THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON FRIDAY, AUGUST 16, 1918. T71RFF5 HEAD SALESMAN GENERAL HUBERT I (Continued from page one) His troops have worked their way to within 2,100 vards (less than a mile and half of Lassigny, and arc now push 1 ing down the northern slopes of the! Barton Suffered 20 Years Before fining the Right ' -: Medidne. plateau. The enemy's position from Bray to Lasaigny is most unfavorable. His rail ways are not available and transport is geatly congested: Chaulnes is under heavy British fire. .... I Itltt IINfcTM Iu speaking of the marvelous way in uliih Taalac has relieved him of a long standing case of rheumatism, B. . Bur ton, head salesman in the wholesale fruit and vegetablo department at Lu tey Bros.. Butte, Mont., living at 602 (South Montana street," recently said: "It is simply astonishing that just a few bottles of Tanlac should fix me up in almost no time, after I had spent al most every dollar I earned in the last twenty years trying to get relief from that awful rheumatism." Before coming to Butte Mr. Burton lived fur ten years in Spokane, Wash., where he was salesman for the Imper ial Trading company of that city. "I tell you what," he continued, "I have gone through all stages of rheu matism, and the agonies I have had to endure simply cannot be described. The trouble first came on me about twenty years ago. My shoulders, knees and ankles gave me the most worry and ached so at times that I hardly had any use for myself. About thice years ago it got so bad that I was laid up in bed for six long months, and when I got up again I had to .go about on crutches'for three months, and till re cently I never did get it out ' my system, although I have spent hundreds of djllars in trying to get straightened out. I went to Hot Sprinks, ArtCHnoUS, but without result and then I tried the mud baths nearer home, but got no ben efit from,that treatment either. A lit tho while ago I felt it coming on pretty bad again. My appetite left me, noth ing tasted right. 1 was constipated and suffered from awful headaches every few days. Tho pain in my shoulders and knees was so ugonizing that I could hardly sleep and I would wake up six or seven times during the night rack ed with pain. Why, at the time I started taking Tanlac I couldn't raise my arma as high as my shoulders to save my life and was unable to put on my coat without somebody helping me, and my ki;ces were so stiff and hurt so bad I could hardly walk. ' "After reading s0 much about Tanlac I decided to try it and I hadn't fin ished my first bottle before the stiff ness began to leave niy joints, and now I never suffer a bit of pain or incon venience. My second bottle gave me a whacking big appetite, that constipation is relieved and I never have a headache I sleep like a log all night, and am lucky if I wako up in time for break fast before going to work., I certainly am glad to endorse Tanlac, and . only liopo my experience with this wonder ful medicine will help someone else who may bo going through what I did. Tanlac is. sold in Hubbard by Hub bard Drug Co., in Mt. Angel Ty Ben Oooch, in Geryais by John Kelly, in Tumor by H. P. Cornelius, in Wood burn by Lyman H. Shorey. in Salem by Dr. S. C. Stone, in Silverton by Geo. A. Steelhammer, in Gates by Mrs. J. I'. McCurdy and in Stayton by C. A. Beauchamp. (Adv.) FALLS CITY NEWS AMIENS IS SECURE By William Philip Simms (United Press Staff Corespondent.) With the British. Armies in France, Aug. 15.--(Xight) Amiens is no longer silent and deserted. In one of the most dramatic ceremonies of the war, while the famous cathedral resounded with speech and "ft for the first tinio in nearly five months, the relief of Pi cardy's capital was consecrated today, simultaneously with reconsecration of the tdifiee,which has been battered and profaned by German shell and bomb since March. Today the Germans are seventeen miles away at the nearest point. The cathedral was reopened at mass attend ed by overy soldier who could arrange the journey. They came from miles arouud. Tho choir was composed entire ly of soldiers in dusty, rusty, horizon blue. .The organist and violinist were attired the same way. Only tho pastor was garbed for the occasion. His assist ant, like the choir, wore the ordinary uniform of tho trenches. Over tho high altar the Stars and Stripes fluttered among the flags of the allies, tho wind blowing freely through tiro shattered windows from many of which the last splinter of ancient, su perb glass is gone. High in the nave and transept aston ished pigeons, used only to crashing of shells, fluttered about. In this setting tho pastor told the ....story of the athed ral. Listening were American, British, French. Belgian, Italian and other al lied officers and soldiers, standing or sitting between columns protected by sand bags.A few civilians wandered iu to give thanks. Arisen from, the dead, the city of Amicus is today alive. ( Capital Journal Special Service.) Falls City, Or., Aug. 16 Mrs. Chas. Coonrad and her daughtor, Mrs. Clcniont