Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 13, 1918, Page SIX, Image 6

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Earl Hendrick Wrjfcs j
From Alsace Front'
Karl Hendrick writes from France'
in Alsace, July HI
Mr. Dearest Mother; Received your
loving le.ter of June Vi, hut have been
too busy celebrating u French nation
al holiday lu a nuarhy village. The pro
gram hum linging, dancing, hy Alsatian
girls, drill and music by a French hnnd.
Finds Unexpected
Sometimes Happens
"I suffered for 10 years with stom
ach trouble mid doctored away a lot
of money before I found a medicino
tluit was a real benefit to me. Sine.o
taking one dose of Mayr's Wonderful
Komedy i weeks ngo, 1 have had more
real joy of living thnn had in 10
Nineteen Painless Parher 1
I office in the United States B
1 repair the teeth of over B
I 100,000 people annually, g
I SjXem Office g
Stats aul Commercial g
3 - Streets 5
years net ore. ' H is a simple, harmless ! n lumen of on hoys are killed upon
jnepurnti n that removes the catarrhal , the front we learn all about it sennet
mucus from the intestinal tract and , than yju do. We are told the exact
allays the inflammation which causes ' number of casualties and are published
practically all stomach, liver and in- i in tho New York Herald, which is pub
ttwtinul nilmiMits, including nppenili- lished over here, liend yesterday v, lure
citis. One dose will couviuvu or money j battery i: of the 5th Field Artillery
refunded. .1. (!. Ferry, Capital Drug , where Butler Tyler is, were nil men
frHore and druggist everywhere. tinned for coiiypieuous bravery while
fit ,t "rli'i S
l.. it r. '-"-I i
i"rrr-r:::-': : " g
), v-;V
:. ' ' " :"'' : ' ' ' ' j
f , "" ' " ,
FRANCE. This is an ordinary word in a base hospital
on the British western front in France, but is not an or
dinary scene for a mother to be seen reading some kind
messages to her wounded boy. Note the carefully ar
ranged apparatus to make it comfortable for the soldier's
wounded leg.
? yjvifn"iriTii,tt,mwv-ii . n. ...
I A V: . V': C"'' A
i ; V ' '
i K ;
Wright as he is today. Wright will be
Cuelo Hum's big mnu in the construc
tion of 10,(100 aeroplanes with which it
is expected to bi'Sf Germany. Over 70O0
acres of farm land lias been bought by
tlio government on the outskirts of Day
ton, 0., where tho plnneH will be con
structed. Moro than 18,000 men are at
work there at present clearing the, land
for aviation fields and hangars.
Copyright, Vndorwood & Cndoiwonil
The town was dressed up in flags of
alt the allied nations, Old lllury shar
ing no small part in the decorations
Ye?, we have cherries hem. Thej
are planted along the public highway
for many milen and some of them are
very good indeed, but not m gifod as
our own home cherries, which are the
best in the world. And birds. Why, they
live in tho woods by thousands, and
sing the whole day long. Home of the
boys have actually seen them sitting on
tho barbed wire entanglements in No
Man's Land, singing for all they were
worth. They are of many different
species and very beautiful, indeed. We
saw a young deed and it seemed rather
tame ami would let us get within a
hundred feet of it before running nivuv
jl glad to hear that you have quit
crying and cheered up and face it with
a smile. Nothing is kept from us. When
Doesn't Hurt At All And Costs
Only Few Cents
Magic! Just (Imp a little Frepzone
on th-it touchy corn, instantly it stops
.n hir. . then you lift the com off with
th f:n.j.rs. Truly! No humbug!
Try Freezouo! Your druggist sells a
t:ny bottle tor a tew ceits. sutru ient
lid your teet of every hard corn,
sutt corn, or coin between the toes,
and calluses, without one particle ot
pain, soreness or irritation. Freestone is
he discovery of a noted. tiuciiinuti
under hcavv bombnrdiilent. Area t you
proud of your oldest son now You
see it all Helps, ine papers you seuii
are very interesting. I even read Dr.
Stone's medical advertisements. Ho
Halem had a carnival. Don 't suppose !t
was very lively with all the young fel
lows cone to war. Just wnt until we
come back and then they have a car
nival. Wow!
