THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON SATURDAY, AUGUST 10, 1918. SEVEN mm ' THE JOURNAL'S NEW TODAY j HEDIUM IN MARION COUNTY TRY THMfOR RESETS:HL JOURNAL WANT AD DEPARTMENT IS THE BEST SELLING; C?"3:ew,A TempIf CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING KATES FUKXISHED housekeeping rooms, 694 WEALTHY young widow would marry trustworthy, home-loving nun, eld as 60 considered, Mrs. 14. Box 3S4, v Angeles, CaL. Bate por word New Today: Bach insertion One week (6 insertions) One month (26 insertions) le 5e 17c This Capital Journal will not 1 re sponsible for autre than one insertion, for errora in Classified Advertisements. Bead your advertisement the first day it appears and notify us immediately. Minimum charge, 15c WOOD for sole. Call 17F4. 810 600 TO LOAN on eountry or city property. H. A. Johnson k Co. 8-1S filRL wants housework. Phone 111F5. 810 WOAIaN wants work by the hour or ilav. Call 475 8. 17th St. 8-16 TOR SALE Heavv work team nail harness. Call 529 o"r 1423J. 8-13 N. Commercial. Phone 454 W. 8-10 j WANTED Second hand typewriter. Phona 340. Underwood 812 FOB 8ALE or .trade for cow, good driving mare. Enquire 1120 Center St. r phoae 1074. 8-13 FOB SALE 1 aerea at Quinaby, good house, barn, well, etc., near station. O. H. Harold, Salem, Kt. 8. 8 -16 BEAUTIFUL Persian kittens for sale, Address C. Kirkpatrkk, Falls Citv, Or, Si7 PATENTS obtained low as 17. Pat ents for sale. Patent News-h, Wash' iiigton, D. C. j LOST White and tan Fax terrier, o reward. License 1781. Phoivj 36F23. 8-13 "WANTED Girl for general housework. State School for Deaf. 9-15 FOB SALE Pigs and Holstein heifer calf. State School for Deaf. 8-14 $1000 TO LOAN on farm property. Phone 115 or 1204 evenings. 8-16 FUBNISHED fiats for rent. Call 1737 W. tf WANTED Straina honey in bulk. Cherry City bakery Co. tf . WOOD far sale. Seeond growth. Phone 58F4.. 810 FOB SALE Young calf, after 7 p. . Thone 1224 810 WANTED Veal ealws and fat cattle. Phone 1576W. " 8-8 8TUMP puller for sale or wood. Phone 1737W. trade for 8-10 FOB TRADE House at, 1444 Ferry St. for Portland property. 610 WANTED Teamster, married man pre ferred, house to live in. Wage $3.50 per day. Phone 78F11. 8-12 FOB SALE Choice pansv plants, fine for fall setting, 13 cents per dozen. Phone 798W. 8-10 MAN with team wants to haul prunes from orchard to dryer. Phone 2381 B. 812 HOP PICKERS wanted, will begin picking Tuesday Aug. 20. Keizcr bot tom. O. O. McOUan. Phone S4F13. 812 EXCESS PROHTS TAX ramsEra Many Important Questions Yet Remain To Be Decided Upon NEWS FROM THE BIG STORE 38 Years the Leaders and Still On Top JiVll GOATS FOB SALE 8 registered bucks Washington, Aug. 1. Whk only a! 12 to 20 high grade does, 12 ts 15 ; week remaining before the new icrenne weathers. C C. McCorkle, Silverton, 1 bill is acheduled to fre reported to the Or. J house the ways and means committee to' jda? still had to etth on an excess FUBNISHED house wanted, 5, 6 or 7 1 profits rate, frame a war profit tax and room, completely furnished nous? tor gather the loose enas or luxury taxes. oae year. Prefer bungalow. Oregon theater, 221J. Manager 8-11 FOB SALE One of the best new sev ,"n room bnngalows in Falls City at a bargain. Ford or Dodge considered as part pavment. Address box 285, Falls City, Or. 8 17 LOST Ladies' gold rit watch with Elgin movement, somewhere on High or t'hemeketa street, last night after band concert. Finder please return same to Journal offiee or call Miss Hinton, 1017. Reward, tf. AGENTS WANTED Large manufac turer wanta representatives to sell shirts, underwear, hosiery, dresses, waiatis, Bkirts, direct to homes. Write for free samples. Madison Mills, 503 Broadway, New York City. FOB BENT Well improved 30 acre farm. One mile east of the asylum. Inquire of T. K. Ford over Ladd and Bush 'a bank. 8-13 FOB SALE At a bargain, a 4-cylinder St.udcbaker