Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 13, 1918, Page FOUR, Image 4

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    I'JI'W i;i,i!:i!!':::y"H'
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itorial Page of The Capital Journal
Editor aad PubliaW
August 13, 1918
Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc.
Ia. 8. BARNES.
H. riRHER.
8ec. and Treaa.
Dallr by carrier, per jmt f.YOO Ter Month
I wily by nail, per year , a.ou Per Month
W. D.
Ward. New York. Tribune Building.
Chicago, W. II. Mtockwrli, 1'euple'a (,a Building
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It is estimated that the water power already develop
ed in the United States amounts to 6,000,000 horse power.
This seems like a tremendous power, but it is a trifle com
pared to what the country possesses and can easily make
available. It is stated by government authorities that
there are opportunities for developing horse power to
the amount of 61,000,000 and this without storage. With
..storage the horse power possible would be above 200,000,
000. Of the 61,678,000 available without storage the
western states are credited with 44,049,000 horse power
while all the other states are lumped at 17,678,000. It will
be seen from this that the west has more than two and a
half times the water power of all "the balance of the states.
Oregon, it is believed, leads all the other states in .this re
f pect, and this because of the high mountain ranges and
tne high plateau over which many of her rivers flow, yet
reaching practically to sea level before leaving the state.
Of these the Columbia with its tremendous volume offers
unlimited possibilities in the way of power and the Des
chutes, John Day, and other streams of eastern Oregon,
are ideal for deriving power from. The Willamette. Mo
Kenzie, Santiam, Rogue, Umpqua and dozens of other
large streams with their sources high in the Cascade
mountains might furnish power for all the machinery and
lactones that will be established west of the Cascades
for years to come, making ideal conditions for all kinds
of manufacture with the cheapest power in the world
Conditions in Washington are similar and so are those in
Idaho and Montana. Some time these favorable condi
tions will turn the tide of manufacture from the over
crowded east, and bring part of that congested popula
tion to the coast. That is the one thing that handicaps
manuiactunng on the coast, the scarcity of labor. The
tremendous demand for fuel in the east, a demand that
can scarcely longer be met, will force this change of manu
facturing center, though it will take time for this to be
realized. The time is coming when the Willamette valley
will he as densely populated as Massachusetts and the bal
ance of the overcrowded states of the far east. One of the
great industries then will be the manufacture of linens,
and when this is once started western Oregon will come
into her own. Congress has under consideration a bill
making water powers available for private capital, and it
is claimed this bill will pass without much opposition. Cir
cumstances, especially those arising since the war, the
main one being shortage of fuel has caused a sudden
change of sentiment as to Gilford Pinchotlzing the water
power, for congress is awakening to the fr.ct that the only
way to conserve water power is to use it. It is learning
that the water that has passed the mill will not turn its
wheels. It will be a long step toward the development of
the state once some reasonable law concerning the use
of the water now running to waste is made.
Lenine and Trotsky it is rumored have fled from Mos
cow to Kronstadt. This is a strong fortress twenty miles
west of Petrograd. It is also stated the power of the
bolsheviki is rapidly crumbling. While these are both
rumors there is plenty, of solid fact behind them, for if
Lenine and Trotsky have not fled, it is only a question of
a very short time until they will do so. It is noted that
they fled toward their friends the Prussians, and if af
fairs grow worse will no dou'bt return to Germanv where
their good work for the kaiser should cause them to get
a warm welcome. Still with the kaiser's well known in
gratitude, they may get into prison instead, for not doing
ueuer. , , i
Lloyd George's advice to Englishmen not to grow too
optimistic, is also good advice for the balance of the allies
and especially for Americans. While the news from the
front is highly encouraging, and shows continued succes
ses for the allies, we must remember that the Germans
are not the only ones who get their news more or less
colored. It is natural to give success its brightest hues,
and that this is being done in the reports from the western
front is easily seen when a calm examination of that news
is made. For instance the correspondents have given Am
ericans the impression that the retreat of the Germans
both on the Marne and in Picardy were almost a rout.
