Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 10, 1918, Page FIVE, Image 5

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The War Industries Board August 9ili, Notified all Automobile Manufacturers to
Discontinue Building Passenger Cars on and after January 1st, 1919. The ef
fect of this government order should he plain to erery man, woman and child.
Automobiles will jump to a premium and bears out our statement of former date
in which we said, "A car used three years will be greatly sought after at the price
of a new car."
We can supply a limited number of Chevrolet cars at the present price $845,
F.O B. Salem, and this proposition should appeal to every 'contemplating purchaser.
Salem Automobi
ie Co.
, Federal Trade Commissions
; Report Will Come Before
r -
Washington, Aug. 10, With the
federal trade commission prepared to
present legislation necessary to place,
transportation and distribntion of meat
under the railroad administration to
smash the "packers' trust," members
of congress today were divided on the
commission's remedy.
The packers' ease will be presented
to congress when it reconvenes-
Houso members here were inclined
to opposo the proposals, declaring the
railroad administration has enough to
do and that the food administration
should move to reduce meat prices be
fore anything else is attempted.
'The best (iud quicke ( ftvay to
reach the meat packer would be to reg
ulptb prices, but the federal trade
commission way also seems to be an
effective one," said Representative
Avers of Kansas, author of a general
price-filing bill.
"I am not a prophet or son of a
prophet, but I am ready to prophesy
that if anything of the sort suggested
by the federal trado commission is
done it will result in the people paying
largely increased prices for meat pro
ducts and securing much less satisfac
tory service," said Representative
Moudell of Wyoming.
"My best guess is that the president
has too much horse sense to follow the
federal trade commission in this ad
vising the government to bite off a few
more chunks of business control before
it has time to assimilate the business
affairs which have already been taken
"The housewife who has ent a eon
to war wants something done to etop
profiteering before anything else," de
clared Representative Focht of renn
sylvauia. Livestock men hero scoffed at the
packer pica that only two per cent is
made on meat production. E. C Lns
siter, membor of the market committee
of tho American National Livestock
association, declared, granted the pack
ers do only take two per cent, their
profit is made on every turn-over of
capital, which is eleven times a year,
and therefore makes the total profit on
capital invested twenty two por cont.
Ho called attention to the fact that
during tho four war years the five big
packers have mado $140,000,000 in
profits. He declared a report being
prepared by the agriculture department
will show that meantime tho farmer
is making no profit whatever in eattlo-raising.
This bulletin contains general informa
tion concerning road conditions in or
near the. National Forests of Oregon
and Washington, based on data furn
ished by the field rn.cn of the Forest Ke-serve.
A dangorous forest-fire season is at
band. AH forest travelers, autoists,
campers, fishermen, hunters, and others
are warned to be careful with fire in tho
open. The present extremely dry con'
dition of the woods, due to drought and
drying winds, makes them especially
susceptible to fire, and unusual care is
necessary to prevent destructive eon
flagrations. Tho cooperation of every
one using the forests is needed to keep
them green and attractive. By build
ing small camp fires in safe places and
completely extinguishing tluem before
leaving ,one of the chief causs of forest
fires may be removed. Smokers should
be cautious with burning tobacco and
matches. No patriotic tourist will pur
posely start a fire and endanger the
timber and forage of the forests. Aside
from the commercial value of the woods
which can be figured in. dollars and
cents, thero is their value from a re
creational and aesthetic ' standpoint
point which can only be estimatcd.IIolp
keep the forests valuable by preventing
forest fires
Western Oregon
Willamette Valley-Cascade Mountain
Wagon Road, Open and in fair condi
tion between Foster and the summit of
the Cascade mountains. The 'bridges
along this route are dangerous and par
ticular caution should be used in cross
ing them.
H:bo-Ne3kowin Open and in per
manent summer condition for entire
Tillamook Willamina Open in fail
condition for entire route.
Dead Indian rOpea oetween Pelican
Bay and Ashland. Passable for autos.
Klamath Falls-Crater Lake Open he
Lake points. In poor condition between
twecn Klamath Falls and all Crater
.Bv Lee L Gilbert
This is a process of refinishing and bringing back
the original color and luster to your car. Bring your
car around and talk it over. The price is very fair.
Klamath Falls and Fort Klamath. All
roads to Crater Lake are now open.
Estacada-Cazadcro Open and in fair
condition. Road is narrow and rough.
Crater Lake Road Open and in good
condition between Medford and Fort
Willamette Road Open between Eu
gene and a point several miles beyond
Oak Ridge. Closed to all vohicl'js bey
ond this point.
