i. I I MA tPPRATP; both tr""""""-! r SIX THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON SATURDAY. AUGUST 17. 191& THREE ALLIED FORCES ;SMALL CROWD ATTENDS NOW OPERATING IN 'GREAT MOTOR RACES RUSSIAN TERRITORY A Real Service to the Nation jSupposa that the longer life of (Republic Tires saves you only I the cost of one full set in a year's time. Isn't that well worth consider ing? That the Pr5dium Process of toughening Republic Rubber a secret formula does increasa j mileage and reduce the yearly investment, is a certainty. I Any Republic user who has kept a record will tell you so. i Republic Tires wear down slowly : like a piece of steel as we ihave so often said. And yet the Republic abounds :with life, and spring, and resili ence. If the Republic reduces the 'yearly tire-bill by only one set isn't that a service of some size to the nation? Republic Inner Tubes, both Blaak' Line Had and Gray, hae a reputa tion for freedom from trouble The Republic Rubber Corporation Youngitown, Ohio It Mil 216 Stale St. Salem, Or. F. G. Delano A. J. Eoff RepubUt) Tread Maximum Qrip with Minimum Friotioti 'Mm km mi InlW raj mil is i p mm mm fe w 'No Atieir.pt Is Being Made To Interfere With Local Governments. Only Twenty Thousand People See Ralph De Palma Win Race. Sheepshead Bay Speedway, X. V., Aug. 17 Hardy 20,000 people, a more spriukliig of spectators in the big giandstand, were on hand here just before the start of the $27,000 Inter national Motor Sweepstakes this after- By J. W. T. Mason. (United Vex Staff Corespondent.) New York, Aug. 17. Three allied nary o ccs . .e ...... . " n0dll. Tne weather was ideal and the scne of md,-, eiulon, opera ions a t the n rk northern, smitlicrn and eaMo.,, eo.ncisi VfMmetf wjnncr 0f the Hark ot liussia without interfering in any e.,rlv in th(? g way with the testing out ot the bolhe-jwa t..n'orite vik tlicones ot government. The entries were Pario Koa, Ar- Tl.e most important i.tci aooui ....a -.. n t,.,iU Chevrolet l.'.iloh I One Man Discs 27 Acres a DaJ with M al of the annus or mo western ue- , ...p..,,.,. ....i.,;, Alulford ml Ir.i Vail. mocracies in Husaia is that if the bol j Th(? fi,.,t rtli, two 01l(, llip, sheviki fall from power, they cannot at ;wns won i,v rjalph le Palma iu worlds tribute the faihne of their ultra radical rm,r(j t i mo, 1:05 3-5. gniashhn Pario experiment to armed intervention by the Kesta'ts -reeord made in 1!H7. liberal nations of the west. The bub'tie-, uosta was seeond; Mulford third and viki in Mom-ow l ave no control over Duray, fourth. those. parts of old Kussia where the al j After drawing the post position, Pe lies armies haw bi oun opoiations. The Palma shot out in front and held that passion for the ltols.li vik for local gov position throughout, eminent in fact must compel them to Chevrolet was forced front the track accept .is final any general welcome or in this event when lip broke a crank the allies (.xleii'icd by the people in the shaft. Duray agreed to allow Chevrolet regions where the soldiers of democracy i the use of his car iu the twenty mile ar now offering assistance to the former 'event, subjects of the dead ezar. The second heat, ten miles, was Won Tie throe Russian district entered by, by Pel'alma also. Resta attain was see the allies are Mm man, Baku and Ylad-nd; Mulford third and Duray fourth. lvostok. liaku is dneetlv smw of ! I'ci'atnia smaslieil auorner woi l.l a roc Mtirman liy L'OO miles and Vladivostok i about o.OOO east of both. The thiee forin the points of ; tri angle, within which the bul.