THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON THURSDAY, AUGUST 15, 1918. FIVE I t THE JOURNAL'S NEW TODAY! EEDIUM IN MARION COUNTY-TRY THEMTOR RESULTS JOURNAL WANT AD DEPARTMENT IS THE BEST SELLING CLASSIFIED ADVXETISINQ BATES Bate per word New Today: Each insertioa le One week (6 insertions) 5c One month (26 insertions) - 17e The Capital Journal will not be re sponsible for more than one insertion, for errors in Classified Advertisements. Bead your advertisement the first day it appears and notify us immediately. Minimum charge, 15c. HOUSE for sale or trade, at a baigain 362 K. Church St. tf FOR SALE Bed Astraran apples 50 per box. Phone 71F22. 8 15 AVO.V.-iN wants work by the hour or day. Call 4T5 a 17th St. 8 16 VANTEU Girl for genera! housework. State School for Deaf. . 9-15 FOR BENT 4 acres, house and bars, sonic fruit. K-6 care Journal. 8-17 WANTED To rent near asylum, small place. Address H care Journal. 8-17 FOR SALE Good 10x12 tent, $15. New this season. 1173 S. 13th St. 8-17 $1000 TO LOAN on farm property. Phone IIS or 1204 evenings. 8-16 FURNISHED flats for rent. Call 1737 W. tf "WANTED S or 6 room house, close in. phone 969. tf "WANTED Fresh cow, must be heavy ' milker. Phone 1254. 8-17 "WANTED Veal calves and fat cattle. Phone 1576W. 9 8 GOOD pasture for tows on the L. E. Page estate. Phone 44F22. tf PIGS for sale. A. W. Lathrop, Turner. 8-13 HAVE your roof repaired and tarred, estimates free. Phone 1074. 8 20 MATERNITY cases or nursing wanted. Phono 2501J4. 8-19 BAW OUTFIT fos sale cheap., Phone 2002J evenings. . 8-16 tCOI W. F. WRIGHT, the auctioneer. Turner, Oregon. Phone 59. tf. McLAUGHLIN, utility man, solicits short jobs of any kind. Phone 2441. 817 FOR 8AL.B Evergreen blackberries on bushes, immense quantity. Call 1FI5 8-lft UNDERWOOD typewriter in good or dor for sale, at 275 N. 20th. Phone 640. . 8-17 "WANT Young lady for millinery store with some experience in trimming. Y L. care Journal. I AM in the market for a 6 or 7 rooir, modern bungalow or house, must lie bargain. Box 164, Salem, Or. 8-21 FOR SALE Lady's nice desk, imita tion mahoganv. Price $'0. Josephine Hockett, 913 Highland Ave. 3 17 WALL PAPER 15 eents per double roll upward. Buren's Furniture Store, 179 Commercial. tf. WANTED Kan and team, can make from $8 to $9.50 per day. Call phone 4X51 Turner. tf. HOUSEKEEPING apartments and single Tooms, nicely furnished, . at 633 Ferry street. tf. "WANT to buy thirty to forty young Shropshire ewes. Phono 115 or 1204 evenings. 8-15 TWO and three room furnished apart ments. 491 N. Cottage. Phcne 2203- " tf. WANTED Hop pickers on Browns Is land, hops good and yard clean. For particulars phone 8F25, J. A. Kricbs, tf WANTED Furnished housekeeping rooms in private home for family of three. Must be clean and convenient and close in. Phone 361. tf WANT Partner in wood business with $500, have atumpage for ten thous and eords, easy to get out- liox 333. tf. FOB SALErr-Or trade fine bowling al ley and pool and billiard hall, a good ehiitice to make money. See me soon. G. W. Laflar, 406 Hubbard bldg. tf FOR RENT Attractive, modern 5 room . flat with fire place and sleeping poreh heat furnished. 1234 Court. Phone 1321J. 9-17 FOR SALE Fine modern six roorj bungalow, bath room, electric lights . eement basement and walks. One ol more lots. Terms. 1255 X. 16th St. 8-16 FOR SALE Cheap, 14-foot wood rack with spring seat; also young cow, dry and 5 months heifer calf; will trade for fresh cow at 6(56 Sumner st- Salem. .8-15 A SNAP for the state fair. Lady agents a patriotic necessity, dandy seller, large profits, exclusive territory; s dime for sample, post paid; act qukk lr. The Service Record, Lindsay, Cal. 8iC -- FOB SALE 1V4 acres at Quinaby, good house, barn, well, etc., near station. U. H. Harold, Salem, Bt. 8. 6-16 BE.l'TIFUL Persian kittens for sale, Address C. Kirkpatrkk, Falls Citv, Or. 817 FOK KENT Tent 12 by 14, I A tent Call evenings and mornings. Phone 1298. 8-1.' FOR SALE Ford iu A-l condition eheap if sold at once. B. Herschback Capital garage. S-lo WANTED Girl for light housework, Laundry done outside. Phone 2465. 