Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 13, 1918, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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i All Around Town
1 fci.JMMfegAJAWiliJft-iJiA,W
Here are figures that should be of interest to you.
At this time when prices are soaring so high you
will be sure to appreciate these prices.
We have bath towels, either in the plain, white or
fancy colored towels, at remarkably low prices.
Plain white Bath Towels 12 l-2c to 49c Each
Fancy Bath Towels , 25c to 69c Each
Face Towels 12c to 25c Each
Sheets . 79c, 98c, $1.19 and $1.59
Pillow Cases . . . . .. .25c and 33c
U Incorporated
Coming Events
Jacob Goode of Toledo. Ohio Is spend
ing a few days in Salem with his
nephew the Eev D. J. Goode at 201
C'herrian Band Concert. Will
son Park, 8 p. m.
j South Commercial street. He is 81 years
Au. 15 Membership meeting
of Salem Commercial club.
Aug. 17. Annual Meeting of
Iowa Society.
"The funeral beautiful'
Clougn Co.
Webb ft
one eara. uroccrs in Hulem today re
ceived notice of the now ennl vntom
The card is for domestic use of sugar
oniy ana wiu be large enough to ex
tend over a period of threo months
Ihe process is simple. Select your gro
cer and ho will nnve vnnr u, ,',,,. -,
If thero ig five in the family, after
Wlllil . f .1...,. ir .. i 1 1 " F"u"uo " neon purcnasccl within
Within few days, Marion county as the mouth, htore is no more sugar to
well other counties in the Btate will
bo placed on a card system for the pur
chase of sugar.
Each fiuhily will have one sugar card
on file with its grocery and when a
purchase is made, this amount will be
charged on the card. When tho pur
chases have figurod up to two pounds
a month for each-member of the fam
ily, no more sugar will be sold thut
No family will be permitted to have
a sugar card at but one grocery as the
Btato food administration will see that
a family's name is permitted on but
be -bought for that fnmilv, Arin th
montn ana there would be no use of
applying elsewhere, as the grocer must
first look up your sugar card and if
lie has none, he will get into trouble
if hi; soils.
These restrictions were made by the
uuiiuuisiruuon on complaint of re
tail dealers everywhere th fit" innnv unn
pie wero buying at different stores nnd
urn ouservmg tno rulo of two pound
to each person ner month
The food control act provides fines
"'re man ;,mw and imprison
micui, iur uuaruing y aeulerg, manufuc
iiiii-in ur llouseilOKlei'S
Have a Free Demonstration of This
Great Time and Labor Saver
in your own home.'
cost or obligation on your
part whatsoever.
Learn how easy It h to
clean house the Frantz
Premier way from the
rugs on the floors to tapes
tries and curtains not
forgetting upholstery and
the very floors and walls
The trulv moderate nrlri i
the Frantz Premier will sur
prise you. Small monthly pay
ments, added to your regular
light bills, mak? it still easier.
Vrita, phona, or call tor
our tna demonstration.
Kverything for he Home
JM i - ; & a
A rf
. k 1
Dr. Mendelsohn, the eye specialist,
will return Sept. 1st. tf
The Catholic parish picnic at the
fairgrounds Sunday was well attended
and proved a success in all particulars.
The best" It all yon can do when
death comes. Call Webb & Clough Co-
rnone izu. tf.
....We gell for cash...Conunendng July
mt we will conduct our business on a
strictly cash basis. Patton's Book
Store; tf.
Mrs. M. L. Fulkerson and John W. L.
Smith rural school supervisor, are in
Oregon City today attending a session
of the summer Bihool held at that place.
Dr. Schenk's offices will be closed
from Aug. 3rd to Sept. 8, 1918. 9 3
H. A. Johnson, fire Insurance agency
does a central fire insurance business.
both mutual and old line companies. 1
and 2 Bush bank bldg. Phone 317.
With the continued dry weather, the
river is gradually falling until today
it is one foot and II inches below the
low water mark. This is r 1
. -
man any tune since tho government
Degan keeping records in Salem, away
uacK in istm.
Save all your cull apples, Uncle Sam
needs the viuegar. W0 pay highest cash
price. Fruit taken after. August 20th.
