TODAr 4,600 SUBSCRIBERS (3,000 READERS) DAILY Only Circulation in Salem Guar anteed by ths Audit Bureau of Circulations FULL LEASED WIRE DISPATCHES SPECIAL WILLAMETTE VAL LEY NEWS SEBVICE Oregon: Tonight ami WeOne t d a y fair; gentle winds mostly westerly. "FORTY-FIRST YEAR-' NO. 185. SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, AUGUST 6, 1918. PRICE TWO CENTS ON TRAINS AND N EW3 STANDS VIVE CENTS Etl H f 1 1ff - - ii h ii LWULU N More Than Thousand Heavy Guns, Thousands Machine Guns, And Million Rounds of Ammunition. German Submarine Crews Mutiny And Are Shot. Attempted Air Raid On England Fails. Enemy Holds Vesle River Line Strongly To Cover Re- treat. '-"ggifegj- London, Aug. 6. Since the Germans "began their retreat from the Marne the allies havo captured a thousand guns, thousands of machine guns and i millions 'of rounds of artillery ammuni-1 won, agency cuspatcnes received nere from the front report, London, Aug. 6. Of three German "irships which attempted a raid on ths east coast of England last night, one was brought down in flames in the sea and another was badly damaged but probably reached its base, the admiral ty announced today. The aircraft did not penetrate far Inland. Amsterdam, Aug. 6. Rumors have reached here that some of the crews of German submarines at Wilhenishaven revolted and that a number of sailors were executed. Paris, Aug. 6. The long-range bom bardment of Paris was resumed today. There wene some victims and some ma . ferial damage. By Lowell Mellet. (United Press gt&ff correspondent) With the French ' Armies in the Field, Aug. 6. (2:10 p. m.) French troops today maintained their bridge heads across the Vesle river despite two strong German counter attacks. A mill on the edge of the village of Braisne, on the Veslo,. six miles north west of Fismes, were occupied by the French during the night. Two bridges in that region were also seized- Tho Germans are still holding out in Braisne. Machine gun emplacements have been established in Braine and the enemy is making heavy resistance there. Ar tillery of both armies is heavily shell ing along the Aisne, Vesle and Oise rivers. JFurther north of the French are solidly established on the banks of tho River Avre, north of Braches and Neu ville wood. FIERCE RESISTANCE. By John Da Gandt. - (United Press staff correspondent) Paris, Aug. 6. (4:00 p. m) With the Germans resisting fiercely along the Vesle, French heavy artillery on the south bank of the river this after noon laid down a terrific fire on the table land between the Veslo and the Aisne. The crossings of the Aisne were also heavily shelled. - Simultan eously Franco-American aviators flew (Continued from page one) Germans May Retire To Line Of Meuse The Hague, Aug. 6. The Ber- lin Vossische Zeitung, in a pas- simistic article, hints at the possibility of a German retreat to tho line of the Mouse, accord- ing to advices here. A neutral traveler, returning ' from Berlin, declared today that ale the "man on the street" there is nervous and beginning to reck- on on the ultimate defeat of Germany. . . , Such a retirement as hinted at in the Vossische Zeitung would mean the relinquishment of prae 4c tieally all occupied French terri- tory and two thirds of Belgium. The Mouse river, rising 25 miles ' south of Neufchateau, flows northward through Verdun, cross ing the Belgian border touth of je Dinant. It turns sharply north- eastward at Namur, flowing thru 4c Liege and crossing the border into Holland near Mammstrich. 4c $ (' GERMAN RESER VES ARE BADLY USED UP AND PLANS COLL APSE Military Leaders Have But , One Card Left to Play, SaysSimms By William Philip Simms (United Press Staff Correspondent.) With tlie British Armies in France, Aug. 6. The German armies are at bay. Their full retreat toward the Aisno has foreed theui to abandon positions along the Avre and Aucre rivers and near Gi venehy. The Teuton hordes are face to face with three roekbottoin facts first the German summer campaign so far is a complete failure; second, their reserv es are badly used up; third, they ar.9 equalled, if not outnumbered by eager forces, which are being increased week ly by tens of thousands of absolutely fit Americans, who are fidgeting with impationeo to get at the Germans. Von Hindenburg and Von