Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 09, 1918, Page THREE, Image 3

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4TV .;':
o 1 WiL
" ' 'Aft' .
, Continued from page one)
X tack was practically decimated.
Tkomj.i Mince
CM4RXE5 RJQO dKe CiW tie ft
:: A Good
: : I Comedy
(Continued from page one)
buried near Dormans (on the Marne).
It bad been stripped by the Huns and
the identification tags were missing.
His cap concealed beneath his machine,
enabled the Americans to identify him;
1 spent an hour tonight with some
boys from Michigan and Wisconsin who
Widow Preferred To
, Meet Death At Home
"For many years I suffered from
touiach trouble. All the doctors I tried
lelped me but little. All said I would
lave to go to hospital and be operated
on for gall stones or I would not live
much longer. I told them I preferred
to moot death at home. One day I pick
ed up an advertisement of Mayr's Won
derful Ktamodjy ijid i&ince taking a
course of it mor.i than a year
ago have not had a single pain in
my stomach, have good appet'ite and
can oat anything." It is a simple,
harmless preparation that removes the
catarrhal mucus from the intestinal
tract and allays tho inflammation
which causes practically all stomach,
liver and intestinal ailments, including
oppendiciti'8. One dose will convince or
money refunded. J. C. Perry, Capital
Drug Store and druggists everywhere.
took part in the fight that drove the
boches across the Vcsle. They ran in
to many machine guns being fired by
men with the Red Cross on their arms,
they said. One lieutenant came iii
with tho kneeg clean out of his pants,
where machine gun bullets had nipped
him. There was scarcely a man but
had a bullet hole through his clothes
nnmna-lln.a 1"o.n. 1, n .1 lnat nilffnaa Q n rl '
coats, and fought virtually bare armed
and baro legged.
Father Dunnigan of taper, Mich.,
said ho buried one boy with three dead
boches about him. The boy's rifle was
covered with blood. Apparently ho
had fought a bayonet battle against
many Oermans and hnd accounted for
three of them before ho had fallen himself.
(Continued from page one)
bodies to th r."ar, none of tho unwound
ed Tommies wishing to leave tho fight
ing. Tanks Do Good Work.
Every variety of the hundreds of
tanks did good work. Some preceded
the infantry and acted as strong points
until tho troops came up. Big tanks,
surrounded by the little "whippets"
looked like dreadnoughts escorted by
destroyers. The "whippets" ar,e able
There is No Economy
in Cheap Coffees
Don t figure your coffee cost by the
pound, but by the cup.
If M J.B. Coffee costs you more
per pound than the coffee you are
using, we can guarantee M.J.B.
Coffee will cost you less per cup.
You can make more cups of good
coffee with MJ.B. than with
any other coffee.
M.J.B. surpasses all other cof
fees in fragrance, tlavor and
IJt- hj" fer,
to dodge and turn faster than a man.
Operating over rough ground they ran
down enemy groups and individuals,
flattening; out machine gun nests, grind
ing tho crews into the mud and ter
rorizing whole sectors. I was told that
members of the tank staff kept in
touch with their machines from low
flying airplanos, thus covering the whole
battlefield in a f.ew minutes and re
turning with first hand information re
garding the entire situation.
Bupprecht Unprepared.
Neither the tanks nor the troops en
countered a gr,eat deal of barb wire or
trenches. Obviously Bupprecht either
over-estimated himself or underrated his
opponents. It is clear that he little (ex
pected a serious allied offensive. Bath
er, he was aiming to push on himself.
Th,o present battle line is just south
of the old Somme shell-hole country,
which Field Marshal Von Hindeuburg
laid waste in J17 during his retreat. He
dynamited farms and villages, felled
orchards and trees bordering roads and
von cleared away the underbrush, giv
ing as his excuse that he was preparing
the ground for open warfare in tho fu-
turo, when the British would have this
desert at their backs and the dnoaded
German "superman" in front.
