Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 17, 1918, Page TEN, Image 10

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We announce the arrival of a fine line of new
Our eastern buyers have secured an exceptionally fine
ime or tnese, and we have them priced so as
to satisfy all.
LADIES' COATS in the season's latest styles, materi
als and colors with a big stock to select from. You
will find them from $14 75 to m
DRESSES in best silks and woolens $999 (0 35 qq
SUITS to suit at $22.50 to $35.00
SKIRTS in plain colors or plaids in best silk and wool
en materials Q oc i fn nn
111P(,iIlff 0;;hB " v
; I held in Portland Tuesday, August 20.
;J!osides other mutters that will come
up for a definiro decision, the advis
ability of recruiting a machine gun
company in Salem -will bo discussed and
, a deciaion made that will be final and
j definite. Thero -has been considerable
! diseusmon in the city as to whether it
n.ii ..p 0 10 rlU8e D10re tlian ne
All Around Town
Dr. Schenk'g officw will be cvwd
Coming Events J
Aug. 17. Annual Meeting of
Iowa Society at Fair Grounds
Program Tonight,
Aug. 24. Nebraska Associa
tion annual picnic slate fair
Aug. 24. Regintrafion of men
who have reuclied the ago of 21,
since Juno 5, 1918.
from Aug 3rd to Sept, 8, 1918.
h-tv PUbUIDU LllH Hil I a II T T II A UTAH
- -"O D-nii O.l l..r B.
"J "1"
known Ruvern tlren. fnln.i n,i
Clark 'g Tire House, 319 N. Com'l. 817
Dance at Moose- hall tonight.
niachine gun company for the regiment
i vtivhihi national uuard to be or-
li and whether this
Fifteen Is Quota Assigned To
i his touaty cy r ederal
"ithin the next year, 30.000 nurses
will be needed to care for the sick and
wounueit, and the quota for Marion
county is 15, according to an announce
ment made bv Mrs. E. T. Carleton
who has charge of the rogisterinj of
tne nurses from Marion countv.
According to all information to be
i. i .1 . . ... ....
"u on iue suDject, there will be a pre
liminarv term nf fnnr
bationary period, a junior var of eiyht
months, an intermediate "rear of 12
months and a senior var of 12 months.
After the Dreliininnrv innr; nf fiiur
months, the young nurse will be put
service at some ot the armv
nosiiirnis whi p eimn. ctimr her
additional training.
-no tuition is required. Students will
be provided -with honnl ami
and text books. After the four months'
iney win De obliged to provide them
selves with their own nniftirnis A
monthly allowance of -tlo is given dur
ing the course of studv.
Credits of nine mouths will lie (riv
en to graduates of accredited colleges.
ihree months' credits will bo given
to students who have had two nr n.nrp
years of college or in an approved tech
nical school that included prescribed
courses in the sciences.
I'pon coniDletion nf tho
dents will become members of the reg
ular army nurse corps in the order of
vacancies. The n;c restrictions are
from 21 to 33 venrs r;i.iilii!it.. will
e enginie tor members nn hi tlin Am.
erican Nurses assoeiation, the Xational
organization for Public Health Xurs
m;; and enrollment in the American
Ked Cross nursinir service.
According to infiirinntinn split rmf
within four months, the nurse will be
started in on practical work in connec
tion with Some hnsnitnl ormv lias,. o,..l
be given actual work and service while
completing the course.
Baltimore, Mdo., Aue. 17. Authorise
at the Johns Hopkins hospital here
where Senator Ollie James, Kentucky,
nns ucen a patient for t k nnt ummi
months, declared today that the ru
mors to the effect thnt tho .,.nDa'.
condition suddenly changed for the
worse were absolutely untrue.
While biB condition is still retarded
as scrioiu there 1h nothi llir nlnrnuntT nr
present, it was asserted.
' ,s 'V"- ' n i
S3 i
Big Money Saving Sale
. i d
i ...
one company was to be organized in' i 11 1 rca,",mS ttom our to-
Portland or in Salem. It ilia f iL Si V. -8 "l"?'. tot th thrSf rao.nUl9 ?
