Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 10, 1918, Image 1

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Only Circulation in Saiem Guar
anteed ty tho Audit Bureau of
w Important hin
Prisoners Now Number Over Twenty-Four Thousand With
Hundreds of Heavy Guns.-Roye Is Isolated and Becom
ing Untenable For Defenders. Twenty-One Guns Captured
In Single Pocket. From All Points of Picardv Front Come
Reports of .Germans Retreating In Rout And Disorder.
By Lowell Mellett
(United Press Staff Correspondent)
With the Fi'ench Armies in the Field, Aug. 10.
General Humbert's army, which struck on a wide front
east of Montdidier this morning, is still advancing.
The army of General Debeny, north of Montdidier,
has extended its right flank, establishing contact with
Humbert's forces and completely encircling Montdidier.
Debeny's right is Faveroles as this is cabled, while his left
is still moving eastward.
Montdidier is untenable. All its exits have been cut
off. The road to Roye is split at Faveroles. The French
are now astride all roads from the south and west lead
ing to Roye, which aviators are making extremely warm
for congested traffic of the retreating Germans. Hum
bert's attack started at 4 o'clock this morning. Faveroles
was taken at 8. Farther north the Germans were caught
in a pocket at La Neuville-Sire-Bernard (six miles north
of Montdidier) and 21 guns were captured.
Paris, Aug. 1 (10:40 a. m.)The
latest estimate of prisoners taken in
the new Picardy drive is 21,000.
London, Auj. 10 The French have
oiptured Faveroles and totally sur
rounded Montdidier. it was learned
this afternoon.
London, Aug. 10. British air forces
observed a German destroyer stink
eight miles off Zeebrugge yesterday,
the admiralty announced today. The
destroyer probably was sunk by a Brit
ish mine, the statement suid.
Paris, Aug. 10 (4.05 p. ra.) The
newspaper La Libert claims the French
have captured Montdidier. with thous
ands of prisoners.
The Germans, the newspaper says, are
u full retreat.
According to La Liberte, the French
captured Montdidier and already have
passed beyond the town catching the
Ciermans before they had a chance to
retreat and capturing thousands, bring
iug 'the total of German prisoners up
to "several tens of thousands."
East of Montdidier, General von
Hutier is reported to be in full retreat
toward Roye and Lassigny.
Other military writers do not claim
the capture of Montdidier, but suggest
that perhaps it is surrounded.
Montdidier, since the smashing at
tack this morning, is encircled from
the westward, southward and eastward.
Only one exit from the town is avail
able for a retreat. Even this would be
difficult because the passage is less
than five miles in width and is under
enfilading fire.
Suddsa French Elow.
Pnris, Atm. 10. (12:10 p. m.) Sud
denly attacking south of Montdidier,
J'rcrft troojj h..e 'practically si;r
T'Hinde.l the citv, the 'French official
communique indu'&ted today.
The ne attn k Has made on tie
three-mile front between Ayencourt and
Je Fretoy, th? Freu h penetra'ing four
fifi f m i $ f
O . w m n
n n
miles northeastward to Faverolles, three
mile3 directly east of Montdidier-
In this thrust the village of Rubes
eourt and Assainvillers were captured.
Fighting throughout yesterday even
ing and last night, the French also
continued their advance southward to
ward Montdidier, advancing more than
a mile and taking Davenscourt, four
miles north of the city.
"French troops operating on the right
of the British, continued their prog
ress yesterday evening and last night,"
the communique said.
"We progressed eastward of Arvil
lers, and took Dayenscourt.
, "Attacking south of Montdidier, bet
ween Ayencourt and Le Frenoy, the
French took Rubescourt and Assain
villers and reached Faverolles. "
Battle Moves Northward.
London, Aug. 10. (1 p. ni.) The
Pu-ardy battle is reported to be spread
ing from the Oise, northward to south
ward of Arras.
The French it was learned, advanced
this morning on a lti-mile front be
tween Montdidier and the Oise, pene
trating to a depth of four miles within
six hours.