8-16 FOB SALE Maxwell truck, almost new. Call 1026K. Also have" IVj ton Federal. 8 Id FOB SALE American undersluug roadster. Oregon Garage, High and Ferry St. 8-16 FOR SALE Second hand shoes, cheap Good for berry and hop pickers. Mod ern Shoe Repair, 464 Court. 8-15 BOY WANTED In Afternoons, about hours light work. Enquire for Adv. manager Journal office. tf FOR SALE Or lease, furnished or un furnished 5 room cottage, terms: 1133 Waller street. - 8-19 WANTED Cattle and hogs for this weeks shipment. Pay highest price. Clifford White. Phone 80F2. 8-15 FOB SALE Large Edison phonograph, 25 records for $13. 141. N. Capitol. . 8-15 WANTED For cash, 10 acre tract with good buildings, most be bargain. C. W. NTcmeyer, 544 State street. tf PEACHES for short time only. Call at orchard or phone 56F14. M. C. Pct teys. tf WANTED Second hand baby carriage must be in good condition and reas onable. Address B. C. care Journal. . 6-15 FOB SALE 1914 Ford roadster or tour ing ear $300; 1914 Studebaker $375. Highway Garage, 1000 8. Coai'i. Phone 355. tf FOB SALE 5 passenger car, electric lights and starter. Splendid condition up to date in every way. Phono 2037 M. 8-17 FOR BENT 5 room Bungalow, modern rent for $10 month, is worth more. Call at 1095 N. Liberty street, or phone 2017R. 3-20 WANTED Boys of 18 or over to cany paper routes for winter. High school boys preferred. Enquire at Journal of fice, tf MARRIED man with wife and one child wants place on farm for year. Ad dress 1109 Monroe St.,- Oregon City, Ore. 819 FOR SALE 10 tons hay, $18 per ton, 1 Jersey cow $40, 2 mules with har ness, 1 horse with harness, I'hay wa gon, 1 spring wagon. Phone 26F13. 8-17 FOR 5'i pr cent farm loans, see the Marion-Poll; county national farm loan association. W. D. Smith, 303 Salem Bank of Commerce bldg. tf FOR SALE One of the best new sev i?n room bungalows in Falls City at a : bargain. Ford or Doilgo considered as! part pavment. Address box 263.1 Fa'ls City, Or. 8-17 j FOR SALE Five passenger Eeo. All new tires. Fine mechanical condition. Eleetric equipment, with starter. This is a sacrifice sale and if yon want a first class buy cheap, call 81 and ask for Mills, or Bee car at North- ' western Garage. tf. CRAWFORD canning peaches now ready. Order immediately, crop light, short season, quality faney. Lach mund's orchard 5 miles north of Sa lem, in Keizer bottom. Phonw TI. W. Bowden, foreman, farmers 29F3. Bring " your boxes. - tf BLACK LOCUST WOOD WANTED Black locust wood for making trenails Thousands are used in every ship and are absolutely needed to help along the ship building program. If you can spare any from your grove we can pay you a good price for them. Western Ship Supply Co., E. C. Armstrong, purchasing agent. Phone 1917R. tf GOVERNMENT WILL hold civil serv ice examinations in Salem in August. 20,000 women clerks to be appointed at Washington. Experience unneces sary. Wowen desiring government clerkships write for free particulars to R. E. Terry, (former civil seivice examiner), 315 Columbian building, Washington. 8-23 MEN WANTED Able bodied over eighteen years for paper mill work at West Linn, Oregon, near Portland. Wages $3.36 -ight honrs. No experi ence necessary. Permanent positions and advancement for steady men. Strike declared eight monthi :go does not affect peaceful ard normal oper ation of this plant. Free transporta tion. 141 North High St. Phone 340. 96 Journal Want Ads Pay ttM i 5 GOOD men wanted for factory work long job at good wages. Call at room 303 Salem Bank of Com. bldg., er phone agent, W. D. Smith. tf WANTED A woman to cook for sis or eighf people. N0 washing or iron ing. Address Box 45, Bt. 2, Gerraia 1$ Ur, or phone it 11. -13 -k CAR WANTED AVill Kivc yen. a house and lot clear of debt, and some cash for a good used light car. Address 463 I S. Capitol St. Phone 847J. 8-15 FOR SALE Or trade for young cat tle or hogs 3 Studebaker wagon with hog rack, $73. J. C. Mullen. Phone 1380B. 8-16 WANTED Cook in small hospital in suburbs of Portland. Good home cook iu desired. $30 per month with board and room. Hospital care Capital Jour nal or phone 1204. " 8-16 FOB SALE