Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 10, 1918, Page THREE, Image 3

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I War Summary of United Press 1
llllilllUlillllillllMIIIIIlHIinUiUlilllllllllllMIIIIIlllllllllllllItlllllllllllllllllllll r
I B.
! 1468th Day of the War; 24th Day of Counter Offensive f
Direct From
An Original Combination Novelty
Neville and Mar
1i"1MIJ ''"H'-.l
Lew Huff
txi irMi
(Continued from page one)
cate tlie following:
" 'In eight days of battle the 42nd
division has forced the passage of tho
Ourcq, taken prisoners from six .enemy
divisions, mot, routed, decimated a
crack division of the Prussian guards,
a Bavarian division and one other ana
driven buck tho enemy's lino tor lft
kilometers.' "
One Yankee Division
London, Aug. 10., (4:33 p. m.) One
division of Americans is fighting north
vt tho Somme, it was learned tins af
ternoon. (Thcro are 25,000 men in on
American' division.) " 1
The 29th division, March said, was last
reported in the Alsace sector soutneast
of Kpinal.
(Continued from page one)
Picardy front The battle is unoffi
cially reported to be spreading east
ward toward the Oise and northward
toward Arras. If it definitely reaches
these two points, it will cover a front
of nearly T5 miles.
Progress was reported all alone the
main Isat tie front in hard fighting this
morning. , (Several additional villages
have been taken. The total of pris
oners is officially placed at 24,000-
Captured guns are said to total 6W.
following a sharp thrust southeast
of Montdidier late yesterday, the
French today are reported to have at
tacked on a 16-mile front between that
city and the Oise. advancing four miles
within six hours and threatening the
whole southern end of the salient.
Montdidier is unofficially reported to
have fallen. No confirmation has been
American troops have entered the
fighting. In cooperation with the Brit
ish probably the Australians they
have captured Morlancourt, in addition
to tho important heights south of that
(Village. The resistance of the Germans
there had held up tho advance of the
'allies' left wing.
Aisne-Vesle front The Americans
enntimm their hanimerin? at the Ger-
'man center north of Fismes and are
reported to be gradually advancing
toward the strongly entrenched Ger
man positions on the heights between
the Vesle and Aisne. American artil
lery is blasting away at the enemy
defense along the entire seetor.
Italian front Archduke Joseph is re
ported to have arrived at tho front and
taken over command of Austrian ar
mies. His inspection of the Trentino
region is believed to forecast a new
Austrian drive.
Xorth sea A German destrover, evi
dently sunk by a British mine was
discovered eight miles north of Zec-bnigge.
Continued from page one)
the Germans and-not let 'em come up
for breath wliilo he's got 'cm going.
The Soissons push was the first phase
of the plan, the second is developing.
Foeh's-strategy aims to keep the Ger
mans so busy during the throe or four
months of fighting weather remaining
this year that they will ha unable- to
deliver what General von Ludendorff
noped might bo a staggering blow. Mean
while all through, the winter Americans
will he pouring in for next spring's
The secondary object of tho Somme
drive was the forstnlling of another
German thrust toward Amiens, in an, at
tempt to reach tho allies' vital com
munications. This also has b.?en success
ful. The immediate effect t'ie allied
advances has been to seroiusly menace
Montdidier. It is possible that within a
few days von Ludendorff will be forc
ed to evacuate the entire Montdidier
region. Such a retreat would bring far
reaching results and would compel fur
ther straightening of tha German lines
as far south as the Aisne.
Identification of the 117th German
division as participating in the Somme
fighting is significant, inasmuch as on
ly a few days ago it was fighting on
the Vesle. The fact that it was hurried
to tlia Somme, arriving the night be
fore the Franco-British attack and .get
ting into the battle without rest:i 19
pome indication of the extent o which
the French and Americans chewed up
been observed in these cities.
(Koye is ten miles northeast of Mont
didier. Xesle is seven miles northeast
of Koye and six miles southeast of
French troops have extended their
front slightly southward capturing
Contoire and St. Hubert wood.
