Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 16, 1918, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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We announce the arrival of a fine line of new
Our eastern buyers have secured an exceptionally fine
line of these, and we have them priced so as
to satisfy all.
LADIES' COATS in the season's latest styles, materi
als and colors with a big stock to select from. You
will find them from $14 75 to $47 59
DRESSES in best silks and woolens $9.90 to $35.00
SUITS to suit at $22.50 to $35.00
SKIRTS in plain colors or plaids in best silk and wool
en materials $3.98 to $9.90
t I BAKER At his home in Salem, Aug.
I 15. litis Lewis M. Baker, at the age
I of SI years.
Besides his wife he is survived ly
i five children: Chester C. Raker. Frauk
I 1 R.kar or.l Afr. Fllo f Dm 1c lr.
' of Salem, and Fred O. Baker and Kd-
ward D. Baker, of Spokane.
The funeral services will be held
Saturday morning at 10 o'clock from
,the chapel of Webb & Clough and will
jbe attended by members of (jedgewiek
Post. Grand Army of the Republic.
'Burial will be in the Odd Fellows eeme
i tery.
Mr. Baker was born in Virginia Feb.
IS, 1S37, and was a veteran of the
Civil war. having enlisted in Company
B, Second regiment Wisconsin infan
try at the beginning of the war. He was
in the battle of Gettysburg where he
was severely wolfculed and from which
he Eever fully recovered.
All Around Town I
Coming Events
Aug. 17. Annual Meeting of
Iowa Society.
Aug. 24. Nebraska Associa
tion annual picnic state fair
, Aug. 24. Registration of men
who have reached the ago of, 21,
since June 5, 1918. ,
' "The funeral beautiful. "....Webb ft
. Clough Oo. tf
o ,
Dr. Mendelsohn, the eye specialist,
will TCturn Sept. 1st. tf
The new machine gun company will
meet at the armory tonight for reg
ular drill. While the company member
ship hag been filled new names are still
being- recoived.
v...W gell for cash.....Cominencing July
1st we will conduct our business on a
btrictly cash basis. Patton's Book
Btore. tf.
"The best" 1b all you can do when
(death, comes. Call Webb & Clough Co
tt'hone 120. ' tf.
The Union Oil Company of Callfor
nia will establish, a wholesale plant in
the city. R. L. Geer construction foro
mon will have charge of the plant
which will be located on tho fSilverton
load and Southern Pacific.
Save all your cull apples, Uncle Sam
needs tho vinegar. We pay highest cash
price. Fruit tnkon after. August 20th.
Gideon Stolz Co., near corner Mill and
Sunnier streets. Phone 28. 8-12
Dr. Schenk's offices'will be closed
from Aug. 3rd to Sept. 8, 1918. 9 3
The Commercial Cider
Phone 2194
Salem, Ore.
Manufacturers of cider
to drink. Bring in your
ripe apples
H. A. Johnson, fire Insurance agency
does a general fire insurance business,
both mutual and old line companies. 1
and 2 Bush bank bldg. Phone 347.
Saturday, Aug. 17. D. Webster,-adju
Dr. Schenk's offices will ha coned
from Aug 3rd to Sept, 8, 1918. . - 9 3
Big harvest dance at Macleav Sat
mght. 8-15
I have secured the sale of the well
known Revere tires, fabric and cord
Clark's Tire House, 319 N. Com'l. 8-17
Since the first of January, 2046 men
have volunteered for service in tho
regular army from Oregon. The rejec
tions run about 11 per cent as tho re
cord shows I hat (luring this tim0 236
were rejected.
Big dance at Silverton Saturday
night given by Co. H. Good music. All
O. G. men in uniform. Come. 8-17
Big dance at Silverton Saturday
night given by Co. II. Good music. All
O. G. men in uniform. Come. S.I 7
Truck driver wanted. Gideon Stolz
Co., near corner Slimmer nml Arm
Phone 20. jj.og
Before Judea Webster's court tnHav
Frank Ford is suing I. II. Wisner for
moncv and groceries mlvnncnil T
caso of Towery against Allen, involv
ing $108.00, Judge Webster decided in
favor of the defendant.