(The distance from the Oise to Ar
ras around the present battle front
is nearly 23 miles.)
Heavy fighting was proceeding this
I morning, it was learned, and gatisfac
I tory progress was reported. Many
additional prisoners have been taken
and the total of captured guns is said
to have reached 300.
By Lowell Mellett.
(T'aited Press staff correspondent)
With the French Armies in the
Field. Aug. 10 (1:4.7 p. m.) Allied
aviators are continually bombing the
important railway centers'of Roye and
'?sle- Many explosions and firej have
(Continued on page three)
U U i U
Rodney H. Mapes Tells of Fa
mous fight Of Marines at
Direct from the Chateau-Thierry
fight, so familiar to those keeping post
ed in war history, come a letter from
Corporal Rodney H. Mapes of the 90th
Company, 0th regiment, IT, 8. Marine
Corps. The letter was received by Mrs.
Rodney H. Mapes, 1340 Chemeketa
street and is in part as follows:
"I was up to the Chateau-Thierry
front when the marines carved their
names in German blood. The iboehe
losses niui.-t have Veen awful as their
dead lay piled all over the ground. I
te'l you the Huns will sure remember
us for many a (Jay, They really are
afraid of us now and will be 'more so
when we finish with them.
"I was up at the front you know,
where the marines are, end I .--was
slightly wounded but nothing serious.
There is no use of worrying as the
time for worry is all over with us, as
all danger is past. Quite a few of us
are in the hospital but we will soon
be all right again and ready to get
some more German devils,
''1 am lying in bed trying to read
and have been here for several days.
We were quarantined this morning
for 21 days and we will be here for
some time to come. The marine" are
sure treated fine here now as the
French people are convinced that we
saved Paris and maybe we did as we
sure put a check on the boclie.
''Our paymaster conies out here in
a few days to pay us and then we
can buy a few sweets, and the Red
Cross gives us plenty of tobacco and
the Soldiers' and. (Sailors' club brings
us ice cream every few days and we
enjoy it immensely.
"We have had a few air raids here
on Paris on the nights of Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday but they didn't
do much damage as the anti-air craft
barrage broke their formation. I really
do not know what to do with myself
lying around in the hospital, as this is
the first time in my life that I have
been forced to stay in bed and do
nothing. I am in a Red Cross hospital
No. !5, ward 29, in Paris.
Farming Is Receiving Real
Boost From Ambitious
Boys And Girls
When it comes to farming as a bus
iness, the indications aie that hundreds
of the youngsters now on farms and
who are members of the Industrial
clubs are on a fair way to prosperity,
according to' J. W. L. (Smith, rural
staool supervisor, whose work takes
.hi-n out into all parts of the county.
l.lipcr J. Roth la 17 years of age and
nf present is living with his parent,
Mr. and Mis. G. Roth, fivv? miles east of
Salem. He has exhibited at the last live
state fairs. Last year he exhibited a
.Jersey sow named "Belle Crescent"
and this year she will gain pe exhibit
ed, this time with her family of seven
mm;; 'I 'th has kept an account of
what it i-.'s to feed and he figures
that up t" oat 3 they hare cost him ten
,-ai ks f t ?hnri, ml pounds of oil roe I.
one said: of ) 'look's pig feed, six sacks
of liari v rr'i oat shorts, a total feed
bill of tV.'!-3.
Te.c sow'n feed bill from Mav 10 to
Continued on page two)
: el f
Sprang Eagerly To Attack
.Like Veterans and Quick
ly Tak All Objectives
- Iy William Philip Simms.
(Tinted Press staff correspondent)
With the British Annies in France,
Aug. 10. (Noon.) -j- Tnited States
troops got into action in the great bat
tle of Picardy today after waiting in
reserve since the fight began.
They sprang to the attack side by
side with Britons, eager to be on their
way. They took their baptism of fire
like veterans, storming desperately
defended positions north of the Somme.
Fifty minutes after the commencement
of the attack tho whole series of im
portant objectives was secure in A
nierican and British haudB.