Gideon Btolz Co.. near corner Mill and
Summer streets. Phone 26. 912
Special meeting of Pacific
lodge No. DO, A. P, & A. iff.,
this evening. Work in tho M.
M. deercc. Visiting brethren
W. S. Barnes, representing the Parrett
tractor, is stonninff nf flin Mnyin. l.niAl
Demonstration of' this tractor will be
givou tho last three days of this week.
Any information desired revnnliiiir
tractor or place of demonstration will
no gmmy furnished on inquiry.
Buck deer with horns Is
game that is open to the hunters be
ginning August 1,1, in this district No.
1, COnmnsiiiff all counties wpat nf tho
Cascades. Tho timo limit is October 15
and two deer is the bag limit. The sea
son opens for silver gray squirrels
Sept. 1, for ducks and ceesn Oct i
and for Chinese pheasants and grouse,'
October 1, East of the Cascades in
trict No. 2, tho grouse season opens
August 15.
The season is now on for frog hunt
ing and for tho benefit of tlmao ,!.
enjoy such delicacies frogs' legs, it
may ue snip, tnat JUel'aU's lake, about
Vj nines north of Snlem is a fine frog
hnntimr cround. There in W li(H
no wntvrin the luke and from reports,
mere is nor. much lett" excepting frogs.
There is no bag limit as tho federal
food administration seems to linvo
looked tho frog situation.
Cherrians attention, you are requested
to appear In full uniform Priilnv
ing at Willson park to mingle with tho
crowd, to assist tho ladies in every pos
sible way to make their affair a ffrnnd
Success. Hal D. Patton. Kino- nimr hv
Wm, Gahlsdoif, secrotarv. S li
Dr. Schenk's offices nHll v.. .1,
from Aug 3rd to Sept, 8, 1918. 9 3
Dr. E, N. Avison has returned rn
his vacation and will nwnnv tho. ,,i.,it
of the First Methodist church neirt
Sunday, morning and evening. For the
morning services he will speak on "The
Prophet in the Church" mill fAr ihn
evening, 'Iivine leadership in Great
World Movements.'' In hi vnntinn
travels r. Avison was accompanied by
Mrs. Avison and Miss Genevieve. They
visited SeattlefTacoma and other point's
on tho Sound oud upent ten days at
Pr. D. D, Kceler and damrhter. Hanoi.'
wish to express their heartfelt thanks
to the manv kind friends who minister-
cil to their need and comfort tlirouch
the recent illness and death nf 11
We wish to thank OUT ninnir fritinu
for their acts of kindness and sympathy
in n. a the illness and death of nur ).
loved husband and father, ami tnr
many beautiful floral offerings. Mrs.
rrana Niirpard and family.
old and a member of the Grand Annv
of the Republic and for the first time
he will attend the annual encampment
io oe neia at rortlaml next week.
George Vick and Fred Bernard! left
morning on a ten davs Ford tractor
trip to Pendleton The Dalles, Baker and
omer points in the eastern part of the
state. The triD is to esneoiallv rtpmnn-
strate tractors and appoint agents. Dur
ing ine ten oays, seven demonstrations
ui oe given.
Miss Genevieve Avison has accepted
a position in the hurh school of ("Innnpt
Minnesota, and will leave next Tuesday
to take up her new duties. She is a
graduate of Willamette University.
19Hi, and is the lianohtpr nf tho Pv
and Mrs. R. X. Avison.
Members of the Salem Commercial
club will , receive letters calling their
attention to the special meeting to be
held at 8 o'clock on Thursday evening
of this week. There will be inclosed in
each letter a booklet showing the ac
tivities of the club for the past year.
While on short visit to Silverton
with relatives V. L. Haines of this city
sustained a rather serious accident.
While starting a motor of a ear ha .
ceived several deep gashes in his leg
aim a uruise on tne knee.
Following the trend of the times, nn
innovation will bo introduced in hn
First Methodist church
the way of girl ushers for the services
Sunday morning and evening. This is
not a permanent affair hownv, i,.t
just a chance to give tho young men
ushers of the church a vacation. The
girlg will be on duty as ushers for the
coming month or six weeks.
Herbert L. Stiff rescued a wotqan yes
terday from a run away laundry wagon
that threatened iniurv to several n.
pie in front of tho store on Liberty and
vuuii, sireeis yegteruny. it seems the
laundry ear had a new driver and iust
as it approached the Stiff store, the
uriver lost control, resulting in th..