At bargain, 6 room modern bungalow, large log, garage, one block from paved street, 2 blocks to car line An ideal home for little money. Ad drew A. J. 20 care Journal. tf I WANT TO BUY Your Junk and give you a square business deal I always pay the highest cash prices. I WANT YOUR SACKS AND BAGS I buy all kinds of used goods, 2nd hand furni ture, rubber and junk Get my prices before you sell , THE CAPITAL JUNK CO. The Square Deal House 271 Chemeketa Street Phone 398 WANTED, JUNK And All Kinds of 2nd Hand -roods. Foil Market Prices Special ' Prices paid for Sacks. Get our prices before yon sell. THE PEOPLE'S JUNK 2ND HAND STOKE 271 H. Com'l St Phone 734 He Commercial Cider Works Phone 2194 Salem, Ore. Manufacturers of cider to drink. Bring in your ripe apples HalvoKne Tractor 00 FOR SALE OREGON GARAGE High .and Ferry Street L.M.HUM eare of Yick So Tong Chinese Medicine end Tea C. Has medicine which will eare any known disease. Open Sundays from 10 a. aa. 4 antil 8 p. ib. 153 Sonti High St. Salem, Oregon. Phoae 181 A-E. HARRIS &S0N Hopmere, Oregon. Buy Gram And Hay backs for Sale at Warehouse. It may be to your Advantage to get our Pricca. JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY A 11 A All A Ccs-isz EychIs TONIGHT Aug. IS Membership nesting of Salem Commercial club, Aug. 17. Annual Meetiagal Iowa Society. Aug. 14. Nebraska Associa tion, annual picnio state . fair grounds. Aug. 24. Registration, of men who have reached the age of 21, sine June 5, 1918. "Tn funeral beautiful. "Wels ft Clough Co. tf e Dr. Mendelsohn, the eye specialist, will return Sept 1st tf Belgian Fete postponed indefinitely account of rain, wateh papers for date. Members of the Insurance Federation of Salem are to hold a meeting at 1:30 o'clock Friday afternoon at the Com mercial Jc'ub. Matters or importance are to come before the federation and all members are urged to attend. o "Tha best" is all jou can do when death comes. Call Webb A Clough Co Phone 120. tf. We geU for caskCommencing July 1st we will conduct our business on a strictly cash basis. Patton's Book Store. tf. o Dr. Schenk's offices will be closed from Aug. 3rd to Sept 8, 1918. 3 o A membership meeting of the Salem Commercial club will be held this even ing in the auditorium of the club be ginning at 8 o'clock for the purpose of discussing and acting upon certain changes in' the constitution of the club. The committee appointed to take up the proposition of making the proposed changes will make its report . Special vaudeville attraction at the Bligh theater Saturday. o H. A. Johnson, fire Insurance agency does a general fire insurance business, both mutual and old line companies. 1 and 2 Bush bank bldg. Phone 347. 9-3 o Save all your cull apples, Uncle Bam needs the vinegar. We pay highest cash price. Fruit taken after. August 20th. Gideon Stolz Co., near comer Mill and Summer streets. Phone 26. 9-12 o Dr. Schenk's offices will be frewd from Aug 3rd to Sept, 8, 1918. 9 3 o Vaudeville extraordinary, Bligh. thea ter Saturday. A troop train of what appeared to lie the old line regulars passed through the city on its way north this morning. There was a rumor that the troops were on their way to Siberia and would" em bark for Russia from a point on the Sound. There was about 400 on the train and they bad the appearance of old-time fighters. Big harvest dance at Macleay Sat niirht. 8-15 I nave secured the sale of the well known Severe tires, fabric and cord Clark's Tire Honsc, 319 X. Com'l. 8-17 Belgian Pete postponed indefinitely account of rain, watch papers for, date. - Cards are out inviting people to at tend the formal opening at Grassy Flat of Tufa Quarry and dedication of new road Tuesday August 20. Picnic lunch will be served at 1 o'clock. The invi tation comes from Natural Fireproof Lumber Company. Invited guests will assemble and start from Mt. Angel ho tel at 10 o'clock a.