That this was a mistake is easily seen. They pointed out
inac uacK oi tne uerman lines streams of returning sol
diers were seen, the movement being almost in the nature
of a rout. Now a cursory examination of the story of
both battles shows that there has been little in the way of
a disorderly retreat. Apparently Ludendorff having felt
out the front on the Marne and found how stroner the Am
ericans were there saw that his safety lay in eettine out
of that pocket. The story of the withdrawal shows that
it was made in a masterly manner, and with no greater
losses than were natural to the movement. There was
strong rear-guard fighting all the wav back. While the
Germans were taken by surprise in Picardy, it is evident
uiey ioo were intending to withdraw, only the British at
tacked them a day or so sooner than they expected and
so by surprising them caused some change in their plans.
At the same time there was no rout or anything like it
duc a wen conducted retreat, which like the withdrawal
trom the Marne is marked bv fierce rear-euard fihtine.
showing the retirement is orderlv. It is probable from to
day's dispatches the withdrawal will continue to the old
Hindenburg line, but it can be depended on the backward
movement will be made in good order. That the enemy
has lost heavily in guns and munitions as well as men is
only a result ot the retreating of so large a body of troops,
with a closely pursuing enemy. True, we do not like the
Prussian's claim a defeat is a victor but at the same time
those writing the story of the fight for American readers
are disposed to use. rather gaudy colors. We have the
Huns to whip and we are making a good start at it, but
they are not whipped yet. They will be, but the celebra
tion should not be premature.
Rippling Rhymes
by Walt Mason t
Ruth gladden was not a beautiful
girl, as many consider beauty; her
features were too irregular. 61ie was
tall and jnrweful, with reddish hair
(Brian called it Titian) and faec
sparkling with intelligence and animation.
hue Ruth s education had been
almost entirely conducted at home,
sne wag better equipped than most
girls. (she spoke French and Italian
fluently, was thoroly conversant with
the history and literature of her own
country as well as of other countries,
ana was almost an authority on the
textiles and decorations used in fam
ous buildings, as well as the architect
ure of different periods a different
education, perhaps, than that given
most girls, yet a practical one in many
Ruth also rode and danced, she drove
her own car, and could, if necessary,
put on a tire. But she knew absolutely
nothing of housework, and less than
nothing of economy.
"It would have been better if I
had sent her to boarding school, per
haps," her aunt said to herself in the
days after Ruth had promised to mar
ry Brian. "Sho might have seen
other attractive young men, and then
not been so easily won by Brian
Thinking, perhaps, that it was not
too late, even yet, Mrs. Clayborno
plannod a trip to New York, pretend
ing that business called her. Ruth was
delighted with the big town and all
she saw, but Mrs. Clayborne. because
of her long absence, had lost track
of most, of her old friends, and found
very little chance to introduce Ruth
to anyono who would take her thoughts
from Brian. She did impress upon
Kuth, however, the nejed of money
in a city, she purposely took her to
the most expensive places, then, by
contrast, to the . cheaper ones. But
Ruth's ideas regarding money were
poculiar to her up-bringing, and these
things her aunt did, hoping to im
press her, were of little value.
What Ruth DID enjoy and fairly
revl in, were the shops not tho crowd
ed floors where women congregated
around the bargain counters, or shoved
and pushed each other to see what
was on sale that particular day; but
the art gallorics, and perhaps even
more than the galleries, the interior
decorating departments of some of the
larger stores.
criticism, "But so much more could
be accomplished if they would do thus
and so." Then, "I'd like to be in
such a place.- It would bo lovely to be
Spain has sent a protest to Germany over the sinking
of 'Spanish ships by submarines. It is a waste of paper
and time for Germany knows no law or right unless it is
a law or right that is for her benefit.' Spain should unite
her tears with those of Sweden, over the treatment they
have received and are still receiving from the kaiser with
whom they sympathize so deeply.
