ing U & J Carburetors. Doubles mile
age under money back guarantee.
Write at once. H. J. Kaul & Co., 803
Wrestminstcr Ave., Salt Lake City,
Utah. 817
GOVERNMENT needs 20,000 clerks at
Washington. Examinations every
where in August. Experience unnec
essary. Men and women desiring gov
ernment positions write for free par
ticulars to J. C. Leonard, (former
civil service examiner,) 1059 Kenois
Bl.lg., Washington, D. C. 8-24
State House Notes
State Engineer Lewis today reicived
from the Squaw Creek irrigation dis
trict au application to the state securi
tio0 commission, for approval of $98,000
of bonds, wheh the district wishes to
sell to provide f undg for purchasing the
canals and water rights of the Squaw
Creek Irrigation company, with the ob
ject of taking over the existing canals
and operating them. The district is u)
Crook county.
Tho Prohibition party has filled wlrti
the secretary. of Btate certificates or
uomination for five candidates for sstate
reurest'iitaiivc from Multnoman suiily
Acceptance of the nominations also have
been filed. The nominees are Joseph
ICIIart, Eugene T. Smith, Wm. F. Amos
Herbert Gordon and H. L. idleman.
. , "t
Vs j a - l 3 IX d ' I
A Fine Assortment of New Fall Suits and Coats just in.
And you will be surprised aftei seeing them and know
ing the price. All the New Colors and Styles. Suits
with belted jackets with collar that closes high at the
Throat or may be worn open. Some with pleated backs
others in full flare effects. You cannot go wrong if
you come early and choose your suit or coat from this
New Fall Neckwear
Just received a shipment of the very latest designs
in neckwear. This assortment includes the new
smart collars of pique crepe, satin, crepe, Georgette,
lace and organdy Those Modesty Vestees are also
shown here.
Men's Hats
Our line of Men's Soft Hats include those bought for
this FalFs trade and are the Latest Thing in color
and shape.AlI these soft hats go at from $1 to $2.50
Those novelty Soap Kewpies-They Sure Make a Hit With the Children on Sale next Wednesday, Aug. 21st.
- : r" 9c Each, 3 For 25c
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Cook returned
yesterday from Netarts after en ab
sence or a week. .
Albert Thompson returned from Al
bany this morning where he sold a
tractor. .
Ralph Thompson, who) has been with
Vick Bros., has been transferred to the
Valley Motor company and will assist
in the tractor business.
Mrs. E. F. Allen, mother of W. G.
Allen, left this morning for Tacoma.
Mrs. E. S. Farnhani left tbi morn
ing over the Oregon Electric for Se
attle. B. A. ('ace, a prominent - stockman
of Mill City, is in Salem attending to
business affairs.
John Hamilton of Mehama is attend
ing to business matters in the city to
day. Miss Alma Aslibv of the Salem pub
lic library will leave in a day or two
for an alito tour with relatives. They
will visit several Sound cities including
Seattle. '
J. 8. Choriington, the electrician, and
mother, Mrs. W. M. Cherrington, mo
tored to Newport today to visit Miss
Lena Whcrring-toii, Who Js spending
her vacation there.
W. Al Jones, who is seriously ill at
his father's, T. H. Jones, 417 nortJJ
Commercial street, is reported this af
ternoon to be holding his own. In re
sponse to an inquiry, tho family stated
that they felt quite a little encouraged
this afternoon. Mr. Jones' illness is a
recurrence of an attack of malarial
fever suffered' last spring.
had just left his wife in Albany and
didn't appreciate the fact that he was
accused of non-support by another wo
man. Tbe father c-f Mrs. Smith is em
ployed at the Spaulding mill and it
was decided to let him referee the tan
gled affairs of his daughter. He de
cided that Mr. Rush was not Jesse
Smith and that it was one of those
case of mistaken identity.
C. Claggett, August 10, 1918, a'daugh
ter. She has been named Ruth Lorene.
Mr. and Mt. C'aggett live 4y2 miles
north of Salem.
Amsterdam, Aug. 17. Of a thousand
soldiers imprisoned at Kronstadt be
cause of counter revolution tendencies,
2G2 have been executed, a Moscow dis
patch today stated.