Mr enntain complimented me on
some of my drawing pictures. I wished
at the tune 1 had some of my draw
nigs of the Clarion to show nun. 1 am
arointr t do some drawing for the
''Stars And .Stripes", our official pa
per. as soon as I get stlpplus troni
southern France. If I get any pictm
published I will send vou a copy of
the paper. Must close now' and call the
iruard for the prison. Incused is n
snapshot of ine, l.-n't it good,'.
July lth: I mil in the hospital am
having some troutiie witti my tousiis.
It isn 't so bad to be sick after all. 1
would just as soon stay here- for the
duration of the war. j have my pay
and it is possible to get fre.'h apricot
and peaches We are also allowed to
eat a little French pastry today. Am
on a light diet, but have all I care
to eat. The doctors and orderlies of the
ward are verv good and are nhvavs
willing to le of service to us. Every
thing is as neat lis a pin and we hav
clean sheets and lied I ro-s pajamas
to sleep in. Now don't you dare worry
fur I tin O. K.
From Your Loving Son. -
Portland, Or., Aug 13. New
high records for all time were
established here today when
Pomeroy, Wash, steers sold at
ifl't and Pomeroy hogs sold at
The president of the Nebraska Asso
ciation is unable to look after the
pk'nic arrangements, and has request
ed me to call all interested to meet
to arrange for the picnic at the fair
grounds, August "4. Bear in mind that
1,000 visitors from Nebraska, start for
the O. A. It. encampment at Portland,
August Id, in special train ,nnd we
will extend to them an invitation to
visit. Salem ut this picnic. Meet me at
the Oregon Electric depot at 4 o'clock
Wednesday afternoon. R K. Ryan act-
R. Ritchey, a resident of Salem, who
ha for the past six weelrs been work-
Buttt up to a standard, not down to a
I.iKht weight Strong pull Superior
Automatic Traction by "pull" Instead
of dead weight.
Htiiiits up to hard unrlc with mini
mum expens.
Nllson Senior, 14-SI H. P.; Nllson
Junior, 15-25 H. P.
Be our local agent, or tnd for catalog
East Morrison and Kast Third Kts.
Portland, Oregon.
'"'f"Y1ll' A
i W 0
AH Accommodations of Coast
Resort Taxed To Their
By Ethel Tooze.
Newport, Ore., Aug. 13. Last week
end vvitnes.'ed one of the largest crowds
that Newport has ever boasted of. Every
available sleeping rpiarter was taken
and many were forced to resort to the
most humble and pioneer equipment to
secure rest for the night. At one of the
local hotels, every table in the sample
room was turned into a temporary bed.
Saturday evening Professtr Robert
Krohn, physical director of the spruce
camps in this district, staged a second'
boxing match, at the Sailors and SoiTliers
club. Several professionals were brought
down from Vancouver barracks and in
addition to these main events, some of
the local enlisted men, took part in scv.
erul bouts, which were not of as an
amateurish natuie as one might expect,
since the boys Sleep in good condition
and practice, sparring with each other
mImi'iI i et-v- nviiii'tnir rliirin.r tlw li,ien,.A
hour. This rccicational work, sponsored'
by Mr. K'-olin, has become a.aliuost in-1
dispensable part of the day's routine in
.amps and iias done much toward driv
ing away the blues, which' are so fre
iicutly found among the men so far
awav from home.
The officers ball, Wednesday evening,
was as usual one of the most brilliant
and enjoyable social events ot the
week. These military hops are given ev
ery two weeks by the officers of the
Ynoiiiiia l!av district.
The Belgian tag iluy was observed here
both Stuidiiv and Sunday, with such
success that Miss Flora Mason, of Al
bany, who engineered the event, felt
amply repaid for her efforts. Over 300
was raised, the men in the spruce camps
which was visited by two ot Miss Ma
son's workers, cleared $86 on 300 button
naircs. Automobile tags, sold for 30c
decorated nil of the machines. There
was no escape for the man with an au
to. Every machine, steaming out of the
garage, was stoped before it had gone
a block by girls, who stood in the di
vet p.itli of the driver and it was up to
him to buy or run over his oppressor.
A wedding, which will be of interest
to Salem people, who are Newport visi
tors, wai that cf Miss Mary Mintiiorn
te, William S. Strench, which took place
Thursday afternoon at Newport. . This
wedding, which came as a complete sur
prise t: the 'ninny friends of the bride
here, was the result of an Alaskan ro
ur.ihce. Miss Mintiiorn, who is a (laugh
ter of Dr. 11. J. Mintiiorn who conducted
tin- Salt Sea baths at Newport for many
years, went to Kitehikan, Alaska, last
year to tench domestic science and art
in the High school there. Mr. Strench
was ni the Lead of the United States
emigration department at Kitchiknu.