Members of the G. A. R. and affil
lating bodies aro to be entertained
next Tuesday afternoon in Pnrtlnnl
by the Portland branch of the Wiscon
sin society. According to present plans,
the veterans and wiven will v. tnirnn
during tho afternoon to "Tho Oaks''
and given a good time.
More than 100 certificates have been
issued by Judge Webster to members
of tho Grand Army of the. Republic
and affiliating organizations. Tho judge
says that it will bo necessary for all
members to get thoir identification cer
tificates if they expect to be ablo to
tnke advantage of tne rppcinl on? cent
a mile rate. Those who intend to goto
Portland Monduy hould call on Judge
Webster for their certificates.
Mr. ond Mrs. A. A. Underhrtl and Mr.
and Mrs. J. B. Littler have returned
from a two weeks' outing at Newport.
They report fine weather on the coast.
Mr. and Msr. P. E. Fiillerton niul Mr.
and Mrs. Lester Davis are on an auto
trip into Washington where Mr. Fuller
ton has an interest in some crnnberrv
tracts. 1
Rural school Supervisors J. W.
Members of Eedgwlck Post You will
please turn out and attend the funeral
of our former comrade, L. M. Baker.l a,;,i, anA Tir- f r t?..ii ' '
from tho undertaking parlors of Webb day visiting tho Bethany, Evergreen
& Clough at 10 o'clock in the forenoon and Torter schools.
Ida II. Garrett left yesterday over
the Oregon Electric for Wenatchee.
O. h. Ferris left this morning for
Puyallup, Wash.
John B. Kay and family are regis
tered at the Bligh hotel from Yakima.
Mrs. Kay was formerly a resident of
this city.
D. C. Stnhlman of Detroit, Oregon,
is at the Bligh.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Miller were in
the city yesterday frim Albany.
John R. Fitzhugh, was in the city yes
terday, registering from Halsey where
he has extensive farming interests.
Miss Estdle Kaylor who is in charge
of tho War Savings department of the
post-office, is taking her annual vaca
tion. Miss Bertha Young, telegrnph oper
ator at tho Oregon Electric depot left
this morning for an outing at Seaside.
Frank Chapman, manager of the Sa
lem Commercial club, was in Portland
yesterday attending a session of coun
ty chairmen who are to have charge of
the fourth Liberty loan drive the latter
part of next month.
Dr. R. E. Lee Steincr is home from
Howard W. Persons left this morn
ing for Bremerton to enter the naval
reserve. Ho had enlisted and had been
accepted ome time ago.
The recruiting office of the Oregon
National Guard, at 444 State street
showing several curios from over thers.
These include a German tTench cap, an
autograph of Queen Mary and Princess
Mary, a real bomb, piece of a bell from
the Ypro-s cathedral and tags that have
been tied to wounded showing the na
ture of wounds.
The second generation of some of the
early settlers on lands in and adjacent
to Salem are living here now, accord
ing to Lute Savago who has been here
all his life. Lute calls attention to the
fact that Mrs. Melvina Knott of Salem
is a daughter of David Presley who
took up a donation land claim that is
now part of the fair grounds and part
of Salem, and whose name appears as
the grantor of land that is now part
of the fair grounds recorded on page
1, volume 1. of the Marion county deed
records. A aon, Anthony Presley lives
in Seattle. David Presley was a grand-
rumor or i,me Bavaje.
LIT. At the Deaconess hospital,
Thursday evening, August lt. 191S.
Mrs. Laura Lutz, at the affe of 40
years, fcihe was the wife of William H.
Lutz who is employed at the Gilson
barber shop on State street. As yet no
funeral arrangements have been announced.
HAFSER. To Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
Hauser of Portland, August 1", IMS
a son.