Columbia River Hghway Open and
in good condition, Portland to Cascade
Locks. Closed for construction between
Cascade Locks and Hood River. Cars
may bo shipped between Cascade Locks
and Hood River by rail or boat on week
days. Eagle Crack public camp grounds
is located 45 miles east of Portland on
this road, which is paved the entire dis
tance. Here the Forest Service main
tains a free picnic and camp ground foi
recreation uso. Tables, benches, fire
places, running water, and other con
veniences are available at this camp
McKenzie Pass Road Open and in
good condition, Eugene to west bound
ary of the Cascade National Forest.
Poor condition from west boundary of
tlw Forest to Sisters.
Drain-Scottsburg Open and in good
condition, entire length.
Klamath FallsBcnd (via Fort Kla
math) Open and in fair condition en
tire length, some rough places.
Crescent City- Bandon Coast road
Open and in good condition for entire
route; some rough places
Grants Pass-Crescent City Open en
tire length and in good condition for a
few rough places.
Pacific Highway Open and in fair
condition, Roseburg to Grants Pass and
Medford. In good condition. Grants
Pass to Wolf Creek.
Barlow-Oak Grove Road Open and
in good condition, Portland to Rhodod
endron. Poor condition Rhododendron
to forks of road near Clear Lake. Open
but rough, Clear Lake to Cedar Burn
Good condition, Cedar Burn to Wapi-nitia.
156 S. Commercial St.
Phone 361
Sparta-East Eagle Park Opan
in good condition entire route.
Baker Cornucopia Open and in good
Baker-Prairie City Open and pass
able for all vehicles, but in poor con
dition.. Hardman-Spray Open and passable
for machines entire rout3.,
Prinevillc - Mitchell passable be
tween Ochoco Station and Wheeler
Crook county line. Open and in ex
cellent condition county line to Beaver
Ranger station.
Western Washington.
Cascade Scenic Highway Open from
coast towns to Sultan, Closed between
fiultan and Ty.9 for construction work.
Detours not possible. Bridges are not
finished across Miller River and the
JSkykomfch River.
Sunset Highway Open and in good
United States Tires
Pennsylvania Vacuum Cup Tires
Michelin Tubes
Oil and Greases
Service Cars
s f
i t
Stall at fpnm
"From Over There"
General Pershing's , Official Report
Felix Xavitr Lemery died suddenly at
the homo of G. H. Benjamin last Thurs
day niuiuiuj; of hioart trouble, aged 46
, Mr.. Lemery had been assisting Mr.
Ben lamiu in the harvesting 1 and tin
night before had been jolly and joshing
with the others until law. In the mglit
another heard what he supposed was a
snoro, but may have been the death rat
tlo. In tho morning the others endea
vored to awaken him and found him
Deceased was a native of Marion
countv and was born near Gcrvais. He
was tho son of tho lata Joseph and Es
ther Lemery and lived most of his life
in this section. Ho waB jovial and well
liked. He leaves 18 acres of land at
W.ost Woodburn and had $104 in hu
pocket, when he died. Mr. Lemery link
traveled considerably for eight ycais
and returned home about a year and t
half ago. Lately he had been' working
in a shipyard and came to Benjamin's
to help out with the harvest. Surviving
him aio five sisters, all of whom attend
ed the funeral but Mrs. Flemmiiig. Tho
sisters are: Mrs. Josephine Hill, Oswe
go; Mrs. Virginia Lcith, Gcrvais; Mrs.
Clara Thomas, Oswego; Mrs. Addics
Murphy, West, Woodburn; Mrs. Eleanor
Fleming, Portland, Pomona, Cal. Wood
burn Independent.
Seattle, Aug. 10. Resolutions asking
the removal of Colonel Biiee P. Lisque
as head of tho government's northwest
spruco production division were adopt
ed by tlw Seattle Central Labor council.
The resolutions charged Colonel Disquo
interfere! with the rights of the tim
ber workers to organize. Copies of tho
resolutions were sent to the war de
partment. Similar resolutions have been adopted
by the Seattle Metal Trades council and
the Seattle local of tho International
TiuiUer Workers Union. Samuel Gompcrs
president of tho American Federation of
Labor, is investigating tlie enarges.
condition from Seattle to Cle Elunn
Sixty milus out of Seattle oa this high
way is the Dflnny Creehjamp grounds,
where tho ForcBt Service maintains a
free camp and picnic grounds equipped
for the uso of the public.
Arlington-Darrington Road Road is
opn and in good condition Arlington to
Fortson. Fair condition Fortson to Dar
ringtn. Olympic Highway Open and In good
condition between Olympia and Quini
ault Lake. Open and In fair condition
between Olympia and Discovery Bay.