The funeral rv c r ...... of the matter that . . ' ' f.u."f " "Vr T atr" " ccrtlf I-
Lain who died Augu7t , bo held f -lied fo? The X
nununy afternoon at 2 o'clock from tho ' i 7- t" .n,a,fl,lne 8"" com- county today was on the card system
chapel of the Kigdon company. The- fun- ' J'ft.T 0T?"1 to be part by which grocers keep th" ea?a! of
eral services will bo conducted bv tha "f the t1B0 "rgan.zation, there will be each family and a record f !,Sf
Jjv. dolnistun and burin! will be'in "Ppea from the decision.of the gen- S2hfrU". fi
tho Leo Miuon cemetery. . .erul Mt- cause a lot of neonle, were nL
crank or crook rr fty, '7. " . .""T- " . 1 lm' """uc-
i lions or tne loot! administration limit-
Before Buying Rugs look at our large assortment of new and up to date patterns.
Our prices are far below the relar price of today. Many patterns priced at less
than today's price at the principal carpet mills of the country. New patterns at
prices that will surprise you.
$8.35 9x9 wool fibre rugs. $6.75
$10.00 9x10-6 wool fibre rugs. .$7.50
$12.00 9x12 wool fibre rugs. . . .$8.50
$11.00 8x10 grass rugs ....... .$9.50
$13.50 9x12 grass rugs $11.50
$32.50 9x12 10-wire tapestry
rug ;. . .$25.50
$46.00 9x12 Axminster rugs ..$38.50
$56.00 9x12 Body Brussels rug $43.50
$35.00 9x12 Axminster rugs ..$26.75
$38.50 9x12 Axminster rugs..!$29!85
$57.00 9x12 Axminster rugs . . $49 50
,$79.00 9x12 Wilton rugs ;$69.50
Big dance, at Silverton H.ifi'. twme craillt o
o. u.
"Tho fimoral beautiful. "....Webb &
Clough Co. tf
Dr. Mondelaoun, the eye specialist,
will return Bept. 1st. tf
...We ell for cash Commencing July
1st we will conduct our business on a
Wrictly cash basis. Pattou'i Book
Store. tf,
Cards wero received in the city today
as follows: 'Mr. nmt Mrs. Joseph 1 OOiyioo, in assets.
j kuiiuuiiv.13 inti iiiurriage or tneir : agent.
(laugiilor J'.thel Khznbeth to William H
Len-hen. Thursday, August 15, 11)18,
at Nan Francisco."
..."Tho beat" Is all yon can do when
ocatn comes. t;a!I Webb & Clough Co
STI.nne 120. tf
Dance at Moose hall tonight.
night give
O. (J, men in uiiifnrm rii
Big dance at Silvorton Ba.H H,rpPt. Rml 0,10 or two on North Wintei
"iRht given J,r Co. H. flood music. AU T'iTZV? ? the police
uniform. Come. 8.17 was tried about a
iinnoii (in I...... mm ui eutui u nu i lining
8-17 tt. i.ini, " x. month for each person in the honse-
.... i.u,,, j.uu , JI)2U on Mtate
fllrnnl a.... - .. . "viu.
" r two on iorth Winter
nien in uniform.
Truck driver wanted. Oidoon Stolz
Co., near corner .Summer nud Mill
l'lione s 0q
Save all your cull apples, Undo Sam
needs the vinegar. Wo pay highest cash
price. Fruit taken after. August 20th.
(lidcon Stols Co., nenr corner Mill and
Slimmer streets. Thono 20. 912
Dr. Behonk's offices will be closed
from Aug. 3rd to Sept. 8, 1018. 8 3
o ,
I Will hIiId all kih via t IW
Moiilay. Auirust 19.
l'lione 2aiHM. O. W. Kyre. 8 17
The Yorkshire Insurance Co. u n
old Knglisli company, established away
llllck ill ISL'l 1111,1 nn. l. ......
II. A. Johnson,
The Cherrian band will give oue more
concert this Hummer ! i,..i. ...:n u
next luesilny evening at Willson parlc.
Lnector Steelliiiinmer announces, that
the program will be request number
and that should anyone hnvo a special
favorite, to telephone it to him or
John Crahor.
o .
But whon the bloom of Jime had
titded from her eh nitka mill tl.A
of December lay on her once golden
linn you'll know more about "Old
Wives for New" after going to tho
Oregon theater tomorrow. I
found there was nothing to it.