Ludendorff tho German leaders, have only one card loft to play and it is a card of doubt ful value. It consists of a complete re arrangement of tho western front, suit ing it to jhe altered conditions by short ening the line and adopting a defens ive strategy behind the rivers and oth er natural barriers. This plau would involve the selection of one spot, where remnants of the ar mies from everywhere would be col loll "From Over There" General Pershing's Official Report Washington, Aug. 6 Four hundred and ninety eight American casualties were reported back from the Franco American drive in five lists mado pub lic today. They included 358 . army troops and 140 marines. American cas ualties thus far announced from the Franco-American push total 1214. As rapidly as they can be compiled at the war department they are being given out and more probably will be announc ed today. The army list was divided as fol- ows: Killed' in action 31; died of wounds 6; wounded severely 313; wounded, de gree undetermined 7; prisoners 1. The marine list was divided as fol lows. Killed in action 7; died of wounds 33; wounded severely 38; wounded, de gree undetermined 111; wounded slight ly 1- The army list follows: Killed in Action . Sergeant C. A. Stephenson, Ander son, S. C. Corporals M. K. Crabtroe, Toppenish, Wash. E. H. Jellv, Woodhaven, N. Y. B. Walters, Thealka, Ky. Mechanic T. S. Price, St. Louis, Minn Privates ' T. Albino, .Brooklyn, N. Y. F. Altobell, Berlin, N. H. E. F. Bowman, Wheeling, W. Va. 8. F. Briot, Tonasket, Wash. F. X. Conley, Philadelphia J. H. Cottrell, Sonnl Glen, Cal. A. L- Esslinger, Danville, 111. W. A. Guin, Ink, Ark. E. C. Hartman, 'San Francisco 8. J. Johnson, Jr., Cooperstown, N.Y. A. 8. Johnston, Homer City, Pa. M. B. Katz, Worcester, Muss. J- Kellev, Detroit, M-ich. R. E. Kelley, Flandreau, S- P. B. Korasciewiecz, Borea, S. C. F. W. Martin,-Onaga, Kan. M. J. Nee, Shrewsberry, Mass. J. Nemchick, South Bethlehem, Pa. R. Parr, Encampment, Wyo. M- Polenslii, Philadelphia H. Rhodes, Reading, Pa- F. Sager, St. Paul, Minn. W. O. Schafelke, Appleton, Wis. D. K. Shedd, Manchester, N. H. J. H. Tatrif, Harrisville, R. I. J. W. Williams. Bane, Me. Died from Wounds Corporal H. E. Simmons, Worcester, Mass. Privates ('. Colvini Keril, Ky. P. M. Brothers, Randolph Center, Vt. W. L. Chamberlain, Griswoldville, Mass. J. Seraphim, Hartford, Conn. J. Weir. Litchfield, Conn. Wounded Severely Captain A Nathness, Menomonie, Wis. Lieutenants P. H. Brockman, Wclset, Idaho H. L. Wovmann, Caledonia, Miss. W. W. Wicoff, St. Charles, Minn. Sergeants H. Dille, Columbus. Ohio H. Franklin, Pendleton, Oregon E. J. Kasel, Toledo, Ohio F. King, Oshkofch, Wis. 8. Kopinski, South Bend, Ind E. H. Prettyman, Huff, Pa. Corporals R. J. Bainbridge, Edmonton, Okla, R. W. Colflesh, Des Moines, Iowa S. Donnelly, Ambler, Pa. Wagoner W. Z. Eglitz, Chicago Privates L. T. Akers, Columbia Ky. J. Asien, Chicago (Continued on page three) lected to try for a decision. This bid for victory, if made, must have the devil's luck, plus all possible aid from the Ger man Gott, plus a large element of the miraculous. Without these conditions, this bid must fail, after which the last spark of Germany's hordes is gone for ever. Over the wreck of what was once the world's greatest offensive army hovers today tho oppressive shadow of defeat. Prisoners admit there is a spirit of hope lessness in the German camp, which is gradually spreading to all parts of the army. I have not spoken of pessimistic let ters from Germans to their homes bo cause I believed they did not represent the general feeling. I am convinced, however, that the following letter from a soldier in the Marne operations to a friend newly arrived at the British front from Germany gives a fair idea of the sentiment of a large part of the army: "You should be a thick thinker. We now shirk all wo can, for we are only fighting now for the big wigs. At the Maine we did not get very far. Our regiment was nearly wiped out. "War is becoming the greatest mas sacre that ever was. What is going to happen I don't know. Germany is slow ly crumbling to pieces." (Continued on page two) of Ijmtm It MID-WEST SWELTERS IN TEMPERATURE AROUND 100 -HARK Corn Crops In Iowa And Neb- raska May Be Badly Damaged Chicago, Aug. 