car in good shape, model 17. Phone 88, B. J. Herschbach & Son. 810 FOB SALE Bookcases and chairs at 1441 Ferry St. 810 LOST Near the North Falls at Silver Cr.eek a ladies wrist watch, Waltham movement, black leather wrist strap. Finder please leave at this office and receive reward. ' 8-14 WANT $1000 loan on good security for 3 years at 8 per cent. Socolof sky. 8-12 5 PASSENGER Ford, good as new, for sale at 555 Ferry. f LOOK! LOOKI My 5 room bungalow for rent, entire quarter block in beans and potatoes, 3 blocks fromJN. Com'l St. car. Bent J0. Call 1C95 N. Liberty St. or see I. C. Beers at Capitol drug Store. 8-12 EESTAUBANT at fair grounds for sale Phone 1737.W. ..., . t. 8 10 COL. W. F. WRIGHT, the auctioneer. Turner, Oregon. Phone 59. . tf. FOB 5'i p-r cent farm loans, see the Marioa-Polk 'eoanty national farm loan association. W. D. Smith, 303 .Salem Bank of Commerce bldg. tf "WALL PA PEE 15 cents per double roll upward. Buren'a Furniture Store, 179 Commercial. 1WANTED Man and team, can make from $8 to $9.50 per day. Call phone 4X51 Turner. tf- FINE business opportunity for mau and wife, or a couple of ladies who know the busiaess, to open restaurant in live town now. Information by F. Droege, Falls City, Or. 8-12 HOUSEKEEPING apartments and single 'rooHns, nicely lurmsueu, 633 Ferry street. tf. WANTED Small automatic or good ,.,1iinn rnliher revolver. 53 Journal ' 6 10 FOB SALE Five passenger Eeo. All new tires. Fine mechanical condition. Electric equipment, with starter. This is a sacrifice sale and if yon want a first class buy cheap, call 81 and ask for Mills, or see car at North western Garage. tf. ivm acres blackberries on the .vines. W. H Humphreys, Shaw, Or., Phone 22F5. - 8-10 WANT to buy thirty to forty young Shropshire ewes. Phone 115 or 1204 Biintiinita 8"1 0 CVGUlllgoi TWO and three room furnished apart ments. 491 N. Cottage. Phcne 2203- irr ATT.nT.TV ntilitv wants " ULl. V L"-- , ' ,,t nnv kind. Phone 2444 """" ' 8-10 WANTED Furnished housekeeping rooms in private home for family of three. Must be clean and convenient ni(v ;n. Phone 361. tf FOB SALE One cow, one hayrack 2 nlows, 200 sacks, 2 .1p mm horse. 3 harness. Phone 26F ii nm; 8-14 WANTED Household furniture of all kinds. Phone 510 Woodry, tne aue tioncer. 810 urvTEI. fnr tense, furnished, full, pays $1000 per month, rent $80 month; log ging camp. Powers, Coos Co. Address h,it- A.n mri journal. " lv WiMTKD-Three or four hundred bush els of potatoes, old stock for table use. Call K. B. Goodin, Secy Oregon fitatn Hnnnl of Control, riione 510. 8-9 iW ANT Partner in wood business with $500, have stumpage for tea tnous- nr.l MET to Bit out- Box 333. MARRY if lonely: for results, try me; best and miost successful "Home Maker;" hundreds rich wish mar riage soon; strictly confidential; moat reliable; years of experience; danorlpttions free. "The Successful Club," Mrs. Purdie, Box 556, Oak land, Calif. 10 ACBES, 6 in brush pasture, 3 in corn, beans, potatoes; 1 in young fault 'v orchard, berries, house, out buildings, shaded hen yard, well, near church, store, school, K. B. station, $Ui50. Horse, cow, laving hens, tools, wood all go in. Four miles east of asy lum. Salem, Rt. 6, box 79A. 8-io GOVERNMENT WILL hold civil serv ice examinations in Batem in August. 20,000 women clerks to be appointed at Washington. Experience unneces sary. Wowen desiring government clerkships write for free particulars to B. E. Terry, (former civil seivice examiner), 313 Columbian building, Washington. 