, n - .
car starting down tho sidewalk at a
pretty rapid rato. Mr. Stiff caw tl,
danger before others and managed to
.clear the way for tho run-away.
The state director at Pendletnn nf
the National Wnr Snvl
is sending out letters like thin. "Tl,,w
your stamps early. Those you purchase
aro evidence that VOU flrft Icppninir Mm
pledge. You also pledged to cconoinizo
during tho war. The irovemmnnt in m.
questing that you do not buy articles
not necessary for your health and effi
ciency. You will therefore rcleaso both
labor and material for the manufacture
of articles needed to snnnnrt. nur Krovo
boys over there."
Members of the Elks lodsre who win
attend the first state convention Anir.
list 26 as delegates will
during the three days' sessions, begin
ning first with a trip over tho Col
umbia highway and On thfl no tn a tav
with an address by Mayor Baker of
Portland. On the socond dav nf the
session, thero will be a visit to all tho
ship yards and the water trout of
Portland and on tho third dnv. n vwlt
to tho Oaks and hand ennenvta o.i
ROHKRTSON. To Mr. and Mrs. John
Robertson of Dufur, Monday, August
12, 1!1S, at the Salem hospital, a son.
lie has been named John Dayton.
Mrs. Robertson was before her nmrrinve
Miss Ada Dayton.
Voluntary enlistment for tank service
is open until August 17, according to
Sergeant Davis. But the man who en
lists must bo those who are in class
3, ond 4, as no men who are in class
1, arc permitted to enlist in any ser
vice whatever until further orders.
Those who are qualified by classifica
tion to enlist, might write Lieutenant
Gardiner. Fifth nnd Mnrri snn strcpfa
Portland. Men who have had experience
in mien driving and tho handling of
tractors are best qualified for this tank
service. While no nrmv recmlta an
be accented until further nrdcra Kr.
geant Davis, recruiting officer fifr tho
army is still on tho iob to irive n-ener-
al information.
Postmaster Huckestein has received
from tho postoffice department at
Washington, D. C, a notice calling es
pecial attention to the chief reason
why mail of soldiers is so often delay
ed. The department states that the real
reason for the delay is the incorrect
address or tho insufficient oddress.
Friends and relatives in writing to sol
diers should be extremelv careful in
give the company and regiment address
or the distinctive organization to which
the soldier belongs. With more than a
million soldiers now in FrnnpA mil
with the hundreds of thousands of taen
in the navy and then all the camps and
schools of instruction in the Fnited
States, the only wav to hnve a letter
delivered is an absolutely correct ad
dress as given by tho soldier himself.
Then there should be the address of
tho writer on the envelope for a return
should the address be suh that the
soldier caunot be located.
A startling, stunning display cf all that is smartest in coats for fail and winter
wear.-PIushes, Wool Velours, Delhi Clothe and other Fall Fabrics.-Some Lined
Throughout and Others Half Lined In all popular shades including Taupe, Bur
gundy and Bue.
$14.75 to $45.00
We are proud of this exhibit-proud of its diversity and the reasonableness of the
price. positively the lowest price in Salem. Allow us the pleasure of showing
them to you. - . ...m . . k ...
mmmm im mmtm wmm m
Our Prices Always the Lowest
Commercial and Court Sts. Formerly Chicaffo Store
Local Board Asks For Volun
teers To Serve As District
The lncnl cvtmntlnn hnnril hn receiv
ed instructions to prepare for the reg
istration of those who will be included
in the new draft law to be passed by
congress Jliis month. And in order that
there may be no delay should congress
name September 5, the board is asked to
secure a registration place in every
precinct in this division No. 1.
Four registrars are needed in each of
the voting precincts in his division,
which includes Salem and all voting
precincts in tho central and southern
part of the county, south of Chemawa.
