Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 06, 1918, Page SIX, Image 6

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jtr-TPTP- 1 1 1 1 1 1 m i ' umi.im.um-.,,,,,,, 5ew?w9msaaKRw
Just Received. They are nice new styles that will
please all They are made of good quality cham
brays, percales, and ginghams of nice attractive
colors and patterns.
$29S and $398
I All Around T
Coming Events
Meeting at Armory for men
interested in thf Oregon Nation
al (iuard.
(herriaa Rand Concert. Will
sun Park.
; certificate is necessary to entitle a
j member to secure the one-cent a mile
; rate ou all railroads. On this basis the
! railroads have figured the return tick-
ct to Portland at $1.10. The ingestion
;is made by Judge Webster that room
should le reserved at once as Portland
will be over crowded during the en-
; eampment
Aug. 8 9-10 "Pershing's cru
saders'' at Liberty Theater.
Aug. 7. Annuai Meeting of
Wisconsin Society.
Aug. 13 Membership meeting
of Salem Commercial club.
Aug. 17. Annual Meeting of
Iowa Society.
"The funeral beautiful.' '....Webb &
Clough Co. tf
Dr. Mendelsohn, the eye specialist,
will return Sept. 1st. tf
The camp meeting at 14th and A Sts.
is interdenominational in character and
! progressing nicely. The interest and
' attendance is increasing....; there are
j three service each day at 10:30, 2:30
g and 7:3U p. ni. and sleeping accommoda
sjs'tions and a place wher. meals can be
J purchased on the ground at very rcas
i onalile rates. $-9 1
o i
Carpenters are at work today re-ar-
ranging tne interior ot the corner
Stockton t.tore to be occupied bv the
Portland Cloak 4 Suit company.
I Ground was broken this morning by
j Krixon & Jones for the erection of the
j trades metal building of the high
school. The building will be on High
street, just south of the Hiirh school
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Benson are
spending their vacation ou the const.
L. J AUen of the Oregon Agricul
iturnl College was in the city yester
diy. Mr. and Mr. It. A. White and Mr..
14. J. Bay, a niator of Mr. White left
this morning for a two or three weeks'
miting in the White cottage nt New
Mrs. Haiti Worrel of Albany return
ed to her homo yesterday alter n short
visit in the, city.,
0. 8. Clark of the Stuylon Mail was
ft visitor in Malum yesterday.
Scott Ferguson formerly proprietor of
the Ferguson restaurant in Snlem is in
the city. He is now In charge of a
restaurant in I'o. Hand.
Miss F.stella Wilson of the Cimmier
e.itil club Is Huemling u two weeks' aca
ition at the c.oiHt
Hev. Chester A. Hudlcy left yester
day over tint Oregon Fleet l ie for Amer
ican Lake.
H. .1 .Ibirkee left, for Chehalis this
Mr. and M..m. (!. S. Siitlierlnnd O'e
visiting in Tiroum.
.f F. ColliiK of Aberdeen whs iu the
city yesterday.
Mrs. M. 0, Hfivige- of Dallas register
ed Monday ,t the Hligh-
William Crane Killed Two Of
Family Before He Suicided.
...."The best'
death comes.
Phone 120.
is all yen can do when
Call Webb & Clough Co-tf.
....We sell for cash Commencing July
1st we will conduct our business on a
strictly cash asis. Pation's Book
Store. tf.
Dallas, Or., Aug. 6. William Crane
OH, ffliot mid killed' his son, James, 33,
and Mrs. Claude Crane, lit, wife of an
oth.ir son, and then shot anil killed him
t'he killings occurred yesterday on
f irm, L'tUnilis from here. Word of them
reaVhed here today. The father's motive
is unknown, rne crania came here a
year ago from Boise, Idaho.
t luiHle t raiie returned to the farm
to find James dying mid the other two
dead. James was dying in the yard. Ap
partmtly he had fried to, "scape.
"Father did it," he said. He died
lie forg he could iiinkn a more detailed-
J KTTB. At ths Willamette Sanitorlum
August 5, HUH, Mrs. Ilnzel Helen
Jetto ut tho 4c. of .17 years'.
Itesides her husband, she is survived
by ber father iind mother, unit six bro
thers and three sisters. Her home has
he-en at Heaside, although she had for
merly lived in S-ilem ami before he
mrringi) was known as Mit Jlu.el Ar
nold. She had heiin married about six
Tho body will bo forwarded by Webb
& (.'lougli today to Portland where fitn
miviI services will be held Wednesday
While the Willamette valley is man-
);ing to get. along during the hot Aiifi;
nut weather with, a mlxiimmi running
ttlong at about Hit above, the centra!
jites are enjoying the regulation Aug
ust eliiiiftte. Yci-vterdny the thcnuoineter
registered 104 above at Kan-sns City.
rK. Is.niis and Kvtinsville, Indiana and
Mi at .Toledo, Ohio. Duly tliose who
lisve been ia Ht' Unm when the ther
jnometer was about 100 above nod had
to wait a few hours in the union sta
tion can iproc.hit what hot weather
really is. And I ho same is true of Kan
mm City. Yosterdty the ninxininm here
wos 73 abovn,
night was 50.