-rieviki have all the territory they med iu which to make a siio-c-s or failure of theories to reform the world There iv'a possibility of L'o-oriliiiatiii' the triangular activi ties of the allies unless Russia repudia atfls the decentralized methods of the bolsheviki and comes ley Iher afrain as a single soverign slate. For the precnt the allie., are not seeking to influence tho government at Mo-cow in this or anv other diieclious. Tlie Muriuan, Ihtkti tiiid Vladivostok expeditions ha. three separate jmrpo ses to accomplish. At Murman it is intended o jjimrd the allies stores and prevent the Ceimnus from seizins' for military purposes liiissia 's duly northern port, open till the year round. ord in this event, when he crossed tho finish line in :li:5 4 o. The old record was made bv Pel'alma in Chicago .lulv L'S With a burst of speed on the last lap of the -0 miles race, Pel'alma also took this event. Resta was second; Mul ford third, Chevrolet, who was driving Arthur Duray ' car dropped nut in the fourth lap. Del'alma's time was 10:ol ;l-5. The race was a hard one, the lead see-sawing back and forth among; the contestants afc almost every lap. 1 u rif rrw 1 Discing is rapidly and economically done with the new Moline-Universal Tractor, Model D, one man with an 8-foot tandem disc harrow covering 7 acres in ten hours. With a 10-foot disc harrow he covers 38 acres, and with a 20-foot peg-tooth harrow 73 acres. The light weight of the Moline Universal Tractor, 3,380 pounds, makes it especially adapted for disc ing and similar work, as it does not pack the soil and uses but little fuel, running on less than half throttle most of the time. It is light, but more than enough power to pull two 14-inch plows at high speed, all its Weight being traction weight. The Moline-Universal Tractor at taches directly to the implement and forms a single, compact unit with it that is controlled by the operator from the seat of the implement, where he must sit to do good work. One man with the Moline-Universal does as good work as two men with the average tractor. The Moline-Universal is adapted ifor all classes of farm work. Its high clearance, J addition, tt,,, Tcf ease -' im There day m the year forfc versal Tractor. Itrip operation that can horses and do it better cheaoer. Th;. ;. ' Universal really rep!aJ i me same time, bv uu mucit moreB .i'ir h.fn ....'m .m help problem. I . The detailed constrt new Moline-Universal, i the best it is possible to ' Perfected 4-cylinder on engine, electric starting system, complete end working parts, and fife: er bearings, are a few i features, ri '..e, . n i mime rail in r 'thine at your carlieit el the "overnment.in in the only elsing nr gument, devoted most of bis time to siiiu,mnrizin! his evidence, intended to' prove the defendants guilty of obstruct-! ing the draft, fighting conscription, dis-j comae nig enlistments and generally! hampering war work "Soft handed and hard faced," was' At Bah,, the objective is to protect I' '. 'L' 1,c l,sm 1J1 "cnwug WNS MAN OPEftATES both .y riACi-oft and - tt. Daily Demonstrations the great oil trot. field,, from German con- IN10UI who have called to entrain for Camp Lewis August t!o. Regarding tho 101S registrants, tho i exemption hoard wired Adjutant '.leuer. ul Willaiuis August as follows; "Now I rogist runt a and reiuniuinsr finally idus.d- 1 l'i'd in class 1 and examined physically CI 'tt It 11 11 n ' lnd accepted for service, ."i; limiled ;;er- Sheriff Needham Has Receiv-;?.'':5; ,'"",""liM1 V T rx."':'i":,,1,.7j iu 1 IT 17 t n "i"uii iiiiit fiimu, iniiii on, ea no volunteers tor Registration. da Thero are thirty-! wo men iu fit for militai'v service .iccordiug to the fi,i;ure;( of the local cx.nuption board. This men include f'eu who register ed June ", lt'17. and "J who rejistciid I . Itet'ai'diue the 1917 class, the board j wired the iiljulanl general as follow I " Ueiuniiiing finally classified iu id.is I, Ic.vamiuoel physiciilly and accepted for I general military service; limited mil- H ; remeoinl 'JO; emergency mpieiits II; no! (diysically tili'V serviee fleet Jl; de examined l"i; Inducted and culled for in duction, HI I; total 77'.'