Today Von Hindenburg's legions are
being pressed back against the Hun-
mado waste, with scarcely one small tr,ce
or brush for protection. Marshals Foch
and Haig apparently have caught Von
Hindeuburg unawares. If he escapes a
bitter drubbing, present signs are to
tally misleading.
(Continued from page one)
London, Aug. 9. The allies have
penetrated to an average depth of eight
miles on the whole 20 mile front
, French and Canadian troops advanc
ed two miles this morning toward the
Uoutdidier-Chaolnes railway. The Ca
nadians captured Beaufort, four miles
south of Bosleres.
Chaulnes is now known to he the at
lies' objective. It is probable that Mont
didier soon will he evacuated.
The Amiens-St. Just-Paris main rail
way can now be used, as the result of
the allied offensive, it is learned. The
railway is in good condition and prob
ably already is working.
London, Aug. 9. British troops,
while sweeping forward on their new
offensive front in Picardy, suddenly
advanced in Flanders today.
initial progress of two miles on an
eight anilo front along tho southwest
ern portion of the Flanders salient was
repoted by the .British war offtce, to
gether with the capture of five villages.
In Picardy, the capture of Morlan-
court and arrival of British cavalry at
Lhauincs junction was reported in un
official dispatches. The latter reports
an additional gain of about four miles
since yesterday and a total penetration
of more than twelve miles. The Brit
ish war office reported 14,000 prisoners
More tjjan 14,000 prisoners and an
enormous, number of guns havo been
captured in the British drive in Picar
dy, according to the latest reports re
ceived today.
Haig's official report last night de
scribed the allied line as extending
from Braches, northeastward through
Plessier-Boseainvillers, Beaucourt and
Vaix, to Framervillo, then northwest
ward through Chiilly to a point west
of Morlancourt.
(This is a front of about twenty
Framerville, the apex of the allied
salient, is about nine miles east of Vil-lers-Bretonneux
and represontg an ad'
vance of about eight miles. The highly
Eg M.J.B. surpasses all other cof- ,:
Remember our Guarantee v 2?
It Reaches You Fresh
3rvwrN ''sT
tana a fow weeks ago and the court
ruled that where a man registered and
did not uake pioof that ho was beyond
regisi.rntion ;ige until in tlw army, he
hnd lost his rignts and was obliged to
continue -in the nervice.
Slest 'sffldlhjpH:..:''
Canning Plotters
Many a New Horn will Kav4 a Uula
Sunbeam (o Brighten it.
fUYT Jl i Iff '
ton, seemed to havo some doubts as to
hi? ugc and to be on the safe side, reg
istered in Marion county niuV.'r the jur
isdiction of division ,'o. 1.
lat.r, desiring to go into the serv
ice, he enlisted in the avintion section
and now holds a responsible position
with the government at B.odwood, C'nl.
However, when it become evident that
the new draft law would be passed and
men between the ages of 18 and 21 j
and ol and 43 be obliged to register,
Wolfard faced the prospects of another
icgistration and a possible transfer in
In a petition fik'd this week before
the circluit court, it is alleged that Wol
fard ia now with the aviation service in
California and that a mistake was made
when he registered with the govern
ment Juao 5, 1917 under tho impression
that he was under 31 years of age. The
petition states that ho is holding an
important position with the government
and that it is for the best interest of
both the government and Wolfard that
he remain where he is now employed.
Also, asking the court to officially es
tablish his age in order that the mis
take in registering might be rectified.
After hearing the testimony of John
M. Wolfard, father of Louis J. Wolfard,
of his sister, Mrs. Donna W. Aldridi,
another -sister, Mrs. Ada Van Valken
burg and Julia Hunter, a neighbor and
the introduction pf family records,
Judgri Bingham issued a decree to the
effect that Louis J. Wolfard was born
May jfi, 1885. Hence at the time he reg
ivter.'d he was 32 years, one month and
li days old.