Good condition Fairholm to Mora ad
Slate Rond No. 4 Open and in fair
condition between Republic and Tonas
kct. Rtato Road No. 10 Open and in fair
condition between Entiat and Pateros.
The road is getting rough in places.
Blcwctt Pass Highway Open and in
good condition Clo Etum to Wenatchce.
This road is now in the best condition
it hai ever been. Sev.eral bridges and
the heaviest grades on the old road on
the Chelan side of the road have bern
eliminated and a large number of new
turnout built. No driver should have
any difficulty in negotiating this road.
Washington, Aug. 10. Fivo hundred
and forty one casualties, made publie
by the war department today brought
the total ounounsed for this week from
the big Franco-American drive up to
Today's list includod 510 from tka
army and 25 from tho marines.
The larmy list included:
Killed in action 04; dead from
wounds 28; dead from disease S; dead
from airplano accident 2; dead from
accident and other causes 4; wounded
severely 102; woundod, degree unde
termined 102; missing in action 211.
Tho marine list includes:
Killed in action 11; dead from
wounds 5; severely wounded 9.
The marine list includes;
Killed in Action
" Sergeants
G. T. Knott, Southwick, oMss,
R. E. St. Louis, Aconto, Wis.
R. E. T'hurbervillo, McCuno, Tenn(
B. W. Snair, PittsbuTg, Pa.
A, M. Witbcck, Vernal, Utalt
i'F. B. Corbin, rhiladolphia
J. W. Oliver, Jackson, Ala.
A. M. Header, New Cambria, Mix
11. Hiltor, Ledgewood, N. J.
W. J. Tritt, Guernsey, Wyo. .
H. R. Wnlleigh, Chester Springs, Pa.
Died of Wounds
Copornl C. II. Earl, Austin, Minn.
Privates Ujfil
L. J. Church, Oakland, Cal.
M. Gary, Eaglo Hille, N. M.
J. W. Moran, Worcester, aMss.
C. A. Ponnwright, El Room, Pa.
Severely Wounded
J. T. Applegato, Union, Nob.
Edward Ramsey, Boise, Idaho ...
Army Casualties
Tho nrniy list includes:
Killed In Action
O. W. Beach, Muskegon, Mich,
H. C. Iilanchard, liosUm, Mass.
J. T. Hanlon, Baltimore.
T. T. Kirk, Covina, Cal.
H. II. Smith, Brooklyn, N. Y.
J. 11. Moore, Bcrwin, 111.
J. T. Ellington, Thomaston, Ga.
J. Jacovizz, Woodland, Pa.
J. C. Mogensen, Boelus, fteb.
V. Kowulewski, Schenectady, N. Y.
J. A. Ficchter, Philadelphia
E. G. Khores, Townnda, Pa.
T. Ayoub, Brownsville, Pa.
F. Enters, Wrightsville, Ga.
F. II. Healy, Hartford, Conn.
F. J. Moyuihan, Holyoke, Mass.
,T. J. O'Rourke, New York
Mechanic T. J. Fleming, Phoenicia,
N. Y.
Sergeants ,
W. T. Adams, Crnnford, N. .T.
O. E. Brown, Indianapolis, Ind.
J. 11. Embreo, College Point, X. Y.
F. W. Tompkins, Owesso, Mieb.
J. West, Hartford, Conn.
K. O. Arvin, Lciyhton, Ky.
H. Barber, Hartford, Conn.
J. K. Borten, New York
A. Bright, Alexandria, Ind.
M. Calo, Waterbury, Conn.
It. 1). Collins, Bonaire, (la.
.7. Bvmnicld, New Britain, Conn.
M. G. Dowold, 6800 83d St. S. E.,
Portland, Or.
H. H. Ditmer, Clarks, Neb.
W. W. Dubbs, Emails, Pa.
C. B. Hart, Olympia, Wash,
T. Hayes, New York
P. Hcarn, Macon, Ga.
W. Hines, Gales Creek, Or.
E. M. Hunt, Milncr, Ga.
E. .T. Marino, Cincinnati, O.
E. Martin, New York
U. .1. I'anuska, St. Paul, Minn,
E. V. Powers, New York
P. E. Kagsdale, Pelzcr, S. C.
W. P. Roche, New York
W. Kykus, Brooklyn, N. Y.
H. Sadler, Buffalo Valley, Tenn,
G. V, S-hirick, Kingston, N. Y.
L. M. H'ozzafava, New York
J. Shannon, trncinnati
i. T. Silk wood, (Jatcwooil, Mo.