8-23 l'he committee has. tentatively decided to adopt the recommendation of its sub-' committee for a ten per cent retail gales tax on all things commonly recognized as luxuries. fha sub-committee's recommendation on the other things such as clothes, which become luxuries when they com mand a very high price, have no v acted upon finally. On thesa things the recommendation is for a 20 per cent tax above certain prices, such as men's suits and overcoats above $s0. leu per cent tax en leased wires and news phone circuits, adopted after a hard fight in committee yesterday, will laise only $1,000,000, Chairman Ivicbin said today. Tiie committee turr.?d down the final iecommandation of the treasury de partment to tax leased wires 25 per cent and the 10 per cent rate was adopted by a very close vote. Mrs. John Von Eyth Files Suit For Divorce THOUSANDS MEN, women, girls, 18 or over, wanted immediately by U. H. government. Easy office positions at Washington and in every large city. Experience unnecessary. 100 month and up. 7 hour day. Your country needs you. Help her. Write immediately for free list positions open. Franklin institute Dep't 379 G, Rochester, N. Y. it FOB EXCHANGE A choice 279 acre stock ranch. 130 acres plow land, 60 acres timber, balance pastuve. Good water, buildings in fine condition, in cluding two large barns, 24 head good cattle, team of good mares, filly, colt, brood sow, registered Jersey bull, 41 sheep, 60 goats, full set of imple ments and machinery. Owner will take good house in Salem, Dallas, Inde pendence or Albany with some cash. C. V!. Niemeyer, 544 State street. 8-10 After less than one year of married life with John A. Von Eyth, Mrs. Hazel M. Von Eyth has filed a suit for di vorce in the circuit court of Marion county. Before her marriage, Mrs. Von Eyth was the "widow of A. G. Newsome, well known in Salem and Howell Prairie. She alleges cruel and inhumane treat ment. In her petition for divorce she alleges that "she had good financial and social standing in the community and that he represented himself to be a man of high social and financial stand ing and possessed of large financial interests." That very soon after her marriage with Von Eyth she found that1 what he had told her was false and that he had no money or social stand ing. She also alleges that he found fault with her on account of her love and fondness for her mother and other relative and that he treated her rela tives in a disrespectful manner. She asks for tbe-(reetoration of her name Hazel Newsome -and other - re lief. It will be remeaibered that Mrs. Von Eyth was for a time cashier for the Oregon theatre and that later she waa married to A. G. Newsome. He lived but a few mqnths after their marriage. About a yeat or so after Mr. Newsome 's death, she married Von Eyth on a short acquaintance. GOVERNMENT needs 20,000 clerks at Washington. Examinations every where iu August. Experience Unneces sary. Men and women desiring gov ernment positions write for freo par ticulars to J. C. Leonard, (former civ il service examiner,) 1039 Kenois bldg., Washington. D. C. , 8-12 383 ACBES all cultivated except suffi cient standing timber for fuel, fully modern 10-room house, large barn, 85 tous hay, 125 tons ensilug.'!, 50 acres corn, two new silos, milk house, etc., 60 head of Guernsey cows, 8 horses, Oo P. I. C. hogs, machinery and im plements. This farm is located fairly close to Salem, and is about as good a uiurv ranch as can be found in the Willamette valley. Of the cattle, 35 cows are averaging 8000 pounds of milk a year. Price $31,000. No lwum branie. C. W. Nienuver, 544 State street. 8-10 High School Athletics May Be Discontinued MUST SELL my modern 6 room house at once, located on graveled street, one block from paved street, 2 blocks from car lino, 4 blocks from school, largo lot and garage, terms if desir ed. Act at once if you want a good home cheap. Address J 24 care Jour nal, tf FOB EXCHANGE Good new seven room house aud large lot, on paved street and car line, with modern con veniences, near school and church, for horses, harness, wagon, farm machiu crv and cows. W. A. LiBton, agent. . . 8-10 LOl for sale. 1520 N. Front. 