The German command is known to
be considering throwing in the class
of 1920 within the next few weeks-
months ahead of time. Prisoners de
clare there is a strong opposition in
Germany to sacrificing these boys two
years and a half before their timd
notwithstanding the desperate need of
400,000 reinforcements, which this class
will provide. Since the losses incurred
on the Marne and Somme, calls have
been made for more replacements than
can be filled from recuperating wound5
lit -v -r
I Jj
Week's British Losses. . .
London, Aug. 10 British casualties
published in official lists this week,
totalled 8,3118, the lowest in months.
They were divided as follows.
Killed Wounded Missing Total
Officers .... 177 439 48 000
Men 1425 C400 818 7043
Totals 1002 5839 807 83oS
All Sorts Of Work Is Being
Done By Flying Squads.
Official Report
London, Aug. 10. Unceasing coopera
tion with British attacking forces in
France during tho offensive operations
there, was reported today in tho offi
cial British air ministry communique.
All sorts of work was done by flying
squads. Advancing cavalry was aided
by low-flying machines, which dropped
smoke bombs to conceal tho progress
of the troops. Advanced infantry
units were supplied with ammunition
by the messengers from tho sky, tanks
wero givejn information and aid in
destroying strongholds, fleeing enemy
columns were raked with machine gun
fire and artillery observation was car
ried out under the most adverso con
ditions. .
Tho courso of the fighting resulted
in the officially reported destruction
of 48 German airplanes', while seventeen
others were driven down out of control.
Five hostile balloons wero set afire
and destroyed. Fifty one British mach
ines are missing.
The man that played the lead in "Birth Of a Na
tion" and Many other Special Screen Successes
A 7-Reel Paralta Special
Of Love and Politics
Foley Nature Picture
. Good Comedy
Liberty Theatre
"His Robe
f Honor"
By Ethel and James '
French Advance Reported.
London, Aug. 10. (2:25 p. m.) The
French in their new drive southeast of
Montdidier, have reached the outskirts
of tho important center of Rossons-sur-Matz,
on the Mata river, it was
learned this afternoon.
The line of tho new French attack
extends from Faveroles southward to
the outskirts of Picnnes, southward to
the outskirts of Rollot, southeastward
through Cuvilly, southward through
! Kessons-sur-Matz - and southward to
thA German reserves. Otherwise it is
likely that Crown Prince Bupprecht
.would have used fresher divisions.
j San Jose, Cal., Aug. 10- Mrs. Alice
(Morgan von Brincken today took tho
'name Alice Morgan Roedel because of
j the "discredit '? which she declared was
attached to her former name as the
'result of the machinations of Baron
I von Brincken. former Gdrman vice
consul, in the Hindu revolt plot cases.
! Judge Beasley granted Mrs. Eocdel a
'writ officially changing her name and
that of her children.
Zeppelin Destroyed,
London, Aug. 10. The , destruction
of a German Zeppelin was officially
reported today by the air ministry
in tho communique describing naval
flying operations during the first week
of August, in addition, the commun
ique reported tho destruction of three
enemy machines, wliilo six others' wore
driven down out of control. No Brit
ish machines are missing, with the ex
ception of one Bcaplune, which was
forced to land in Dutch watcrB, where
the crew was interned and tho airplane
(Continued from page one)
Wait Grass Rugs, 4-6 by 7-6 $4 45
6x9.;.' ....$720
8io . $9.45
9x12...... , $1195
Wool fibre Rugs, 7-6x9 --$5 40
9x-9 $150
9 x 10-6 .....$8,so
Hammocks, Refrigerators, Porch Shades, Porch
Chairs, at Reduced Prices. Trade your old furniture
for new. Visit our Exchange department.
C. S. Hamilton
340 Court Street
Salem, Ore.
from the southeast.
"In tho Montdidier sector, the
French captured 2000 prisoners."