6. The corn belt smothered today in a heat wave. Hot winds stole the moisture from growing crops and left cities panting. In, Chicago, four deaths were laid to the heat with a score of prostrations. St. Louis reported four deaths and mow prostrations. Other cities suffered heat casualties in smaller numbers. With the mercury leaping two dc groos per hour, Chicago's hot day re cord was expected to go today with temperature anove lv'J, the previous nigh mark, Extra policemen were em ployed to handle the huge bathing beach crowds. Milwaukee- found a 97-degrce temperature hard to bear. Nebraska corn was suffering under temperatures ranging from lili) down, Jowa's corn crop was reported by au thorities to have been lowered 60,000, 000 bushels in the past week. A violent tropical hurricane to strike Bomowhere between Galveston and New Orleans was predicted by weather bu reau officials to top off the heat wave there. Iowa Corn May Suffer. Des Moines, Aug. 6. With the aver ago thermometer readings throughout Iowa at 82 degrees at 8 o'clock, two de grees higher than yesterday, weather bu reau officials predicted another scorch er. Yesterday 's highest reading, 104, will be overtaken before noon, they say. Unless there is a heavy rainfall throu ghout the seven corn belt states shortly the damage to the corn crop will be tre mendous. This is the opinion of Henry C. Wallace, of Wallace's Farmer, recog' nized corn authority of the United Sta tcs. The rainfall during June and July was but 5.9 inches, which is nearly two in ches short of .the necessary moisture. Summing up reports from all section! of tho corn belt, Wallace estimates the corn crop yesterday at 2,830,000,000 bushels. The drought during the past week has caused an estimated loss of C0,000,o6o bushels during that period. With continued hot an weather the crop in all corn states and Iowa par ticularly, will be tremendously damaged according to Wallace's report. Nebraska Swelters Lincoln. Neb., Aug. 6. Nebraska Is being subjected to one of th worst heat waves in years. Hot winds from the south -are burning the corn to a crisp Althonirh the last two davs have not equalled Sun iar'i record of 109 degrees thero is no indication of a let-up. All corn except the early crop is practically! gone. DRAFT EXEMPTION WILL 8E LIBERAL No Boys Will Be Sent lo Fir ing Line Before They Are 21Jears Old By L. O. Martin (United Press Staff Correspondent) Washington, Aug. 6 There will be liberal interpretation of exemption privileges under the new man power bill, now tfore congress. General Crowder, who appeared be fore the senate military committee to day to discuss the measure, said that the greatly increased number of men affected under the new bill would make it necessary to modify the pres ent exemption programs. General Mareh will appear before the committee tomorrow and Secretary Baker will be called when he returns from the west. Inquiries regarding the purpose of the great draft measure, its proposed administration etc., are leading admin istration advisers to recommend the is suance of a statoment by Secretary Baker explaining the aims of the bill. It is probable among other things that this statement will make it clear that it is not the . intention of the war department, to send men to the firing line before they are 21. T AND ENDORSE DISQUE Select Head Of Spruce Divis ion As Final Arbiter Of All Disputes Portland, Or., Aug. Fifteen hund red representatives of the timber work ors of the Duithwcst, coast division, to day inspected the cut-up plant at Van couver, Wash., seeing what became of 'tUeir timber after it loft t'ie'r hands. They will return- tonight to their va rious locals west of the Cascades and report that tiicy agreed to the arbitra tion plan which Colonol Disquo of the spruce division, United States army, first submitted to the employers and then to the timbermen. In the convention late yesterday the mo tube m of the Loyal- Legion of Log gers and Lumbermen voted entire confi dence in Colonel Disque and thanked him for what ho has done for the log gers and tho logging industry. Thfy nslicd Colonel Disque to act as final arbiter and agreed to abide by his decisions on all labor questions. A similar convention will be held in Spokane August 12 to cover the same ground