Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 09, 1918, Page TWO, Image 2

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bov and etJettnrk
I, fj iK'HT,.t:jHt'i!l-i!hb;i'(ti
No Drugs
in Stanolax
Experts a&ree that one of the chief dangers of
self treatment for Constipation lies in habit
forming cathartics.
Stanolax is distinctly different it is a natural
lubricant, tasteless, colorless, odorless. It is
neither digested nor absorbed by the system.
Stanolax lubricates the walls
of theintestines andacts as
a wlvent of toxic poisons.
It soothes as it eases. It
does not produce the
slightest physical strain
nor abnormal activity.
Old-time dru& remedies can
now be put aside. By us
infc the feentle but certain
Stanolax one can gain re
BTANOLAX is for sale la Salem by
Premier Lenine Explains
Bat No Offensive Steps
Will Be Understaken
Washington, Aug. 9. Russian events
took a new and sensational turn today
when tho American government was of
ficially informed that tlw bolsheviki
v or ko
11 l i nv-;- i
TuM stun upsidc down v tsv?
nTHinjfl tilt. LUiW
Thii U useful hint for cannera.
There's a bookful ol instructions for
cannera and dryers in our free book.
Write for your copy, addressing Na
tional War Garden Commission.
Washington, D. C. and enclosing
two cents for postage.
I Truly Good Footwear for Man and Child I
The saying that "The Best Are Always the Cheapest" was never so true as
during these War Times. These Shoes will give any man or child the wear
and satisfaction he has a right to expect.
A Real Aristocrat! Every line and
feature in this Shoe expresses that
word. It ' made of the finest Rus
sian Calf a beautiful Muhogany
shade on a modified English last.
The solea are the beat auk tanned
put an by the Welt process fn ir
A shoe you'll surely admire T
rftl& Oram
lief from Constipation and
keep relieved.
One bottle is convincing.
Your drufcfcist has it
or will feet it.
Jftmarten Only Hi
Standard Oil Company
Chioo. U: 5. A.
regime of Russia considered itself in a
state of war with the allies.
If was explained to allied consuls in
Moscow the position of the Russians,
however U purely oiw of defense
against invasion and that the bolshe
viki desire to remain in the same posi
tion toward the allies as the soviet now
is toward: Germany.
lu making public an official cable
message announcing tho new tack tak
en by the bolsheviki tow"aid those desir
ing to help their peoples, the state do
purtmcnt made no comment. Plans for
helping tlw Russian populace by way of
Vladivostok and Archangel aro going
forward without muteriul change. It is
not believed possible here that the so
viet can orgnniao the Russian people
against their allied friends.
To Irrigate Big Tract. e
I job Angeles, Aug. 8. One" hundred
and fifty thousund acres of land in
the Colorado- river Judian reservation
will be brought under irrigation soon,
it was announced here today by U. V.
(iotts, supervising engineer of the
Indian service iu the southwest, fol
lowing a conference with local Indian
service officials. The land will be
tilled by the Mojave and Chiuieuvi
Indians, aid to be skilled' agricultur
ists. It will be irrigated by a gravity
Washington. Aug. 9. Secretary Bak
er, commenting upon the order of th1
Wulcrloo draft board ordering newspa
prr "Reporter to get into other work or
join the '".iiy, said that the newspaper
business is an indispeusableiudustry in
his opinion. Individual cases however,
will be decided ou their merits, linker in
The Maker's Tet
To build a Hrfect shoe from the
best of materials is the maker's am
bition. But such a shoe must
be sold at a fair price in order to
make it popular.
FrBov9 P ForClrlm
f of! to IS
realize the maker 'a ambition, and
they are sold at a price that rep
resents exceptional hoe value. Best
of all, they help make the child's
feet strong ami sturdy, and keep
them free from all foot troubles.
( iff II 1
1 B 1 1
The committee of the Belgian Re
lief commission which will have charge
of the Belgiaa Fete to be. gives Au
gust 16 at Willsoa park, are busy with
their preparations. Many unique fea
tures are being planned to make the
affair successful.
Miss Bertha Gale has returned from
her vacation after spending month in
San Francisco visiting her sister and
brother-in-law, lr. and Mrs. George
Kubenstcin- Ir. Rubensteia is field
secretary of the Y. M. C. A. at the
Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Hoff are expect
ing1 Miss Jean Alexander from Port
land to visit them next week. While
she ie here they are planning to take
several motoring trips. Miss Alexan
der -will remain for several weeks.
Mrs. L. S. Geer, 765 Marion street.
is spending a lew days in' Portland.