Berlin Claims No
Loss During Retreat
Amsterdam, Aug. (1. A semi-official
statement issued in Berlin claims tlue
withdrawal from tho Miirno pocket
Thursday night was effected without
tho loss of a single man and after the.
iienioval or destruction of everything
us. fill to the enemy.
Allied official and unofficial dispatches
icpui tod the capture of hundreds of can
non, thousands of machine Suns and
hundreds of thousands of shells as ll
result of this retreat.
Oregon Power Company
Wants Higher Rates
The Oregon Power company has ap
plied to the public service commission
for authority to ineroan? its rates for
g horvUio ill Kugene, Springfield
Multifield and North Bend.
"Ladicn Front Hell" Is the name of
a book soon to be issued by the city
public library. This is no reflection on
the ladies on earth but merely the title
of a book written on the war situation
by a Scotchman by the nnme.of Robert
IKiuglas Piukcrlon. The (lertuans call
the scotch soldiers ' Ladies From
Hell" ou account of the kilts worn by
(no Scottish regiment and according to
thestories of their fighting, the name
is omtirely appropriate. The book will
he placed iu the library next Saturday
Wonder what's happened to the Zcp
iielins that the Huns in the ciulv dnvs
willi a minimum lust, of the war boasted would if utcessaiv
bomb tho world into submission.
I am getting six more miles per t
gallon of gasoline, 20 per cent
more power from m'y engine and
freedom from carbon troubles.
I am saving dollars eveiy month
instead of wasting them in un
necessary gasoline. All because
I use a
Vu t,u V
Tonight at the armory a mass meet
ing has been called tor ineu who arc
interested in the organization of the
Oregon Nationul Guard. Major A. A.
H4II stated last evening that probably
I two companies would be raised in Sa
lem. Members of the three companies
of the Oregon Guard and of the new
company just organised are requested
to appear in uniform.
Dr. Schouk's offices will bo closed
from Aug. 3rd to Kept. 8, 1H18. 9 3
....Irrigation-.. Even., numbeis,.. Mon.,
Wed., Fri., and Sun. Odd numbers, Tucs.
Tluirs, Sat. and Sun. liven numbers
are on the south and east side of
street. Odd numbers are ou north and
west side of street.' " ' tf.
The annual picnic and gst-to-gether
meeting of the Wisconsin Society will
be held tomorrow at the fair grounds.
The membership of the society numbers
between 150 and 200 invitations
have been issued to nil to endeavor to
attend. At noon there will be the usual
dasket lunch and in the afternoon ad
dresses will be made bv Judge George
H. Bingham and Prof. J .0 Hall and
others. There will also be several imisi-
al numbers anil the usual short talks
about the days of long ago iu the Bad
ger st-ate.
Dr. Davis-Bean will answer calls out
of office hours on the farm Phone S8F
13. 86
H A. Johnson, fire Insurance agency
does a general fire insurance business,
both mutual and old line companies. 1
and 2 Bush bank bldg. Phone 317.
A large crowd greeted tho benefit
attraction of the Second Battalion last
evening in pres'Miting Mike O'Rourke
at the armory. The battalion will clear
about $00. To those unaccustomed to
the genuine- Irish brouge there was
some (rouble in catching l his re
marks but there was enough understood
to make everyone feel that before
them stood one of the fightingr-st men
of the Canadian rmy a man who risk
ed hi? life time after time again to
save wounded comrades.
Dr. Schenk's offices will be closed
from Aug. 3d to Sept. 8, 1018. 0 '
Notice to Maccabees- Meeting tonlgh',
nt McComack hall. Important business
All - members requested to b present
11. C. Marvin, It. K.
I tim sa thoroughly convinced by actual test of the merit of the Lydon
Speedier tint I want all my friends and their friends to know about it.
It costs you nothing to own a Lydon Speed
ier because it ssves its price in a rnanth. It
is the biggS'it value for $5 that I kuow of
Fits every car.
'I have taken the general agency for this
territory auj want a live agent in each town,
Woe or write me t once and let me estpiaia
and dumoiiHtrata,
Boa 193 Sslom, Ore, . Fhon 1117
- Esclusiv Distributee
.V' , J EMM 1
Now is the time to cut Canada thist
les .according to T. S. Webb living on
rural route 8, Salem. He -says the cut
ting should be done Thursday. Fridav
and Saturday of this week and not
wait, as the moon is just right. These
three days would be iu the dark of
the moon, he said, with the sign in
the heart and According to the wnv
he understands it Mr. Webb says do it
this week. There is a la-w regarding the
cutting of Canada thistles before they
go to seed.