- in- Big dance at Silverton Saturday night given by Co. II. Good music. All O. G. men in uniform. Come. 8-17 Big dance at Silverton Saturday night given by Co. H. Good music. All O. G. men in uniform. Come, 8-17 - o Belgian Fete postponed indefinitely account of rain, watch papers for date. How long should the honeymoon last? With" some It is a new found joy at twenty five that lingers until it be comes an elixir of life at seventy five. Sec "Old Wives for New" at the Ore gon beginning Sunday. o In Washington, D. C, the maximum temperature yesterday was 92 and in WAKE UP THESE BOYS IN THE WINTER TIME tottnv roor I I yen Mica if mom wc I . . arc so towaontBLE. j Qt'weST ?fi- -' 1 VOTTO 1 510RA0E Of SWfctl POWOtS DM A SMALL SCALE. THE ROOTS MAY (3E KEPT MEARTHt CHIflNEV IN r LACMtT ROOM OH IN THE ATTIC Ofl A 5MCLF HEAR. THE KITCHEN STOVE, r; IN RV ROOM IN WHICH THE TE 11- pjRftTuRfc Cft8 Hi" unmnTHt re- QUIRED LIMIT. Best way to put them to sleep is told in the ires drying book which will be sent any reader of this paper who eends a two-cent stamp for postage to the National War Garden Commission at Washington. 1 f rouna i own j ! Nt'w York citv 96, while iu Salem the . i . ... highest waa t4. Belgian Tete postponed indefinitely account of rain, watch papers for date. Philip J. Scholtland, supreme thief rauger of the Foresters of America, will arrive in Salem Friday. The local lodge is making preparations for his entertainment. Belgian Tete postponed indefinitely account of raiB, watch papers for date The Yorkshire Insurance Co. is an old English company established away bacv iu 1824 and now has over $35,000, 000 in assets. H. A. Johnson, agent. 9-3 o Dr. Carl Gregg Doney has received a letter from the surgeon general of the I'uited States stating that women are wanted to become reconstruction aides. o Bay G. Dawson, wno to severely wounded in France according to tho casualty list, is the son of Mr. and! Mrs. J. W. Dawson, 1511 North Winter street. R& enlisted in the army when just above the age of 16 years and has been in actual .wrviee in France for i the past nine months. He enlisted In thg ninth infantry of the regular army. o The funeral services of Mrs. L. C. Elwell, who died Tuesday night, will be held Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from, the chnpel of Webb & Clough and will be conducted by the Rev. Geo. F. Holt. Burial will be iu the City View cemetery. o The Hopville auxiliary of the Bed Cross wish the correction made as to tin) amount of money that it mado at Marion square during the bridge day celebration. It was $160 that the auxil iary made and not $35 according to the first report given out. . o The Belgium Fete, scheduled for Fri day afternoon and Friday evening of this week at Willson park has been postponed on account of the weather As soon as tho weather settles to the regulation AugUBt style, the fete will be given and announcement made as to date". Three special books on the war will be placed in the city public library this week. "The Flying Teuton" is fiction by Alice Brown. Another book of fic tion is "To Arms" by Mine. Tinayre, a French woman telling of the time of the first mobilization of French troops in July of 1914. A book based on actual experiences is "Headquarter Nights" by Vernon Kellogg. He was associated with Hoover during the first Belgium relief work. "The Society for Devastated France' will meet Friday afternoon of this week at the publin library. This is the society that is taking woolen garments and hosiery of all Kinds and making them into garments for the French chil dren. It lias been demonstrated that hosiery can be made into garments for small children and there has been a generous response from the women of Halem. Thoso who wish to contribute in tliis line may send their supplies to the public library. A shipmeht will be made from Portland Sept. 15. THAT ANNOYING, PERSISTENT COUGII may lend to cbronio unrr trouble, or mean that th chronic stago already Ib reached, tin eltkur na try ECKMAN'S ALTERATIVE This tonlfl and tlRime-rppatrer fftp pllft Ihe acknowledged beneflta of Cal cium treatment without disturbing tho tomaiii. Contatna no Ataobttl. Nur cotio r ITabit-f'ormlaK Drug, $2 m, now $1.50. $1 liit, low 80c. Price hioliidBi, war tax. All druinlata, E'man LuborHtory. Philadelphia Constable Percy M. Varney arrested tlifl