Little Miss Nancy Hunt, of Seattle,
has been spending the most of the sum
mer with her aunt, Mrs- Clark, on
Chemeketa street.
Mr. an,) Mrs. G. G. Brown of 603
North Mummer street and Mrs. D. W.
Matthews will leave tomorrow for Har
risburg, where they will visil for a
few days, with Mrs. Gertrude Shisler.
Mrs. JShislcr is a niece of the Browns
mid a granddaughter of Mrs. Mat
thews. Rev. and Mrs. Richard X. Avison and
daughter, Genevieve, have returned
from a vacation at tho coast. They
were eucottaged at Newport.
Miss Mary Kllcu Benson of Cottage
Grove is spending a fortnight with
Miss Gertrude Aldrich, daughter of
Rev. and Mrs. II. N. Aldrich, 348 My
ers street, nne was a acnooi iricmt or
Miss Aldrivh when the Aldrich family
lived in Cottage Grove.
Dr. and Mrs. F. L. Utter of 244 North
12th street, are speeding their vacation
at one of the Tillamook beaches, where
they have a cottage. They left Sunday
and are planning to remain about 11
month. Ir. Utter has returned for a
few days but will join his family again
the first part of the week..
Mrs. Alliens Gillette of Sherwood,
Oregon, is spending a few days in Sa
lem visiting friends.
Mrs. Anna Read, a teacher of Port
land, who is spending the summer with
Mr. and Mrs. 0. P. Hoff at their home
2!)0 North 14th street, is spending the
week end in Portlund.
Seattle Attorney
Attacks Charles M. Schwab
Seattle, Wash., Aug. 9. James -W.
Reynolds, a Seattle attorney, in an ad
dress before the Young Men's Republi
can club here today, denounced Charles
M. Schwab, chief of the Emergency
Fleet corporation, as one of the United
States' greatest profiteers.
"The profits of Schwab's Bethlehem
Steel corporation were 43593,000 in
1918, compared with $3,075,000, in
1913," he said.
Reynolds, in his address on "patriots
and profiteers" declared that 48 big-
profiteering companies have representa
tives on the presideut 's national council
of defense.
"They advise the president not to in
terfere with business as it would dis
turb eondilions. and they then go back
to their offices and raise the prices of
the goods they manufacture," ha de
"If the level-headed citizens of the
United States don't Rettle the profiteer
ing problem, it will be settled for us
after the war by the bolsheviki in this
country," Reynolds warned.
Journal Want Ads Pay
A conservative style that changes
but little. The last is a good, med
ium full toe. This Shoes w made" of
a very fine quality Veour Calf up
per and 1a leather lined throughout
Best pak soles, (ioodyear welt-
A splendid Fall Shoe
'I "
Finds One German He Is Wip
ing To Treat, Or To Be
Treated By.
(Copyright, 1918, By United Press)
With the America Airmen is France
July 10. (By Mail). "There's cer
tain German airmen I'd like to meet
after the wax. if be lives and I do,"
said Lieutenant Eddie Rkienbaeker,
American ace, and former automobile
"If we meet in the state?, I'll buy
him an ice cream soda and if it in
Germany, 111 expect kirn to buy as
both beer. He flies Nu. 16 in a certain
German squadron. Hi machine is an
observing and fighting type eonibined.
For a German be is an exceptional
sort. We had four days Suceessiye ren
dezvous together without result and it
was real fighting all the time.
"The first morning I hopped into
the can and went up to a pink tea,
looKing tor anytmng m general- and
nothine in particular, soon spotted No.
16 and he spotted me. We jockeyed for
position, both of us trving to get the
blind spot in front of the sun.
'Finally I got under his tail, after
half and hour of maneuvering this way
and that, and let him have it. The run
fired two shots and jammed. There
was nothing to do but zoom off home
which I did.
''Next morning I went up at the
same hour over the same spot.
"There was he in No. 16, escorted
by two German fighting planes. He
was higher than them but I was higher
than they, so I jockeyed for position.
Again the gun jammed and I fell into
a vrille to get out of his range.
"When I loomed away I got the
gun working again and jockeyed for
position with Heinie, whose two fight
ers had been driven off by other Am
ericans by now. He began shouting out
of his belly at me and I zig-zagged to
dodge his bullets', which were whiz
ling by me-
'Then we began playing around and
kept it up for three quarters of an hour
each trying to get a bead on the other.
Finally I got in the blind -spot and
started down on him. Again my gun
Don't Ut th Harvest Mooa catch
yon unprepared for th winter. Stock
yourselves by canning and drying.