According to the usual procedure in
such rases, this local exemption board
ad the adjutant general will releaw
Mm from his registration upon the evi
dence produced before the circuit court
and a'o upon the court having official
ly establish', d his age.
However, had ho been called into the
service upon hi:, registration, it is prob
able that he could not have secured his
roleasv:. This question came up in Mon
fimiil nnA the stork are held uo to ven-
jrnUous they are rated ns cunning plotters
lo hcruld tho coming of the little sunbeam
la gladden tho hearts a:id briithten the
'.-.xmoe of a hott of happy families.
'i'hero is a most remarkable preparation,
!;nov,n us M-jUier's l-'rlernl, which has been
used by women for over half a century
oefore tho arrival of the stork. This 1s a
iienelrating external application for the el
lomen a:nl tin as t. lly daily use through
out the waltln months, strain and tension
is relieved, 'ilie muscles aro made elastic
ir.d pliablo so that wh.cn baby clinch they
npand with casa and tho pain and danger
at the crisis is naturally le a.
Then, too, tho nerves tiro not torn and
Iran n v.'ilh that wuul wrcnehing strain, o..d
many distresses, such as nervousness, nausea,
bearing down and stretching palm, ma
r.r.iong the discomforts and dcbliitutlng e:c
nericr.ces women v.'ho have used Mother's
Friend say they havo entirely escaped by tl.s
application of th:s time-honored remedy. I
Thousar.ds of women have used Mother's
Friend and know from experience that It Is
Dne of t li a greatest contributions to health)',
happy motherhood. .
Write to tha Bradfleld Regulator Co.,
Larr.er Uhlg., Atlanta, (In., for their "Moth
crlfcud iook." There Is a Wealth of In.
struction and comfort to be derived from
reading this little book. It Is plainly written
lust what every woman wants to know. Get
For GOODS at . $2.50 ' " " $$l!94
Women at Reductions 34 00 $344
25c Per Reduced ' Frbm . ' $6.00 " " $o!25
Garment Prices Old Prices $8.50 $7.25
$6.00 values $3.75 BED PILLOWS . NETS ChMr
$4.00 values $2.69 $3.25 Pillow $2.63 25c per pair
$2.00 values $1.69 $2."56 Pillow.$10 At Reduced One assortment 2
$1.75 values $1.39 75c Pillow .59c Prices pairs for 25c
$3.50 values . . . . $2.89
$3.00 values ....$2.39
$2.75 values ....$2.14
$1.75 values ....$1.49
$1.50 values $1.29
$1.25 values 98c
Corner Court and
Com'l Street, Salem
important railway nud highway center (bridges across afterward so the artil-
of Kosieres is menaced by the allies,
as tho newly captured town of Caix is
only two miles to the westward.
In the region of Morlancourt, tho
British wore unable to maintain their
positions. The Chijully spur, around the
foot of which flow the Somme, is tho
scene of very heavy fighting. Tho
Wurtemburgers there were ordered to
hold deapite any losses.
Br Lowell Mellctt.
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
With the French Armies in tho
Field, Aug. 8. (Night) One thing
apparently revealed by the German lack
of. resistance at some points on tho
Albcr't-Montdidier front today was tho
degree with which the enemy line was
stripped to furnish men for the disas
trous Marne campaign.
Tho part played bjr tho French in
today's battle was comparatively small,
merely sustaining tho right wing of
tho British advance. They actually
started on a front of only four kilo
meters (two and a half miles) but later
this was widened.
At the beginning of tho attack the
French lino was between Bonrges ami
a point West of Morizel, south of the
Amiens-Roye ' road. With the widen
ing of the line, it Included tho whole
of the Avre river as far as llargicourt
(four miles north of Montiliilier.)
Three hours after the 'French infantry
dashed forward it was holding tho wood
northeast of Moreuil and the town of
Morizcl. In the latter place stiff re
sistance was encountered, necessitating
a flanking movement from tho north
west. Four hundred prisoners wero
taken there ami many boches killed.