went to Portland Saturday. Mrs. Cle ment will make her lio'me in Portland. Henry I Smith was considerably shaken up last Friday by feeing thrown from a load of straw he was hauling for Alex Courtcr, Ho did not properly bal ance his load and when near tho barn WHEN WEAK OR RUN DOWN by chronic or acute throat and lung trotibUs which often decrease elHciency and menaon lift itself, try ECKMAN'S ALTERATIVE This is a Calcium TrTaratIon pnaspsw ed of marked tonic value in addition to Ita remedial qualities. Contains no Al cohol, Narcotic or Kaoit-Forming Druir. $2 size, now $1.50. $1 size, now 80c. .frlco includes war tax. All drusglf "Eclrma-n laboratory. Philadelphia. SACRED HEART ACADEMY Under the Direction of the Sisters of the Holy Names, Salem, Oregon Boarding and Day School. Most approved methods. Primary, Grammar, High School and Normal De partments. Complete cour ses in Harp, Piano, Voice, Culture, Violin and Har mony. Elocution and Phy sical Culture Classes. No interference with religion of pupils. MODERN CONVENIENCES DOMESTIC COMFORTS Scholastic Year Begins September 9th ADDRESS: Sister Superior Albert is Encircled London, Aug. IS. British troops are slowly encircling Albert, the official re port of iTield Marshal Haig indicated today. In addition to monacing the city from the west and south, the British have crossed tho Ancre on a wide front to the northward. Further progress south of Albert also was reported. "During tho nighj; we advanced slightly northeast of Morlancourt (three miles south of Albert,)" tho statement said. "A hostilo attack on one post "was re pulsod after sharp fighting. "Local fighting also occurred along the northeastern outskirts' of Thicfjval wood (three miles north and east of Al bert,) where our patrols crossed to tho left bank of tho Aucro. Further north, our patrols progressed between Beaucourt-Sur-Auero (five miles north of Albert) and Puiaieux (three Jnilos north and east of Beau-coui'tSur-Aucre.) ' ' Hostilo artillery increased its act ivity south of the Soninie and between the LaBassee canal and Ypres." (The latter area includes tho whole Flanders salient.) Haig Reports Successes London, Aug. 10. Successful local op erations which resulted in advantes bothon tho Picardy and Flanders fronts were reported by the Britisli war office last night. "By a successful operation carried out by us on the battle front Canadian troops niado progress in the neighbor hood of Damery, three miles northwest of Koye, and Parviller (a mile north of Damery), capturing both villages," the statement said. "Our line southeast of Proyart (six miles northwest of Chaulnes,) also has been puhed forward a short distance. Prisoner were captured by u in these operations. ''.North of Albert patrols have main tained close touch with the enemy thru out the day and local fighting has tak en place at a number of points. "Our patrols have been active all .day also in the Vieux-Berquin sector and have made further progress to the southeast of the village, taking a few prisoners. "A successful raid was carried out by us today northwest f Locon. Casualties were inflicted on tho enemy and two machine guns were brought back to our lines. "Hostile machine gun activity has in creased on tho Kommel front." . I the road was lower tin tho heavy side causing it to tip over, throwing him on ' his head and shoulders. Ho was con siderably dazed at first but appears to ' bo littlo worse from his fall. Ho is very : larg3 and is about 75 years old. ! D. L. Wood, Sr., made a business trip to Portland Saturday returning Sunday. I The Adventists are holding n camp meeting at the grove near the Christian ; church. " Guy Lewis, an enployo at Powell's ; logging camp was painfully injured on i Monday by a chain striking him on the head, cutting quite a gash in his scalp, j L. C. Taylor waa in Salem last Mon 1 dav.. G. D. Treat, who has been working in the depot at Powers, in Coos county came Jiome last Saturday. Ralph Harrington was in Dallas Wed nesday. M. L. Thompson and- H. H. Lowe ver, in Dallas Tuesday in the interest of the Chautauqua to be given in this city soon. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A i t JOURNAL WANT- ADS PAY 3 r 1 m$ l mil ijr v Women's Coats, Suits, Millinery, Etc. at the Portland Cloak & Suit Company's Store Saturday, August 17, beginning at 9 A. M. Showing the finest lines of Wearing Apparel at Lowest Prices in cluding Coats, Suits, Dresses, Skirts, Waists and Millinery. Un enng- Rare 0 pportunity A cordial invitation extended to all to visit this store Saturday and view at your leisure the magnificent exposition of newest ideas in women's wearing apparel. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT We-Now Occupy the Entire Main and Mezzanine floors of the corner building with about one hundred and for ty feet front, and 11 large show windows, making this one of the lagrest day-light and exclusive Women's Ap parel stores in Oregon. Portland uoaK m. mil L Court and Commercial Streets Stockton's Corner fof the wonen of Salem and vicinity to procure hteh grade merchandise f at prices less than elsewhere because we operate many large stores in other cities. Our buying power is greater than others and because nf our policy of selling for cash only, we can offer better values. And remember that the garments included in this exhibition are the very latest 1918 Fall and Winter models direct rrom the factory. CENTRAL HOWELL NEWS (Capital Journal Special Service.) Central Howell, Or., Aug. 16. -Central Howell Bed Cross entertainment was a howling success in every wav, according to the members view of it, socially, fi nanially and wo hope entertainingly The house was packed to overflowing. Car after ear went away because ney Railroad Man Gives Good Advice "Several years ago I was under treatment of a stomach specialist for 5 months. 3 weeks of which were spent in a hospital. Another stomach special ist told me I had gall stones and that an operation was necessary. I did not want to have this. I lost 43 lbs. in weight. Talking with a brakeman one day he told me of Mayr' Wonderful Remedy and since taking it I have gained 16 lb, and am feeling fine. I am advising others to try .'. It is a simple, harmless preparation that re moves the catarrhal mucun from the in testinal tract and allays the inflamma tion which causes practically all stom ach ,liver and intestinal ailments, in cluding apendicitis. One dose will con vince or money refunded. J. C. Perry, Capital Drug Store and druggists everywhere. could not pet in. Ninety dollars and ten cents was cleared above expenses Thanks to each ono that helped in tho good cause. ' Central Howell lted Cross booth at tho bridge opening was well patronized and the committee reports forty-one dollars abovecxpenses. Wednesday, Mr. Kinzic Cahill took a load of furniture to Silverton for Mrs. John Park3, as they are moving to east ern Oregon. Miss Valentine Christenson was vis iting Miss Ginn Bergsing recently. Mrs. Fred Purbin was calling on Mrs. J. W. Baggett Monday afternoon. Abe Steffen and family and Miss Audrey Baggett took 8 trip over intc Polk county Sunday. They visited at Mr. and Mrs. Moll's home and kodaked on the Willamette. Tb.y also visitcl at the Sutter home in Swcgal. Mrs. llay Hamsden and children spent a few days in Silverton recently. Miss Letha Moorcs assisted her siator Mrs. Frank Simmons in ihrehing. Mr. and Mrs. Abe Steffen and dangh ters Goldic and Agnes and Miss Audrey Baggett spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Steffen 'i brother and family of Silverton, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Dapp. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Durbin spent sev eral days recently visiting Mr. Dur bin 's parents at Vancouver, Wash. Mrs. B. C. Binegar is visiting her son Arthur, who is working jn the ship yard at St. Helens. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ooffin and dau glitcr Miss Constance was visiting I'rtd Durlins Tuebday. Mrs. J. W. Baggett and daughter Mibs Audrey was calling on Mrs. Uolivor Alikuelgon Vednesduy evening. Fred Bassett had his le broken Mon day. Mrs. OolivCfMikkclson ' sinter wae visiting her Sunday. Karl Adams of Silverton was visiting in the home of Albert Jam and family Saturday night and Sunday. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Xotice is hereby .given, to all whom it may concern, that the county court of Marion county, Oregon, has duly ap pointed J. S. Coomlcr, executor-of the estate of Mrs. George E. Hatch, deceas ed, and all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to pre sent such claims, duly verified, to the undersigned executor at room 30 Unit ed States National bank building, at Salem, Oregon, within ix months from tho date of the first publication of this notice Dated this 9th day of August, 1918. J. S COOMLEB, ' Executor of the estate of Mrs. George E. Hatch, deceased. 96 MeXary, McNary k Kcycs, Attorneys for executor, " I UNIVERSITY of OREGON rtr 1 I Fully equipped libera! culture nml scientific depurtmeni. Specinl M - ........... ..inrriiiiii srieiniiicuepiirtiiients. Specinl j (raining hi Commerces Journalism, Artliilecture. Law, Medicine tl Mill. . . . .. .---..... iijnirm I rilllllllDnnd VMeArin. 1 Uiiu... I i ' yci i nil n i us Mid I-inc Arli SP II , j T . '' ""' ' Brill. Intam lirM W" rlr. BliidrnlfrrimmiiJ4lrCoioiMlifMHiB. Olii.UlA..... . u . .p r- Tuition r HKB. Library ol NO.IHiO vnhimr. Bormllo.I.. I... . 1 fj 'J Kpnr loonl. raarli opportunity lor workln on,'a wr. ': W ;$ Write llrtialrar, tulanc. Ormofi. lor IIIU.,..J h..Li.. JL a tWj V lap-li af?y. . jWWMAMMWMAMWMWVWWMAJlj- with a million little springs in its fabric which "give and (alee" with every movement of the body, and preserve the shape of the garment despite long wear and hard washings. It is the year-around underwear, light, medium or heavy weight, as you like. "Remember to Buy It Yu'll Foret You !Uv. It On" Ath Your Dtaltr IITim VUlTTIUrl PA tlL... i uiiun nun una nva monsis . I Sales Room: 350 Broadway, Now York fVVVVVrVVMVVVVVVVVVVVVVfV Jptinqtex