The Fair Price Board met yesterday
afternoon at the commercial club and
mil tneu us work. Meetings will
1 "esiiiiy afternoons of ench week
I his board is to agree on a fair whole
sale liru'e for foodstuffs and fmm
price agree on a fair retail price, it j. I
Just now the regular duties of the
Commercial club reiirMpntinnr tlin n..n.
i-.-j . . . '.: . """"
if toon auiuinistintlon, is that of is
year or so nun hut nfte. ,1..
l.. . . " ur Buity food adm nistmMnn. i. h. c i.
iuh riiicineiH aiea (own and t won' '
found there was nothing to- it. Wg- f,0r 8Uar.to bo uscJ in
i-aiiiuiig. lesierciny permits to the num
. i ua n vn issueui eacn Tor Z5
A number of pieces of fcrussels and tapeestry carpet to close out. Bring in your
. room sizes and let us fil.it with carpet at less than factory Cost
C. 5. Hamilton
340 Court St. Salem, Oregon.
northwest. Tho ooitference has becn'ience he was on the English hospital
called to discuss with the military men ship Lanfranc when it was torpedoed,
just what is expected of the colleges While recovering foni being gassed and
in the military training that is to be also cocussion, he was given hte honor
included in the course of study in ftll, a,jl discharge and since January has
colleges in the northwest where there ' bee" in this country speaking before
is an assurance of an attendance of Patnotlc organizations.
inn i ... .i. i . n j
100 male students. He will leave Tues
day of next week, stonnine- Werlnna.
day evening to deliver an address at
! 'The Society for Devastated France'
is finding the women of Salem and
vicinity quite liberal in their dona
tions of hosiery and underwear to be
made into garments for children. A
T.lflnlannn. T A .-11 . ...
pounds of sugar. It seems tho niero is-, at the Oregon theatre Sunday afternoon ' mePting was held yesterday afternoon
be i i i, 1 K,l- uiiiuuui , "nu uvcmiig unu again Monday after-1 . ".n.jr ucu 11, was ueciuea to
--.v.i mum iuil us a rino x.nerfl is n vast nonnn. tin fn v: .-
. , ,
amount of conversation necessary
explain to people just why no n
limn lOllllUS are a lowed at n t mn llinilnter trnni
, , ...... 7 iini iiu wib iiwMirnen . . " ..".n.iiti n.iu
to a tiiiineliniv fnninnim n .. t.: x-.it. 1 til is society are allied a
j "",uv "vt jutui mail oupi.
j - v j. v Mm; utvmcu iu
give out patterns and to continue with
have garments
shipment from
re working with
is a vast nooon. Ilo will tell of his experiences Rlvc out rattern8 and t
!essnry to in Canadian army life beginning withithe work in orici to
' no more the time, he enlisted at Caigaiy in tho : r,Pa(ly for tae ScP1, 13
at a time mounted troops. Later he was ikiI 'Portland. Those who ar
...l,i . i. . !" l " anil lltSO thar it thn 9S nn..n.1. ):..' - , .. - . . this c,.oio ...1.J i.
w uiuier tne direction of the ..u.-. iui t..u-, w a, unuciiug company ana his talk.; "v '
:ute Food Administration. , g Pl,,'Pa only are not used, that will be of just what a tunneling com-lto tho C1,y libr
o tl,c "CJ roi'tiou must bo returned, i pany is like. It was while on duty in!10' 1,atteri's w
Mrs. Mark Hucktstein nnd mother . , I Fiance that lie was given a commis-lwish to work
w. J. U. Heid are in the city vit DJ' Carl 0regg Doney attend s: " lumtcnnnt. He WR, at Ypre. rnd ! 1 nnec aml t
.1... i . . . .. .. conferenee nevt li",i-;.1.r a.., ,... .v.. i j.. , , . . .. ... 1 llyl nw i.,
Chilblains and All Diseases of the '
Feet Cured
Derma thologist
Foot Specialist
Corns, Bunions, Ingrowing Toe M
Bemoved without Blood ot Fain or
Causing Soreness or Other Inconvenience
Special Attention to Antiseptics There-
uy iTevenung imecuon.
Appointments by Phono
Phone 416
Lady Attendant
SIS U. S Nat. Bank Bldg. Salem, a
mum.u jiriwiKnanrBmi " ""
MB. and Mrs. O. B. TerwiUiger. grad-
Jiate morticians and funeral directors,
1 70 Chemeketa St. Phono 72i.
On account of the shortage In cler
ical help, the Home Service section of
tho Ked Cross is somewhat delayed in
its work but everything i being done
lit H.. T 1, . ,
i. .i. u. item are in the city visit
... ...v .,tMui , .august lluckestein.
Ihey are on their way from Taeoma
to .Mrs. Reid's home at. Pan Jose, Cnl
iforn.n. Mrk lluckestein is now ii
sergeant in the infantry stationed at
it. .scofield, Hawaiian Islands. Charles
lluckestein is also in the service with
a machine g,ln mUBd, stationed at Ft
Hehafter, about a mile from the city
of Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands.