for tiiiibcrmcn cast of the Cas cades. The employo members of the district committees, in tho oight groups west of th-3 Cascades, were chosen yesterday, as follows: District Committees Named District No. i (Coos Buy) J. E. Eior dan, North Bend, Or., chairman; George Youi g, Wcndliug, Or., Henry Beard Kill City, Or. Disirict No. 2 (Tillamook) Charles Nel-ion, Black Hoik, Or. chairman; W, 11. Kent, Mohler, Or., L. E. Hanley Wheeler, Or,' District No. A (Columbia River) T. Hudson, Portland chairman; S. B. Moon Knappa, Or., H. Kirbyson, Ray mond, Wash. . District No. 4 (Willapa Harbor) J. L. Hudson, T.lcf orniick, Wash., chairman R. 1 1. Scollard, Raymond, Wash., H. C. Harrison, Onnlaaka, Wash. District No. 5 ( Grays Harbor)-;i. in. B-ovis, White, Wash., chairman; Jack Collier. Aberdeen, Wash., C. F. Rich ardson, Aberdeen, Wash. District No. 6 (uouth Sound) J. H. Dol'stii, filieltiiu Viash., chairman; C. E. Ardcry, Union Mills, Wash., P. Par sons, Tacoma, Wash. District No. 7 (Central Sound) R. O'Brien, Port Angeles, Wash., chair man; R. A. Carter, Seattle, Wash., A. D Chisholm, Snoqualmie, Wash. District No. 8 (North Sound)t-'V. T. Linahan, Everett, Wash., Chairman; C. W. Davis, Clear Lake. Wash., Charles Uniubs, Bcllingham, Wash. Rickenbacker Story Pleases Portland, Or., Aug. 6. Loguuv ad lumbermen of the northwest and soldiers of the spruce division, U. S. A., who by producing airplano lumber are making possible a realization of Uncle Sam's tremendous airship program, will read in their own publication of the exploits of American airmen in Europe as told in the Eddie Rickenbacker series ap pearing in United Press paperj. Tlie information section of the spruce division todav asked the United Press for pei mission to reprint the copyright cd sti-ries. This permission was readily given. The Rickenbacker stories will prove an inspiration to the 100,000 timber workers of the loyal legion of loggers abd lumbermen and the 30,000 soidiers (Continued on page two) FOCH'S STRATEGY AGAIN APPARENT IN VESLE SECTOR Commander Of Allied Forces Refuses To Be Drawn Into Trap. - By J. W. T. Mason (United Press war expert) New York, Aug. 6. General Foch's high quality of patience is again- con trolling the allies' strategy south of the Aisne. Von Hindenburg 's entico mont to the allies to overrun themselves and fall into carefully prepared Ger man pitfalls are having no more suc cess now than at any time since tho retreat from the Marne began. The Germans aro in strong defensive positions north" of the Vesle. They are holding their line- desperately for the work of moving their guns across tho Aisne is a slow and laborious process. To drive the Germans back by frontal attacks along the Veslo would exact a heavy death toll from the allies, much in excess of whnt the Germans the-m-solves would suffer. Genoral Foch has repeatedly Bhown he will not engage in Ihese short-sight ed tactics. Artillery bombardments or threats to encircle the Germans are tho rightly favored methods of attack under pres ent conditions. It is not worth the heavy cost of direct assaults on present Ger man positions to drive Von Hindenburg boyoud the Aisne inoro rapidly than he must go eventually. The time for tho allies major offens ive has not T'-' come and the fewer cas ualties the allies suffer in the mean time, the more certain will the final result of tho offensive be. It doesn't matter to General Foch whether Von Hindenburg is compelled to shorten his liue notv" or later. The inevitable must happen. Von Hindenburg, however, strongly desires General Foch to t to forco tho inevitable bofore its time. If Von Hindenburg can inveigle General Foch into engaging in destructive min or offensives before America's millions are fully prepared, thoro rcmnirrs a chance that in the end tho allies will have whittled away their new resources. SojVon Hindenburg turns at bay and invites tho foremost units of General Foeh's troops to engage in pitched bat tles. But the trap is without avail. Gen eral Foch is familiar with all the tricks of th.e old fox. Inexorablo as fate, tho American troops are filing into France. Timo, therefore, waits at Foch's com- mahd and tho pause at the Vesle is an integral part of the allies' strategy, I BY A PRETTY GIRL She Organized Posse And Sur