The allies arc nearing the Somme
crossing south of Pennine (1,'i. miles
southeast of Albert). The Germans arc
retreating everywhere from near Albert
to the region . of Montdidier, which
seeing doomed. The bottom of the rap
idly narrowing pocket is now over
thirty miles long and is lengthening
The allies stormed and took Chipilly
sptir and Morlancourt advancing east
ward along the ridge between the
Soinnie and the Ancre.
Canadians, and Australians captured
Bouchoire. six miles from Roye, and
atBO took Folies, Beaufort, Warvillers,
Vrely, Rosicres, Meliaricourt and part
of Kouvroy and Liliont. flic latter is
less'tlian two miles west of Chnulnes.
They captured a divisional headquar
ters and it is believed the complete
staff was taken prisoner. Their pat
rols pushed into Proyart and Raine-court-
They advanced their lines on an
nvenV;e of three niilles in brilliant
I predict that today will see a total
of 30,000 prisoners in this drive. The
German losses in killed, wounded and
prisoners must be at least 50 per cent
of the total of their forces engaged.
About 300 guns have been captured, in
cluding two 9.2 inch pieces and other
material of all descriptions.
Airmen continue to harass the dis
organized enemy whose confusion be
hind the lines as lie retreats is indes
cribable, while a!lied artillery is
pounding him everywhere,
British Official Reports.
London, Aug, 10. American troops
urn participating in the Picardy drivo,
the British war office announced today.
Cooperating with the British, they
took all their objectives, including
Morlancourt, where the Germans had
made their stiffest resistance aud hold
up the left wing of the allied drive.
"V'esterday afternoon and evening
the allied advance continued on the
whole front southward from Montdidier
to the Ancre," the statement said.
"South of Montdidier, the Trench
attacked in the afternoon, capturing
Le Tronquoy, Le Fretoy and Assain
villers, and threatening Montdidier
(Continued on page three)
I northward and removing material, pos
A well filled auto of a generally used sibly in preparation for a retirement
I rand turned over east o' town, Sunday .across the Aisw.
injurin' Seymohr Long an' wife an j Captured officers frankly admit the
married daughter an' her husband, t'-'aim of the Germans is now to hold off
get her with Mrs. Foster Moon an' her' the allies until they are ready to fall
nice, an' three children an' her uncle'back again. They say they are hard
ten in ail. Miss Pet Moots has an- pressed for fresh divisions to withstand
nounced her engagement t' a wealthy jtlv allied pushes. The German crown
ivcier. I.:iin-e already has used a third of the
10, 1918.
Purposes To Keep Germans on
Run As Long As Fight
ing Weather Lasts
By Webb Miller
(Capital Journal Special Survive.)
Paris, Aug. 10. The significance of
the Somme batlo iu its wider relation
to the entire campaign is that it is a
successful development of Marshal
Foch's plan to retain the initiative, or
iu American wordfc, to keep smashing
(Continued on page three)
London, Aug. 10. (4:40 p. m.).
The latest Information received here
regarding ths situation at Montdidier
was that at noon today there were few
Germans lu the city, but that they
wera still holding out. The town is cer
tain to be captured by night, it is
lievedif it has not fallen already.
London, Aug. 10. (4:48 p. m.)
The German base at Cbaulnes cannot
now be used by them and they are ex
pected at any moment to begin a re
tirement to the canal between Noyon
and Nesle, it was learned this after
noon. . . .. . :
(Noyon is 19 miles southeast' of
Montdidier. Nesle is 13 miles northeast
of Montdidier.) ..
Two fresh German divisions were
brought up this morning but no counter
attack developed.
The French are meeting little resist
ance in the bulge between -Montdidier
and Hangard (11 miles northwest of
Montdidier) and it cannot be held by
the Germans much longer. It will soon
be flattened out, if this has not already
taken place.
London, .Aug. 10. (4:36 p. m.)