." There are tiio figures given of the hoard's work since. Ins, June. I' lls' report sent to tile adjutant gen Thai is out of the rogUlrmil,, of both "'' ' No Volunteers Here. j years, there slil remains in Class 1 men! Sheriff W. I. N'eedlium chairman "f to the number of .'ll! who have be. u ev i. local board of exemption, a short! ainined ami found physically tit fo,- no-, time ago sent out u, call for volunkoors tive rvie. This is lb,, number now ( serve one day, August 24. when thero toiuaiiiiiig in class I in addition to tlio.e , ,egist'nii ion f u,eu who hawi e is an TO! W3 IfflSB x y p attained the age of 21 years since June o, 1H18. In .Salem, there has not been a single poison who fins volunteered to help in the IS precinct in the city. The country precincts are doing better as there has be;'ii a number of volunteers, but even iu the country hardly half enough have volunteered. Sheriff Xeedham explains that the government is depending on the patrio tic people especially the women who could give their time for ono day to serve as registrars, four at oac, pre cinct. The work is not difficult, nor :he hours long, ns in elections. All that is to be done is to register the men on blank that are furnished. It is abso lutely necesnry thai four lie on duly at each preo'ine, next Saturday and now it is up to the patriotic people, especially the women, to volunteer to Mr. iNeedhnm their service-; lor the one day only. Russian People Aid Opcrr.liors of Allies defendants. Tim n,i I of fl.A nn.,, . 1. 1 At. l.idivostok the allies will pre- , . ,.,, ,, , it ,. , vent the extermination of tho CV.e -I.o--, , "i V ? . Slovaks vim are fighting for tl.e allies ' L.'!",1,H a,,8,',t ""P'epaied. mid .,t the no tie,., wlll nlv , i i ... i ( "n ''.l-oined tor an hour while bo k 1 " 1 1 " I nnni'l I'n.t l.u in lrnni; l... I.. eeoiioniic a.ostnnce to all Itussians who ' ' un jo are not (oo proud to work. rhere is n romantic interest in these ttirc expeditions for the like of (he objectives have never before been at tempted in war. Although bolshvikigov for not respecting the soverignty of the for not respecting the soverignty of the Moscow government, the allies not only are not retaliating but :nv offering in dustrial, commercial and agricultural help to all bolshevik who will accept. Ko interference wit, the Hussion revolu tions has been attempted by the we.-tevn democracies. The allies 'ire keeping outside of the triangle with the revu lotionist inside. The policy in the end will save Russia and will prnve a stimu lus to world democracy which will per inanently intluence the emir national relations. ;;:,More. Deadly Tkn - . : Mad Dog s Bite The bite of a rabid dog is no longer deadly, due to thc now famous Pas teur Treatment, but tho slow, In 'ing death, the resultant of poisoning of the system by deadly uric acid is as sure urU inevitable as day follows night. No other organs of the human bodv are so important to health making as tho kidneys and bladder. Keep your kidneys clean and your bladder in working condition and you need have no fear of disease. Don't try tn cheat nature. It is a cruel master.' Whenever of inter-you experience backache, nervousness. uiriieuity in passing urme, "get ou the job." Your kidneys and bladder re quire immediate attention. Don't delay. This is the time to take the bull liv the horns. (iOU) 51.KDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules will do the trick. For over two hundred years they have proven meri torious in the treatment of diseases of the stomach, kidneys, liver and bladder It is a world famed remedy, in use as a household necessity, for' over 200 years. If yon have been doctoring without Nothing Like Plain Bitru-Phosphat9 to fern Oil C j'KDAL Put on Firm, Healthy Flesh ami j , " 0j1 .C4aP5u tduy. to Increase Strength, Vteor t ""s them. Absolute- and Nerve Force 'J '"-".eeu or money retumled. J5e- ' I"11'1' of imitations. Look for the name p'Ui,u DAL on every box. THIN PEOPLE SHOULD TAKE PHOSPHATE H. F. BONESTEELL South Commercial and Ferry Streets Salem, Oregon. aai..i i .. Jl.i-.5.'. 0'--,i . - Job Department Is Busy all the Time. It goes to prove that our woi and prices satisfy the users- good Printing. Battery for Your Car ,4 -i m T r. . Viu) ..... . , I Judging from the countless lirenara Nasb.ngton, Aug 17.