four lioys who escaped from the Oregon Stato Tmininjr school Tuesday noon. Lawrence Black aud Altiu Dully of Ilillsboi'O were raptured yesterday afternoon in the hills southeast of Sil verton. The otlier two hoys, Kowd Smilli and Garland lirooks lioth nf Portland were taken by "Mr. Varnev this morning near Brooks. The four boys had btolen an auto near Pratiiin Tuesday evening but later abandoned it. The two i'oit land boys had broken into a lions, and when found by Mr. Varney were sport ing red and green sweaters. The four were retifrned to Superintendent lil bert for safe keeping. Edwin Socolofiky is one of the stud ents of Willamette lTniversity who re ceived an appointment and who is now takin the students' training course in military tactics at the Presidio. When the fall term of the University begins, it will have enrolled 19 students who) have received the Presidio military training course and also one of the fuc ulty. In reply to an inquaire, it may be aid that it is the Commercial -club of Salem that is getting together a list of the soldiers and sailors from Marion county who are now in the service. I Those who have relatives in the service should send to the dub the name, ser vice and address of relatives. In a Cup of INSTANT POSTUM NoWaste-NoWorry Less Sugar- No Coffee Troubles Deficious Flavor. ft it f NEWS FROM THE BIG STORE 38 Years the Leaders and Still On Top It UP X-LOOOSlOOOaD 2 j Extra Special Prices on LU 0 Must close out entire stock as soon as possible. This J season's soft felt hats in the latest shapes and shades Values to t $3.50, to close out, each $1.75 Stetson Hats, special at $4.00 ..ALL STIFF HATS NEWEST SHAPES 1-2 PRICE . . The Ladies' Outing Wear Visit our ready to wear department. "Kamp-Iit" Clothes for Women and Girls GIRLS Skirts $3.75 Jackets . $4.00 Smocks $4.25 Many Bargains Throughout the Store in Lines We Must Close Out. t : PERSONALS : Mrs. E. A. Kyle of Corvallis was iu the city yesterday registered at tke Bligh. (ieorge Tate was in Salem Waos day from Stay ton. C. K. North, is in the citv from Ore gon City. Mrs. Zolkowitz. formerly of Salem who has been viiting here left yes terday for Bellinghaoi, Wash. John Bullutti, former cook at the White House restaurant returned to day from Camas, Wash. With his fam ily he will go to the raneh of D. B. Teeters south of the city. Walter Hmith is acting as foreman for the Salem street railway company in place of C J. Beach who resigned If SMILE OR FROWN? wa wist Cars rui.kv BRANCHED fmof Cci.B-DiPe SNO Wf'RB i OOOO At IVFIl! Blanching s NEtttSAnv with all UtOlTA6LtS SNO MRNV l!UMS THOWOUOM CLtMNSinO AMD IREroOvaS OBJECTIONABLE ODOR) HMD FlAVOflSAMO EVCESi ACIDS, ' Yon can make your home canned vegetables and fruits happy by fol lowing the rules in the free book issued by the National War Garden Commission, Washington, D. C. Write for a copy, enclosing two cents for postage. .j 3 CQLD-PIPPEP Iff ' " " -if oh dear wisss i Ispoij-ino Oust ,&- ICftuss wi wsbsmt I SpZfittS crm km." ! froPh ha now -. I DO CLOTHES MAKE THE WOMAN? OR WOMAN MAKE THE CLOTHES? Get The Answer In "Impossible Susan" Starring Margarita Fisher TWO DAYS Tomorrow and Saturday SPECIAL VAUDEVILLE PROGRAM BLIGH THEATRE II, Middies $3.00 Bloomers $3.50 Divided Skirts ..-.'$5.00 Leggings . $1.75 H last week. Miss Zina Cook of Los Angeles ar rived in the tity today to make funeral arrangements for her father, W. H. Cook who died in the city August 11. Germans Withdraw On Nine-Mile Front London, Aug. 13, (3.37 p. m.) Tho Germans havB with drawn ono to two miles on a nine milo front, at tho western tdgo of the Flanders salient, ac cording to information received here this afternoon. Vicux-Berquin, three miles north of Merville, was evacuat ed during the withdrawal. Died W'HROCK. At the Deaconess hospital August 14, 1!1N, Mrs. Mattie Schrock at the age of 30 years. The lmdy was forwarded today by Webb & lough to Amity for burial. GIRLS!!! See the annual Colum bia Beach Bathing Girls contest taken July 20--'-This little added picture to the usual good pro gram. Today, Tomorrow, Sat urday LIBERTY THEATRE 11 k rcuu it