At a meeting last evening of the
trustees of Willamette University, E. T
Buckles was elected professor of eco-
..uiiih-s ua sociology, to succeed Trof
J. O. Hull who goes to Washington, D.
C. Mr. Ruckled id n r,ra
At a meeting of the executive com
mitteo of the trustees of WiUguuette
Top hogs lSi4e.i:n,rH"-v v,e,"B. MUt Don
. ' .. .. ev was authorire.l tn
ments with t in bftnnl ,i:..... " iur. ituchies
the Salem public schools by which Wil- I',mi,.(,'8t""f'",'l ami has had 12 rears
lametto University students may l,vft as a teacher. He is 38 years
""i'K lu-pnrtmmt or the High school, t, ci,; v is L ? "K
Some time ago directors Chauncer His V . "r' BS htX of the
hop and Hurler (). White ,K f1.8 ,1,?ftrf't of the Vniversitv
authority to confer with the rmv",:( nl wl,. "a'h violin
on huh suhject. It is probable that be
ill be given to all who
for the childre n ot
those who have hosiery
conference next. Friday and Saturday the heavy fighting" at the Soinme and I or nergarmeng to spare for this
at Min J' rancifco of tho military nuthnr- It tlio i,t -u. , i cause mnv lno..n !,, i:l
ilies and presidents of colleges of the turning to England after this eipcr
Voice. Miss Alice Mn- TJ,ili.vi. nn
f .... J. J ears
that the few wortV t do to lZy I ",e ,'',oni" of M term tho ' 7 Ii V ' "tftetally elected as
nd car. for th T. 1, t. 1 . 17. PrP-r amount that the rniversitv , t, P"" M omen, .she received her Mas-
" "' " niiuuin-iiifi ... ii'i m iii'irrnA rt-Din iin,i.: t.
are not coming through on time. H.iw.l " toT ,h,'ir initriction
""-nil worKing aepart
ment will bo salisfnclorily at ranged.
ver, those who are not receiving their
allotments or where there has j.een an
unusual delay, are niked to call at litf
North liberty street, up stairs, and
confer with the secretary.
Tna) at MQose hall tonight.
The Commercial Cider
Phone 2194
Salem, Ore.
Manufacturers of cider
to drink. Bring in your
ripe apples
The Home Service section of the Red
Cross 125 North T iborf ..,.... ,
a-3a,!;ss.i turns
ofthe-lod Kr. , !u,h.Lori Hl Mrs. Leona Feterson
in the service and Can, Z w V" L 17.,n,l:eWea inS to the
n iinii MIJ1IIMI Wnrr lniy i 1, : -X. ..
hat the supreme court of tho lodge " fft
" Heptember. The state food admiuistra-
TU enUre auestion ef h. .... 1 U?n.VitfS. F- w- 'doff, eonnty food
Why Worry About
There's only one time that you ought ever to
think about insulationthat's when you buv vour
battery. J J
j nRJ?ht then is the time to remeraber that Thread
ed Rubber Insulation is the most important battery
improvement in years-and the greatest trouble-
Remember that it can be had only in the Still
Better Willard Battery. y e btlU
You'll know the Still Better Willard bv the
Mark that stands for Threaded Rubber Insulation.
Come in and ask about this battery.
And All Kinds of 2nd Hand
Full Market Prices Special
Prices paid for Sacks.
Get our prices before you eell.
271 N. com'l St. Phone 734
Halvoline Tractor Oil
High and Ferry Street
Your Junk and give yon
a square business deal
I always pay the highest
cash prices.
I buy all kinds of vwJ
goods, 2nd hand furni
ture, rubber and Junt
Get my prices befort
you selL
The Square Deal Houst
271 Chemeketa Street
. . m A A
eare of
Yick So Tong
Chinese Medicine and Tea Oa.
ua medicine which , will enia
"y known disease.
Opn Sundayi from 10 , a.
ant" 8 p. m. ,
153 South Hiirh St.
. L X I
Horme Oregon.
Bay Grain And Bay
,ackfor Sale at" I
It may be to your Aa'S1 ,
get our Prices. t
zzZ-z' 1
T - '
? IIil Fnrmrare Waalei
1 Tr,...t rush Tree ,
Z Vted Fornix
41S Court
Phone 203
Phone I
,oam Uren. Phoiia 183 1