-That the Ens- (ions and treatments which i re cm, Man people are giving-all possible aid timmllv being advertised for the tuir to the allied penetration of Russia was pose of making thin people fleshv do ,n";u""' .'" euiente enoies. ,veloping arms, neck and bust, and re-t t.reat strategic value from both a placing gly hollows and angles bv military mid a political standnoint is the soft jtittaelied to the Itritish landing at lkiku In-auty, thero nre evi.lently thousands v ........ .,11,(3 niiu ouiuury ex- oi men anil women who keenly feel !"r,s' their excessive ' thinness. It is held that (he loyalty of the al- 'ihinne-s and weakness are usually' bed cause of the Ceorgians and the due to starved nerves. Our bodies Armenians in the Caucasus regions has "eed more phosphate than is contained never been questioned, in spite of the modern foods. Physicians claim pence tieaiy u,o lieoigians were com- '"'''e is nothing that will simoly this u iuy well as the organic olios- GATE5TIRE5 Cost As Much and it will ftivc "punch" and "pep" to your start ing system. The space saving "Unit Seal" con struction gives extra plate surface hence greater capacity per unit1 of weight and volume. This means built-in durability and power. Let us show you your "iexih?" Bat tery and explain its special features, For battery testing, filling or expert battery advice come to our "ExtoC" Service Station This service is free to all battery users. Repairs, the prompt and satisfactory kind, on any make of battery at the right price. ..M.4. in in ii i emiweweeMammmamamemawemmmam polled to sign Tl... 1 .1. ... , i nc nisi ui Hie naiui oil fields, it is declined, will lie n blow to tierniau ; prestige at Constantinople, as the Turks (ivere expecting a huge -share of these regions h their war boot v. . Naval authorities are inclined to lie jlieve that the allies will be able to j send a light naval force up the Volga i riv,,r from the Caspian sea as the ipiick iot w.iv of reliciug the hard pressed Cy.ocho-Ho!iks. j Nothing has been heard of the j C.echo Slovak forces that made their j way to the Blin k sea a few weeks ago, ;bnt it is held entirely possible that .assistance may be able tor each these j through the Caucasus. Auto Electric Service Co. piuue known among dnue.is-ts as bitro phosphate, which is inexpensive and is so.d by most all di.iggis;s under a guarantee of sutisfu.-th-n or money ha k. 1'. feeding the nerves uh-ect'y and by supplying the lndy cells with the necessary phosphoric' food elements-, bilro phosphate quickly pro duces a welcome iransfor:tiation' in the appearance; tho increase in weight fre iueirly being astonishing. This increase in weight also carries with it a general improvement in the health. Nervousness, sleeplessness and lack of energy, which nearly alwavs accompany excessive thinnesssoon dis-npj-ear, dull eyes become bright, and iile cheeks glow with the bloom of perfect health. CAUTION Although bitro-phosphate is unsurpassed, for relieving nervous ness, sleeplessness and general weak ness, it should not, owing to if re markable flesh growing properties, be used by anyone who does not desire to put on flesh. E 3 When The Monev Saving Begins When you purchase Gates Half-Sole Tires, you save one-half, and mile over 2,000 which you ride on a Gates Half-Sole Tire, you are ridfc Velvet." Of the full mileage of 3,500 miles, guaranteed without PH l.oOO is velvet, and when your Gates Half-Sole Tire has run 5,000 w have had :),000 miles, which, on the basis you have been paying for r anteed tires have cost you nothing. We hope you're from Missouri Big L W. W. Case In Hands Of Jury j Chicago, Am;. U. The big I. i i .r nere went to tuo ,vurv t.:,l I ?' it- fcminot , i lay for the "iih sabot: onty $ l ire In South Commercial Street " Shot, f I J 148 outh Commercial Street. Phone 318 ADS PAY fx :ul statement. rank H Xebeker, tu st Ktonuy fur ,WWttWWaS LMMI JOURNAL WANT