Atteutton M. W. A. J. A. Wright being
called to other work, all M. W. A. work
will be handled through mv office ni
309 Hank of Comnvrce bldg. P. J.
Kunt.. 8-12
Max Solof, charged with accepting
junk from a minor was not tried ttii :
morning but was cited to apvear Wed !
nesday morning. There is an ordinance
to the effect that no second hand man;
is permitted to buy any junk of any j
kind from anyone under the age of-j
21 years. This ordinance was passed
by the city council some time ago to;
prevent the petty thieving that had
been going on in the city on the propo-1
sition that if boy could not sell stol-j
en junk, there would bo no incentive to
steal. The second band man is obliged
to give the age and names of jwrties'
from whom he purchases junk. I
Members of the Grand army of the'
Republic and affiliating organizations
-should apply to the adjutant Judge
Dauiel Welwter for cards of identifi- j
cation if they intend to go to Tort-!
bind August 19 to attend the 52nd an
nual encampment of the G. A. E. of
the United States. This identification
The Commercial Cider Works open
ed up today for the season. Apples are
coming iu and the grinding is now on.
Mvs Sophie Townssnd, formerly a
teacher in the Salem high school and a
graduate of Willamette t'niversitv is
in the city visiting the family of her
uncle D. D. Keeler. Her home is in Ta
conia. Girls who intend to become war nur
ses will find several books at the city
library of appropriate interest. These
books will be on the shelves this week
and amon them arc the following titles
"Mademoiselle Miss'', 'Green 'lent in
Flanders", "Women of Belgium", ''A
Nurse's War Diary,' and 'A Surgeon
in Arms.''
When the local exemption board first
began its work, there was about 2.IMH)
questiouaires mailed to the men be
tween the ages of 21 and Ml years. If
the proposed draft law goes into effect I
calling tor the registration of all men
between the ages of IS ami 21 years
and 32 and 4-1 years, the board' will
fa eo the work necessary to send out
about 3,000 questionuires.
The annual picnic of the Iowa Asso-
ciation of Oregon will be held Saturday
August 17 at the state fair grounds. Ail
former Iowa people are urged to at
tend. The business meeting will begin
at 2 o'clock in the afternoon to be
followed with a program to include
sports, 'speaking inhI lnu-ical numbers.
At (i o'clock there will be an old fash
ioned Iowa supper and the suggestion
is made by the president that n't bring
well titled basket. Cottee will be
served by th,? Iowa ladies in Salem.
After supper there will be a musical
program. Glen Adams is president of!
i ne association ana i , u. I'otson, sec
retary, v
And now comes the admonition to
women, 'Snve your stockings." Here-,
tofore stockings after they had been
darned a respectable' extent were
thrown into the discard, according to
the best of authorities, but now comes
a patriotic society that has discovered
women's stockings can be very nicely
made into -sweaters and coats for the
Belgium babies Hence the stockings,
especially the silk lisle ones will be
in demand frOm this society of women
worker.. As men's half hose are mostly
feet, there, has been no call as yet to
the men to contribute for patriotic pur
poses. Some of the patriotic women are
also making into babies' sweaters all
their old woolen blankets that have
seen their best days for huasclield purposes.
On Staple Domestic Sheetings, Muslin, Etc.
Now on sale at bargain prices. We handle only the best known, staple brands.
This is a timely special to supply your needs for fall and future. You are probr
ably familiar with the cotton goods market prices advancing from day to
day and it looks like higher prices this fall. However by buying direct from
the largest mills and factories in the United States we are offering the follow
ing prices for one week only, ending Saturday night. Buy all you reasonably
want for your own use. We reserve the right to limit quantities.
Regal Sheeting, 81 inches wide, bleached 49c Yd '
Pepperell or Mohawk Sheeting, 81 inches wide, bleached - - - 64c Yd
Pepperell or Mohawk Sheeting, 81 inches wide, unbleached 59c Yd
Pepperell or Mohawk Sheeting, 72 inches wide, bleached 59c Yd
Pepperell or Mohawk Sheeting, 72 inches wide, unbleached 55c Yd
Indian Head Linens
3' inches wide , jg
C6 inches wide , ; ; Qg
Hope Muslin Bleached Best Quality, Yard Wide 25c Yd
Lonsdale Muslin Bleached, Best Quality, Yard Wide - 28c Yd
H Pound Cotton Batt Bleached White $ QQ
Crash Toweling . . " H l2c Yd
Linen Crash Toweling, Extra Quality. 18c Yd
Our Prices Always the Lowest
Commercial and Court Sts. Formerly Chicago Store
She's the Female Chap
lin and She Does Things
To Make You Laugh
Fifty Tons of Hay Will Be
Bought At $30 To $35
Per Ton
men and the cleaning up of the streets kill. He was unable to secure the $1 000
and especially the unloading places, it bail. '
was finally decided by the council to I o -
require a license for the use of -the 1 lne 10cai "J Price today in S-
iem ior nogs is trom iu to .17 o-4 centa
the highest record ever known. Lo-
The city council is finding that to
feed nine horses costs money. At the
meeting last evening authority was giv
en to buy fifty tons of hay at from
if-IO to .$.).) a ton and this of course
includes only part of tho feed expense
bill for the year of the three teams
and one cart horse used by the street
department and the one team at tho
tire noue.