Court House Notes
In the case of Thos. O. I'arrnll
against W. M. Grant, R. L. Swarts,
Frank Ford, Mark Skiff and L. II.
Fish, a petition was presented asking
and Mrs. Clyde the court to confirm the sale of real
estate involved in the suit.
JONES. To Mr. and Mrs. Elton Jones
of Waconda at the Salem hospital,
Aug. 16, 1918, a sod.
Mrs. J. I. Coates,' administratrix of
the estate of F. L. Coates in her suit
against Marion county, haw asked tho
circuit court for a change of venue
from Marion county to the circuit
court of Linn county, as all witnesses
and parties concerned live near Jef
ferson and it' it much more convenient
to try tho case at Albany. V.' L. Coatej
was killed Nov. 1, 1917, while driving
a ear near Jefferson nod the suit in
brought against Marion county, alleg
ing that the accident was caused by
a defective road and bridge near Jef
ferson. Eleven witnesses will be call
ed Id show the condition of the auto
and the heal 111 of Mr. Coates- und bin
earning capacity, and two to prove tin'
defective condition of the road, that it
wan in a duugoroiis condition and that
the county had not warned the public.
Jn the 'matter of the estate of Mabel
L, Campbell, deceased, the administra
tors Willard L. Campbell and O. I-.
Martin, report the sale of 60 by 72 feet
of the-north went corner , of block 20,
University addition to Salem for $500
to Prank Anderson, said sum to be ap
plied on the mortgage of sume. Also
to Henry Hepnor for $25, part of lot
20 in I'nivcrnity addition to Saloni and
pnrt of lot 0 in block 20, University
addition. 'Mr. Ilepncr holds- a mortgage
of $2300 against the property.
The National Fraternity of Organized
Labor is the name of new order for
which articles of incorporation have
been filed by Phillip Pollock, E. J. Ven
ncwitz. Bruee W.' Scott and .H. A
Elder, all of Portland, where the order
will have headquarters. lts purpose is t him on the shoulder and asked
to provide sick and accident benefit, to step outside on an accusation
While a Mr. Rush of Albany was en
joying a movie of Mary Oarden in "A
Splendid Sinner" at the Liberty thea-
Itcr yesterday atternou a poni-nuaa
Journal Want Ads Pay
its members. Such benefits are limited
to $300 a year. As founder of the order
Bruce Scott is made official organizer
for the next five years.
Articles of incorporation were filed
by the Bear River Spruce Company of
Portland, with a capital stock of $100,
000. The incorporators arc A. E. Down
ing, A. E. Hammond and F. J. Bingham
Big, medium and small sized tractors
of every make sold on the Pacific Coast
will be seen in actual operation at the
great tractor and implement demonstra
tion covering 250 acres of land on the
Cotton Farm cast of Portland on the
Powell Valley road, near Cotton station
on the GreSham-Estacada car line, on
September 5, 6, and 7.
It will be the greatest demonstration
of the kind ever held on the Pacific
coasth, and every farmer should make
an effort to see it. Send to the Port
land Implement and Tractor association
340 East Morrison street, for full particj
that he was something of a sinner him,
self. It seems that tbe husband of
Mrs Jesse Smith deserted her about a
year ago and as Mr. Rush stepped into
the theater, she thought she recogniz
ed her long lost husband. And when
Mr. Rush appeared, she even insisted
he was her husband. By this time Mr.
Rush was considerably peeved as he
New York, Aug. 17. A rec
ord high bid for Liberty Bonds
3V4 per cent issue, was made on
the New York exchange today.
They went to 100.50. Most of
the activity was in these bonds.
The Journal classified ads are
great favorites with people who
dn thines Trv one.
In Home Furnishings. Our Stock Has Never Before Been So Com
plete in all lines. We are Salem agents for the following Lines:
Victrolas And Victor Records, Brunswick Home Billiard , Tables.
Frantz Premier Vacuum Cleaners White Rotary Sewing Machines,
Seflars Kitchen Cabinets, Hucro Hand Vacuum Cleaners, Quaker
Curtains and Laces. Everything for the Home. It gives us Pleas
ure to show our croods and assure you cf the Very Lowest Prices.
mbmi m
it tnti ..
4t444 44t-44444-444-444444444444444444