The French have advanced beyond Fa
verolles and Assainvillers (east of
Mondidier), it was learned this after
noon. Tanks aud cavalry patrols are still
operating ahead of the general line.
The allied casualties are reported to
be loss than a quartor the number of
prisoners they have taken, while the
German casualties are heavy. (The to
tal of German prisoners Is officially '
announced as 24,000.)
Yankee Troops Gradually Ad
vancing Up Ravines To
ward Plateau Beyond.
By Frank J .Taylor
(Capital Journal Special Kivicc.)
With the American Armies in France,
Aug. 10. (J :10 a. in.) American tr. ops
continue their incessant pounding at the
German center north of the Veslo riv
er. Although our wings on each side of
. Fisnies are comparatively quiet as re
gards infantry fighting, the Americans,
;aie siowly advancing up the ravines run
jning northward from tne Vesle toward
i the plateau and heights wh-ie the Ger
! ......... ut.w.,.rlir u rlt l-fltlf Vl Dl
The little town of Fismette, about u
mile north of Fisnies, has been captured
greatly improving our bridgehead on the
north bank of the Vesm.
Our artillery is blasting away at the
enemy defenses along the line, but fir
ing is particularly heavy north of Fla
mes where the gunners are seeking to
open up a way for the infantry.
The German artillery fire is lessening
noticeably. Its barranca mostly are ere-
iated by heavy calilicr pieces, according
j to prisoners. This indiates that the enc
jiuv is withdrawing its artillery farther
Nation Must Hit Hard And Keep Foe Running, Is View of
Chief of Staff. Talk Of War Being Over Discouraged.
German General And Staff Caphired.-RaLibow Division
On Battle Line And Eighty-Fifth Division Now Arriving la
Francc-Seventy-Seventh In Training.
Washington, Aug. 10. The time for
Amcriea 's greatest effort in the present
war has arrived, Chief of Staff March
declared today in his talk with corre
spondents. This country must hit hard and keep
the foe running, he said, indicating that
there will be no relaxation in Foch's
driving tactics. He discouraged any talk
of the war being ov.er.
"The greatest advantage of the pres
ent nlitary situation, he declared, "is
that the allies now have tho enemy
guessing Instead of guessing themselves
lie added that America's demand for
greater manpower resources is caused i
by need for striking the hardest blows
possible from this time on.
German General Captured
Reading a confidential cable regard
ing the allied offensive in Picardy,
mu.c. ...sooscu x,.e " ' f""
hi I. .1 : .1 it. jl i. ! I "
being taken. Ho confirms the capture of
a Geruinu general and his staff, and
said that iu the center of the line, the
alliod .troops eneount.'kedjlttle opposi
tion, '
Situation About Amiens
Discussing tho situation created by
tli! advance east of Amiens, the general
said it had caused a new pocket, sim
ilar to that on tho Soissons-Rheims
lino. Its chief peril to the German lines
is the threat to the railroad line of com
munication running south from Chaul
nes. Over this line ihe German troops in
the Montdidier section obtained their
supplies. Capture of this railroad by
the allies would force a German re
tirement along the Montdidier line.
General March indicates that this
railroad is now under heavy fire from
the allies.
On the Veslo river front French and
American troops have been nibbling at
tho German positions without attempt
ing to go up the strongly held slopes
bevond which the German entrench-
ment 1
March said General Foch has
j kept up tho pressure on this line on the
sources for several days past and some
1 of the fastest aud the most expert
, ' from the offices of Corporation Coin-
Germans' entire west front fit length, in missioner Schulderman and Insurance
attempting to repulse tho Maine diive. (Commissioner Wells have been dividing
mi i v i -njlin0rs in the temporary offices of the
The American attack yeste.day Oonsoli(latioll Commission, and the In
made after deadly artillery pre para won fCreuee is that they iavo Deen wor
tho doughboys then rushing the village 'ing on the report which is to be sni
of Fismette and reaching tho bodies Tjj -( "tci to the comm'89iorl wl,('n il meet
fore they could get away. In hf-nd i'jt for the fun of it a statistician
hand street fighting, practically all tho t the State Capitol has figured cut
Prussian troops opposing them were cith-1 that the girls who have been sharing
er killed or captured. The percentage the secrets of the experts can at least
was small, '''f out HO words a minute, because
In thn rmr Binnn the Americans are each of them used is swift on the
assisting refugees to reestablish them
selves in villages recently captured. Am
erican tflicks rolling northward usually
carry women and children on top of the
i""" " u " ""i'i""
XIIU iliin nf unit uic oiiiimig mi' inula
of the refugees by helping to clean, out
the ruins. I saw a middle aged woman
return to a battered wreck of a village,
leading 9 cow and carrying a huge bask
et of her'belongings on her back. A lit
tle boy and girl were trudging by her
side, lu the midst of the wreckage they
found their "home."