Free book of instructions on canning
and drying may be had front the Na
tional War Garden . Commission,
Washing ton, D. C, for two cents to
pay postage.
San Francisco, Aug. 9. Governor Jas.
K, Lynch of the federal reserve bank,
addressed a conference of bankers of
the tweitth federal reserve district tut
today concerning the necessity of their
taking up the treasury certificates of
indebtedness and otherwise aiding in
the inatier of war finances.
iiVpresentatives from Nevada, Idaho,
W ash.ngton, Oregon and California were
v . .. . . . (the woman had carefully planned sui-
the purpose of the conference is to i(le folIowi loa jdod of de3
sivurc th. cooperation of the bankers ' ondcBl.y. Tne Bote gave explicit in
in or-ier to insure the suecess of the', ,,...; , .A tv,B ,nnnit.inn f n
new l'aa drive.
Seattle, Aug. 9. The record of all for
.'Mgn language instructors in the Seat
tle school will be investigated following
a decision- by the school board.
Judge Thomas Burke, mover of the
investigation, hinted at propaganda
when he said that tlermany had spent
millions in the schools of foivign lands
aim that it was unfair to have teachers
who formerly instructed in German, now
teaching Seattle youths Spanish or
i 1 1
Tku affords a perfectly good
reason for canniug varythmf you
can. Fre booh of instructions on
canning and drying may b had from
the National War Garden Commission,
Washington, D. C, for two cents to
par po.taae.
The Journal Job Department
will print you anything in the
stationery line do it right and
save you real money.
oa i
"Instead of running, which would
have beea more dangerous since he had
the altitude after I dived past him, I
again jockeyed for position, though I
knew my gun wouldn't shoot. I wanted
to fox him and make bim think I was
still in the fight.
It worked for after a few minutes
more ef maneuvering he derided it was
enough for the day, since neither of us
eonld get position. So he fired two
shots wi'd as a good bye, waved his
hand and went home. It was good!
thing for me, because my motor went
cuekoe a minute later and I struggled
home on a glide, barely making it over
the lines.
The boys bad seen me eome down
and my mechanics were beginning to
figure their Eskimo wasnt coming
when I finally got in, traveling most
ef the way in an ambulance.
"Next morning I had to borrow a
plane, since mine wasn't repaired yet.
I went out looking for Heinie No." 16.
He was there at the iriven mot. hut
very very high. I maneuvered for all
K was worth bat couldn't make my
plane reach him. It was out of the
question for I had one with two guns
and the weight kept it down.
"Heinie had an exceptionally good
plane, and I saw him directly above
me several times. But he didn't shoot
that is. with his gun. I saw him take
a' pietur.o of mo with his camera, and
finally went off while I tried to get
position close enough to shoof.
"Next morning I again borrowed a
machine and went after him, with two
guns. He -was there, taking pictures.
We began maneuvering for position
and finally I got it and let bim have
it. Then one gun jammed. Before I
could get a bead on him with the other
he "was letting me have it. I vrilled and
came back at him still higher.
''Finally, hoth of our gus jammed
ana rjotn. ot us Knew the other couldn't
shoot, though we tried to repair the
guns. But no luck. So we wobbled each
other good gye with our flappers and
both departed. .Next day I was sent
away for a few days- and the boys
saia Heinie A'o. lb wasn't there either.
Some day we'll settle it and a lot of
bets that were placed' on us by the
If your skin is unduly redehed, tan
ned or freckled, just dab a little pure
mcrcolized wax on the face and allow
it to remain over night. When you wash
off the wax in the morning, fine,
flaky, almost invisible particles of cu
ticle eome with it. Repeating this daily
the entire outer skin is absorbed, but
so gradually and gently, there's not
the slightest hurt or inconvenience.
Even the stubbomest freckles are af
fected. The underlying skin which
forma the new complexion is so clear,
fresh and youthful looking, you'll mar
vel at the transformation. It's the on
ly thing known to actually discard an
aged, faded, muddy or blotchy com
plexion. One ounce of mercolized wax,
procurable at any drug store, is suffi
cient in most cases.
Poet s Divorced Wife
Suicides At Oakland
. .
Oakland, Cal.. Aug. 9. The body of
Mrs- Carrie E. Sterling, divorced wife
of George Sterling, poet, was found
late yesterday, fully dressed, and lying
on a bed in her i'ledmont home here.
Beside the bed was a glass containing
the dregs of some sort of poison.