The Avre wns crossed between Bra
dies and f'astel (a front of about four
miles,) the infantry wading, Bwimming
and utilizing the new bridges. Be
cause of the steep bank opposite, as well
as the sloping ground beyond, this wns
lery could come up.
After the fall of Moreuil the Ger
mans became panicky and fell back
rapidly, the French taking Braches, La
Neuvillc end tho heights north of it in
quick succession. Lnter they took
VillerB-aux-Krables and caried their line
forward to a.lipo running through Mcz
iores and tho heights east of La Neu
villc, including Hill 102, making a to
tal advance of from six to seven kilo
meters (three and three quarters to
four and third miles.)
Bulletins from the Front.
London, Aug. 0. (2 p. m.) British
patrols have passed Foucncourt (four
miles north and west of Chaulnes),
it was learned this afternoon.
London, Aug. 9. (1:33 p. m'.) Brit
ish troops have captured Morlancourt,
the important town north of the Soni
mci where German resistance hold up
the left wing of tho allied advance
yesterday, it was learned today.
London, Aug. 9. (1:33 p. m.) Brit
ish cavalry is near Chaulnes Junction,
four miles in advanco of tho infantry,
it was learned this afternoon.
(Chaulnes Junction is about a mile
south of the important city of Chaulnes
and represents an advance of more than
twelve miles from the original lino at
Hangard, and an additional penetra
tion of about four miles yesterday)
hfittta of Mother's Friend from the dnnr-
L-ist todajt. and thus fortify yourself agoiiiit a difficult feat under German fire, but
pain and discomfort. t)0 ihs n,.(.1Mll,iil1(!d jt ntlli threw
: JT?;
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conjunction with Japan in tho interven
tion movement, the baron said that the
recent Japan-China military agreement
is not in force, on account of tho naturo
of the present measure, but if tho twi
nations are seriously threatened, eith
er separately or together from tho out
side, they will ally themselves in ac
cordance with the defensive alliance.
I suggested to Baron tiuto that an
overthrow of, tho Jnpanctw ministry hut
just been averted, j ' . ,, " "
"Well, you never can tell when a
man is going to die," lie suid smiliu,;ly.
Paris, Aug. 9. (12:20 p. m.) The
French war office announced toduy that
there was "no change" on the new
offensive front soulh of the Somme.
"South of the Somme, thero was no
change," the commiiniquo said.
'In tho Chumpngno there was cer
tain activity by the German artillery
in the Prosnes, Mont Sansnom and
Sonain regions. German raids were
(Continued on pago two)
and to make every cnuVuvor to reassure
tho Kuasian people.
"Tho world knows tho purity of Am
erican motives and may. bo sure of Jap
an cooperating with the same disinter
estedness. "I do not know how long tho expe
dition will remain in Siberia. I am not
a" military man. But certuinly the co
operation of Japan und tho United
Stutes will strengthen the unity of the
two countries in tho prosecution of tho
If has not been finally decided yet,
ho suid, who will lend the entire allied
force. This is an -important mattcrt
which must be settl.-d. In all probabil
ity the leader will bo u Jupanusu.
Asked what part' China will piny in
Threaten Siberians
Tokio, Aug. 9. Caecho-Hlovuks in
Russia have found a copy of an order,
signed by Kaisers Wilhclm and Karl of
Germany and Austria-Hungary, threat
ening dire punishment after tho war to
former prisoners of war in Siberia who
support tho allied cans", according to it
dispatch from Spask toduy.
Tiic order says that $00,000,000 hu
been set asitlo to reward those who re
main loyal to their former momirchs.
Elce Goes Higher '
Tokio, Aug. 9. Spot rife, has reached
the record price of four dollars a bushel ,
causing distress among the workers of
Japan. Speculation is said to be respon
sible for the increased prico.
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ly interesting war news.
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