T. P. Hinon, Wallingford, Conn,
J. A. Smith, Waterbury, Conn.
P. J. Stanley. Floral Park, N. Y.
C. Stratemeycr, Cincinnati
1. H. Sugrue, Waterbury, Conn.
J. Wcilgoss, Milwaukee, Wis.
A. II. Woolcy, Atlanta, Ga.
P. W. Wright, Isabel, S. D.
B. White, Battle Creek, Mich.
H. R. Guilefuss, Durham, N. C.
M. W. Nottingham, Indianapolis
K. F. Sehwarz, Detroit, Mich.
A. S. White, Tlymouth, Conn.
Died Of Wounds
Lieutenant E. Llowclyn, Oconomo
woe, Wis.
Wagoner S. E. Byboo, Edwards, Mo.
Corporal W. S, Gardner, Magnolia, N.
Mechanic S. D. Harpley, Oconto.Wis.
Sergeants H. L. Elliott, Aberdeen,
Ala. -A.
O. Pittman, Andalusia, Ala,
C. Denton, Houlka, Miss,
F. C. Eamoiul, Wilford, Mass,
E. W. White, St. Louis, Mb.
G. II. Mackenzie, Concord, Mass
E. H. Mulvanoy, Cincinnati
J. Sulzicki, Russia
A. Bluiiienthal, Chicago " ' '
. E. t'flnrboiieau, Webb City, ITa. .
0. Cunuiughuiu, Atinorc, Ala.'
G. It. Davis, Howertowns. Va.
V. L. Dobrowolbki, Nantkoke, To,
W. Glasgow, letroit, Mich.
E. J. Grob, Leslie, Mo.
I, M. Healy, Worcester, Mas
G. Johnson, Jackson, Ohio
0. Langendoi'f, Chicago.
D. J. McLaughlin, Spriugviilc, MI4.
E. McMauus. Dewitt, la. '
E. L- Person, Eau Claire, Whj,
J. A. Stccker, New York
' T. 0. Wattloson, TostvUle, la.
Died of disease
Horscshoer F. A. Alwiiuist, EItBT
side, R. I,
C. A. Jensen, JPortlaml, Or..
W. F. rolubitz, Minneapolis, Miatt.
Died from Airplane Accident 1
Corporal R. W. Holt, Jr., CHiim
Heights, 1'a.
Died from Accident and Other Cruw
('. E. Boyed, .Newport, Tenn.
B. R. Carlson, Grundy Center Til.
It, U. Donaldson, Livingston, lit. , -
Wounded Severely
Capfuiu G. 1L Butler, Chicago
Edward McGlone, French CorraljCaJ,
H. T. Scott, Falls City, Neb,
A. M. Simpson, Indianola, la.
(Continued on page six)
and IMPL-Kirvibrmr ;
sit'- "
. . J'
One Man Discs 27 Acres a Day with tho New
TI V7R1AA xn
Discing is rapidly and economically
done with the new Moline-Universal
Tractor, Model D, one man with an
8-foot tandem disc harrow covering
27 acres in ten hours. With a 10-foot
disc harrow he covers 38 acres, and
with a 20-foot peg-tooth harrow 76
The light weight of the Moline
Universal Tractor, 3,380 pounds,
makes it especially adapted for disc
ing and similar work, as it does not
pack the soil and uses but little fuel,
running on less than half throttle
most of the time. It is light, but
more than enough power to cull two
14-inch plows at high speed, ajl its
weieht being traction weight.
The Moline-Universal Tractor at
taches directly to the implement and
forms a single, compact unit with it
that is controlled by the operator
from the scat of the implement,
where he must sit to do good work.
One man with the Moline-Universal
docs as good work as two men with,
the average tractor.
The Moline-Universal is adapted
if or all classes of farm work. Its high
clearance, ZO'i inches, makes it ideal
for cultivating, and it is equally well
fitted for planting and harvesting. In,
addition, it has ample power for belt
work, pulling a 24-inch grain separa
tor or 10-inch ensilage cutter with,
There is work on the farm every
day in the year for the loline-Unt-versal
Tractor. It will do every field
operation that can be done with
horses and do it better, faster, and
cheaper. This is why the Moline
Universal really replaces horses, and,
at the same time, by enabling one
man to do much more work than
ever before possible, solves the farm
help problem. .
The detailed construction of tho
new Moline-Universal, Model D, is
the best it is possible to manufacture.
Perfected 4-cylimlcr ovcrlicad-valve
engine, electric starting and lighting
system, complete enclosure of. all
working parts, and fifteen Hyatt roll
er bsarmgs, are a few of the main
features. . , .
We iuvile you to examine this ma
(hint at your earliest opportunity.
frONia Man operates both tract o rv an r
Daily Demonstrations
South Commercial and Ferry Streets
Salem, Oregon.