The mother sat down on an ammuni
tion box, the tears rolling down her
cheeks. Then a big American sergeant
caino by, stopped, and tried to comfort to gee that the report would make
the woman. Although she understood no 'quite B mess of good reading if it
Knglisli zni ho knew no French, theylwf,re printed in full, and turned out
understood each other. The sergeant call I to be as plethoric as would be indicated
ed two of his buddies and they began by the stenographic work being done,
clearing out the cellar. Considerable An average issue of the Capital Journal
room was soon resurrected. Food was has SO columns. Figuring that half
brought from a field kitchen. The. grat-1 of this is advertising, 28 columns of
itudc of the French woman could not lie reading matter would be left. Conse
nieasurcd. It almost reached worship ot'queutly the Journal could print such
the American soldiers. And this is only a report as indicated by using up eight
one of the many scenes which occur ev- issues, if it barred out all other news,
cry dav in anv repatriated village be-, Indications point to the possibility
hind the American lines. that this will be some report.
1 f
Olefin: Tonight
anil Sunday prob
ably fair; moder
ate southwesterly
sound principle that when yon got the
enemy going, keep him going. .
Rainbow Division
March related in detail the wonder
ful work of the Rainoow division in the
recent and. pies.ent fighting. . , . .
The twenty seventh division vNow.
York) commanded by Major General
O'Ryan has been with the British in
Flanders for .sow? time, March disclos
ed. It was said by other officials that
these forces may ' be brigaded with
the British in the present fighting, al
though March declared he had receiv
ed no official word that Americans
were fighting in thut sector.
83th Division in France
March declared that ho thought it
was safe to announco that the 85th di
vision is now arriving in France. lie
also stated that the seventy ninth di-
vision is still in the training areas.
What One Division Did -
"The Rainbow division," March
said, "had its combat training in true
.Lorraine, sector, north of Lunevi'lc, It
lett that position to. arrive east of
Rheims, where, on July 15, It helped
break the main German attack. When
the Frijicli Anieiiuan counter offensive
was launched on the Maine salient, the
division appeared there Bhoitly in ro
Hef of other units. Our reports indU
(Continued on pao throe)
Special Consolidation Expert
Will Make Very Lengthy
While Col. J. M, Matthews of the
Consolidation Commission is as, mum
as a dam as to what will be incorpor-
atod in the report of that body to be
inu'ie xo me commissioners next iucs
day, externnl evidence is almost con
clusive that the report will cover the
ground thoroughly.
The consolidation experts have been
borrowing stenographers from various
machine. Inasmuch as they have been
trading off they would start -in fresh
arh day on the work, so HO words a
minute is not considered r. oad cst'.u
ate. At that rate tnev would write
,u, id .... i.,.r ... ; r, i ,.,.
. iw.fi I . t
III IB II .7.' ' .1 TT 111 ' 13 M III T I'll Ol i.
days, which is about the time they
have been working, the report up to
now should aggregate 260,000 words.
If they keep up the same lick through
Saturday and Monday they would bring
the report up to a mere matter of 275,
000 words.
The statistician went even further
by; figuring out that there are about
1200 words to an average newspaper
column. .'sing this estimate it is easy
... S