rounded Fugitives In De serted Cabin Pnl-tlnnd. Oi-e . Ann. fl Thro! ni-otf. , n. v, v fallen convicts who were returned to tho state penitentiury at Salem today must admire tho pluck of Miss Dorothy llyrom, blond headed girl, who recog nized them, followed them in an auto mobile ana then forced a party ot "uninterested" men to take them cap tives. Dorothv once visited the tnt Trkon. Tliprn ttlm .nn; nna nf iheiun innvttl and when she saw him trudging up the (Continued on pago two) 4s4e4t J ABE MARTIN I . Gus Mctwurst has bought 13000 worth o' liberty bonds t' offset his name. Lcmmie Potors is up in th' air o'er th' war, but still in th' artillery. GERMANS HOLD FAST ALONG VESLE BANK TO COVER RETREAT In Spite of Desperate Resistance, However, Allied Trccps Cress River At Various Points. American Cavalry ht rcls fismes Region. Rain Falls And All Reads Are ' Quagmires, But Yankee Forces Still Manage to Keep la Touch With Retiring Enemy. By Fred S. Ferguson. (United Press Staff Correspondent.) With The American Armies In France Aug. 6, German resistance continued to ilay along the Vesle. Heavy fighting is under way on the- entire line. The enemy is holding the heights along the north bank of the river. His artillery tiro has increased, while his machine guns sweep the river crossings and the approaches to tho heights." American ivi tillery is pounding tho boche positions Meantime, additional allied infantry and otnor units have crossed the river. lhe situation in Fismes is peculiar reminiscent of the days when the Am ericans occupied Vera Cruz. Although th town is held by our troops, German sr.ipers are still concealed in buildings and cellars. Americans on both sides of the Vesle aro mopping up these snipers ana stray machine guns. Our advunce forces are likely to con tinue beyond Fismes and let tlie rear elements finish their mopping up opera tions. American cavalry is patrolling the Fismes region. Rain is falling und all roads are. semi-rivers. Fields aro soft under foot, men and horses sinking deep in tho mud at overy step. Tho banks of the Veslo are more marshy than ever making operations slower on more dif ficult. In spito of these handicaps, tho Am ericans continue to feci out the Ger man line, constantly pressing forward. Tho Veslo in this region is about 15 :iiot?r (about fifty feet) wido and is swift Riul deep. Crossings were made, however, over partially wrecked bridges the men cliiibing over the wreckage that still protruded above wator. Stiff fighting marked tho taking of Fismes. Tho bochos had extensive ma china gun defenses and rather heavy artillery concentrations. Extended artillery preparation pre ceded tho American attack, smashing some of tho niaclnno nests and putting YANKEE SOLDIERS CUT HAY FOR OLD WOMAN Old French Woman Was As tonished When Doughboys Harvested Crop. By Frank J. Taylor. (United Pross Staff Correspondent.) With The American Forces In France June 30 (By Mail.) She was a little stooped-over woman, somebody 's grand mother. With rather feeble strokes, but strong ones considering her ago, she was cut ting hay with a scytlio in a field whom you could hear tho guns rumble. She would swing a few strokes and then pause for breath. The amount of hay already cut was far from encouraging, compared to the uncut waves of it. But she kept brave ly on, cutting and resting, cutting and resting, and making tho most of the situation. Ho was a doughboy from a middle western state, a farmer lad whose tem porary profession was whipping tho Ger mans. His company was on rest, and hi had a few days of comparative liberty. He used his spare hours to "hike"along the fields. Ho said "it took liim back to the homestead" to bo whero hny and grain were growing. He saw the old French woman cutting hay, in one of hig travels, and his im pulse was to .jump over the fence and of fer his services. His forethought was to keep on the road, because his French vocabulary did not include the wordj "hay" nor "scythe" nor enough gram mar to concoct the sentence, "May 1 help you by cutting some hay?" His impulse won, and he hopped over; the fence to present his freckled honest self beforo the French woman. Taking the scythe from her hands, he said, nninlinrr at iltn B.vha nml tlio hay, "Mo cut hay. Me trcs strong far mer