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
I used to hold that I was sane, there were no weevils in
my brain; no bats or bugs were wont to chase inside my
dome, in endless race. But now, unfortunate. I dwell.
and gibber in my padded cell. I tried to read and under
stand affairs in Russia's darkened land. I read dispatches
branded true; the more I read the less I knew. I heard
some gifted speakers tell of what in Petrograd befell, of
anarchy 'neath Russia's flag, and felt my brain begin to
sag. My aunt, in desperation, cried. "For heaven's sake
let Russia slide. You never will get wise, I swear, to all
that s doing over there." I answered, "I have never yet
sidestepped a guessing match, you bet, and I am bound to
find a slew to Russia's curves before I'm" through." I
read in helpful-magazines how Trotskv snillorl Hip Pus.
sian leans; I read how Lenine and his group with ardor
brewed the Russian soud: I read surh stories rlnv w rlav
and creamed them when I hit the hay; and then I had a
raving spell and landed in mv nadded cell. The eViilrlren
come when school is o'er, and feed me peanuts through the
door. And rubbernecks come by and say, "Alas for this
poor stricken jay!" The keeper murmurs to the guest,
Don t mention Russia, I request, or he may rise in fren
zied rage and tear the padding from his cage."
always handling new and exquisite
things to have some room to deorate
in a different wa.", day after day
some buse of different architecture
to consider and"
"Come, dear." her aunt interrupted,
This w-as not what she had hoped to
do. And she did not like to see Ruth
so enthusiastic over an occupation that
took women from their homes. She
hail all the old-time southerner's dis
like for a women doing anything that
brought her into the life of the great
public. Home was made for women,
and women for homekecpers, was one
or her theories.
Ruth talked often of what she had
seen in Jsew York, but beyond that,
she was not impressed. She thought
the few young men she had .mot,
vapid and silly. She had not seen
ono as handsome as Brian- Her aunt
had given her carte-blanche in buy
ing, and had made no attempt to di
rect her purchases. Tho result was,
that Ruth had taken home a trunlt
ful of new clothes. Dainty expensive
negligees, fit only for her boudoir.
Soft lace and silk underwear which
Mrs. Clayborne's laundress, with years
of experience in doing such things.
washed carefully between her hands;
and one or two Blreet gowns which,
while plain, were of the finest material,
the most fashionable cut. Things very
out of place, all of them, for the wife
of a poor man.
It was like Mrs. Clayborne to allow
Ruth to do as she pleased about her
clothes. She would not scrimp the
child, nor meddle in any way with
what she spent. Sho had not, since
Ruth was eighteen, and she had given
her permission to buy what she
pleased. Up to the last minute, she
would pamper aud indulge her. Then,
if they did not get along, her child,
as she always thought of Ruth, would
come at once to her. Sho would part
from her kindly; she would even treat
Brian well. But if they married, she
would absolutely eliminate herself,
her support.
If Mrs. Clayborne hoped they would
not get along; if she really thought
by doing this she would hasten the
time when Ruth would return to her,
she gave it no expression, not even
to old Rachel, who bemoaned her young
mistress' leaving.
"lis house '11 be lak the grave when
sho is done gone," she wailed, "Wid'
out no young thing lak hor in it-"
"There, Rachel! you must not go
on so. It is natural foi young folks
to marry, and Miss Ruth will come
homo to visit, perhaps."
I reckon she s mightily in love
wi.th him, to leave we uns, " she moan
ed. "I don't know what old Rat'hcJ
gawn to do wid 'out her baby."
Hobo King Jeff Davis
Wants Bum Put To Work
Washington, Aug. 13.-Jeff Davis,
"hobo king" blew into town today ta
interest General Crowder in work for
the country 'a. "bums."
"You see," said Jeff, "the differ
ence between the hobo, tramp and bum,
is. that the first can and does work,
the second can and will work if ha
has to, and thethirdwon'twork.