If it could buy for a reasonable price,
the council is disposed to mirchase
20 by 57 feet facing on the allev just
' iiacK ot tlte tiryliouso. . The ground
i would come in convenient as an access
jto the furnace. If the council thinks
'the price asked. fl,000, too high for
mini racing on an alley, it will prob
ably construct a shute or tramway
under the present entrance under the
hi se room. The few feet of ground
under consideration is owned bv Mi's.
i Ellen Feidt.
j A petition was presented to the
'council asking that a bridge be con
'strncted on the Turner road across the
ditch. The pe'Uion was laid on the
( table as the street commissioner said
that it was his intention to put an a
, lot of .''II inch tiles, crossing the road
several times. Anyhow, the bridge
would co.it abnit l,."iH, according to
Hie city engineer s estimate. 'j
Permission was given for the ply-1
sical connection between tho Southern '
Pacific and the Oregon Klectrie rail-1
;roads. This will be on Court and;
Front streets. Efforts have been made
for several years to secure connection i
between the two roads in Salem but
I the Southern pacific, successfully;
fought it off and the order was only j
given after the government took con-1
trol of the railroads. j
! The city has owed the Montague-'
; O'Reilly company about $3,000 for the j
past iis years for paving on South'
High street. There didnt happen to j
be any money in this fund on account
i of litigation and there has been no -'money
to pay -the bill which is recog- j
nixed as a just account. The eity
waived the statutes of limitation to j
isave the expense of litigation and the
1 Ml i. :. i .L. .- il.i '
uiuuev niti iw pui irum me ursx. mai
comes in from the High street assess-:
nients. i
When a eirens comes to town, it '
shows outside the city limits and the
city gets no license fee. However, as
Jit is expensive to the city when cir
eus arrive on account of extra police-1
streets in a parade- One ring circuses
will pay (WO for the parade privilege,
a two ring circus $60 and a three ring
affair, $80.
The final assessment ordinance for
the North Church street paving was
passed and also the new traffic ordin
ance making it unlawful for two ve
hicles to travel side bv side along
the street in tho same direction.
The Cherrian band will give its reg
ular Friday evening concert this even
ing at Willson Park, beginning at 8
Ernest Feller, who was arrested in
Bend yesterday charged with larceny
by bailee will be brought to Marion
county in charge . of Officer P. H.
Holmes who left for BencTlast evening.
The bail has been placed at $1,000.
Bert YatOT. who attempted to abduct
his wife a short time ago is still in
the Alanon county jail, awaiting the
action of the grand jury. He is charged
by his wife with assault and intent to
cat market men say they would not bo
surprised to see even a higher market,
as high as 20 cents in Portland On the
high priced market there is a differ
ence of from 1 1-2 to 1.3-4 cents a
pound on foot between the Salem and
Portland markets on account of shrink
age of about six pounds between tho
Salem weight of a hog and when tho
same porker has reached Portland and
is weighed iu the stock yards there. .
Stop at
"A Heme Away from Home."
Strictly Modern $1 - per Day
100 Booms of Solid Ciinfort
Only Hotel ia Business District
Your Junk and give yon
a square business deal.
I always pay the highest
cash prices.
f buy all kinds of used
goods, 2nd hand furni
ture, rubber and junk.
Get my prices before
you selL
The Square Deal House
271 Chemeketa Street
Phone 39S
tare of X
X Yick So ToEg
f Chinese Medicine end Tea C. X
"i medicine wnwh will enra
t 133 Soutl High St.
I Salem, Oregon. phone 1SS 1
t ;
any known disease.
Open Sundays from
dniU 8 p. m.
10 ,
And All Kind) of 2nd Hand
Full Market Prices Special
Prices paid for Sacks.
Get our prices before yon aelL
Z71 . Com'l St Phone 734
Used Furniture Wanted
Highest Casa Prices Paid for
Used Furniture
E. L. STIFF & 80N
Phone 941 or 908
Hopmere, Oregon.
Buy Grain And Hay,
Racks for Sale at Warehouse.
It may be to your Advantage to
get our Prices.
Journal Want Ads Pay