The vod Ung was a very simple but
impressive ;,:u.ir, taking place at the lo
cal I'reibv terian parish home, Rev. (ieo.
i'ratt, i f t!:f church, officiating. Mrs.
Strench v.oie a lovely white georgette
gown, with liininiug of real lace. The
ipiaiiif little house was tastefully de
corated with Dorothy Perkins roses and
ferns. Mrs. i'ratt played the Mendel
nohn Spring Song during the ceremony.
Af'cr a brief honeymoon trip to Port
land i. nd Seattle, the wedding party will
leuve for Ketchikan, their future home.
Major Dieck, of the slate military po
lice, has been in the city during the
week, conducting bootlegging cases,
tried here Friday and Saturday. Con
viction and $lo0 fine was.given in both
cases tried.
'iMinnville are domiciled at Cozv
is enjoying a brief stay here as a guest , . . ,
in I Jiine ,
n All -
U. F. Holt, of Salem, is among Hio
latest guests at the New Cliff house.
Mrs. B Meiscnznhl, of Woodburn, is
enjoving several weeks stay ' at Nve
Harry White of Salem, arrived during
the week for a few davs visit at the
New Cliff house.
The Misses Grace Pratt and Led.
Henderson, of Salem, are occupying a
cottage at Co;.y Camp this week.
Key. and Mrs. Richard Avison, and
ing on a seining ground ten miles out
of. Astoria, was kicked in the abdomen
''. horse while working in the water
and is now laying in a hospital in a
serious condition.
Fonrteea of the Salem H. S. hoys are
employed at different seiuing grounds
out of Astoria, they all report having
a good time and will be back in Sa
lem August 2."i, S the fishing season
ends August 2S-
Tlie Journftt Job Department
will print you anything in the
stationery line do it right and
aave you real money.
family of alem, are ocupving a cottage
at Cozy Cafiip this week. !
Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Kiee and family!
who have been passing their vacation at'
Nye Beach receutly returned home. I
Mrs. Otto Hedrick and two children of.
Salem, arrived the last of the week tor
a short visit at the beach.
Air. niirl Mr, ieni-ff., V. Rdgj a .,.1 fa.J
ilv nf Hilleill arn amnnn tha l..t.ic, .....
rivnts at Pl,,rr,- PI.. !
Mr. and Mrs. William Albright and;
Mrs. Lee Davis of Salem arrived dining:
the week and are located at Eose City1
camp ground. '
At the Whitten cottage are Mrs. E. V, i
McMeachan, Mrs. Kdward Dillon, Mr,.,
Robert Roberts ami Miss Enuane Craisr, '
of Salem, who are sojourning here fori
two weeks. i
Ralph Barnes of Salem, motored to!
Newport Tuesday with his father, . T.i
Barnes, for a short visiCVith his mother!
beforo departing for the Presidio, where
he has been sent by the Willamette uni-l
versity for military trainln?. j
Mr. and Mrs. SM. Ilusseimnn of Sa-1
lem, are encamped at Nye Beach for a!
week 's stay.
The Misses Esther Anderson and Lena
Cherrington, of Salem are encottagod ai :
Tent city for two weeks. j
Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Dcckebach and soul
of Salem, are encottaged at Cherry City
tor an indefinite stay.
Mrs, Ruby Miller and mother, of Am
ity, are among the latest arrivals at
Tent city.
R. E. Shields of Salem arrived the
1 'f! 01 e 'eeK ami was a guest
Al,,H-v' at r,m:
at the
Mr. and Mrs. lieorge Patterson and
inuiiiy of Salem are among the many
capital city .visitors at Cherry City.
J. J. Summons, of Falls City, is enjoy
ing a short sojourn at this resort at the
Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Butler and family
of Independence, are located at Tent
city for nil indefinite stay.
Mr. and Mrs. I). J. Miller and family
of Salem are visiting Mrs. Miller's sis
ter, Mrs. C. J. Stanton, at Rose City
camp ground. , 0
J. A. Benjamin of Salem, arrived re
cently and is a guest at the Nicola! at
Nye bench.