Members of the G. A. K. and affiliat
ing bodies are already buying tickets
for the 52nd annual encampment of tho
Grand Army of the Republic to be. held
in Portland beginning next Monday.
The Oregon Electric sold 15 yesterday.
For veterans with credentials issued
by Judge Webster, the fare is one cent
a mile each way.
Here are a few of the
reasons that we are do
ing the business. We are
independent of any other
market in the city.
The Quality of our goods
is unexcelled; our prices
speak for themselves.
PURE LARD-guaranteed
per pail $1.35
Best Shortening, per
pail, $1.20
Fancy Creamery Butter
per pound ........ 55c
Round, Loin or T-Bone at
20c per pound
Roast of Beef
15c per lb.
Sausase and Liberty
Steak, 2 pounds for 35c
Fresh Breads 10c a Loaf
The whitest obtainable
Our Initial Showing of the
Fall and Winter
This exhibition is very comprehensive, embracing as
it does original models and copies of models-favorite
designs in hats of popular price as well as more ex
pensive lines.
You are cordially requested to call and look over this charming millinery. Yoa
will find it not only attractive in appearance but in price as well.
Buying direct from the producers enables us to quote rock-bottom prices.
. CHILDREN'S HATS 98c to $3.45 LADIES' HATS $1.49 to $6.50
Our Prices Always the Lowest .
Commercial and Court Sts. Formerly Chicago Store
Originators of Low Prices
ifll S 31
ifii l
A. J. Patton of Macleay is more than
ever convinced that a Yale lock and a
Ford are a good combination, especial
ly if something is going to happen, Tho
oincr ay wnen tno tour reform school
boys made a get away, the boys tried
to steal the car but the Yale lock was
in the way. All they could do was to
open the tool box. The boys are now
safely at tho reform school, captured
by Constable Percy M. Vamey.
Frank L. Chapman, manager of the
Palem Commercial cluh wishes fn on 11
the attention of the people of Marion
county-to a bulletin just received from
vv. a. Ayer, iciieral loocl administra
tor for Oregon in which he says. ''The
sugar situation in the United States is
real and not imaginary and the state
food administration is endeavoring to
secure a fair and equitable distribution.
An allotment has been mado for every
state and anyone buying or withhold
ing any sugar above tho regulation
amount is simply profiting at the ex-
regulations is claiming a speeilfi priv
ilege for himself and if tho offense is
detected, he is sulject to penalties of
tho food administration."
V&ubetferAet acquainted with !
ourWantAds-TheywlbrinA i
yotix want may ba"
Chilblains and All Diseases of the
Feet Cured
Foot Specialist
Corns, Bunions, Ingrowing Toe Nails
Removed without Blood or Pain or.
Causing Soreness or Other Inconvenience
Special Attention to Antiseptics There-
vf rieveuung injection.
Appointments by Phone
Phone 416
Ladv Attnnrliinf
518 U. S. Nat. Bank Bldg. Salem O
Halvoline Tractor Oil
High and Ferry Street
Your Junk and give yon
a square business deal
I always pay the highest
cash prices. t
I buy all kinds of used
goods, 2nd hand furni
ture, rubber and junk.
Get my prices before
you sell
The Square Deal House
271 Chemeketa Street
Phone 398
And All Kinds of 2nd Hand
rull Market Prices Special
Prices paid for Sacks.
Get cur prices before you sell.
271 M. Com'l st. pne 734
IIIIWP- ,.,.., -
care of
Yick So Ton
Chinese Medicine end Te O.
Has medicine which will enfe
any known disease. '
Optn Sundays from 10 a. m.
nitil 8 p. m.
153 Soutfc High St
ealeni, Oregon. Phone I8S
The Comical Megaphone Singer
Big B- Dance
Hopmcrc, Oregon.
Buy Grain And Hay
backsfor Sale at WJ
It may be to your Advantage to
get our Prices. j
Used Furniture Wanted j
HiKhest Cwh Prices Paid
Used Fu'niture .
E. L. BTirr BON J
Phone 841 m- 0
imp f S .