A. nota attached la the door knob
Mrs sterli , sist juaatcd that'
aA A.ir. 1 r.. IT Hf 11
of Mrs. Sterling's property. Various
articles in the house had been tagged
with the names of the relatives or
By t siting Friend's Advice and
Lydia E. Pinkham' Veg
etable Compound.
West Plains, Mo. -"I was all run
down is health, had indigestion and ter
rible cramps every
month so 1 was un
able to do anything.
I had tried every
doctor in West
Plains, also every
remedy I could think
of, without relief.
One day when I waa
suffering greatly a
friend was at my
bouse and said,
'Why don't you try
Vegetable Com
pound ?' So I did, and through it, I
found relief from thy Buffering and I
really believe it saved my life.- It does
not seem as though I can say enough
in praise of this wonderful medicine for
the health it has brought me." Miss
Cora Lee. Hall, West Plains, Mo.
Perhaps it may seem an extrava
gant statement to say that this great
remedy saved a life ; but women like
Mrs. Hall, to whom it has brought
health, appreciate the danger and
suffering they have escaped too well
to doubt it! All who suffer should
try it Why risk life and health
without it?
For special advice write Lvdia E.
Pinkham Medicine Qfy., Lynn, Mass.
jantnved and ef course be bad the
nils' -
For That
or Outing Trip
Why not a new suit case or good travelling
bag? A good reliable roomy travelling bag,
one that is matfe en honor of solid strong
leather, will add greatly to the enjoyment of .
your trip.
'- Such bags we have in goodly assortmept of
all sizes and shapes and all extremely
reasonably priced. '.
U. G. Shipley Co.
"Where Shcpping Is a Pleasure"
friends to whom Mrs. Sterling wished
them to be given. .
' Three years ago Mrs. Sterling was
divorced from her poet husband on
grounds of "incompatibility." Since
then she baa lived at -her Tiedmont
home practically in seclusion. The
Sterlings were married in 1890,
Sterling- left .San Francisco a month
ago and is now said to be living at
the Lambs Club, Now York.
Two Men Were Killed
When Boiler Explodes
Washington, Aug. 9. Two" men were
killed and three others seriously in
jured when the boiler of the U. 8. S.
Nopatkin blew up August 7 in foreign
wrtters, the navy department announc
ed today.
The dead are:
Thomas W. Benham, fireman, Free-
port, Long Island.
Hoger Hackctt, fireman. New Haven.
The injured are:
Ernest F. Adams, fireman, Wcstbrook,
Oottfried Chahreut, fireman. Bayou
Labart, Ala.
fercy Cranford, water tender. An
napolis, Md. ,
Captain McCIure Is
Over Gas Attack
Eugene, Or., Aug. 9. Captain Walter
McCIure, former University of Oicgon
track star and graduate of the state in
stitution in 1913, who for the yast sev
eral months lias been commander of
company M, Twenty sixth infantry, in
Franca, was gassed recently and has
just been discharged from the hospital,
according to a letter received bv his
mother, Mrs. O. liennctt, of this eity.
McCIure was 0110 of tho first Ameri
cans to sea active fighting on the west
front and already has several notches on
his pistol handle, testifying for some of
the "good bodies" the Yankees have
made. He states that Ivi is back at his
old job of training troops bcliiiid the
lines now..
Publisher Under Arrest
Los Angeles, Aug. 9. Edward Steutz
editor of tha Los Angeles Deutsche
Press, a German weekly, was at liber
ty on $5000 bonws today following his
arrest for alleged seditious publications
in his paper. Stcutz was arrested on
complaint of C. L. Keep, a department
of justice agent.
The article on which the charge is
cased was published July M, being a
quotation from a dispatch sent eut by
the Wolff News bureau, the official
German press service. 8tentz declared it
was translated into Cerman for his pa
per from the report of a press associa
tion and was published in at least ot;e
local morning, papor.
WAR PICTUREr The people of Salemwill have an opportunity this week to
see what American has accomplished in the first year of participation in the
war. "Pershing's Crusaders" the first Tnited States Official War Film will
open an engagement of 3 days at the Liberty. The films are presented by
the Committee on Public Infermation, George Creel, chairman, and were taken
by the United States naval photographers bv cameramen of the French General
Vacation f
The Journal Job Department
will print you anything in the',
stationery line do it right and
save you real money.
When you use Journal classifi
ed ads get what yon want tlu-'in
to they work fast.
For Infants and Children , "
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears
Thamis li Ina
.iThe Clava of Ihe HurC
'Ladies First'
Another Good Comedy
Pathe Weekly
it 4 TT,
.- a.f
I SMMf n i i i grn linn J j