In order that registrars may be ap
pointed, volunteers are asked for by the
local board. Thoso who are competent
to do clerical work are wanted. They
must reside in the district where the
VOiinc nrecinct is lnctited nnd .'.mnld ha
well asquaiuted with the people in the
W. I. 'cedham, chairman of the local
exemption board,' asks that people in
iach precinct who are willing to give
tne g-jvcrin:ent one "ay or tlioir time,
writo him, as all applications are to te
receivcii iiv u-iter ami nnt. in ncrnn
Just write V. I. Jseedham. chairman lo
cal exemption board, Salem, Or., stating
mar you are wniinir To eive one uav
Sept. 5, to assist in the registration
Those appointed will be notified and
proir blanks sent them. As soon as all
registrais are appointed, a meeting will
ue called, tor general instructions.
The registration place will be at the
usual voting place in each precinct and
Jir. .eeunam also asKs tnose who own
Enlistment for the Oregon National J property where it has been customary
R. Wicgs of McCoy registered today
at tho Bligh.
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Arnold of Toledo
Oregon, were in th'e city yesterday.
Charley Maxwell, porter at the Orc-
COn Electric, denot. is tnljinir a twn
weeks' vacation for his health at Sea-
Ralph Sutten of Neskowin is in the
Uertrude Feller of Donald is register
ed at tho Bligh.
H. R. Smith of Silverton is in the
city. I
cecd 3,000.
There are 18 voting precincts in Sa
1cm and for each nrecinct. fnn,. miria.
trants are asked to volunteer who live
tho nrecinct. Then in this T)i
no. i. ionr registrars are asked to vol
unteer to Mr. Xeedham from the fnl
lowing voting precincts: Aumsville
Breitenbush, Chemawa. Croisan. Elk-
horn, Bnglewood, Fairgrounds Horel
Central Howell. .Infferann T.ilmrtu fac.
leay, Marion Mehama, Mill City, Prin-
i T; t. , - . .. .
gie rviverview, uosenaie, East Nalem,
Salem Heights, Shaw, Sidney, Silver
Falls, South Silverton, Stnyton, East
Stayton, West Stayton, Sublimity, Tur
ner, and Victor Point.
Guard will open at the Balem armory
weanesuay morning at o'clock. Ma
jor A. A. Hall this afternoon received
the proper blanks from headquarters
and those who are interested in the
raisins' of conmanv in Salem are ask
ed to call at the armorr tomorrow. Sil
verton and Stayton soldiers are show
ing much interest in the Oregon .Na
tional Guard and it is exoeeted thnt be
tween the two towns, a company will be
organized. Polk countv also is expect
ed to raise one company and Salem one
A cablegram has been received by
I to vote in each procinct. to write him.
stating that the place may be used for
registration September 5.
The registration this September will
be a much larger affair than the first
one June 5, 1917. There was registered
in this Division, about 2,000 men at
that time. For the coming registration,
it is estimated that the number will ex-
that he has been commissioned a lieu
tenant in the regular army. He enlisted
last December and was at once sent to
the Philippine Islands where he has
been attending an officers' training
.Alwv,.l nl.l....... I. ..
o- w V"M wv..v. miiuuc lau'Vinill illlll9 UU I 1C
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Vincent from their ' pxnects n lcnrA nt nnco tnr a;.-A
son Willis E. Vincent, Jr., announcing vice, probably in Siberia,
As administrator of the estate of John
b. Carson, the administrator Tollef
Aunudsen, filed his final account with
the county court and was released from
iurtner auty. .
ears of
Yick So Tong
Chinese Medicine and Tea C.
Has medicine which will aura
any known disease.
jprn ounaayi irom 19 v B.
until 8 p, m.
153 Sontb. High St.
Salem, Oregon. Phona 1SS
Hopmerc, Oregon.
Buy Grain And Hay
fSacks for Sale at Warehouse.
It may be to your Advantage to
get our Prices.
Your Junk and give yon
a square business deal.
I always pay the highest
cash prices.
I buy all kinds of used
goods, 2nd hand furni
ture, rubber and junk.
Get my prices before
you sell
The Square Deal House
271 Cheraeketa Street
Phone 398
And All Kinds of 2nd Hand
Fall Market Prices Special
Prices paid for Sacks.
Gt onr prices before 70a sell.
271 B. Com'l et Phone 734
Used Furniture Wanted
Highest Cash Prices Paid for
Used Furniture
. 8. Ik STIFF ft SON
Phone 941 or 508
The Commercial Cider
Phone 2394
Salem, Ore.
Manufacturers of cider
to drink. Bring in your
ripe apples