"Between the Kommo and tho Ancre,
Anglo-Aiijericansi atrackted the angle
(probably eastward of Chipilly) with
immediate success.
"Tho Canadians and Australians
took! Bowhoiir, Miliaricourt and Li
hous, entering Raineeourt and Proyart.
"Anglo-Americans took all their ob
jectives, including tho villago of Mor
lancourt, and tho high ground to the
"Enemy counter-attacks were beaten
off in sharp fighting-
"Since the eighth, more than 24,000
prisoners have been taken "
Stock Market Responds
To Good War News
Xcw York, Aug. 10. -The Now
York Kirn financial review today says:
Spectacular military events on the
front of Pieardjy seeming to reveal
, , f if, t " ',if7
' " Q) UK s 'j
' --'''if V; it
ii mum miii n -nnrnrmTn "iit-tfifft mi tr"ff-
surprising weaknesses in thte -enemy
line, the recapture of Montdidier at
the tip of the offensive, found direct
reflection in today's stock market
which was unwontedly auimuted for a
Saturday session.
Tho entire list responded readily to
the gratifying new developments.
United States Steel crossed 112 in
the first hour. '
The shipping and chemical shares
wero in good demand. The tobacco
group made a favorable showing and
some investment stocky wero briskly
bid up.
Trading subsided to some extent in
the second hour but prices made lit
tle liiaterial change from tho top levels
Ultimatum Issued
By Premier Lenine
Capcnhagen, Aug. 10. Pre
mier Lenine has issued an ul
timatum to Japan regarding
her intention in Siberia accord
ing to the Bolshcviki newspaper
Austrian and German news
papers say it is likely that the
central empires are preparing
to support the Soviets.
MinrVnpolis, Minn., 'Aug. 10. Joe
Cantillon, widely known baseball man
and for nine years manager of tho
American Association team hero, today
awaited orders for war work. Ho ap
plied for overseas work under both tho
Y. M. C. A. and Knights of Columbus.
; : : 11 I : II )) r
V.,.,,.-i.-rs-s -.-.a:;a.-Q.;)X U jj
We have purchased the entire stock of Rugs of ,the Davis Furniture Com
pany of Dallas, Oregon.
At "Before the War" Prices
And for Advertising Purposes have Decided to give the public the benefit of
a splendid buy. Bargains like these listed below will never be offered again, so
if you are contemplating purchasing a new rug
You will save at least 20
$31.75 10 wire tap Brussels, $45.00 8-3x10-6 Body Brussels $36.00
9 x 12, now $25.40 $85.00 9x12 Wilton's ... $68.00
$45.00 9x12 Axminster, now. .$36.00 $97.00 9x12 Wilton's $77.60
$40.00 9x12 Axminster, now. . . $32.00 $68.50 9x12 Wilton's $53.20
$35.00 9x12 Axminster, now. . .$28.00 $18.00 9 x 12 Wool and Fibre. .$14.40
$32.50 9x12, Axminster, now. .$26.00 $16.00 8-3x10-6 Wool and Fibre $12.80
$42.50, 8-3x10-6 Axminster now$34.00 $12.00 6x9 Wool and Fibre .... $ .9.60
$32.50 8-3x10-6 Axminster now$26.00 $24.00 9x12 Grass Rugs $19.20
$55.00 9x12 Body Brussels. . . .$44.00 $20.00 8x10 Grass Rugs $16.00
$48.00 9x12 Body Brussels $38.40 $18.00 6x9 Grass Rugs $14.40
$42.50 9x12 Body Brussels. . . .$34.00 ? 3.75 27-inch Axminster Rugs$.3.20
We take your old rugs, carpets and furniture in exchange on' these rugs that
are offered at sales prices. Terms on rugs at Reduced Prices Will be
20 DI
Also on Refrigerators, Hammocks, Perch and Lawn Furniture, Croquet Sets
Lawn Mowers, Garden Hose all next week.
E. L. Stiff
448 Court St.
Salem, Oregon
Phone 941