boy." Will Good French Bad. I Ho doubled up his fist and clenched his elbow to prove the latter. I Evidently his French mis-led him, for: the old farmeress protested, thinking he wanted to borrower confiscate her scy the. It was her rtnlyono, she explained. More French made the situation more of a dilemma. A doughboy soon learns on the French front that once you get into a scrape the the best way out of it is to use action, not words. This doughboy Lad learned a few batteries out of action. Then the infantry stormed the others, fighting partly through the streets which divid ed the town. Another smach threw the bodies com pletely out of tho city, except for tho snipers. Just prior to the attack on Fismes, the Americans inflicted bloody losses on tho enemy as the latter retroated down the heights south and cast of town. The Americans reached tho crest of tla heights as the. bodies were retiring down the slopes. Our riflemen and ma chine gunners opened up a deadly firo ami soon carpeted the hillside with Ger man dead and wounded. Fismes was held by a Gorman reginiont with a spec ial machine gun detachment, which, ac cording to prisoners, formed part of tho reserves of Crown Prince Ruppro cht 's armies. The majority of prisoners are between 18 und 20 years old. Their host men havo been killed and replace ments havo been mado from young ro sorvo divisions. Included among the enemy divisions in this region, however, are. some of tho crack guurd regiments, as well as other types of their best troops. Tlio Americans are improving their work of cleaning up machine positions without hoavy losses. Evory day they aro encountering tricks new to them, but 1 aro meeting them by springing new tricks of their own. The bodies strung quantities of barbed wire in the Veslo, but did not retard tho Americans' cross ing. Posibly duo to tho hasty nuturo of their retreat, tho enemy left none of the devlish devices behind that char acterized their retreat beforo the Brit ish on tho Stmime. Every grenade or suspicious looking article, found in any of the houses is carefully handled. In the meantime, careful search is being made in a'l of tho captured towns for spies. The bochos havo. a trick of leaving a spy in French or American uniform hidden in the town, to come-out after allied occupation. already and he began cutting hay with wido swinging strokeB. The old Frenchwoman's apprehensions turned to joy and admiration. "Vous etes un bon garcon," she re peated, following him, and if tho words meant nothing to him, the tone of her toothless lisp mount much. Down the, field they went, the dough boy cutting, and tho old woman follow ing, carrying on a conversation in French, lo which ho always replied, "Oui, oui." lte know that imic), of French. Near a tiny houso on tho edge of the village and at the end of tho field, sho stopped hiin. "Wait a minute," sho baid in French, "until I get you something to drink." No Wine for Him. When she came out of the house with a glass and a bottle, ho was half way down the fivld. Hho followed, and pour ed out a glass of wine. He declined it with, "Pas bon," two other words ho knew. The old woman was offended. "Not good," sho suid, "It is good wine ami old. It is good." Ho understood that sho was hurt, nnd tried to make it clear ho did not drink wine and did not want it. Sho insisted he take it. Vou cannot do a kindness in Franco without having it returned, and tins doughboy understood it. Yet lie Tic7 net wiiii the wine. Also ho was not cutting hay while ho was not protesting Then he had nn idea. "I haven't had a glass of milk to drink since I left home,' he said, "That's 11 months. Give me a glass of milk, and I'll think I'm homo again with this hay to cut." "Comprends pas," sho suid shrugging her shoulders. Pointing Helps a Little. Ho understood the words with a shrug. He pointed to a cow in the next pas ture. "Milk, milk," he said, "yoa know milk." She understood something and lui- -ricd Jn to the lioupe. Presently sho cams out with some cheese and bread. She benmen with the prospects of delighting this young American. "Hon," he said real Frenchily, "But can't I have some milkf" "Out, oui, oui," she said. without un dcristnnding. "Oh, you don't understand. I'll show you," he said. (Continued on page two). J