813 t Court House Notes ft 233 ACBES, five hundred yards of sta tion for sale, good 5 room house, barn 88x70, 20 steel stanchions, 10 horse stalls, 1 call pen, 1U loot aucy way, In the circuit court Eachel A. Pat- ton filed suit for a divcrce from Alvin U Patton. They were married at Aumsvillo Sept. 15, 188 and after living with hit family for 28 years he deserted and has not been heard from since, lhat is, lie left Ins tamily on Sept. 14, 1914. There are no minor children nor any property rights in volved. In the suit for separation from her husband, Nellie E. Wol'lery asks an order of the court that he pay her $75 for her Rupport and children dur ing the ponding of the suit. She al leges that had it not been for thj generosity of her friends, that she would have been obliged to call for help from the public authorities. She states that she has been unable t work as her youngest child is two months old. Also that her husband has been employed since January 1, 1918 and that he has contributed only about The state board of high school ath letic Ov'd'ijded aj. Ihe meeting hold yesterday to ascertain from the seventy high schools in the state whether it was their wish to continue athletics the coming year. A letter will be sent to each school to get an expression of opinion. Should there be a feeling that the coining school year is unfavor able for athletics, the board may dis continue the organization, at least for the year. A suspension of the rule whereby a pupil must have finished in three sub jects to be eligible to any game was favored bv the board. So many boys were unable to complete the spring term of school this year, that it was thought best to suspend the three sub ject rule. The nile requiring that a boy must be in s: hool bv October in was also bus- ueiided as it was felt that on account of the scarcity of labor many a high school boy would not be able to enter school even at this date. pig pasture, hen house, granary; fenc-1 j.jg towards her support and that of her children since the first of the year. ed in four fields, lots water, f4wm cash, balance 15 years. $35 per acr!. Owner W. D. Clark, box 12, Airdrie, Aha. 810 WANTED Woman for housework on ' farm. No children. Treated as member . of the family. Aprly 69o is. Loniiner- cial St. 8-10 FOB SALHOr trade fine bowling al ley and pool and billiard hall, a good ! chance to make money. See me soon. G. W. Laflar, 406 Hubbard bldg. tf USED CABS Ford $325, Stoddard Dayton $230, Maxwell $550, $375, 8tudcbaker $450, Ford roadster body nd ton 15. Hiehwar Garage, 1000 a c't tf FOB SALE Keo, five passenger tour ing car. First class mechanical shape. All new tines, eood extra tire, tools, t. rheao. Owner must sell. See car. At Great Western Garage. tfl 'CITY, MEN WANTED Able bodied over eighteen years for paper mill work Tacit Fletcher filed a suit, against A. F. Lange for $106.50, balance due on a note, asking this amount and $30 attornev's fees- He also filed another suit against Lange for $300 due on a Rogers Wants Convicts For Shipyard Work Geo. F. Dodgers, formerly of this city now in the shipbuilding business at AS' toria, has written secretary Uoodin, ot th.-i Board of Control, requesting tliat prison convicts be put to work in the shipyards. The letter has not been made public yet, but has been referred to the eovv;rnor for his action upon the request. LOr Wages $3.36 eight hours. No experi ence necessary. Permanent positions and advancement for steady men. Strike declared eight months ago decs not affect peaceful and normal oper ation of thia plant. Free transporta tion. 141 North High St. Phone 340. 