-Mrs. J. A. Rise and daughter, Ber
nice, and Mrs. M. C. Halverson of Sa
lem are among ti c most recent arrivals
at Sea Crest.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kinzer and fam
ily of Hubbard arrived the last of the
week and are domiciled at Whjttens.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Anderson of Sa
lem are guests ut the New Cliff house
for a brief outing.
James Joseph of McMinnville, is in
joying his annual vacation at Nye beach
at the Saunders.
Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Morris of Newberg
jire among the most recent visitors at
the Nicolai at Nye beach.
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Trindle and family
of Salem, arrived recently and are lo
cated at Cozy camp.
Mr. and Mis. R. M. Hnfer and family
of Salem, motored to Newport the last
of the week and will occupy the Hofcr
cottage at Agate bench for a short time.
John Kelly and John Gortjen of Ger
vais are among the week end visitors at
J. G. Heltzel of Salem, arrived the
first of the week tor a few days visit at
the seashore.
Mrs. A. B. Poole of Salem, arrived re
cently for a brief outing at this resort.
Mr. and Mrs. William Metcalf and
laughter of Salem, came in recently and
are at Red Fern.
Mr. and Mrs. II. .C. Stover of Salem
arrived recently and are established at
Sunuyside lodge for a short stay.
Mrs. R. M. Peck of Salem, is a guest
of the New Cliff e house at Nye beach
this month.
Mrs. Molly Bailey of McMiunville, is
visiting with relatives at Sea Crest this
Captain and Mrs. Walter L. Tooze.
Jr., of Corvallis motored to Newport
bunday to pass n few days.
VC 1 M,. T..l. ncl . . t nr.
iwi inu nn-is,
Dr. II. O. Hickman of Gervais came
over Saturday for a few days visit at
the beach.
Roy Shields of Salem is numbered
among tho visitors at the coast last
Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Garrison of Sa
lem nre enjoying their vacation at this
Mr. and Mrs. M. Johnson of McMinn
ville, are en joying a stay at Newport tit
the New Cliffe house,
Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Galloway of Sa
lem came in a few days ago for a short
stay at Nye beach.
Mrs. N.Relig and Mrs. W. R. Hinshaw
of Falls City, were among the latest
cottagers to arrive at Nye beach.
Miss Mabel Boughey of Salem arriv
ed recently and is a guest at the New
Cliff house.
The Mis.es May Stearns and Gertrude
Ashby of Salein are visiting with friends
at Cozy camp this week.
Sanitary Meat Market
Dealer in
Fresh Meats, Fish, Oysters,
Clams, Crabs, Batter, Eggs
Front Street, Newport, Oregon
'I Situated on 2'$ acres 2
with Nye Creek running through place.
Good Beds
Home Cooking
and Sea Food a
Under Chicago Management.
Geo. II. Wilcox, Nye Beach, Oregon.
L. C. Smith, Newport, Oregon.
Newport Dry Goods & Grocery Co., Newport, Ore.
R. S. Van Cleve, Toledo, Oregon.
E. R. Saxton & Co.- Yaquina, Oregon.
Morris & Hallmark, Waldport, Oregon.
DeVaaey Bros-., Lapidaries
Hot Sea Baths BIdg., opp. Cliff House
Precious and Semi-Precious Stones Cut
end Mounted
All work guaranteed
Mail Orders a Specialty
Dr.R P Bradford and Wife
Chiropractic Nerve Specialists
. Offices Minthorn Bath Houre.
Hours 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Newport, Ore.
Paramount Arlcraft.
Fox Standard and Goldwyn
Photo Plays
One block west of Postofficc
Newport, Oregon
Formerly Tourist Inn
Major and Minor Operations
Massage and Hydro
therapy Write For Rates
Journal Want Ads Pay
blocks from Nye Beach,
Ny Beach, Overlooking the Ocean
. Under Management of
Mrs. Katherine George
Formerly Manager of Agate Beach Inn
s!s S!
iwo rooms each; completely
furnished; electric lights and
water. By week or month. Nye
Beach at Newport, Oregon.
P. O. Box 323.
Agates Cut and Mounted
Watch Repairing
23 Tears In Business
: Vegetables
Strictly Cash.
City Delivery, O. O.
White House Restaurant
To right of Boat Landing
Good Eats, Good Beds at Good Prices,
and Sea View.
Agate Cutter and Manufactur
ing Jeweler
Open the year round.
Nye Beach, Newport