"Now, 50,000 hoboes are working
for their country today. They'va
gone out of our ranks into the army
and navk. This work or fight law
will cop a majority of the tramps, but
the bum the older bird, who frequent!
the barrel house and missions, a drag
on society we've got to get him-
"I'm going to see General Crowder
and try to get him interested in having
these bums put. at work peeling pota
toes and doing . jobs around canton
ments. 1 say free the soldiers from this
stuff and let the bums do it."
President Petitioned
In Mooney Case
Washington, Aug. 13. President
Wilson today was formally petitionej
by representatives of labor throughout
the country to use his powers as com
mander in chief of tho army, to taka
Thomas J. Mooney from control of tha
California Btato courts and see that ha
gets a new trial.
A memorial was left at the Wbita
House, and the president, it was under
stood will reply to the appeal within a
few days.
Mooney is now under sentence ta
die for participating in the prepared
ness day outrage in San Franciseo
Tho president has made repeated ef
forts to secure a new trial for him,
thus far without avail.
"I reckon I wont know what to da
either," Mrs. Clayborne said with a
sad smile, "But we'll have to Bet
along some way, Rachel."
'lea Ma am, but we all gawn to ba
mighty lonesum-"
After Rachel had departed, siahmz.
Mrs. Clayborne said to herself:
"Yes, we all will bo mighty lone
some until she comet back."
Tomorrow The Wedding Day.
A.' handy Calcium compound that aafa
g-uarUa against chronto lung and throa
tmubiea. A tonio-reetorailva prepare
without harmful or haWt-Iormlng druga.
Try them today.
SO cents a box, including war tax
For Bat hV all nmrrkt.
Eckuun Laboratory, I'ulludejphla,
.i , ittif V . . ....-..,.....r.. v.. ' " " -? "Vi-!
HELFING THE U. S. AT.-idi PS? Tlirl Vf.it mrat fV.ir.L- V.r
much help you ran render your Uncle Sam if you know
how to run an auto? Did you ever know that it is just as
easy to run a farm tractor as it is to run an auto? If you
don't believe us ask Mrs. Henni
o f tuntro a i iuc ill
her tractor every morning to help raise Uncle Sam's crop.
NOW GOING ON AT FULL SWING.-We Have Purchased the Entire Stock of Rugs
From The Davis Furniture Company of Dallas and the Same Goes At Sale Prices
You will save at least 20
$45.00 8-3x10-6 Body Brussels $36.00
$85.00 9x12 Wilton's $68.00
$97.00 9x12 Wilton's $77.60
$68.50 9x12 Wilton's ........ .$53.20
$18.00 9 x 12 Wool and Fibre. .$14.40
$16.00 8-3x10-6 Wool and Fibre $12.80
12.00 6x9 Wool and Fibre . . . .$.9.60
$24.00 9x12 Grass Rugs ..... .$19.20
$20.00 8x10 Grass Rugs $16.00
$18.00 6x9 Grass Rugs $14.40
$ 3.75 27-inch Axminster Rugs$.3.20
V e take your old rugs, carpets and furniture in exchange on these rugs that
are offered at sales prices. Terms on nigs at Reduced Prices Will bo
'$31.75 10 wire tap Brussels,
9x12, now $25.40
$45.00 9x12 Axminster, now.. $36.00
$40.00 9x12 Axminster, now. . .$32.00
$35.00 9x12 Axminster, now. . .$28.00
$32.50 9x12, Axminster, now. .$26.00
$42.50, 8-3x10-6 Axminster now$34.00
$32.50 8-3x10-6 Axminster now$26.00
$55.00 9x12 Body Brussels. . . .$44.00
$48.00 9x12 Body Brussels. . . .$38.40
$42.50 9x12 Body Brussels. . . .$34.00
Also on: Refrigerators, Hammocks, Porch and Lawn Furniture, Croquet S-ts
Lawn Mowers, Garden Hose all next week.
E. L Stiff
448 Court St Salem, Oregon
Phone 941