9 6 with $50 attorney ' fees. A marriage license was issued yes terday to Dennis A. . Miller, 34, of Wood'burn, a laborer, and Elizabeth Driscoll, 33, of Salem, a stenographer. CALL FOB 100,000. MEN WANTED WHO ABE NOT NOW ENGAGED IX ESSENTIAL) WAR WOB&. APPLY WEST Lt. MILLS ACROSS BIVEB FROM ORE GON CITY. CAN USE THREE MEN EVERY DAY, SO COME ALONG. STRIKE ON BUT NOT BOTHERING US. WAGES 43e HOUR, EIGHT HOUBS WOBK. TAKE SOUTHERN PACIFIC TRAIN TO OKE(rtJ. 8-12 Washington, Aug. 10. Provost Mar shal General Crowder issued a call for 100,000 white registrants for general military service for entrapment August 26 to 30, and s call for 30,207 colored registrants for entrapment August 22 to 24. ' Journal Want Ads Pay t - . nr--,f mi i i i ill III rfai I n i i rmil-T n mm - i r i -- -' ' n j H 4-f n n in our Ready-to- Wear Department The Season's latest in Coats, Fur-Trimmed Collar and Cuffs, Plush Trimmed Collars and Cuffs. Black Plush Coats. Don't delay but come in at once and see the choice ones. WE HAVE A FEW VERY NIFTY SUITS ALSO. XX WAISTS-' ' Those new waists are beauties. Geor gette Crepe in flesh and white; some with the new slip over effects. . DRESSES- . We are closing out all summer dres ses, sold as high as $10; all go at 1198 SWEATERS- Yes those new wool sweaters have arrived and they are stunning. Your style and color is here. silk- "'v-""". Clean-up sale of Silk Foulards, Mes saline and Taffetas, 06 inches wide, per yard $1.29 4 ' h 1 P XX WEDNESDAY SURPRISE SALE mi kjiiix uiiuf ami ia See Window Display on Court street. Be there early Wednesday morning as these pretty silk skirts will go Quick at This Price. ITALIAN FLYERS OVER CAPIIALJF AUSTRIA Shower Leaflets Down Upcn Upon City Instead of Ex plosive Bombs. ed of the enemy, tli. announced totluv. Iniliun war office Diver Losses Light ROOSEVELT IN ROME. Rome, Aug. 10 Franklin I). Room velt, ati(ttant mc.rvtary of the Aiitcr- Itomc, An?. lO.-Admind Delhonn, iniu-" n:lv?. arrived here late yesterday .... . an. I win received by Admirul Ucllioiio u..r nf inni'iiKi ill an iTitei'V'lPW lwr til. - J 1 ' iiiiiiiiHlcr of murine. day d. 'dared that shipping ie HK the rcHiilt of U-boat operations in tin' Med iterranean and Adriatic waters are only a tenth of wliaj 1,u7 Wl'10 ,rlRt ycar- Journal Want Ads Pay Our Want Ads are the Bait that catch the Big Fish ReiulU-Try one fa to-morrovt paper Rome, Aug. 10. "We Italians do not make wur. on wumeu, children Hiid old men only on your blind, obxtinute cruel Government. " This statement was contained in the million manifestos showered on Vienna by Italian airmen yesterday. The. mani (estos said in part: "To the people of Vienna: We could drop tons of bombs but we Italians do not make war on women, children and old men; only on your blind, obstinate,J criv;l government, which cannot (rive you either peace or bread, but feeds you on hatred and illusions. "You have the reputation of intel ligence. Why have you domi.'d the Prus sian uniform I It Is suicnie ror you to continue the war. The decisive victory promised you by the Prussians is liko the bread from Ukraine. 0m dies whiln waiting for It. ' "People of Vienna, think of your selves. Awake! Eight aeroplanes under command of Captain Gabriel D'Annun zio, the famous pot, left the war rone at 5:50 yesterday morning and arrived over Vienna at 9:20. The planes were not molested, but one of them was forc ed to alight by engine trouble. When the others returned they were given a great ovation." . Vienna Is about 275 miles from the nearest point n the Italian front. Cleat out Austria!! ' Rome, Aug. lO.-'-Guidicara and Asai go plateaus have been tompRTely clear- is 'it- ; ? - - , ? j oi - f 1 ." - . " - -fi t-f m 1 w 'im-'.-,. . "v'.fc'M- (- ' u " i ' l tu Vrf . a , ,'".(; .- ,..: . S ' : i f"" , 6 ft:. y- .y. - -V 4 c t-;iiv, .--if CANADIAN GEMC8KS MAKK M KCHANK'AL lU'UTlie Canadnin official photograph shows the M'cbanical Bug, a locomotive made by Canadian corps tramway officers with the help Of a corporal. The engine is from a motorcy cle, the flue from a once famous sugar r finery and th.? bolt from a niino head now smashed bv artillery power. Opyrigt, Undewood I'mb-wood.